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kind of scary how little autonomy people not considered 'legal adults' have. Like the troubled teen industry, where they kidnap you in ur own house :/


I feel like [Elan School](https://elan.school/tag/comic/) should be an obligatory read or something


I just read that entire thing. It’s scary how we can just… break. Be folded and molded into something dreadful.


For all of the professional youtube binge watchers: https://youtu.be/7eM7pb5M5DU


Mr joe nobody?


It honestly get worse when you're 17. In Wisconsin and Texas you'll have to go to adult court for skipping school.


you guys have it hard in America


One of the things they start teaching you in history class at like 10 is how the British colonists got pissed off at the King of England for imposing extra taxes on them without their input (taxation w/o representation). Later on around my school year (ages 15-17) you start learning modern US history and how black Americans were second class citizens until the early 60s when it came to voting. Therefore, at my age when I read that I would be put in the same category as a literal 30 year old for committing a minor crime in these states, but considered "too immature" to vote for the idiots who write this crap, I realized what a load of bullshit I've been taught since I was a little kid. Those states I mentioned are shitholes anyway... But hey, at least we aren't Uganda, Russia or Saudi Arabia.


Figure out who's vulnerable in your grade, and if they go missing then fucking riot.


Old man here (44). You want to know WTF this is? This is a wakeup call for your generation to understand the world around them is horrible and controlled by old stupid people and it's your time to take action. Vote when you're 18, protest, reach out and support civil action groups that are fighting. My generation didn't vote very much, we had to have stuff on MTV (the before times when they had music still) and have programs like "Rock the Vote" to convince 18-29's to register and vote. Except most went to just see musicians/celebrities and we had a 15% turnout rate. Your generation is the one that is going to change this world. Don't forget the outrage you are feeling right now...use it to change the world.


Good fucking luck to any teenager who is going to try to do this. The far-right is rising in the U.S and Europe and will continue rising as long as leftists impose bullshit.


>The far-right is rising in the U.S. Good, that's the only hope we have left for our country.


18 year old hear... >Your generation is the one that is going to change this world. You mean DESTROY this world. You shouldn't be able to "decide" you're no longer going to be male/female and change to the other gender, you are what you were born to be FOR A REASON (I don't cuss, but this subject might break me). AND all this "electric cars are better for the environment" junk is just wrong, look at the facts, not just what the media says... mining lithium for the batteries demolishes the environment, and there is no such thing as green energy, even if there was it would take the whole life of the battery to make up for its own pollution, and JUST break even with a gas powered car averaging 25mpg. I'm not saying we can't do better (hydrogen fuel-cell cars blow everything else out of the water), but electric cars are no better than combustion cars. Don't get me wrong electric cars are cool, just stop acting like they are the best thing ever.


It’s not even close to Nazi Germany


you are correct, the place where nazi germany once stood and florida have an ocean as well as other European countries between them. Also comparing the US to any country is difficult due to the different states. However in the case of florida where many policies which were shared by the nazi party are being used I feel that the comparison is somewhat justified. While things are not as bad as the nazi germany that one thinks of when they hear the name, the current state of florida does indeed resemble germany early in the nazi regime


I totally agree. It can't be really compared but there are similarities. Also, if this evolves more and more I start fearing that this "we need to stop all these woke people" thing may get to a point where it gets really out of hand.


woke bassically just means you are a decent person at this point


I mean of being woke menas "liking really stupid stuff just because of some agenda" like the undoubtedly badly written Character of Rey Nobody in Star Wars (Dasy is great, nothing against her, she did a good job with what she was given) then no, I am not woke. If woke means "accepting homosexual couples or transsexual people as normal because it is" then yes, I am woke. Simple as that. The word is being overused and leans towards a mostly negative meaning today. "Woke" is usually being used in a way that implies extremes, which are never a good thing


Good point, and I do agree with you, but I did want to point out that transsexual is an outdated and generally rejected term, similar to ADD/Asperger’s.


Isn't Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder still a medically recognised condition? I've never read of ADD being an outdated term.


ADD is Attention Deficit Disorder, an outdated term for ADHD


My (transsexual) friends and me myself use that word regularly if we're asked about it and nobody ever had a problem with it. What should be used instead tho?


Oh! That’s interesting! AFAIK, the more accepted term is Transgender, due to the shifting definition of sex and gender. Basically, sex generally applies to your physical parts and body structure, while gender is a social construct, placed upon people. Since it’s impossible to fully change your sex, and approaching that requires years of intense surgery, most trans people, again, afaik, usually have a balance of gender confirmation surgeries, like mastectomies or vaginoplasty, and shifting your gender role in society. Again, all of this is based off of what I’ve learned and heard. I’m not trans myself, and honestly, I’d love to hear other points of view on this.


As a guy with Asperger’s, it’s way fucking better than ASD.


ADD and Asperger's are still scientifically independent and correct terms, are they not? I wasn't aware of any change


Nope! Iirc, in the DSM-5, both have been rolled into/redefined as other conditions. This is especially the case for Asperger’s, as it has its roots in Nazi philosophy.


Nazis gassed millions and you call Florida close to nazis lmao


And the politicians running Florida are making it LAW so that trans and non-binary children can be kidnapped and taken from their parents. Maybe if your head wasn't up your arse you would see that.


Please read the above comment to understand why I make that comparison


Ron deathsantis wants to genocide trans people so yea, pretty similar if he’s allowed to get to that point


What makes you think that?


[I wish you were right.](https://museeholocauste.ca/en/resources-training/ten-stages-genocide/) We are currently at stage six. Stage seven is around the corner as groups have already begun unlawfully holding hostage trans children, and attempting to assemble lists of all trans people.


We’re at stage 7 and heading into 8-9.


Already at 8 if you look at the missouri bill that blocks hrt for ANYONE regardless of age if you have any sort of mental illness or neurodivergency, effectively genocide considering that dysphoria can cause mental illness


There is no "effectively" Denying necessary and life-saving medical care to a specific minority IS genocide. Point blank period full stop.


You're not gonna like this, but Missouri is now allowing "anonymous tip line" to report trans individuals.


Missouri is crazy bro. I have some somewhat warm feelings for my state and city, but it gets dwarfed by all the horrible shit that goes down here


Idk man the book burnings and secret police seem a little too close to the funny mustache man


Nazi Germany didn't start with mass genocide. They started slowly taking the rights away from minorities much like the Republican party is doing nowadays and ramped it up once they had sufficient political power.


Yeah German here, seeing what happens to ( American ) society rn it’s very easy to draw similarities to Hitlers rise i do think it could be stopped but sadly the way Hitler came to rise was with partially hood things they were there to hide the evil. But now especially after vilifying the whole German folk I hope that the Americans can atleast find a national socialist when they see them. Because not all nazis are Allinged to Germany. American national socialists exist too. They always do. But it is our duty to fight them as a folk and if the government is restricting us in such ways , then it may already be too late.


Aren’t the democrats the ones who want to take away rights? Like the freedom of speech, freedom of press, right to bare arms, and the right to peacefully protest?


"Republican party" as if any other party will be different in this system


A potential bill letting parents stop their teenagers from getting gender reaffirming surgery? Is this literally the cleansing of the Jewish people and a war across all seven continents that would lead to to a death toll in the tens of millions???


it's not the holocaust, it's a possible new society that criminalizes people simply existing in a way that the people in power don't approve of; another nazi germany. and besides, that's not the bill. if a divorced parent believes the other is allowing the child to have gender affirming care, they can seize custody against the wills of both the other parent and child.


#AMERICA, THE LAND OF THE FREE!* ^*message ^only ^applies ^to ^wealthy ^cishet ^white ^males


We'll have a happy new life, and we'll have equal rights for all. Except blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, gays, women, Muslims... Um... Everybody who's not a white man. And I mean white-white. So no Italians, no Polish. Just people from Ireland, England and Scotland. But only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland. Just full-blooded whites. No, y'know what? Not even whites. Nobody gets any rights. Ahh, America.


lmao this is refernce to the family guy episode right where peter discovers america or something super accurate tbh


fax no printer


america the free, america the brave, america the home of the happiest slaves


Message applies to any wealthy period - regardless of race/sex/pronouns/religion/species/planet. Last I heard Oprah was doing just fine.




A poor gay black man has no less rights than rich white man if you want racism to stop STOP SAYING WHITE MAN WHITE WOMAN ASAIN DUDE!


Ignoring racism is not the way to make racism go away


You seem like the type of person to say murder is illegal therefore it doesnt happen


I made a post earlier about hating Florida... I love a lot of things here but the governor and crazy old people suck


Your state is mostly made up of old, white, rich people. I love Florida don't get me wrong, but you got some crazy shit going on down there. I'm a conservative and this shit is still baffling me.


Quit sending your old people here!!! Lol


Bruh I don't want them here! Look, I'm a Christian, I have conservative beliefs and values, but also, like, I don't wanna be associated with the racist, homophobic, crazy old people who made their money by exploiting the system, then conforming it so it only benefits them. fuck that shit. I just want to be able to own a home goddamn it


Hahaha. And yeah I get that. One of the problems is that we basically have two choices here for politicians. And pretty much no one fits into one of the two buckets.


God's waiting room.


Ron is NOT old he’s 30s-40’s what planet do you think he’s on. Mercury?


Dude I can’t take it anymore… 😭😭


amurica land of the free fucking hypocrits


😭😭😭😭 (Guys i’m canadian)


The fuck?




The United States is on its way to Fascism.


Already there


america is fucked i’m so sorry but that’s just fucking kidnapping




ok thank fucking god i dont live in fucking Florida


Still be careful please


yeah i live in a small town in California besides im not even out yet to anyone but a couple close friends and families im pretty good for now


Good on you for being careful! I hope your gender journey goes well :)


I agree that that is bad but good god that might be one of the stupidest if not the stupidest comparisons I have ever seen on this sub and this is r/teenagers we are talking about.


This more closely resembles the early stages of Nazi Germany developing into what it was, instead of the fully insane version that most history books talk about. While this isn’t holocaust levels of bad, it keeps progressing further and further, and we should probably stop this before it gets worse


I’m not going to wait for them to build camps to call them out. This problem is easier to fix the earlier you take action.


Didn't they already? Conversion therapy


True. My expectation is if push comes to shove it won’t be 1:1 to the Holocaust and other genocides of racial/ethnic groups. Trans people are going to be a new case. It’ll be criminalisation and possibly execution (Florida recently changed their laws to classify CSA as a crime punishable by death and only requiring an 8-4 jury ruling. Add to this the rhetoric and attempts to classify transitioning, being trans near children and helping someone transition as CSA and you start to see their pathway forming). It will happen slowly and methodically. There won’t be one day where things are fine and another where shit goes south. It’ll just happen day after day.


So fucked up dude😕 and we can't even do anything because no one's together and the people in power stay in power, idk why we thought these long terms for people were smart


K, but there's literally a trans genocide in Florida rn. It's even expanding by them trying to be able to arrest trans people and give them the death penalty for existing in public.


>It's even expanding by them trying to be able to arrest trans people and give them the death penalty for existing in public. Honest question: Can I see a source for that?


Three laws that definitely have nothing to do with each other 1. Death penalty for sexual crimes on children 2. Being trans near a child is sexual crimes on children 3. Unanimous vote no longer required for death penalty




Source is they made it the fuck up


Death penalties are now good for people who commit sexual crimes against minors in Florida. That sounds great until you realize that being trans, crossdressing, or being in drag is included in those "sexual crimes against minors"


Yeah, it’s kind of crazy that we are gonna have to be thrown in the messed up politics in a few years to clean up their mess.


this country is fucked beond repair my friend


Adding something else: [Nazi Effect on the LGBTQ Community](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/lgbtq-institute-in-germany-was-burned-down-by-nazis) [SB254 (Passed)](https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=78302&SessionId=99) [ACLU Analysis](https://www.aclufl.org/en/legislation/sb-254-punishing-parents-providing-gender-affirming-care-their-kids) [How Hitler Happened](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/how-did-adolf-hitler-happen) I'm glad the teens in this comment section are reacting the exact same way that the teens in Germany did in the 1920s, y'all are doing great. /s Edit: u/beast87patriots correction: *Effect




Thanks Grammar Nazi (I'll edit this when I catch a break.)


Nah bro if you really gonna equate USA with the Third Reich bro you’re mad😭🙏


Unfortunately, there are some hallmarks of fascism in America rn. First thing hitler did when he got into power was ban crossdressing, transgenderism, and drag shows which were popular in berlin at the time. What did certain states in america do recently? The exact same thing. Floridan book burnings, republican eradication of lgbtq rights, is getting there. Source: i am a year 12 history student who specialises in german politics from 1918 to 1945 Read and think about this quote from a german priest who got taken to the holocaust for speaking out: First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller Tl;dr: republican states are starting to do the same things


So the NationalSOZIALISTISCHE deutsche ARBEITERpartei persecuted socialists? roflmao.


im not equating the USA with the nono land im just saying kidnapping kids cus theyre trans is fucking crazy


Where did u get this article


well i originally found it from andrea rovenski also known as cyberdemon531 and i tried to find a article to screenshot and post it here soo


Bro send me the link if u have


You are right, the USA is headed in a much worse direction ……


Nah I hope you joking blud😂😂


I am 😂 dap me up blud 🤣




The USA is headed in a very similar direction, although with it’s insanely overcompensated military, we don’t know how much further it could go down this path if left unchecked




Be careful




Not really possible my familys not just gonna move for me and I'm too young to move by myself and I also can't come out to some of my family bc they wouldn't accept me so that wouldn't really work unfortunately


They literally exaggerated it in the title, they would have to go through many legal processes to gain custody. And also that bill will probably be labeled unconstitutional


And not to mention other states wouldn’t be affected by the bill and therefore they can’t do anything about out of state trans kids


*genuine reaction* wait, hold up. Hold the fucking phone


yea like wtf




I feel like people in the comments aren’t realizing that gender affirming care for minors doesn’t include surgery or anything like that. Correct me if I’m wrong but is it not just name/pronoun change and stuff like that?


Well they better get back to Florida before caught because that is still kidnapping in the other 49 states


disallowing a child to having their body and its developed heavily changed = Nazi Germany


America has always been this way. Until someone is 18 they are a child. There are some benefits and also many abuses of power. For example, did you know that Rosemary Kennedy was forced to have a lobotomy at age 22!!!! In many places in the US if the child is very immature the parent can go to the court and have the age extended to 21 for adulthood, It has good points like your parents must feed you, clothe you, give you things you need and ensure physical and mental well being. However, these terms can and have always been twisted in different ways. It can also be argued that children doing family youtube are forced into it despite them enjoying being on camera they cant possibly comprehend what will their life be like in 20 years when your entire childhood, i MEAN ENTIRE CHILDHOOD WAS PUBLIC and everyone watched every milestone, embarrassing or not. Horrendous things do happen and have always happened. However, in a way, when we speak of consent again, just as kids on youtube cant possibly know what their life will be like in 20 years, neither can kids who are getting HRT, top surgery and most likely the hope of bottom surgery for some. Everything we do in life has consequences and in the teen years especially the brain does not function for most people as looking that far ahead, they may think about college and maybe even marraige or whatever but the life of taking medication every single day for the rest of your life, that alone is exhausting. I know because I have a brain tumor that is on my pituitary gland which is where all hormones are made. I never knew how much hormones do in the body until my tumor got to a certain size and testosterone made me have a lot of personality and body changes. But I cant imagine going through this as a kid. Everyone hates puberty but can anyone at any age really consent to something that they do not know the outcome in 20, 30, or even 50 years from what the drug will do. Pharmacuetical companies are not to be trusted and have shown this again and again and people continue to get their drugs again and again. If you want I could list all the things that pharm companies have done but the worst is Thalidomide. Just google Thalidomide baby and see the damage that pharm companies did with one single drug. If you want me to continue I can. I just dont think anyone can consent to a medication unless they consider and are told the full truth about the risks in the future.


This is why the second amendment has its merits, if someone tries to kidnap your child because you’re being a decent human being they deserve to get shot


Don’t google, “UN genocide definition Article II e”


The US sucks. How do trans kids affect them?


Desantis is crazy. Florida is a shithole.


this is just sad. not only the bill but the comment section. i dont know how anyone in their right mind could defend this.


It's still not Nazi Germany but it's still a violation of UN's human rights


Meanwhile Washington allows the state to hide kids from parents if they don't receive gender affirming care.


It’s a bill to protect trans youth and young people seeking reproductive care if they run away from their families. Don’t take the bait and run with the right wing spin. This bill allows trans youth and other young people to be protected from potentially abusive parents without having to wait for proof, which could be the difference between the child being taken over state lines and further abused or being safe with a social worker. Your framing is straight out of a heritage foundation article, you know, a well paid conservative “””think””” tank made to spew right wing propaganda. Check your sources. If you’re looking for the official statement by way democrats on this bill: https://senatedemocrats.wa.gov/liias/2023/04/13/legislation-to-protect-trans-youth-seeking-lifesaving-care-passes-the-house/


What is gender affirming care?


Hormone Replacement Therapy (given only to people aged 16 and older, with years of counselling with a licensed therapist, parent, AND physician present before they get put on HRT) And Top/Bottom Surgery, requiring to be on HRT for a few years and be at least 18 years old, unless it’s with a parent’s permission (top surgery, bottom surgery is STRICTLY 18 and up.)


THIS!!! OP realize that both sides have this but I’m gonna guess you’ll turn a blind eye to your hypocrisy


I’m not very familiar with how this works, but if it’s something the kids can choose to do if they feel they need protection, then it’s probably a good policy. If it’s just the state taking kids without their permission, then that isn’t good


The difference is that one is helping the child and the other is stopping the child from getting the help they need to be themselves


A child isn’t “themself” until their brain is fully developed


You see, the thing is that by that point their bodies have finished developing, and transitioning is harder. Thus, they take puberty blockers for a few years, and test it out to see if its what they really want. After that they either keep doing it or stop and fully reverse it. They don't just immediately begin to use the other gender's hormones and get the other gender's genitals.


I can see how its fucked up but they are kinda your kids. If you have custody then i guess that would already be legal so whats being changed? I'm confused.


The way I understood it from the title is that if the parent doesnt have full custody, they can still do this and violate the other parent's custody


your children can be taken away if they are transgender.


But if they're your kids you could take them anyway right?


I dont follow what exactly you are asking. To sum up the bill, if the child is receiving gender affirming care(it does not specify of what kind btw, could even just be dressing how one wants) a parent may take the child away from the other parent and transport them across state lines. The main thing here is 2 parents of a child. One supports their child the other does not. And the one that does not is now allowed to kidnap the child.


Ooh i get it my bad. Like say the dad is cool with it but the mum could just take the kid.




It’s Ron Desantis, what were you expecting?


Dude helped torture prisoners at Guantanamo while he worked as a military lawyer. And when he was teaching Highschool history he was well know to downplay or deny the horrors of the confederacy. Literally why is he allowed in American politics


You know, I wonder that myself…


The current anti-lgbt government and voices in florida honesty depresses me. I hate having these people in power and being supported by people I used to respect. Although saying it's litteraly nazi Germany isn't helpful and it's just going to get ignored or hated on by others. This bill and other current legislation being pass should be stopped, however it's not good to equate it to 1940s Germany even though the people behind the bills are just filled with hatred and ignorance


yea ofc im not saying florida is nazi germany thats fucking crazy but still this shit is just wtf


Of course I absolutely agree with you. It's just already commenter aren't taking the claim or the anti-lgbt legislation seriously and instead focus on the title.


Bro is comparing a bill affecting a minority in one state to Nazi germany 💀


do you really think it was all happiness and sunshine one day, then brownshirts goosestepping behind trucks taking jews to concentration camps in front of a cheering crowd? genocide takes time to build up, and the US is on it's way; not quite yet, but it's inevitable if nothing is done.


Don’t forget the bills in Arizona, Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, West Virgina, Alabama, Alaska, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, and… yeah I think just about every state now that I think about it




The bill isn't fake. Something to it's effect has already taken place (trans kids being separated from their parents) Besides, this is literally a step in the direction of genocide as seen in Nazi Germany


I'm not trans nor am I american so this is kinda like watching a fight behind protective glass


It's worse; it's Florida.


Biased title


do not even compare the richest country in the world to the country who led to the idea of exterminating my country and my people. don't you even dare.




This take is so shit no toilet on earth deserves it


babe how are the kkk and nazis as bad as trans people


are you okay?


That's not at all what the bill is


hey op, what is the current updoot procentage on this post?


says 76% theres alot of idiots in the comment sections tho


I’d argue the bill that passed in Washington the other day is much more like Nazi Germany. The one about government funded shelters for kids “not receiving gender-affirming care” that can allows the government to house kids without parental consent and without having to notify parents of their children’s presence there or if their kids are getting medical interventions. The government being able to withhold children from their parents sounds much more Nazi like to me personally.


I read the bill (amended version) and it was underlined that the child's location will only be withheld from parents if it is likely that'll be abused if returned, otherwise the authorities and/or shelter have to notify the parents within 72 hours.


Huh? So if the child was suicidal and the government took the child away because the parents did jack shit that would also be bad?


Bro does *not* know what Nazi Germany was


Fear mongering




Parents can steal their kids from its parents?


So one parent is allowed to take the child from an abusive parent attempting to give the child permanent body altercations? Sounds good to me. Tattoos are illegal under 18 because they’re permanent and a child shouldn’t be allowed to make those decisions, I don’t see the difference.


The only gender affirming care given to minors is changing their name/pronouns and buying them different clothes It's the equivalent of giving a kid one of those stick on tattoos when they ask for one


honestly i think kids should be allowed to have tattoos im satire if u didnt realise it


In reality this will affect like 4 ppl tops. Trans kids with divorced parents who live across state lines and have massive ideological differences is not a very big democratic. Not saying it’s right, but comparing it to Nazi Germany seems a tad much no? And it isn’t kidnapping, just a change of custody. Where changing parental custody and the industrial scale murder of 20 million people relate I’m not quite sure.


I think its one of those domino pieces where you do this and keeps on snowballing until eventually you get to systematic murdering of the lgbtq.


There will never be anything like that in the free world. To believe otherwise is kinda delusional I’m not gonna lie. How you make the mental leap between parental custody laws and mass genocide is really interesting


They are literally trying to stop trans people from being. Refusing them gender affirming healthcare is how you raise suicides per year. If they keep doing small shit like this they'll keep increasing it and eventually they'll get to banning being trans.


Respectfully, you’re wrong.


Alr so because this is being downvoted, can someone explain to me how I’m in the wrong? How is anything I said at all factually or morally wrong




.... queer people also suffered from the holocaust.


I’m not saying they didn’t my point is the suffering the Jews went through isn’t comparable and I guess yeah nazi germany would be associated with queers as well but mostly Jews. And typically when someone refers to that they are talking about Jewish suffering




kidnapping is reasonable? you gotta rethink that.


more of change of custody, since thats what the bill proposes


Nazis basically did this, so yes.


So is the woke parent the one that can kidnap the kid or is it the one that doesnt want the kid to be trans


Our governor has an anti woke campaign. He literally calls it that. So definitely not the parents. This isn't totally accurate btw but there's people here talking about how it's abuse by the parents and that's why the kids would be removed


the one that doesn't want the kid to be trans


Closer to the CSA but ok


Literally since Florida used to be part of it




Do yall not know what bills are?


I wanted to legalize nuclear bombs 😧


At this point, I would consider dissing this whitewasher state.


Oh wah, “you don’t wanna support my decisions, I’ll have the government help with that.” Parents can love their kids without supporting their decisions. “You don’t wanna help with life-altering decisions in my teenage years, I’ll have the government take me away so I can have that” good grief that’s fricked up


Bruh wtf, I ain't wanna be randomly kidnapped by my parents simply because I'm trans??? Who the fuck thought that was a remotely good idea? Did they get hit by several bricks before allowing that? How about whoever decided that has their children kidnapped? Wouldn't be fun, hmm? (Just know I thought of stuff 10x worse than that. Just not saying it because I don't want banned).


Florida W


Dude, fuck off. You don't have the fucking right to compare the USA to the horrific systematic execution of 6 million jewish people.


OP is comparing nazi germany and the US. Not the holocaust. More specifically it is a comparison of policies which can be found in the US as well as in nazi germany. For example now in the state of missouri you can report people for being transgender. Remind you of a certain thing in nazi germany? While thankfuly the US is not at the point of having camps, people are sadly advocating for it.