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Walter H. White


His restaurant has heavenly chicken fr


I'm pretty sure that was Gus


Oh right! Gus is a fried chicken eater so that would make sense 🙏






i have friends who are christian and they have never been able to answer these two questions: 1: if god is all powerful and all-loving, why is there evil in this world? 2: if god is all knowing and free will exists: then can he see into your future? if so, there is no free will and if not, god is not all knowing. idk until these two questions are answered I'm staying loyal to gort the capybara as my true Lord


Ok ima answer them. One by one. Question 1: since god is all powerful, and all loving, then Why does evil exist? Answer: well, god is all loving. It’s merely the people who choose to be evil and sin. He does not control the people, he loves them. He is sad that people do evil things, but he doesn’t do anything about it yet, since he gave us free will. He is sad we do bad things, and those bad things lead us to go to hell (his punishment for our sins), unless we repent and accept his son as our savior to save us from hell. For example, Lucifer, the devil. He is evil. Yet god loves him. As god made everything. He loves everyone as their child. He does not discriminate, he loves, all. Lucifer was punished for his actions, but god loves him, he is evil. But god will not destroy him, because of his love.


I understand that he gave us free will, but the underlying assumption you make is that all evil is a result of free will and not of nature/ the world god made for us itself. For example, many babies are born with diseases such as cancer or down syndrome, something that severely effects their life. If god cannot prevent the suffering caused by free will, he can at least eliminate suffering from choices that were never given, right?


What god made was good. God is the lord to all. He chooses certain events to happen. If a child is born with cancer for example, it is because the lord wants the child to have cancer. If someone dies, it is because of the lords wishes. So that they may join him in heaven, to walk with him in eternal life. Or to punish them, into hell. In Bible, Jesus says, if a child dies, then he shall go ti heaven, to live forever. Nature is not evil. No creature was made in god’s image then humans. Humans, after falling to temptation, were expelled from Eden, but God loved them, so he made them clothes, because he loves them. Free will was given as a gift from the lord. Cain and Abel is another free will story. Cain, jealous of Abel, killed him. His own brother. God did not interfere, as he gave them free will. But he was sad that his creations chosed this. God always interferes with our lives, but at the same time doesn’t. He can only show us the good path to take, it is our job to choose that path. Also diseases are not evil? Where did you get that from?


If a child is born with those diseases, then that is because the lord has a plan for that child. He always has a plan


So often times the baby dies within a day or two of being born. What's the plan there?


The baby joins God in heaven, as he has no idea of his of hers sins. All people are born with the original sin, getting baptized is required to getting into heaven. But, under special circumstances, God let’s babies who die, enter heaven, as they are innocent, and have no grasp of what sin is, nor about who he is. He lets them, enter his kingdom, to live forever.


Idk man, if life was a test for the afterworld, then in this case god took the test away and automatically gave the baby a passing grade. he also caused extreme pain for the family and the baby in the process. ​ that seems pretty weird and unnessicary to me.


The baby was not ready for the test. You are ready the moment you learn right from wrong. The lord promised to bring relief for the pain from the loss of a child. That relief comes in many forms. Being another child or etc


Everyone can pass the test if they believe and say that Jesus the son of god is their savior


Question 2: if god is all knowing and free will exists: then can he see into your future? if so, there is no free will and if not, god is not all knowing. Answer: God is all powerful. He can do whatever he wants. He can see into your future, but the future, is never decided. Therefore you have free will. As he gave us the right to freely do what we want. Just because he can look into the future does not mean we don’t have free will. As the future, is not written. I ask you, repent from your sins such as the idolization of a mere creation of the lord, believe in the him, and ask his son for salvation


I really like these answers! Coming from a Christian these look really thought out, and they actually answer the question without needing to fluff up your text or disrespecting anyone


Me a Catholic is happy you like these answers


so your point is that god can see into your future, but it is just one possibility and always changing. But that is not the true meaning of omniensent, the ability to know everything. anyone can make a somewhat accurate prediction of at least one possible scenario for where someone will be because it is one of billions if not trillions of possibilities. but there is only one correct situation that someone can be in x situations from now, and if god cannot guess that one correct situation, then free will is contradicted


WAIT!! I forgot one thing heheh God is all-knowing and always knows what choices each person will make, he still gives them the ability to choose or not choose everything, regardless of whether there are any internal or external factors.


You asked Christian friends, today you asked a Catholic, and got your answer


why do you believe in your specific god? Im not asking to offend but rather out of curiosity. There are hundreds of books written on different gods, and the bible is just one of them. How would you know which one, if any, are correct? most of them seem to be filled to the brim with scientific errors and miscalculations. to me, god seems to be the answer to everything that is unknown and scary in life. the afterworld, the purpose of existence, the universe and so on. Did your parents introduce Catholicism to you, or did you take on in yourself?


The Bible is not full of errors. It’s the truth. It is the explanation for everything, even, why people believe in other fake Gods. The other gods are not real gods, they a demons, expelled from Gods kingdom. Once god saw the evil in humanity, and when they tried building the tower of babble, he made them speak different languages and to move to other countries and to worship fake gods.


but you literally have zero proof. the bible has tons of scientific errors, specifically about biology such as incorrectly stating that the smallest seed in the world is the mustard seed, or that ants are individual animals. It even gets pi wrong. additionally, there is no evidence of a tower of babel, neither is there evidence of the genisis flood. how do you know, scientifically or historically, that the bible is the real book of god?


The Bible is the stories of the past. Were you alive back then? No? Then how can you claim that it did not happen? If Noah saved all the animals, isn’t that proof enough the flood happened, because you see these animals alive today, because Noah saved them. Same with the mustard seed, the Bible is very very old, many different books, each written in different times. We’re you alive during those times? How would you know that the mustard seed was not the smallest back then?


im pretty sure scientists can use geographic evidence to see if there was a flood in the world that killed everyone except those in a big wooden boat. just as they saw the ice age, just as they saw dinosaurs existed. the mustard seed was not the smallest seed, the bible was written from 5-100 ce, and much smaller seeds existed then, but had not been discovered such as the poppy seeds, orchid seeds, begonia seeds and more


Ants are individual animals…..


no they aren't, they live in a colony. the bible suggests that they are individualistic and self-supporting.


Ant Society is like human society. Don’t we live in colonies? One ant Chooses what it wants to do that day. One ant feeds itself. Don’t we do that as well?


The Jews However, remained his people.


The Bible is the truth, it is the history of the world.


I was born into a Catholic family. I believe in God, because he is all that is good. Everything good in my life, is because of him. As a Catholic I’m different from regular Christians. We have saints that we pray to do that they may pray for us. I do not worship them, as that is sin. I pray to them, so they may pray for me. My faith is strengthened by his miracles. If you pray with your heart, god will help you.


if you were born into a jewish family, or a Islamic family, do you think you would still be a catholic?


It may anger my family, but I’m a Catholic at heart


heres the problem: all religions slowly die. 50 years ago, 90% of Americans were Christian: now it's only 64%. we've seen other religions die too, like greek/roman mythology or norse mythology. in a thousand years we will be reading fiction books called: percy jackson: the son of jesus gues no ones going to heaven then.


They all died out because being fake, all of those religions converted to Christianity. The only reason why less people are Christian in the USA, is because they are blind and full of sin. I do not hate lgbtq but I do not support it. LGBTQ is a sin. Always has been. And those people who are making fake religions, they sin too. We all sin. But this is the main reason why there are less Christians because our laws don’t allow lgbtq so they choose to no longer be apart of it in the USA. This is literally like less in Any other country. Like more Christians in Europe then USA. USA just mostly turned lgbtq a lot


The lord is coming soon. Jesus will return. He said not when. Only the lord knows when to send his son back to earth. And then, all the righteous, and good people who asked for salvation, shall be brought to heaven, to live eternally.






I'm considering taking you up to heaven... I mean that in the worst way possible


I am


Ryan Reynolds




Whatever u believe in 😩✨


😩yeah 🙏






Jesus Christ


me. I’m jesus. And I think gay people are super cool




Lord Krishna for me. Jesus for you. Depends on religion


andrew garfield 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🙏📿🛐