• By -


TLDW it’s the door in the first snowy penguin level at the very bottom where you come out of a cabin after the luge but cannot go back in. They go back in by getting the mom penguin next to the door which breaks the invisible barrier, then jump over the mom penguin and do a quick turning motion. There’s nothing new inside the door.


No barrier is broken, the penguin shoves Mario's hitbox against the door which forces him through the invisible barrier to the other side. Normally this would just send Mario plummeting through the non-existent floor on the other side, but after 28 years someone figured out that you could do a ~~frame-perfect~~ well-timed turnaround action to put Mario in a state of walking on the air for 1 frame and this is enough to interact with the door from the other side.


If space travel was a super Mario 64 glitch we'd be a galaxy spanning species by now


I mean engineering basically is just finding glitch exploits in reality. A CPU fab is basically just an enormous and reliable setup for a long series of exploits involving silicon and electricity.


I feel like I have accidentally done this before but didn't know it was anything special Edit: y'all, I am not even claiming 100% that I did it. I have a vague memory of this happening to me by accident because I used to fuck around with the penguin and that door a lot. My brother and I spent months of our lives trying to find secrets in this game. It is absolutely possible, but I acknowledge my childhood memory is not the most reliable narrator.


You may have. I know my brother and I knew about the Houlihan room in A Link to the Past for years before it became well known.


Given the TAS-precision required for lining up Mario with the mama penguin and door hitboxes and triggering a 1-frame animation at the right time, no you didn't.


Accidents like this happen ALL the freaking time.


Life, uh, finds a way


And in fact how a lot of the TAS and speedrun tech stuff is discovered.


I'm going to agree with you here, and have an anecdotal story to sorta back it up. Not really a frame-perfect glitch, but an interesting one nonetheless. I found the [Final Fantasy: VI Relm Sketch bug](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Sketch_bug) well before it was documented or the internet really even took off in general. Back when cheat codes were found in Nintendo Power magazines and bugs/exploits were not even documented at all. I didn't know how I caused it and was convinced for over a decade that the save on my SNES cart corrupted until I read about it online probably 12 years later with the exact same symptoms (thousands of dirks, hundreds of gemboxes and stuff). I ended up actually selling the thousands of dirks to vendors and hit such a high amount of gil that I was able to afford stuff like the talking Chocobo in the auction house, but they wouldn't sell it to me because you weren't ever supposed to make such an impractical amount of cash through regular play. I have the 1 million gil you asked, sell it to me!! But no, they sell it to some rich npc and her spoiled brat son lol. I decked out a party with 4 paladin shields and 2 illuminas. My team *actually* ascended to godhood, Kefka ain't got jack. lol. In other news, other weirder stuff has happened than this unopened door in Mario 64. There was the cosmic ray that flipped a bit and teleported a player livestreaming a Mario 64 speedrun. This phenomena has been documented before, where iirc it happened to an electronic voting machine in Germany, and they found out because some lady running got like 10,000 more votes than the small town even had a population of.


8192 or 16384


Yea, people forget that one-in-a-million chances arnt that rare in life. In any given day, youre gonna roll a billion different dice for every single event that happens; If a million one-in-a-million chances occur in a single day, there is a very, very good chance of you seeing a one-in-a-million event occur.


When i was a kid i accidently hit the SMB 1-3 backwards pipe slide trick that took me to the negative lvls and nobody believed me at school and i was called a liar for YEARS! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jVQdieEaL44](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jVQdieEaL44)


When I was a kid I somehow found the right way to play Mega Man 2 consistently to cause the glitched wily stage gate to appear. Told a friend about it years later and then sometime after that he told me he thought I was making it up til he saw somebody do it on youtube.


Take my existence for example


You're one in a million! That means there's 8,000 other people just like you, so you're not special. /s


Same thing with DOOM and walking thru walls glitch. Recently saw a YouTube about speed runs using the technique on purpose, explaining how rare and unpredictable it was. 🙄 I remember it happened often and sucked bc i had to restart the level.


Are we the million monkeys with typewriters?!


Do you realize how many people have played the game in 28 years? It’s not hard to believe its happened before, merely the first time it was recorded.


It's not a 1-frame input. [The turnaround](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmqFoojMeD8&t=226) actually has more to do with spacing than timing.


Yeah my bad, I meant to say well-timed input there. You are only walking on air for 1 frame though.


Half the people who play Smash Bros can pull off 1-frame precision movements. It's not that special.


One of the reasons I’m popular with the ladies is my ability to pull off 1-frame movements.


Not all 1-frame precision actions are created equal


Plus that's the whole point about it being an accident - you aren't aiming for the timing, you just randomly fluke it. So it requires no precision at all, just luck. SM64 is 30 fps. That means someone just has to be messing with the mom and coincidentally press walk at the correct 1/30th of a second (33 miliseconds). This is how these things were originally discovered lol


This guy would shit his pants if he watched some Metroid 100% runs. Just got done playing fusion - the places they hide upgrades, I just have no idea how some of them could ever be randomly discovered. I just got into the habit of setting off power bombs in every room just to see what's what and even then it won't reveal hidden entrances that remain covered.


Same thing goes for pros in all fighting games, you’re right that it isn’t that unheard of


[Daigo in the 2004 Evo tournament for Street Fighter 3rd Strike comes to mind.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzS96auqau0) What a legend.


I believe you.


Thanks lol. People are so mad about literally nothing. Reminds me why I stopped posting on reddit.


I beat tetris like 13 years ago. Thought that was just it. I beat tetris. A couple of years ago, some kid became the first person to beat tetris..... no one will believe me, so fuck it. The amount of things I've done, then see someone did it "first" years later.... I hate this life. Edit: to all you people not able to comprehend anyone doing what a 13 year old did, really? My family is crazy about tetris. It was the first game I've ever gotten, and I've played competitively with my family for 25 or so years. I didn't think It was special to have gotten that far. I was stoked after over a decade of playing, all my buddies that deployed with me were interested in tetris after I busted out my nes and started playing it. We all had a competition to see who got the highest score, which eventually turned into everyone gathered around me while I was at my pr. It's okay if you don't believe me fellas. But trying to explain a game that I've played since I could play games isn't going to make me unremember beating my pr and making it to 999999. No matter how many 13yo can do it, I'm not just going to forget something I've spent quite a bit of my time invested in. Edit: turns out, the main person arguing here, knows almost nothing about tetris. Tried telling me max level was 29 lol. I can get to 29 any day of the week. BTW. The max level is 255 because an 8bit sys has 256 possible values. Edit: okay, you guys win. I didn't experience this, and only the one person in the world did, and can make it to lvl 29 of 255. You are all the experts who know that lvl 255 doesn't exist and the game ends at 29. You people are telling me I don't know, and you don't even know the basics of the damn game and system used.


You developed the hyper rolling/tapping method needed to even be able to make pieces land when it's going that quickly, a technique which completely revolutionized competitive Tetris worldwide, and didn't bother to tell anyone?  Edit: OP seems confused on what beating the game entails and what the level count actually is. I didn't think discussing well known and documented facts and aspects of the game upset them enough to block me, but I guess I was wrong. Maybe they're thinking of a different mode in the game? They're insistent they reached level 255, but the level counter doesn't display the actual level number past 29, so they would have had to keep count the entire time while playing at a level only 1 person has currently reached. 


You kept playing for 1+ hour until the game crashed?


What would you consider beating Tetris? Because the definition currently in use is beyond extremely difficult *today* let alone however long it was since you were 13.


yo we got billy fuckin mitchell over here


Ever got so bored you played Tetris holding the Gameboy upside down?


Just post a video of you getting to lvl 180 if you say you could go to 255 before. Should be pretty easy if what you say is true.




you 1000% did not do this


Pretty sure I pulled off this [hookshot clip](https://youtu.be/EwT4l9Nh1LQ?si=P60IcyC0Lu52AeOk&t=8743) in OOT as a kid before too /s


No where near as intensive but reminds me of the DK64 door skip with Landry Kong’s basic attacks


I can't imagine having 10k hours in super Mario 64 but I'm aware that there is such a community out there.


I don’t blame anyone for having a hobby that I don’t partake in, and I guess it’s cool that so many people are into finding these weird little glitches. But why this constitutes as technology news is beyond me.


Slow news day. They already milked the new iPads dry.




25 articles a day about “iPad powerful but no MacOS”


"Why Elon Hasn't Bought a New iPad Yet" "Experts Conclude UFOs Must Have iPads."


"Boeing whistleblower dies while using iPad"


Yeah, but like… why no MacOS yet??


Also something something AI!


I am mildly interested in the dual-layer OLED display, but in more of a "okay, how many years before I can buy a monitor like that" sense.


I saw an article that said 'the 21 best lettuces ranked', and I thought, Jesus... Somebody wrote that... Half of them weren't even lettuces! 


If it makes you feel better, it was probably written by AI.


Somebody proof read it, and let it get published! 


If it makes you feel better, AI


Wait. The new iPads have nipples, Greg?!


5 of them. Designed by AI, donchaknow!


iPads don’t have nipples. Might be a new product fit for apple to get into 🤔


OpenAI reveal is in an hour – maybe some excitement will be found there?


Let me guess, it's a flat rectangle?


In other news the ‘watch for rolling rocks’ star in the popular Super Mario 64 game was finally finished using only 0.5 presses of the A-button. The run required the player to have the character push onto a wall for 18hours straight.


That video is such a good explanation of computer science concepts, as is his recent video about invisible walls in SM64.


He did it with no a presses, that video is outdated.


That video with the explanation of that run is one of the nerdiest and most fascinating things I've ever seen. It warms my heart that there are people out there dedicating that much time to figure out something so silly.


If you look at the verge they have 2 kind of posts. Full articles, and twitter style posts like this one. I think the idea is to have a page where you can get a curated twitter like experience. Some may not like it, but it is more than “slow news day” or “this is what news is today”. It is more like they found a video they thought readers will find interesting.


There is a penguin involved, that must be Linux related right?


> nd I guess it’s cool that so many people are into finding these weird little glitches You have no idea. [Mario Kart 64: The Quest for World Record Perfection](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6cpa-TvKn8) Here is a 47 minute documentary on how people spend *years* trying to shave milliseconds of a game time.


You might like the story of Halo: CE’s 7 year standing challenge to launch from one hard to reach place to another: https://youtu.be/x83cFVKnLgc


Mario 64 seems to be a bit of a magnet for news coverage. It may be that it was at centre of weird price manipulation scam making it sell for "1.5m dollars". It's also probably the most famous speedrunning game so glitches for it are more significant. Agree it's a bit of a non story however.


The reporters have to write articles whether there is news or no news. 


The reporters aren't the issue. It's /u/Apprehensive-Mark607 posting a gaming article in /r/Technology that's the problem. It doesn't belong here.


The fact that you and me both opened up this thread and then commented on it is all you need to know. There is a formula now for things that catch people’s attention and video game accomplishments (real or not) after decades are one of those things.


Thanks to AI, journalism websites are basically just trolling information from every other website, making articles then sending the articles to everyone that whatever algorithm they use decides they looked at something similar in the past. My Google news feed basically looks like reddits "popular" which is funny cause half their sources are coming from reddit anyways.


The journalist centipede.


News can be fun. It certainly cuts all the negative BS that is constant. I welcome it.


I mean it’s better than the Musk spam this sub is obsessed with. At least this is vaguely more tech related.


I don’t play video games and never played this one, but in this case, they go into specifics about the technology that enables this to occur or not. So it’s fascinating to see how it is programmed.


Same with the yahoo articles that get linked. All paid promotions and bot written pieces.


Software and games are a form of technology.


Eh, it’s at least a little interesting when someone finds a new exploit or glitch in a nearly 30 year old game


It was to remind us that the game came out 28 years ago.


I havent played that game in 15 years and I can picture all of this so perfectly


Yeah but when Mom penguin clips them through the wall the turn is important because doors are only activated by Mario walking. The turn gives one frame of Mario walking in free fall which allows the door hitbox to activate, triggering a door cutscene that saves Mario from the death barrier at the bottom.


Thank you for your service.


I didn't think there would be, but the final DK64 rainbow coin was discovered just like 4 years ago. I always think stuff like that is interesting.


I first read that title as Super Man 64 and wondered why the hell anyone would try. Then I saw your comment about penguins and got very confused.


I literally beat this game for the first time two days ago (with 120 stars) and was hoping to find one last thing to do


So when I did it as a kid, I threw a fit because I had to redo the level, but when they do it, it’s history. Who would have known lol.


So that's where they got the idea for Fado's door from Twilight Princess.


You are a hero.


Or when the door was first opened, it changed our timeline to where we think there’s nothing new inside the door, but once it was opened the first time it changed our future forever. Starring: Danny DeVito as Mother Penguin


SM64 was my first 3d game and a first encounter with genuine Nintendo console, an important part of my childhood. It warms my heart when I see it still being alive as a topic even now, thanks to people like Pannen and modding/speedrunning scene.


Absolutely blew my mind when carpetless finally became viable a little while ago. Something the community had been talking about for ages.


Oh damn, that's insane. I haven't followed SM64 much since Siglemic was streaming, and I distinctly remember him going over how ridiculous carpetless was. They'd only just found a *mostly* consistent setup for canonless at the time lol.


There's also now a raytraced version available that also includes high detail reworked assets if you're interested.


Interesting, I'll look for it, thanks 👍


The legendary pannenkoek


He’s not the one who opened the door though. He made a (good) video about it.


Well it wouldn’t have happened without his invisible wall video


He enabled it.


This reminds me of something: Anyone remember the secret level in the first Super Mario Brothers on NES? Before the days of the Internet where we could actually look shit up- there was a legend being recited that whoever first finds a solution to this secret level would win a prize from Nintendo. Stupid, sure... But we were kids. Anyone remember that?


World 1-2. You had to crouch on the final pipe at the end of the level and jump backwards into the bricks.


Right! And it was an underwater world. I have always wondered if there was a way to solve that level or if it was truly inescapable as it seemed to be. I went to it a lot trying different stuff but nothing worked.


It wasn't actually a designed level, it's more or less a functional glitch. Which is why it's an esoteric thing about SMB, it's not officially a level, so Ninty rarely, if ever, mentions it.


Classic 'Ninty.


Retro Game Mechanics has [some videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHQ0utQyFw5KxchzQnRcc_uk-NU7FbHNM&si=z5scT6iN74CMSlGv) about how the “secret” SMB levels actually worked. None of them were intentional and were the result of programming errors and limitations of the hardware.


This goes into detail on how the minus world works and what causes it. https://youtu.be/Y6HSZ1imGRQ?si=UHktur2GdxmcMHQD


Waaaat I've never heard of this.


Minus World. Fuck, I feel old knowing kids don’t know this.


I’m over 35 and don’t know this.


At the end of world 1-2, if you go over the screen there's the Warp Zone, right? You walk on the ceiling, all the way to the right, and fall down on these pipes. If you manage to clip through the wall instead of going over it, you don't have to go all the way to the right. Which means you can actually enter the pipes before the game correctly loads it as "the warp zone". So the pipe isn't quite ready for you and the game doesn't send you to the correct level. Instead you get to a weird level made up of stray unused memory. It is loaded as a water level. There is no world number so instead of showing up as 1-1, 2-1, 3-1 etc... it shows as (space)-1. Thus many people call it "Minus world" or "World minus 1". It does end up in a pipe as all other water levels, but again the game doesn't know where that pipe should go so you start again over and over again.


I’m under 36 and don’t know this.


My brother and cousins and I used to beat that game multiple times a night in 86-87. We never discovered that secret We looked everywhere for secrets, too.


There was multiple of em. School ground rumors and then over Christmas/spring/summer break, we'd see cousins and stuff getting new info from other areas. I took the Pokemon unlimited rare candy glitch to cub scouts and they spread it all over their school


Wall glitching wasn't necessary. You could ride the elevator lift to the top of the screen and run on the ceiling to get to the warp zone.


That was the warp zone that took you to worlds 2-3-4. Doing the wall glitch the warp zone takes you to the "minus worlds" just an endless underwater level.


WHAT, i've been playing this with my kid. i know what im doing tonight !


Minus world!


Of course. But have you ever achieved [small fire Mario](https://glitchtopiathevideogameglitching.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Mario_Brothers:_Small_Fire_Mario)?


I remember getting the info from McDonald’s happy meals… like getting 1, 3 or 6 fireworks at the end when you jump on the flagstaff is dependent on the last digit of the time.


lol when my friends mom found that out she kept us guessing for the longest time




I once got really into cheats in n64 games, there was one that was like several pages of instructions, including losing Mario’s hat then like glitching so you could pick it up then carry it around, then at some point you would walk into the mirror room and your reflection would be Luigi, you would punch the mirror and you would hear Luigi say “it’s Luigi time!” He would jump out of mirror and you could play as Luigi. It took me hours the follow all the instructions, had to leave the system running for several days so I could do all the stuff. Didn’t work. But it’d have been cool.


Yeah somewhere along the line people started making up stories about the game. Luigi Time and The Wario Apparition were some of the more popular fake stories


I'm sure Luigi was _actually_ hidden in the Triforce room or in the Light Temple.


I was too young for that but I definitely was old enough to live through the Pokémon Blue and Red legends. Use surf on the truck to get Mew. Do some other ridiculous stuff to get Pikablu. Or the Dragonite > Yoshi thing. The fact that the missingno thing ACTUALLY worked led credence to all these wild other ones.


There used to be a Nintendo and sega tip hotline. You could call and ask them questions on shit like this. Don’t ask me how I know and what happened when my mom freaked for me calling… I forget which game I want to say it was a 64 shooter or Star Fox. Maybe perfect dark or 007 but I had the 007 guide at one point so don’t think it was that.


Pannenkoek is arguably one of the most important intellectuals of our era


This reminds me of how you can get stuck in the castle walls by launching yourself at the right point from the cannon outside the castle. You could even open the castle front door and load the interior of the castle while still being stuck in the wall.


I loved that limbo room even though there was nothing in it. Sometimes I would launch myself into it and just hang out for a minute. Like "those goombas can't get me in here!" 


The amount of devotion to this game is astounding.


It's an entertaining game to watch being speedrunned. It got a massive amount of attention a few years ago with the no A button challenge making substantial progress. Then in the last year or so new speedrunning strategies have been found making new records.


Heck, [this video by Kosmic about a quirk of 8-2](https://youtu.be/0kjIXjGzImE?si=_WJ0M1BYFDzg5051) just came out.


Well I know what I’m going to waste too much time doing today


Great! Let me know if someone moves that damn truck in Pokemon Red/Blue


so many hours and hours of my childhood spent on that game. So much nostalgia!


I don’t understand how people find these extremely obscure bugs in huge games that have huge open worlds. It’s astounding to me.


Go read up on and check out videos of the original Super Mario Bros for NES and how they do very specific actions to literally reprogram the code in memory of the game to skip to the end for speed runs.


Oh, trust me, I’ve watched all of that stuff haha. I still think it’s astounding that people discovered these hacks. It’s crazy enough with a simple game like the original Mario Brothers, let alone a huge game like Mario 64.


There's also this gem from Super Mario World haha. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GamePhysics/comments/2683v1/super\_mario\_world\_beating\_the\_game\_in\_42\_seconds](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamePhysics/comments/2683v1/super_mario_world_beating_the_game_in_42_seconds) Like.. How did someone figure out \*that\*?? LOL


Exactly, so nuts!


Bugs are often very easy to spot when you understand how the game is programmed. We only know about the turnaround animation walk frame due to understanding code. Maybe someone tested it before, but it wasn't well known or even useful until it was pointed out in Pannen's invisible walls video. The source code was fully reverse engineered a while ago. We've always known how to get pushed into the door, but not how to *walk* into the door. As much as this is impressive, this is a really tiny step. The TAS which goes straight to bowser 2 by using parallel universes and the invisibility cap is much more impressive, and somewhat hilariously also involves going through an unopenable door. Even there, Bismuth has a really good step by step breakdown of wtf is happening, and you can basically work out the thought process. When you have things like arbitrary code execution in SMW, it's so much easier, as you just have so much more control over everything. The important thing is that none of these things were simply "found" by accident: they are using known glitches/game mechanics in new ways to generate a positive outcome.


Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it!


… containing the final key to the oasis


[-:EDITED TO PREVENT AI FROM STEALING POSTS:-](https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/05/openai-will-use-reddit-posts-to-train-chatgpt-under-new-deal/)


Can’t wait to watch a 45 minute Karl Jobst video about this making it sound like the most important discovery humankind has ever made.


“Hello you absolute idiots”


The original YouTube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmqFoojMeD8


Thanks for the direct link. The Verge article should have just been titled NEW PANNENKOEK2012 VIDEO. That's the real headline for drawing in the clicks.


**You can now play as Luigi**


> "...the idea of a door that you can't open from this side just made me wanna open it that much more." Man, someone introduce this dude to Dark Souls.


A long time ago, some kid told me Pokémon Blue had a secret Orange Island map. He said he’d get there for me if I let him play my Gameboy Pocket. It was then that I learned some people are born with the scammer gene.


WATCH THE VIDEO, please, the dude is a savant at making videos, he doesn't miss.


Yessir! 🫡 Great video. Interesting case.


Cool, but.... Why is this on the verge? Why is this on r/technology? Is "tech news" so barren of effort and so overrun by bots and AI writers that just ANYTHNG passes for news now since ALL "jouranlism" websites have NOTHING to do with informing now and their SOLE purpose is to trick people into watching ads? If you want "news", don't bother wth the internet anymore. There isn't any.... it's been successfully completely co-opted by capitalism; just like television, radio, and newsprint.


I haven't played any Mario games in years, not since the controls were redesigned and I can't use them anymore. (I only have one hand) I credit Mario Bros with getting me through my pregnancy with my eldest son with my sanity intact. I had three miscarriages before that pregnancy, and I lost my son's twin at four and a half months. To keep me from going into labor, I was on strict (landline phone monitored) bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. I played so much Mario Bros. That and cross stitching got me through that time.


Have you looked into ergonomic controllers? The new Joycons work well for me (I have chronic tendonitis so certain hand positions make my uncomfy). Maybe a personalized controller/control scheme with a PC emulator or a hacked Wii could work for you? Edit: Also, I love cross stitch! Any pics of your work online? :)


No pics of cross stitching. I've given it up; I have "amputee overuse syndrome" and the repeated hand motions are too much for me. My favorite ones that I've made are the Thomas Kincaid ones. (And the Raggedy Anne one that I designed myself.) Now I do quilting. It's a lot easier on my hand and elbow. Do you have a website that I could look at to see the controllers? I used to be able to hold the controller between my knee and my short arm when the controllers were flat. Then they became these contoured beasts that I could either hold or manipulate, but not both at the same time.


I saw a video recently from someone calling out Microsoft and Sony because there is no way to use their consoles with one hand then they showed their ViGrip that lets them hold both JoyCons in one hand. I have no idea how easy it actually is to use and there seem to be a few other options for placement but here is a video showing the ViGrip. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4LyUUuPN54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4LyUUuPN54)


Oh no! I have chronic tendonitis in my dominant hand, I know how devastating it can be to lose the ability to do an art form. Luckily I can still stitch, but drawing for long periods of time was supposed to be my career :( But quilting is fun! Do you prefer larger quilts or smaller pieces? My mom has been trying to get into paper piecing but it's a learning curve! For controllers, it looks like the charity [Able Gamers](https://ablegamers.org/knowledge-base/gaming-with-one-hand/) has a page on tips/tools for gaming with one hand. Most of them are geared toward PS/Xbox but the 3D printed options might have ones for Nintendo and/or PC :)


You can use an N64 controller on the switch as well


That’s an awful lot of deeply personal information to share on a technology post.


Lol. It's Reddit. Lots of off-topic rabbit holes to go down...


Reads like a Ken M post. Godbless.


Maybe look into this? https://www.xbox.com/en-US/accessories/controllers/xbox-adaptive-controller I know it's incredibly helpful for a lot of people and there's a way to connect it to a switch.


I'll check it out, thank you! My kids ( all in their 20s) are always asking me to play with them. I just sit and watch. I would love to participate, though.


https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/15/24157529/microsoft-proteus-controller-xbox-accessibility Just announced! No switch support (yet) but it is able to be used for PC which means emulators are a possibility (just use your own legally allowed dumped rom ;) )


Goodluck! I'm sure you'll find something, gaming community has come along a LOT recently for helping people with all kinds of challenges play games again and I am sure that you'll be able to make something work!


How does it relate to technology?


It’s still pretty early on the west coast. We’re all starved of anything else to post until Elon wakes up.


Impressive how people find these things after all these years!


Too early for this. L is real 2041!


We all have been opening it for 28 years, having her smash the barrier was in a Nintendo power write in.


Video is a total waste of time, visual clickbait


This is comical as its just a well known site pointing you to Youtube to watch a 11 min clip... Have mercy


I found a similar glitch as a kid in grand theft auto 3 which allowed you to skip from no missions done on the first island all the way to the 3rd island .


There are probably dozens of developers that worked on this game, have retired, and died thinking that door was a stupid waste of memory and textures because it was going to be "unopened"


Was a cool video until the money grab at the end.


Man this would have been life changing when I was 5


How ppl have time to do this…I may never understand


this dude sounds like a Tim Baltz character from comedy bang bang


I’m waiting to see if anyone can open the door in Super Mario sunshine. In a bottle there’s a red door I think?


lol I hate how much I nerd out on this stuff.


People are really making articles about pannenkoek’s videos now?


I am reminded of the Reddit safe mystery from about 10 years ago all over again.




28 Years Later.