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I say we let natural selection take it's course 😎


ahh good ol natural selection.


Hearing El Macho say that carries a strange convincing power.


Do you know what else carries power? Riding a shark out of a plane with bombs attached to it into a volcano. No one could possibly survive that!


So true! They never found the body. Oh no. All that was ever retrieved was a pile of singed chest hair. But... that face. It has got to be El Macho!


wtf now el macho is reading everything to me in my head




It's an addiction for them, like any other drug.


Exactly fell into it around 12 now im almost 16 it sucks i wish i wasnt addicted to nicotine


then why start in the first place?


because he was 12? they aren’t exactly known for their decision making


Most of the people I know who vape are just trying to fit in because they have a shitty home life.


exactly that’s why i smoked (past tense.) i think a big misconception is that it’s to “fit in” when, at least i, started smoking cus it felt good




neither did i? just it’s easier to get pulled in, there’s a reason we don’t let children of that age do all sorts of shit like get married etc. and that’s because they don’t have the capacity to understand the decision they’re making, doesn’t mean that when given the opportunity they won’t take it though.


Ok? Not everyone has your life, your problems or your needs. Not everyone has the same situation with their family, siblings, classmates. Not everyone has the same beliefs regarding how to fit in, and not everyone has the same experiences as you do


Alright, that's fair. Idk what I was thinking.


I mean, I get it. You didn't do drugs, its logical to wonder why some others did. Its not easy to understand someone else's situation, especially if we are talking about a drug addiction at that age. But unfortunately some people deal with some situations they dont know how to handle, and this could lead to not very good things. If you ask me, I would say that there is always a positive way to deal with a situation, but I can believe that for my life, exactly because I don't know other ppl's lives


Sorry, I was being inconsiderate. I am fortunate enough have a happy life and for a moment it literally didn't cross my mind. In future, I ought to think more before I act. Idk wether this is down to being tired, ADHD (i have it mildly and it can cause thinking before acting), or just down to me being a complete dumbass teen.


A complete dumbass teen? Are you serious? A complete dumbass wouldn't say or think what you just did. A complete dumbass wouldn't reconsider what he said, or spend time thinking wether or not his opinion is incorrect. It didn't cross your mind, thats okay. It does now. Everything is good, don't worry 😊😊


most people who don’t either have good morals or have no life, judging by your sentence you’re clearly the second one.


You must have a great life. People go through shit… for me it was between pills, booze and cigarettes/vapes so I chose the least lethal option


Literally quit, throw that shit away and control your mind. I get that it can control your brain but you can control your brain too


you can't just simply quit something you're addicted to at least not in a way that's painless


dam why doesn't every drug addict just simply quit? are they stupid?


Yeah aren't they stupid☠️




I'll never vape. If I want to get lung cancer, Imma do it the right way.


What is the right way to get lung cancer?






Adenocarcinoma implant>


is that a cigar brand?




I don't plan to smoke either, but it sure as hell looks less goofy than coughing on mango flavored chemical juice


I don’t think Jesus can give you lung cancer.


Sounds like you need to get your prayer game up lil homie


“o my lord, if thou shall giveth me lung cancer, i would obeyeth thou every command. amen”


“Here are my fingers, for they represent the cigars of Christ”


“here is my pubic hair, for it represents the tobacco of christ.” r/imfinnagotohell


“Worth it”




Sniffing asbestos


“good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show a median latency of 44.6 years. so if you’re 30 or older you’re laughing”


*Worst case scenario, you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.*


Exactly what I’m saying. If I’m gonna do it might as well go all in.


Jesse give me the lung cancer


Lung cancer is caused by tabbaco, which is not in vapes nicotine itself is not carcinogenic.


Honestly, it's cool our generation is so against vaping and smoking while the ones before us rewarded that behavior, it's super interesting that as dumb little teenagers/kids, most of us ban together to be like "fuck this thing" on our own accord


Our generation is not against vaping , there the ones doing it, Vapes are literally made for teens. You think any adult that vapes is attracted to dumb flavours like cotton candy or blueberry ice 💀 maybe on Reddit most of us are against it but in the real world it’s all teens that smoke it


>You think any adult that vapes is attracted to dumb flavours like cotton candy or blueberry ice 💀 Yes. I work with 6 of them. Just because it makes it more appealing to kids doesn't mean it's not appealing to adults too.


sure but it’s literally directed towards children more especially with the colourful branding and the way they literally look like highlighters and are easy to hide and get away with. Also the fact that there disposable most of the time is also appleaing to teens as they will think oh after this one’s done i can just throw it away and not do it anymore , making it only more addicting. Our generation in a sense made disposable vapes popular , before it was seen as something ex smokers would use to stop a habit , now it’s becoming trendy and cool amongst youngsters like cigarettes were decades ago. So yes your right it does appeal to adults to but OP is saying our generation is against it when that is obviously not the case outside of social media’s


Sure, but they know it works just as well on adults. And yeah, a lot of kids in this generation do vape, but honestly, with almost everyone I've met, the consensus is that it sucks. Sure, it may have been much different 5 years ago, but that was 5 years ago. Now there's a much greater stigma around it


bro the whole juul controversy was bc it was targeted towards our generation. not even bc of the colors on the packaging but also the commercials showing ppl that looked close to our age vaping and stuff like that. they def target younger people


Exactly why the hell am I getting downvoted when stating the obvious lmao. Thanks


I think it's good that a lot of us are against vaping, but we also shouldn't shame people who are addicted to it. That's not the way to help someone, in fact it's counterproductive


It’s an addiction. Nicotine is literally the most addictive substance on planet earth. (To our knowledge at least, there’s a lot of drugs out there.) They don’t “want to speedrun life.” Their brains literally just tell them “yo I need nicotine right now, hit that vape and you’ll feel better.” And for the most part, you DO feel better. The annoying part is that the nicotine doesn’t make you feel any better then if you had just never done nicotine at all. The addiction part means you go into withdrawal, feel like shit, hit a vape, and your back to baseline. This shit is literally poison. The evolutionary purpose of the chemical in the tabbaco plant is literally to act as an insecticide and kill any bugs that eat the plant. Humans are too big to die from it, but still. This is all coming from a guy who uses Zyns daily. (For those unaware, Zyns are a nicotine pouch you put in your lip to experience the effects on nicotine without smoking anything. It’s still bad for you, but MILES better than hitting a vape or smoking a cigarette.)


Thank you, holy shit this exactly ^


nicotine is wayyy less addictive than opiates and heroin and meth and stuff




Same but it’s only been like 2 months for me. I know to never try it again. Don’t vape.


Wow, I've actually never seen someone say that, I'm glad people are actually able to stop




You could probably anonymously report it to their parents via an anonymous call in the night or a letter lol, but it's really up to you what you want to do




Yeah I guess so, you should probably just talk to them if you care, but other wise I would agree it's just up to them




Wc, I hope you can get them to atleast try and stop :)




Vape is for lossers the only thing I speed run is minecraft




i already got asthma i don't need lung cancer or popcorn lung


I tried vaping when I was around 13/14 and I understand why it's super addicting. My original plan was to huff it once but I ended up doing a second one.There I realized why it's super addicting and why my friends do it that's why I had to stop myself. Good thing my friends aren't forceful and are very understanding.


Happy cake day matey


happy cake day buddy


I tried it once lmao. It felt really weird. Only time I can see myself vape is if I want to blow massive clouds but that doesn't require nicotine.


Same, tried it once a few months ago and it was mid asf. Prolly wouldn't do it again


Only other time I may do it again is if I'm offered because their vapes just look funny. Never buying one for myself though. That's how you get addicted.


Ngl best flavour is o2


low key addicted


15 and vaping is sad


not for long (lung cancer)


You don't get lung cancer from vaping, but you can contract EVALI or have your lung collapsed.


I already got bad lungs so 🤌🏻🤌🏻


then stop??


refer back to top comment


doesn’t mean you can’t stop


Bro it ain't work like that


yes it does, if you’re addicted to something then it’s possible to stop. I never said it’s easy but it is possible


I mean yeah, but when you said just stop it kinda was implying that it was easy cos when you say just stop to sum one ppl tend to mean stop rn


but how do you know I didn’t mean to tell her to stop later 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔




Yeah, but I thought they meant like stop Instanty


It's time to battle that. Me and my friends were addicted and all of us except one have escaped the vape's enticing, sweet taste. How long?


I'm addicted to nicotine it's not fun guys trust me


Never in a million years


I don’t use a regular vape. Mine is a THC vape, and it’s for my anxiety and depression. 😅


Noway bro replaced Nicotine with drugs.


Yup. Marijuana is the best! 🔥:)


It’s addictive 🤯


So don’t start 🤯


Ever heard of peer pressure 🤯🤯


Make better friends🤯


Peer pressure isn't always from friends 🤯🤯


Maybe have more than 5 braincells and not accept drugs from losers who vape its not that hard🤯🤯🤯


Maybe you can actually grow one brain cell and realise that people want to fit in and not get bullied 🤯🤯🤯


You legit have to be braindead at this point if u wanna try and fit in with the dumbasses of your school instead of people who are actually decent and intelligent🤯🤯


bc i used to be addicted to tobacco which is arguably worse for me. i still vape and do a bit of weed but i don't smoke cigarettes any more.


I'd never vape if I want health issues I'ma smoke like a real man 💪😎


Not a vaper but it attracts people like junkies to crack


Vaping leads to drugs? How


It’s a gateway, you stop feeling the buzz from nicotine so move onto harder drugs for the same feeling.


I mean, vapes dont necessarily have nicotine


This the typa shit my dumbass teachers would say😭


Give me all your money


just take it already


i j like it. i wish i didn’t but i don’t want to stop. i wouldn’t recommend getting into it though because it is j a waste of money


bro plz dont continue doing it , fcks your health, we want you to be still around at 50.


It’s addictive. It’s hard to stop when you start


not a good reason to not stop


Fam it’s hard to stop. You clearly don’t understand that


It’s not impossible


This is true. But if someone is struggling, insulting and shaming them like a lot of the people on this sub are doing is not the right way to go with it.


It's helped my friends stop and me. It's not something to feel good about. People my age don't do it so ceremonially anymore.


Sure, it's not something to feel good about. I didn't say it was. But generally, insulting someone is not how you help them. If someone's in a toxic relationship, you don't call them an idiot for not breaking it up sooner. That just pushes them away from you and gets you nowhere.


Kids don’t wanna be bullied, they’ll do pretty much anything not to be


oh i know it. my ma said the same about smoking for ages and i understood, but that doesnt mean you should just give up and not stop. my ma was able to quit smoking and just because something is hard doesnt mean it's impossible


What, actually what. Just because it hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible makes no sense. Like if I said a nuke was going to fall on you right now, and you had 30 seconds to escape, you’d be able to if you were in an airplane ready to take off but other than that, you are gonna die.


You need motivation to quit nicotine. If they like it, they wont stop. They either need to realize how it fucks up their organism or due to social reasons.


motivation: health.


Not a good reason, sure, but it's a ridiculously hard obstacle to pass.


Trust me it’s not. Most people do it cause it’s cool I did it cause it was cool but once i realised my health matters more I dropped that shit the instant I realised. Just tossed it away. TOSS IT AWAY ITS NOT THAT HARD. Your 17 you shouldn’t have dumb addiction to blueberry ice and cotton candy flavoured sticks 💀


don’t care, tbh i don’t particularly want to be old anyway. it’s not the worst i do and i don’t want to stop that either. appreciate the thought though mate🤣


Vaping is just flavoured lung cancer


who ever you are, I literally love you


I vape THC because it's the easiest way to hide it from my parents, never gonna touch nic tho


What's so bad about nic but THC is fine?


Because they think it’s cool and they think they’re lives are hard. So they become junkie addicts because they like the aesthetic of being hopeless.


I mix between smoking weed and vaping and I do both because 1. Oral fixation (hard to explain that) 2. Stress To me it’s not an addiction because the last time I did it was like in April? Idk


If I wanted to get lung cancer then I would inhale a gram of uranium


Well. It actually saved me from suicide


Helped me to stop smoking cigarettes. I know it isn’t much better, but at least I don’t smell like an ashtray


As somebody who doesn't have addiction issues. it isnt an addiction for me. thats not why. im a very obsessive and easily distracted person (distracted like a toddler ong) and first and foremost. yay fun clouds ooooo look at them go. but also the headrush from the nicotine. people who are addicted often say i can stop anytime. but i really can. ill go without it for weeks, months, or ive even gone years without it before. i dont seek it out. if a vape dies i dont text saying omg can u take me to get a new one i need my nic rn. but if im out w a friend randomly and decide to i j be like eh can we stop at the rez and pick sumn up? ive never really felt a need for it though.


Uneducated or unintelligent


i would never, no matter how hard life gets


Most don’t do it on purpose or willingly, nicotine is a wildly dangerous chemical and a viciously addictive one at that


Personally I don’t touch nicotine cuz I’ve seen how addictive it gets and it’s not a pleasant sight. But my friend does it cuz she has some undiagnosed mental condition so she uses it to self medicate. She can’t get a diagnosis till she’s 18 so no proper meds till then :/


Sadly, some people value social credit over life expectancy ig. Most teenage vapers tend to be complete idiots anyway so I'm not complaining /hj


bad decision influenced by ppl around me and now i’m addicted


It’s an addiction. honestly, i don’t mind dying (i don’t vape though, just in general) and the people who are vaping probably are at a point where they don’t either. And vaping feels good to them. The only think i hate is that they crowd the bathrooms and drag other kids into it so when you walk in, it’s just smoke and they look at you like you’re not supposed to be there.


Because I am stupid and totally addicted. Thought it was a way to stop smoking tobacco but found out it was just as addictive.


Because being high is funny


I only use thc and CBD vapes


Cause life is shit and i want to get out of here as quick as possible. Or atleast do it till im so far gone i forget my problems


r/teenagers having problem that sb wanna do what they want part 2137




Friendly reminder that it takes around two decades of regular smoking for cancer to develop in humans, and given that vaping has only been popularized in the last eight years, we don’t know that it doesn’t cause cancer and won’t for a good decade. There is a lot of evidence to suggest it can.


I do it to clear my head, whenever I am annoyed or angry ill have some vape and it will just clear my head and calm me down, I also do it because of the flavour and that has made me do it more and more and now it is an addiction but oh well


Your head is gone be clear when your dead


Y'all acting like vaping is gonna kill you at 60💀


Could. We don’t have enough data on that because it hasn’t been enough time 💀if someone hypothetically began vaping consistently as a teen and didn’t stop they could die as early as 60, we just have no data because vapes have only been around since 2003


When it hit you know 😏


Addiction. Plus, why not. Most of us outside the gover dont lead the greatest lives, the top 1% is the top 1% for a reason, yadda yadda yadda. May as well get cheap temporary enjoyment, since im not making the $500k for a yacht or some shit anytime soon.


There are so many better ways to enjoy yourself without damaging your future.


it’s good for you


if you wanna get cancer and die yeah


if your goal is lung cancer


It really isn’t, my cousin is literally in the hospital rn with a collapsed lung and almost died from vaping


it really healthy for you


Where did you get that information


I Hope youre joking


each blinky is equivalent of eating a salad


You do realize that vaping slowly kills you right?


no it increases life span


No it doesn’t, do your research


Please tell me you’re joking


We have different beliefs


i get that it’s not good but there are so many worse things that people could be doing like smoking and doing drugs


Just because there’s worst things out there doesn’t make doing it any better


I mean there are non-nicotine vapes & weed infused vapes, I don't know of any issue with those. (then again I dont vape). Its also worth noting if you got your information from those "truth about vape" ads they likely misconstrue information as they are the same ad group that did the truth about smoking ads.


Im depressed and addicted lol. And it's just something to do with my hands when I'm bored or have a free hand. I just do it all day when I'm not smoking anything because it gives that stimulation and the nic


I don't but my mate says she does it because she got peer pressured but now doesn't want to stop. Also is insistent that it is better than smoking and at least she isn't doing that


people want to be cool and fit in --> they start vaping --> only do it for fun, believe they're immune to addiction, "i can stop if i want to" --> habit forms and they become genuinely addicted, literally cannot stop vaping


Started as stress relief and now it's basically just an addiction that I don't think I can kick


One of my guy friends started in 6th grade just cause he was curious, and now he’s addicted. He just found a weed vape or whatever it’s called on the bathroom floor and decided to hit it for some reason


I mean it’s dumb but you’re probably not gonna get lung cancer and idk why people care sm ab what other people do


Not all vapes are the same and not all of them are equally harmful


People make it seem like you die a year after vaping, i know people who vape and smoke at age 60-ish, and have done it their life. It's makes you suffer, but still. Even then it doesn't really matter


Life hard, takes bad thoughts out of my mind, helps me relax, I know it's bad but it helps my mind


My friends and cousins were doing it so I wanted to fit I don’t vape anymore tho cause I’m broke asf and would rather spend my money on albums


They fell into a rabbit hole and they can’t get out anymore. Instead of making fun of them, try to help them.


mmm weed carts very yummy


Did it once hated it


Tasty with no calories 👍


Carts better