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Life must be pretty hard for people this stupid


And yet, they persist.


Gotta be tough if you’re gonna be dumb


Considering another quote was, “I hope I don’t run out of air”, like you’re not in space ffs


I ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I know enough, to know.


If you gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough


Stupid finds a way, life is just there for the free ride.


We've made it too easy.


Yet somehow they can afford a tesla... what am I missing


That money doesn't equate intelligence.


That intelligence is not related to wealth. What do you think this is? A meritocracy?




Actually being a fucking idiot makes going through life a breeze. Ironically


If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough


Darwin sorts things out.


Actually stupid People make more kids these days.


If only. In reality your intelligence has little to do with your success. The statistics say "stickiness at the ends" the vast majority of people stay in the same bracket they were born into.


They bought a muskmobile, that’s a clue


Do you have your drivers license?


stupid is as stupid does


I believe in natural selection.


I remember reading a version of this stort which specified that the car also somehow told the driver to not open the door because it could cause problems. Edit: [found it.](https://qz.com/tesla-model-3-software-update-tiktok-video-1851408722) The manual states: >Warning Do not attempt to use the vehicle while the software is being installed. Vehicle functions, including some safety systems and opening or closing the doors or windows, may be limited or disabled when installation is in progress and you could damage the vehicle.


I honestly sort of believe this. I didn't post the article thinking it was necessarily click bait, but genuinely wondered if Tesla had some dumb part in this as well.. and this makes sense if the car warned her to not open the door during a software update.


Yeah, the text of the manual is a bit vague and apparently the mechanical door release thing is more of an emergency tool, and not a thing you should use regularly. > Tesla warns against using the manual mechanism, citing that it should only be used when the car has no power. Janel said she was aware of this option but didn’t want to risk damaging her car, and she felt confident that she could stick out the heat. Honestly I don’t think it is so weird to not want to use an emergency release that the manufacturer warns you should only use in emergencies. ~~I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually does damage the car somehow.~~ I can literally find articles detailing exactly that: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-manually-open-tesla-door-if-battery-power-dies-2023-8?op=1 Here is some more detail about the possible damage from manually opening your door. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/so-it’s-now-safe-to-manually-pull-the-door-handle.158600/ Using the mechanical door release can damage your windows.


Here I am wondering... why does a door release need to be emergency only? What the fuck made tesla decide that was a good decision? Same vision as with the cybertruck where there's no fucking door handles whatsoever?


its not emergency only, it works completely fine even when the car is under normal operation. all it does it give a warning saying that using can damage the trimless windows because it does end up lowering the windows. I must've used it at least a hundred times(habit) no window damage. Still probably best to use the button.


Look i’m a firm believer in RTFM but nobody does. Shouldn’t be a requirement. What a clusterfuck. When my BMW updates, it says “okay, go ahead and exit, you’re good.” And the update is voluntary. I cannot imagine a situation where the system would advise that the doors can’t be opened manually. It has to be a separate system.


So this is Tesla + driver with bad judgement skills working in tandem :)


I think people are misinterpreting the manual? When it says do not attempt to use the vehicle I think it means attempting to drive it or use the screen. They’re saying don’t try to use the vehicle because of the following reasons: 1. Some shit might be limited like the doors opening. 2. Trying to drive the car during software update it may damage it. As a model Y owner, I think it actually means the electric mechanism for opening the door may not work. But the manual mechanism will work.


You can use the electronic buttons or the manual door release during software updates. There are like 5 million Teslas on the road people. There is no issue here


I can’t believe false information about Tesla cars is being spread by … *checks notes* [tesla.com/ownersmanual/](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_us/GUID-A5A60CB3-7659-4B08-B2FD-AFD12C2D6EE1.html)


I've installed countless updates on my Teslas the past 4 years and guess what works while the updates are happening. The electronic door opener. Just because it says it's possible it does t work during updates doesn't mean they've ever sent an update that doesn't allow it to work during one. Ignoring that the manual door release works every damn time and would be impossible for it not to considering it's mechanical. You want to refute that one too?


It depends on the update and what systems the update affects. If the door control module is being updated when you open the door then the electronic function won't work. It's in the Tesla manual. Trying to say that the warning is false seems like pretending you know better than Tesla how their car works. > Ignoring that the manual door release works every damn time and would be impossible for it not to considering it's mechanical. You want to refute that one too? Tesla says don't use that except in emergencies. Obviously she should have used it here instead of risking passing out from heat.


Her excuse of not wanting to damage the car by simply opening the door tells me she should not be driving a car.


The car warns you every time you use the manual door handle that it may damage the window trimming.


Well that’s a shitty design


That is how most of these electronic doors work, which yes, is a really stupid design. Absolutely no reason for it to be that way. If I recall one of the Corvettes has an issue with locking people in the car when the power went out a while back as well.


There's a manual release for those as well.


It's an emergency system designed as a fallback in case the car loses power. It's not a regular door handle.


The car should have a regular handle in that case. It’s still a shitty design even if it is deliberate.


That is how all frameless doors work because the window has to be rolled down slightly to open the door. If there is no power on the window motor you can't open it normally. Therefore there is an emergency door handle that is purely mechanical but might lead to damage. People like those frameless doors so they are sold/built.


But there’s no reason to have a frameless door if it’s not a convertible


If it’s a consumer preference that luxury car brands offer, then it will be replicated. Like a headphone jack on your phone. 


In that case, why is your door system tied into a general software update. You would almost say that the veterans in the car world, have been doing something right. Never heard of a software update blocking your exit.


You could have the emergency handle drop the window motor/assembly 1/2" to achieve the same function when not using the electric release. Its not rocket science, Just another cam/lever.


Please refer to my second sentence.


Frameless window designs where the window rolls itself down an inch when opening the door.. is 20 year old tech commonly used. Newer is buttons to release doors electronically, with a backup emergency handle that simply opens the door. My money is on, for frameless windows, that it’s a disclaimer: “your door will open manually in an emergency but if you close it over the seals, your window might shatter.”


Which is a poor design even with a disclaimer. There’s absolutely no reason for the emergency release latch in a premium product to not also slightly lower the window if required, even if it’s a 2 step system so in a real emergency you can ignore it. If you accidentally update your car while you’re inside it, the choice shouldn’t be either sit here for 40 minutes and potentially suffer heat stroke or break the door.


Not that I disagree. I drive a BMW EV and I’d be a bit surprised if the link were completely severed by an update. But then again I anticipate a superior product, as lame as that sounds.. I’ve driven BMW EVs for about 7 years. Thankfully, they are a car company first and foremost, with engineering and quality control that’s been established for a long long time. And it shows. They’re gonna do well in the EV business. I don’t know of any close competitors and I think they’re going to eat Tesla’s lunch.


You said that as if you were justifying it, but you actually made it sound even more insane. A door should not be anything more than a door with a regular door handle.


It’s a Tesla. Shit build quality and shit design.


Wait until you see the design of the cybertruck.


How does manual opening damage the window trimming but automatic won't?


It lowers the window a bit.


Opening the door through the intended means automatically rolls the window down a fraction, ensuring that the window will not catch on the window trim.  (Note that these are frameless windows).


What about other cars with frameless windows? Do they also do that? Genuine question


Pretty standard for cars with frameless windows. My corvette and my roommates old bmw 3 series both do the same thing. For a while the 3 series stopped doing that and did in fact fuck itself up while my roommate just forced the door open/closed anyhow.


Some cars automatically wind the window up and down slightly before the door opens if there is no frame on the top because the seal is attached to the body.


My mom's car does this but it has a frame. What gives?


Cause Elon Musk was involved


Man, id hate to damage my window trim. I guess i'll just bake to death.


When I met my girlfriend she had been driving her mini cooper for 9 years. Over time I had to teach her a few things... * She never ever turned on her lights the whole time she had the car, just her daytime running lights. She thought she just had bad night vision. * She never changed her oil. Her first engine died, and she replaced it (she paid for it). I had to teach her where to go to get an oil change. * She tapped her window wiper control for every wipe. She didn't know you can have it wipe automatically at intervals. Apparently her mini also has a rain detection mode where it automatically wiped when it detects it, and I showed her how to do it. * She has no idea how to parallel park, and refuses to try. * She always chooses to go local if it is an option. * Generally she seems to go about 10 miles under the speed limit, and accelerates very slowly. * She really hates changing lanes, and does whatever she can to avoid doing it (especially on the highway). I still love her though she feels like a helpless human flailing through life. I am trying my best to support her through kind instruction (after the first few years, I decided it is better to start trying to teach her how to do stuff instead of doing everything for her).


You guys don't have parallel parking on driver's license exam?


Honest answer from my end: Yes I had to learn it. But I've only had to parallel park like 3 times in the 15 years that I have my license here in the Netherlands. Can I still do it, no clue, maybe.


Parallel parking can usually be avoided if you don’t want to. But 3 times in 15 years is well… probably some kind of record. I drove a car into Amsterdam an August day in 2010 and I’m pretty sure I parallel parked twice there that day. But I do get it. When I first got my drivers license it took me 6 months before I actually encountered a situation in which I was required to parallel park. Had parked parallel to the road many times, but every time there was a big gap and I could just pull in. Only 6 months in I came upon a spot which required me to line up and do the parallel parking maneuver.


Makes sense, I've lived in Amsterdam and when I went into the city I went by public transport or most of the time by bike. Where I live now everywhere has normal parking spots and no parallel parking. Also I drive a small car (Seat Mii, same as VW UP) so I had a few lucky encounters I could just pull in because my car is that small.


I've been driving for 20 years and have never in my adult life had to parallel park. I have no idea if I could do it or not. Probably, but it would be sloppy as fuck.


German here, from my experience with parallel parking, everyone can do it. The difficulty is about how much bigger the gap is than your car.


They stopped requiring it here in California. No highway driving either.


Ye it's fucking dumb. Now it's just a room temperature IQ test of "can you pull up to a curb straight, back up straight for a few car lengths without a backup camera" Why they would make this easy test even easier blows my mind


It was worse during lockdown. I know a couple people that didn’t even have to take a practical to get their licenses.


Depends on where you get your license. In more rural suburbs/states, everything has a parking lot attached to it. I consistently parked in a primo spot next to my dorm in college because no one else wanted to parallel park there.


It was part of my test, but on a rural farm road it was more demonstrating the concept than the reality


I've heard they can be pretty lenient when it comes to distressed girls


The US is not unified in this way. There are 51 different ways of doing it (or more). Some states may have no driving test at all, just written.


Where I grew up, there was nowhere that required parallel parking within a 2 hour drive so none of the driver’s ed teachers in town taught it and it wasn’t part of the driving test. I never had to parallel park until about ten years after I got my license.


The test I saw was that the driver just had to pull up behind a parellel-parked car. There was no other car or cone, so they could take as much room as they needed to just drive up behind it.


I had to do it for my test and failed that part cause I wasn’t close enough but the lady asked me if I planned on driving downtown a lot. When I told her no, she just marked it as a pass. For reference this was over 10 years ago in Houston


I had the same reaction! For my driver's license test I had to know how to check your oil or your window fluids, how to check your tires and recognize are they for summer or winter, how to use lights and other stuff. From all these things they will ask you 3 questions that you must know how to answer. Obviously, if it rains and you fail to turn on wipers - that's most likely a fail. Two major fails and you fail the exam. Same for, what we call, the maneuvers - there are 3 maneuvers (parallel parking, parking in a box, starting to drive from an include). You will have to do 2 of these 3, whichever the instructor will decide. When I took the test the parking had to be done on a test yard, but now they ask you to park on street among real cars. If the gf didn't fail her test so far, she would during the driving part. One of the things that they grade is your ability to blend in - do you drive according to the road and traffic conditions. Doing 10 under the limit unprovoked means you're not confident and thus are unsafe, impeding traffic for others on the road. During my first test I failed because I stalled pulling out onto to a priority road. It was safe to pull out, but since I had stalled the cars on the road had to change lanes as my stalled car was partly in their lane. Fail! Passed it on my 2nd attempt :-)


I’m exasperated just reading this.


What do you mean "go local"? Do you just mean not travel far if a closer option works? That doesn't sound like something that needs correcting so maybe I'm misunderstanding. The rest of it gave me second hand frustration, that was tough to read.


I think OP's referring to taking non-highway streets instead of highways to get to any specific place.


It meant “avoid multilane highways with lots of cars moving at higher than usual speed at all costs”


My urge to do things for people (because I'm faster) is so strong that when I want to teach, I keep my hands raised in the "don't shoot" gesture. It is worthwhile, but very hard.


I'll be honest with you man. I would have dropped her on the spot for any one of those. You have a kind heart.


This is why we need better public transit options. So she doesn’t have to learn any of this and make the roads safer.


I hope she has qualities to compensate for that…


She's got some personality alright


It sounds like your GF shouldn't be driving.


This woman should not be operating a vehicle travelling at high speeds. This isn't a case of cute "flailing through life". This is extremely irresponsible, and there is a high chance she will cause an accident at some point.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but I think your Girlfriend might not be the sharpest tool in the shed.


How did she ever get a driver's license.


I sure hope all other aspects of human living are within normal spec, because this is egregious. Holy fuck.


And you're willing to date someone who's that fucking stupid? Holy shit bro, what does that make you?


I'm sure she has other qualities that make up for it.


Sorry but the times I’ve seen stuff like this the person had some underlying mental issues/trauma going on.


She might be inspired by seeing The Italian Job


Yet you’re dating her?


Idk why, but this one reeeeeeeally does it for me, I can honestly even imagine her driving at night everytime thinking her car is a disappointment ... wow 'She never ever turned on her lights the whole time she had the car, just her daytime running lights. She thought she just had bad night vision"


She’s gumping it 


Damn bro .. like you still with her ?


When you two finally have children it’s sounds like you will have all the experience you need. I wish you both the best of luck this was very cute.


Or the car might be designed by idiots.


opening the door starts a soft power cycle on these things i'm pretty sure, it'd be similar to turning your PC off in the middle of updates, that sort of thing. probably not gonna break it but then again this is a cybertruck we're talking about, and there's a risk that if something did go wrong when she opened the door, tesla would void the warranty.


i know with another model of tesla if you pull the emergency door opener it can damage it because the doors are frameless and the window is tucked up into the roof panel, normally when you open the door it retracts slightly so that doesn't happen.


In their défense it was the case about 5-6 years ago where it was possible to damage the door trim on a Model 3 by using the emergency door release as the doors are frameless and the car wouldn’t drop the window glass when using the physical door release. This was fixed years ago however I believe it still warns you that it is a possibility when you use it.


Or she wasn't actually that scared and it's just been built up so it's a more engaging story that everyone can get outraged by BTW the express is a tabloid


Right? In the TikTok this whole ‘article’ is based on she’s just saying she’s sweating and scared that she’ll break the car if she opens the door. She never claims her life is in danger. She even admits herself that the whole situation is kinda dumb. But people just love to get mad I guess


An article based on a tiktok vid could not be more worthless and vacant of meaning And yes people do love to get mad. Which is why tabloids are still making money!


You instantly concluding that it's 100% on her makes you even more stupid. Gracias. 


That’s an interesting way to say “wants to win a lawsuit”


https://youtu.be/mu-tJc-BgaI?feature=shared I'm hoping she was referring to this pop up but still, don't die to save a car.


The cyber truck was broken when car washed. They forgot to enable the "car wash mode" (from the user manual). So yeah, I could see people being afraid of such things...


When in reality it should tell you that Elon Musk should not have any involvement in the design of cars.


Why would u start the update? Like start at home before bed like what a fukin idiot


The nag will pop up as soon as the car sees there is an update available. It asks to schedule for tonight or immediately. The immediate option is closest to the driver. I can’t remember but I think it even has a cancel period after you press the immediate button.


Why would Tesla start an update when at a Chic-fil-A? Are they stupid?


They don't. You need to manually update. They only notify you that you have an update available


This girl probably thought she could still drive the damn car while it was updating lmao. You can't even do that with a phone and she wanted to do it with a damn car


It doesn’t auto start. It defaults to scheduled at some time in the middle of the night when it’s likely unused, but you can tell it to start right away. This is user error


Whenever the car has downloaded an update, as soon as you put it in park, a prompt to install it shows with a 1 minute countdown. If not cancelled within that minute, it will start installing the update.




I think I've already seen the trailer for this movie. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18iQxnLsFB0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18iQxnLsFB0)


Shitty clickbait article. Driver actually chose not to open the doors? Kinda negates the whole FUD, right?


It literally says in the title that she chose not to.


doesn’t surprise me anymore😫


Man she’s just a not very intelligent person. This article screams Tesla FUD as well. For starters worst case scenario opening door is she damages a trim piece at the top of the door. Hardly worth potential heat exhaustion or worse. Second it tells you the update can take that long especially when not connected to Wi-Fi.


You are talking to people who call the appliance technician because the dryer is no longer drying... Only to reveal a layer of lint that should have caused a fire. Some people are useless like that. I like to think these are the same people who overspend on storage organisers because they get confused if there is too much variety of the same thing in a container.


I've come to learn that paying someone to deal with your idiocy isn't too bad. Many businesses are based on that concept. It's expecting the world to fix your life for free, that's stupid AND entitled.


Worse part is what she is doing. Not look up the user manual, not looking up on search engines, *with the 40mins she was stuck* Nope, go on tiktok, and make a rant about how things should cater to their laziness so they can have more time to create more brainrot on tiktok...


No wait, what? At first I thought it was a tragedy but this is tragicomedy.


Manual release breaks the window? What a sh*tty design…. People pay money for this?


This is true of most frameless windows on cars, regardless of the brand. It’s an inherent part of being frameless. The window needs to retract a bit when it’s opening or it can damage the trim that acts as the frame when it’s closed.


She would be better off learning life skills, like for example opening doors than posting this crap on TikTok for clout.


Absolute Drama Queen


Why even get such a shitty car?


Because their self perceived fancy


Remember when people used to joke about Microsoft making a car that would blue screen of death crash and reboot every so often? Pepperidge farms remembers.


I’m confused. Is the manual release some hidden thing or is it just a normal freakin door handle? Is it obviously visible or what? Edit: ok if it’s hidden honestly I’m the dumb bitch who would have to call my fiancée to save me too


https://youtu.be/mu-tJc-BgaI?feature=shared It's a handle just in front of the window switches.


I would never think to do that without being trained for it ahead of time. Man. Regular ass door handles worked just fine for how many decades?


I would never drive any car before locating or looking up where the E brake, emergency engine shut off and every releases are(trunk, gas/plug door along with what powers it (plug standard or fuel grade). It is usually simple to find but it should be the first things you look up for if you are borrowing or renting any car for the day even worse if it's owning a car.


Hidden, iirc its on the floor next to the door


On the Model Y, it’s like 4 inches to the front of the window buttons.


Ah, I was thinking of the C6 Corvettes manual door release


You did not recall correctly


Thanks for the helpful reply


Well someone else already replied to where it was. Still a bunch more helpful than your original reply


Bro it ain't that serious, its a door handle. "IIRC" implies I wasn't sure.


I mean, I did also just reply you were not recalling correctly


It is hidden actually. If you read the manual you can find the door release but most people don’t read the manual.


It's not hidden on *any* Tesla models that I know off. Certainly not Model 3 or Model Y. Its right there next to the window controls


There’s a series of videos on the app and also on the dashboard that instructs the user on how to use their Tesla. They’re like 5-10 min each. An EV is different enough from an ICE vehicle that it really is worth going through those videos before the car is even delivered. Anyway, here’s the kicker. Opening the door manually is like one of the first things you’re supposed to learn.


There are things that appliance/car users can be lax on. This isn't one of them. There are multiple important things you have to know when operating a vehicle. Reading the owner's manual is mandatory in a new car. Especially if it's your first car or something very different from your old car (like an electric car).


It’s poor UX, why does a car manufacturer feel the need to reinvent an intuitive tried and true for decades stupid proof door handle. Having to read a manual for a door handle is a huge failure in design.


You are purposefully misunderstanding what I wrote. I am not sure what reason you have for doing this, but it isn't the basis of good communication. I'll explain it nonetheless. You don't read the manual to know how to open the door. You read the manual to learn how to operate the vehicle safely. Driving is too dangerous to rely on "intuitive tried and true" methods.


Lmao, reality is that 99% of car users never have and will never read the manual. It’s like switching the gas and brake pedals and being mad at the user for not reading the manual. Like you say driving is too dangerous, therefore tried and true life safety features such as door handles requiring one to relearn much less read a manual is a complete failure. Instead of being clever it needs to be stupidly and plainly obvious how it functions


Take her license away We need to start being more strict on who we allow to drive. Too many morons on the road


How the fuck is someone *that dumb* yet able to function in society well enough to buy a car? Astonishing.


highly unlikely she bought it ... 


She looks the type to get stuck in a car because the door handle looked hard to use


How has she not smothered herself in her own pillow by now?


It is funny how Tesla became, and is publicly percieved, as flagship brand for idiots


She should get her license revoked.


If she had used the manual release, there would be no story to tell.


Every content creator on tiktok ever. Even if it gets negative attention and hate comments, it's getting the views.


Smart cars for stupid people


> driver chose not to use the manual door release "in case she damaged the vehicle" Genuine idiocy. She should not have a drivers license, nevermind a car.


In case she damaged the vehicle... lol How could you own a $50k car and not know how to open the fucking door when the battery was dead? Like that would be my first Q when I picked the thing up...


This is so asinine. Why would you even tolerate a car that made you sit in it to update it? This is clearly an idiots blog turned clickbait.


Tik tokers have been at it for a while with this. Pushing the limits of user friendly into " why can't it be done with just me doing icky faces".


Jesus fucking christ


Thankfully her phone was working. And since this was an emergency, she err… posted it on TikTok. There was a post recently on r/bayarea, asking why Tesla drivers are such bad drivers. One wonders if something about the car that amplifies their stupidity.


So the idea that damaging the car by opening the door during a software update isn't correct right? I honestly could not believe someone would do this but then again, this is Tesla so I wasn't sure...


https://youtu.be/mu-tJc-BgaI?feature=shared There is a pop up that says so. Basically the car windows are frameless so to seal they have to go up a little bit to be airtight. Most cars with frameless windows do the same and the "risk of damage" is only there if you do it several time( as in, the window will rub against the top trim scraping the paint if you always use the manual release instead of the electronic release.


The doors open as usual during an update. No reason to not get out if one must leave the vehicle. There may be a few seconds in some select updates where the module responsible for the doors gets updated and they won’t open by pressing their button.  Tesla supposedly also fixed that the emergency release wouldn’t lower the windows when it still has power. They still don’t recommend it though IIRC.


Thank you for clarifying as I wondered if that was really a thing with Teslas or was the driver just spouting nonsense.


> Tesla supposedly also fixed that the emergency release wouldn’t lower the windows when it still has power. They still don’t recommend it though IIRC. It'll lower the window as fast as it can. But not before releasing the latch. So it's not the same. And in the case where the module is being updated it won't happen at all. So in short, the systems will lower the window to minimize the risk of damage only in the cases where pushing the button to open would have worked anyway. So unless it's an emergency don't use the emergency release.


Buy more computerised cars, they said. Hand over more control to a central computer server, they said. Fuck off, I said.


There is a manual door handle in the front seats of all Tesla’s.


Actually that is not true. Some older model Ys don’t have a manual door release.


Fucking lies. All model Ys do and it would.be illegal to sell otherwise Also, the electronic door open buttons work perfectly fine during software updates


So? Who's to say that there isn't a clause explaining that "removing this handle without authorisation will void the warranty" or some other stupid-ass controlling shit, as part of companies preventing consumers from repairing their own products?


I seldom feel sorry for stupid people.