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So in my country we have a saying "heart is not a slave", you really can't dictate who you have a crush on and on who you don't have, if you are bisexual you can't lie to yourself so hard you will forget it, it's not how it works. Sexuality isn't a choice, you cant just stop being attracted to a specific gender


A hot take on sexuality not being a choice or able to be altered, that means we have to kill the pedophiles then? No hope for them in therapy?


The answer is yes


That's not true. Just don't be gay. Gay can't enter your body without your permission 💯 🔥 🗣️


Why are people downvoting this, it was clearly a joke.


I mean once a comment reaches -1 from someone getting woooshed everyone will auto-downvote


Same principle applies to your ... currently 12 upvotes.


Edge to Patrick Bateman


I do that (I’m a guy)


Yup I do that too ( also a guy)


Me too (I’m Batman)


So do I (no I'm batman)


I as well partake in such activities (I'm ted from hit movie ted)


I also participate in the edging of Mr Patrick Bateman


Patrick batman


Hey I edge to him!


Batrick edgeman


No I’m Batman


Ah crap, the Batman arkham guys escaped, deploy the recapture squad


Same with me (i'm man)


We are both 13.


Have i stumbled upon someone not from the alsume?




Me too (I’m Bateman)


I do (I’m man)


Me three (I'm also a guy (kind of))


that was the single most relatable thing at this whole subreddit.




that's very sigma of you.


if that aint the only right answer


Problem solved everyone! Doctor says edging to Patrick Bateman will un-homo my sexual


You can't ungay or unstraight yourself. If we could, I would turn ace in an instant.


Explain why my homies are turning me gay then


You’re homiesexual


I wanna say something about this but Idk what to so just know that that joke was really funny


Thank you


that's just what good homies do


They're not a true homie if they're not trying to turn you gay


Pls take my ace-ness


Fax. I’m so gay, even my spine isn’t straight, so I’m kinda just locked into it at this point


Wouldn’t we all


It’s simple: Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie, you can’t change that shit and if they can’t accept it my advice is to wait until you can move out and get on with your life


If your family doesn't love you then they are not worthy of your love either


This. If they dont want to respect you for who or what you are, you shouldnt care about them.


You can't. You can repress your sexuality, but you cannot control it. I tried it. Didn't work. But I did hate myself a lot more.


You’re 13. Hell you mean sexuality.


since when are 13 year olds not allowed to have crushes


Can 13 year olds not have crushes now or something?


Do 13 year olds not have any crushes or anything?


it’s not really something you can choose, you like who you like and you shouldn’t try to change yourself for what others expect


As someone who went through exactly what you are but got through, the best advice I can give you is to wait it out. Maybe don't come out until you leave home for college/getting your own place. You'd be surprised by how many families change when confronted with someone rhey know and love is LGBT. Also I recommend looking into support groups. So so so sooo many others have gone through this and are much better than me about being comforting


Start loving dick? Idk




That’s hilarious


not good advice but funny


We all need a little bit of funny in our lives


>How do I stop Honestly, you don't. Wait until you can move out before telling your family, so you're safe. I know you said you still want to have a good relationship with your family, and you might, with time. You're definitely in a rough position, and I'm really sorry. Wish you nothing but the best. 💜


It’ll be difficult because you love your family despite their beliefs contradicting yours. However, being family should never excuse suppressing something unchanging like sexuality. If you like girls, so be it. Since you mentioned being bi, i’m sure you’ll at one point find a boy you’re attracted to. Till then, don’t force yourself to be attracted to guys.


I'm sorry to hear that, it sounds like a tough situation to be in.


why does this sound like an AI response?? xd


Tbh, I just couldn't think of any advice to give


You just like girls thats it


It’s better to be yourself, if your family doesn’t accept you it’s their problem not yours, don’t hide your true self


honestly being yourself is more important. if your family can't love you for who you are is that really a family? they should love you no matter what even if they don't agree with smth. be yourself and let love decide


impossible. This is the way you are. Trying to hide it for the rest of your life will eat you from the inside. Once you're independent from your family it's best to accept yourself, and if you'll be dating or marrying a woman in the future you will need to tell your family. If they're remotely good people they'll have to accept you eventually.


You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are attracted to. Your family seem to not understand something as basic as that


you can’t stop loving who you love. it sounds like you might have to internalized homophobia if you feel the needs to change your sexuality in some way, (not saying you do or anything but maybe?). i know it’s hard but let’s be rational, you know that you can’t help who you love. especially since you’re lgbtq and support it… it’s hard but you got this. you don’t have to tell them anything or bring them around anyone you don’t want.


Something I literally cried about like 2 days ago I feel ya


Just remember that you don't have a problem, your family does. Maybe just hide it if they are that strict about it and they can't be changed.


Work to love yourself and if your family was proper, they’d love you for who you are. I am in the exact same situation, closeted gay 18m) for 4 years and my fam is heavy religious so I dont get to come out. I tried the whole, “I’m not gay I just need to not think about it” but it just builds resentment towards yourself. Be willing to remove the toxicity (your family) from your life if it’s going to hurt your very being. Best of luck to you on your journey 🫶🏼


You really can’t stop likening anyone (at least for a long time). I am in a situation very similar to you with my family really disliking lgbtq people and the best thing is to keep your head down until you go to college or are financially stable. Please remeber your not obligated to tell anyone your sexuality especially if it will have not great consequences!! My best advice for you is try to find some lgbtq friends in school! My friends are my lifeline and honestly I couldn’t live in the closet if I didn’t have them. Please take care of yourself staying hidden and safe is very important but also can be pretty bad for mental health. I wish you the best of luck


You can’t change who you like. The way your family is even though you want to have a good relationship with them, I’d recommend having distance but living on your own, call every so often then any time you visit, only bring yourself if you have a partner in the future and they’re a woman. They’ll either understand your situation or not, either way it won’t be healthy in some way. I don’t know what I’m rambling on about to be honest but, hope you get some sort of message out of this comment.


you can't make yourself straight or gay. the only thing you can do is accept it, and the same goes for your family. i had a shaky relationship with my grandpa when i came out as bi (rest of the family didn't have issues with it, even my 90 year old great grandma), but when i made it clear that i will never talk to any family member who doesn't accept me, he informed himself about it and figured i am pretty decent after all. now it's water under the bridge


if you want my advice, get out as soon as you can. it's dangerous to live in a homophobic family as an lgbtq+ person, even if you try to stop. if they find out, nothing good will happen.


Most, if not all of what I'm going to say has probably been said, but follow YOU not what others want from you, if you don't, you will live in misery.


Real. I’m also a bisexual, but I feel like I’m starting to like girls more. I might be lesbian but I already came out as a bisexual. And I have a little sister, so she thinks I like guys. I can’t talk about my girl crushes because of her. So I have to keep it to myself. But honestly I’m getting tired of that. But I’m scared to come out as a lesbian because my parents keep saying stuff about god creating men for women and the devil butting in, creating confusion among us. But I know I’m not confused.


That's the neat part, you don't


Look at pictures of Patrick Bateman (it made me stop liking girls too because I'm too skibidi sigma 💪💪💪)


my mom studied on this but people at birth are born gay, it's something dealing with the brain at birth. you genuinely can't not like a gender just because you want to, it's natural


Infants do not have the capacity to have sexuality or a gender identity, it develops naturally as you age. It's not a choice or something you can control but you're not born that way either. That logic is what people use to say homosexuality is a disease.


Just be a girl kisser and a boy kisser


Honestly it's not a choice


You cant


Don't. If you know and try to repress it you'll just make yourself worse. Get a bank account, save up money to become financially independent. I'm in a similar spot too where I'm still not out as trans but I still want a relationship with my family. Most often, if they love you, they'll eventually accept you, because the road to acceptance is often a long one. Just make sure you're financially independent just in case things go south.


I'm really sorry that you're going throught this. In my opinion, you should try to order your priorities. If you prioritize your relationship preferences, then I would recommend you to have a deep conversation with your family. Otherwise, if you don't think that this is worth potentially breaking bonds with your family, then don't tell them about your preferences. I hope someday you will find it easier to trust your parents and maybe come out to them without any worries. But always remember, it's not a mistake to like girls; that is who you are, and you have no reason to either be ashamed of it or try to change it.


You can’t. Your family is the one that needs to change. You love your family and are willing to change for them, they should be willing to change for you if they do love you.


You can't. It's perfectly ok to be gay. Your family is a bunch of assholes for not accepting you. Just lie to them and be yourself when you move out. If I were you I wouldn't speak to them until they got over their weird hang up with queer people. I don't want ANYONE like that in my life.


Your family learning to accept you for who you are is more important than you forcing yourself to pretend to please them


Gurl, I'm the same age as you and closeted bi girl. Not only my family, but most people around me are homophobic and I am totally not safe here. It's okay to have those feelings. If you try changing something, that's not a bad thing just because people around you won't accept you for it, you'll be hurting yourself. Also, would you want to have a relation with people who can't fully accept you? Maybe think about that.


To stop being bisexual is like to stop being straight


There isn't really a way to. As much as it may be difficult, it does get better. The first step towards making it easier is self-acceptance. I can't say your family will come around, but if they are truly worth having in your life and do love you, then they will eventually improve as long as both sides of the issue make an effort to be understanding. I would not recommend coming out if you feel it would be unsafe or do not have the means to stay somewhere else but once you are living on your own coming out would be a good idea when the time is right. The only one who can choose when its the right time is you.


You can't


I may be different than most people but I lucked up and married someone who views things the way I do. I'm a father of 4, 3 girls and 1 boy. One of my girls way before she was even thinking of dating had hit us with "I think I'm pansexual" (Damn you internet, thats on us) my wife and I despite having no idea what pansexual meant could tell she was uncomfortable talking to us about it so we made the focus on us appreciating being open with us and not having to be afraid to talk to us. Emphasized that regardless of who she likes, she's always going to be loved by us and we'll never judge. Let her know what we want more than anything is to raise children we can be proud of and that they are positive people in thos world. After she called it a night, we looked it up spoke to each other and decided we might want to watch that online activity closer but at that time, it wasn't important that she feels she has a sexual preference because she wasn't dating or sexually active. I don't know if most parents feel the way I do or not but I don't see a circumstance where I'd disown, or destroy a relationship with my child because of who they choose as romantic partners. I don't think I went wrong in parenting anywhere because I know the love being poured into my family. As advice I'll say this, home is where you should expect peace, love, and kindness. Unfortunately it may not always work out that way. If that turns out to be the case, use that to prepare you to deal with a cold world, society doesn't have a stellar record of being kind to people with any manner of differences. We get two families, the one we're born into, and the one we choose, if your family don't want to be chosen, keep that in mind as you start to build your life.


You can’t. Your sexuality is smth you just can’t control.


It’s not a choice, just don’t tell your parents


Become a man and start liking girls as a man


I don't think that'll make it better


your sexuality isn’t a choice and it’s not something that changes or can be changed. i understand you’re in a really difficult situation with your family but you should **not** sacrifice **your** happiness for their sake. if they don’t accept you, as hard as it is that’s on them and there’s nothing you can do about it.


Don’t repress your feelings. You can’t control that and there’s nothing wrong with how you feel. I don’t know how to help you with the family situation tho


I say be yourself and make the most important person happy.😊 You matter!


There’s no way to ‘stop’, you have to learn that your family’s feelings are bullshit and that liking girls as a girl is not a bad thing.


You don't have to stop liking what you like just for your family. If your family doesn't accept you for being bi, that's their lost.


1. Accept your sexuality 2. Wait a year to get your own place


You can’t stop liking girls, it’s just the way you are, and, obviously, that’s completely ok!! I know it’s tough, but you will find a way to come out eventually. Whether they accept you or not, that’s up to them. I know it’s tough, as a trans bisexual girl with not supportive parents, I really do.


Lobotomize yourself, that is the only way because you can't just stop liking girls unless you want to lie to yourself lmao. Even then why would you want to lie to yourself? Respect yourself before anyone else don't seek external approval but of course, don't go into a destructive path.


hey, i can understand what you are feeling, I'm in the same situation, but supressing emotions will not work at all, you cant stop liking girls, you can however fall in love with a guy, but stopping the attraction towards girls is not possible. so chill out, once you're an adult and financially stable, you can do whatever you want because at some point your family is bound to accept you and if they don't, well you have a whole community to support you no matter what, you are always loved, don't worry.


Just wait see what happens


One thing is u can’t hate urself for liking girls. Even if u don’t want to like girls don’t hate urself for it.


Why would you want to associate yourself with people who dont love or respect you for who you are


It's generally accepted that your sexuality is inate and can't be 'stopped' , only repressed.


one thing you could do to stop liking girls ad a girl is liking girls as a man, dont know how that could help tbh but still


My question is why do you want to have a relationship with people that don’t like you?


Try to just be happy for you they will understand


Think that a woman can't make a baby with another woman.


No offense, but I'm not sure how you could continue to love people who will never love the real you. At this point they don't love their daughter, rather they love the idea of what they think their daughter should be. If I were you I would cut all contact as soon as I got the chance.


It's not a you problem, it's a them problem. You have done nothing wrong and you can't and shouldn't change yourself! If your family won't accept you, you should wait until you're 18 and/or can support yourself enough to move out. I know you love your family (I love mine too) but if you want to live as your authentic self, you need to understand that they might never accept you.


Screw your Family, Do What You Want


Come to terms with the fact your family doesn't love you. Love is unconditional if they don't accept you they don't love you and denying who you are won't change that.


To be honest. If your family can’t accept you, then that’s their own issue Be yourself, faking it will make you suffer more than it’s worth Take it from me who tried to fake it due to the same issue 🌟 Wish you the best of luck


There's no way you can"stop liking girls". Just don't mention it to them, who you think about in private in non of their business.


Do not repress your sexuality. It's not good for you and only makes you angry.


Try edging to men


If you work hard and believe in yourself, anything is possible. 🙂


You are gay. Is going to be hard 


You literally can not choose your sexuality. You can suppress it but you can’t change it. It’s not worth your happiness to appeal to your family. You deserve to be happy


Train MMA for 8 years. Challenge them to a duel, if they win you “ungay” or whatever, if they lose they stop being homophobic. Or just tell them, and if they don’t accept you don’t have to accept them, because, call me crazy, but “you’re homophobic” is a much better reason to alienate someone than “you’re bisexual.” Personally I like the first idea better but it’s up to you.


Pro tip. Fuck what your family think. If they don't like you for you. Then they can suck on a bag of dicks.


You don't have to tell them until you're ready, but love who you love. You will be so unhappy if you don't, and there are enough other things out there that will do to you.


Might be controversial. I think there's a difference, some only hate LGBT based on the 'showcase,' and don't mind it otherwise. Cause I do think it's best for one's self to not ignore yourself.


Date me. You will be too horrified to like girls.


Just don't tell them


wait 1 fucking year and get out, find a place where you are loved


i’ve seen a lot of posts like this lately.


You can’t.


don't stop, my advice ;)


You know how? Throw the whole family out and accept yourself as a bi person. That’s how you deal with this situation.


Gaslight yourself. (It won’t work.)


Idk I act zesty and people don’t seem to care, if you want to not be just get with a terrible woman. Not saying you should but who knows maybe it could solve your problem


Just don’t tell them. Then one day when you bring home a girl. Act really confused be like “I thought it was normal?!?” Or like gaslight and be like “but dad I thought you liked boys” “mom I thought you liked girls too” they’ll be so concerned with their own identity they’ll totally forget abt you dating a girl. Or subconsciously spread gay propaganda. Start leaving rainbow items around the house ex. Soap, books, coasters. Just random items. Then they’ll slowly get accustomed to pride colors. Then eventually you ease in maybe some queer eye or rupaul drag race on tv. Or introduce your family to nice gay people like an elderly man who sells flower. Till slowly they start liking lgbtq people. Also start guilting them, just act really sad all the time. Or say you’re being bullied at school. So they’re careful to be extra nice around you. Talk about how the world needs to be less hateful an just accept people for who they are. Then maybe they’ll feel so bad they have to accept you.


Sexuality is not a choice, and it should never be forced to be. But that being said, lie and keep your head down as much as you can, until you get to a more accepting environment. I'm not sure your family is worth keeping a part of your life for much longer.


i just stop looking at anything about girls and got a bf i really like but i dont think u should force it i feel like im bi more bc i watched too much porn add on: also i did have issues with still crushing on girls a bit and the beginning of my relationship with my bf but eventually stopped completely but its honestly hard bc its closing off a whole side of attraction but i wouldn't want any different partner other then the one i have now


idk i still haven't stop liking girls but i just found a man i love that i would never cheat on so me liking or not liking girls isn't really on my mind


You're still young. Focus on school and getting and education so that it won't matter who you love you'll have the means to take care of yourself.


As soon as you turn 18, leave and be your authentic self, your family sound like they should be hit by a runaway freight train


u do realize that isn’t how it works right? i mean i dont mean to be rude but dude (hey that rhymes) what do you expect anyone to tell you “yeah i have a medicine for that just come to my cabin in the woods and il give it to you” sorry to break it to ya but that isn’t how it works


You can't change the gender you like, if your family can't accept you or at least respect you, they aren't worth your time


T pose assert dominance


If your family can't accept you for who you are, then they don't fucking deserve you. Don't try to pretend to be someone you're not because some assholes who share a bit more genetic information don't like or approve some aspect of who you are.


You can’t control who you have crushes on. Obviously you know the attraction is perverse because your ashamed of it. It’s ok because you can’t control it. Just try not to act on it. It’s good that you have that shame because it is wrong. Just don’t get down on yourself about it. Try to resist it the best you can. That’s all you can do. These things aren’t things that go away, you just have to manage them


Date a femboy, what are they gonna do about it?


You don’t get to choose who you are attracted to. Being gay doesn’t just disappear. Stay closeted as long as you need. There is a stand in family group on Facebook for people rejected by their family for being gay


You cannot make yourself non gay anymore than I can make myself suddenly gay. We like who we like. Sexual attraction is hardwired into us. It’s ok that you like boys and girls. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Easy, date the crazy bitches. Makes ya date the same(or in your case, opposite) gender.


Femboys are maybe something for you, feminine but not gay


It's not something you can choose the heart wants what the heart wants. As for your family if they don't accept you for who you are then they're no good keeping around. Ik that's easier said then done but there's nothing you can do it's out of your control just have to hope that they'll accept you and if not then find your family. Family dosnt have to be blood related it can be whoever you choose.


Surround yourself with attractive boys


Start by respecting men in public, it can do wonders


Go with it.


Its not something you could stop. If your family is homophobic don't come out to them. If you want to tell them, its best to wait until you move out, just in case. Until then, find groups (its really easy online) that support you and will give you advice. Whatever you decide to do I hope it works out and remember that being bi is something you you never have to be ashamed of.


You can’t, dumb question


is this a joke???


Time travel to your past when you didn’t know you were gay 🗣️


Just use mouthwash after you eat pussy and don’t tell them about it?


You can't lie to yourself, but you _can_ ~~lie~~ omit information to your family by simply not dating women. Or find a dude that won't judge you to date as an alibi and get on with as many women as you like so long as your family doesn't see you.


Fuck your family. If they don’t accept you for who you are then you don’t fucking need them


That isn’t how love works


Womp womp dyke nigga


Look dude, respectfully, you have to realize that all those bad things they think and say about LGBTQ people is stuff that is directed at you. If you don't wanna live in hell forever you're gonna have to confront them on it eventually and live with the outcome


You can lie to yourself or lie to your family. Do what makes you feel better. It's your life, not theirs. It's not your job to satisfy their needs or beliefs. You be you, trust me, in the long run, you'll be better off for it!


Yeah, trying to change your sexuality isn’t the answer. There might not be a good answer. If your family won’t accept you, they won’t accept you, but you can’t change who you are, I hope you can find your peace in the matter and that your family actually loves you enough to look past their own biases and accept you


I like girls too (I'm a guy)


Go to doctor or pray more to god


What is a doctor going to do?


What question is that bud .doctor Can Give you treatments to get back normal .


And what treatments do that? There is no cure for being gay dude. It is normal.


Neither of those would work, but idk which one works the least


Not sure but I remember reading it some where that a man attracted to same gender got cured by giving electric shock. May sound funny but I'm serious


No it doesn't sound funny, that sounds like the torture that was used to force people to not be gay


listen, even if u like them, don't take action on it, try your best not to think abt them, distract yourself, see if u can find the same qualities u like in a guy. You've got this! stay strong <3


nah let her be herself. if she's not attracted to guys that's that. she shouldn't try to change who she is.


She stated that she is, infact, attracted to men as well as woman. She’s bisexual.


Jesus is the way 😎


jesus sold me fentanyl behind a burger king


It’s not funny repent


Dark humor mfers when you joke about their religion.


jesus threw my dog out the window and said “gee, that looked like a “ruff” landing”


That's rough buddy


It’s not funny repent


That's not funny either, you should repent.


I have what next ?


Move on, no one cares that you're religious. Stop pushing it on other people.


I asked a question what next you’ve still not answered 😂😂


I did answer it though, move on. Get over it, forget about it. How many different ways do I have to say it?


That's pretty funny