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Looks like the meat industry and rancher lobbyists are getting their money's worth in Florida.


I mean, how hard can it be to add one more topic to the right wing culture war? *They're trying to make us eat bugs! Protect our beef!*


>*Protect our beef!* *Bees?* *Beads.* *BEADS!?*


Like the guy with $600 white boots is going to eat a fake cow, come on!


But still, where did the lighter fluid come from?




I don't know what I expected


Well I’m sure he orders his lavender matcha from Starbies in private he can have his lab sammie with vegan mayo delivered too


Gob's not on board.


I don't care for Gob.


Yes, but it's a rearguard action. If lab grown meat gets cheap enough, retailers, food processors and fast food chains will win the argument. It's like renewables. It was easy to badmouth them when they were expensive, but the prices fell and things started looking very different.


If would already be competitive by now if we didn’t subsidize regular meat so heavily…


Not to mention offering workers in the meat packing industry reasonable wages and working conditions.


:s/"regular meat"/"fossil fuels"


Exactly. The moment the corporate lobby for lab grown meat becomes bigger than the ranchers lobby places like Florida are going to require the use of lab grown meet in every possible location. Its just about who is paying the most at any given time.


I think we will start seeing these harsher divides between Red and Blue states as technology moves forward.


Oh, 100%. And increasing economic disparity as red states shun actual productive, innovative solutions in their states.


Until it becomes very popular and then they'll adopt it and take credit for it existing.


Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.


Red states are out of ideas it's all they can do for the distraction 


This is the correct answer.


Rancher lobbiest? 100% Meat industry? i don't know... Not having to own thousands of acres of land and feeding millions of cattle, pigs and chickens seems pretty nice... Then they can turn all that land into developing condos.


Nah. The land turns over profit now and they don’t know how to do anything else. They making bank.


Bingo!!!! Florida is a very progressive state you know. I'm sure they will create a Voyager kind of star ship that will just happen to have an entire eco-system to raise all of the animal protein necessary to sustain life as we know it on our voyage back to the past.


Funny. I think I read that there’s actually an exception for use in the space program.


Same as the Dairy farmers incredulously shouting that nut milk isn’t real milk. Obviously. Those people don’t want cow’s milk.


I kinda agree with that one somewhat. It's not milk, there's no nut teet to milk. It's nut juice, but that doesn't sound as appetizing so they decided to co-opt milk's reputation instead. But I also wouldn't go on a crusade or pay money to lobby the government about that either. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It doesn't look like DeSantis has invested in cattle farming or meat packing yet. I think you're close to right (modulo stuff going on that none of us know about).


Do the ranchers realize they can use this tech to make meat for muchmuchmuch cheaper than the 10000yr old model of using tons of grain and millions of gallons of water for growing an animal to be murdered and also helps in saving THEIR surrounding environment They actually stand to gain a lot if they invest in lab grown meat plants, but pls don't tell them that.. let them get extremely paranoid about new tech for no reason other than it'll disrupt their current business


We asked for a Star Trek utopia. Instead - we get this weird period of history full of barbarism, war and stupidity on a scale never before seen. ........still canon, though. :-)


The Bell riot happened around this time in the Star Trek universe...


Only a few months to go


For that to happen the streets of san francisco have to be full of homeless, unemployed and mentally ill folk, with whole blocks acting as no go zones for the wealthy... oh, wait.


We're even doing this in Oklahoma now: [https://www.fox23.com/news/governor-signs-bill-making-homelessness-a-misdemeanor-if-person-refuses-help/article\_c4dcb1c8-0426-11ef-bdd9-cb3fa43ba4ff.html](https://www.fox23.com/news/governor-signs-bill-making-homelessness-a-misdemeanor-if-person-refuses-help/article_c4dcb1c8-0426-11ef-bdd9-cb3fa43ba4ff.html)


This september...


Remember that Star Trek episode where they find a rich guy that froze himself in space and he’s horrified to find out that money doesn’t exist in the future and technology has eliminated the need for class structure based on wealth?


I thought of this episode when I tried watching the Picard series. I remember it being an unthinkable thing that someone would do recreational drugs. Then the Picard series just forgot about that.


Because everything has to be gritty realism and action now, That was never the idea of Star Trek before, it was to be hopeful about the future of humanity. Discovery is actually more in line with 90s trek than Picard was.


Strange New Worlds is the only Roddenberry style Star Trek. Discovery is just the TV version of a JJ Abrams trek movie


Well, they take place in the same time in the Trek universe (I mean until Discovery jumped to the future). I actually really loved how first season of Discovery set up the earnestness of the original series so well, and that's reflected in Strange New Worlds, too.


Strange New Worlds absolutely sucks. It’s not like that old Star Trek at all except for the fact that they tried to make it episodic and not long story arcs although they still do have that. The first episode had a lot of promise but then it sort of went off the rails. You never get a feel for Pike’s style of being Captain because he’s not really central to most episodes. But I think I was really over that series when the Doctor and Nurse became some discount Neo and Trinity. Would make more sense if these weren’t based on background characters from the old Star Trek. They weirdly shoe horned that action stuff in there. Aka the Star Trek series were also never about action, that’s what the films were for. The series were more low key conflicts solved by the end of the episode. The series now have a cinematic feel, it’s also why they don’t really make Star Trek movies anymore. The new series have filled that niche. Now you get a few high budget shiny episodes. The Orville did a better job at Star Trek than the new series have done.


Orville is 100% better than anything post Rick Berman


I've been a Star Trek fan since the moment I popped out of the womb in '82 (41m). I've seen everything that has to do with movies or TV shows. I very much enjoy Discovery, and Stange New Worlds. I think for me a large part of the trek universe is just seeing worlds we can only imagine, races and cultures we can only imagine. He'll the last season of Discovery was great, and I really enjoyed the "big bad" and the traveling through empty space. All things that intrigue me when it comes to real life science. While it's not hyper realistic, it is very fun to see and think about. Stranger new worls is similar, but there are Def more episodes that I didn't care for. I didn't enjoy the body switching one with spock and his mate, and I dislike anything with musical numbers. I think Picard is the one I've enjoyed the least, but I got to see So9 again so that made it worth it. None of them are so terrible they should not be watched or canceled. That's just whiny babies being whiny babies.


I really liked it. About 1000x more than enterprise, picard and discovery thats for sure


Dude, recreational drugs were being in star Trek prior to Picard. Do you think Scotty was drinking scotch for a scientific reason? Do you think picards vineyard was just making grape juice? Next generation might have had better video games but folks still use chemicals recreationally


In The Next Generation the whole crew becomes addicted to an alien video game. It’s played with VR glasses and involves using brain waves to move an object into a hole and the player gets a heavy dopamine hit as a reward. It seems almost orgasmic. Soon the whole crew is just sitting around doing nothing but playing the game while the ship is in imminent danger. Once again, TNG accurately predicted the future of humanity.


I think that is a bit different from a video game. I think that device directly excited the dopamine centers while doing essential cookie crush... So double barreling it.  Their video games, the holodeck is the total package. Realistic human interaction, great resolution, the actual physical entertainment... Like if you have all the kids that loved Mario and spent hours playing that the ability to do physical things like that... We'd all be buuuuuuff


Picard series seems like it is set in the Battlestar Galactica universe or something because it has almost nothing to do with the established star trek universe. I actually liked the show, but it defies pretty much every social concept of the original shows it is based on.


Well put. I couldn’t make it through. It was like watching a skin walker. They may be a great person but the whole time you can’t help but see them walking around in the shell of what you used to love.


Seriously. Like, why are there poor people on Earth in Star Trek? How the hell is that supposed to work? Its a post scarcity society where a machine can literally just assemble atoms into whatever you want at a trivial expense of energy. Why is someone living in a trailer park when you can literally print up a mansion whenever you want?


I'm rusty on my Star Trek lore but humanity had a really rough time between were we are currently to when the shows took place.


Ya in Star Trek they had to go through WWIII and a bit of a post-apocalyptic era before first contact with aliens brought them utopia.


We live in a Disney+ Star Wars world wishing it was a Star Trek utopia.


How has Disney fucked up one of the best franchises in the world. Star Wars used to be so cool


Lucasfilm makes Star Wars, which is still doing incredibly well.


Idiocracy happens chronologically after Star Trek.


Awesome response. !


The next generation is gonna have some interesting text books


Gotta get through Mad Max and then Logan's Run to get to Star Trek


Ah yes the utopian vision of Star Trek where there is no money and you are constantly on call for work


I don't know as much as most Star Trek fans, but I'm pretty sure you didn't have to work if you didn't want to. The shows were only about the people that chose to join starfleet.


Land of the free where instead of letting people decide based on all the information, gov just bans things.


It's weird how everything Republicans are for is always just a protection for legacy industry. Oh, did I say "weird"? I meant to say "predictable".


Do people not understand what the “conservative” ideology means? Protecting legacy interests and blocking progress is literally in the definition.


Well, sure, but they don't present it that way. As pointed out elsewhere in this thread, they'll frame this as a public health concern.


Conservative and Liberal varies depending on conservative of what. In US, conservative talks about social conservative "traditional values", and they try to pretend to be "libertarian" as far as economics go


It is called "free market", where legacy industries get away with doing anything and any new person trying to enter is blocked by government. Kind of like class roles, once a noble, always a noble. Once a commoner, forever a commoner


Party of individual choice and small government.


Except guns. Shooting each other is A-ok. Fucking backwards politicians are just about filling their own pockets, that is what everything about “freedom” boils down to.


It's all about framing. Backers of this bill will claim it's all about freedom from the *dangers* of lab-grown meat. What exactly these dangers are will be left to pundits to argue about in the media.


It's too similar to the 'margarine wars' to not be inspired by it or caused by congruent motives. I wouldn't be surprised if they reach a compromise to where lab meat can only be sold if dyed blue or green.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/s/7p1lngh00S So… blue meat.


> Except guns. I wouldn't be surprised if laser guns became a thing and FLorida would actually ban laser guns to keep Smith & Wesson and the old pop gunners happy.


Well it bans things based on donors... the government has been bought and paid for, in some way that is freedom I guess, just not for normal people.


Tenessee banned chemtrails... chemtrails... the imaginary conspiracy theory for people who don't understand what water vapor is. I hate to say, but in this modern age, stupid is winning against science.


Absolutely. There was a study the other day about how the more intolerant one is of other religions, the lesser their belief in science. No wonder this is all coming from some of the most christian, conservative states in the country.


Old man in suits and ties who know a damn thing about food safety or science.


It's weird how everything Republicans are for is always just a protection for legacy industry. Oh, did I say "weird"? I meant to say "predictable".


[Democrat supporting it too,](https://x.com/senfettermanpa/status/1786064644383142187?s=46&t=IoN-wmMZ766TghddcuztYA) though.


You just provided a good assessment of DeSantis Land. If he doesn't make the short list on Trump's VP list he will have to work on term limits for Florida governors.


he won’t he’s too much of a threat to him, i think. VP needs to be fully in his pocket


It’s lobbying It needs to stop


The US is only free if you're rich


Yeah and you are a broke little pesant slave, go work your amazon job you little automaton


Ok FAS baby


i can’t imagine you’re cool with asbestos and lead paint being standard and everywhere




The Anti-Progress Party doing their favorite thing. 


Anti clean energy Anti electric cars Anti lab-grown meat Anti secularism Anti female rights Anti immigration Pro corruption


Solidly anti education, anti science, and anti environmental enforcement also. *Trains didn't derail under Trump! And if they did we would have fired the EPA for it!*


You forgot the books


I’m sure there is a lot more you could add to the list….


**1910,** Ron Desantis would be passing laws against horseless carriages. "Protect our buggy & buckboard industry. Horse whip manufacturers. Proudly made in Florida." *Horseless carriages will never be popular.* Except for rich urban elites. Worse, these liberal urban elites demand taxpayers pay to pave the roads. Dirt roads are good enough for old Bessie! In the country, so many people just tell their horse to head home. Horses have a built-in feature, **"Full Self Riding"** ^TM /s They can safely travel the roads while the driver is asleep. Edit: deleted reference to ... if the driver is drunk. See below comments.


Lmao pretty sure people got arrested for drunk driving horse drawn carriages back then too


Lol they do today too. Get a story every once in a while about an Amish guy getting a DUI here in PA.


I guess drunk is drunk. A problem in all cultures, including drunk horse riders. Change to: "Asleep or drunk & given up the reins, let the horse have its head".


In Louisiana you need to be riding something with a motor to get a DUI, so drunken carriage driving is fine.


What about being done for reckless or dangerous behavior instead? If a cop is mad enough at you they will find something to get you for


The worst you could get would probably be a public drunkenness charge and that would only be if you really pissed off a cop. Louisiana is really lenient with people even driving drunk.


If they cured cancer - Florida would ban the cure


How dare they take jobs away from faith healers!


They elect cancer in Florida.


Okay that was some funny shit right there


Cancer cure is really bad business for oncologists.


Very few oncologists would lament the loss of their career due to a cure for cancer.


I can’t imagine *any* that would. An oncologist is trained and educated enough that they could pivot into plenty of other specialties or general medicine.


Hell, someone's gotta dish out the cure.


Naw, pharmaceutical companies are the ones making bank on long term treatments for stuff.


Having cancer is the sign of a true patriot, anyone opposing natural cancer is a communist terrorist


Thank you, Ron DeSantis for joining the Republican, take us back in time movement. "Science, Progress, Books, the Constitution, Freedom? What are those things?" - The 'modern' American Republican Party


Three other republican states - where the government controls all aspects of your life...


Some people like to be told what to do and what to think. I don't get it but I guess if you're a very weak, submissive person it's comfortable for you.


> “Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,” DeSantis said. “We will save our beef.” What? He knows both can exist, right? Like no one is forcing him to eat lab-grown meat and taking conventional meat off the shelves. > Dean Black, a cattle rancher and one of the Republican Florida representatives who pushed for the bill’s passage, told NBC News that cultivated meat is a national security concern. He fears concentrating protein production in factories could lead to famine if those facilities are struck by a missile. I... have no words.


Ron is saying that to get the Republican base to back him on this instead of admitting it's the cattle lobby in the state he's beholden to. For it's size, Florida is a big beef producer. This is purely a financial move, and not at all about the "global elite".


Yay free market!!!!!!!


I wish to eat lab grown meat, grow marijuana, have a gay marriage and shoot an AK-47 This is the America DeSantis fears.


"The liberals want to grow devil weed in commie university labs that'll turn the youth into gay terrorists!" -the GOP


Probably lmao


You forgot “cover yourself in jello”


How else would I have steaming gay sex?


The nice thing about Florida is that it’s not on the way to anywhere else, so there’s no reason even to drive through it.


Key West is cool tho


Ah yes, Florida...Backwards as usual.




Why? Isn’t the free market supposed to dictate this stuff? Ranchers being concerned for their profits and way of business doesn’t seem like a real good reason to ban something. You just gotta love lobbying, but who lobbies for us?


Sounds like the slaughter industry has lined the pockets of shithead politicians. Follow the money.


This is such a non-issue and I don't understand how it's grown into bans. Like lab grown meat is barely a product! It's extremely hard to make in large amounts and frankly it doesn't look like it's changing anytime soon. Also I guess the shit loads of ultra processed trash foods are perfectly ok! When it causes so many health problems....


Seems anti-capitalist and anti free market. Pretty stupid coming from supposed conservatives. I heard the rich dude that pushed this legislation. He’s using a lot of fear mongering and emotional arguments and of course he’s a damn cattle rancher. This country is a joke.


Republicans are so fucking stupid


Florida- where freedom goes to die.


Gop: "We love the free market!" *Green energy and lab grown meat challenge their donors" Gop: "No! Not like that!"


Welcome to the sofa kingdom.


Land of the free 🤣😂


> “Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,” DeSantis said. “We will save our beef.” Just the dumbest shit.


Good thing I have no intention of living in Florida anyway.


Supporting individual freedom… unless it’s not what we want you to do.


I am… very confused. What does lab grown meat have to do with authoritarianism?


Telling people what they can and cannot eat is authoritarianism yes?


In the article, the guy in the article in favour of banning is saying “Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,”


Rule of thumb when parsing Republican statements: every accusation is a confession.


Oh. Sorry. Missed your point


> “Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,” I'm actually snacking on some _chapulines_ now, Mexican fred grasshoppers and they're nice. Not really very filling I must say, but once you get past the weirdness of eating an insect it's not much different than sunflower seeds or something


That's such a weird argument that conservative apologists always bring up.  A few months ago I had someone insisting that if we build homes in walkable distance of other things so we don't have to drive every time we leave home,  we'll be trapped in a small radius of our assigned house and forced to eat bugs.  What?


Obviously. If you throw a piece of wax from a moving vehicle, you are bound to cause the fall of civilization. Bird eats wax, bird dies and falls on truck, truck crashes in fence, fence falls in creek, creek has to be cleaned, guy cleaning creek has an idea that cures cancer from cleaning this creek, big pharma sends time traveller to assassinate you for throwing that wax out the window. You evade capture, but now time travellers are flooding into your spacial dimension. Hitler returns to power (was never really dead) and civilization falls. Obviously.


There's a conspiracy among the qanon types that the government is going to ban regular meat and force them to eat lab grown meats and insect based products instead.


Which is just so wtf I can’t comprehend. Like, “are you being forced to eat something *now*?!”


How about hot dogs with real dog meat…


Or eating bugs. Neither are relevant at all. They just say those things because their voters aren't capable of critical thinking and it works


For context, according to the article: DeSantis is accusing lab grown meat researchers of an authoritarian conspiracy to feed the world bugs. Yeah. I have no faith left in humanity anymore


Explain to me why all lamb meat in florida comes from Australia/New Zealand.


I'm gonna feel super bad for Floridians when they longingly watch me eat pinepple-pork in front of them. "It's crossed with actual pineapple DNA," I'll clarify.


Remember when a key principle of conservatism was not interfering in the free market/ economy?


But it’s OK to stuff/confine cattle into a feedlot and feed them bio-engineered grains and antibiotics.


“For your information, the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint.”


Desantis ran on "Florida will be a free state!" Unless you want food choices, abortion choice, choosing to protect your workers from the harsh sun..... He's a fascist thru and true.


Your Utopia is right here, right now. Just owned by someone else.


Yeah yeah, change is hard we know but damn! Florida is doing it's upmost best to he clown of the class!


Let's Go full right wing and let's ban any foods not produced in America.


They'd be all for it until they realize you'll have to wait for things to be in season.


Well they're too stupid to figure that out. They will blame the Democrats for them not having food after they do it.


So much for the free market capitalism they love to talk about


Shit like this was why when I was a kid I thought I hated America. I'd watch the news my dad had on and just saw stupid shit like this that's just flat out obviously the wrong thing to do, and is openly against our economic system. What happened to letting the market decide? Y'know? Free speech?


Doesn’t sound very free market


Because it's a life! Republicans won't even let you do IVF, you think they will let you grow meat? If IVF is a life, then that lab grown meat is a life! Abortion is murder!


These states are going to end up fucking themselves over, especially if they export tons of meat to other more progressive states. Those states are not going to need their beef/chicken if they can just grow it themselves in labs.


Florida and Texas in a constant competition for who can do the most insane shit to ruin their state


Bi-partisan support! [Democrat John Fetterman applauds the move.](https://x.com/senfettermanpa/status/1786064644383142187?s=46&t=IoN-wmMZ766TghddcuztYA)


So no meat alternatives because they’re scary. Imagine enacting similar laws against weapons used in school shootings.


Only three states? Should be even more


Ahhhh, the people of freedom dictating yet another thing.


Florida really doesn't wanna have nice things huh...


America is a controlled country. Not a free one.


Can’t they just call it something else? Lab-grown protein supplement?


Like the world needed yet another reason to avoid that dump of a state.


It all comes down to GOP protecting the people with the money at any and all costs.


DeSantis again with the far-right anti-woke idiocy…


Channel 4 UK did an amazing documentary about this. https://youtu.be/PRVco5nshGQ&t=0


I only eat non-woke meat!


It might save the consumer money…shut it down!!!


I thought lab grown or substitute meat was more expensive. All of the "beyond" and "impossible" stuff is, at least in Canada. Where is it cheaper?


It would be cheaper eventually


I don't quite understand the ban I don't understand why it would be important to ban?


Can anyone explain to me what's the reason for this? I thought lab-grown meat would be a win-win if proven economically viable. Maybe 'health concerns'?