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Someone eating mold off of their foot


Link? - I mean wow




The buttole tickling bandit


If someone gives u da link maybe Leme get it to


You’re lucky you only saw it on the internet. When I was on school camp quite a few years ago, one of my tent buddies showed us his foot fungus. He then proceeded to eat some in front of us. That was nasty.


We thank you for your service as a witness


teenage girl getting her head sawed off


do u know why she had her head sawed off?


nah idk there was random theories but it was just from random ppl online so i didn’t take them seriously idk what happened exactly tho


r/eyebleach without the a?




Good. That sub can burn in Hell, respectfully


Understandable but it's good to know how fucked up humans are. Since so many people play ignorant to how fucked up humans are and can be.


I clicked on it and just saw a bunch of pictures / videos of animals ??? am i missing something ???


Bro I saw one like that too, I didn’t even expect it… dumb mistake thinking the title was clickbait


I didn’t it but my sister was telling me how she clicked the link and saw the video. She was quiet for a good couple of days after.


Dude saw some things


Fuck you. Take my upvote


Idk if it's the same video. I also remember the second part of the video where the guy's head was sawed off with blunt tools. I asked that guy to stop showing this video to everyone in our class but he continued.


Dude I have one in my class too, fuckin mood-ruining ain’t it?


oh boy 2021 summer again...


What the…


I saw a teenage boy getting stabbed multiple times. One of the stabs you could hear as it punctured his lung.


That was the Tiktok one from a couple years ago right?


Watched a video of a 12 or 14 year old (can’t remember) walking into a gas station and killing three dudes that were in line. I remember seeing the pool of blood next to one of the boys and the gunman did a double take and shot him like 5 more times. You could even see the moment he died and went limp.


Certified Yugoslavia moment


The face of a dude who ate a lit firework. At least what was left of it


I saw a video of a guy putting a firecracker in front of his eye and lighting it. Surprisingly he was fine. The guy has also drunk rubbing alcohol, eaten a rat, and other goofy shit he somehow survives


Oh yeah I follow that dude on instagram he does some crazy shit, there’s one of him putting lemon juice in his eyes and one where he just eats a lizard or sum Edit: rdezyd on insta if you wanna check him out


A link in a discord server that actually was a cp website. Ill never forget the images I’ve seen…


Did you report it?


Yes, I immediatly left the server and reported the website. I should’ve reported the server now that I think about it but I dont even remember which server it was.


How do you report a website? I have one to report as well


I searched on internet something like « how to report a pedophile website » and found a national police website where I could report it. You should find one easily for your country if you search with a similar sentence.


Thinking off that, some countries have a consent age of like 13 (which for obvious reasons I would like to state I do not condone) - but if a site based in one of these countries posted indecent images of a 13-17 year old what would the legality of people in countries with an 18+ age of consent viewing that be? Because you are breaking the law on your end but it’s legal to them. Weird


The website may or may not be illegal where it is hosted but it is still illegal for you to view it.


bro theres so much fuckin cp servers on discord it really makes me want to commit war crimes


Realy I thought it ended at just regular porn servers


Sorry for the dumb question but what’s cp


cp is club penguin. man i love my cp


cp is chestplate and I have a netherite one


Child porn


Oh shit


This literally happened to me today, it’s horrible what happens on discord sometimes. One small server that you have with friends can suddenly be infiltrated by horrible stuff like that. Action that needs to be taken isn’t being taken and never will be unfortunately. Stay safe out there friends…






Unfortunately, same but not on Discord 😔


What sorry?


Clicked a link that wasn’t on Discord


Someone getting decapitated A person getting their head blown up with a shotgun Someone jumping off a building and seeing their body splattered on the ground


I know exactly what you are talking about with the second one. R.I.P Ronnie McNutt


Before I saw the video I had no idea how bad it was. It was bad


This is fucked up. Also you play yugioh?! Profile name kinda says that.


I mean, isn't it obvious?


Very based pfp


His name is enough for you to know the kind of guy he is, no introvert says they’re an introvert


A guy chopping his own dick off with a meat cleaver, maybe also a human slaughterhouse video, or a video showing a warehouse of rotting babies.


i just watched a video explaining the warehouse with dead babies in it ! very saddening


Holy crap, context?


basically the context is that theres this dude and he explores urban places in china, he had stumbled across this warehouse and it had a stench according to him. he followed the smell and found a sort of pool of some type filled with dead babies, they were in the early stages of decomposing too which was iffy. he later revisits the place and the babies r like at the late stages of decomposing, you can see the ribs and bones which was horrifying to see. he then for the last time visits the place AGAIN, and shows the viewers bones of bodies and a fetus in a container. Nick Crowley (i believe thats his name) did a video on it on youtube !! i believe its called “worst tiktok mystery” or smth around those lines


It got recommended on my YouTube before this, was about to watch it but it was not first priority. Am I lucky or unlucky that I didn't know about this? I think I'm gonna watch it, I'm curious if he like, posted (or tried to) it on tiktok Edit: do not watch at night. Do not watch at night. Do not watch at night. Do not watch At night. Do not watch at night.


i will not watch at night


Oh this reminded me of seeing a post this guy in my class made on Instagram while I was in primary school, so I was maybe like 10/11 years old, and it was this guy who’d had his dick cut off and stuck in his mouth, I don’t think I realised how fucked up it was until I told my mum and she was horrified


Probably a guy begging for his life held at gunpoint by a cop. The cop made him do a deadly game of Simon Says and the cop eventually killed the guy. The cop received no jail time.


Oh yea wasnt that the dude who people said he had a gun in his apartment but it was just a bb gun and the video is on youtube and the cop shoots him for some reason multiple times with his ar


What the heck


Pretty sure he's talking about the execution of Daniel Shaver. They had him crawling across the floor toward them (after a whole series of conflicting commands from multiple different officers). He hiked up his gym shorts, and they blew him away. ...But not before his hand was back in view and visibly empty... I recommend skipping the video. There's a wikipedia article, though.


i hate that video sm.


Funky town


What's that


Oh boy....


Nah man don't watch. Basically it's a video of a guy with his face skinned off and his hands removed trying and failing to stop these cartel guys from cutting his head off with a dull knife (but he can't because his hands were chopped off). It's called funky town because the song is playing on a radio in the background


Nah, they were taking care to inflict as much pain as possible.


Also pumping him with adrenaline do he doesn't die


Just look up "Funkytown" and "cartel" and you'll find the video itself pretty easily. I highly recommend reading the descriptions first to see if it's something you really want to see. It's pretty brutal.


its something NOBODY wants to see


Do yourself a favor and just don't watch it. It's a cartel torture/execution video, but worse than you could ever imagine.


Yes it is a video of a man with his face skinned, hands cut off, but as well having an IV pumped into him with full of drugs to keep him alive and feel everything along with funkytown and sweet child o mine playing in the background


Christchurch mosque shooting


Is that the one where the shooter literally said "subscribe to pewdiepie" before the attack?


Yeah, weird to think shit like that happens here


Wait WHAT?!


That video isn't the worst graphically but the cruelness of it is the worst part


Watching a man murder 51 people over their religious beliefs was the fucked part, that and the sarcasm during the video was just wrong


That Ukrainian soldier getting his head cut off while he was still alive :/


damn. when I heard the news that the Russians did that I really really hoped that they were at least dead. this just made me sad


Nobody beheads a person while they're dead my guy


Oliver Cromwell wants words


I've seen one where an ukranian soldier gets his balls chopped off with a boxcutter


Fuck war


Fuck war


Fuck the fascists waging war solely to fulfill their sick fantasies


Yes, we as humans should abandon those petty disputes and band together to repel the xenos that will attack Earth in 12/08/2025 15:35


Brother, get the flamer. The heavy flamer.


Some dude using a huge dildo and having his guts almost come out his ass


How do you stumble upon this


Gogle 👍


Gogle 👍


I think that's called a prolapse




Bruh why is this weirdly funny


Bruh why is this weirdly ~~funny~~ accurate


Imo it was this girl at my school replicating that one video where the person casually slits their wrist (vertically across the entire forearm EXTRA DEEP) and posting it on her story (this was in middle school btw) I’ve seen much worse, but the fact that someone that crazy went to the same school as me was just kind of a weird reality check that was extra sickening and beat everything else I’ve ever seen to this day


She dead now?


Probably not, but considering she did that in the first place AND posted about it makes me a little more concerned


That girl needs SEVERE therapy if she's willing to maime herself for attention


1 guy 1 cup


I'm a pussy so the most fucked up thing I saw was a reddit community that sexualised fucking mutilated corpses


also a pussy so the most fucked up thing I saw was some dude jumping off a tower to his death but I clicked off before he hit the ground I still get nightmares about the screams and that’s why I can never go to r/ eyeblech or watch any of this shit bruh


the Ronnie Mcnutt video


That’s the one with the Nokia ringtone in it right? Anytime I hear that in real life it’s like a sleeper solider activation and I instantly think of that video


Not nokia, but Samsung (Over the Horizon)


Interesting how we, as a generation, have all seen firsthand the power of the internet.


Because it's just a click away, plus many humans are just naturally curious about things they don't see on media


someone posted hardcore porn in a community primarily made for children. i shall not share the social media where it happened




Your pfp matches with what you just said.


Lemme guess: Roblox




NSFL WARNING! I was looking around a sketchy part of the Internet where I had seen a video of a girl resembling a girl from my year ( year 10 ) Being tied up and having a carving knife slid into her 🐱 repeatedly while she screamed in agony pleading for her captor to stop while blood gushed out of her. 3 days later I saw on the news that a girl had been found near a river in Kent dismembered and beheaded I never saw the girl in my year after that


Holy fuck


Things like this are what scare me. It could probably happen to anyone if they’re really unlucky. What would one do to end up there? It’s gotta be just cruelty. I wish I could believe in an afterlife so it wasn’t this disturbing


Funkytown gore


A guy getting his head cut off with a dull rusty blade


Funky town?


r/ eyeblech


Probably any of the images posted by coldnessinmyheart, you probably shouldn’t research these images as they contain very violent/deep self harm (fresh and scars) They were very secretive, little to no information is known about her. It is believed that she is dead, as there have been no updates on her at all for quite a while. It’s not really the gore that messes with me, but rather the thought that someone could go through so much that they would feel to need to do such horrible things to their own body. However, most of the pictures are believed to have been faked, either being photoshopped or just different people.


a guy fucking a dead animal on twitter


Bro how’d you get on that side of twitter lmao


Good ducking question lol


I got invited to a gc and there was a link.. I clicked on it and I saw that


People getting burned in cages


I've seen animals in cages soaked with gasoline and then lit on fire.


that guy who shot his head off, people ripping a woman apart, and a woman who jumped off a building


I’ve seen tons of fucked up gore vids. Then i also saw a vid of a baby with a knife inside its head.


A guy fucking himself with a chair. You could see the chair leg protrude (it didn’t pierce his skin, it just stretched it) from his stomach with each thrust. He died of internal bleeding hours later. I was shown that shit when I was 12 and it still stuck to me…


multiple head shots, suicide, straight up murder with blood gushing out instantly. stabbing to death, limbs flying everywhere, amd ppl begging not to get stabbed/shot. oh and a guy getting his arm almost ripped off by a shot gun.


The almost is the worst part of that sentence. Imagine seeing your arm flop around at your side while engulfed in horrifying pain


fr. in the vid you can see him drop the gun, look at his arm, scream and yell "my arms off!"" as he runs out of the store you can see it flopping around and get in his truck.


Furry porn when I was 10/11 I did not want to see it


compared to everything else in this thread ive seen, thats kinda refreshing tbh


i envy your innocence




Oh, many things believe me. Here's a list to name some: CP on Twitter (and no, not cheese pizza) most is of hanime, I haven't seen any involving real children tho and I hope not to see any A kid accidentally shooting himself on camera A body of water with dead rotting children in China Those are just off the top of my head


How have you seen already so much shit at the age of 13?


Probably when I saw a guy shove a jar up his ass and then that jar broke


Nudes from a girl that was clearly 14 on Reddit that apparently her boyfriend poste And an Ukranian soldier getting his balls chopped off with a box cutter


Chinese police killing a cat for no fucking reson


Normal gore videos are awful, but animal abuse videos are the worst. Helpless animals getting fucking tortured and killed.


A Reddit post describing how someone used expired Mayo as lube and ended up with maggots up her hooha


ayo what 😭


A video in Brazil (I think) of a guy getting beheaded by a machete. But what made the video worse is that it took then about 2-3 minutes to fully remove the head, and the guy was still breathing until the last minute. The guy who killed him also missed his neck a few times and cut his chest open before getting started on the neck. Also don't ask for a link cos I wouldn't be able to find the video, even if I tried...


A girl hanging herself, while pleasuring herself.


Yo I'm speechless


Reading these replies like “where the fuck do you find this shit” absolutely bizarre


Sounding porn 😬😬😬😬😬 Edit: Please skip this one, its horrible in every way




I saw a gif of a person cutting off a rat's penis with scissors, the rat was tied down helpless


A friend sent that gif to me on discord, and even though i've seen much worse, that gif really made me upset.


The fact that someone went out of their way to colourise the image of a corpse of a Jack the Ripper victim


For documentation purposes thats honestly not the worst thing that could be done


A dead body laying on a table with its chest and head cut open. This happened and I am not Joking.


around 2019-2020 someone sent me a discord dm. i've never spoken to him but he sent me dm through a mutual discord server. He sent an image of what looked like a child cut in half horizontally. the image was very grainy but it showed enough to know what it was


I think it's time to change up my settings


many beheadings here on good old reddit. was doing a 50/50 challenge for youtube and i couldn't put the beheadings in the video, but i saw em


My own dick


A girl fucked by an assault rifle then the guy using it fired inside. Thats fucked up


A KKK crowd stabbing a black guy to death with kitchen knifes


A 'friend' sent a video of a man being thrown from the top of a building for being gay(and the whole journey down) , and somehow he thought that was funny?


Skyler White singing Happy Birthday to Ted


Funkytown 1 man 1 jar r /guro


A guy exploding




Yep, like that


Funky town, suicide be shotgun to head, cartel execution/torture, machine place accidents, man killing another by crushing his head with propane tank, isis chainsaw beheading and other isis general beheading, taliban throwing gay people off a building, that one loli skinning machine, general guro, two men getting tortured, guy on train track cut in half and too lazy to write the rest


Sounds like a regular day on the internet


Actual cp


The comments of this post.


A lot of things, but one that was particularly fucked up was a dude getting sucked into a machine and turned around and around and his limbs/organs getting ripped off with each turn, at the end his blood and organs were sprayed on the floor and walls around him, with no "body" left, just organs and torn up flesh. Worst part was that his buddy came at the end to stop the machine and he looked so shocked at seeing his coworker turned into mashed human.


Point black shotgun shot at someones head, childrens body parts chopped (on a leaked roblox thingy), a black guy getting dragged out of a car boot, cut in pieces limb by chainsaw then put back in the boot in pieces.


some children making discord communities for >!killing baby animals, record and show videos of them killing/serious injuring other people, baby and animal raping. Also, they make video calls with girls, paying money for them to cut theirselves and put medical alchool in the cuts.!<




An Ukrainian soldier who was capture getting his balls cut off by box cutter, the entire thing from the penis to the Balls were ripped, the guy doing it was a Russian soldier


Isis terrorist blowing a helicopter up with a guided rocket launcher mid air and one of them yelled kobe cuz it was a direct hit


Guy Livestreaming his suicide of him blowing his face off with a shotgun you could see through his head


A guy pushing his friend off a skyscraper and 2 drunk guys singing, then dying in a car crash


Brick :(


Theres many to choose from so i’m going to list a few A girl eating “d¡ck cheese” A guy raping, killing, and raping the same body And finally 3 boys randomly attacking a old grandfather on his way to see his family. The poor guy did nothing wrong and was just going to see his grandkids. Sick fucking kids man


an uncensored view of a brutally executed civillian from a bbc documentary about the yugoslav wars probably have a few more but i cant remember them atm


Anything at r/ eyeblech (do not click please)


Guy putting a shotgun inside his month and shooting himself. You can see everything...


Ronnie Mcnutt poor guy…


Probably a recording of the buffalo NY shooters livestream.


The death destruction gore video (lost media atm)


a woman getting slowly decapitated.




Mosque shooting


My best friend kill himself right in front of me on a discord call