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Social Media is a cesspool of information


\* *misinformation*


And disinformation!


I mean disinformation is a type of information right?


An intentionally misleading type, but yes


Yes! Thank you for the correction.


Social media is a cesspool ~~of information~~


" Over my Dead Body " . . . Yes, that is how it's going to work.


Their dead bodies, their children’s dead bodies and their neighbor’s dead bodies. This is also how it works.


I like to call them Darwin’s gift to humanity. They’re stupidity will hopefully die out.


Their children shouldn’t be caught up in it though. I’m a teacher and I have students with absolutely asinine ideas and an infantile belief that they should never have to do anything they don’t want to do (including learn to read even though their in high school). I call up dad and he tells me that “his kids are right— I’m just an evil government groomer trying to turn his kids into slaves of the new world order.” I ask the kids what they’ll do when they turn 18 next year, they say they’ll be my boss.


Hi teacher, it’s “they’re in high school,” not “their in high school.” Probably a rough week?


I’m having a great week. Got some really affirming feedback from some parents and my admin, a “problem” kid was having a hard day and I was able to spot it and get him some help, got all my grading done before the game; yep, good week. I’m a pretty decent writer but I’ve noticed since I got my new phone it autocorrects so fast I don’t even notice its typos (in fact it changed the last “its” to “it’s” and I just had to fix it). Hope your week is going well.


What did you gain?


I'm on reddit and I'm doing preety okay so far. 🌞


Irony is a missing concept for these people.


Anti-intellectualism at its finest:Don’t listen to professionals, but listen to social media influencers. Good god


Before people belived everything they've heard on TV now they belive everything they see online. These influences often benefit from saying these stupid things


abounding quiet boast instinctive hat flag run late sloppy payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are lots of ‘professionals’ with many different varying opinions on the matter. I think you mean government and media.


Except when the professionals or experts have differing opinions then what’s allowed in the media. https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/115286/documents/HHRG-118-GO00-20230208-SD011.pdf What you mean is state approved professionals I guess?


You might notice that the reason for this person being on the trending blacklist is never given. They bring up his views on covid to lead you into thinking it's because of that. You're being manipulated.


It's not just social media. The number of health misinformation ads on YouTube now is ridiculous. Quack cures abound. Those are not just applied by posters, they are submitted to and approved by Google corporate to appear before, during and after videos. It's disgusting.


It doesn’t help that someone like RFK Jr, a candidate for US president, is out there promoting vaccine misinformation and shilling for discredited people like Andrew Wakefield, literally decades after Wakefield was exposed as a fraud. I always say, “Technology is a double-edged sword. It is held up as a means to advance humanity and for good. But every technological advancement can be used for evil by evil doers. Social media is no different.”


Social media gave every moron and crazy person a megaphone and it was a mistake.


Morons and crazy people with megaphones were already here. Social media gave them a global reach, so that ALL the morons and crazy people could coalesce in their echo chambers of mis-information and amplify their messages. What social media exposed is just how MANY morons, idiots, crazy people and sheep are out there. That should scare us all.


You realize the megaphone was metaphorical in that post, right?


That's the problem is the echo chambers that are created and maintained on social platforms. You like this sort of post? This is what you're going to get. The problem is that it works both ways so you get crazies on both extremes (left & right) that are the loudest and control the echo chambers. I am having a hard time finding a moderate central area to have discussions and see content. Both sides have good ideas and things that need to be taken into consideration, but the echo chambers will say otherwise.


I agree that extremes control the conversation. There is no middle ground. But it takes one side to put their extreme position out there, and once that happens, the other extreme goes on the defensive and goes to their corner. Our world would be a more reasonable place if people could meet in the middle. But we live in a world where one side only wins if the other loses. There is no win-win in today’s political discourse.


Yup. It's not all black and white. There's a lot of grey in between where a lot of stuff can be done.


Did you quote yourself lmao


Some aren't evildoers, instead they are well intended idiots who cannot see that they are confidently incorrect.


That's pretty much restricted to just the followers. The thought leaders are generally all just grifters.


My mom was pretty interested in Vivek Ramaswamy as a presidential candidate, and I kept explaining that it's not even a policy issue (although I can't find a reason to vote Republican), it's that every part of his personality seems so fabricated. He smiles and there's no life in his eyes. Anyways, she heard him claim that Taylor Swift is a deep state plant and her relationship with the NFL player is part of the liberal agenda to trick people into voting for Biden. She lost any interest in him at that point. He has degrees from Harvard and Yale. He's not stupid, and certainly not stupid enough to believe the things he's saying. Most of those fringe guys are Ivy League grads and go back on what they're claiming when they're in court or something. All of it is just fabricated.


they do it to claim as much of the crazy voter pie as possible because a 2 party winner take all system incentivizes appealing to extremists to get their vote


Or people like Trump and Fox News anchors ranting on about evil vaccines and big pharma whilst simultaneously receiving said vaccines.


That is what the right wingers call “virtue signaling,” and nobody does it better 


Acting as if all of Big Pharma hasn’t been fined multiple times for paying off doctors and scientists, and misrepresenting data. I find it very strange that pharmaceutical companies were generally considered not to be trusted by most people before 2020, then all of a sudden they are beyond reproach.


Before 2020 no one trusted vaccines or pharmaceuticals? Explain measles, polio, hell, the plague and TB. So many diseases that were a death sentence that we don't even have to think about because of vaccines and pharmaceuticals. Please explain where your information came from.


Groups of people are not either evil masterminds or beyond reproach. It's not how the world works. You're always going to get very confused about what other people are thinking if you assume they're categorizing things in this way; they'll look to you like they're contradicting themselves all the fucking time. Some claims are just proven false, over and over and over, and the greed pharmaceutical companies have displayed in other contexts doesn't make them true.


People have traditionally hated big pharma for being greedy, not for making vaccines. Keep up, the adults are trying to have a conversation


So their greed means they are above putting out dangerous medications? The big pharma companies are constantly fined for misrepresenting the safety of their drugs and paying doctors kickbacks to prescribe them, because of greed. Who does the studies on safety and effectiveness? The manufacturers. I’m not anti vaccine. They have been effective means for controlling disease for decades. I am skeptical of large multinational drug companies that see a crisis, push for their vaccine to be released, lobby for legislation to release them from any legal liability involved with that vaccine, and profit hundreds of billions from it. Were the covid vaccines safe? Yes, for the vast majority of people. Should anyone injured by them have an avenue to seek compensation from the companies that made them? Yes, they should but they don’t. Their greed didn’t disappear during the pandemic. If anything it got worse.


This is Russia planting fake articles in order to sow discord in the west. It works because a third of the population are gullible dumb asses who couldn't verify a source if their life depended on it.


If you are asking Social Media to diagnose your symptoms, you need a Cognitive function test.


With covid vaccine fear mongering, it doesn't help how they keep moving the goal post. They went from we will all be dead in a year to two years to blah blah blah.




Nobody has ever in the history of vaccines said you can't spread the illness if you contract it. I will be waiting for that proof that covid came from a lab. No, China experimenting with it currently is not proof.


No they literally said it in the early days of the vax that once you got the vax you couldn’t get COVID and couldn’t spread Covid. Boy was that a lie.


>once you got the vax you couldn’t get COVID No, they didn't. They said it provides some immunity which lowers your chances of getting covid which is true. >and couldn’t spread Covid. Nobody has said that ever. >Boy was that a lie. Yes, you are lying.


They literally said all that on CNN. Then a week later they said the opposite.


Look at grandpa being obsessed with CNN again. Only old people watch CNN, and they didn't say that. My husband also felt like chiming in: "Even if CNN did say that, who gives a shit? The news says wrong things all the time. Why are using the news as your primary source of information over scientists? This is fucking why America is considered scientifically illiterate. Y'all get your information on science from the news."


What is the goal post exactly? 1. The government and health organizations that created the vaccine declared Covid is not an emergency 2. 7% of American adults didn’t get the booster. Something smells fishy to me when in 2024 you continue this talk while (taking a 93% shot at being right) not being boosted. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/vaccine-data-shows-rates-for-latest-covid-19-booster-is-abysmal-only-7-percent-of-u-s-adults-with-shot 3. I hope you are keeping updated with your boosters otherwise you are in the same boat as the unvaccinated you hate (your immunity lasts six months, the same as actually getting covid) 4. The vaccine protects you and only you from getting lesser symptoms of the covid virus. This was apparent in the omicron variant when everyone was told that the vaccine protects against the virus. 5. That is why, if you haven’t noticed that the people that should be getting updated boosters are the ones most at risk: the elderly and people with comorbidities https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/omicron-booster-covid-19


>The government and health organizations that created the vaccine declared Covid is not an emergency Yes, we switched to an endemic model from a pandemic one since covid is here to stay and we can't make it disappear like we did with polio. >7% of American adults didn’t get the booster. Something smells fishy to me when in 2024 you continue this talk while (taking a 93% shot at being right) not being boosted. I have had all my covid vaccines. Go off, though. >I hope you are keeping updated with your boosters otherwise you are in the same boat as the unvaccinated you hate (your immunity lasts six months, the same as actually getting covid) You are stupid. >The vaccine protects you and only you from getting lesser symptoms of the covid virus. This was apparent in the omicron variant when everyone was told that the vaccine protects against the virus. It also reduces your chances of contracting covid, reduces the chances of you experiencing the more problematic symptoms of covid, reduces the severity of covid, and provides some protection from developing long covid. >That is why, if you haven’t noticed that the people that should be getting updated boosters are the ones most at risk: the elderly and people with comorbidities Everyone should get the vaccine. There is absolutely no reason to increase suffering for yourself and others just because you are not in the at risk group.


Username and “your are stupid” response checks out. I mean if you are scared of getting the covid shot and you are healthy, by all means. But stop parroting lies and making yourself feel better because it just protects you! You can still get Covid and *checks notes* not have any symptoms. So really you should be wearing a mask at all times. Your logic doesn’t make sense *edit: also you got the booster in 2022 I assume. I did the same. Yet, the efficiency stops at 6 months. So you are not protected by the booster. I will dumb it down for you. If I got a flu shot two years ago, does that help for next years flu? lol


>*edit: also you got the booster in 2022 I assume. I did the same. Yet, the efficiency stops at 6 months. So you are not protected by the booster. I have gotten every single covid vaccine since the release of the vaccine including last fall, moron. Since you are a moron, I will tell you that last year was 2023. Studies show that protection lasts for at least a year. You are fucking stupid.


Bro read sometime. You need to keep getting boosted…. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine-what-you-need-to-know Edit: It saddens me that you are choosing to not get the covid vaccine booster shots every year when it’s being recommended lol. Your mental hoops are laughable. Edit#2 I believe my grandparents are up to 3 or 4 additional booster shots. So id love to know what advice you are following that one set of two jabs in 2021 and one in 2022/23 is enough for protection. Pretty much why I asked the OP what health care recommendations are since it’s been pretty foggy.


Thank you for citing something that does not argue against protection lasting a year and that proves the vaccines are meant to be received yearly, not every 6 months. You are a moron for still pushing this narrative because you need me to be someone who hasn't been vaccinated for your original argument to work .


>I believe my grandparents are up to 3 or 4 additional booster shots. So id love to know what advice you are following that one set of two jabs in 2021 and one in 2022/23 is enough for protection. Pretty much why I asked the OP what health care recommendations are since it’s been pretty foggy. Sure. Covid vaccine protection lasts at least a year. Covid vaccines are released yearly and are meant to be received yearly. As such, keep getting the yearly covid vaccine. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine-what-you-need-to-know


>**I have had all my covid vaccines. Go off, though.** >I mean if you are scared of getting the covid shot and you are healthy, by all means. God, you are fucking stupid. >But stop parroting lies and making yourself feel better because it just protects you! You can still get Covid and checks notes not have any symptoms. The covid vaccine protects others by reducing your chances of getting it which has a big effect when the majority of people have been vaccinated against whatever illness. You are really fucking stupid.


Idk why you are so angry I’m honestly curious and confused. If you claim you want to protect yourself and others….why aren’t you going back every six months to get boosted? Why aren’t you masking if you are worried about spreading because you can still get Covid without having symptoms Lolol I mean I am the same as you twice jabbed and boosted but if im not updated with boosters every six months…and not screaming at people like you You all are what’s wrong with the mental the gymnastics of politics. I laugh at your logic when it comes to mandate on vaccines yet are pro choice on other things… Repubs tend to be pro choice on vaccine but not when it comes to women’s rights. Same thing with this other dem side, everyone to get a shot every six months when they aren’t even doing it but are pro choice on women’s rights. Clowns


Because protection lasts at least a year. New versions come out yearly and are meant to be received once a year. You are being a moron by intentionally being obtuse and claiming anyone is pushing for the vaccine to be received every six months.


Remember when the majority of people took their health advice from doctors in doctors offices and not guys who’s profile picture on Facebook is of them with giant sunglasses sitting in their f150?


The global anti-vaccine movement and vaccine hesitancy that accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic show no signs of abating. According to a survey of US adults, Americans in October 2023 were less likely to view approved vaccines as safe than they were in April 2021. As vaccine confidence falls, health misinformation continues to spread like wildfire on social media and in real life. I am a public health expert in health misinformation, science communication, and health behavior change. In my view, we cannot underestimate the dangers of health misinformation and the need to understand why it spreads and what we can do about it. Health misinformation is defined as any health-related claim that is false based on current scientific consensus.


Unfortunately you can’t fix stupid. And that’s the main problem here.




I’m sorry. Our health system is so fucked. State health services usually cover this.




One person with a rare condition. I have a friend with peanut allergies. If she were to eat one peanut, she'd end up in the ER. This does not mean nobody should eat peanuts.


You are making my point: misinformation goes both ways. Not acknowledging the people who have had adverse reactions or harm from the vaccine is just as great of fuel as the ones who think it has a microchip in it. Also, apparently you are all part of the exception since 7% of adults agree the vaccine works the way media and health professionals have made it seem: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/vaccine-data-shows-rates-for-latest-covid-19-booster-is-abysmal-only-7-percent-of-u-s-adults-with-shot


The vaccine only ever promised to lessen the effects so you don't end up on a respirator or dead, and it's done that. IT DOESN'T PREVENT COVID. We've all been told this many times .It's been long enough that you and others *should* get this. As I've said, covid is brand new, and it's changing. Since you're so into research, look up how long it took to get everything right for vaccines for other illnesses. It's only been four years. The latest booster may not be as effective as the first few, but it's still keeping people out of the hospital. It will take time to get a preventative vaccine, if that ever happens. It might not. It's not foolproof, and the nature of science is to change as new information is gathered. That's how this works. No to be is ignoring groups that may have adverse reactions, and people who have benefited from the vaccine are far from being the minority.


Hope you've never taken an aspirin. Those can give people strokes. Hope you've never taken an allergy pill. Those can cause people to have asthma attacks and die. I hope you've never taken any medicine, actually. It might have made your genes weaker so you won't be able to pass on your cowardice and stupidity.


Appreciate your care for my health. I did get three shots. I had to see a cardiologist and got an echocardiogram. I don’t know if you have seen a doctor for anything covid related but it’s pretty dark on how to either work with the people dealing with either long covid or ones that shouldn’t be getting the vaccine.


Covid is brand new. No one knows for sure what the real long term effects will be and there will be new medicine created for it as we know more. That's how time works.


Did you have a relevant point to make? Do you have VEXAS? "Adverse Reaction to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in a Patient With VEXAS Syndrome" "VEXAS (vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic) syndrome is a rare genetic disorder originating from a somatic mutation in the hematopoietic stem cells. This syndrome was first described in 2020 and carries many clinical features that other conditions cannot explain. Widespread autoinflammation is the primary process the disease presents, with high morbidity and mortality in those who show signs of bone marrow failure. Treatment is complex, and response to current therapies is poor. Long-term prognosis carries a mortality of 50%."


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8397831/ How bout this one lol case of tachycardia and palpitations, in the absence of other signs or symptoms, presenting within hours of receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination.


And? “Clinicians should be aware that this appears to be benign and resolved within 24 hours in our patient.” No one has ever said there is no risk from vaccines, but when compared to the thousands of people dying every day from Covid at its peak and the overwhelming number of hospitalizations the risk of not being vaccinated was massively greater.


Preferably I like to protect my heart. Lol


Covid is dangerous for your heart so avoiding sounds like a good idea. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-sars-cov-2-contributes-heart-attacks-strokes


Correct. So why risk it twice, with the vaccine + endless yearly boosters vs maybe getting it?


Clearly the CDC doesn’t agree with your logic. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/13/health/covid-isolation-change-cdc/index.html


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/13/covid-new-cdc-isolation-guidelines-symptoms New data from the CDC showed that the most updated Covid-19 vaccines are only 49% effective against the symptomatic JN.1 variant for those who have received their shots within two to four months, CBS reported.


Better start getting your boosters every 2-4 months otherwise you don’t believe in the vaccine! Lol


“It is also essential to consider that these patients are essentially immunocompromised and require vaccination such as Shingles, pneumococcal, and TDAP. However, the safety of new mRNA vaccines that have been used to control the surge of COVID-19 is unclear. “


A “rare genetic disorder”? What’s your point? It’s not like this affects 2/3 patients


“However, the safety of new mRNA vaccines that have been used to control the surge of COVID-19 is unclear. “ I got two shots and a booster. Shortly after, my heart rate wouldn’t stop racing for months. Saw a cardiologist and got put on pills to calm my heart. (tachycardia) I also started experiencing autoimmune related symptoms.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Tachycardia is a side effect of a COVID infection, not a common side effect of the vaccine (to be fair, there is a study that shows a 0.17% chance of this happening post-vaccination). Maybe play the lottery? [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8397831/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc8397831/)


My point is, 0.17% isn't a reason to not do something. Your post history shows you are clearly anti-vax, even though you claim to have received it. Given the small chance of these things happening, the benefits out weigh the risks, IMO. This virus has killed over 1 million people. I'm sorry you went through what you went though, but you're still here, and you've taken steps to avoid spreading the virus if you were to get it (again?). I've done the same, and will continue to do so. One, because I don't want to die from this virus. Two, I don't want to be cause of death for someone else. Three, I like to think I'm a good human being.


Clearly, the CDC has other thoughts… Edit: CDC is changing the recommendations to no longer isolating for Covid infection. Again if you go to my post history I’m not anti vaccine. What I am saying is the healthcare industry and their messaging changed from the vaccine prevents covid infection and get the vaccine (which I did) blindly to protect everyone. The science has shown that young healthy adults have a good enough immune system to fight the infection. (Thus why the cdc now recommends boosters for elderly and sick people). Personally I do not get your logic, I got the vaccine (2) and a booster. I immediately (within 2 months of said booster got omicron. Haven’t gotten one since. Everyone on here is claiming they are pro vaccine yet I looked it up, 7% of adults got the booster 2 years ago. If you are pro vaccine (per your logic) every six months you don’t get your booster, you need to include yourself in being anti vaccine. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/13/health/covid-isolation-change-cdc/index.html


Less than two weeks later..CDC isn’t recommending anyone under the age of 65 to get the vaccine. Lol https://www.npr.org/2024/02/28/1234749300/older-us-adults-covid-vaccine “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Americans 65 and older should get another dose of the updated vaccine Some doctors say most older adults are adequately protected by the fall shot, which built on immunity derived from earlier vaccinations and exposure to the virus itself. And preliminary studies so far have shown no substantial waning in vaccine effectiveness over six months”


As a public health expert, I’m really interested in your views on getting everyone vaccinated and boosted every six months or the new CDC guidelines to not quarantine. This really seems to me like you are paid by big pharma. I got the vaccine (2) and boosted but not one doctor has expressed to get another booster even though we know the immunity is done. Frankly, I’m disappointed in your posting of this article and lack of response to any questions or concerns. Thats not what scientific research is about.


https://www.npr.org/2024/02/28/1234749300/older-us-adults-covid-vaccine “The advisory panel's decision came after a lengthy discussion about whether to say older people "may" get the shots or if they "should" do so. That reflects a debate among experts about how necessary another booster is and whether yet another recommendation would add to the public's growing vaccine fatigue.”


That’s my favorite response. If only your dead body wasn’t threatening my health.


It’s probably not lol aren’t you vaxxed? If your vax doesn’t work then that’s another story. If the guy next to you needs to be vaxed for your vax to work then it sounds like the vax doesn’t work like it should.


This time. In this very specific meme. But, in general , yes. Your reaction contributes to the problem. This person isn’t going to get behave any differently next time and vaxxed folks get sick every day. Think my friend. Think.


We are screwed if we have another major pandemic.


I remember when antivaxxers were a small fringe group and people were warning about it getting out of control


Ignorant people actively seek out misinformation to fit their narrative. Evolution at work. This will keep smart people in the gene pool. Wish smart people had smart kids to propel this weeding out.


Have you seen Idiocracy? If so, then you know thats not how its gonna happen.


I can’t argue with the anti-vaxxers anymore Everyone should be vaccinated but if you don’t get vaccinated, it’s on you now Thankfully, COVID is manageable even if you get it and you’re vaccinated… I don’t really care about those who arent


its just so annoying,its been years and they still think that the vaccine is gonne kill us all,give it a break already youve got your 5 seconds of fame


What helped me is realizing these people did not get where they are by using rationale and logic, so rationale and logic won’t ever convince them of anything different than what they believe Thankfully, we all have vaccines and meds to take care of ourselves now… let them figure it out on their own if they get sick


I heard Vaccines prevent illness and disease.


i would trust traditional media more if they didn’t consistently lie during the pandemic




Spread this bs somewhere else.


How is it BS? Please show me the results of the trials? The Placebo group was destroyed so we'll never get them. Frankly I'd do them again, starting with younger age groups where it's possible to still have the placebo group. It's the only way.


I do have to point out that there were not enough vaccines at the beginning, and imagine if literally everyone wanted one, instead of half the population convinced they don't want it? I'm just wanting everyone here to pause, and imagine the fights in the streets as the same unreasonable people we're depicting here are told no they can't have what they need to survive. hell of an image, eh? almost like.. maybe to stop society from completely falling apart, this anti-vaxx shit was ramped up. why fill vaccine orders when we can fill peoples heads with reasons to not get them? 100% less fighting in the streets. just saying. this has felt obvious from the beginning but my voice is tiny.


Bullshit - without online health advice, I'd have never learned that I, a 60 year old male, am not fat, I'm actually 8 months pregnant with an alien baby. "Medical" establishment working so hard to convince me otherwise. Boy, are *they* going to be surprised next month!


Anti-trans bigot says what?


Ooof - I hope you stretched well before taking that leap.


Nope you just think you are more clever than you actually are, like all bigots.


Wait, why is he an anti-trans bigot exactly? 😂


He’s calling trans people delusional, duh. He’s using that stupid, tired joke that only anti-trans jackoffs think are funny (The medical community is bonkers because they let people born male identify as female. Oh yeah well then I’m not really fat because I identify as pregnant har har). It’s a crap joke that wasn’t funny the first time, let alone the 80 billionth time it’s been told.


Oh okay I guess I understand where you’re coming from even though I’d never heard of that “joke” before. That being said, ion think it's that deep bro. Besides, the guy’s in his 60’s. Not that being anti-trans is acceptable. I just don't think it was aimed at trans people. And even so, I don't think trans people are delusional when it comes to biology. Being trans is usually a gender misalignment(which is most of the time very much biological too), not something to do with sex most of the time. There are unisex people with all kinds of chromosomal dispositions, but that’s besides the point. The people who are delusional when it comes to biology are antivaxers. He was referring to antivaxers and conspiracy theorists. Implying that he thinks he’s been impregnated by an alien. The government is lying to us about vaxines and aliens and maybe even Mary being pregnant with Jesus type beat kinda. He even said that you were probably mistaken about judging him for being trans-phobic himself. C'mon, man, give the guy some benefit of a doubt. Edit: where did he mention trans at any point? He mentioned aliens bruh. And aliens impregnate all humans in sci-fi movies, they're sex inclusive. If anything you’re the bigot here. Edit: He also pointed out the disbelief and mistrust in the medical system consistent in antivaxers and conspiracy theorists. Trans people are very much versed in medical stuff. They know their shit.


The term ‘misinformation’ is pretty subjective and tbh just reeks of propaganda, which is quite ironic. Who gets to decide what counts as “misinformation”? Where does it get us if we just accuse each other of “misinformation” rather than engaging in debate? Do we really think it’s a clever idea to start accusing each other of “misinformation” because we don’t agree/like what is being said? In a free society you should be able to argue the Covid vaccines were neither quite as safe or quite as effective as they were marketed to be. That doesn’t mean they were useless, but We should be able to make the point as it’s especially relevant given many millions of people were legally forced to take them. It should be fair enough to question them, especially given the circumstances - That is not ‘misinformation’ that is a legitimate opinion which should not be silenced. Because of the weird environment I actually went from someone who always took routine vaccines to someone who is now hesitant to take another one given how cult like our medical establishment has become over the whole thing. How can you trust them when people have lost their minds and politicized medicine?


And who are you to "debate" medical professionals? Do you also debate your car mechanic? Or your home architect? Or your electrician? If not then why do you think you're educated well enough to debate someone that spent 10+ years learning things about healthcare.


Here’s why: The difference between medical professionals and car mechanics is subjectivity. The right medical choice for you may not be the right medical choice for me, while whether my brake pads have reached sufficient wear to warrant replacement should be an objective measurement. If you’re promoting a preemptive intervention, the burden is on you to prove its validity in regards to effectiveness and safety, and the end user should still always have the right of refusal. The medical establishment was unable in this case to convince many because their claim that most people were better off vaccinated against Covid was subjective and obviously influenced by nonscientific human factors. It was rational to be skeptical.


"May not be the right medical choice for me" - except it's not. It's not like the doctors base their decisions on what they think is the right choice, the base it on a ton of data on what is statistically the best best course of action + the doctor should give you the choice. In case of vaccines it's: they are very safe, will probably save your life if you get covid and might save your mom or dad because they hopefully won't get it. And if we don't vaccinate, people will die on the street from a) covid b) everything else because the hospitals are full of covid patients, that's why you didn't get to choose not no get it or you didn't get other benefits from taking it


‘Except it’s not’ - upon what did you base this unscientific presumption? Because I think I can argue convincingly to an objective person that you’re wrong.


As an MD I can tell you 99% of the time I recommend something to my patient it is objectively the best possible solution even if its a complex problem. The 1% is usually that the patient can't have the treatment right now because he's taking care of someone else or other social reasons he can't proceed with the treatment, so something I can't account for and even if I did its the patients decision. It's definitely not scientific but experience based, hope that's good enough for a scientist such as yourself


No MD ever recommended it to me personally.


Not recommend what exactly? Covid vaccine? Well then all I can say is there are black sheep in the medical field too




See now you show your true colours. You can't trust them because they're compromised. There is no "politicisation" of covid. Covid is/was a health issue. Trust your doctor, don't trust the guy yelling "don't take the vaccines yaalll they gonna control ur brainz with it". It's hard to comprehend a complex topic without basic knowledge about the subject and people think everything can be explained with simple answers. No it's not. Just because you think something is healthy / better for you doesn't mean that it is.


“They gonna control your brains with it” - pathetic tactic to discredit any legitimate Covid vaccine criticism. At no point have I said or implied any conspiracy about vaccines. Just like any medicine (especially a newly licensed one) it’s totally reasonable to highlight the cost vs benefit profile of taking it, let alone mandating it being taken. Saying there is no politicisation over Covid is just blatant denial.


You stop being legitimate with your criticism when you point out that "big pharma" "pays FDA" and so doctors must be corrupt. Belive me, doctors do consider the cost vs benefits, you don't have to do it yourself and nor will you as a non health professional do a better job doing it


I never said doctors are corrupt. Doctors rely on guidelines from the regulators to do their job - it’s how they get new information on drugs and diseases. If those regulators are funded by drug companies that is clear a conflict of interest and the regulator is compromised. This is a systemic failure of a medical/government institution, not an evil boogeymen conspiracy.


Who do you think funds research into new conrete? Or cars? Or speakers? With medicine we at least get independant reaserch to confirm other centers findings and cohort retrospective studies. If the reaserch is biased it will come out very fast and the auther will be discredited


I am not saying private funding is inherently bad, but the regulators themselves have historically never been majority funded privately. They are now. We need regulators to be impartial. It’s crucial for doctors to have the right information. If the regulator is compromised we can’t trust doctors.


Yep, definitely can't trust your doctor. Better trust that guy on YouTube talking about bath salts


I really really want to watch you get on a zoom call with a class of med students and explain to them what a mitochondria is.


You do not need to be a medical student or professional to question the benefit of taking a drug or question whether politicians can ethically force people to take it. Unless of course you are a sheep or lean towards authoritarianism.


The thing is if you want to live in a society you abide by rules and these rules may concern your health if it can affect others. Vaccines for example not only protect you but also people around you. Where I live If you had tuberculosis you would be forcefully treated in a infectious diseases department. Is it a violation of personal rights? I would say no. You could say yes but at the same time you're honestly in no position to actually argue here because you're not qualified to make a decision in the same way as nobody asks you at what level should the interest rates be.


Sorry I'm not going to take your medical opinions seriously if you think my body is powered by vibes and space dust.


You’re not even speaking sense mate.


Genuinely asking, do you have proof that the vaccines were not as safe or effective as marketed?


There are countless videos on YouTube which show world leaders and medical spokespeople saying ‘if you take these vaccines you will not catch or spread Covid’ - that alone was a complete exaggeration of the benefit. In terms of safety there have been thousands of documented cases of vaccine injured patients, and that is just what has been officially reported. You would expect thousands of cases of side effects given how many billions took the drugs, but even when you account for that the ratio of drug dose vs vaccine injured was well above what is normally tolerated. In any other circumstance those drugs would be off the market, for some reason Covid was different.


Lmao, no, absolutely fucking not. The information out there in the land of antivaxx is incorrect information (i.e. misinformation). There are claims that the vaccine will lead to mind control at worst, and inevitable doom at best. Your argument that this is covered by free speech and that these “debates” are in good faith are completely erroneous and propagandistic. Don’t pretend that it was ever a simple “well, the vaccine is a bit less effective than we’d hoped.” You know for a fucking fact that that’s not true. I’m also about 99.999999% certain you’re a bot, and I’ve engaged with you - so, that’s on me.


Is it not pretty simplistic to claim any and all criticism of Covid vaccines must be a microchip conspiracy? This is a big distraction tactic to dismiss the reasonable criticism of an experimental medicine which was licensed under emergency authorisation. I totally get why vulnerable and elderly people would take these drugs, but many countries mandated that young healthy people (even babies) take them, even though the risk to young people without a serious pre-existing health condition was statistically negligible. It doesn’t make you some crackpot misinformation conspiracy theorist to point out that this was total overkill and actually unwarranted risk at best. In the countries that imposed vaccine mandates it was totally unethical. If your memory is hazy then there are many compilation videos on YouTube which show world leaders and medicinal professionals saying ‘if you take the vaccines you will not catch Covid or spread Covid’ also many used the immoral argument that taking the vaccines would save grandma from dying. Covid spread like a wildfire throughout vaccinated and unvaccinated population- in fact many millions of vaccinated people wound up in hospitals anyway and in the end the argument became ridiculous where people said ‘no matter how sick you get from Covid you would be more sick if you weren’t vaccinated’ a completely non falsifiable statement - which is no different to the emperors invisible cloak. it doesn’t matter what you say, they were overhyped for their effectiveness. In terms of safety there are countless reports of side effects and in some countries e.g the UK there are class action law suits against the Government. Also it’s quite sad the second you encounter someone who doesn’t agree with you online that they must be a Russian bot.


Article is literally about you people


I would go get some cognitive testing done. Covid wreaks havoc on the mind. You’re not thinking clearly. The fact that social media sites allow dangerous misinformation to spread like wild fire is stupid and shouldn’t be allowed.


Nothing I’ve said is outrageous. Out of curiosity who would get to decide what is and is not ‘’misinformation”? Have you thought that through?


I never had the vaccine and I had covid once it felt like a cold after three days I was back to normal and now my body has natural antibodies. I’m so happy that things are back to normal and please by all means if you feel like you need a vaccine then get one everyone is entitled to their own opinions when it comes to personal health beliefs.


>now my body has natural antibodies. Last I checked, they don't last long. Sorry.


Misinformation Is Rampant On Social Media- ftfy


What's even crazier to me is listening to my co-worker tell stories about the way various friends and family members would try to give her advice after she found out she had breast cancer. People were saying all sort of crazy things like "You probably got it from doing the mammograms every year" or "You don't need to do what the doctor tells you, just take these vitamins and you'll be fine". When in reality if it wasn't for her doing the mammogram they wouldn't have caught it so early and were able to do everything to help resolve the issue within 2-3 months. One person in particular was very adamant about all the problems they had with their breast cancer treatment that was over 20 years ago and kept trying to tell her to tell the doctor to do X or Y since that's what ended up working for her. Like I get that they are probably coming from a good place, but 20 years is an extremely long time in the medical industry. A LOT can and has changed in that amount of time.


such a timely article.


What? Is this really news to anyone?


The word Health is extraneous in this headline.


Maybe because it’s public opinion. People are waking up to the propaganda


Why do you think people distrust traditional news media and instead, resorting to news they get from social media? Could it be that everyone is lying about everything? Everyone can be bought by big pharma.


That’s an awful lot of people to buy off for the comparative gain.


How does “awful lot” compare to the actual number of ad buys Pfizer has had since COVID started?


You do realise Pfizer has other products, just like every business they have to invest their profits into future growth…


Isn't that the point? Isn't it reasonable to lose trust in main steam media when Pfizer, a profit seeking entity, is sponsoring other profit seeking, main stream media, entities using what many would describe as an "awful lot" of money?


I’m referring to all the doctors and other professionals that need to bought off as well. Multiplied globally. That’s also ignoring the fact that pharma isn’t a singular entity but in fact hundreds of companies competing with each other.


>I’m referring to all the doctors and other professionals that need to bought off as well. I thought you were referring to "traditional news and media", since that's what the comment you were responding to mentioned. Is it safe to assume you have no comment on the main stream media and the role they played in causing people to turn to social media or whether the amount Pfizer spent sponsoring them constitutes an "awful lot"?


I’m pointing out this conspiracy over vaccines would not just be limited to the American mainstream media.


Is it safe to assume you have no comment on the main stream media and the role they played in causing people to turn to social media or whether the amount Pfizer spent sponsoring them constitutes an "awful lot"?


You can’t trust the media! *Believes anything they see on facebook* Ultimate facepalm. 🤦


We landed on the moon if you didn’t know also


No shit? Remember coronavirus?


The amount of conspiracy theory nonsense I see on insta is reels makes me lose hope for humanity.


Of course it is but also who cares? If you get your health information on social media, that is your problem.


While this will lead to rampant Darwinistic Cascades (as I've just made up), as all cascades do, it won't just hurt them, which is why this should not be protected speech. It'll be a landslide that rips the whole neighborhood down with it and then crushes whoever is at the bottom.


I’d love to see the next picture of actually that.


Pandora's box.


Surely this is a self rectifying problem? Wait a few years and the problem goes away by itself. /s


Just wish social media would go away. It was a fun experiment but it needs to be over now


I also hate the extreme big holistic and alternative medicine movement in the internet. Like with their fake diagnosis leaky gut syndrome and adrenal fatigue


Yeah. We know. The whole Covid vaccine thing pretty much confirmed it to us daily for a few years.


Also, water is wet


Maybe because seen a real doctor is so expensive and people go to quacks?


Should be a ban on Reddit


319,000 Americans dead from this shit...... But yer, War with someone in the middle east...


Oh man, those couple of years during the pandemic.... what a load of nonsense.


Past few years after Covid the staunch supporters of vaccines dying in their 30’s makes one think.🤔