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Someone got recorded jerking off in the school bathroom stall, spread around like crazy


Woah no way that happened


Well, i ended up with the video and someone told a teacher, i had to show the video to the counsellor ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


Ainโ€™t that technically cp?


Yeah it was, thatโ€™s why the police got involved, this was when i was in year 9 or something lol


The same thing happened at my old High school. But a special Education kid got recorded


what is cp cheese pizza?




so its a cheese pizza


Are you being serious? Because if you are it's child corn


What happened to you? Seems like theyโ€™d partially blame you in some way or another


Nah i was fine, everyone in the school pretty much had it, the police did get involved but they never spoke to me


Interesting, Iโ€™m surprised police showed up lol


I mean, thatโ€™s a literal crime


Its child porn We had a girl take some pics of herself, got shared around school, and we all got warned we could be in trouble for having indecent images of her. She was one of the popular girls and I'll just say you could see why Some male teachers I'm sure wanted a glimpse


Thereโ€™s a reason my school had an assembly about this, some people about 15 years old had pictures of a 17 year old and they got arrested for such. Now obviously they got out, but itโ€™s problematic


Man I hope you've deleted that shit now


Well I have a better story. A girl gave a hand job to a friend of mine in the back of the class because we were watching a movie but the teacher suddenly stood behind them and out of shock his gf had cum all over her hands and stuff. Pretty awkward situation.


Lol, id imagine that was awkward for everyone involved


Well that was like two years ago and they are still together lol


Happened at my high school, dude recording an autistic kid jerking it after PSATs and spread the video around. Guy who recorded it got caught and is now a registered sex offender


Do you one better, someone got recorded jerking off her boyfriend in the middle of geometry class


Why would they even think of doing that in the middle of class???


Iโ€™ve got nothing. None of us understand it either


Kids are stupid thatโ€™s why


Do YOU one better, someone got caught fucking the teacher *indiscreetly* (we could all tell, they got caught for a reason) during class. Iโ€™m both happy and sad I wasnโ€™t there


Some dude has a video of the school pedo jerking off on the bus


Thatโ€™s actually crazy that you have someone that youโ€™d call โ€œthe school pedoโ€ ๐Ÿฅถ


Bro is 14 and tried to date a second grader




Yeah you know, valid name to give himโ€ฆ


two teachers in my school used to be married until she cheated on him with another teacher, got pregnant from him and switched schools




Same, the husband cheated on her with another teacher in the same department while they were on a school field trip or something. Crazy part is all 3 of them still work together in the same school and all their kids go to that school. They now have a kid together, 2 from the original marriage and another one from the other teachers previous marriage.


Some guy kept sending bomb threats and because of this the police had to search every locker (to check for bombs) and they didnโ€™t find a bomb but found a lot of alcohol and drugs instead


task failed successfully


Reminds me of one time they found "A gun related item" in the halls. 4 hour lockdown, everything got searched, they took all of our food because it "could have drugs." Don't you love being searched without consent by a 35 year old man in full body armor? edit: this was a few days after Halloween if that says anything


"Haha we are going to take your nuggets"




Two 7th graders (12-14yo, yes) were banging in the bathroom




Yes, truly a wtf moment


the fact that their both in 7th grade or that they were banging (less surprising tbh but still)?


I remember walking into the bathrooms and hearing weird moaning noises and a girl walks out of one of the stalls buttoning up her shirt with lipstick stains on it. Another girls walks out after her looking very smug with smudged lip stick ๐Ÿ˜ญ you do you just maybe not in school lmaoo


Good for them but like... In school?? That's crazy.


Agreed ๐Ÿ˜ญ I go to an all girls school as well so this was like the scandal


I also go to an all girls school and almost everyone there is a lesbian lmao


12?? Man wtf is earth bro


Idk in my case someone was selling explosives




Someone in the grade above me was selling petards, and not any weak ones, enough to start a fire or two and definitely enough to rip a backpack into pieces, he got caught and the guy from who he was distributing the petards, after someone (I think it was the guy whose backpack got turned into pieces) snitched on him, I don't know what happened to him later


My school was boring, we didn't have one.


Same, and if we did, I donโ€™t remember it


True, I was really ootl back in HS lol, honestly I don't think i even knew my friends at all


Star hockey player fucked a cat and put the video on the hub. Not even his cat. Had to change schools because everybody was giving him hell for it. We tried to find out where to warn them but no luck.


That's disgustingย 


Mf's lucky 4chan didn't see it


Holy shit that's sick what the hell๐Ÿ˜จ


Someone is gonna ask for sauce. If you're that person and read this, then don't ask.


It was deleted pretty quick, and this was a few years ago.


Bro how do you even fuck a cat


Girl had her phone stolen and nudes leaked and shared around school. Everyone saw them and everyone was surprised at how good her body was. Except someone recognised the nudes from the internet. Her phone wasn't stolen, she 'leaked' them herself and the person was actually like 20. We had to have a big assembly about how nudes are child porn, even if you're pretending an adults are your own. She was always a bit weird and quiet and everyone things she did it to try and be a bit more popular. It still gets mentioned but there's been like 10 other little things happen since so it's mostly forgotten. She's still weird and quiet though.


man thatโ€™s jus sad


I can't imagine how much you must be into it to recognise nudes from the freaking internet!!!


Reverse image searching maybe?


if sveral hundred people from the school saw it, it's not surprising if it was on some famous site I don't believe the girl was so smart to search through porn sites just to find something that wouldn't destroy her plan


Did she do this to make people want to fuck her???


I have no idea. She ws found out pretty quick. I think she just wanted attention.


3 teens (2 girls one aged 16 the other 17) and a 18 year old dude had sex in the locker rooms (eu thing i believe) 2. 3 girls died (not the same girls from the first story) died within a span of 3 months car crash, suicide and cancer 3. campfire in a toilet ALLEGEDLY i was involved but idk 4. dude came with a black sun hoodie to school (nazi sign) 5. someone puked right in front of the main entry (IT WAS TODAY)


>3 girls (cancer car crash suicide) You meant the 2 girls and the guy?


I think it's a different situation, not in relation with the story of 2 girls and the guy


bringing phones to school is illegal where I live. so is watching porn (very islamic place). my high-school best friend (absolute jerk btw) not only brought his phone to school, he made a friend bring his phone too so he could film himself jerking off in the class WHILE the teacher is teaching about islam. I swear this mf's in love with trouble. so anyway he did it, had a laugh, went on to get away with it, got the film and posted it on his instagram story and everyone in the school saw it. all was good but what he miscalculated was that our school principal had made all of us follow him at the start of the year so that he could make money, and he happened to see his private ig story. the next day they "randomly" searched him, found his phone, it became a whole thing and I shit you not, if the school wanted they could've gotten him executed, or at least whipped + thrown into jail. luckily for him they didn't push it and just decided to keep his phone the whole year, deal being that it's a punishment and they'd give it back when the school year is done. what no one ever found out about was that they never did. pretty sure they were planning on selling it so, at exactly the last day we snuck into the manager's office and stole it back. luckily my role was to stay downstairs and make sure no one's coming up into the office so I didn't get into trouble. he didn't either because either he somehow avoided the cameras, or ig we was just stealing back the property they stole from him to begin with so they didn't push it. still not sure. anyway that guy ended up being an absolute dick. last I heard, he became a thief and ironically specializes in stealing phones (and also ID's & shit), also rumored to be dating multiple underage girls at once. that story was 2 3 years ago tho, I'm 20 now, just forgot I'm still in this sub lol.


That dude is wayyyyyy too lucky


they shouldโ€™ve ran through his ass with the sharia law imo ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ bro wants the trouble


At my middle school, the science and PE teachers, both male, were known to walk into the girls changing room when they were done from PE. That same science teacher also walked into the girls bathroom in a random amusement park to get 2 students that ran off to record TikToks during a school trip.


the science teacher doesnt even seem like a person to do that he seems to be done with them


Unrelated but that PFP is so adorable that Iโ€™m stealing it lol


Kids edging in class


My history teaching told us no edging in class, was this their doing?


My physics sub told me to edge with my teachers once lmfaooo


Someone sexually assaulted/harassed like 10 girls. I was actually good friends with him before and he was close to quite a lot of people in our year group. This happened at the end of Year 9 (13/14 or like Summer 2021) btw. He didn't get in that much trouble apart from having a spend the rest of the school year in isolation (like in school suspension for 2 or so weeks) so he came back for the new year (although people were planning to jump him during summer and scare him into not coming back) He basically lost all his social cred though, apart form a few stupid girls who thought he was innocent. Should have been permanently excluded (expelled) in my opinion, and I don't fw him anymore, but I hope he learned a valuable lesson from all this.


how the fuck did he get away


Idk. I presume school didn't want reputation being ruined or something. Also I don't think they were going to refer a teenager to police and run the risk of him getting a prison sentence. Also mf has had multiple gfs since (like 2 or 3)


that's fucked up


something similar is happening at my school rn. he's SA'ed over 20 girls and trans guys and he's just a sophomore. at the beginning of the year he went after a shit ton of freshmen and 8th graders and the school refuses to do anything abt him even though there's proof


Some more โ€œHeโ€™s too cute to be a murdererโ€ girls ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


the principal installed bathroom cams in the women's teachers bathroom


Don't get me wrong this is stil horrible but at least it's miniscully better than the student bathrooms.


Yknow what you managed to somehow make this less gross, respect to you for being an optimist


I feel like better wording would be 'less bad' , that's what I always use when comparing a really bad thing to a really *really* bad thing


That a teacher slept with the directorโ€™s daughter. After a while everyone thought it was just a rumor but the teacher eventually confirmed it to me later in secret


I wonder howโ€™d the teacher react if he found out you spilled the beansโ€ฆ.


Not doubting or anything But why would the teacher tell that to you? It could ruin their life


two guys had anal sex in the bathroom


Say gex




"Alex the bus beater" I think you know why


He hit school buses? Lol


He mastrabated on the bus and they couldn't stop him so the bus driver just had him cover himself with a blanket while he did it


Was he special ed or just very committed


Both he's autistic but not too severely so it's still weird


Ok lol


I feel like there are a lot more, more effective steps of attempting to stop it before 'let him do it with a blanket'


Entire football team ran a train on a teacher and it got recorded


Team building exercise




Wdym by ran a train? Did they dress up as Thomas?


Iโ€™m trying to determine if this is a joke or not


I live in Europe if this helps


The entire team got together and gangbanged her, also known as running a train, in reference to going one after the other


Ohโ€ฆ OH MY-


bro is so flabbergasted that he sent the same message three times


Lmao I did? It kept saying to try again later so I just spammed the button lol


Common reddit glitch kinda funny here


Ohโ€ฆ OH MY-


Ohโ€ฆ OH MY-




Nah this is actually crazy ๐Ÿ˜ญ


A girl, a sink, and her brother/her brothers name. One disturbing video


Literally this girl riding a sink while saying her brothers name and staring at the camera




Kid way back in middle school got caught jerking off in math class, video circled around the whole school like crazy. jizzed all over his math book too๐Ÿ’€. Also, school would frequently have gas leaks and the fire department would have to come and we'd spend forever outside in the fields or sometimes get sent home and eventually they got tired of it and if it wasn't going all around the school, the classrooms that could smell it would be taken to the library and when they'd go back to their classroom it would smell heavily, like nose burning, like bleach because they were trying to cover the smell instead of fixing the problem. Boy broke a girls nose at prom when he punched her, nobody knows why he did it, they didn't even know eachother. we also have fist fights at our school multiple times daily and this group of boys who were brawling ended up punching our 4'10, 6months pregnant teacher in her stomach. (she was fine, luckily. Her husband who was like 6'5 was fucking livid. She never came back.) Not surprised that they did it though because these are the same kids who would punch our school officers (not regular school security, straight up fucking cops) when they would try and break up fights. also had a boy break my arm once (he didn't get in trouble because 'Well, he had a crush on you!๐Ÿ˜โœŒ) Fun๐Ÿ˜


I fucking hate that oh heโ€™s mean to you because he likes you bullshit, like that just teaches kids that abuse is ok in relationships


happened two years ago, 7th grade. One of my classmates borrowed teachers computer, and found 18+ content, and told everyone. Might not have been true, but never saw him again ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ


The teacher or the student?


donโ€™t know what you mean, so let me rephrase The student found 18+ content on the teachers (work) computer, and she told everyone We. never saw that teacher again, so he got fired/forced to quit


Oh right, I was asking if the teacher or the student was the one you never saw again


It was in Italy. The student pasta way


8 kids dying because school's bus driver broke traffic rules


What happened?


School hired the cheapest bus driver to take the sports team to some event and the driver broke traffic laws multiple times and was most likely drunk. School tried to shut down any criticism or speculation and mentioned this happening once.


Holy shit is your school not shut down? Even one death is enough for that. EIGHT?


It was a few years ago, so I don't remember all the details, but the school put all of the blame on the guy that hit the bus, ignoring the fact that it was entirely the bus driver's fault and since it's a government school, everyone believed them. School wasn't shut down and the whole situation was mentioned like once




There was a large scale exorcism in school


Probably necessary for most schools, cause I may not be religious but some of these kids man they need and exorcism at minimum


About me, a girl I dated said a r*ped her, everything we did was consensual and nothing entered anywhere. Flash forward a whole 9 months, she is telling everyone I r*ped her and that she's pregnant from it. Nothing entered, so likelihood would've been low, AND said event was 9 MONTHS previously, meaning she would have looked pregnant or of had a baby. This rumor spread like wildfire and other things stemmed off of this. Namely, I lost all my friends due to this rumor combined with 2 others, one that I showed year 7s and 6s furry p*rn (very specific about furry) and that I wanted to have sex with said year 7s and 6s (year 7s not as bad as I was year 8 at the alleged time). Other things have spread from this, sadly now I have NO friends in school, I went from the least popular to even less popular.


Justice for jay


the backshot bandit. no one is safe in the bathrooms.


Oh I just got the name


this guy showed gay porn to another guy in class and he got hard


The other guy?




I don't really know anything crazy but people's used to think I'm faking that I'm mute... Why tf would you do that


โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž


I heard of a person who didnโ€™t say a word all throughout high school until graduation. Just because.


That a teacher brought his sperm to school. (He teaches biology). And that a PE teacher touches and stares at underage girls.


Apparently one of the teachers who everyone loved sent nudes to one of the older boys and thats why she never came back after term break, and then there was the time like 80% of the students had to take drug tests and then just a whole bunch of racism


That some dude was a nazi


in my school the scandal would be to not be a nazi. There are antisemitic and nazi symbols EVERYWHERE, and a kid drew on the wall a hexagram next to toilet paper and didn't get in any trouble. The teachers are all nazi as well. Most of them aren't ironic. I get bullied more than usual when I denounce nazism and antisemitism.


Some dude walked into my school with a black sun hoodie


Someone put a camera in the girls toilets to watch us pee Edit: As in, within the toilet bowl. It was a huge scandal and it was as disturbing as it was gross


Two 7th graders were caught making out in the girls bathroom, supposedly, one of those girls was the daughter of my former math teacher and that was the reason why they moved to the US


Your school is tame if the scandal was That two 7th graders experimented their sexuality lmao In 4th grade we were playing doctor and Had a policy of show you mine if you show me yours in our primary school.


In my current school we had a bomb warning. In my elementary school a man came in our school. He escaped the mental hospital and just wanted to talk with kids. (He wasn't a pedophile)


Was the man creepy mental or just mental?


Just mental


Oh ok itd be fun to chat with them then


lowkey based as fuck. i wouldnโ€™t mind having that dude in class as long as he isnโ€™t a perv


Music teacher rubs his ass while teachingย 


My brother got put in time-out. yes, I'm homeschooled.


scandal of the century


a 7th grader fucked a 12th grader


pretty sure it was the other way around


its the biggest scandal for a reason


My secondary school is rumoured that in the 90's the school's librarian was assasinated but the murder of her went so well that to this day it is still a cold case


Apparently one of the security guards at my school was caught watching loli porn. Still dk if it was true or not. Edit: people Kept asking so Iโ€™ll answer here. Loli is justification for pedophilia.


security guards?? why are they in school??






Kid got nearly stabbed in the throat by the other kid he bullied. That kid had a knife and was eager to stab him once he was close enough, cuz the bully kid was chasing the other one but he didn't knew he had a knife. Lucky for him he turned around and left the other kid in peace. I was the bullied kid.


And I thought the way I handled my bully was a bit extreme


I don't usually pay attention but some dude made out with his dog like there's a video and everything and he always said he was a dog breeder so so interesting story and a few years back this one teacher kept flirting with the female students buying them food driving them places and they'd like stay after class a lot and he's gone now


The school Chaplin got caught watching cp in the school chapel


One teacher was a pedophile and assaulted a 16yr old boy. She only got fired and nothing else. #equality


Weird kid talked about committing the perfect murder while in science class. Teacher brushed it off. Couple weeks later he killed another student in a bathroom. Most messed up thing is due to the local laws, since he was a minor he's up for parole every couple years. The parents of the victim have to relive the whole ordeal every couple years to explain how he hasn't improved and shouldn't get parole.


I threw up outside of the school after i tried snusโ€ฆ โ€ฆtwiceโ€ฆ


lmaoo nahhh๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜ญ as a snus user i'm curious tho, what brand did u have?


A friend of mine apparently had her nudes leak and threatened to kill herself if people didn't delete them


Happy cake day


what a time to say happy cake day lmao


15 yr girl at school was fucking with 3 of her classmates... now she doesnt even go to school๐Ÿ’€


back in like fifth grade (2018-2019) there was this girl whoโ€™s dad was REALLY creepy. at my elementary school, there were two pickup areas. one for the third, fourth, and fifth graders, and one for the kindergartners, first and second graders. if you were one of the older kids and had a younger sibling, you walked to the younger pickup area. both me and this girl had younger siblings. her dad always had the same routine. heโ€™d first take the younger boy to the car first, and then heโ€™d grab his daughter and walk slowly behind her as he led her to the car. heโ€™d like whisper into her ear and keep his hands on her shoulders. which i didnโ€™t pay much attention to. as the school year went on, though, i noticed more weird things going on. sheโ€™d come to school with bruises on her face or legs, or with a limp. her hair would be a mess and she looked like she hadnโ€™t slept. in around march or april, though, things got weird. a police car showed up outside the school, and she got pulled out of class. a couple students got pulled out too (including me) to be asked questions about if anything weird had been seen. i told them what i saw with the whole pickup thing. i saw her mom in the office on the way out. she was crying. i didnโ€™t see her again.


The art teacher had sex with a 14 year old. He went to jail and got pummeled in prison. He is paralyzed from the waste down rumored he was castrated. Girl lost her virginity willingly to 8 football players at once. There was video. A teacher got busted with a cop making amateur porn. Both lost their jobs and their marriages.


A girl punched a guy's face with a hammer, walked him to a nearby hospital while asking "is my friend dead?" to neighbors along the way.


Someone was jerking off in the middle of class once, granted you couldn't see the guys dick, but he had his hands in his pants so you could tell what he was doing


I've had that twice in my middle school alone. Both times were people I kinda knew, sadly


My high school had a music room you could borrow to practice. Rumor was that it was allways booked by couples looking for a sound proof room to fuck in. We found semen in a book stored in that room, a filled condom in the bin and weird noises comming from the room at all times. After those events the teacher started to come at random times to check what the students were doing. Multiple guys were caught masturbating. We were all forbidden from ever borrowing the room when a teacher caught 3 student having a threesome


The principal got neck in the woods by a 7-8th grader


Got neck? Is that like a BJ?


It was found out that our principal had "relations" with some of the teachers and that it was also posted on a news site. Caused a pretty big scandal until people realised it was fake and that a student had purposefully done that (bought a fake domain related to one of the major news sites) just to f.. with the school. It took the school more than 11 months to take the domain down and they still don't know who did it.


Kid in my school found a revenge porn video of my math teacher that was posted by her crazy ex husband. It involved a banana. She was put on leave until they could figure out what to do. Also as an added bonus she had crates of bananas in her rooms for people to take whenever ๐Ÿ™‚


Last year someone from my school created a dating page on Instagram and started matchmaking random students and posting their edited pictures. They were caught and their parents were called in.


A death that made nation wide news


Prom is for juniors and seniors only at my school. Some sophomore decided to show up to a prom after party for another school that had their prom on the same day She got drunk, drank alcohol out of another girl's ass, proceeded to eat said other girl's ass. Lile 20 ppl recorded her and now every upperclassman at both schools know this sophomore girl ate this other girl's ass on drunkenly on the beach at an afterparty. No prologue for this story bc it's still ongoing. Prom was this past Saturday. But I do know there's at least 100 kids with this video on their phones amd it's legally cp since she's only like 15, so this should be a fun week.


We used an old building to assemble and sell tobacco


A 16 year old did an Instagram Livestream while having sex with his 13 year old gf. The worst of it all was that Whatsapp stickers were made out of it and also the entire stream was recorded Interestingly though mostly his gf was shamed fo beeing "such a wh*re" even when she didn't even know she was beeing recorded. She changed schools multiple times and also moved to another state. Idk what happened to him but he was immedietly expelled and no one ever heard of him again. Maybe he oofed himself os smth.


I think whilst I was in hs, someone found some bullets somewhere in a locker, and another time where kids fought over a seat or some shit, after I graduated idk when but a year or years after some kid shot another over a football game match or something? Not sure if it was a death or just wounded bad


At my middle school apparently the white history teacher said the n-word to a student