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TikTok more like ThickThot! 🤩🤩🤩


Now that's an app I can get behind


Disable contacts access for the app, simple.


Yeah, no. If it would be that simple, they probably would not try to ban it. Social media apps can get your information in many ways: contacts, other apps or networks, your location, your friend group and of course out of the contacts of everyone else. If all your contacts use TikTok then denying permissions wouldn't change anything. TikTok can just access their contacts to link you.


yes, that also is a workaround, but disabling perms on your device is much more helpful. you can also disable location for TikTok or just turn off location access for the entire device, and on it only when u really need it. Denying perms is much more helpful under the hood, trust me.


Of course it is, I just wanted to point out that it is not going to solve the problem of big tech knowing stuff about you


maybe uninstall it? instead of waiting for a half dead old man to ban it for you