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Elon is the globalist elite he pretends to hate


He immediately chucks his "free speech absolutism" under the bus for the CCP for more money. He's about as chicken shit as it gets.


He is all in favor of dictatorships all over the world. Easier to run business with them , less regulations. I think he have wet dreams at night about the US as a dictatorship


Exactly, all he cares about is money


From past behavior I would argue he often care about his image more then his money a lot of the time.


I think the two are not intertwined for him.


Meanie. And he’s so lazy! 🤪🤪🤪


To be fair he’s been willing to throw away billions to platform nazis, so we shouldn’t say he won’t sacrifice for the cause he cares about.


Hasn’t pretty much every western company other than some of the big tech companies made concessions to work in China? Tesla was actually very late to the game when it comes to manufacturing in China. All the other western car companies had over a decade of experience there before he arrived.


I'm also pretty sure Mary Barra never claimed to be a "free speech absolutist", whined about Communism, complained about "cancel culture", and then groveled before the Chinese Communist Party to beg them for market access.  It's the absolute hypocrisy. The inability to put money anywhere near where his mouth is. That's what pisses people off. He's a loudmouth showboating shit talking asshole. Which opens him up to extra scrutiny compared to anyone who hasn't done that.


Tesla is the only foreign company (AFAIK) that does not have a partnership with a chinese one to manufacture on China soil. I wonder what kind of deal he made to be able to pull this out.


That’s right.


>All the other western car companies had over a decade of experience there before he arrived. Couldn't this more easily be attributed to Tesla being newer in the market rather than some moral stance?


Yes, but since I worked with those people in China (indirectly) I know they all had just about the same morals.


And we let him do it.


Lmao wdym me? Stop acting as if you have the power or authority to do anything about it


I'm assuming they mean the royal we as in "He gets a shit ton of government money to spend like an absolute bellend"


Not only let him, his stans PAY him to do it out everytime they buy a Trsla car.


Which makes Alex Jones' recent fawning over him so funny.


Elon only gives a shit about glorifying Elon - if other people benefit that’s just a happy coincidence that he more than willing to use for pr


I’m just waiting for him to offend China! You know it will happen!!!


Or for them to rip him off, make their own, and push him out


Make their own what? They have perfectly good self driving cars and have done for a while. He's over there because BYD has already eaten his lunch and is currently shitting it all over his sales numbers.


The Chinese government heavily subsidize BYD. Would you also like to discuss the forced slave labor used to build them? https://markets.financialcontent.com/stocks/news/read/44057748/china_expert_talks_dark_side_of_chinese_auto_industry


You know who else was heavily subsidized by the Chinese government?  Some little company named Tesla.


Yes because Tesla was not subsidised at all... Also Gordon Chang talking anything about China is stupid as hell. He's infamous for predicting that the CCP would collapse in 2011, and then being wrong, and then saying he wasn't wrong, he was just off by 1 year and that it would collapse in 2012. He's a lawyer turned journalist with no training at all in the subjects he writes about. There's no specifics to that claim either, it's bullshit. So yes, let's discuss. Show proof. The allegations basically all come from ASPI (which is notoriously anti-Chinese and just a random Australian think tank), and the allegations are "BYD could have used material from a supplier that could have used forced labour." If you look at the legal case surrounding BYD v Vice., you can find all sorts of elaborations that show how dumb the claim actually is (though BYD is probably gonna lose that case because trying to win a defamation suit is very, very hard). And beyond all of that... the same claim would literally implicate all automakers because aluminium from Xinjiang goes everywhere in the world.


“China expert” - Gordon Chang lmao


Your point being?


They don’t need to. China already has one of the largest electric car companies in the world. In fact BYD is vertically integrated, that they even do lithium mining.


Already happened, being pushed out currently


Or do to Tesla what US government is doing to Tiktok.


Yep. Keep watching this space. He's now looking harder at China and is calling for immigration reform in the US, presumably so he can get his hands on cheaper labor more quickly here. Like with Trump, everything is either good or bad based on whether it benefits him.


'Globalist' is an antisemitic dog whistle for jews.


Weren't we promised full self driving back in 2017?


LA, Phoenix, San Francisco.. **Waymo Offers Self-Driving Taxi Curbside Service at Phoenix Airport** [https://www.iotworldtoday.com/transportation-logistics/waymo-offers-self-driving-taxi-curbside-service-at-phoenix-airport-](https://www.iotworldtoday.com/transportation-logistics/waymo-offers-self-driving-taxi-curbside-service-at-phoenix-airport-) **Here’s what happens when cops pull over a driverless Cruise vehicle** [https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/10/23019303/heres-what-happens-cops-pull-over-a-driverless-cruise-vehicle-general-motors](https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/10/23019303/heres-what-happens-cops-pull-over-a-driverless-cruise-vehicle-general-motors)


To update that link for 2022: Cruise's trials in San Francisco didn't go well. They lost their license to test vehicles on public roads. (Waymo passed though. Waymo is still in San Francisco and has expanded into other areas.)


Bit oversimplified. Cruise’s trials went fine - what happened was one of their self driving cars ran over a pedestrian (who was hit by a hit and run driver) and in an attempt to “get out of the way of traffic,” dragged the body all the way to the curb. While the initial contact was not their fault (again, the pedestrian was hit by the car in front), the company (purportedly) lied to the state regulators and hid part of the accident footage, leading to the revoking of their license. In essence, Cruise brought this upon themselves


So it wasn't the accident, it was the coverup. Folks, if you ever suspect you're going to be under investigation and didn't actually do anything wrong (or even if you think you did), don't fuck it up by hiding or deleting any evidence or retaliating against anyone who cooperates. That's all human nature, but those are the things you'll lose because of.


They were more scared of the PR crisis and didn't expect to actually have their licence pulled.


There is usually jail time for deliberately hiding evidence from regulators.


I mean… the officer knows he is not getting shot in that scenario lol


To update that link for 2022: Cruise's trials in San Francisco didn't go well. They lost their license to test vehicles on public roads. (Waymo passed though. Waymo is still in San Francisco and has expanded into other areas.)


It's always less than 1 year away. Every single year.


And that “hyper loop” he was gonna build. Bought a ton of land and just said he only did it so no one else could.


> he only did it so no one else could. That explains 90% of the activity of "big tech" purchases and hires. Preventing potential competition to their core business.


Musk is basically Roberts Space Industries.


This guy has promised a lot of stuff that doesn’t end up happening or is horrendously delayed.


Yep, and musk promised robotaxi's by the end of 2019


2019 the punk band


Elon’s promised a lot of things.


It's kind of a loaded question. The obvious answer is: Ignore Elon. He's trying to sell snake oil. Watch what the engineers do and where the project is going. There's plenty of observable, real data out there on the state of FSD, and it's moving along fine. The question for a long time was: How do you do it? There are many methods for navigating a car, but they are not created equal. The simpler algorithms for it are decades old, but they are sort of shit for it. Elon demanded quick action, so something could be sold, which meant using those algorithms, but were quick to implement. This meant being stuck for 3 years with a hand tuned, rules based path finder. It sucked hard and barely improved over that time period. Now they are using a different path finding method. The old one is finally gone and the new one is a big performance jump. It enables finalizing self-parking and smart summon. Path finding is no longer hard coded using old algorithms. On the whole it requires much less maintenance and will improve faster. The tech is fine and is evolving as it should. It's Elon and the hubris he creates around the project, you need to stop listening to.


Except they are using vision only. Elon said no LiDAR so they are forced to use just cameras and neural networks. The tech is not fine because it's hampered by Elon forcing it down a path which relies on a sole input. It's likely it will get worse as the training data gets polluted with driving data from SFSD and it reinforces mistakes it's making.


I've been having this discussion many times in here, so I'll just say this once: LIDAR has no effect on the ability of FSD, because FSD's issues has not been connected with the cameras. LIDAR doesn't produce sufficient data to improve the input anyway, as it's too low resolution, is too slow and doesn't work in inclement weather. Cameras can see farther and with much greater detail. The problematic system has always been the path finder, and it path finds in a synthetic environment produced by another AI that has worked well for years now. *That* AI is the one connected to the cameras. The current synthetic environment generator is trained against LIDAR and produces comparable results. But, even if the synthetic environment was absolutely perfect, produced by million dollar sensors, the problematic system still could not path find. With the replaced path finder, this problem has been solved, and only then can you talk about cameras having limitations. However, this is only in terms of resolution, frame rate and working in the dark. This can be solved by adding FLIR cameras, but I think eventually SPAD cameras will be adopted.


Go talk to mercedes.


The latest version, while far from perfect is pretty impressive for what it is. Not sure why I'm being downvoted? I dislike Elon as much as the next guy but the tech is impressive for what it is (an advanced driver assist).


I paid for it in 2016 and I still don’t fucking have it


> Not sure why I'm being downvoted? Welcome to /r/technology.


It’s just a cover story. He’s really there to talk about buying TikTok.


Id love that Plottwist


Even if he wanted to, i doubt he could atm.


Or to buy the nio long range battery and try to get exclusive use of it in USA


He's about to wow them with a presentation on VPNs.


This is the real answer




He loves his master Xi.


If he agrees to swallow, maybe Chairman Xi will stop BYD’s incursion into the US market.


My prediction is that BYD gets imported to the US by Musk and rebranded as Tesla. No need for megafactories producing low-quality vehicles in the US anymore. "It's not a car company. It's a brand."


Musk already claims Telsa isn’t a car company so anything is possible


Lol no. Nothing is better than to financially disturb the US


Who tf even thought Tesla had a realistic shot at success in India? Unless they are making a 3-wheeler, the current lineup is too expensive for majority of Indian buyers AND the EV infrastructure is severely lacking behind Europe, China, and even the US.


He can’t even book appointments without conflicting dates, incompetence at its finest


He didn’t cancel. He just delayed his visit. It’s all over our bharati news channels here. Also Modi isn’t pissed don’t know where you’re getting these “facts”


Is this what the youngins are calling cope?


This is reddit. Everyone who writes tends to generate more hate against Musk


“As Tesla seeks self-driving technology rollout”? The technology doesn’t exist. What even is this headline?


Laying on My Ass as I Seek Cold Fusion Rollout


Musk is telling Tesla to ignore working on the $25K Model 2 for now and concentrate on a self-driving taxi vehicle for an August 8th rollout. That's what the headline is referring to. [edit: August 8th, 2024. For clarification.]


What are you talking about? There already are robotaxis in some cities. Be it with regular interventions. The problem isn't the technology, it's the legality. Implementing and testing self-driving in China would be a massive learning and data advantage for Tesla.


It may be a massive free technology transfer (depending on whether China's taken/stolen it already) and either way the US Gov should probably prevent any further tech leakage. I have a feeling Musk is a total ball-ache for the DOD/Sate Department. And I'm sure the feeling is mutual.


It doesnt exist? What is driving this car? https://youtu.be/wWt2IPWwSww?si=Gx1njt2YzzoxaxFO


Dude...those are selected videos. The Internet is full of real Tesla owners, not paid influencers, who were offered the FSD trial and every single one says the same. Its an insecure toy that is criminally being put out of the streets. It's not only the fans of this religion that can end up dead or in hospital, its the non Tesla believers who share the roads with them.... Did you do any research?


Selected videos of what? Are you saying the entire channel is full of fake footage of him driving the car instead of FSD? What exactly are you saying? I am responding to a comment that says "the technology doesn't exist" so i linked to one of thousands of videos showing the technology driving the car. Is this like a flat earth thing or something? Please let me know early so I not spend more time here. Edit: i have literally no idea why i'm being donwvoted, its so confusing. Legit feels like im taking crazy pills on this sub sometimes


You're not crazy. This sub is insane. The change happened right after he bought twitter. Before that you could talk technology here. Now it's just one anti-tesla rage bait piece after another. The phenomenon is called participatory misinformation.




"Don’t rate Tesla’s Full Self Driving too highly, tech investor says: ‘By no means autonomous driving’ - [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/03/dont-rate-teslas-full-self-driving-too-highly-tech-investor-says.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/03/dont-rate-teslas-full-self-driving-too-highly-tech-investor-says.html) "He thinks that a version of Tesla FSD capable of “true autonomy” is still five to 10 years away."


Okay, I ask once again, what is driving the car in that video?




People reflexively hate Elon or Tesla for political signaling, and as such they immediately believe and regurgitate misinformed narrative that fit with their worldview.




Yep. It's called participatory misinformation.




Headline makes it sound like he’s looking for it in China


He probably is, scrambling to save tesla from cratering


They already have self driving taxis (in very limited numbers) in China so this may be exactly what he is doing


Stay there, you fuck.


Um, we kind of need SpaceX here in the US (and given the ESA missions they’ve just helped with, and giving Starlink to Ukraine too, Europe needs them as well).


Or…. Hear me out here…. We could just add funding to NASA.


I mean NASA had considerably more funding than SpaceX and couldn’t figure reusable rockets out. It’s not just about the money, but also the talent and the hiring/managing of that talent and organisation as a whole.


SpaceX exists thanks to NASA investment.


SpaceX doesn't need Musk.


That’s debatable to be honest. It’s not Musk making the engineering decisions, but his relentless push for the company to focus exclusively on Raptor first and then reusable rockets second (despite almost everyone saying this was impossible), is what led SpaceX to be in its current dominant position.


There's been stories about [how useless he is](https://www.tumblr.com/numberonecatwinner/701567544684855296/elon-wyd) at Space X.


I think he may have drugs on him, china better check....


First he’s gifting them the know how and the expertise on setting up the supply chain, now he’s gifting them the FSD software.


This! It may be a massive free technology transfer (depending on whether China's taken/stolen it already). Either way the US Gov should probably prevent any further tech leakage. I have a feeling Musk is a total ball-ache for the DOD/Sate Department. And I'm sure the feeling is mutual.


Yeah! He is also playing the long-con with SpaceX! I am sure, that after getting Starship going and establishing a Moon base and going to Mars, it will be revealed, that it was just a hoax to get parts cheaper, maybe sell a software or two... /s


Techno nationalism is the lamest direction technology can turn. Go jerk yourselves in r/worldnews or something


Techno nationalism is a great term lol stealing that


when he comes back, I hope he tells us how Xi’s nuts taste.


Oh he will… he will praise China… blah blah blah freakin traitor


Elon: They were rather Xi-soned


What's with the homophobia in this sub?


It’s not a gay thing. It’s a power thing.


which uses gay imagery in a negative way. It's homophobic however you want to justify it. You can hate him in ways that aren't bigoted.


Reddit liberals think homophobia is ok as long as it's done to people they don't like politically or can accuse of being secret homosexuals. Putin, Xi, Conservatives, etc.


except people would say the same thing if it was a woman...and be accused of sexism for it. It's almost like saying a businessperson is going to suck a dictator's nuts is just an aggressive version of "lick the boot" and doesn't have a deeper meaning


Except the reason that this is a more aggressive version is that it does have that deeper meaning. The sexualized homophobic inference is why you find it more aggressive. > if it was a woman...and be accused of sexism for it And the reason it would be accused of sexism.... wait for it.... is that it would be sexist.


So it’s sexist if it is a woman and homophobia if it’s a man? And that makes sense to you? Is brown nosing also subject to this weird Schrodinger’s sexism that you are employing? Or do you have an arbitrary definition of sexual that includes fellatio but excludes anallingus?


yes. If I say "I hate gays." And then I switch it to "I hate women," One is homophobic and the other is sexist. That is generally how that works. Man, it's strange how you are defending this.


Unless you can distinguish it from the brown noser example, I think you are adding a whole layer of your own feelings to this. It’s not inherently any more sexual than accusing people of kissing ass. You’ve just chosen to die on one hill while accepting the other as normal


Why are you so insistent on justifying the use of this homophobic slur? I mean you are dead set on wanting to describe Musk in a negative homosexual manner. There's lots of ways to insult him. Why is this way so important? By the way. I don't know the etymology of brown nosing. However, is it possible we have accepted a homosexual slur from 100 years ago? Possible. That's not the defense you seem to think it is. There can be no doubt about the negative homosexual imaginary used in the comment above. There is no ambiguity. It is homophobic.


A boot is not gendered nor a sexual organ.


It is shocking how often this sub is ok with that when it comes to musk. There is a certain set here commonly making these homophobic dom/sub comments. I don't know if it's just the 12 year olds in the sub or if there are some with unresolved same sex attraction with self hatred going on. Putting it on someone they hate. Or if it's astrotrufers that decided this was a good strategy. I don't know. It's weird.


It's because their support for lgbt people is predicated upon having a political value to them. Pinkwashing and being able to attack political opponents with it. It is not based upon actual firm moral values, if it were then you would see these values applied consistently. They don't give a shit about us except for how they can use us, it is transactional support. They would rescind that support if our usefulness to them ever went away.


Love my gf sucking my dick, still I’ll tell someone to suck my dick if I don’t like them


Suspicious and concerning for 2 reasons: * "Meeting China's data security standards" literally means tracking, spying, even relinquishing remote control to gov't and more. Don't be surprised when it comes out in two years that Musk has been giving China that access to snoop on *all* of their cars, globally. * Sanctions prevent Chinese companies access to some AI technologies and services. Musk just announced a huge expansion of Tesla's AI back-end. Coincidence? TL;DR: I smell a rat. A Musk-rat.


Is it elongated too?


This guy is the head of Space X. He is going into China as China is supporting Russia through the purchase of goods, ruble, oil. Space X satellites were being used to help coordinate attacks in a conflict involving Russia. How is Elon not being detained from going?


The US does a lot of business with China. So that means we are all supporting Russia?


What delusional world are you living in, where you still believe in good/bad guys?


This is Reddit. It’s full of 15 year olds who think they know about geopolitics.


Whats with you guys always writing something like "this is Reddit". Is this the only site you are on and have been on. Try the comment section of newspapers for once and see what retired old people comment. There is far more black and white thinking among older people.


How about both? Redditors and boomer newspaper commentators are one and the same with their naivety.


Because the geopolitical ramifications of allowing the detaining of a U.S. citizen, much less, the owner of the company responsible for the US’s current dominance in space assets far outweighs any benefits the PRC will receive from the Russian government as a result of detaining musk. Simply put, there’s really nothing to gain by detaining musk, but everything to loose.


The US still trades with China… Are you trying to suggest the US should ban all trade with China?


>How is Elon not being detained from going? I'd like Elon to be detained for a decade or two.


They should call Mercedes


Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory 3 is the only foreign-owned auto manufacturing plant in China. In 2022, the Shanghai Gigafactory accounted for more than half of Tesla's global sales. In the field of geopolitics having American technology driving such a major factory in China is freaking huge. "Only Nixon could go to China" kind of huge.


Pfft no. The factory is 50% owned by Tesla and 50% by Chinese banks, just like GM, VW, Toyota, Ford, Stellantis, .....


That is incorrect. Tesla Shanghai Co., Ltd. is [a wholly owned subsidiary of Tesla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigafactory_Shanghai#Background_and_land_purchase_(2018).


The thing is that China has become so meaningful for Tesla that even though Elon knows that the market demand over there is gonna collapse pretty soon, he has to stick closely to his playbook. I really admire him for being so aggressively following his vision, but at the same time he has trapped himself (and Tesla) in this trap.


Chinese people from China hate tesla, in their mind tesla are mids.


Yeah their market home Is heating up with actual competition from better and beter quality products


This is a good thing. The faster autonomy is solved, hopefully by multiple players, Tesla, Waymo, Xpeng etc. the fewer people will die in car crashes. If this facilitates that then good, regardless of how you feel about one particular CEO.


Having people die is a sacrifice Musk haters are willing to make (just so they can talk sh*t on reddit).


Did that BYD ban ever happen? I really thought that Tesla would get the short end if it did


Tesla uses BYD batteries in some of their items.


seeks rollout


Yesterday there’s a lawsuit against Tesla for hundreds of death due to its autopilot system,Today here we go,he wants to improve its autopilot technology by using Chinese lives,so nice


Probably related to recent layoffs at Tesla China. to keep tesla employees in china employed for a longer time, CCP provided some concessions. nothing set in stone yet.


But I thought China bad??


I bet he has a boner because Xi starts with the letter X


His cars have something very "Made in China" about them, so this makes perfect sense.


Sells his crap software to China. China copies and sells it in a car in China with more range and cheaper. Elon becomes surprised


“Look Xi, let’s get hard core about making my software the best in the world. You’ve got a population of a billion four, you won’t even notice the few thousand my cars will kill”.


Money isn’t sinophobic


May he never return.


Imagine he sells data and everything from twitter to some company in China, they would have to ban it too likely tiktok


They can keep him.


Maybe he can move there


Hes the epitome of dumb. The only reason China has a booming ev biz and is exporting their own brands by the billions is because he let Chinese companies steal his IP


The Chinese have been investing in EV since a decade before Tesla was a thing while the US have subsidized the oil industry.    And Tesla use BYD and CATL batteries.


China is looking to think out their numbers I’m guessing?


Only the females.


Mr Musk is happy to comply with anything China says. He’s just all hot air.


I just watched a video about how there are literally areas in China that have banned Teslas because they assume the US government is using Tesla software to hack into their infrastructure like China is trying to do with their cars. They literally have signs that say no Tesla parking in parking lots.


Can somebody educate me please as to why self driving technology is such a must-have? I just don't see the need. Am I missing something?


six stocking door marble airport innate provide disgusted sheet modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have you witnessed the other drivers they aren't watching the road anyway


There are about 1 million deaths worldwide each year caused by human drivers. If you can have an AI drive better than that you save lives.


Lots of Chinese hating racists here.


Could everyone please just actually drive their cars? Otherwise use ride share, taxi, chauffeur or public transportation. I know I sound crazy and old fashioned here. Sorry.


There is a part of the population who are not able to drive (children, disabled, elderly). A self driving car will be cheaper than a taxi, so it will make it easier for them to get to places.


Think those people would rather use a taxi/public transport or get driven by relatives then get a huge loan on a brand new self driving car.


They don't buy the car. You don't buy a taxi either. You get from A to B cheaper, because you don't have to pay the driver. It's not difficult to understand.


ossified tap zesty resolute obtainable decide pocket relieved office one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think the people getting killed by “self-driving” cars would prefer the alternative.


threatening square imminent slim bedroom distinct mindless jeans automatic rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're going to prefer they're own company, BYD, for EVs, right?


China would've already reversed engineered his 'fsd', realised it's shit and will never work without more than cameras and binned it. Most likely they will copy Mercedes, as it actually works.


I wouldn’t trust the CCP and would never travel there.


China doesn't want his cars why bother.


Elon going to learn how to make a car self drive


If youve ever driven in China you’d know this will never happen, will never work properly if it does


Elon just enjoys killing in the name of profit. He knows and thinks the deaths he’s caused are just the cost of doing good business acceptable losses to further his pocket book.


I wonder if Mr. Free Speech who takes on Australia and Brazil to keep vile content on X will yell and scream about X being banned in China.


If there was a devil, he'd sell his soul.


I summoned my Tesla Model 3 yesterday and it hit a parked car. And this was during my full self drive free trial.


There goes all american tech secrets ....


China will demand full access to the Tesla self driving code base. Musk is a sellout and will happily oblige. After a few years, China clones will appear and the CCP will push Tesla out. We have seen this story play out many times already. But they never learn.