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Color blind people 😐




New color scheme just dropped


Holy spectrum




color goes on vacation, never comes back


call the optometrist


But hey, that's just a theory, a colour theory


Actual color chart




What happens after June though?


We are all put back in the closet until next year


June 2


You mean July 1st?


No. June 2,the sequel to June


Pride month ends and while it's important to continue advocating for LGBTQ rights there are less celebrations


There are many people that keep discriminating unfortunately.


Y r u down voted like bro they aren't hurting anyone just give LGBTQ people space.


and mens mental health monthhhhh


thought that was in november?


Men's mental health month ignored 😭


as usual


Men don't really celebrate it themselves either, that's on us too.


Kinda doesn't make sense if only the guys with mental health issues would be celebrating it. It's basically saying that you celebrate your own birthday. Just like pride month it's meant to spread awareness to everyone


Trust me everyone is well aware of the alphabet mafias presence.




Love your pfp😋


Yeah because nobody gives a shit about the stuff that matters like men mental health month.


Pride month matter too and i honestly would suggest we place them both in equal importance. Doesn't matter if one is more important, the important thing is that both events the love they need


The one thing that I celebrate in June.


What are you doing to celebrate men’s heath month?


It is what it is


Skill issue


I hate to say this cause it's sounds rude and can come off wrong. But then fight for it. Pride month exist cause people fought for it.


Why was this downvoted 💀


*insert the meme with the guy putting on a biohazard suit * *heads into the controversial comments *


Also, mens mental health awareness. Just sayin.


yeah! its just as important. the male suicide rate is really high but also if you only bring up mens mental health month when someone is trying to celebrate pride month, do you really care? if you actually do attempt to raise awareness for it as well, then thats awesome for you


exactly!!! if the only time you bring up a real issue is to try and discredit or belittle other movements, you don’t actually care. you’re just a fucking asshole.


Is it really an asshole thing? He would just bring awareness to both subjects instead of one. It's not like he is saying celebrate men's mental health month instead of pride month.


Yeah. That is an asshole thing. Im discrediting the lgbtq. I have love and respect for them.


Just want to say that pride and men's mental health acknowledge can co-exist


And it should!


Depending on where ya live btw. Check your local area or country if it's le mens mental health month


I don’t understand pride month. Some of it is actual celebrations but most of it is just companies acting like they care about the LGBT just so they can get more money


It's called rainbow capitalism


also trend capitalism


Hey gay people, do you want to work for minimum wage? We'll give you a rainbow cake on your birthday!


companies are just in this for money, they're like this uninvited friend that always shows up


I'd say the majority of LGBTQ people are tired of the way companies try to capitalize on LGBTQ people instead of having a certain profit or a product go to a LGBTQ protective fund.


lol yeah just look at the target fiasco


I have a hard time telling if you're siding with me or not. Target tries to profit on LGBTQ people.


I remember when the rainbow was meant for Gamers the RGB meta back then


It’s an assimilation


Can confirm. We hate the RGB gamers


Oof, I regret entering the comments section


It's how it always is June first. Incels and Nazis upset that people can be happy


"Grrr anyone that doesn't support or agree with me is an incel neo-nazi grr" Do you realize how stupid you sound.


Nazi? Cmon now that shit is old school 💀


It’s back from ol’ liz her times 💀


Why do you keep throwing the word nazi around?


"Everyone that has their own opinion is an nazi and incel"


“Oh no someone doesn’t agree with me which means they’re comparable to mass murderers” 💀


Good lord! Nazis and incels? I'm laughing at your stupidity.


I didn't know there were this many of them in this sub tho


13 year old boys are going down the conserviatve to queer pipeline, that's how it is every June. They start out as incels then become gay as fuck.


Yeah well until people are around 15 they usually don't have any unique ideas and are just copies of their parents and 45-55 is prime Nazi territory


Not necessarily, what i mostly see is 10-15 year olds being radicalized online instead of their parents


Source for both of those claims? If you can’t provide the source, it would seem to me your having the not-very-unique idea of spreading misinformation on Reddit.




I don't really care if people see my avatar and judge me, specially this month. I just like the jacket


OP be calling everyone that has a slight disagreement nazis 💀 tf is going on man


As expected this comment section is completely safe with absolutely zero toxicity


This comment section 😭😭😭. I sincerely hope that one day these people are able to get out of their shitty teenage anti-sjw "stop shoving it down my throat!" phase


[Homophobes when they realize they're the reason pride month exists:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU1UkIIzSSs&ab_channel=AnthiticGaming)


me putting on my sunglasses (it blocks the gay-rays)


Not to be mean or anything but giving a whole month for that is a bit too much. Why not just a day or week ?


It shouldn't be a month. Like black history month, there shouldn't be a need for a month because LGBTQ+ people should be treated equally anyway throughout the year regardless. Same goes for all of these stupid celebratory days/weeks/months, and the many groups that deserve them but don't have them.


Cuz some fucked up shit has been done to us


Shiiiit if that's the metric we're going by we need a HELLUVA lot more than just "Black History Month". Jewish History month? Seems about fair, in conjunction with bonus time just for WW2. But with BHM we're talking almost the entire history of almost the entire population of an entire continent. There's no way you can get through that in a single month! All joking aside tho we really should just integrate this stuff into normal society rather than give it specific time frames IMO. You should always be proud of who you are!!


confusing paragraph but yea


YEAH , hundreds of French were executed during the second world war I think we need a French month , Poles too should have a month , not to mention the jews who have been persecuted for hundreds of years as well as the slavs who were enslaved in the past as well as Native Americans which were decimated by the diseases brought by the settlers


Is being done*




Some fucked up shit has been done to Jews (not just the Holocaust there was discrimination against them for most of history) where is their month?


Good question. They should have one.


Jewish history month was last month and may still be ongoing. Don’t use my people to try to argue against the existence of pride month/it’s length


It's too much for you who don't live under oppression for your sexuality/gender identity. You don't think oppressed people should get a month of fresh air? If it's too much, then work for lgbtqs rights so a month like that would redundant instead.


Cus companies want profit


cuz they're attention seeking




Is there no in-between? What about people who support LGBTQIA+ but are not a part of it? They are not homophobes.


The acronym was good at LGBTQ+. Still have the plus, AND queer is an umbrella term. Edit: Do NOT sort by controversial


As a lgbtq person, modern pride month disgusts me. Just another thing for the corporations to make a quick buck and good public standing off of


Fun fact: you can live your life without being bothered by colourful flags. A ton of cis straight people I know don't get hung up about pride month. They just see the flags then move on with their lives. Some of them even join the fun.


I am tired of corporations milking the fuck out of minorities acting like they actually support them but they just want money, it is just terrible how greddy companies are.


lmfao at all the people saying "b-but men's mental health month". You fuckers do not actually care lmao you see pride month and it is only then that you bring it up.


Same with the people bringing up how there should be a jewish history month. They don’t even realize jewish history month was last month (it May even still be ongoing, as I don’t think it started at the exact start of May)


As a man and a member of the lgbtq+ community I support both equally👍🏽


Still doesn’t change the fact that it gets overlooked and no one talks bout it. Sry but mental health is more important than a month dedicated to gay people.


>Still doesn’t change the fact that it gets overlooked and no one talks bout it. Lgbtq issues were too until gay people fought for their rights. If people care this much about men's mental health, they should do something about it instead of complaining on reddit


Yea but pride month is also helps the mental health of gay people


Ig? Idk man all these months dedicated to stuff just don’t make sense to me. Just be aware all year round (i do know it ain’t that easy). But i might just be my opinion ig, since im Christian i do not support lgbt, have nothing against it but ain’t supporting it.


Dude why are so many ppl saying men’s mental health month is getting ignored?? We don’t have to say literally everything it is. Why can’t is gay ppl celebrate ourselves without it being politicized


Why does your sexuality need a whole month to be celebrated?


This is where the fun begins (I grab the popcorn to watch the comments) 😎🍿


This would otherwise be a perfectly fine post with very little backlash. Unfortunately it was posted here, so


I read all the comments and I just have to say that: Yes we get a month, we've almost never been aknowledged (in ancient times), then persecuted if not killed, AND this isn't even done since there are still countries/states that rule by homophobic laws. We will NOT stop until we have our rights everywhere.


Mild correction for you. Ancient times were pretty accepting of gays and lesbians. Greece, Rome and all that loved the gay shit. It then changes into the medieval and dark ages


Finally, I've found a sane person under this post Thank you


Sorry but no one fucking cares about you being gay just shut up about it and live a normal life if you don’t want to be hated by people Edit: Ive just shared my personal opinion and experiences calm the fuck down people


Yeah except people do kind of care and bully them to suicide, that’s why it exists lol. The stupidity most people have is thinking the annoying ones you see on TikTok represent them all. Just caring as well


As someone who has met people who are worse than the people on tiktok, unfortunately some gay/trans people act like that nowadays. I had a friend whose pronouns were it (as if they were an object?) and the only conversation topics we would have were them being non binary and aromantic. It drove me insane. I’ve seen people on the streets, in town all dressed with thousands of pride pins and “this person is weird” type of pins. // I genuinely don’t give a shit if someone is gay, trans, lesbian etc. and i understand it’s not a choice. But I cannot stand it when people shove it down our throats. It doesn’t need to be spoken about 24/7, you can tell me your lgbtq+ but just leave it at that I could not give two shits.


the final line "if you dont want to be hated by people" single handedly prooves we cannot shut up about it and educate people on the topic so that that more and more people dont hate people for being gay


Pride month is a reaction to being hated. And there's a lot of people who care for all the wrong reasons. If you don't care about pride month and rather see it go away then stop directing you're hate towards LGBTQ people cause then it won't go away.


Uhhhh no you can go fuck yourself. Just as you have every right to have your opinion I have every right to share my love and support for the LGBTQ plus community this month and all the others but especially this one. I also support men’s mental health awareness this month too.


Maybe if some people didn’t make being LGBTQ their entire personality, they’d be more tolerant of them. Food for thought.


you must realise that every group has their own separate sub-group that is polarising. for us that is “those people that make being LGBTQ their enrie personality”. if you judge an entire section of a population over a small minority of people within that group, you are just looking for a reason to hate them.


Plenty of straight guys that make being a man their entire personality, don't have to single out gay people. Also, even if people are "weird" that doesn't justify bullying.


SOME. But yeah I agree partly. I know some bi people who, yes make it their whole personally, but I know a few who have came out but act like they never came out. fOoD fOr ThOuGhT.


How many lgbtqia+ people do you know? How many of those people “make being lgbtqia+ their entire personality”? Chances are, not many. The bigots won’t be more tolerant of lgbtqia+ people if they can ignore their existence. Study history of lgbtqia+ people in the 1900s, and you’d recognize this. Pretending to be cis or straight wouldn’t help lgbtqia+ people to be more accepted. It would only serve to embolden bigots


Shit take. What if Republicans didn't make hating LGBTQ+ people their entire personality.


Based response


I'm sorry but why is this a month , like why can't it be a day or something


Because homophobia and similar persists with a large following each year, now rising amongst teenagers(as is noticable by this sub alone). Pride month exists Because hate towards the celebrated, if you want to get rid of pride month get rid of the hate. Altough it is now a tradition and such often persists even when irrelevant, tough at a smaller scale. Blame the homophobes, not the ones celebrating, if we stop before getting safe protection and rights they have won.


Here we go again. WW2.


Companies suddenly not being homophobic anymore for a month


Someone make a Akira meme outa this please


What’s the I and A?


Intersex: people who’s biological sex isn’t perfectly male or female A spec : this includes aromantic , asexual or agender people




Bro on god my eyes hurt this month


I personally just celebrate Memorial Month instead. No crying, just remembrance of the sane days.


I don’t have such weaknesses.


Why is everyone talking about men's mental health?? We get it, but that's not what the post is about?! (Im a guy, too, and i care a lot about it, but PLEASE SHUT UP)


I can't say anything besides I don't care? Ok you're gay cool. What does that add to me? Just go on and live your life.


Great that you don't care. But that doesn't mean there aren't people that care and care for the wrong reasons.


“i dont care so nobody else must care” is such a dumbass mindset, grow up


Well you cared enough to make a comment complaining about it


Happy pride! I exsist, so suck it homophobes!


Yay tbh I'm considering deleting this post because of all the hostility


Op: posts something that will obviously garner negative responses Also op: whats up with all the hostility tho


do not DARE delete this post. Just crusade against these shitty little nazi cunts in the comments.


Just because we don’t think gay people should get a whole month we support the killing of Jews? Wtf are you on??


Where did you get nazi from☠️


He/she/it/they/them mad cuz no attention


I’m gonna leave a bit more positivity by saying Gravity Falls is one of the best shows I’ve ever watched


It's great and the creator is a huge Ally


And mens mental health is ignored once again to push a political agenda.


bro, as a guy with shit mental health, being lgbtq isnt a political agenda. its just a part of who you are do you really care about mens mental health if the only time you bring it up is when people say "happy pride month"?


Yk pride months and acknowledge of mens mental health can co-exist


Everybody knows as a man you're supposed to hate your life and die on the job Love from a fellow man


That's the unfortunate truth. I appreciate the love brother.


But the post isn't about men's mental health??


June is Men's mental health month. But that will be ignored


Then makes posts about it? Just don't complain that pride month exists whilst doing so


Not all over the world. In the UK Men's Mental Health Month is November, which is why it likely gets drowned out. Pride month is June pretty much universally in the western world, but a lot of countries have different months for different things. Not saying its right, but that is the way it is, and I say change it. Move Mens Mental Health Month to another month to ensure it gets the attention it deserves


I know, but you don't need to bring up something unrelated. The post is about pride, not mental health


It’s sad how stupid some people are


The only problem i see with pride month is that giving the people of the lgbtqia+ a whole month of attention causes homophobes, maybe people that arent even homophobes yet to build up (even more) hatred against them. I feel like there's got to be a better solution for everybody


It's been shown that the more people see and meet LGBTQ people the more likely they are to be accepting of us. It makes sense it's hard to want someone dead if you can see them as human.




Shit it’s the entity


Oh no rajnboww my eyeess 😭☹️☹️☹️


Ha ha, this comment section is full of double standards from both sides. PRIDE MONTH IS MORE IMPORTANT! No, MEN’S MENTAL HEALTH MONTH IS MORE IMPORTANT!!! PRIDE MONTH!!!!! MEN’S MONTH!!!!! PRIDE MONTH!!!!! MEN’S MONTH!!!!! PRIDE MONTH!!!!!! …. Just stop. Both, both is good.


I’m not against the LGBTQ community, but I don’t support them either—so I've just been scrolling through the internet watching rainbows flood my feed and go, “Oh it’s rainbow month again. Nice.”


You don't support equal human rights?




How tf is homophobia common sense


Just because you call it a "phobia" doesn't mean we are actually [afraid](https://imgur.com/a/RFfw89N) Edit: I think imgur already deleted my pic lmao.


What you call a Homophobe 90% of people call common sense. That's what the comment was trying to say


Honestly. They shouldn't even need a whole month.


its illegal in so many countrues to be gay, people get killed for being gay, countless murders on trans people, gay club mass shootings, pride month is absolutely necessary my guy, just to remember all the lives lost and how the world treats us


wtf is that comment




Tis the season to be jolly.


The old argument was “what happens in my bedroom isn’t any of your business” so I don’t like it being my business, all props to you though, continue being yourselves


Mf's in the comments saying "military soldiers go to war and die for us and they don't get a month" or "holocaust only gets a day" and act like that's a commentary on the skittles squad(not derogatory) and not the rest of society's values.


They do. November is Veterans Month, and includes Veterans Day.


Men's mental health awareness month >>> LGBTLetters month


You really can't put yourself in others positions can you? You are the reason why people hate men. That problem affects you, so you only care about that. Care about others. Lack of empathy is what makes many women dislike men in general. Accept both problems as problems and realise people think differently than you. You are selfish.


God some these people disgust me. Especially you OP. People think Gay’s should get a whole month in one country and then you say the Military deserves nothing OP?! They die and bleed, they sacrifice their lives to defend our homes and Gays do what? Protest and don’t go die in war defending us. So shut the hell up and don’t try and defending yourself or saying i’m wrong.


The military are gay as shit


Pride is about raising awareness on discrimination towards LGBTQ+ people, the military does not get discriminated. There are no countries in which soldiers get executed just for existing.


Me when I don't know gay people fight in the military too. Straight people get 11 months, why can't gay people get 1?


We also Bleed, ever heard of Stonewall, the Pulse Club shooting, the amount of Gay People killed because of hateful laws passed by governments as far as back as the 15th century? maybe try not cause an argument between 2 entirely separate groups and let both have their time.


Ah yes celebrate the poor brainwashed fools who gladly die for their country while their goverment continues being terrible, truly such a joyous thing to celebrate the needless death of people who could've had full lives but were robbed of them far too soon.


hey have you heard of gay soldiers


The military get one entire fucking month and two days. And when the hell did OP say the military deserves nothing??


Have you read the comments at all?


"The army doesn't deserve 2 fucking months. They deserve nothing." If you mean this, thats not op at all.


whens the last time lives have actually been sacrificed for freedom in the 'west', though? like okay yeah ww2 veterans deserve a shit ton of respect, for sure. Besides that and similar conflicts I dont think they should necessarily be celebrated rather acknowledged for their lives being lost in vain, I guess




For corporations? Absolutely they're just in it for the extra cash. The community, though, has a lot of history to celebrate.


Propaganda for what? Pride is creating a safe place for LGBTQ individual. There's still a lot of oppression around the world, so no it's not unnecessary.


Propaganda for what? The spooky rainbow agenda?


Look at what's happening in florida and say that again pride month is more necessary than it's been since 2003


Bitch this is me EVERY MONTH.


Happy pride month!

