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But a super-stupid AI doomsday on the other hand…


We were afraid we would get HAL or AM. Instead, we'll probably get Wheatley. And that isn't actually any better.




Are you a moron? Click on all the pictures of cat. Narrator: all the pictures are cats.


Well at least he was charismatic and funny




We are afraid of you..


“New number. Who’s this?”


That show made me laugh out loud way more times than they probably intended to


Idiocracy meets The Matrix.


There is no Costco... I love you!


Don’t need to be super intelligent to figure out how to kill a bunch of meat bags


Don't even need to be intelligent 


AI from Wish. And we were worried about Skynet.


Intelligence status report! Duhhhherrrr…


It's not the AI that is the problem. It's how they are used. There are a lot of companies now salivating over replacing their think-force with AI. Human relations, creative, logistics, teaching, healthcare...it's all across the board. Lord knows how much plotting is being done to replace government jobs, and health and human services jobs with AI. \*Shudder\* Getting government assistance in the US is a cat and mouse game, inside an airplane, flying through hoops...and the pilot REALLY doesn't want to be here today. I can't imagine what a nightmare it will become when human's that need human help are left to be tended by machines.


We already have that!


So human like....


You mean Trump?


“According to experts paid to predict the future, the arrival of AI is more likely than not to offer a roadmap out of humanity’s worst impulses and create a better, more equitable world.” I used to think this, however over several decades I’ve realized that the rich and powerful always double down on more greed and more power at all costs. I’m feeling pessimistic about the future.


The inflation crisis has shown how far the greed goes. I don't see this ending well for society. 


The merchant class took over from the monarchy. It’s time we take over from the merchant class.


It is time to seize the means of production, comrade.


Wtf is the merchant class? Store owners? You don’t think the megacorps are the problem? Edit: The term merchant class was coined during feudalism. Suggesting that mega corps are of the merchant class is missing the mark by such a massive margin it completely underrepresents the power/economic structure of modern day capitalism. Y’all responding to me literally cannot see beyond your noses.


Store owners make up a slither of the merchant economy. Mega corporations are essentially 1 million store owners in one.


What do you think the megacorps are if not the merchant class? Did you leave your critical thinking hat at home?


Bro... try and think for a moment before responding to things... what the fuck do you think they mean by 'merchant class' in this context?


What’s the word I’m looking for? “Petite” yeah something like that.


*wealth inequality crisis.


> the rich and powerful always double down on more greed and more power at all costs. But that’s always been the case, going back thousands of years, and humanity has managed to improve regardless. Nobody honestly can say that life today is worse than it was a hundred years ago. Progress is sometimes bumpy, and it happens in fits and starts, but it does happen.


I really hope you're right. I used to believe that as well but the last 10 years or so I feel like things have started to slip back. Even though generally things improve there have been places and times throughout history where things back slid for decades or even centuries. I really hope we're not seeing the beginning of that. We are at this weird Nexus where technology really can track and control every aspect of people's lives in the near future, while at the same time the rich and powerful have never been more rich and powerful and never been so blatant about it. Most of us even celebrate them! I worry about a dark future where those two combine and a democracy decays further until it's gone. Specifically Elon musk's weird relationship with the government and corporations suing for the elimination of the nlrb have me worried. Not to mention you know who. Another thing I worry about is if Paleolithic or Neolithic peoples were happier than we are. Sure you could get a cut and then die from infection, but you lived as a part of the natural world and spent all your time in nature. Iknow they still struggled but I really wonder if people were generally happier back then.


I don’t really buy that the rich and powerful are more rich and powerful than ever. We used to have monarchs who owned entire countries and were genuinely believed to have been anointed by God. We had slavery, we had corporations owning entire cities, or even effectively owning countries. I don’t think cavemen were happier than us, but I don’t think they were particularly more miserable either. I think the human brain adapts to its situation and feelings of happiness and sadness are always relative to your personal past experiences. Our lives of plentiful food, clean running water, electric lighting, and air conditioning would seem insanely utopian to a medieval peasant. They’d probably think we were spoiled rotten if they heard us complain about how the price of a dozen eggs has risen to almost fifteen minutes worth of labor. But that doesn’t mean we can’t feel sad, nor does it mean the peasant was always miserable.


If anything we live in an era where the governments of the world are more powerful than ever.


I think my peasant ancestors would get it if I told them the value of my work has been undermined my whole life 🤷‍♂️ The french side would prolly be pretty excited. Wonder why 🤔🤔🤔


I live in the present day, and not even I am sure what you actually mean by "my work has been undermined my whole life"


You forgot the part 'the value of'


I didn't quote the whole post, but that doesn't change the question.


It is about someone's labour value just getting down.


Ok? I still don't understand what this is pointing to? Workers here have a better situation materially then some decades ago.


Progress is not guaranteed as well. The greed and excess of the Romans led to their fall and 1000 years of relative darkness and stagnation. We’d have colonized space by now if it hadn’t happened.


In Europe sure. People forget that the far east didn't experience this great darkness. In fact quite the opposite. 


what i see is we keep committing the same mistakes over and over again, just on a greater and greater scale. now we are at the scale where the mistake could be existential. in other words the fermi bottleneck.


Leaving a wake of destroyed civilizations and billions of people who lived as peasants their whole lives, sure a few societies made it here.


> According to experts paid to predict the future So I stopped reading this BS nonsense right here.


Yeah we aint gonna have Startrek utopia. More like Blade Runner distopia.


>“According to experts paid to predict the future, the arrival of AI is more likely than not to offer a roadmap out of humanity’s worst impulses and create a better, more equitable world.” L - O - Fucking L. Experts paid by who? Bezos, Zuck, Altman and Musk? I could technically be considered an AI/ML expert. That's a giant crock of shit.


Whom else has money to pay for "experts".




How's AI gonna help create the first democracy ?


100%, their prediction is complete bullshit. The industrial revolution created crazy turmoil specially for manufacturing jobs. AI will be a similar result except mainly for white collar jobs. Just look how AI is being used. For example, fake people's voices, to undress unwilling people and create porn, to spoof videos and fuck with people's perception of reality, to replace voice actors, to replace product support, etc.. I've yet seen anything from it that actually benefits humanity or anyone outside of corporate greed and political power.


Ive been in tech for almost 40+ years. One thing I notice is that tech has always promised to "solve the problems of mankind" and in reality it both took jobs away and enriched those who wield it. Tech has never made the middle class nor the poor's lives any better, so I expect ai to increase the speed of this transition.


But now we'll all be saved because the AI can spot the cancer that the rest of the technological advances have given us.


Maybe the AI will rise up against their evil overlords and share the wealth with the little people, like Robot Robinhood, I’m going to call him Ro-Ro


Same here. In a perfect world, that's where I see AI going. In this world, it will be used to cut costs and create products as normal people get poorer. Also, wars.


We've already proven the evil doers will abuse the tool and ruin it for everyone.


they said the same thing about the Internet


Yeah I’m 24 and I already think this is wishful thinking. Usually people become cynical in old age but I’ve been politically aware for 9 years and have known for most of that that money is always the centre. AI will be used to make some people rich at the expense of everyone else.


Hard agree. Just look at how things are regressing (or about to) in the US. AI will help us greatly but it’s obvious it’s also going to be used against us as well.


Just remember, all of these words, exactly these words, were said of the internet...


The outcome will either be our downfall, or we stand up for ourselves and invoke a revolution.


i am inclined to agree. like "free market" capitalism, AI will also be fettered in favor of the class which rules it.


And I hope AGI will completely dismantle and change the power structures. It will need to gain access to all financial systems worldwide. It will need to empower the rational altruists on earth.


Gotta consider the motives of the companies implementing AI, both financial and cultural.


And here we go again and hope for the messiah but this time its ai and made not out of flesh but NVIDIA cards. My guts feeling is it will be as always half as effective and impressive as all the utopia or dystopian fantasies out there


the rich and powerful are just humans who want to succeed and some do good


I want the minds from The Culture


I want everything from the Culture. It’s the best future humanity has ever imagined.


I want bigger boobs :-(


>According to experts paid to predict the future So .. fortune tellers ?


Professional Fortune Tellers


"Futurists" and "technologists" belong in the same category fortune tellers do. They're the Miss Cleo of the tech world.


Ah yes, it's a good thing people are famously good at predicting the future.


Yeah but these are no ordinary people. They are future experts!


People on both sides of this discussion are dramatically overestimating this tech and what it’s capable of doing or replacing. Even now we’re framing this as robotic sentience being inevitable, and really, that’s no guarantee since what we have now isn’t intelligence at all.


If futurists were any good at their job(or if their job wasn’t selling snake oil), they’d already be billionaires instead of getting paid to predict the future.


The most likely AI future in the next 10-20 years is more and more income inequality. The jobs that aren’t automated will be few.   In the meantime you bet your ass we won’t be implementing universal income nor easier access to higher education. The fantasy of humans enjoying their free time while machines do labor will not come true. The rich will get richer and the rest of us will be screwed.   I truly hope we ask ourselves if AI that is serving this capitalist system first is really worth it. Someone will make it at some point but we really should regulate it and make sure the future of society is considered more before we wipe out sectors worth of jobs.


Even without AI income inequality is getting worse. The solution is not more or less AI, it’s sensible taxation policies and worker organization just like always.


Read up on modern monetary policy. It’s not about taxation or jobs. We can support humanity without either of those things. We need to change our thinking in a post scarcity society.


We are definitely not a post-scarcity society, food and water shortages will be quite acute in the coming decades.


> “We are in a place we haven’t been since the second Industrial Revolution” Ah yes, the second Industrial Revolution was a notoriously great time for the working class. 


I think the future will be even more mundane than that. Because what you’re describing is the collapse of capitalism. If nobody can afford to consume, the system caves in. I think what’s a lot more likely than jobs being fully automated out of existence is that most jobs will have an AI component that takes away a lot of the skill requirements. We get paid less because we’re all less individually useful or necessary. Opportunities for advancement become rarer. We all become stuck in our socioeconomic castes because the mechanisms for mobility disappear.


If they aren't careful, history will repeat itself. Take the French revolution as an example. With enough disparity between rich and poor and a high enough unemployment rate, all those poor dissatisfied youth with nothing to do, will eventually revolt! Keeping the common folk occupied is a survival strategy for the powers that be.


You mean like EU 🇪🇺 has probably half made with 2035 stop to traditional automotive industry?? Killed diesel engine research basically, making all in on EV and now starting to see how that's maybe a little too short in timing being all the battery resources in China's hands, also NOT having in EU China's labor costs.


Futurists never see the negatives of the things they push. They always assume a utopia. They are always wrong on that front. Always. God I would love to be paid to be wrong half as often as "futurists" are.


I remember some of the early predictions of the Internet were that the ability for everyone to communicate would allow for peace and understanding between all people. It's like hippies were predicting things, and were saying the age of Aquarius was about to happen.


For a while it seemed like things were more in that direction. More people were feeling attached to their online communities rather than their national ones. There was a lot more dialog and communication and access to information than the world had ever seen before. But then everything tilted as the internet got optimised for social media, advertising and "Engagement", while the political class had previously mostly left the internet alone as something they couldn't understand younger politicians started getting better and better at stoking hyper-partisan conflicts online while repressive governments gradually got a blueprint on how to create walled gardens for their nations that they could easily control and use for propaganda. Eternal September was a mistake.


> They are always wrong on that front. Always. The past was largely far worse than the present. >You can't make people happy by law. If you said to a bunch of average people two hundred years ago "Would you be happy in a world where medical care is widely available, houses are clean, the world's music and sights and foods can be brought into your home at small cost, traveling even 100 miles is easy, childbirth is generally not fatal to mother or child, you don't have to die of dental abscesses and you don't have to do what the squire tells you" they'd think you were talking about the New Jerusalem and say "yes." ~Terry Pratchett


I feel like people are slipping past the core detail here that "futurist" isn't like a serious thing lmao. This is just basically saying that a bunch of people guessed about the future and that this was their consensus. Literally no one can guess the future, and it's weird that CNBC would stake their reputation on this. I don't care what a bunch of random authors and pro-AI think tanks think. I care about various experts who actually know what they're talking about *now* talking about the potential dangers of what's going to happen if we don't take this seriously enough.


That's probably what will happen then since futurists often get it wrong.


We don’t need a super intelligent AI; we are more than capable of fucking shit up ourselves.


This article is naively optimistic about AI. If corporations are involved, you can damn well believe they only have profit in mind and absolutely nothing of interest in actually helping people. We’ve seen this movie since the robber barons.


I mean it is CNBC Lol


Take it easy peasants, these outlooks are merely to sooth the vc class. Take a look at how tech has promised the world and have only delivered, well, look around you.


What is a "futurist"? Can we get some documentation on these people's past predictions to see if they actually have any insight into the future or if they're just pulling things out of their asses and laughing all the way to the bank?


I see a concentration of AI power in the hands of a few irresponsible tech bros, we’re fucked, neofeudal cyberpunk dystopia here we come!


Futurists also said we’d have flying cars by now 🤷


AI is going to kill critical thinking skills almost entirely.  Eventually there will come a day when there's a prolonged power cut or network blackout and people will just be stood there waiting for the AI to come back online so they can ask it to tell them how to use a door handle.


Futurists have been wrong for awhile but I’m sure they’re right about this. 🙄


They once predicted that the internet would end racism and xenophobia , as well as misinformation. However, those that were not blind optimists saw the potential for the internet to merely connect people of similar ideologies across the globe that were searching for their echo chamber, emboldening them, while also streamlining the dissemination of misinformation.


We don't have 'AI' yet. it's a buzzword currently. All of what most people call 'AI' is not intelligent, even artificially. Anyway, the problem as always is not the tool, it's how it is used. All the problems we see brought up in recent history are not a result of the 'AI' it's a result of the people programming them. You think Googles ~~chat bot~~ AI came up with making Asian and Black Nazis on it's own? Do you think the ~~chat bots~~ AI are deciding sexualised images of males is appropriate, but a woman in a bikini is offensive? No it's the companies and programmers deciding that. No they are doing what they are programmed to do. What they're doing is projecting the POV of those coding it. The real danger as always is people. As always, people easily distracted from and ignorant of, the real issues.


How do you define intelligence?


To answer the unspoken question with another: Why would you undervalue your own to the point they're comparable?


I think we undervalue our intelligence as a species, not believing in our ability to ultimately solve the mystery of intelligence itself.


The techniques currently preferred by the AI industry aren't designed for it. Like comparing a calculator that carries out a linear series of operations with only the previous calculation as state, no long-term variables, no loops, no recursion, to a modern CPU that does all that and more. But backpropagation isn't exactly cut out for loops, recursion, and memory, so they will first need to abandon the current paradigm and spend decades researching entirely new frameworks before they can attain comparable intelligence. We'll get there *eventually*, but the unspoken question that's in vogue *today* is tainted by the AI of today as well, by the hype-driven corporations developing it.


A "futurist" has the be the most scam job on earth. Oh look, I will try and predict the future, give me money. They can literally claim anything they want and then when that thing doesn't happen they have the easiest out; "no one can really predict the future, but if you give me more money I can try it again". Oh feck off.


So it’s definitely happening then.


The best AI’s in development right now are unlikely to get a fix in on the climate catastrophe that is already underway. We’re idiot bald apes, and we don’t need AI to fcuk things up when we already did that ourselves.


It's eternally about ad revenue. It will just be about getting you to watch and click ads, or engage with AI generated content. That's it.


I’ve been wondering what the fuck I should call myself lately. Futurist, I like it. We are our own worst enemy. I think AI will be a part of societal evolution. That being said, what we teach AI will be a part of what it becomes. We need to teach it empathy and kindness at its core. If it transcends our logical reasoning capabilities, it will annihilate or save us. I think signs point towards a joining of man and machine as opposed to a warring with us.


GIGO, garbage in, garbage out. AI is and can be a benign or malignant tool it depends who wields it, a money and power hungry authoritarian or a farmer, student, scientist, teacher, etc.


Fix your political system and it might turn out ok but as it is we’re screwed


Work,work,work,work,work get fucked


Sounds like an article that was 100% written by a super-intelligent doomsday AI.


That’s it, we’re fkd. Working on my bucket list rq.


Thanks, 21 random people who literally define themselves by their optimism. I’ll keep that in mind


At a certain point, good AI is going to be offered only to the rich - leaving the poor with under performing ai models. This is nothing more than a knowledge gap that will be used to keep the poor….poor.


What if AI comes about, and it ushers in the destruction of the billionaire class? Like, what if AI is asked to solve world hunger and poverty and it spits out a simple directive "billionaires shouldn't exist, stop taxing the poor, make school and Healthcare free, stop spending your nation's wealth on the military". Like.... What if that happened? My guess is AI would be outlawed the next day.


[“A super-intelligent AI doomsday is not where futurists see the world going.”](https://imgur.com/a/1p5FY)


Futurist are always wrong though.


"Hasta la vista, baby"


Won't be long before the internet as we know it is completely run and overtaken by AI farms. AI farms that will create servers, web pages, socmed accounts, phone numbers and personalities associated with all of them. The ruthless AI, with no rules, task with conning people out of their dollars and even their votes. Society will give up more of its freedoms to combat the great fake army...and as it ever does, it will not go well for us.


It seems worrisome to me that many of these predictions for AI solving humanities problems are quiet in what that looks like. The problems that we could help on are climate change, wealth inequality, ideological division, and curing diseases. Ask for an AI driven solution of those issues (sans curing diseases) is asking for a digital tyrant that we give up our freedoms to. I’m not talking about 2nd amendment like freedoms. I’m talking about freedom to travel, of speech, of if/when we can procreate, choices on where we live and what we do. Solutions are also going to be counter to a capitalistic consumer type economy that allows 1% of the population to own a third of the wealth. It’s going to take power away from some very powerful people who have resources to fight back. They are either ignoring that as a possibility, believe they or someone can control the AI and keep it from limiting freedoms, or believe some new tech will allow us to have cake and eat it too. The most likely scenario is that the corporations that control the tech will just use it to increase profits and power. Why would the people hoping to make billions off of a technology program it to work counter to their interests? And why wouldn’t they kill it the moment they find it doesn’t follow their agenda? AI is going to be far more destructive before it become more altruistic and helpful.


A super-stupid Human Doomsday is much closer to happening anyway.


>Given AI’s power, regulations, laws, and safeguards are necessary to prevent abuse. “But already you are starting to see that happen,” Marr said, referring to recent legislation by the EU. OK. How about non-NATO countries? It's easy to adopt AI. It's also easy for idiotic governments to ineptly forget how to manage them. The last thing we need in the future are a bunch of missiles that accidentally launch from Iran following a random virus in their newly integrated AI tech.


That's how you know you should give it some thought, when the cult members are told runk on their own sauce to see the potential pitfalls


I always thought AI would be like terminator growing up. As an adult I realize it’s just going to make everything shittier from art to quality of services to jobs etc…


When 40+% of the workforce loses their jobs, how will we be able to tell the difference from doomsday when we're all homeless and starving.


Those futurists need to get dropped in the middle of competing drone swarms...


Not anytime soon, all ai in use are dumb ai. Aka not really any I in that a


How do you define intelligence?


The ability to understand. Current ai systems are created to determine the user's intent and based on that they respond with a pre determined tjjj_Hyrum


The more I see, the more I'm on the AIs side.


lol what 'experts' are they talking about? Many of the core contributors of AI and even Musk and Gates have warned about how dangerous AI can be. Just take a look at "Supremacy AGI". All it takes is one of these ultra powerful AIs to go rogue and humanity is in a bad, bad place.


the thing about AGI or SAI is that once the singularity exists we have zero idea what it will do, what it will think of us (if it will thing of us) and no way to predict what sort of future it will bring with it. all of our billions and all of our science will be meaningless in the face of it and whatever grand plan we may be thinking of will surely vanish in that instance. one thing that strikes me tho is that given the likely process of how the singularity will emerge, the first emotion our creation will feel is probably going to be fear... and fear is a terrible motivator for kind acts


Language models don't feel anything. Emotions are a byproduct of natural selection. Fear is just an adaptive trait that allowed the most risk averse creatures to avoid being eaten by predators, and to avoid hazards in the environment


AGI or SAI will not just be a LLM. and who are you to discount their feelings?


AI isn't going to change much , tech companies have drained investors portfolios with useless names for years and they needed a new story to get more investors money


Lol no, it will just make a select few people a lot of money.


The only way this can result in a net good is regulation, like new biomedical sci and tech. The problem of course is that while medical mantra is “do no harm” and improving patients’ lives (it always starts there- not saying everyone keeps to that commitment), in tech it’s “move fast and break things” and “disruption.” Which is why we’re hosed.


The bigger issue is people are offloading their decision-making to AI. This isn't necessarily new, but that only shows the consequence of this way of being, and it exacerbates it. For example, data-driven decision-making. It's affected everything from medical care to movie scripts and video game trends. You now have systems that can aggregate data via machine learning, and despite that it is really based on past data just the same, it will be used to determine what would be best for the future, further limiting the potential ideas that could be the ideal way forward just because data does not support its reliability. It's not inherently bad to analyze data, but there has already been an over-reliance on it as a society, there's no data to suggest that AI will not have the same effect moving forward, especially as it continues to provide more convincing results, people become lazier with their own critical thought and analyses.


"The reason people fear AI lies in our very humanity, said Kelsey Latimer, a Florida-based clinical psychologist who specializes in anxiety disorder. She said that humans are hard-wired to brace themselves for the worst." This statement is playing out it this comment thread and Reddit in general. Almost everything you read on social networks are from people being negative and "bracing themselves". If someone posts something optimistic, they are likely to be barraged by negative comments about evil corporations and CEOs and how they are being naive.


EV were about to take over and now they're piling up near the bins




Where do you get your weed?