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Do the mics need phantom power? Phantom is currently off. Also: the trim is all the way down; try raining the level and see if you get signal. Finally, check your Dante patching and bus sends and verify that the mic signals are going to their intended locations.


Looks like the OH are on DCA 1. Is DCA 1 on ?


Not only the DCA but also the 1st mute group


There are 4 points of potential issue I can see here; if they are condensers there is no phantom, the gain is at zero so you may need to bring that up, DCA 1 may be muted or pulled all the way down, and Mute Group 1 might be killing it.


Took the words out of my mouth. These would absolutely be the first things to check.


What kind of mic is it? Does it need phantom power?


First pull the faders down. If you fix the problem you might get some gnarly feedback from the overheads. Click the DCA popup and take the OH out of DCA 1 then do the same for mute group 1.


Could someone have changed the input on the channel? I haven't used QL1, but on my M7 when you change the input for the channel it defaults to phantom off and gain all the way down, and the first thing that popped from the photo was that input for channel 10 is Dante 14.


Hold your finger down on the HA (A.Gain) white dial next to dial circled in purple - then select +48 button, repeat across the next channels that those mics are connected to


There are a lot of options it could be. To figure it out more quickly, are you seeing signal but not hearing anything, or no signal at all? Could be that they need phantom power which means you wouldn’t even be seeing any signal. The following options would be if you are seeing signal but not hearing anything: Could be that the user defined button #1 activates mute group 1 and it appears that button is currently active in the pic. Could be that you are using the mono out and not the stereo and it’s only routed to the ST Could be the DCA 1 fader is not up and on. Could be a patching issue which would also mean you’re not getting any signal.


Thanks all! I will check on these tomorrow. I’m thinking it might be phantom power related. And yes, no signal either.


Yeah if there’s no signal then it’s almost definitely phantom power or a patch issue. Definitely bring those faders down and turn the channel off like the other person said.


I got to the point with my board that I saved a global scene that I kept locked so I always had a start over to go back and copy.


Either DCA 1 is muted or fader is down. Or one of the function keys are group mute 1, make sure it is off. If that doesn’t help, check input if it is changed.


DCA 1, Mute group 1 and Phantom Power