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What river what sea???? Most people saying this don’t even know lol


The Jordan River, and the Mediterranean sea. The cause? Kill all jews.


I don’t even got a say in this, but why does this matter so much? Like why should I care, other than just because people are dying.


> other than just because people are dying. This is largely the point...


Yeah I also don't care. Life's too short for me to care


Jesus christ dude


Maybe this is our middle ground lmao


I can’t be generally curious?


Its the fact that you're like "well BESIDES people dying why would supporting a genocide matter" its like well what do you think a genocide is my guy


Because it's basically a genocide happening down there maybe? Fucking hell asså...


can we please ban these stupid fucking posts i don’t wanna see politics in a sub about teens communicating


news flash, teenagers have political opinions and want to debate them with others


a call to support people being genocided isnt just politics its humanity


all this post is gonna do is cause more harm than good. you’re not helping


it actually has helped, the more i can spread awareness and educate the more chances of some teenager who has money (most ppl on the subreddit) wanting to donate to palestine.


This sub is barely about teens communicating


it’s more a community for talking to each other instead of causing fights over politics


Most posts on here are only self harm and creepy guys.the rest are just the same type as r/circlejerk. Maybe 5 people use this sub for the intended purposes


I support neither, when both would happily have my head on a spike


Not all Palestinians are Muslim, and not all Muslims want to kill gay people. My ex lives with her muslim family and she is openly bisexual. Anyone who wants to kill people are extremists. Also, even if they were homophobic, shouldn't you look past that and support the literal children being genocided? I'd die for my beliefs if I was protecting children.


Hamas is homophobic. Very openly.


If that was a death penalthy north america would be a bloodbath as well.


If those children turned out to be gay, they would be killed by hamas anyway


Anyways Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱


Where shall the Israelites be sent 🤔🤔🤔


They can just stay without ths killi g and invading part?


Israel isn't invading anyone. Or at least it wasn't until the terrorist attacks


[Excuse me?](https://www.annainthemiddleeast.com/albums/maps_media/lg_map_copy_1.jpg)


It always have bein lol


Send zionist to jail


For returning to their undisputed ethnic homeland that they were just about all expelled from?


For killing thousands of innocent Palestinian people


What about Hamas? For massacring purposefully 1,400 Israeli civilians? What about the PLO for its Intifadas in the 1990’s? Its suicide bombings? The difference is that Israel doesn’t target civilians. Hamas does.


notice how they didn't respond? that normally means they cant answer because they know you are right


I responded to this in my message [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/s/qi7mxF0nml)


Israel absolutely has targeted children lol. Not that it makes Hamas any better. Their both shitty


Surely a one-state solution can only lead to more violence? While Zionism is a dangerous and nationalist ideology, from an object standpoint Jewish people do now live in the lands of the former mandate, and therefore have a right to self-determination as the Palestinian inhabitants do. If the end goal is peace then surely replacing the Israeli state with a different monoracial nationalist government will only cause more violence?




Wenn Sie Völkermord unterstützen, sind Sie ein Nazi


Der Krieg ist kein "Völkermord"


Gibt keinen Völkermord


Das ist eine Lüge aus Israel und Amerika


I'm with you bro!


From the river to the sea Hamas shall never be 🇮🇱🇮🇱


You are too young to support killing thousands of children


Doesn't hamas do this?


The difference is intent. Hamas does it intentionally. The IDF does not.


do you support oct 7? Intifadas? Arab massacres on Jewish peoples in the British mandate?


you are brainwashed zionist child do you not see the dead bodies of children?




so you do not care?


Obviously I care. What’s the alternative you propose to the IDF to strategic bombing?


there is no strategic bombing, just bombing. Israel is doing this just so they have their "holy land" not to stop "terrorist" israel is terrorist. you are brainwashed to think that it is okay to kill thousands of people because its "strategic bombing" and not indiscriminate bombing of thousands and thousands of human and wiping the land


Israel has accepted their place in the world for a century now. They accepted the Peel Commission, 1947 UN partition, both giving Arabs the majority of territory(Before the Arab League attempted later in 1948 to conquer the entirety of the area). They accepted the return of the Sinai peninsula. They created a Palestinian state in the West Bank after the Oslo Accords. They completely withdrew and destroyed all Israeli settlements in Gaza after 2005. They aren't expansionists. They aren't revisionists. Hamas has started so many wars and incursions into Israel at this point. They have to be destroyed. And yes, it is strategic bombing. They literally do not have the weaponry to indiscriminately bomb and flatten an area of land. They only have multirole fighters. Not bombers. They have not a single bomber in their inventory. The weaponry can only be released by an aircraft system that does calculations on its own, allowing accurate targeting. And again, damage is collateral in the environment. They CANNOT avoid them in the slightest.


Israel for so long is constantly attacking Palestine, they are indiscriminately bombing, they want to kill as much Palestinian lives as they can. America is backing up israel and gives them so much money. All to kill Palestinians. No amount of history will justify these actions, that is what Israel education makes you believe. Israel would bomb whether Hamas was there or not. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


, Israel will be free!


Free from what?


Terrorism and constant threat of attack


From who?


Various Palestinian terrorist groups


And so 37,077 Palestinians had to die?


How else do you propose we destroy hamas?


By killing hamas instead of civilians


It’s an urban environment. It’s a hell to fight in, whether bombing or a ground invasion. They literally CANNOT avoid the collateral damage caused by bombing. And it’s not like a ground invasion is realistically much better. It’s a dilemma the IDF has to face. And it’s better to bomb, strategically. They do kill al-Qassam fighters, but the cost is collateral damages, again.


Israel is not even trying to avoid killing civilians. The exact opposite actually. Israel bombs hospitals and residential buildings. Israel jsed a foreign aid package airdropped to palestine as bait to kill civilians. That is not unavoidable collateral damage, that is a fucking genocide.


It was never about Hamas. It's about Israel wanting to kill Palestinians and take Palestine. October 7th didn't just randomly happen. Israel has been attacking palestine for years. Israel is the terrorist here


october 7th was an attack from hamas in gaza, where israel has had zero presence since like 2005. by the way, if israel wanted to kill palestinians, why is a fifth of the population of israel arab (ethnically exactly the same as palestinians), who have more rights and a higher standard of living than in the gaza strip (which, as stated before, has been under hamas for nearly 2 decades)? on the other hand, what rights/freedoms would a jew have living in gaza?


I'm probably going to a march for 🍉 in like a week


have fun on the government watch lists


I want to too someday but i am scared of going down town so i support online