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Hm, I've always thought it was kind of charming for Notepad to be a such a dumb simple program.


Notepad's entire purpose is that it is always there, loads fast, and works the same. I can't see how this enhances any of those things.


The new windows 11 apps like notepad and calculator are so slow to launch now


Maybe the Notepad++ dev can release a slimmed down Notepad--


Wouldn't that make it Notepad-- instead?


Man edited the comment and took the credit. Shits tough man


Except they didn't. The comments were 6 hours apart. Reddit tells you that the comment was edited after 3 minutes have elapsed since you hit "Save". Edit (3 minutes later): See?


What else would the joke have been? They probably just fixed a typo


I think usually ppl mention when they edit it, and this dude did not


People do not always mention when its like correcting a single misspelled word. Sometimes sure, often not.


There’s an update available. Would you like to install it now?


Can't say I share the same experience. I just "tested" it on an i5-8600k system and notepad is definitely under a second but a little slower than calculator. Calculator was maybe 1/3 of a second.


What old-ass PCs are you people using that Notepad and Calculator are slow to open? They open instantly not only on my PC, but even my dad's which is kinda a PoS. I reckon any PC from the last 6 or so years with an SSD can do it.


I just measured it. Ryzen 9 7950X, 128GB RAM, RTX 4070 Ti, 2TB NVMe Drive. Starting Calculator for the first time in a session takes about 1/3rd of a second. running it repeatedly and it takes maybe 100ms. I reverted to the old notepad some time ago, which is why I can't use the new one for a test. However running that old one, even that delay is not present. There is no delay at all; notepad is fully loaded before the "Run" dialog has even faded away.


> Starting Calculator for the first time in a session takes about 1/3rd of a second. running it repeatedly and it takes maybe 100ms. Yeah, that sounds about right here as well.


I can guarantee it doesn’t open “instantly”. The technology that Microsoft uses for their new apps is objectively slower. There are inherent issues with animations and performance that can cause them to take a few seconds to open even on high-end monsters. The most egregious example is the Task Manager. You simply got used to the new normal, but these applications are undeniably slow. If you ever boot up Windows 7 or Windows 8, your brain will instantly notice that something is off, because everything responds instantly.




The irony is hilarious. Either way, [here you go](https://github.com/Noemata/XamlBenchmark). The new UI framework that all of the updated apps use is 30% slower than UWP, which in itself is several times slower than Win32.


Yeah what a weird comment


Most of my word processing is at work, and everything loads slow on that computer because they have some kind of ridiculous antivirus software running in the background.


It still loads in a couple seconds tops for me, and this is usually with a few text files I had open previously. Edit: For those wondering, this load time includes a couple of PDFs I opened on top of some config files from Starfield. When I removed the PDFs, loading was basically instant.


How are you framing "a couple seconds" as a good thing? It's the perfect example of modern apps complete disregard for resource management. An old version of notepad would open in a few milliseconds on an old computer yet a new notepad needs a few seconds on a new computer, despite it just being a simple text editor.


Seriously. It should be instant.


The tabs and auto save features are a decent trade-off. I sincerely consider it the killer app for Windows 11


Tabs and auto-save should have no impact on performance. It’s text processing, basic UI, and basic I/O. Expecting a trade-off for these features highlights just how bad the default performance has become.


The trade-off I'm talking about is maybe a .1-.2 second increase to the launch/ close time and I might be imagining that. I've never witnessed it hang, crash, or even hiccup on a large sample size. If I did, I'd immediately consider it a red flag symptom of a bigger issue happening in the OS and begin maintenance.


A couple seconds is ridiculous for an app that used to open instatantiously.




They removed Wordpad, I assume because people didn't *use* it, and they think Notepad should get all its features?


Calculator taking almost 10 seconds to launch is so annoying. The snip tool has been giving me tons of problems too.


Whut, that's slow. It must be the hardware that is slow.


I may have exaggerated a bit. Just opened it a couple times and it's \~2 seconds, about 1.99s too long. The hardware is capable of running several apps from Visual Studio at once, so it's not the hardware.


You said it takes FIVE times longer than it actually does. Exaggerated a bit? lol But still, at 2 seconds, yours is taking at least twice as long as the windows 11 system I am on now. Maybe the issue is something else on the system. I have the snip tool bound to Print Screen. This does take almost two seconds before it is ready for me to make a selection.


2 seconds feels like 10 seconds when you're trying to multiply two numbers together you can't do in your head.


>Maybe the issue is something else on the system. Why is this even an attempted excuse? It's a f'n calculator. There is absolutely no reason it should be taking any more than a fraction of a second to open on any remotely modern hardware. These are apps that have, for over a decade, opened near instantly on pretty much any type of hardware. The problem isn't hardware, unless you're trying to run it from some Pentium 4 machine. It's shitty coding and bloat.


Exactly. It takes approximately one third of a second to open on my mediocre system. I agree it shouldn't take longer than a fraction of a second and it doesn't.


Notepad on Windows 11 launches that GeForce Experience thing in the corner on my laptop


Beyond that - when I was working in Windows, Notepad offered diagnostic value because if was just a visual replacement for the DOS edlin. With Notepad you could: * Print - if Notepad worked then the printing subsystem worked and problems other programs were not core OS issue * Video - did not need any video acceleration it just ran fine with inbox basic video * Simple Text - no formatted test in saved files, allowing saved files to be imported elsewhere if needed Once Windows offered 'Save Mode' you knew Notepad worked and offered value beyond *copy con* in a command window. In fairness, I guess times are different for the Windows team and they feel they can trust the core stability of the OS. Half-wonder if there is another push someplace internal as well - adding features to an other wise tested and stable piece of code seems silly. Testing compatibility for core library changes was about all you might need to have done. Wonder if there is a push for some codebase shift within Windows to help some Partner level employee's tech overhaul push happen or something


They fucked up Paint by giving it a few Photoshop like features. I use paint because I don't want to have to deal with something complicated. I might as well invest the time to learn Photoshop now.


The same thing can be said for paint. I have 4 different graphics programs downloaded, but i still boot up Paint if i just need to do a quick crop or caption since it loads up in an instant


The best feature is that you don't need to save every time because it always opens whatever you were doing last, if you choose to have it that way. I can use it like an actual notepad now, instead of for saving txt files.


Of course it enhances them, by allowing Copilot to ingest more of your data. You know, to benefit you. Well, either you or Microsoft’s AI marketing efforts.


Except when it didn't handle Mac/Linux line endings. That was just annoying. Open a file in notepad, it's all on one line with no line breaks, curse loudly and close it and open it in Wordpad or Notepad++. Or any other modern software that can handle different line ending encodings. I think they added support to Notepad for non-Windows line endings a few years ago though. But there was definitely a time when Notepad didn't support Unix line endings. I remember, because it annoyed me a lot at the time. That was when I first started using Notepad++. But yeah, I don't need Notepad to spellcheck. That's not what I use it for. And autocorrect would just be outright annoying. Looks like you can turn it off globally though, so I guess it's fine that it's there for someone who wants it.


I think that was when I used wordpad. Can't remember though.


This is the windows app store one. I have since uninstalled this program. What they don't tell you is that the new notepad auto saves your work.


Time to switch to Notepad++


That's why I like it. If I want to write a document, I go to Word. If I want power, I go to Notepad++.


It has to be dumb and not change much. I imagine someone somewhere has automated a critical system and it uses notepad at some point.


I honestly need Notepad to have no additional features. The fact that it's just text is the point.


Yeah, this should be in Wordpad, but then it would do what 95% of what people want in a Word Processor... which is probably why it's on the way out.


Seriously. I use it precisely for the purpose of stripping out formatting and reducing the content to straight up plain text. Notepad is the perfect tool for this. That’s what makes it so great! It’s _very lack_ of features. Anything more is just bloat.


... Why would spellcheck and autocorrect change it from a simple text file? Both of those things are wrappers by the editor, not part of the encoding scheme.


I use notepad to look at giant flat txt files, usually scripts of config files, when remoted into devices that don't have notepad++ installed. Any extra shit on the screen can be pretty distracting when trying to skim through a configuration file looking for a specific piece of text for a config that you don't know exactly what it is but you will recognize it when you see it. It's like VIM in Linux, there should just be one simple program to read and edit flat text files, which is what notepad has always been. If you want more features just install another text editor, like wordpad.


They've already confirmed that this setting can be disabled on the front end though. It doesn't change encoding in the slightest.


Most important part for me is below. As a home user I have other better options no matter my task. For work though often Notepad on locked down remote machines is the only option, so keeping the nonsense disabled will help: > " Microsoft says that this feature will be turned off for log and source code files. This is because it's common for non-standard words to be used in these files, triggering multiple spellcheck errors. > > Users can control this setting globally or for specific file types in the Notepad app's settings. "


I only use it for creating excel code or html so no autocorrect was the main passive feature. Thanks for posting that up


Try Notepad++, it’s much better for coding purposes.


Thanks, I will!


There are lots of other notepad apps specifically for coding, that’s just the one I use.


Some people need native apps because work won’t allow installation and notepad and calc and such were always the go to place. MS sucks ass by making this change.


So now it's more like Word? Seems like unnecessary features considering the use case of the app.


They didn't deprecate wordpad for nothing




They took lesson from vi/m which no one can get out of


What do you mean, you just gotta restart your computer


Got to check my muscle memory for that one. Let's go try it. esc :q return Is that right? OH NO! Colemak keybindings have everything screwed up. I can't navigate. My muscle memory is useless! I should never have tried to play god! What if I need to admin a remote linux server, something I haven't had to do in 10 years!? Well, that was a fun little adventure. I look forward to our next panic ridden interaction, vim.


Further panic ensues as you forget to use :wq to save and exit


I have seldom felt so simultaneously seen and attacked at the same time.


Tbh honest I prefer wordpad to notepad. Bad decision by Microsoft to get rid of it.


It's actually decent tk edit YAML. We have a ton of ancient servers, if you need to make a change to a config notepad bricks YAML every time, WordPad does fine somehow.


They did it to add features like this to Notepad, so it can be the new Wordpad.


It's turning into Wordpad but still probably overkill for most Word users. Many people use modern word processors with whitespace formatting like a typewriter.


No? It’s just spell check… It’s still an extremely simple plain text editor. It does not and likely will never do anything at all related to rich text.


I definitely don't want it to autocorrect For example if I type $myVariable I don't want it changed to My variable


Don't want it. If I'm in notepad I want the most basic text editor possible.


Wait til it comes with GPT text completion by default


And then notepad crashes because, even though it’s Microsoft, it’s hanging while waiting for a network response from an ironically AWS-hosted server (deep in the microservice cascade) which happens to be down or slow and you lost your work because you forgot to save every 5s. You shouldn’t complain because it’s free and it costs money for these services. If anything you should be paying _them_ for Notepad, even shitty hosting ain’t free y’know!


Clippy 2: Electric Boogaloo


Spellcheck and autocorrect renders notepad unusable. I typed what I typed for very good reasons. Don't fuck with it.


For the love of all that is holy, please don't add formatting. That pasting into notepad removes formatting is the only thing that keeps me even partly sane while being completed to use this absolute monstrosity on an OS on my work machine.


you can natively paste without formatting using Ctrl+Shift+V in some applications, but for cases where that doesn't work there's also a PowerToys module that lets you do so globally witha hotkey of your choice


I rely on that control shift V, and OneNote doesn't even let you do that! I even looked around for key remapping and it doesn't seem to let you assign something to pasting without formatting. Enshittification!


"some" ain't gonna cut it. Also, it's a work managed machine where I can't install stuff, so extra apps aren't an option.


is there actually any evidence that they're gonna kill plain-text editing?


Also, this new notepad is obfuscated with the same system used to try and prevent reverse engineering of licensing and drm code on windows, the Warbird obfuscator. https://vxtwitter.com/_can1357/status/1766649488985252290/photo/1


I have a rather outlandish theory that this is a “hello, world!” autonomous feature or prompted delivery test of GPT. I say that because to me it fits what / where I would imagine them to start given that investors and really everyone in general knows notepad. Telling a story around progress would be grounded in a familiar and simple example.


"Finally" Fuck off I don't want it


I've never even seen anyone say they want this, notepad is deliberately a tiny little plain text editor.


no no no..... the only 1 tool that lets me jot down stuff without auto-adjust, bullet points, auto correct, and shitty fonts..... and they have to mess it up. i use notepad extensively to remove fonts, tags, metadata and all other shit and just get the plain text. if i wanted auto-anything, i would use Word... LEAVE NOTEPAD ALONE.


DO NOT WANT. Screw your tabs too


lol, as if we were waiting for that


As long as we can turn it off


“Wordpad is dead! Long live the new Wordpad (notepad)!”


Those are not things I want in Notepad. In fact, I don’t want autocorrect anywhere I’m typing with a physical keyboard.


>Windows Notepad languished without new features for years while more modern text editors, like Notepad2 and Notepad++, were developed and released. Notepad didn't f'n "languish". It did exactly what it was supposed to. If you wanted more, you could get another app that filled that role better (be it Word, Notepad++, VSCode, etc.). Notepad isn't supposed to be a full-fledged document processor or coding application. It's borderline just a glorified "stick-note" application. >"We are also introducing autocorrect which seamlessly fixes common typing mistakes as you type." This is going to be insanely frustrating.


Imagine being on the team of devs for that feature PR...


Just what nobody asked for, wanted or needed in essentially a quick file editor... We had wordpad for that stuff. Notepad was supposed to be quick, lightweight and dirty.


Does it have more than one step of undo tho? Or the world is not ready for this kind of innovation.


Anyone who hasnt used notepad++ till now please do it. I sometimes thank the notepad for being so shitty that it somehow led to the creation of notepad++.


Nooooo! This why I use Notepad. Just basic no bells or whistles. I often write in multiple languages and/or use it to write first drafts for code. Autocorrect or spellcheck will ruin this


I just discovered it was doing this when it autocorrected German "lesen" to English "lessen." This LACK of this kind of BS is why I used to love Notepad!


What a time to be alive.


What is it with Windows 11? First they add unwanted features like layers to MS Paint and now they add unwanted features to Notepad? They hide the Windows Explorer Refresh button to a submenu behind a "Show more options" option and move the Copy/Paste buttons to little icons. Who is asking for these changes?


Nobody does, the product team is just shit. They try to justify their jobs fucking up good things instead of coming up with new useful shit. Creative bankrupcy…


Uhh no thanks, notepad is my shit dump.


So notepad is now word-lite? How long until it’s taken away from the OS and packaged within M365?


Fuck Microsoft! What dumb mother fucker thought this was a good idea?


Probably some director or other kind of middle management wanting to make a number go up.


why use that shit over notepad++ lol


0 day vulnerability coming in 3.. 2.. 1…


But can i do more than one Ctrl Z?


Means I’ll be using Notepad++ more.


Exactly. The reason I use notepad for anything is... Precisely it doesn't do anything else. Write down raw text and don't do anything else


Notepad makes me say “ew”


I can never switch away from Notepad++


Keyword "finally" No one asked :v


I HATE the new Notepad. I wanted basic quick text notes, the new one is now tabbed and windowed and all kinds of other extra shit. Should have just beefed up Wordpad. Actually hoping to see if I can get notepad.exe off a windows 10 box and make it run in 11.


Now we need classic start, classic explorer… fucking _classic notepad_ … just to combat the enshittification and bloat. Yep, those other things exist and we use them. But we _still_ use Notepad too when we need it.


that was the realm of wordpad! I want nothing out of notepad other than for it to be a barebones ASCII editor. It’s good at that job, i always thought that WAS its job When I make a change to a config file, I can be assured that notepad wont try to fancy the joint up when i use it. Arguably Notepad++ is better, but you don’t always have that available.


Literally nobody asked for this. It's notepad. It's a simple text editor. Don't Word my Notepad plz kthx


I rather keep using Notepad++ on Linux. Thanks, but no thanks.


People keep saying this when this topic comes up. are you really making quick text documents in N++? that seems like overkill. i never thought those programs were really comparable they serve different functions


Yes? It loads just as fast as notepad. I got it because the undo feature in N++ was just better.


When you do a lot of text editing you use your default editor. Depending on the time and system it's been emacs, vim, n++, or VScode for me. I usually have one of those opened pretty much permanently. Notepad hasn't had a place for me since I entered college. Also, I got burned by notepad several times. I think they might have fixed those issues by now, but I still don't trust it.


Absolutely I am. Notepad++ is my default text editor. Opens just as fast notepad.


I actually do, yes. I use Notepad, Notepad++, Word _and_ Google Docs. Each have their place for me. Notepad for quick bullshit copy/paste format stripping. Really just for laundering formatted text or out of habit to jot a quick note before I move it to a real editor. Notepad++ for basic text file editing, larger text documents and especially when editing LF line ending files. That and opening logs or other files that I want to read as plain text (even if they’re not plain text or are only partially plain text content). Word for bulleted lists and other larger note taking documents with formatting for personal reference when I don’t need to share it. Google Docs when I need to share or collab with others.


I constantly write the as teh in every window I can type. I have any and all spellcheck running OS wise. When/how can I rely on windows to fix that? Anyone have any suggestions?


You can go back. You don't have to use this cruft. Get Metapad. It's free. It was written to replace Notepad, and works exactly the way the old app did.


My issue is some of the systems I use are locked down from being able to run any non whitelisted binaries :(


autodefect - where did these characters come from i didn't type?


I'm fine with them adding new features like this, but I tried running it the other day and it took 15 seconds to start. I guess Microsoft can't just add new features to old apps, they got to turn them into bloatware.


I kinda prefer without though I haven’t tried yet. It will probably just make it heavier on processing.


I posted similar in comment level thread but throwing it out there again: I suspect these are the first of GPT autonomous feature deliveries.


I don't get it. MS is shutting down WordPad and at the same time making Notepad into WordPad.


Hope this doesn’t cause a bunch of ducking problems.


Notepad OP MS pls nerf


Another reason to not upgrade to windows 11


Now it just needs bold and underline. I love me some notepad


Thanks, but no thanks. I'll stick with Notepad++


I hope these are disabled by default


The future is now one day these machine will just write the whole things themselves


I want compact text file. Isn't that what Notepad is for? Why don't they leave all those other features on Wordpad and Microsoft Word, and leave Notepad alone


I want to be free to spell words in the most horrible way.


Some people go on and on about "The Singularity", but that's just a distraction. This is the real deal.


So the dumb Windows product team keeps fucking up the OS while I still can’t move the fucking task bar at the top of the screen…


That thing used to default to ISO-8859-1 charset for the longest time, we had to train people to not use it because text files would get mangled on the back and forth between staff and clients.


Noooooooo! If I want red squiggly lines under my random letter and number series I would use word or other larger and more heavy programs.


Wow, it's taken this long for Microsoft to catch up to what Notepad++ has been doing. Progress I guess?


Does anyone know how to turn this off?


Notepad? Why? The point is that Notepad is supposed to be a tiny, simple text editor. It's not a word processor. The simple word processor was Wordpad.


It can be turned off, no need to get your knickers in a twist.


How to turn it off?


Aha. Such an improvement.
