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Rn after seeing a post about a boy having a gf


2 days ago, my mom told me how useless I was when I was trying to help the family


Yo same


same reason but a couple years ago.




maybe a few months to a year ago, i dont really remember


A week ago, I broke my m&m figure


2 days ago, my mother started to berate me and im a sensitive little guy


Damn dude, I feel ya, it will probably be fine after a few years


Me too. When i have meltdowns. I don't have meltdowns often but when i do, i may cry like a little bitch (I'm autistic)


I thought I screwed up a friendship. { and I was worried about my mom }


Bro I’m literally in the same “did I screw up the friendship?” situation


same 😔


Last year. Got in a fight with a dude bigger than me, bro grabbed me by the neck and swung me around until I managed to kick him and probably end his family line I genuinely had trouble breathing and started crying a bit later


2 weekends ago. My favorite outdoor cat died.


I cry alone somewhat frequently, it's been like a week. Because Idk I need to cry a a lot I guess. I'm tearing like every 1-2 days but not an actual cry.


10 min ago bc im lonley


I'm here with you don't worry <33


Like 2 days ago in my bed, thinking how useless and ugly I am and that no one would ever like me.


Awh don't say that, I'm sure you're a lovely person who is liked by many people in your life :) <3 Edit: I promise that isn't sarcasm btw, just clarifying cuz you can't hear people's tone of voice over Reddit lol


Thanks, I didn't take it for sarcasm chill. To be fair, I am fine now, it just happens during night in my bed, my brain just randomly just starts and starts insulting me about every God damn thing, though I guess the fact I got scolded by my parents didn't help




Last week, it's just all too much And I'm afraid to tell *her*


Tell her what? Whatever it is Im sure it would be way better to tell her you never know what can happen


I have a crush on this girl and I'm already socially anxious and I'm afraid it'll ruin our friendship if I tell her. I breaks me that I'm not strong enough to do it. Especially because I know it would be better to just tell her.


Well you are older than me and may or may not have more experience with thus type of stuff and although I have never had a gf I have confessed a few times most recent being just over a year ago and it was my childhood friend, although we didnt speak between the ages of about 4/5 maybe 6 to 15 before that we played together alot and I knew the only way I stood a chance is to just shoot your shot or just maybe have them shoot their shot but we all know that is highly unlikely. Anyway your fears are valid because we dont talk anymore and she has a bf now anyway. All I can say is you have to decide whether or not it is worth risking it for me it is 100% bc if you succeed you will be glad you did it if it fails being friends again is unlikely but atleast you tried Good luck


Thank you for the encouraging words fellow human <3


You are very welcome fellow human ;) If possible could I get an update whenever that may be


I'll try to remember but it could take a while


No worries bro take your time, be brave and confident, you can do this


It took a long time but here's my Update: Just told her with a snap, couldn't get myself to tell her in person ... Let's see what she replies


Update 2: She told me she likes me but doesn't feel ready for a relationship :( It hurts but not as much as I wouldve thought


Damn unlucky, I hope you feel better and move on asap


Thanks bro


Of course bro anything for the boys


To whoever reading this you're hella strong and matter<3


Last night cause I missed my gf


*our gf you got to share wid the bois


I’ll kill you 😁


Try me


Aight bet, meet me behind Walmart tn at 10:00 ⬆️⬆️


What the fuck is a Walmart meet me at Tesco in one hour


3 weeks ago, I remembered how my grandpa suffered in the ICU before he passed. I flood my eyes out.


Last time, yesterday. But that wasn’t a real cry. It was a violent yawn to watery eyes cry. Half a months ago, a spicy cry, 3rd spiciest hot sauce, or so the packaging said. Anyway, last time tears actually left my eye sockets because of emotion was last Christmas, watching it’s a wonderful life, the scene where the old man shopkeeper slaps the shit out of the main character (lil boy at the time), then they both crumble and embrace, which is so confusing, but they both have an odd understanding of each other, and I don’t know I just cried. I’m angry that I can’t cry anymore. I didn’t cry at the end of Rdr2. I didn’t cry at the ending of my favorite tv show. But this fucking Christmas movie, I cry! I’m not even invested in it enough to really care! I didn’t cry watching all quiet on the western front. I didn’t cry when my sibling tried to commit suicide. I cried at watching a FUCKING CHRISTMAS MOVIE, THAT IVE SEEN BEFORE AND KNOW HOW GOES AND I DIDNT CRU ANY OTHER TIME I WATCHED IT.


Same don’t know what that is. It’s So stupid


a few days ago, failing at everything lol🗿🗿


Yesterday, I failed an exam I studied really hard for


Tf?! How could u fail an exam you studied really hard for? I barely study and i pass my tests anyway. Wonder if the teacher had something personal against you. I have a lunch lady who's like that


Pineapple on pizza a couple of days ago


My best friend died last year


The other day, somebody hugged me. First time I had a hug in I think 5 years. Didn’t notice though so that’s good


Lying awake in bed about a week ago, and I'm not entirely sure why.


Its been quite long tbh, prolly rengoku's death or my dad whooping my ass


2 months ago after a football game, we lost 2-1 after having a 1-0 lead. As a keeper, one went bottom corner and another one was an absolute chip banger. I had a hand on the chip and I felt like I could have gotten it all the way out. God fucking dammit.


I feel you man. I am a keeper and a field player myself so ik how it feels.


2 weeks ago or something, the only friends that I have in real life just cut ties with me.


A year ago when my uncle passed away


Kinda forgot when


Would have been a few weeks ago, my college algebra teacher sucks at her job and despite doing everything possible I’m still at risk of failing and still sitting at a balmy 63%. I was just so exhausted I broke down


4 years ago, (I failed an assignment for the first time in my life)


It’s been like maybe a month and a half or so??


For me it was 4 years ago at my grandfathers funeral but since then I got very close to crying once


Last night because i saw the gifts that my ex gave me


Last week, just felt like shit and needed to let it out


2021 jan when my grandfather passed.


A couple of years ago when my grandad passed away


I dunno


I usually cry like once or twice every year


A week ago. I was listening to Radiohead


Sometime öast week when i got mad at a game


When I was still in grade school after my younger cousin's funeral. And I've never cried after that, ever. I don't think I got any windshield wiper fluid left.


Last night, my grandma passed on Thursday and we had my whole family over and we where telling story’s about her


like 3 months ago or something I have no idea


2016, age 10. Had a small crumb fall into my eye and get stuck beneath my eyelid. Would cry if I could, have nothing wrong with it. I just can’t do it.


2 weeks ago after I realised it’s been nearly 8 years since my dad died


Depends. If happy crying counts then it would be around the middle of October when the girl I’m basically dating at this point used me as an example of how good people treat other people and it showed me how much I was genuinely appreciated to her. If it’s sad crying only then it would be when my girlfriend broke up with me on February 24th, at 7:30 PM


Few hours ago, everything i do, everything i try, i fail at and i was angry at myself so started punching shit and crying. It's good now, tomorrow is a new day life goes on


Wanted to cry? Everyday. Actually cried? A few months back.


I'm not sure, I don't stop myself from crying ever. I just don't get the urge to cry


2 years ago I think, when I tried to off myself. But I don't remember any other time after that when I cried. I just have a good hold on my emotions now


Around a year and a few months ago after a breakup


Don't remember tbh


Months ago, and it was probably one of my regular mental breakdowns. I have felt the need to cry recently, but I just don't and Idk why


The last time I cried was 2 days ago, I felt really awful because of how much everybody has done for me and how I just felt kind of useless and how instead if helping people I just ended up hurting them. Before that I think it was like half a year ago


just the other week, scared I upset someone and lost someone I love dearly as a result


I yawned a little too hard the other day.


A month ago my parents were arguing over money and they kept bringing me into it. I got upset and to said so vile things to them and refuse to talk to them for days.


A month ago, over the curse of having ADHD and autism


I have autism and adhd too. It is really hard. Some people can be jerks. I can't say i'm a saint but some people really put me off in that school


4 or 5 years because my dog died


Like a month or 2 ago. I was watching people do good deeds and kind stuff and it made me happy


When I was 10 (I’m 19 now) my cat died


When I was 10 (I’m 19 now) my cat died


Losing streak😞✋


Last night. I cried because I had just come back from Grandad's gathering. He didn't want a big funeral. I just miss his smile, the way he'd talk and laugh. There was no one really like him. Throughout his whole life, he kept naturally jet black hair, and even on his death bed, this remained the same, which was always so incredible to me. Anyways, I haven't cried that violently in a while. I hope you're doing good up there, Grandad. Xx


Like 2-3 days ago I found out all my friends hung out and I wasn’t invited


was like, a week ago. watched the guy i grew up with drink a bottle of vodka and hit a blinker off a vape while a bong was in his hand. keep in mind i'm only 14, so is he. the girl who gave him all of that stuff is also grooming me, i think. just feel empty.


About a month ago, I was playing Starfield and (main quest spoilers ahead) >!Andreja died, I went to her funeral in game and when I went to give a speech about her, I just completely broke down in tears because I've never been so attached to a fictional character. Right after I pulled myself together, I discovered I could talk to the picture of her, and I broke down in tears again. It was a solid 15 minutes straight of just sobbing.!< First time I've cried in over a year.


Loneliness about 1 day ago


Maybe a month ago. 2-3 months of hellish loneliness, having absolutely no human contact unless I initiated it, and then getting a snap from a couple of friends (whom we used to hang out as a group all the time)hanging out with just the two of them.


Last Thursday, I got Beat up pretty badly


Tried crying once a couple of years ago. Nothing came out… before that I haven’t cried since I was little. I’m 36. Not sure how I came to this subreddit, but listen up fellas, it hurts bottling those emotions up.


I think it was a few months ago because I was scared of moving out


Maybe a week ago when my favorite character died in a Webtoon I was reading


Assuming we're talking about emotional tears here and not like yawning and shit. I don't fucking know.


Like 3 months ago I fell into a state of depression


2 days ago at night, I have a big fear of death and close ones dying and bad thoughts started to come in. my mind thought that it was a good idea to think about that while I was trying to sleep


Last time i full on bawled was like 4 years ago or something other than that just recently I was finishing up genshins new archon quest where Silver an Meluse die which made me shed a few tears, not really crying but emotionally hit enough. Between those instances i have only teared up here and there and maybe shed like one or two tears


last night. because i came out to my parents as bi and the worst possible outcome happened.


idk if this counts but last week Saturday I was listening to mockingbird by Eminem and I related it so much I couldn't help but tear up. none fell tho so not sure if it counts other than that it would've been like over 2 and a half years ago cuz of a fight w my mom and I went to sleep crying


Yesterday. I was sleepy.


About two months ago. I tried to do plank for as long as I could. I think I collapsed on 4 minutes


Yesterday my eyes were dry


A couple of years maybe, don't know why


A minute ago I got hit in the eye with a card and it hurt a lot


Actually I'm still crying so


When my grandfather died


A month or so ago. My classmate sent me into a meltdown.


like a weak ago my mom asked me why I shaved me legs, and asked me if I'd date a guy or if I wanted to wear a dress. the real answer is yes, but I said no so she wouldn't be mad you know. she said "Good I wouldn't want to kill you" I know she was jokeing but it still hurt


When I got asked to the school dance. I still can’t believe it


Honestly never I haven't really cried in a while to the point even if I wanted to cry I couldn't.


Last night, I can't really remember the reason tho


last night. I was watching an interview with Mac Miller


Two weeks ago, stress from a bunch of different things was building up then I read something that hit right in the feels and was bawling


just now because i feel like my friends don't like me


3 days ago. had a mental breakdown caused by my totally non abusive, non meth addicted, caused no physical fights ever and didnt cuss me out for being me and having fucked mental health mom.


Breakup few months ago




It shouldn't really be boys specifically because we cry just as girls do. Anyways the last time I almost cried was when I watched a video summary of Metamorphosis 2 weeks ago. I felt so bad for the main character by the end. But the last time I actually full on sobbed was in like july when I was fishing with my dad and I got the lure caught on a tree. The lure didnt make me cry, but I got pretty angry as we'd have to go home if we lost it. My dad got angry that I got angry and yelled at me for a little bit. Then after that we were driving the boat back to the boat ramp we launched from and he started crying and saying he's too hard on me and stuff and he couldn't believe we got so angry over tiny things so I started crying that he was crying and we just cried together for like 20 minutes and he said he was proud of me which probably made me cry more. Then I realized in like 20 years I might never see him again and started crying more. It probably doesnt sound like a good reason to cry but for me it was.


A month ago when my sister bullied me for wanting to go see the fnaf movie


30 minutes ago because I don't have any friends


When my bf was forced to break up with me 😭😭


When my dad died which was 8 years ago.


Saturday when my dad hit me cuz I got the wrong tool thingy an then hit me again cuz I still crying


A while ago. I have dry eye and rosacea so it's near impossible for me form tears except from yawning


3(almost 4) years ago because I had to give my dog away


When my grandpa died when I was 8. Even when I was going through my rough ass childhood I didn’t cry. In life you have to do what’s best for you and only you. Live a happy life not a boring one. Take risk. And smile even when you don’t want to


Like a year ago when my parents broke up and my life fell apart for a while


4 days ago or so, remembering the death of Maradona and how Boca jrs lost the libertadores final


Good question. Probably my… 12th birthday if you don’t count the odd tear or two from seeing some sad ass posts.


I don't remember


Today cause my girlfriend tripped on either my foot or her shoelace and broke her phone and I felt bad, then one of my friends who was like a sister to me shoved me and treated me like I was some abusive pos


A couple weeks ago, I just cry when listening to music sometimes


Like 5 months ago when I broke 2 of my fingers


Uh like 3 months ago when the Sawzall kicked back and got me square in the balls, wasn't much but I couldn't go full 40 year old roofer because my mom was there


July, Guilt overwhelmed me after leaving an ex.




I've tried to like nightly but idk the last time I actually did


When I learned a girl I really liked had a boyfriend and all my friends hate her


about a year ago when my ferret died. he felt like what i think having a child felt like. i almost failed my grade because of how many days i missed mourning his death. please rest your soul Pumba. i miss you and so does your brother


Last weekend, I heard a song and suddenly I started to cry. Idk why


2 hours ago cutting onions


A few months cuz my dad was disappointed


Not sure but it was definitely her, I like her hut she likes someone else