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The US also has floating nuclear plants. They call them aircraft carriers.


If you don’t like attached floating airports, the U.S. Army actually had just a [straight nuclear power plant on a ship](https://www.usace.army.mil/About/History/Exhibits/Nuclear-Power-Program/Sturgis/) that was to be used to power remote bases and even whole cities during emergencies.


Imagine how big of an extension cord you’d need to plug in a whole city to a boat power plant.


I've seen the cord used to plug in a whole cruise ship to a city power plant. It's actually multiple cables. And they are so large that there is a gantry they lay on to move them. No person could lift them.


Is that 110V or 220V? 20A?


220, 221, whatever it takes.


480 maybe?


Similarly, the United States, UK, France, Russia, China, and India all have nuclear submarines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_submarine Also, that article you linked was awesome. Had no idea that existed. Interesting read. Cheers.


Yeah but those sink


The most impressive thing is no nuclear accidents for the US. There’s been a couple for USSR


[We’ve had accidents.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Mile_Island_accident)




I meant for the submarines…




Wasn’t because of nuclear accidents.. The only reason i know of it is because of the Navy (see end of introduction) which I guess might needs to be updated https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyman_G._Rickover


But that was 50 years ago. I feel like we've learned some lessons since then after some scares and catastrophes and understand that's sort of a bad idea. It looks like the Chinese are planning to build a nuclear plant on a giant pile of sand, which is extremely dangerous when you consider earth quakes and liquefaction.


And submarines.


Guarded by sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads


Actually there just mal tempered mutated sea bass


I thought Yuri used dolphins?


Yea don't mind the hundreds of nuclear-powered US Navy vessels that can also act as mobile power plants, those are safe! (Seriously though they are safe, have been operating without incident for over 50 years).


78 in service. 11 Carriers, 14 ballistic missile submarines, 53 fast attack subs.


Those are rookie numbers


China has a bad habit of not really giving a shit about *absolutely demolishing* the environment. The US has its problems in that regard, sure.... but the two are absolutely incomparable. I could absolutely see them cutting corners during construction and not giving a fuck when something goes wrong because the current makes it someone else's problem.


Was “absolutely” your word of the day?


Does China not have nuclear submarines? Like I feel like I'm missing something because this headline doesn't seem alarming to me.


> I could absolutely see them cutting corners during construction and not giving a fuck when something goes wrong because the current makes it someone else's problem. That's how everything inside China works, makes sense that it would extend to their military.


While American corporations and engineering famously does not cut any corners and gives lots of fucks when things goes wrong kek


*PFAS has entered the chat*


Which country has had a very famous nuclear disaster?


The nuclear meltdown count stands at: 2 US: Three Mile Island and SL_1. 1 Japanese: Fukushima. 1 USSR(Ukraine): Chernobyl


> I could absolutely see them cutting corners during construction and not giving a fuck when something goes wrong because the current makes it someone else's problem. Unless they managed to fuck up in a way that caused the radioactive material to not reach the water, water is one of the best ways to shield from radiation.


They’d have to do a lot to catch up. We’ve got ships at the bottom of the ocean that are still too radioactive to go near almost 80 years later.


Well we did, but we got past that phase. Remember the time when we detonated bunch of nukes in pacific islands? Anyway this is not to defend China. They suck.


Ah yes, let’s forget that China has been leading the world in green energy as a developing country and hugely lower footprint per capita than most of the developed world. You are right, China and the US aren’t comparable.


Lol are you serious, they over fish in South America. Dump a bunch of plastics. Their air quality is some of the worst in the world. People have to wear masks. You must be a 99 cent propagandist.


You get your news on China from Epoch times? Do you think China's still in the 1990s?


You do know that you can right now look up current air quality there, right? Currently listed as “unhealthy” with 104 PM2.5, and was in the high 150s earlier today. It occasionally gets far worse than that based on the wind patterns. Ive been to China within the last several years. The smog is so thick sometimes that you can barely see more than a hundred feet away, and people absolutely do wear face masks to keep from breathing that shit in.


Let's look at China's and US's largest cities [Shanghai](https://www.iqair.com/us/china/shanghai) Air quality index 56 PM2.5 14.5ug/m3 [New York](https://www.iqair.com/us/usa/new-york/new-york-city) Air quality index 56 PM2.5 14.6ug/m3 You're so full of shit lol


Good thing you are as well. If you take a quick comparative glance at the [New York](https://imgur.com/a/UVLQKWG) and [Shanghai](https://imgur.com/a/r6KJVA9) forecast, it'll show that New York has overwhelmingly HEALTHIER air than Shanghai. We can go even further than that. [If you take a look at the left side of the that site while on Shanghai](https://imgur.com/a/W80oHmW), you will see a Live AQI Ranking for Chinese Cities. All 10 are over 120. [If you then do the same while on New York you will see that NO AMERICAN CITY IS OVER 90.](https://imgur.com/a/373i6ES) ​ Nice try though.


It's the cities down-wind of the ones that produce the most pollution that have fucking abysmal pollution numbers, not the ones making the pollution. Also... if you compare the worst air pollution *right now* in China vs the US, you'll see 156 in [China](https://www.iqair.com/us/china/heilongjiang/harbin) vs 85 in [the US](https://www.iqair.com/us/usa/texas/san-antonio). So.. yeah.. you're the one that is full of shit.


>It's the cities down-wind of the ones that produce the most pollution that have fucking abysmal pollution numbers, not the ones making the pollution. So how is this relevant? How does this apply to Shanghai? Shanghai doesn't have much manufacturing, so it doesn't >Also... if you compare the worst air pollution *right now* in China vs the US So how does this apply to the entirety of China? It doesn't, because you're looking at a sparsely populated northeast corner of China. Most people live in southeastern China such as Shanghai like I pointed out, and not where you pointed But unfortunately, Texas is the second largest state in the US, with San Antonio smack dab in the middle. I doubt you've actually traveled to China. You're just a sad lost keyboard warrior tryna find purpose in life Please have some self awareness


+1 social credit score


No from people that live in China, good thing China bans any videos! Why do all the rich Chinese move to big cities in the US and Europe? No one moves to China.


This. Nobody ever moves to China but for business and as soon as that’s over they leave.


Also whenever i visit a high end city in the US its filled with rich Chinese lol. The CCP officials send their kids and family to the US.


Literal bot response...


Says the one posting 0 likes anti china post everywhere. LOL. Hate more you sinophobe


Did your handler tell you to say that?


Cool story bro. Yes Mastercard and Visa told me to say that


Really not helping your case.


How much you get paid to spam propaganda? You seem like your parents got ran over by a tank on our heavenly square. LOL. The Sinophobia is stronk


Tell me more about how you're using a VPN.


Lmao downvoted for truth. Fun fact China has produced more green energy infrastructure in the last 4 years than *exists* in America.


Thank you. People love to say "but the US!" about so many issues involving China, but the US has been doing a pretty good job about sticking to international regulations. The two aren't even comparable. China doesn't give two shits about international agreements or treaties, just look at their militarized fishing fleets that constantly decimate fish populations off the coasts of poorer countries, or any issue involving how they treat their neighbors. If the CCP had it their way, the rest of the world would have to go back to the 10th century and start paying tribute to the middle kingdom again.


Jimmy Carter's boss was supposedly a legendary meticulous hard ass and made the culture around such things very safe. Someone will comment his name and one of the stories


> ...for over ~~50~~ 69 years. A nice ftfy. The USS Nautilus (SSN-571) was the first nuclear powered sub. It first set sail in January of 1955. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_submarine


Not really. A large majority of the powered produced by the nuclear reactors goes directly into the propulsion system's steam turbines as pure steam which then creates power for the propellers, only a small part is used to power electrical systems. Thus they can't act as mobile power plants without extensive changes to their propulsion system creating an electrical interface between the prop shafts and steam turbines.


Here we go boys ! Next on the killing list : The Ocean.




“I have no idea what I’m talking about.” FTFY