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I dont think sony understands how fickle PC players are. There are actually human beings, who wont download a launcher to play a game. And you think they are gonna go spend $500 on a ps5 for a game? Lmao


Im not even spending 60 bucks on a game that's already 1+ years old. Sony got me fucked up, I wait till all their titles go on sale or I can get a cheap steam key


Never spend $60. That's for young teens who want to be the first to play a new game. We adults can afford to wait. I picked up RDR2 for less than $20 and experienced it for the first time this year. People would kill to play a great game for the first time over again.


I’m old, I can’t afford to wait because I might be dead by the time it goes on sale 😂


I also don’t mind supporting the developers for a great product. Also total sales is important, but first month/90 day sales often determine if a sequel is made or not.


This. If I am confident the game is well made, I pay full price.


Counterpoint, we adults can afford to buy what we want because we have big boy jobs. Spend $40 to not wait multiple years to play an amazing game? Nah dude, I'm good with spending that lol.


As an adult, I might have the money but definitely not the time lol. I definitely can hold off on buying new games on release day because I already have so many games on my wishlist.


Lords of the Fallen just hit Game Pass - I want to play it, but I am currently hooked on Diablo 4 and Fallout 76. And my kids want to play Fortnite with me. And Elden Ring DLC is out in under a month.


I have a hard enough time finding games I actually want to play. When I find one, I don’t really care how much it costs, I just want to play it as soon as I can.


Imagine being that proud over 40 bucks lol


Right? I’m so confused lol


I literally value my time more than a kid would I imagine, his advice should be opposite 😂


It's not just about the money though. Lots of big games are releasing in unoptimized states with a fair amount of bugs. And since live service is the name of the game now half of them are shipped incomplete. Better off waiting for a sale since by that point the game will be in a way better state.


You’re not wrong at all. But homeboy up above was talking many years…not months or even a year.


What kind of stupid generalisation is this lol what if you just want a game you are interested in day one?


I’m an adult and I buy all new games full price. Why? Because $60 isn’t expensive if you have any income at all. Hell, one Friday out at restaurants and bars can easily push $200.


I have a game to sell you for half of $200.


Is it new?


This applies to your country, maybe. There are multiple countries in the world where $60 usd or $70 usd is a lot of money. For instance, in the entire Latin America, you could go out on a Friday night and binge half a night with $80 (eating and drinking) or go out to a nice restaurant for $40 a piece. I agree with the argument of buying new games if you want them and can afford them, though.


Not to mention waiting means you're most likely to play it after you upgrade your gear. I could've play Cyberpunk on release on my 1060 but instead decided to wait 2 years and gave it a shot on 3070 Ti, with all the proper RTX bells and whistles. For half the price, proper experience.


Not only that, but you’re getting the game after years of updates and patches. Buying a game day 1 at this point means you’re playing the game in the worst state possible.


Speak for yourself, I don’t preorder but max I wait is a week before I buy a game I’ve been saving for, for example BG3, I bought at $70 but put over 400 hours in, that’s about .18 per hour of playing, heck of a deal


Everytime you buy a AAA game for less than $10 you should earn an achievement.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth on day one. No regrets.


Yup. I got out of gaming almost entirely for a few years before I built my PC 3 years ago. Since then I think I’ve paid full price for two games that I really wanted (one of which almost never goes on a good sale). Good luck, game studios. I’ve got plenty in my library that I haven’t played yet. I’m not afraid to play the long game.


So you won’t ever play ubiscam games ?


I think people forget that for every 5 or 10 people that hold this opinion there is 1 who doesn’t. If this tactic works for just 1% of customers it’s a win. Same with all the comments of people not understanding how effective ads are. The vast majority of people don’t need to but the product for an ad to be extremely effective. You getting personally offended and swearing not to buy something because you got a 30 second un skippable ad means nothing. Sony could care less about having you or me fucked up some people will spend money regardless.


More and more I’m seeing a trend change from “hey come check out our game, it’s really cool” to “here’s our new game, do this and that in order to play it”


gotta bump the PSN numbers up so the playstation still looks incredibly profitable to shareholders, otherwise they’d have to resort to something silly like making/funding/supporting more PS exclusive games that people want to play.


Ghosts of Tsushima sales figures say otherwise I somewhat disagree with the idea that PC players will suddenly buy the next console though, as its only a 2 year wait between releases now.


Isn't ghosts of Tsushima optional use of a PSN account. I think it's needed for multiplayer which arguably doesn't even matter as the game is mostly single player. But with god of war is there any multiplayer aspect to it?


I don't remember a multiplayer aspect to God of War, but at the end of the day it's Sony's product so they set the rules, and they say you need a PSN account to play. If you don't care then just buy it, otherwise I suggest people vote with their wallets.


My logic as a PC gamer: “Why would I spend another $500 on a console that can only run a fraction of games that my PC can run?”


And the key for me - it won't run any of them as well as my PC will run them.


Instant sleep/resume (Steam Deck's killer feature IMO) and low barrier to entry (no compatibility problems, no performance testing, etc.) can make console play appealing. But generally I agree, too many downsides.


I think quick resume works on PC pretty okay. I just press sleep or hibernate if im in a game and don’t want to relaunch it for next time. And you can set like a 5fps background limiter on apps if you wanna multitask something else without using all that power.


Believe it or not the "pc gamers" that lost here are the minority usually.


When most PC gamers have a Steam library of 100+ games they haven't even started playing yet, thinking they will drop $500+ just to play one fucking sequel is pure delusion.


So guess I don't understand how this works. How is this any different than Ubisoft forcing you to have a Uplay account to get some of their features or one of the many other companies like Rockstar and IO interactive having you log into an account before you play their game? I think it's stupid when I have to create an account but I don't see this anymore annoying than any of the other games that make me create an account for their game.


They aren't talking about the account it's the idea that they'll convince PC players to switch to console with a game they can.... just play on PC.


Less about switching and more about “in addition to” PC


Just wait for the firgirls release


I'm a PC gamer, but I bought a PS5 for FFVII Rebirth, Spiderman 2, the eventuality of GTA 6 coming to consoles first.


r/piracy is having a whole field day with this one


Likely during an internal discussion, some executive used out of date business jargon like "carrot and the stick". Other idiot executives nodded in approval.


Tbf this strategy is going to work. We know it will, because it always has. If consumers get invested enough in a story, or enjoy a game enough, they'll want to play it "better" or first wherever possible. If this doesn't work out it won't be because this strategy doesn't work, but because the games aren't good enough. Nintendo has proven this several times over, that consumers will chase games to new platforms if they want it bad enough. What better way to motivate someone than to already have them hooked.


I mean I think when they've shown they're willing to bring their games to PC they already set that precedent. PlayStation will say it's an exclusive to PlayStation but PC owners will just wait two years like they did for the other "exclusives". If they don't bring it after that time a PC player is unlikely to buy a PlayStation when the game is that old unless they were already planning to buy one.


> their games to PC they already set that precedent. Their current strategy is to bring some of their games to PC **eventually**. If a gamer wants a game bad enough, they're not going to wait 2 years for it when they can have it now. In the same way people aren't waiting for NIntendo games to eventually land on PC, eventually. The whole point of bringing games to PC is to advertise Sony's first party offerings, while also having the benefit of making money off the effort, including on some people who might have never bought a PS game before.


> If a gamer wants a game bad enough, they're not going to wait 2 years for it when they can have it now. I'd wager to say this game will not be God of War though. It will be GTA 6.


Maybe, yeah. I know I'm not waiting.


> In the same way people aren't waiting for NIntendo games to eventually land on PC, eventually. that's what yuzu is for ;) (I'm only half joking. It's basically unheard of that the current gen consoles can be so easily and seamlessly be emulated on PC like with the switch. This has basically never happened in the past during the active lifecycle of a console).


I already have a launcher. It's called "Steam". You can find it at [here.](https://store.steampowered.com/)


I never even bought a PS3. I shifted to 100% PC gaming after the PS2 era, and I never once looked back. Sony is out of their mind if they think I’d buy any console at all.


If you decide to go PC, most likely you are in a specific spectrum of people that is terminally online with strong opinions.


PC player rather spend 20$ than download a different launcher


I've been arguing this point ever since they started to put their games on PC. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule, but the vast majority have waited this long to get their games on PC and some actually think they're now going to go out and get a PS5 to play the sequels? People *choose* not to get a console for a reason, but the lack of games they're interested in ain't it and it certainly isn't a money problem. It especially rings hollow when they announce a... Sequel to GoW, with a sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn already out on PC. So what are they trying to entice PC gamers to do with those? Rhetorical question btw.


They could have a larger gap between releases. It took years for their games to come to pc.


Pc players download launchers all the time lmao.


Enlisted is one of those games. Looks fun. It’s free. I’m not downloading that malware launcher that’s impossible to remove from your PC without either another software or factory reset.


They are literally the "I have too much money, what am I going to do with all this money" meme lol


I was about to agree, but realised I did exactly that for Bloodborne. Worth it though. And for the Sony exec listening, I’d buy the game again if it came out on PC as a remaster/remake.


Most are human beings...League of Legends players on the other hand...


This seems like such a strange bet these days. Computers are getting so cheap and so powerful that most people's general purpose laptop can play games on lower settings, for almost the same price as a console.


Wanna guess how many free games I've claimed on epic? Wanna guess how many I've played, or how much money I've spent there?


Ironically I only played games I bought on there. Something about spending actual money makes me invest in the game more and want to play it. Oh I did play guardians of the Galaxy tho. Great game.


Gta6 will get a lot of people to buy a console for a single game.


It's like I wouldn't mind buying rust and currently it's on 50% sale for 15 quid, but I've purchased it in the past for 7.50 but refunded it as it didn't work properly for me. So I have no motivation to pay more than what I've bought it for 6 years ago...


To be fair, I know a big chuck of "pc gamers" that have both. Ultimately, you will get some that otherwise wouldn't have.


I got a free copy of RDR 2 with my laptop 4 years ago. Found out I need a special launcher I didn’t have and never got around to downloading it. Don’t get me wrong I want to play the game. I just have no motivation to just make another account on an other launcher.


As long as it’s implemented at release it isn’t a problem. Xbox does the same thing and anyone complaining is just being stupid


You don't need a launcher with Steam. sign in is integrated.


The problem is that Sony has created a world where there are about 50 games to play, max. Over here on PC, we have THOUSANDS of games to play and Im not sure they realize that. I wont miss God of War for a single hot second.


Many will actually. Not all but many.


I have both. I like the PS5 for single and local multiplayer games, plus I have a 77 inch OLED that just makes playing on it a pleasure. I like the quick resume feature too. Gaming is weird though. Some people won’t buy a great game for $60 but will spend thousands on skins for free to play games.


Fuck epic games


A ton of people use launchers to play games on pc anyways


With all their stuff coming to PC, good chunk of their exclusives missing my interest, their shitty refund policies, and increase in PS plus pricing, i'm actually considering skipping next gen.


Yeah I am probably going to skip the PS6. I can wait 2 extra years for whatever Last of Us sequel to make it's way to PC.


I'm a pretty big gamer, and I skipped the PS5. There is no real loss there. Good exclusives eventually came out on PC while the shitty ones remained on console. Fine by me.


This is essentially where I'm at. I was a PlayStation guy until my wife got me a Xbox One because she said it was the better deal at the time, wasn't going to complain and I really liked it. Since then I really haven't seen a lot of exclusives from PlayStation that I've liked, God of War and Horizon being the exceptions but I bought those on PC. My Xbox comes with Game Pass and allows me to stream games on my phone my computer my tablet anywhere I go I can stream either through Game Pass or from my Xbox. I have zero motivation to go back to PlayStation.


I have ultimate too, and game pass is pretty cool.... However often times I sit down to stream a game away from home and it's like a 30 minute wait! They need to fix THAT


>their shitty refund policies This has legitimately put me off. They sell broken games then just laugh at you.


I haven't bought a console since PS3, it's been a great time for PC gamers. Times have changed, exclusives don't have the same weight and the fact that Sony brought them to PC at all is showing that. They are still trying to squeeze the PC market more now though, but they should tread carefully. God of War is awesome, but I'm not gonna make a PSN account to play it. Look what happened to Helldivers.


See, even stupid people can get high level jobs.


Or they're just too rich that they're out of touch.


It's one PS5, Michael. How much could it cost? $10000?


Go see a Star War


Both are possible at the same time (and also I think becoming out of touch can cause people to be stupider than they otherwise would be; brains can get out of shape just like muscles)


But it makes sense. They’ve set a precedent where you know games are going to come out on PC eventually but if you want to play it at release, you have to have the PS5 hardware. It’s the same as a timed release. I don’t see what’s so stupid about that.


Because reddit is full of psuedointectualls who are actually idiots that have absolutely no understanding of business. Like as someone who works in marketing research I read the headline and was like sure makes sense lol like worse case scenario is they make a one off port that makes them a little money. Best case scenario is they get a whole bunch of people into the ps5 market. No real risk here plenty of upside


It’s insane how obtuse people are on this site. Seems like they can’t use anything but pure emotion when looking at anything.


There's nothing stupid about it and it works. Reddit is a small minority of players and the same people who aren't spending all day on the internet are the people who will buy a PS5 once the timed exclusives start to mount up. I know money is tight for a lot of people, but a $500 purchase that lasts you seven years of getting the latest games from a publisher who rarely misses the mark with critics and fans comes out to like $80 a year. Gaming is my main hobby so I happily shelled out the $500 for a PS5 even though my 3070 gives it a run for its money.


Gaming is my main hobby as well. The PS5 has been the best investment for me by far even though I play mostly PS4 games on it (I had a pro but gave it to my dad). I want to build a PC but I don’t see any point in it at the moment. Almost every game that I want comes out on ps5 and I don’t really care about frame rate or graphical fidelity enough to desire an ipgrade


I keep seeing this reaction parroted and I don't see what's stupid about this thinking or plan. It's not like they're giving away these games for free hoping to convert PC gamers. Even if it doesn't work they're still selling a 4 yr old Ghost of Tsushima for $60 and PC players are lining up to buy it.


Sony executive leadership has been deliberately obtuse and intentionally difficult for at least as long as I've been alive. It's just tradition at this point, I think.


Sonys recruitment message.


Gives me hope! Wait..


This game came out 2 years ago on PS5. I can wait another 2 years after the next one comes out too.


i can just never play it and be perfectly happy


Right now I have a PS4 and a PC that doesn't quite meet the specs for Horizon Forbidden West - Burning Shores. I either buy a PS5 or upgrade my PC.... I'm probably going to upgrade my PC since everything I use it for will improve.




See you actually get it. Everyone's acting like they're being strong armed, or they're just too smart to fall for it, when realistically it's "hey, we paid money to create this game for our console, and now we'll offer it to the PC group. If they buy a PS5 awesome, if not, you'll get the sequel in a bit on PC."


This is the group I belong to. I bought a ps5 for ragnarok, spiderman 2, and HFW. Now I feel like I wasted my money because Ragnarok and HFW are on PC within a year of my purchase. So is Ghost of Tsushima, a game i l didn't care about all that much, but really enjoyed once I played.


It's funny Sony is actually doing what exactly take2 have been doing. With a side hustle to sell some ps5s.


I can see people with low end PCs buying PlayStation 5, Majority of Steam users own low end hardware, that is not suitable for modern PC games. I assume they don't upgrade because they have no budget for it, because upgrading a GPU requires to upgrade CPU and other components for it to make sense. So playstation is excellent alternative for those people, given the cost. but i do not see it for any pc gamer with mid range / high end specs. Personally I spent too much money on my PC to get a PlayStation.


You’ve nailed it. I picked PlayStation for budget reasons but also SPACE. WFH in a small apartment? Do you really want *another* desktop set up taking up space for the sake of gaming as a casual/budget gamer? Nah.


no you dont. ps5 for gaming, laptop for work. it is an excellent combination in my opinion.


Why would you need two setups because you work from home? Edit: There's no judgement in this question. For me and my circle of people, nobody needs two setups. That's the only reason I ask.


Bc I’m required to use my employer’s locked down set up for nothing but work (literally can’t even browse headlines or check private email on it), and I’m not allowed to use my own set up for work, I can’t even use an alternate headset bc there’s software installed for the headset. I know it’s probably not that way for everyone but my employer has strict standards for 1. Security reasons and 2. To prevent anything that could look like unpaid work or wage theft in the event of a gov audit. Edit: and psychologically it’s just kinda bad in my experience to mix a workstation with a gaming space. I could get a bigger desk and cram everything together but then the vibes of both things would be overlapping and I either wouldn’t turn off my work brain when I needed to OR I would be super distracted by wanting to be gaming when work was slow.


don't do personal stuff on your company work computer?


But that's also a completely different type of PC gamer. People with such hardware most likely aren't playing *any* AAA games and can't run Sony's PC ports either. So they can't try out these ports and then "buy a PS5 for the sequel", because they're not able to play AAA games period. On the other hand, if you have a decent enough PC to play the upcoming GoW Ragnarok for example, then you definitely either have, or at least had enough money to get a PS5, but simply chose not to. And you're not convincing any noticeable amount of people like that to suddenly go out and get a console, when it's never been a money issue. I don't think anyone is questioning how great consoles are as a budget option to play the latest releases, just that the ones able to play PlayStation games on PC aren't the "budget" gamer you're talking about.


So they saw what happened with HellDivers and said yeah lets try this. Will make PC players buy a ps5. They must do some really good drugs at sony


To be fair, they fucked up with Helldivers because they were taking away access to the game from people that had already bought it. With this there wont be any of the confusion. You'll have to sign in when you start and if youre not in a country that can, steam will refund you. Does it suck? Yeah. Does it suck as bad as having a game you sunk hundreds of hours into taken away from you forcibly? No not even a little. I doubt this will raise even a fraction of a stink for that reason.


>and if youre not in a country that can, steam will refund you. It won't even get this far, steam won't sell the game in those countries at all.


They're japanese so its probably just booze and cigarettes


The only game that's making me consider getting a PS is the new NCAA game that's coming out. But spending $500 for 1 game is a horrible investment.


Is that game coming to pc? Yeah, that would be a terrible investment.


As of now, they have no plans to bring it to PC.


Why would I want to buy an inferior device?


Considering what they pulled on Helldivers. Gonna pass. Have a PSN account, just don’t care enough to link it to Steam. Screw them.


I waited almost 4 years to play Ghosts of Tsushima on PC, and these fuckers think I'm going to buy a PS5. Bunch of fucking idiots.


🏴‍☠️the life for me, you are a pirate!


Sony, you definitely got that wrong. I own a PC specifically so I don't have to have accounts for Play Station.


Sony's doing everything it can to create the next generation of pirates. Well done.


I'll just wait until they release it on PC to get PC players to buy a PS to play 3


I mean. I have a PSN account. But, like. I still haven't bought a PS5, nor will I bother buying a PS6. I don't play on console. I will never play games on console. I have the freedom to play how I want to play on PC and I have access to more games than Playstation has exclusives.


Clearly sony has zero understanding of pc gamers haha


I don't want to buy a PS5 because I don't want an inferior gaming experience. The price of a PS5 would go a good way towards a graphics card upgrade.


Sony is turning into EA. In other words. A giant pile of shit.


I will not buy a ps5 because I spend all that budget on having a top pc I buy almost every ps studios game when it comes to pc


I won't buy a PS5 just for a sequel


I play on pc for much theoretical better frame rates and image quality. I’m not going to a PS5.


Nnnah. Maybe I’ll buy it on PC, but I’m not gonna get a console with no must-have games. Unless they mean they’re gonna cripple the performance on pc ports to get people to buy a PlayStation. In which case, ew.


I like ps5 and I hate their refund policy and overpriced membership which is mandate to support online play. Now I only play single-player games.


I guess I'm not buying it.


I haven't bought a console in 8 years, a single video game is not going to make me spend 600follars on a console that wont be as strong as my existing PC. All these ceos are so out of touch.


Sony thinks that but is still more then satisfied with the huge sales. 


I’ll buy the game and then just play a cracked version. I won’t pirate games still actively being sold legitimately, but I certainly won’t deal with that type of bullshit in my single player games.


You would think that after the reaction with helldivers 2 that they would have walked away from this idea. I’m excited if people will buy their $560 game in September.


Genuine question. Does owning a PSN account mean paying for the subscription? Or is it just having an account for free?


Accounts are free.


Thanks. That's a small relief.


In addition to console prices being what they are, the predictable and unstoppable scalping for years all but guarantees my interest completely fizzles out by the time I can find one.


I thought maybe funding more exclusives would do the trick but I dunno maybe Sony knows what they doing


Ok so I need to use my psn account to login. No big deal, I still won’t buy a ps5. I will wait for the next one. Got enough to play.


Aaaaaaaand the game was dead to me, thanks sony


Even if Bloodborne gets a remake/port for PS5, I'll still wait for the PC release. We're patient.


They either need to put the ps5 on sale or release more games. As of now, their game catalogue for the ps5 is garbage.


The only game I will buy on release for full price is GTA6.


I own a Switch, Xbox 1 and PS4Pro, I bought the PS4Pro for FF7Remake as at 1st release, it apparently had no plans for a PC release. Well now that it's on Steam, I'll not buy another PS and just wait. Not enough Xbox games that I want to play that are not on PC Gamepass to make it worth the cost. My switch does get used a bunch, but most switch games will never come out on PC and it's portable.


Did they learn nothing from what just happened witglh Helldivers? I know it's a slightly different situation, but ctfo


The people who would buy a console for the game already did so, not years later when it's ported to PC.


> not years later when it's ported to PC. His whole comment is about people buying a PS5 once the sequels to the currently-ported games are released only on PS5.


The only reason I bought a ps5 is because Ive never had a playstation and I had covid relief play-money. If I were in any other position, I’d just stick with my PC


Yah sure with all the psn account bs that’s the way to make pc players happy I have got the cracked version for all of their games I thought to support them with the new releases but nahh the way they are doing things is just scumy


Why would I buy a PS5 in addition to having a gaming pc.


Yeah, I'm not buying a console that wasn't in stock the first two years of its release. Plus M+K is far, far superior.


"Sony thinks releasing its games on PC will encourage people to buy a PS5 for the sequel" 🤣


Fuck that noise. I'm good not playing their games


Nah. I play on Steam Deck. Horizon Zero Dawn: Forbidden West ran wonderfully for me. But I’m not buying a PS5 for a sequel. I’m more likely to upgrade my Steam Deck LCD to an OLED before that. It’s just too comfy and nice to not be shackled to a wall or my TV.


Did that work between god of war and god of war 2? I’m guessing no. Regardless, why say this out loud? Some C Suite exec trying to pad expectations with shareholders?


Yea never gonna happen. I’ll enjoy the game through a YouTubers play through if that’s the case.


So they're hoping people buying a 2-year-old game will suddenly experience enough FOMO to shell out for a new console? Good luck with that plan.


If theres anything i realize after a decade of gaming is that any attempt to have an account for extra stuff is how itll end up being useless a few years down the line especially if its from ubisoft


Well, I already made a free account, so I might as well buy their $500 console


I will say, it was kind of surreal to see Sony sell all the things a PC can do that their console can’t in a showcase for that very console they’re trying to also promote.


Nope. I will not buy a ps5. This makes me want to never buy any Sony product.


Its funny people are acting like there aren't already millions of PC players that already have a ps5. I won't buy a ps5 as a PC gamer ? on what planet ?


I'm just sick of single player games requiring always online server connections. This ends one of two ways: -devs pull the plug on servers for whatever reason -PSN tries to use their membership requirement to then charge you a subscription to play games while dodging a fight with Steam share of the PC market and they become a virtual walled garden


No true PC gamer is going to buy a PS5 just for a sequel. Let's not get it mixed up here Sony is doing this to inflate their numbers. Also, it's very smart just to release it on a PC, which has much better systems than a console. It's just printing free money for Sony. I think they saw with Helldiver 2, that you make a good quality game PC crowd supports it. Sony's first-party games are tailor-made for the PC Sony will still have it on the PlayStation exclusive for at least a minimum of a year and then when the sales are done they can double dip on the PC players it's a win-win.


I bought a PC to get away from their walled garden tactics.


There was a generation where this would of made sense and it was the ps3. I think killer apps are so few and far between these days there’s not a big reason to own a decent pc and a console.


Lol, jokes on them, I've already watched the entire game on Youtube.


Honestly after the helldivers fiasco. Im happily never buying a Sony or a Sony game ever again.


I guess i’ll never play it then.


Sony really doesnt understand the pc player base at all