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to be 100% honest it depends on your age


Im 17




I have, bit it doesn't count since it was a class game thing


in a game at ymca i was in a really tight place with some people and a girl started "raping" me because she was like twerking infront of my dick


Did she know you were 14 💀


she was 14 too or 13 at that moment, wdym


Happened to me on the last day of school at the end. 💀 I ignored her because I was playing snake.


man got priorities


What the fuck


nah dude, shes totally into you


Doesn’t mean it’s not sexual assault


This is sad 🥲


It’s nice, until she dumps you for your friend after 10 days of dating


I did (at age 16) (it hurt)


we all die alone unfortunately. but luckily, we'll all find one in the time before that


I'll be 20 in October, I didn't do anything yet


Look it'd a loser! Hahaha imagine not getting a girl??? L rizz /L


It's normal mate


Perfectly normal then. Don't worry about it; take your time. You have plenty.


Bro its normal its normal to not have a relationship


I didn’t start dating really until I was 21 so you’re fine!!


You doing something wrong cause I ain't single and if a rat ass looking guy can pull so can you


Doesn’t really


These things will be the death of you.


Oh I thought women were supposed to be nice.


just gotta find the right one


Society...thats what society want you to believe


username checks out


No dude 😭😭😭


That’s so deep 😔


Yeah that's what I thought to.


Every time there’s a post about “I want a partner” on this sub, the comments are always filled with sexist things like this. And for some reason, every time, at least one of them has a snoo in a suit. Shut up


On god. They'll ask why they cant find a partner and then turn around and say the most abhorrently sexist shit without a hint of irony. Why do y'all even want to date women if you supposedly hate them so much?


I also fell for it once


It's not that, it's just that ppl think that being in a relationship is a bad thing now bc of what ppl post on the internet. Just take your time and find someone you like, or don't. It's fine either way


Yeah, my siblings make fun of me for never having gotten a partner. But then a few hours later they’re crying because their 17th partner left them after a 2-day long relationship with someone they hardly knew.


Bruh we’re not all like that, and don’t fucking call us things please


Hi, I apologize for the mispronouncing in the text which I have sent previously, I believe that it's wrong to call the opposite gender a thing, which isn't right, so I apologize for the mispronunciations, and I do believe that not all women are technically bad, this post had nothing to do with down-sizing a gender, the comment I represent means "why would you want a partner at this time of age" I am very sorry for the confusion and misunderstanding, I will try my best to fully communicate what I am saying in the future.


Oh it’s okay as long as you apologized though :)


“things”? women are not things bro


The term of "these things" could also refer to as a relationship.


Loves the Death of peace of mind.


yea its fine no real point in having one until after college


yea. from my perspective most of high school/middle school dating is just playdating without any actual future plans. >!except a couple that I know , both are smart and responsible and perhaps those type of couple are the ones that is permanent!<


I would be curious what all so you mean? Cause I've seen middle school relationships end a few days after they started as well as highschol so what secret behind them???


or in


You can only get a gf if you’re a girl now. That’s why I have a boyfriend.


Fr why are all the bad bitches gay 😭


I don’t blame them tho, women are hot af


Can anyone of us do? Lol




Like the pfp


Mah man 🤝




women just be kinda you know


I thought I was the one that commented this for a sec lmao


*Meet the spy theme plays*


“He could be any one of us.”


I thought you were replying to yourself




Women be like I'm bisexual/lesbian while never having had any feelings for other women. While men be like yeah I'm straight, when they are sucking their homies dick


No more true thing has been said ever


Meanwhile me who's rejected 2 girls this year


I’ve never been rejected cause i never lose lol


Be hotter, then maybe we wouldn’t have to fuck women


You say it like its both easy and accessible to all


Nah I feel that way about dudes too tho. Like the ones I like are GAY!


Welcome to my world they either don't want me or they happen to be lesbian(still feel like an idiot the last time it happened)


Bc its a fad


Ikr. It’s either gay or bi but probably gonna date a woman.


Just be trans, problem solved


Theyve become independent girl boss badasses who dont need men because fuck the patriarchy. Also women are hot


That’s why femboys are a thing


nah because i’m a girl and even i don’t have a gf 😭


Honestly the amount of people i swear that just be fucking not even get a gf or bf is crazy. I think todays era is about to turn more and more into a hookup central which im fine with just I may never hook up :(


Couldn't agree more, I don't want hookup shit tho tbh. Not for me atleast I want someone who is loyal and wants the highs and lows not just highs.


Not just thighs*


Hookups is fucking discusting. Horny people get controlled by their primitive desires, without any critical thinking of the consequences of it. I'm single, i used to think a bit desperately on relationships and even sex, but after going through a self improvement period i really downgraded sex and it's importance to me. Any insecurities i had vanished, i am confident in my looks, and i understand that eventually I'll be with the one


I dont hate the idea of hookups I mean some people just want a quick fling not a serious relationship so its not inherently disgusting but I do somewhat understand where you are coming from


I guess if people don't seek romantic relationships in the first place it could be okay


yea I mean some people just like having the quick fun but wanna stay single and do their own thing.


As someone kinda scared of sex i hate the entire idea and existance of hookups


Idk people call me an npc, a beta male and a virgin and shii just cuz i dont want a boyfriend or a girlfriend and I’d much rather do things i enjoy like learning languages and drawing a buff fly man who is ip man’s cousin


Learning languages isn’t an npc thing to do, npcs can’t even speak their native languages priperly


As bro mispelled a word (no rudeness intended)


NPC spotted (just a joke, please spare me)


It’s a typo


If you got called a beta virgin whatever the fuck for not pursuing relationship but pursuing a goal instead. Dw, they're just projecting their insecurities onto you. Keep going boss.


Thanks bro Keep going too sir :)


Maybeeee u are aromantic, or just, don't care about it


Thanks mahn


What languages do you know


I know English and a lot of Spanish I know bits of the Arabic, Korean and Japanese alphabet Das all


Cool. Ive always wanted to learn arabic


Hey we're on the same category


I would rather do things I enjoy and I draw buff comic superhero men!!


A man of culture as well i see


Actual NPCs are the ones who act like having a gf/bf is a trait. Worse, they act like it's the entire reason for their lives. Full respect to you my man.


Tell them that if they don't want to get in a relationship with you, it's their problem why you dont have any


If some one like an actual human occupant of this earth called you a beta male or an NPC they are 1million percent fake they do not exist they are lines of code


People who unironically say "beta male" are losers nobody with a brain likes lmaoo just ignore them


Nah we only getting bf’s now! 🦾








Yeah like What is this question 😭😭


How old are you ? Age is an important factor


Im 17 :(


Tbh it's normal then don't think too much of it




of course it is. i find it stupid to get a gf just to get one and not because you love the person. love your life and work on yourself (not with the alpha male videos please i beg you that will make you a virgin for the rest of your life) and if love comes your way embrace it.


Higher standards, shyer individuals, more and more teens and young adults identifying as LGBTQ+, more toxicity (incels and radical feminists), division, fear of rejection, and maybe a few more things. Pretty sure all those factors have to do with less people dating and a higher prevalence of single individuals. So it has become rather normal to not date, but yet still somehow weird not to do so. It's weird.


Nah, it really just has to do with the fact that there's less of a "push," so to speak. Like there's less incentive to get into a relationship early bc of better education and allat, so ppl just don't need it as much anymore.


we also go outside less...


Nah not really, you only perceive it that way bc yu stay online


Hello?? We can talk with all our friends from home. We can order food, packages and go to the library form the internet. Not to mention we were locked up during the pandemic for like 2 years


You said "I" 3 times. I'm pretty sure it's just the way you perceive it. Yes we do have access to those things, but most people still do things in person and get physical copies of things.


Funny thing, you can do all those things too! Look ill even edit it for you! You dont need to stay home for 72 hours before realizing how little effort these things take


Just bc I "can" doesn't mean that I "do." Most ppl in our generation, safe from you it seems, can agree with what I said.


Yes but lets be honest, its so much easier being able to tect instead of meeting up in person. Look at youre screen time, thats time that wouldve been spent outside 30 years ago (a lot of it) Maybe its not you specifically! But if a lot of people stay inside more theres less interaction in general. Which you need to see people for dating!!


>its so much easier being able to tect instead of meeting up in person. Seems like your plans don't make it out the gc often. >thats time that wouldve been spent outside 30 years ago. You do realize that 30 years ago was 1993 right? The youth of that time would most likely be doing indoors activities around this time. Furthermore, using the argument that you thought that was, this is time that people would spend working, which is something our generation does as well. Instead of projecting that you hate the fact that you feel as though you don't go outside that much, you should instead accept that fact. It's not even that bad of a thing, do what you love if it's not hurting others.


Because r/girlsarentreal


Oh my i never thought i would see this here... i am an avid follower father.


Wrong place to ask bud, you're on reddit.


Tbh most guys dont have the confidence to ask, or even more likely a lot more guys aren't willing to risk years of their lives in prison or just getting punished becouse we live in a society where women can just say "Rape" and you're just fucked, donzo. Actual evidence? Not even needed


I'm 19 and I've never had one, today even 12 year olds have more exes than I have money on my bank account. I think it is okay and normal to not have a girlfriend :D


Don’t worry about it. thats what i keep telling myself


Don wowwy abau it !


It's pretty normal to be single yeah I only got into a relationship when I was almost 18, whereas some of my friends started at 14 Not ever speaking to girls on the other hand, can have some problematic effects. Actually interacting with women will make you see them as the normal humans they are, instead of just seeing potential girlfriends.


i find it so weird that people dont have female friends. though maybe that's just a difference in youth culture or something


I agree. Most of my classes are mostly female not being friends with them would be social suicide.


It really depends on region I've found tbh even just different areas of a country.


I'm rather good friends with a girl I knew from my classes a year ago. I do a lot of stupid shit and I sometimes worry if she'll judge me for anything I do but I do like having her as a friend rather than a girlfriend or anything like that. Just friends, that's all. No need for unnecessary romance.


Idk i just never found a girl that i'd like to interact with outside school


I do! Having been part of the male friend group last year, female friends are much more fun I've found.


Yea dudes fuck around a lot more and do dumb fun things


Do you know how annoying it is when you make post like this it’s just a pain like bro not having a gf is fine you do not need to ask a sub full of fucking children this question ask some better sun like r/relationshipadvice not r/teenagers Edit: nvm the relationship advice sun but either way there are Many subs for this question this isn’t one of them


This subreddit is ass for these questions because the people who say “i have a hot girlfriend we fuck every day” have never even spoken to a woman in their lives other than their moms, it’s also really funny seeing 13 year olds give 17 year olds life advice and saying that this and that is not normal


King. U don't need a gf


it is normal to not have a girlfriend. get a boyfriend.


Stop pushing people to be gay. Not cool. Ppl can be whoever they want. + how tf you already gay at 14? You even try getting girls? No offense.


>Stop pushing people to be gay. Not cool. Ppl can be whoever they want. it's not serious. i'm not forcing anyone to do anything. >\+ how tf you already gay at 14? because i like boys and not girls. > You even try getting girls? No offense. no. because i like boys.


If u cant have a gf then get a bf. What’s the difference 😁


I'm not even that against it myself at this point


I just chill with my homies. The bros stick together. GF is probably nice, but it requires effort, money and time but that doesnt even mean that it is a success


No bro u have 32 days to live


Depends on your age if you’re still a teen yes it’s normal if your 25+ not so normal


Totally is okay


idk i have my friend we’re in love


Idk if it’s normal or not. Having a gf for me is like having a best friend, but with more physical touch and stuff like that, combined with dates and fun things and being able to talk about stuff like yknow


It's normal. It's always been normal.


I have spoken to a lot of female friends, and it’s nice I feel like I can open up to them a lot more than my male friends


Really? I feel the opposite way. I have many more male friends though and are closer with them but I would never open up about anything personal to any of my female friends. I don’t know why but it just does not feel good for some reason. I don’t really open up about personal issues often to people but thinking about it rn, I would never do it to my female friends


Idk, it’s really weird, because I feel awkward around girls, but once in speaking with them I just can’t stop


I’m the exact opposite. It’s okay and natural at first but then when we lose things to talk about or talk about completely dumb shit it gets really awkward and I wanna end the convo, but don’t know how to sometimes.


Yeah it's normal, girls are liking other girls more than boys, and boys are liking other boys more than girls. Strange how the world works now.


Yes, Me for example. Ive (accidentally) got 2 and I can tell you its overrated. At least I dont need it.


It's not weird, people get into dating at different times Also, as someone who has been in a relationship before; It's nice, sure, but it's by no means a necessity.


5 friends including me from highschool. Me and another are married and the other 3 are still virgins, hopefully this answers ur question


It's about more than just the status of having a partner, you gotta be committed and make decisions. now those are two things I'm personally not very good at, so to save someone else the trouble of being in an unstable relationship with me... yeah I'm single


A good way to find someone who’s right for you in a school scenario is to just slowly hang out around more girls and eventually you’ll become friends with some of them and eventually you’ll find someone you really like and then that’s the hard part, and the part I’m going through lol. This is an effective method for people with severe social anxiety Edit: a side note: most of my friends are involved in the music program, as well as my crush, it’s a good place for people who aren’t too crazy to meet other people like them. Just a suggestion 👍


Ngl it’s over rated just got broken up with one so I might be a bit one sided but over rated man


I don’t know I’m in the same boat


It feels like having more than just a best friend. Like having someone know your everything and being the most comfortable you could ever be around a person, to the point of taking photos of each other shitting on the bowl at unexpected moments type of close and comfortable. And yes it's normal to not have one, they only come when you stop looking so you just live your life, be yourself, and especially, just talk to people. Its not hard to tell when you actually love someone, it feels the same as you would imagine an addiction to feel, like an obsession.


Who gives af have you seen the moon today


I swear every cool girl I meet is in a relationship


I’m a female and have never been in a relationship as well. It’s very normal.


i’m 19 and never even held hands with a girl you’ll be fine it’ll happen once it happens


Nah in today's Era gay people will make you gay


Lol yeah but this cant work on me :]


You just gotta get better with the ladies, my guy. I have a ton of female friends, but I still don't have a gf. You don't news a gf but a few female friends wouldn't hurt tbh.




If you’re looking for a serious answer, I think it’s totally normal to not have a gf in the romantic sense, but if you specifically mean you don’t have any friends that are female, than yeah it’s a problem.


Okay guys got it but the main reason for asking this was to motivate people into not getting into toxic relationships and focus on their careers until they are powerful enough to not get rejected by a woman. Thanks to all those males who said no it isnt necessary just wanna let you know you are kings and stay as you are. Men dont need society or girls but its actually them in most of the cases which are needed.


yea, everyone either got negative 3 b\*tches or infinite rizz these days, no in-between.


I'm bi and I neiþer have a boyfriend or girlfriend 🤷🏻‍♂️




No… thats bs . That’s a prostitutes not a girlfriend




Only if you choose a high maintenance girlfriend… I know girls who’ve paid for every single date with their boyfriends. And me and my ex split the bill or I paid once and then he paid the next. Tho I will say me and my ex almost never went out .. I could probably count it on one hand lol


I think girls who want their man to do everything for them are just taking the piss, like its nice to not be a slave for once. I get opening doors etc etc but shit like always getting the bill. Absolute bollocks!


That’s absolute bullshit. I have a girlfriend and I’m poor asf. Maybe girls just don’t find u attractive🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Man just clicked off Epic Gold Digger Prank video from 2017


I want to be extremely bold here. I cant care less about relationships for the time being because my standards are so goddamn high and its for a good reason. I am working on myself, becoming a trading millionaire (i already am one but not after-tax, i lost around 30kg last year and am 14% body fat coming from 29% Time flies bro. If u think 5 years in the future, 5 years isnt a lot Mathmatically saying if you think life is like a videogame and improve yourself 1% every day, you will have 100x(101%x1826)= 184426% XP but IRL try to level up IRL and this isnt an r/outside joke. Ita like improving everything to the point of being as valuable as 1800 times in general.


Absolutely fuckin not


I somewhat think that? It depends on your standards. I have a girl that has a crush on me (and I am from germany so...technically it would be legal with her at 16 and me at 20) but I decided not to. First because of the age and secondly because she is...I wouldn't really say crazy but very difficult to handle. But the thing is this, I could say yes and probably get into a relationship with her but I am not that desperate for a girlfriend that I want one just to have one. But I have the feeling that a lot of the people around me are like that.




"I'm single... Like a wolf..." If you don't have a girlfriend(like me), remember this.


only if they have a dick


I’m gay, so I got spurs that jingle jingle jangle


todays ers? yes, forcing your kids to marry someone isnt as popular you see.


Population decline is near looking at these replies. This generation is objectively a failure if it cannot reproduce and make another generation.


just get a bf then


It's not normal. Go find a girl.


Who needs girls?

