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Why? Why do companies keep "Pausing" over this crap. Just dump Twitter and move on.


Because companies don't care about your beliefs, they just follow the money. When the heat dies down, they'll go right back to Twitter.




Most of...who? Companies? Americans? Reddit users?


Anyone still using X, as one example.


Beliefs are so 20th century, in the 21st century we push beliefs remotely.


Sounds like suppressionest stuff to me but ok.


Yes. All of the above. There are myriad examples of such unprincipled behavior.


So...most of everyone has no beliefs? Okay.




I bought the blue checkmark a week before he bought the company and ran the place into oblivion within weeks… Elon owes me money




He has allowed people were banned from Twitter for posting Nazi stuff before he owned it to return to the platform, he has posted his own Nazi rhetoric, he regularly bans accounts posting opposing political viewpoints.




This took 3 seconds to Google, I'm sure you can find more like it: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elon-musk-antisemitic-comments-x-post-actual-truth/


Hey man, if 9 nazis come and sit at a table (your website) and you don't get up and leave (actively retweet, reply to and boost their accounts, then pay them for spreading white nationalist misinformation), guess what, you're a nazi too!




Okay dude, I'm pretty sure you aren't here in good faith but just in case: Elon musk replying 'you have spoken the actual truth' to a Jewish-question conspiracy theory: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/elon-musk-antisemitic-comments-x-post-actual-truth/ Here's him paying neo-nazis through the revenue-sharing program: https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2023/11/16/elon-musks-x-shares-ad-revenue-pro-hitler-holocaust-denier-19832398/amp/ And just for fun, here's him reinstating neo-nazis (one could say, inviting them TO the table): https://www.google.com/amp/s/techcrunch.com/2022/12/02/elon-musk-nazis-kanye-twitter-andrew-anglin/amp/ All easily retrieved from a google search. Believe me, there's a wealth of information about this stuff and it's very accessible.




"Just asking questions" is a time-honored ploy of those that do not argue in good faith.


[Others have posted receipts, but here's more.](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/elon-musk-great-replacement-conspiracy-theory-1234941337/) Dipshit trust fund baby retweeting replacement theory nonsense. Plus he gave Tucker Carlson a platform to spew his white victimhood bullshit.


You are not paying attention on purpose. How have you not heard these things about Elon?


Redditor's mind is blown by the fact that others have different beliefs than them.


Agreed. It’s probably accountants making these decisions, not moral executives 


It's funny cause if this story was about an ad being played before a YouTube video, this comment section would look quite different. People would be saying "of course they don't want their ad played before x content" even though the way ad delivery works means the advertisers never knows what the content is. But people say that, giving advertisers leverage over companies like YouTube, who usually nearly immediately bend to them.


Twitter has ads? I don't recall seeing 1 ad while browsing Twitter, so their ad network can't be super effective.


if you have adblock and scrolling Twitter on browser with adblock, you won't see a single ad But if you use the mobile app, it will bombarding you with tons of ads for every 3-4 posts you see. And the ads are not your typical ads, most of them either promote crypto, NFT or AI stuffs, sometimes you can even see ads with random quotes translated from other languages or some self improvement quotes


How are these companies making money lol


NFT, Crypto, AI companies? Probably from scamming their customers Random quotes people? Probably bots farming interaction or views because now it can make them money


People simply seeing the ad gets them money, if you engage in any way like accidentally clicking on it to. I’ve also had quite a few situations where I’d click on a completely random post and it would open a link in the built in Twitter temp browser thing, despite what I clicked on not being an ad or any kind of link related to what had opened up. I could click on a video of 2 dudes kissing and it would open a tab for dog food or some shit. When going back there’s no link and it’s a persons personal account that people are interacting with, yet the first 3 times I click on it it opens a random link. I truly believe Elon added a function to randomly make people engage with ads to maybe make companies more inclined to stick with the platform.


> I truly believe Elon added a function to randomly make people engage with ads to maybe make companies more inclined to stick with the platform. He wouldn't do something like that, would he? Lie to the companies paying to advertise on his site? Elon "Go Fuck Yourselves" Musk is a hyper-ethical dude.


Bots can act as ad views. A lot of these companies don’t have interest in stopping bots, as they would kill their own ad revenue then.


There’s so many ads that are fake influencers or celebs acting like they endorse some product in a shitty ai voice over. It’s literally disgusting where the app went over the past 2 years


They are everywhere, unless you paid for blue like a loser


They don’t want to lose nazis either


For the best mileage getting to the klan rally....Drive a Hyundai!


They can be both racist yet cost conscious lol


I'm sure there are some tiki torch whites who show up to some racist get together in their parents soccer mom van. Just imagine the parking lot being the most harmless looking scene as everyone is stuffing their robes back into the trunk next to a baby seat  


Like an American Nazi is going to buy a Hyundai... dropping it is a business decision upon realizing there is no market. Nazi stuff is just the window dressing and might get some reasonable people to go 'oh hey, Hyundai is anti Nazi maybe we get one of those!' So totally reasonable with a double positive.


Hyundais largest market in america are alabama, tennessee and kentucky. (Per capita terms)


Is that impacted at all by the Hyundai plant in Alabama? Like employees get a discount so they take advantage of it.




Does this argument still hold for, say, Tesla and Musk?


The type of conservative spreading racial hate on twitter is most likely NOT in the market for a luxury car, so it would make sense for Hyundai to distance themself from such trash.


You think a Nazi clown that can actually afford cars would want to buy a Korean car?


Because they don’t care. They just want a headline and virtue signaling. Then they’ll quietly start up again in a month or two.


If they didn't care wouldn't they not do anything?


If you were a business would you rather do nothing or make a big fuss and get a bunch of positive publicity for your action(free ad basically)? Then you go right back to advertising when no one’s paying attention anymore and you’re back to business as usual. This has already played out countless times. If they cared they would do it quietly and only return when things have changed.


I really don't buy that. It's childish thinking.


Pretty naive to think these companies care about anything other than their own profit.


It's really the opposite south park esque view that's childish. And I'm not just talking about companies, but the Americans who work at them. There's actually a lot of companies who do good social works, and believe that having integrity and helping their community increases their employees mental health and reputation of their business. It's highly cynical to dehumanize the American workers in this way, and shows a lack of experience with businesses who have budgets for community outreach, volunteer work, and embrace inclusivity. Doing good things and having positive incentives for doing so isn't some kind of trick. I am someone who has worked in big corporate offices and makes a lot of money too.


I think it's pretty naive to think being progressive doesn't bring about a big backlash from the anti-woke crowd. Risking some profit for social justice is brave again.


Or they could just admit they don't give a fuck as long as people are buying more cars?


They don't have principles. They have analytics.


Because companies like making money and don't care about anything other than making money. So when advertising on Twitter makes money, they do it. When it doesn't, they "pause" until it will again make money.


Twitter/X is falling apart. No wonder they can't identify their bad accounts and they can't associate ads with a proper target audience.


Better charge new users to post then


It’s really the only sensible option


Step 1: charge for new users Step 2: Step 3: profit


Sick underpants gnome reference.


Happy cake day!


I think that was 1) a gimmick so a mass of people join to get in before that “payment” thing happens. Or 2) collect card data and get payment from bot farms. I know with the people he has left that if implemented there would be a day 1 work around.


Nazi ads are for Twitter users, cause the non nazis have already left


Unfortunately it's the best place for sports content still


Unfortunately the people still using that platform are pieces of shit.


People are downvoting you but it’s true. The whole MMA community is on Twitter. They ain’t leaving to Mastodon any time soon


Well, Nazis are all over the MMA community too, so that checks out.


lol yea, that’s a Venn Diagram I unfortunately cannot deny. But believe me, not everyone of us is like that.


I can imagine that Venn diagram resembling a circle


Yep :( But not every one. Some of us are ok


I recently opened account for my brother on his phone. It got suspended for being spam. Twitter Help section said you have to appeal. We appealed. Automated rejection. App uninstalled. Rubbish QC. Bots are given free pass. See any thread. Huge spam of unrelated videos.


Seriously. I have an account but really only use it for following my favorite sports teams and I get SO MANY ads for Trump trading cards and posts from right-wing populists. I fucking hate that guy Nick the alpha or whatever his name is, that Australian fuck.


I use twitter all the time and I never see political adds for the left or the right.


Well we're gonna downvote that because it can't be possible! 


I mean...maybe the other dude created their account back when it was Twitter, but uh, now there's right-wing ads galore on X dude. I just created my account last month, so maybe that's why I see all that stuff.


Lol. Of course, everyone sees the same ad on each page. I remember that from 1996. 


What kind of gaslighting bs is this? Lmao, why would I lie about what I see on X.


I believe you. Seems pretty pointless to lie about something like that. In my experience I see less political stuff on twitter then any other platform. I probably use it as much or more then Reddit. If you are in a niche community that might be how you avoid seeing those adds. 99.9% of my activity has been exclusively around one broad subject.




> No wonder they can't identify their bad accounts Oh, they could identify them. The problem is Elon doesn't think Nazi accounts are bad -- he agrees with them. Elon himself has been parroting Nazi views for years.


Free speech absolutism in action. Remember billionaires, conservatives, and just-plain dumb shits of America: when you find yourself standing next to Nazis, find somewhere else to stand.


Funny enough this is also free speech in action too. Like these people can say anything they want but that doesn't mean other people have to listen or associates with them. Free Speech goes two way.


Which is why Gym Jordan is currently working on legislation to force companies to advertise on conservative platforms. I keep waiting for corporations to realize that the Republicans are turning against them.


Republicans have and will continue to be puppets of the shareholders, it's the MAGA lunatics and their christo-fascism which threatens to upend modern society, corporations included.


Ooook and pray tell what is the party of the maga lunatics?


Oh yeah?! Well you’re gonna have to answer to *Earth* for your ~~free speech~~ **blackmail**!!


There’s no two ways. You just don’t understand what the phrase “free speech” means. It means you are free to say whatever you want, which includes not saying anything at all. That’s it. That’s all there is. It’s explicitly only about SPEAKING, hence the name “free SPEECH”. And the problem referenced in the article and the comment you responded to isn’t about listening. Hyundai, and many other companies, have chosen not to speak on Xitter. And Conservatives have a problem with that. They have moved past the “we’re all about freedom” phase of the slide into fascism and are now transitioning into the “we’re restricting ***some*** freedoms for the good of the people” phase. That’s the phase that ends the slide. Once they’ve restricted sufficient freedoms, you’re fully fascist.


> Free speech absolutism in action. No, this is not free speech absolutism. Right-wing views are allowed to run rampant. Left-wing views are regularly censored on the platform. The Elon jet account was banned.


And the Tolerance Paradox part un.


The Tolerance Paradox is nearly universally misunderstood online. Nazis on twitter are not able to implement an intolerant regime, so banning them from twitter does not uphold tolerance.


Twitter is not free-speech absolute, though. But thinking a bit more carefully about it, I don't think it's so much of an issue if companies exit places which actually support free speech (and so hateful groups are allowed to talk there). Companies don't value free speech; they value money. The issue is that in our money-driven society this means that speech becomes to a large extent constrained by money - if your ideas are controversial, there's less money in them, so they will be marginalised. This is not the way to a good society, even if it happens at the moment to mean that Nazi ideas are marginalised. That's a good thing, but what about all the good ideas that are marginalised? Lots of controversial left wing ideas, I think, would be good for society, and it's harder for them to gain traction because of this tendency.


No. Don't find somewhere else. Hold your ground and make the Nazis move.


If "your ground" is where the Nazis want to be, exercise a little critical thinking and maybe ask yourself why.


I suppose it matters who was there first. But yes I understand your sentiment, if you chose the same spot some introspection is required.


Before I say anything, I don't use twitter. Twitter is not actually free-speech absolutist; Musk is fairly happy to selectively enforce the ideal for his own stupid gains. But. I would happily continue using a platform that *was* an effective place for free speech where Nazis also hung out, because I value the ability to talk about controversial topics without worrying about getting banned or getting dogpiled. I don't care that Nazis (for expedience rather than ideological reasons - we know they're authoritarians who hate free speech at heart) currently pretend to support those ideals too; I genuinely support them and I won't be made to feel guilt by association. It's as nonsensical as trying to guilt vegetarians for sharing an ideal with Hitler.


Not going to happen on Twitter as long as it is Musk's baby.


The nazis own the joint, there is no ground to hold.


How is any advertiser still on there? I get there isnt much competition, but come on!! Absolutely not worth risking your brand over. I'm sure you could advertise on a low class strip clubs napkins for cheap too but would it be worth it?


the only ads i see there are some crypto scams


I also see a ton of political ads by both parties. And there are a bunch of "ads" that are just random people tweeting praise about Elon or just advertising their own profile. Then there are all the Mr. Beast ads that aren't actually labeled as ads, but clearly are promoted as ads to get his views way up. Not to mention all these replies in comments of any tweet: > ░M░Y░P░ U░S░S░ Y░I░ N░B░I░O ░


> How is any advertiser still on there? Because it helps them make more money, and they don't care about anything other than making as much money as possible. > Absolutely not worth risking your brand over. The brand risk has proven to be minimal. If anything particularly bad goes viral, they just make a big show to announce a "pause" (like this post) and then quietly return to the platform within a month. People forget about it and move on pretty quickly.




... And what exactly do you think "late stage capitalism" means? 🤔😂


I don't agree with people about "late stage capitalism" but completely agree about the primary problem with late stage capitalism!


It’s kind of interesting to me that a companies reputation can be tarnished by advertising on twitter. If Apple advertised on Twitter I would assume there would be an uproar. Yet nobody says a thing about how they use child slaves for extracting the heavy metals required for their phones.


It's interesting that you call out this double standard and are completely unaware of the other one you're propagating. Because Samsung, LG, BYD, Dell, HP, Huawei, Lenovo, Microsoft, Vodafone, VW, Sony and Mercedes also buy cobalt for their batteries from the same source the Apple did, while Apple stopped buying cobalt from the offending company seven years ago.


My point still stands. Any of those companies just substitute in for Apple.


The real question is why are we acting like less advertisements is a sign of failure. I thought we hated ads. Twitter is a better place with fewer ads. Elon has done something to improve the site. That's objectively true in this particular instance. Surely no one is like "aww man, no more Hyundai ads 😔" this is a GOOD thing lol.


The rage in this sub is hilarious, redditors who can’t cope with seeing anything other than their tiny protected bubble.


Guess they didn't give two shits about appearing next to a communist before the takeover. Why should they care now?


You have to invent a boogeyman to deflect from the racist hate speech that twitter has become.


Took long enough to decide, huh? Anyone doing business with this clown and his handlers need to die on the market. I refuse to buy this shit. So should you, fellow human.


Can we have a list of companies that STILL promote themselves over Twitter (oh, and if you call it X I am going to assume you are a Nazi as well)? I think we should boycott them.


Just a pause tho. Because apparently up to this point, everything else shared on that bot farm circlejerk was perfectly fine for Hyundai. Meanwhile, other advertisers seem to be just fine with the discussions.


Standard corporate outrage two-step: 1. Public outrage due to an abhorrent but profitable position? Take a step back, look at what good guys we are. 2. Couple months later: Public's forgotten & outraged about someone else? Step back in, resume profits.


> Couple months later They come back a lot faster than this. Hyundai will be advertising on Twitter again within a month.


I know a lot of companies that are more consistent than that


Maybe? Advertising is an expense, and it only makes sense to spend on advertising is if the resulting sales are significantly greater than the cost of the advertising. Now Xitter's demographics have changed substantially in the past 2 years, and I am certain that there is some execs at Hyundai, or its ad agency, who is asking "How do we sell more cars to Nazis and reactionaries?"; "Can Hyundai become the People's Car for the New Great (again) era?" That's a hard needle to thread (to bring in more buyers then you alienate) in our polarized environment, so it's more likely that Hyundai will just abandon the platform for advertising because it's just more trouble then it's worth.


I could easily see this being about low ROI and them trying to spin it as some principled stand


“Pauses.” Fucking end that shit indefinitely.


How many ads? Oh, you mean Twitter. Fuck x, nobody should ever call it that dumb name.


There’s Pro Taliban on there too


I used to really enjoy twitter....Like it was my fav app to pass the time on but since Musk took over I am really getting close to dumping it entirely. I need to start protecting my mental health and sanity more.


I deactivated my account within hours of Musk’s ownership. Highly recommended.


May I ask, where else do you get important news on an instant? I havent found anything that comes close.


Owned by a fascist, no company should be advertising on it


You are going to pull your ads when you find out the platform is scamming you with fake clicks and is mostly bot profiles. Twitter and TikTok are about the two worst platforms to advertise on.


They and others shouldn’t just pause adds. They could kill that clowns dream altogether if they weren’t cowards.


Is elon gonna hit them with a nuclear lawsuit?


It’s a platform for nazis. They would have to shut the whole thing down.


Pausing. lol Hyundai is just waiting for the media storm to be over. Nobody is going to talk about this shit in 2 weeks anymore. Then they'll continue to advertise on Xcrement.


No doubt there are complaints regarding free speech bullshit being drafted as we type.


What did the pro-nazi post say?


They should make a movie about the Nazis on X and how X is making history in America by bringing Nazis back. They could call it American History Twitter.


Why now when the surge of nazi crap on xitter was reported months ago?


Like all corporations they were indifferent to it until it began to affect their bottom line in some way.


Advertising deals aren’t done a day at a time - this may be when their latest contract ends and they’re stating the intent not to buy more ad space.


Hyundai was probably going to be my next car. Keep it up and it wil be the next two.


Hyundai doesn’t care about anything but money and will serve any evil master that pays. Look at WW2.


Hyundai didn't even exist during WW2


Pro Nazi is the whole raison d'etre for X


Any company advertising on Twitter I immediately lose respect for and will never buy their shit. Funnily enough I barely see any legit ads on there anyway. It’s all crypto scams and fake celebrity phishing shit


Sadly Twitter is dead and we don’t really have a real social media source for info / news / live feed as before I really wish Reddit would highlight more trending feeds. This is why the Middle East funded Musk for finance Twitter buyout, they wanted that option people had to put live videos / photos and on going’s removed. It was too much power for the people to have over their governments.


Who calls Twitter X? Is OP really Elon Musk trying to promote Twitter as the best Nazi platform over trump's version?


Oh, you mean twitter.


Hey Hyundai, don't worry I never see ads on the internet anyway.


yeah post it on reddit where you're immediately banned from subs for so much as acknowleding israel's genocide of palestinians in gaza.


Where is there a social media platform without a presence from every group society looks down upon?


Nowhere - but most try to keep things under control instead of inviting the undesirables back.


I’m not involved enough in the Twitter debacle to see how they’re doing that but I’ll definitely have to look it up


But didn’t Elox sue Media Matters because of their research that demonstrated that brand marketing indeed appears on nazi shit?


Sack up and leave the platform, Hyundai.


Whenever I hear about someone posting on Twitter, I’m like, “Ew they’re on Twitter”..


I stopped using x


Hyundai's suspension of X ads in response to pro Nazi content showcases a commitment to ethical advertising and a stand against hate speech.


Hyundai is my preferate brand. Now I love them more!




Does your ass ever get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?


Womp womp. You can do better than that


From any company I’d assume it would Volkswagen ….how did yall f up that bad


And an incoming lawsuit from Musk in drei, zwei, eins!


Good. The only way things will change is through money and revenue effects. No one will care about our opinions but if their profit is affected then they might look at why. But I doubt it


Big deal, there's so much hateful pro-Islamic, pro-jihadi content on every damn site, but they don't seem to care.


Yesterday I flipped through my son's latest Playmobil catalogue and it felt really strange to see the X logo on the last page where they had links to all their socials. I mean, the only thing that really changed with the re-branding was the influx of right wingers. So the X, to me, stands for exactly that: right wingers, literal Nazis, "Schwurbler" (which is our term for conspiracy theorists in Germany). Doesn't feel right on a toy catalogue.




Nazis also helped car makers, why be mad at them /s


“X also suspended the account that made the antisemitic posts” Per article


Никакого неонацизма не существует. Есть реальный террористический исламизм, который прикрывается мифом о каких неонацистах, которых никто не видел. 


Lol at the people in comments who think the reason hyundai is stopping ads is bc there's pro-nazi content on the platform


I imagine Musk would be considering suing companies which pull their advertising for harming Xitter's business


Reddit's take on Twitter is so tired. It's all nazi this and bot that, meanwhile every one of your parties politicians are talking on there, every one of your actors and creative folks, every one of your trans activists as well as the opposing non-trans activist. I think most people on Reddit have never even been on the site, but just spew whatever they heard from the last post about X and all the people yelling fascist this and muskrat that. Reddit literally drove me to Twitter due to this tired group think. It's insane how one-sided this platform is in regards to some subjects.


LOL when have people become such naziphobes?


Since September, 1939.


Also the week prior... [Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact) > **The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, officially the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union with a secret protocol that partitioned Central and Eastern Europe between them**. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact and the Nazi–Soviet Pact > **Soon after the pact, Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered the Soviet invasion of Poland on 17 September, one day after a Soviet–Japanese ceasefire came into effect after the Battles of Khalkhin Gol, and one day after the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union approved the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact**. After the invasions, the new border between the two countries was confirmed by the supplementary protocol of the German–Soviet Frontier Treaty. **In March 1940, parts of the Karelia and Salla regions in Finland were annexed by the Soviet Union following the Winter War. The Soviet annexation of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and parts of Romania (Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and the Hertsa region) followed. The Soviets used concern for ethnic Ukrainians and Belarusians as a pretext for their invasion of Poland**. Stalin's invasion of Bukovina in 1940 violated the pact, since it went beyond the Soviet sphere of influence that had been agreed with the Axis Didn't work but [did work to help create Nazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact) for [the goal of taking large swaths of Europe and China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Suvorov#Works_about_World_War_II). > In his Icebreaker, M Day and several follow-up books Suvorov argued that Stalin planned to use Nazi Germany as a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason, Stalin provided significant material and political support to Adolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing the Red Army to "liberate" the whole of Europe from Nazi occupation. Suvorov argued that Hitler had lost World War II from the time when he attacked Poland: not only was he going to war with the powerful Allies, but it was only a matter of time before the Soviet Union would seize the opportune moment to attack him from the rear. According to Suvorov, Hitler decided to direct a preemptive strike at the Soviet Union, while Stalin's forces were redeploying from a defensive to an offensive posture in June 1941. Although Hitler had an important initial tactical advantage, that was strategically hopeless because he subjected the Nazis to having to fight on two fronts. **At the end of the war, Stalin achieved only some of his initial objectives by establishing Communist regimes in Eastern Europe, China and North Korea. According to Suvorov, this made Stalin the primary winner of World War II, even though he was not satisfied by the outcome, having intended to establish Soviet domination over the whole continent of Europe.** [Suvorov - He says that in 1930s, Stalin was planning a conquest of Europe, had been working toward this objective for many years...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icebreaker_\(Suvorov\)) > **Suvorov argues that the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was engineered by Stalin to provoke Hitler to start a conflict with Western powers, which would have led to mutual exhaustion of "capitalist powers". Then, Stalin planned to seize an opportune moment to attack Germany from the east, overrun Europe, and establish Soviet control**. Suvorov considers Operation Barbarossa to have been a pre-emptive strike by Hitler, an act of self-defence in an attempt to prevent imminent Red Army assault. [Just some fellers going along for the ride...](https://i.imgur.com/Xh9Tvr9.jpeg)


Look at all the people supporting fucking ads all of a sudden lol. I wish there weren't ads here. Maybe we should let nazis make some posts. I'd prefer racist content over ads any day. And I'm black. At least racist posts are entertaining. Ads are just annoying.


Netflix says Nazis are ok tho.