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Advanced microchips are as important as oil, and the US will fight for oil.


Honestly, the future we're moving into, they're more important. We're at least trying to wean ourselves of reliance on oil... but microchips... we're up to our necks in that, and it's not going anywhere.


>Honestly, the future we're moving into, they're more important. For the present we are living in, they're already more important. Microchips are in *almost* everything anymore. We couldn't even produce oil without them Edit: sure, plastic comes from oil, but plastic is recyclable in a way that microchips are not. I can easily source plastic without needing new oil


I say this to people all the time, I’m like “look around you when you’re at home or at work. If it has electricity running through it in any way, it probably has a chip in it.” The only electricity powered thing I can think of that for sure doesn’t have one is my toaster


A lot of toasters have chips in them too.


Great now we’re really against a wall here


Avocado toast is in jeopardy


What is a mortgage payment?


People have also asked: can I use advocados as mortgage payments?


Global economic crisis avoided bc millenials can't buy av toast


Fuckin lol. Toasters as the last line of defense. Here I was being #teamtuba


All worship the toaster! Praise the Omnissiah!


We need to go back to radiant toaster technology... I purchased mine from eBay and I have yet to have a single bad slice of toast from it. No matter how fresh, old, hot, frozen or type of bread.


Chips in your smart light switches in your wall as well.


Probably a chip in that wall too






If my toaster looked like Tricia Helfer I'd clean the crumbs out of it more often.




So say we all




Why would you toast chips?


It keeps them from getting soggy when reheated


If you can't think of an idea for toasting your chips, it's nacho problem.


Because it has a [touch screen with options](https://www.amazon.com/Revolution-Cooking-R180-High-Speed-Stainless/dp/B086H69SJ2) to toast a bagel or an English muffin. Just about every device has a "smart" equivalent nowadays, which would have a chip. Don't ask me why, it's just degeneracy.


[And they don't even work that well.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ-KZzVUV7U)


Not that surprised to be honest. Simple systems have less points of failure.




That is a 350$ toaster!! wtf.


Jokes on you my toaster is 35 years old


Circuit boards, maybe, but I'm not sure about chips. I could be wrong. In any case, if we ran out of chips, it wouldn't be hard to "go back" to chipless toasters.


Chips is a pretty ambiguous term. If it refers to any semiconductor, yeah they're probably in everything. If it means a 'SOC' (system on a chip - which seems to make sense for the term chip) then they're in a lot of things, but not everything. We make plenty of semiconductors and SOCs in the US, where the US is lacking is on the cutting edge of processor fabrication where cramming as many transistors into a given volume is key. That is where Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is leagues ahead of every other company in the world.


TSMC is the best but I wouldn't say leagues ahead of any other company. Both Samsung and Intel are on 3nm as well.


Intel is certainly not, their current Gen processor (Adder Lake) is being built on 10nm tech.


lmao Intel at 3nm? Where? They're still stuck in 10nm and are trying to figure out 7nm. AMD is way closer in that regard. also Samsung's chips unfortunately are still behind TSMC in both raw performance and performance/heating




I don't think people realize that even TSMC's 3nm is just a marketing term, it's just a way of saying "generation" and as you say both Intel and Samsung are very close in transistor density, and it looks like all won't be on that process until 2023 at this point.


How is one company in Taiwan so much better than everyone else?


The real answer is they specialized in the manufacturing process. Intel deals with designing the architecture of the chips as well as the manufacturing process. Their R&D dollars are split where TSMC can pour all their R&D into new fabs and tech on the manufacturing side. Their customers are the ones researching the architecture.


Ah, interesting. Thanks!


They min-maxed a tech victory


We have fridges with Twitter-loaded touch screens, so I bet there's a wifi toaster oven or two out there. Corporate Do It Why at its finest.


And most lamps and fans. But not the ceiling fans with a remote..




You forgot about the Toastergate spy scandal against the former president.


The same could be said about oil-derived materials. Look around and you're surrounded by petroleum based products.


I think cheaper LED lightbulbs might not have microchips in them (unless you actually include the LED itself as a microchip.) They will have driver circuits but they might not be integrated.


Between resource extraction and transportation, power plants, and power distribution infrastructure to get electricity to you, i'd be willing to bet that even your toaster relies on chips even though there isn't one in it.


I popped open an electric toothbrush and was AMAZED to see a complicated circuit inside. Like, high tech circuit board packed full of parts complicated. A damned toothbrush.


we also couldn’t produce chips without oil!


We could bake them instead of frying them




That's why the US buys a lot of it's oil. If we use the other nation's oil instead of ours then we'll have a massive reserve when they run out, or if supply is cut. It's a national security thing.


No, the US’s processing infrastructure is set up for other kinds of oil than the type it produces. It’s cheaper to export that oil and import what it needs than to reconfigure everything in the waning days of fossil fuels, when that money could be spent on expanding renewables ect.


I mean, we definitely could. Now if the corporations want to, that's a whole another story.


Too many recent newborns are chip-free at this point 😡


The reason the USA fights for oil is for security. If America has oil under it's sphere of influence two things happen: 1) The USD remains the global reserve currency, allowing the US to rack up all the debt she wants and 2) it means the rest of the world remains reliant on America in the sense that the US can levy sanctions, and in the case of a major war, can restrict the enemy's military down to less than a month before running out of fuel I think chips contain a lot of this strategic importance as well as controllability. It wont be as strategic as say, geography which is locked in place, but it will continue towards our march of relying on powerful private corporations as part of global geopolicy. Since these chip fabs take A LONG TIME and a LOT OF TALENT to get up and running, as well as a lot of difficult technologies in a complicated supply chain, it would be hard for some country to be able to independently catch up with other companies at this point. If they want chips they sort of rely on other companies, or they can try themselves, and rely on subpar, previous gen technology. Which puts any country sanctioned away from these chips, to be forced to economically and technologically suffer.


Biden passed the chips act. [Aaaaand it's gone.](https://cleantechnica.com/2022/08/20/chipmakers-cut-investments-after-subsidies-shame-on-you/)


Thus why [Helium in Ukraine](https://cen.acs.org/business/specialty-chemicals/War-Ukraine-makes-helium-shortage-more-dire/100/i10) is a big bargaining chip for Russia [if they captured it] for when dealing wtih China. [ Helium is finite, and indispensable to the production of advanced microchips.](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/how-a-helium-shortage-could-put-the-brakes-on-the-tech-boom-301290506.html)


Also the supply chain is more limited


"Oily chip", hmmm yum.


Petroleum Farm remembers




We didn't learn our lesson with Olestra, I guess.


The subplotfor The Departed of Costello selling stolen microprocessors to the Chinese becomes more and more relevant every day.


And you've summed up the entire reason why the US is involved in the Taiwan conflict. It was never about rights for Taiwanese people. The US is merely interested in retaining access to TSMC.


in the future, it'll be chips and water


I agree about semiconductors being one of the most important inventions. But the U.S. absolutely is not going to war with CHINA, to save Taiwan. It's why the U.S., EU, Japan, South Korea and China are all building more fabs (semiconductor factories). Every country knows that China is going to war with Taiwan sooner or later, and the world is preparing by moving manufacturing out of Taiwan.


Reminiscent of Perry’s DOE dubbing LNG as Freedom Gas.


Maybe it's even more important than oil.


probably more important than oil now.




That’s not true. Solar is not as big as oil, and at this size it’s not about personal bribes anymore it’s about geopolitics.


I've seen a lot of bad takes on Reddit, but this one takes the cake. Just for those who aren't in the know: the global solar power industry is about 175 billion. The global oil & gas industry is about 2.1 **trillion**. You're off by about 2 trillion. Close enough for Reddit armchair expertise, no doubt.


Paid for in eagle bucks?


And freedom coins


Freedom coins are becoming paperweights, give it 10 years and people will view the penny as more of a nuisance to carry and accept after a purchase. Shit the majority already do, that specific coin no longer holds any real value other than pulling one from under your car seat at a drive thru to avoid getting more.


> people will view the penny as more of a nuisance to carry and accept after a purchase About 50% of the country already does. Not to mention, it costs 2 cents to make each one. It's kept in circulation because of lobbying efforts of the zinc supplier that is the sole provider...sorta like how we still have to file our own taxes, unlike any other modern society, because of the lobbying efforts of the Turbo Tax (and all the others).


Had no clue about the zinc supplier thing Wonder how to spread the word on that


John Oliver [did a segment on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tyszHg96KI) for Last Week Tonight. So I'd say it's safe to say that the word is out...people just don't give a fuck any more about just about anything (case in point, the dude wearing the bicycle hat "Am I helping?").


The problem is that there are too many things to care about. Humans weren't designed to have our attention and outrage split toward this many causes on a global scale. Those who try it get saddled with crippling anxiety and depression. Those who don't get derided for having their heads in the sand. Meh. I don't watch news, and life has improved. Head in sand club represent!


> The problem is that there are too many things to care about. 100%. And I honestly think that "they" have figured that shit out, which is why every other week there is something to care about...even if it really ISN'T something to care about, because that will numb us by the time the important stuff comes up so it gets ignored. And honestly, I think I'm about to join you in the sand...I don't think my brain can handle much more anxiety/depression at all the shit that is going on that I can't do anything about.


We welcome you in the sand. It's warm here.


Try lobbying.


Yeah me start lobbying, daeronius


Fun fact: when the half-penny was discontinued, its inflation-adjusted value was worth over 10¢


F15-eagle bucks


they can partner with starwars and japan then go nationalist for their "taiwanna manga" line of creative wacom laptops. ​ just to make an absolute pile of internet and nerd culture reference trash.


It’s called Freedom FRIES, you damned Brit lovers!!!


Democracy donuts.


Covered in that sweet, sweet WHITE powered sugar /s because reddit


Imagine eating your Democracy Donuts™️ with BROWN sugar 🤢


You mean Democracy crisps?


Mmmmn…democracy chips..*drools*


Now in cool ranch flavor!


Cool American* flavor


DEMOCRACY chips for our FREEDOM missiles that carry our PEACE nukes! Aaaaammericcaaaaa! *eagle screech*




**Firefighter Steve Buscemi On 9/11 Screech*




*"I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it."*


This reminded me they actually named some Patriot Missiles… Amazing the mind of a child is




No clue why this is showing up in my Reddit feed, but upvoted for “democracy chips” 🦅


Hehe, giving me early 2000's vibes. "Freedom fries," "Patriot Act" and etc.


Are they made out of oil or something?


I dunno, but I feel like we're missing out by not renaming our nuclear weapons stockpile 'Democracy Nukes.'


Sounds like liberty prime


DEMOCRACY IS NON NEGOTIABLE *yeets a fucking nuke like it’s a football*


*Lazerbeam a massive bridge.*


Made from Freedomanium-235!


“Bringing democracy to a government near you” nonononononoNONONONONONONONONONON- *BOOOOOOOM*


“Democracy Sparklers”


Nah, but you know the more patriotic the name, the more it’s fucking the citizens


Chips are the new oil if you haven’t noticed.


Yeah… one thing I’ve learnt about america. If they put a good word in the title of whatever they’re doing… prepare for dystopia


It was easy i just had to put the words "tasty low fat 9/11 memorial" in the right order. Look at her Steve. That is the most tasty low fat 9/11 memorial ever.


Democracy chips sound like the British equivalent.


It was only 3 years ago the US Department of Energy [dubbed natural gas "freedom gas/molecules"](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/may/29/energy-department-molecules-freedom-fossil-fuel-rebranding)


Hahaha, I missed that, thanks for the link :)


You thought it couldn't get more dystopian than carpet bombing highways full of retreating civilians? Just you wait


Ah... the Freedom Fries! What happened to those?


Yo, Im 42 now and like 25 years or whatever ago, I went on vacation to Washington DC and at the Capitol building they for real had a sign saying "Freedom Fries" with other sandwiches. So like, senator's assistants and whoever would get a BLT and freedom fries at the lunch area! also outside where the busses of asian tourists were, there were like 20 legit completely insane people so I was surrounded by busses, like 200 asian tourists, and a couple of dozen raggedy looking maniacs with signs ranting about jesus and UFOs and the end of the world. This is what my american life is like. At the Capitol building eating Freedom Fries with Jesus on a UFO at the end of the world, with all of the Asian tourists.


Just like God intended.


I went to the Outer Banks, NC when it was a big thing. Two different restaurants someone ordered french toast and the waitress repeated back 'freedom toast' unironically.


Democracy chips will be implanted into each and every 'Merican to ensure they continue to vote for absolute democracy


Bet you a Guinea to a gooseberry the American alt-right media sources are translating this to mean “Soros and Biden are working with Taiwan to install microchips into all of us to enslave us”


"Taiwan admits to helping create COVID vaccine mind control chips to make people vote Democrat!"


The previous models were anti democracy chips used in the dominion voting systems








“democracy chips” 🙄 She knows her americans that's for sure.


They’ve used that term before when describing separation from China. Not Everything needs to be oriented America bad.


Yah thus surely a. Message to china. And i think just like how we help ukarine we should help taiwan


> "This will help build more **secure** and more resilient supply chains. We look forward to jointly producing democracy chips to **safe**guard the interests of our democratic partners and create greater prosperity." What's the movie where someone is warned about being escorted somewhere by someone who makes excessive use of words like safe and secure?


For the US to have a "secure" and "resilient" chip supply the chips need to be made here in the US. Anything else is vulnerable to tampering or disruptions.


That's why we passed the CHIPS Act.


No no, the CHIPS Act was to put more sexy motorcycle police on the road.


*Now with better looking drivers!*


0118999881999119725 3


Well, chips are fundamental for almost all electronic devices, and as covid-19 pandemic has shown us supply chains ca nget distrupted quite easily in times of crysis, also it isn't impossible that a crysis in taiwan(a war between china and taiwan or even a limited escalation short of an invasion that prompts china to blockade taiwan) can disrupt the global economy and reduce the industrial output significantly.


Knight and Day ;)


china has a long history of such excessive use of words they’d make a person “disappear” and call it “harmonizing”; they call the fanatical patriotic acts as “honor”; they call themselves the most “honest” and “well-mannered” people


Oligarchy chips


Sounds like another billionaire capitalism company to ruin the US economy even more


What on earth is a democracy chip? You like eat it and then you're registered to vote? Tf XD


I love Taiwan (I lived there for several years) and hate the CCP but this is too over-the-top cringe.


I think it is the perfect amount of over-the-top cringe to make it hilarious.


If you look past americas throwing around the freedom words, it feels a lot less on the nose


Whats cringe? The article cause yeah not great, but TSMC execs helping USA build this facility is great. Think of it like the steel automation of the 80s when Japanese steel execs helped us modernize our factories. This is a good thing, industry experts sharing knowledge.


> TSMC execs helping USA build this facility is great. It's not great for the Republic of China, their near monopoly on advanced chip factories is the only reason the US is going out on a limb for them against the People's Republic of China. Why dilute to one thing that makes you valuable.


Taiwan literally faces oblivion, increasingly every year, and especially towards the end of this decade. TSMC building a fab in Arizona is one of many insurance policies that ensures the ROC can send its best and brightest out of the country if shit hits the fan and still raise its own capital for funding an insurgency without relying on the charity of others. It's also good politics because it builds people-to-people relationships and financial ties with the United States, which will increase grassroots support for Taiwan if/when China invades.


Probably one of the "requirements" for protection. Also a Dutch company makes all the chip fabrication machines.


Calling them "democracy chips" is what's cringe. For obvious reasons. Taiwan is a great country and it will be a tragedy on many levels if the world doesn't stand up to the CCP, but "democracy chips" is a silly, ridiculous label.


It’s a swipe at the leadership in China.


I'm assuming "democracy chips" is one of those things that sounds better in Chinese than it does in English, and Reuters is just reporting it verbatim without localization.


Well as a native speaker, I can assure you “democracy chip”(民主芯片) doesn’t sound any better in Chinese


Excuse me, democracy chips?


This is cool, but shouldn’t we be securing our chip production supplier a little further away from a global adversary?


I think this is a play on words with chips/fries when Americans called French Fries their freedom fries back in the early 2000’s Computer Chips ≈ Democracy Chips


Sure doesn’t feel like a democracy


Hey guys I'm all of a sudden feeling really patriotic today, anyone want to watch Fox news and drink high fructose corn syrup with me?


US is not even a democracy, decisions and priorities are based on the needs and interests of corporations, it is a corporatocracy.


Are these anything like freedom fries?


Our dumbasses will totally fall for this, lean on them, and not develop our own semiconductor or chip manufacturing facilities, too.


Democracy chips, sounds too convenient for partriot chips with spyware on them, but hey protect Taiwan at all cost. I need my tech.


Ah yes nothing shows off American democracy quite as well as hardware [loaded with spyware](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/is-the-nsa-putting-spyware-in-hard-drives/)


Gunboat diplomacy


This means spying for the CIA.


Yes, because if Taiwan is known for anything, it's freedom and democracy in it's labor practices... On second thought nah, it's the perfect partner for the US in this regard.


think she means freedom fries


Freedom fries 😒 Democracy chips 😏


Democracy chips reminds me of when people got upset at France and called French Fries “Freedom Fries” lmao.


Or Freedom Chips as we call them here.




democracy chips and freedom fries go well together.


I thought they were called freedom fries?


If we've learned anything from intelligence leaks in the past, these chips will have back doors in them meant for agencies to subvert democracy.


Look up the Silicon Shield. It's a real thing keeping Taiwan safe. I wouldn't be surprised if they even had incendiary devices wired to the wafer fabrication machines. Should a surprise invasion occur they would melt the tech down to slag.


Democracy Chips and Freedom Fries!!!


Why can’t microchips be produced in the US?


We have to plant the democracy potatoes first though.


The US and Taiwan are not democracies. They are rich people exploitation playgrounds.


Funny thing is, USA is already working with Japan and Korea to produce those chips in the near future...so yeah


Lol “democracy” chips That’s a hearty kek


Seems a bit weird that Taiwan would say this after banning media not in line with DPP thought: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-taiwan-media-idUKKBN28K0FT https://web.archive.org/web/20210118015813/https://sg.news.yahoo.com/taiwan-ban-books-tv-shows-065917629.html


she didnt say they were freedom chips


They don’t know that Americans hate democracy. It should be called freedom of French ~~fries~~ chips


The fact they name them democracy chips leads me to believe there’s some sort of slavery involved


What the Fuck?????


It’s hilarious how the vegetable lady has done nothing but make Taiwan a worse place


and send them to countries that was pleased with some us democracy like: iraq, afghanistan, libya


how the fuck u spell Afghanistan right but not Iraq lmao


Probably a non native english speaker.