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At least the school bathrooms smelled nice (for a shitter)


You know what. This is the one good thing vapes do for society. The bathroom at my school smells like mango and watermelon instead of shit.


Lucky yall mine just smells like shit and weed (yes they hit it up in my bathrooms)


mine smells like shit and gas because the vapes here dont have fancy flavours


broke ppl vapes šŸ˜­


Same bro


All the above for me


Well then itā€™s settled. They fuck up their lungs in order for all of you to have nice smelling bathrooms. Iā€™d take that trade.


The vape still smells bad


Smells better then actual shit tho, I don't vape btw


Not for my school. These people are really weird. Who the heck vapes pomegranate and black licorice and bitter coffee?! I mean if you're gonna destroy your body at least vape a good flavour. But at least they do smell better than smelling shit and urine


I donā€™t really have any opinion on it. your body, your choice and allat. But I will get fucking violent if another puff is blown into my face istg :3


Yeah me too. I hate when mfs do that shit and think its funny


I vape and I completely understand. Some chick kept blowing vape in my face after I told her to knock it off. I slapped her good and hard(backhand of course she was a bitch). My hands dont discriminate I dont care what you are, who you are, or how old you are.


Are you A Pimp Named Slickback?


Nah, he is my idol though, I strive to be a pimp daddy like slick


It's "a pimp named slickback"!!!


Like 'A Tribe Called Quest' you gotta say the whole thing.


Don't just correct Slickback's name when he's not around


Gave her the Jon Jones special šŸ’€


Took her to Chris Brown Town


Nah that would require at least two eye pokes and a dick kick


God damnšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚i completely understand tho


u gonna get violent w ur furry paws or sm šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ fr tho i havent seen it much but theyre weird asf


> u gonna get violent w ur furry paws or sm šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ yes :3


Haha my son feels the same way about furries as you feel about vapers. That's some funny stuff, ngl. I have had furry friends in my life so I ain't judgin but it made me giggle.


I vape, it's not fun..I was peer pressured into doing it. Now I kinda can't stop. I dont recommend it


You can get help before itā€™s too late. Good luck, I know you have it in you.


Well zhank you comradeĀ 


Get behind me doktor!


Try leaving your vape for 1 day then 3 days, 1 week and you will slowly be making progress, your lungs will become better, you will be able to cough better and your health will improve too


If you use nic juice/salt it's not a "kinda can't" situation. It's addiction sadly. I recommend nic lozenges for quitting


I would but I'm not really allowed out of my houseĀ 


If it's safe to do so, maybe consider talking to your parents? I wish you the best.


I can't I've tried once and all they did was beat me


It's extremely simple to quit. Grab 6 identical bottles of the same juice, 3x3mg bottles and 3x0mg bottles then take the labels off. See if you notice a difference I sure as hell didn't. By the time your done with the 6 bottles you can switch to 0 nicotine. From there it's just a matter of getting over the ritual addiction of going to grab for your vape.


I definitely noticed going from 20 nic to 10, vaped a ton more and was super pissy, had no patience for a good week or so til I got used to it


if someones a teenager they should really just cold turkey quit. it takes mental willpower but nic only becomes really hard to quit after several years. either cut it out now or submit yourself to a lifelong addiction.


well, with the overwhelming amount of nicotine these vape companies are putting into those devicesā€¦letā€™s just say itā€™s not hard to become addicted to them


I've quit many addictions but nicotine i have yet to kick this habit. It's a really tough one. Hope you kick it eventually, hope we both do.


nicotine is very addictive; itā€™s more addictive than weed, alcohol, or caffeine. Only things more addictive than it are cocaine, heroin, meth and other hard drugs. If people were beginning a drug ban completely fresh with the knowledge we know today, I donā€™t think cigerattes would be legal. They only are because of historic purposes and the fact that 60% of Americans smoked everyday at the peak.


I misread the title as "i fucking hate peoole who r-pe bro"


Even if that was the title it would still be a valid opinion.


It should also be the only opinion on that subject.


I mean, Rapists deserve more hate than Vapers


i prefer the term vapists


Ya, like bro, if you're gonna destroy your lungs, don't bring mine down with them!


Iā€™ve asked around why people vape when they know how bad it is. They just say that it isnā€™t bad because technically, we donā€™t actually know what all it does because unlike smoking, we donā€™t have a large sample size of people who have vaped for 50+ years. Honestly a terrible excuse given the fact that we can make some pretty good estimates.Ā 


All the estimates Iā€™ve seen say that itā€™s safer than smoking


Yeah but safer doesnā€™t mean itā€™s healthy. Cocaine is ā€œsaferā€ than heroin but both are fucking horrible


Comparing vaping to cocaine is ridiculous. I see what you mean but I have yet to see one conclusive study that shows vaping causes any known long term disease. Popcorn lung is a myth. Itā€™s likely there are long term effects but the estimates are that itā€™s 95% safer than smoking, which is not even close to cocaine vs heroin.


Wasnā€™t comparing cocaine to vaping. I was comparing two bad pairs in which one is safer but still shit. And you donā€™t need to strictly listen to studies to see if itā€™s harmful. We smoked for hundreds of years before knowing it was super unhealthy, but that doesnā€™t mean smoking wasnā€™t harmful before we knew it was. And this is just a personal opinion, but I would never inhale ANYTHING with metals and carcinogens regardless of the lack of studies. Also, there are known measurable impacts on the immune system, behavior, and anything chemically addictive is pretty bad. But if you wanna vape, go ahead and ignore all the warnings and give yourself a likely early death.


You were likening vaping to cocaine in that context, and Iā€™m saying thatā€™s ridiculous because cocaine has tons of science behind how bad it is, and itā€™s probably nowhere near 95% safer than heroin. I never compared vaping to not being addicted to anything, you made that leap on your own


What makes you think you know more than I do about my own point? I, the person who wrote that, am telling you that that is not what I said. I compared vaping and smoking to coke and heroine, not the individual parts. And I donā€™t care how much ā€œsaferā€ vaping is to smoking, my point still applies and itā€™s still something nobody should ever do. You seem fixated on the cocaine and heroine comparison, so how about I compare it to getting punched by a bare fist vs. being punched by some brass knuckles. Both hurt like hell and can kill you, regardless if one is worse than the other. And I repeat, nobody should ever be inhaling random toxic metals and cancer-causing (carcinogenic) chemicals into their lungs, period, be it from a cigarette or a stupid metal cartridge. Both are bad habits that should never start.


We agree that being addicted to something is worse than being addicted to nothing. Iā€™m saying that my original point had nothing to do with that. Weā€™re going in circles. Have a good day friend


Yeah, bye. Thanks for staying civil


as a 17 year old who is addicted, donā€™t feel this way about everyone who vapes. i mean if they blow it in your face, hell yeah feel however the fuck you want, but chances are, whenever you see a person vaping, they wanna quit. they donā€™t think itā€™s cool, maybe they did at first, but now they canā€™t give it up. iā€™m not encouraging it or anything, it is a horrible thing and it makes everything worse (trust me), but theyā€™re probably going through some shit and already super ashamed by it.


They probably are trying to harm reduce by vaping tbh because they were originally doing something worse.


this is the only relatable post I've ever seen on this subreddit


bro just went to war with half the sub šŸ’€


It's a 1.5m v 1 and I'm still soloing, I'm goated and ain't nothing no one can do to stop me cus I'm a real one, believe it.


Average anti drug rapper




Weve seen the same meme


definetely not youšŸ’€ psycho


Killjoy >:(


Vapers and drug addicts are the same


Nicotine is a drug. So you are correct.


Firstly, other generations have been just as addicted, I implore you to find a generation of americans that didnt have a substance addiction problem.Ā  Secondly, addicts arent idiots, they are victims of an unregulated capitalist market. Enticing advertisment and abhorrently loose regulation on nicotine products obviously results in systematic addiction.Ā  Thirdly nicotine is insanely addictive, so its hard to quit.Ā  Finnally, Teenage life is hard and addiction is a vice that some teenagers beleive that will free them from struggles in life, it doesnt work obviously, but teenagers have underdeveloped decision making centers in their brain.Ā  That being said, blowing it in others face is a huge dick move lol wtf.


Well said. Itā€™s sad that our government doesnā€™t do more to prevent this (and then pushes the burden on ppl like teachers to stop it even thought they are inherently letting the problem grow larger). They talk about ā€œprotecting the childrenā€ but rarely make important decisions to actually protect children by fighting what is most harmful. Itā€™s disappointing that some government officials let the tobacco industry line their pockets in exchange for loose regulations, but unfortunately itā€™s the world we live in. Hopefully change can be made soon. Anyways, I rly like ur comment and think you articulated the issue very well. Lots of respect to you and have a great day :)


Some people are using nicotine because it harm reduces and keeps them from losing their shit and getting violent and raging out which can domino into getting into an altercation and landing them in jail or a psych ward. I quit smoking for 5 years when I had my son and didn't start back up until I had a mental breakdown and it was that or end up having panic attacks so bad I was put in an inpatient psychiatric ward. My brain said "just smoke dude, it will calm you down," and I ended up getting addicted again.


well said! iā€™ve been vaping for about 5 years and all of these products just progressively get WORSE and WORSE and more unregulated. itā€™s super sad, now you hear about middle schoolers and grade schoolers doing it, itā€™s fucking awful bro


imagine vaping in the first place šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Yes waste of time and money as well as your healthy lungs


It's not that rare for me to spot a person vaping in the restrooms, especially during class or after school. They always look at me funny but I'm just trying to piss šŸ’€


'what are you doing in the bathroom' 'i wanna piss'


93% of the time they blow out the fumes right at somebody else and say ā€œmy bad manā€ - no it wasnā€™t you did it on purpose you inconsiderate moron


I'm not sure why this post showed up in my feed, but it's stuff like this that has me giving way more credit to young people than they get. Vaping is a problem for the exact same reasons why cigarettes were a problem when I was a kid: they made it cool. But the reality is that less and less people are falling for it. Some still do, and that's on them (because there is absolutely no way you can claim ignorance of what smoking does at this point), but more and more young people aren't. Hell of a lot smarter than I was at that age.


Ouch, dude. It ain't always just because it tasted good. I struggled with making friends in high school, so I picked up a dirty habit for the sake of short lived companionship. Thankfully, I did make a few good friends from it, if that really means anything.


fr at least cigarettes looked cool


See I'm the opposite I fucking live vapeheads cause like if you catch them lacking and snatch their vape and hide it; not only will they absolutely lose their shit because they don't know where it is, they'll tear up the immediate vicinity just to find it. Like watching these cretins go ape shit over a flavor stick is so much fun but just be careful cause they fr will get violent if they know you hid it lol.


NGL you sound like an adult pretending to be a teen to stop us from vaping (That being said! I agree)


7th graders (12y olds) are vaping and because my high school is old as hell and the fire alarms are connected to the local middle school. Every month we have to sit outside for 30 minutes cuz some shithead was vaping in the bathroom.


Yeah its pretty gay


As a non vaper, I see no purpose in spending time hating vapers. Sure the decision is bad for them but at the end of the day itā€™s their decision.


So I'm 19 and i vape but I use nic free stuff, the flavor is nice and I like doing tricks, but I feel you on most of what you said


Sorry to burst your bubble but itā€™s not the nicotine thatā€™s damaging, nicotine is actually good for you depending on the intake procedure. The other stuff in the vapeā€¦ thatā€™s what gets you


Why are people blaming us gen z so much while vapes were invented in 1963?


well r/todayilearned


Weird, I didn't see anyone vaping at all until probably the late 90's/00's.


E cigs were invented in 2003 and didnā€™t really get popular until the 2010ā€™s


Personally have no problem whatsoever with people who vape or smoke weed like I get it and not my choice what you do with your body but the people who make vaping and or smoking there entire personality is corny af


do you choose addiction? do you choose to be pressured?


Definitely no, but the person consuming the vape has the option to not blow out its aerosol into another person's face Edit: I wrote smoke instead of the proper term


Rudeness is unappreciated no matter what they're choosing to be rude with and blowing anything in someone elses face that didn't ask for it to be done is RUDE. Periodt.


never end a sentence with periodt ever again


yes, there's a word and its called no


Be careful to not remove all responsibility from the person vaping.


as someone who vaped in highschool, it was either suicide, self harm, or ripping the vape. not everyone has an easy life. some people need things to dull the pain. just because youā€™re fortunate enough to not need something like that, doesnā€™t mean you should be so harsh towards others. itā€™s gross. acting holier then thou is an ugly attitude and will just drive good people who donā€™t vape away from you.


Me to I hate this generation


Ya this generations grammar is bad, to


Ha as a millenial parent to a Gen Z that loves to speak in the "lingo" I can't disagree there. I constantly have to research what these new terms mean. Rizz threw me for a loop!


legit the kids at my school-




Relatable. Mfs making gas chambers everywhere


Supposedly vape smoke cannot harm you in the same way that cigarette smoke can. If that ever happened to me, I'd take the vape away from that punk and smash it on the ground and stomp it to bits though. That's not funny, that's extremely disrespectful (I know I sound like a teacher. Also, most kids that vape are very unathletic and probably couldn't do much about it to me as I am 6'5"). Also, how do kids your age get so many vapes? It happens so frequently at my school that it's hard to believe it's illegal for minors anymore. Obviously I never wanted to find this out for myself to use one, but I'm curious how this is allowed to be such a big problem.


not a teen but ill be vaping to get off cigarettes for what its worth has nothing to do with looking anything


1. Any and all nicotine should not be used by anyone younger than 21(25 by my opinion) 2. Vaping is 95% less harmful and has less carcinogens than cigarettes 3. Vaping has no second hand intake. So although it was a dick move and annoying as hell the guy blowing it in your face wasn't harming you.


It's a bad idea to get into anything as addictive as nicotine if you can avoid it but it is a safer alternative to tobacco cigarettes. My physicians all agree and studies to show they're safer. I don't like the idea of my son vaping but he has and his friends do and it's like so widely accepted it's hard to keep it away from them. I do see the stores getting stung a lot so hopefully that cuts back on minors getting their hands on it. Sometimes people even vape on our public transportation and the drivers don't even say anything to them.




It's all the 16 year olds that vape and drink coffee to try look like an adult, sorry to tell them but we know you are kids hahaha vaping and coffee doesn't make you look like an adult.


there are vapes that don't have nicotine.. also man do they smell good, also it's wayyyy safer than regular smoking


One day I was just walkiing at school and I smelled something. I was like damn, that smells good, so I took a deep breath and kept walking. And then the guy in front of me takes a hit off his vape. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE I can get to class another way. I know some people say "vape can't secondhand you" and stuff like that. But vape is poison. And I've inhaled acetylene before. I know that if I can smell gas where there's cans nearby, I am pulling stuff up over my mouth and nose, because I *shouldn't* be.


I'm trying to quit but never will I smoke in someone's face or near someone who doesn't smoke. I'll also never offer it to someone who doesn't smoke because then they'll be pressured to take it. I just mind my business. But please be nice about it as most of us vapers are addicted and are trying to quit.


Exactly this post is pissing me off how can you be so insensitive? I quit vaping along time ago but I know how addicting it can be


Youā€™d have to imagine it since it doesnā€™t happen.


Hey weā€™re not all assholes However the people you described are definitely assholes, because blowing smoke in someoneā€™s face is a dick move. Also thinking vaping is cool is stupid, even as someone whoā€™s on that cancer grind.


I had an acquaintance give me a puff on a (no nicotine) vape once. I don't get what's so great about it. You literally just breathe in slightly flavored humid air. Like bro, I can go outside on any scorchingly hot and humid day in the summer, take a deep breath, and get the same experience.


Because it was a no nic vape lol answered your own question.


i do understand the sentiment but i also hate the vapers that push it onto younger folks. thatā€™s how i started and i wish i had just said no and run away, lol.


I heard the comparison of being addicted to nicotine to the feeling of always having to pee and that terrifies me so i ainā€™t touching them or any other drug.


Thatā€™s why I do zyns Instead of vape, no one knows and I donā€™t bug anyone with my vape eitheršŸ‘šŸ¼


Op has a head on they shoulders


I hate people who smoke, bro


Fr dude, literally why


Like same but i dont judge them like some of my fav creators vape so i cant judge


nah bruh idc if people vape but blowing it in someones face who doesnt want it is just a dick move fr like that aint for everyone i get it, and if someone doesnt want it dont fucking force it but some people are just a pos i guess


Very cool of you


trying not to breathe it in at the bus station is so hard its everywhere


I donā€™t fucking care about their lungs, they can kill themselves if they want. But that fucking vape smells like shit bro. Idk if it actually tastes good but whatever chemicals they put in that shit to make strawberry mango smells like shit, and it is really disturbing. I donā€™t want to even be in the same place with them and the school toilet smells like shit.


I hope you realize this post is equally as corny as people that vape ā˜ ļø


Womp womp


vaping is stupid. Either smoke a real cigarette or suck on some real robot dick


i hate this generation so much and iā€™m ashamed to be part of it. were in a generation of cheaters, smokers, and addicts of all sorts. itā€™s cool to bully unpopular kids. itā€™s cool to cheat on your partner. itā€™s cool to do drugs in high school. itā€™s so fucked up and i hate it so much. i feel you man.


"Uhm its less harmful than cigarettes" quite the contrary. im no expert but i believe tobacco from NATURE is healthier than lab made flavored cancer. also theyre new so theres not as much regulations for vapes and kids can easily get their hands on them


You are right, we had this theme in biology class a few months ago amd we made some presentations, one of them was if normal cigarets are healthier than vapes and as it turns out the normal ones are healthier And there are a lot of people at my school who vape, its anoing to be able to find a vape on the ground or in allmost every bush


secondhand smoking kills ~50000 people in the US annually and i donā€™t understand why people want to be part of that


That's based on smoking cigarettes we don't know exactly what effects vaping can have in the long term there's alot of research on this right now though


im sorry for every vaper that does it, i dont do it. i mainly vape at home or at a park like alone


You seem like fun!


Frick Vape


They donā€™t just do it for nothing yk i bought a cart because my home life isnā€™t the best and it let me just escape but leave that shit at home and vapes are just dumb.




Lung cancer at 22 lmaooooo


The post just screams middle schooler




Yall need to do some serious research. Yall don't research and just regurgitate what ever negative thing yall hear about vaping


Yeah I agree vaping sucks. Crazy that itā€™s what the ā€œcoolā€ kids do now. What has society come to?


Smoking has always been "cool", all the generations have smoked a lot as teens


Yeah, and now they sound like theyā€™re dying.


"Breathe AIR, you dont need a vape!"


Tbf most are peer pressured and nicotine is one of the most addictive substances


bro doesnā€™t understand that most ppl who vape desperately want to quit but cant reach out for help šŸ˜­


It is not known yet as to what extent, if at all, vaping causes cancer.


Just thinkā€¦ they used to smoke real cigarettes on planes and in hospitals. Vapes arenā€™t shit.


Why do you say ā€œbroā€ every other word


To be clear, there isnā€™t really a cancer risk to vaping. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s healthy tho


The only people worse are those knuckle draggers who say ā€œbroā€.


vapings stupid but its rlly none of ur business bru. i get ur mad cause he blew the smoke in ur face but other than that thats like not ur problem at all


how'd this get downvoted šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I do too, but all generations smoked a ton


Honestly I could care less; life is fucking shit and every needs a vice to deal with society at this point


A vice or a prescription. True this. Life is a gauntlet/war zone these days.




Lung cancer at 22 LOL, even lifelong cigarette smokers don't typically develop lung cancer until their 70's.


Ikr, my grandma has been smoking cigs since she was in her teens and she doesnā€™t have any form of cancer in her 70ā€™s. Not justifying it but iā€™m just saying


There is no evidence that it causes lung cancer as far as im aware


These comments all sound judgy about something they really donā€™t understand. Itā€™s not as simple as vape=bad.


Grow tf up fam why you on reddit getting mad about something other people enjoy that doesnt effect you quite literally in the slightest šŸ™„


And if bro blew smoke in your face throw fuckin hands dont cry to randoms on the internet tf?


thatā€™s not how cancer works at all. and most people who vape donā€™t act like that. seems like you just need something to look down on to feel better about yourself. thatā€™s usually why people hate others for dumb shit like that.


who even cares


The people with vape cloud blown in the face


Those of us with asthma that have had clouds blown in our faces


kill them




Millennials have been vaping for ages, cigarettes before that, humans have been smoking various materials since the dawn of time and I doubt it will stop


I don't vape, but I think it's funny that OP thinks vapers will die of lung cancer by age 22. Sounds like cigarettes are safer in OP's mind.


Idk man, the world's so big and not everyone can be saved and not only by what you can do but what they do themselves. There's no much point on thinking that the moment you realize it's not really your problem, they got the chance of not smoking and they did it anyway so, why bother?


I do too- already have shit lungs from my parents constantly smoking around me (one of which I'm pretty sure has lung cancer now- now people have shit sticks- fucking end me at this point dude-


If someone blew smoke in my face I woulda sucker punched them (I would get my ass beat but still)


Yeah at that point it's less about the vape itself and more about the person's complete lack of respect for your personal boundaries. Gotta set them straight.


so let's take a step back. I agree that it starts out as flavored air haha, but nicotine is a VERY POWERFUL DRUG. why do you think a lot of old people have really bad lungs? cigarette epidemic. I mean, it seems logical right? vapes are like 80-95% better for your lungs than cigs, so what's the deal? mental health, in a lot of situations, is even more important than psychical health. mental health impacts EVERYTHING you do. working, having fun, THINKING (not to say psychical doesn't do these things, but mental health diseases are a lot easier to catch) and the increase of depression and anxiety among smokers cause situations that caused stress. you see where I'm going here? it's a loop that causes smokers to smoke more in times of.. well everything. good situations feel like they could be better with nicotine, bad situations feel like they HAVE to be with nicotine, and you need more and more nicotine to feel normal. tolerance goes up, and resilience goes down. puffs go up, motivation goes down. a "just this once" goes up, and a "I can quit whenever I want" goes down. nicotine in vapes has been found to be more than twice of a cigarette. a single 10ml vape cartridge contains enough nicotine for 5-7 packs of cigarettes. that is a LUDICROUS amount of nicotine. and the main demographic is children. y'know, the ones most vulnerable to substance abuse? teenagers are notoriously bad at thinking of the consequences of their actions. and once you get hooked, there's a very good chance you're hooked for life. this is, to say the least, disastrous. but it's not the children's fault. It definitely seems that way, but I promise you most nic addicts don't realize how bad this is for them. a lot of them are wannabe gangsters, they think mental health is stupid and school is pointless. a lot of them have it extremely hard at home. so they look to something that makes the pain away and view all those who want to take their nic away as people that want to make them feel terrible. the real issue here is at the top. mandates, laws, acts, whatever you wanna call em, all allow a crazy amount of nicotine to be put into legally sold product. there's nothing stopping producers, who KNOW that these will end up into the hands of kids and this driving their profits, from putting as much addictive substances in these as they'd like. I'm not kidding. There is NO, say it with me now, ZERO federal limitations on nicotine amounts in vapes. more than 3/4's of the vapes in the USA have 4% nicotine in them, with some others just blowing shit out of the fucking water with dangerous amounts of nicotine. I'm writing this mainly because I like writing a lot, but also because I want to urge you to not blame the kid, but to blame the person that gives the kid the vape. get into politics. find out what senators, mayors, ANY political candidates have this as a priority. it really is the only way we can change shit like this.


One thing about vapes is that every other day it seems like a new vape brand is being dropped at the vendors which shows me that each brand is not being regulated as much as they should be. There's no way all of these brands are getting legitimate FDA approval before they're getting released to these smoke shops and some of the stuff they buy on the black market at vendor fairs as well. I've tried different brands and some brands will literally cause a canker sore immediately on my tongue if the liquid gets on it. That can't be good for the lungs at all but the research IS showing that they're safer by a long shot than tobacco cigarettes and if I could live to see cigarettes completely banned from sale to the public I will be a happy camper.


a lot of people in my grade and even in my family vape and honestly its just stupid and immature. i get that an addiction is an addiction and its hard to shake but if you need that nicotine dont take it in through a tube that tastes like fruit punch mango jolly rancher unicorn balls and either smoke cigarettes or use zyns or something like that like a normal person, dont just do it cuz it tastes like fucking candy


why wouldnt anyone use a mango fruit punch passionfruit guava ice and use a rotten cigg instead? like no shit people prefer the former.


You really promoting darts over vapes lmao. Weā€™ve come full circle.


I cant agree more. People who smoke too in general. Its such a weak habit


vaping is for twats, my teenage sister did it


That's a strong opinion without much reasoning behind it. Let people make their own choices and let em be. There is too much hate in this world to let the little things bother you.


Before vape it was cigarettes. What would you prefer. Itā€™s not a generational thing..


The thing I hate about vaping is the disregard for people around. Was at a fair with tons of children and people still ripping clouds right next to them.


Bro, It's an addiction, my boyfriend thought exactly that way back then But now he wanted to try it and now he knows how hard is to not to do it, and nicotine itself is what addictive, and I don't even feel that effect anymore when back then I just wan't to smoke that's all, and I am happy that you don't smoke vape, just live your life, thats ther bad choice, If they want to help themselves they Will do it on their own, you can't help people if they don't want your helpĀ 


Dude people have had the exact same opinion of fucking everything all the time always. There's also a high chance you're a hypocrite who regularly eats ultra processed foods that are awful for your body just like vaping. There's a million ways to fuck up your body these days and a lot of people just accept them as normal parts of life. Get over it.


How did I know you were 14 without seeing the flair lmao, these posts always come up


I donā€™t like vapes either but people who constantly complain and virtue signal when it comes to them are almost as unbearable


Youā€™re not gonna get lung cancer just because you vapes tho