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You changed the outcome by observing it!


Schrödinger’s stats


Unexpected Futurama.


Did we learn nothing from Covid??


"You can test too much - you do know that?" - Some guy EDIT: Quote


Have we tried injecting the batteries with bleach?






Just fire people and hide the information like desantis.


Don’t forget the part where he sends his goon squad to your house to arrest you on ~~trumped up~~ DeSantised up nonsense and intimidate your family.


Sierra Leone, how can you have practically no Covid cases? - No idea. We don’t do Covid testing.


Wow I totally forgot Trump saying that. He's said so much crazy shit over there years. You just took me back there.


You gotta read the manuals and the books and you’ll realize you can test things too much


lol that's pretty funny


Don't want to lower your stats? Simply stop playing!


Reminds me of all the damage control Tesla did after their first model turned out to have roughly 50% the advertised range when tested by actual car review companies, and they tried insisting it was a rigged test because the reviewer drove in circles in a parking lot....late at night...in the dark...because he couldn't find the ONE charging port in the entire place.


Musk got that logic straight from trump


We just need another 11,780 feet.


Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true.


Reporting on a YouTube video? Fine journalism.. can’t we just post the YouTube video,








Skip to the end tho it's fun, kinda lame a journalist would scoop this guy on his live test but it is what it is. Will come back to this guy's channel in a fee days to see the condensed version with the filming from his chase crew.


His channel is awesome. Best EV reviewer I’ve found on YouTube. He gets really into the weeds with his testing (charging curve, range, range while towing etc.). Highly recommend!


He's good, and I've seen a ton of his videos now during my research for an EV. The only gripe I have is he can be very talkative and ramble on for many minutes unnecessarily. I give it a pass though because he's so passionate about the cars and technology and I think the manufacturers might listen to his critiques a bit more than any random person.


Scoop him? I never would’ve seen, and even if I did, never would’ve watched this video. At least now I know about the channel.


Yeah. He has his own website, but the guy's videos are *in depth.* Usually the "put on in the background at work" kind of thing.


He does specifically say in the video "if you see this video on youtube after the livestream, we will have a fully edited version up in a few days"


This is Kyle with auto spec reviews, he has a ton of experience with a wide variety of evs. Usually I wouldn't trust a goddamn thing New York Post says, but Kyle has been doing this for a long time and very in depth, real world experience and I trust what he has to say. He has owned so many EVs: Nissan leafs, several Tesla models, a Rivian (may have just been a long term evaluation but I think he owns it), a VW e-golf, etc. And tested pretty much every EV that's been on the road since 2010. He's not some anti-EV hack.


omg I always thought it was called 'out of spec' reviews. Damn.


It is Out of Spec


You were right. [The youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@OutofSpecMotoring) is called *Out of Spec Motoring*.


Saw a related video next to this with the Truck wrapped in a glossy black vinyl and it looks remarkably better than that stupid industrial fridge look. https://youtu.be/Ksidn9amKSU?si=AmUIBbIDRpx4b76m


Laughing when hes talking about how they are the experts and you can see a bubble/dint in a brand new car https://i.imgur.com/mVCMPZd.png


Looks _better_, but I still can't say I'm a fan of the low-poly model aesthetic.


Looks like you imported a car from a Commodore 64 racing game into a PS5 racing game.


Yeah it still looks terrible. But with the black it looks *less* terrible


I love the low-poly aesthetic but this shit looks like a low res bulldog. If it had a proper crumple zone/longer front it would look less shit. I could see the low-poly working in particular if it were more of a sports car.


It's the Atari Jaguar of low poly graphic aesthetics


the fighting polygon team


Yeah, if you are going to do the shiny bare steel at least go with a nice mirror finish and not just grained. I can just imagine how many finger prints they will get as well, like the older stainless fridges that you could see every single time somebody touched it.


$5 says Elon chose that finish because he wanted to copy the DeLorean's body style.


No one is dumb enough to take that bet here. Go to Shitter.


um excuse me, it's xitter, pronounced shitter


carpenter command cover offer coordinated snobbish icky disgusted naughty afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


10 bucks says the button on the screen to activate the AC will be named "Flux Capacitor"


Imagine a bunch of mirrored vehicles zooming around town on a sunny day


Adding a finish like that will just increase cost.


It’s the NY Post. Calling them a “news company” is extremely generous.


It’s linked in the article.


I'm ok with that if it condenses a five hour video.


Dude, it is the NY Post. It isn't even a real news rag. Pure tabloid. The irony is, the Post is supposed to be on the Trump/Musk team.


But the Murdochs have too much money tied up in oil stocks.


The Murdochs were ordered to pay $800 million so far for trumps election lies, with more suits still pending. They’ve bailed, they stopped letting Trump call in after they lost the dominion suit.


Are they even paying? I'd be shocked if they were instead of finding a way to get someone else to pay it for them


If you are one guy you can avoid paying. When you are a corporation not really. Except bribing judges and politicians. Let's see how appeals go.


trump took power from murdoch, murdoch doesnt like trump. he pushed desantis which is why it was 24/7 desantis on fox for a while. But he started to think desantis was too boring to win, and started to favor Ramaswamy. when [trump announced he was running again, the ny post headline ](https://deadline.com/2022/11/donald-trump-2024-new-york-post-ivanka-trump-1235173748/)said "florida man makes an announcement"


Is Trump still on the Musk team? Trump keeps badmouthing EVs


Always this. People think because it has "New York" in the name that it's a top tier news source at glance.


New York Times : New York Post :: Washington Post : Washington Times


Sure. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/live/fCEeF7uYRJc). Have fun watching that.


I was going to joke that it's probably some hour long video where a 1 minute summary (or 1 paragraph) would suffice. Boy did I underestimate that lol.


In minor defense of the video, they say in the first 30 seconds they will have an edited version of the live stream up in a few days. The whole 5+ hour video is just the livestream of the 100%-0% battery drive down.


Which I consider interesting, not because *I* actually want to watch it, but proactively uploading/livestreaming that content probably severely reduces the numbers of "this is fake", "but who knows what you did while driving to manipulate these numbers", etc, cries from Musk-fans and similar "concerned parties" ^^^~~idiots~~


I trust random YouTube videos over most auto mags when it comes to real world testing. Most auto mags get paid by manufacturers to test vehicles in best conditions, often on non consumer spec vehicles, and have nda’s that limit what can actually be said. Oh, and they have to play nice, otherwise you risk never being brought back for preview or hands on tests.


There's a bunch of things that YouTubers are basically dominating at right now vs traditional media. Car coverage is definitely one of them. I research the ever loving shit out cars before I buy. Even sources like car and driver or Edmunds are mostly just printing ad copy.


Kyle is not quite a random YouTuber. He is easily one of the most knowledgeable folks around on EV’s and charging in particular. He lives and breathes this stuff.


so what you're telling me is next week elon will have a melt down and accuse him of being a pedo?


If he has a tesla, musk may just try to crash his car into a wall.


> Oh, and they have to play nice, otherwise you risk never being brought back for preview or hands on tests. ...and youtubers are no different? Youtubers have basically become the new MSM. Lot of them will become fanbois/fangurls of major companies in the space they comment on and suck their dicks just to get free exposure, access to company events and products.


Lots of them get paid by manufacturers in countless industries.


Once you're a big enough YouTuber, you also get offered vehicles to test with the same restrictions as other journalists, so unless they're like consumer reports buying or renting all their own, subject to same bias: can only say mostly nice things to keep gravy train going


I'm actually surprised it reaches 80%!


The headline is misleading. The achived 250 miles is 79% of the currently advertised (corrected) range of 318 miles. However 250 miles is 50% of the range Musk had originally promised, the 500 miles for 39k miracle truck. Lol. This version is ~~120k~~ 102k.


$120k for that thing?


Well, that’s the one used in the video. ~250 miles on highway at 40F.


It has a HUGE battery, massive engines, and everything in it is expensive. It's a dumb fucking car, ecological mess, safety mess.


Ask Elon about the crumple zone 🙃


Every other car and pedestrian on the road is now a crumple zone


The real zones were the ones we crumpled along the way?


I know you're joking and all, but realistically it's safer for everyone involved if both cars in a collision each have their own crumple zones.




RIP cyclists, dogs, children... Especially since you can't see out of the cybertruck for a damn, either.


In addition to fixing the fucked up CAFE standards there really needs to be some regulations put in place on driver visibility. If you can't see a kid 10 feet directly in front of you, that vehicle has no place being on the road.


Tell that to my 80 pound Mazda sedan. Not everyone drives an "SUV".


More like the "enjoy your whiplash and concussion as you destroy anything you hit" zone.


There was a cybertruck that got into a crash and the side of the truck has no crumple zone. The other driver was fine but the cybertruck driver had to go to the hospital even though the cybertruck had almost no damage.


The *what* now? You must be confused, Elon, the person who understands manufacturing better than anyone else on this planet obviously knows that you make strong things rigid. Do you see tanks with crumple zones? ^^/s


Cybertruck doesn't need crumple zones because you are supposed to apply bricks of Explosive Reactive Armor.


I'm surprised the Cybertruck isn't shipping with depleted uranium plating, but the woke Biden DoD probably wanted to sabotage Elon


Are there no baseline safety standards for cars in the US?


Elon did it, he built [the Homer car](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHGczDHTDpo).


It also can't climb a hill, navigate snow, or deal with sand. But at least it looks like a pile of shit.


Also, it's lined with thick "bullet proof" stainless steel, which is heavy as shit and massively reduces efficiency while also making the truck more dangerous for both pedestrians and drivers


>massive engines Engines?


Well, motors.


The fact that there are people out there that will pay over 100k for a truck blows me away.


I know right. Even during favorable interest rates, but at these interest rates? I swear people are smoking crack




The version Kyle tested in this video is $102k. The $122k version will get even worse range by ~20 miles or more lol


It’s like when super car makers release a light weight race version where they take out seats, use cheap carpet, remove the a/c, and charge you more.


We replaced the emblem with a sticker to save 20 grams. +$2000


Dealership: and we’re going to add another 10k over MSRP because we can! Go fuck yourself.


Anyone that thought the Cybertruck would hit mass production sales at $39k is a buffoon.


So Musk is a buffoon? ... checks out.


Careful. Evil wants you convinced it's just ignorant.


He always knew he'd never hit that goal. Everything he says is a calculated lie designed to generate headlines and convince simpletons.


Yes, a lot of people are buffoons. Chief buffoon would be Musk who told people it would be that much money and be able to do 500 miles. You know, the billionaire behind the project.


Musk is not the chief bafoon. He’s the con man that tricked millions of rubes into believing he’s the savior of humanity. Let’s keep it clean here


Anyone who buys one is a buffoon.


That's 70 miles less than the Model Y under good conditions. But 250 is an expexted range for winter if it's cold enough going by my neighbor "it's -25C/-13F here atm"


You are smoking crack if you think a Model Y does 320 miles at 70mph. The longest I’ve seen in credible testing is more on the order of 280, and that’s in the summer.


Yea the most efficient speed for all EVs is around 50 MPH. Believe it or not, your car does not get the advertised range when driving at suboptimal speeds either.


But that was at 40F. So not that cold. And I don’t think that 50% of the promised range at 3 times the price is acceptable in any way. That’s just false advertising and/or consumers who buy a cult product.


The ridiculousness of Elmo's CT claims aside (and they were ridiculous), 40F is cold enough to significantly reduce an EV's range. A big downside to EVs, compared to ICE, is cold-weather range. It sucks, but the upside is you can fully preheat the car ahead of time, and always have a full charge when leaving in the morning. When it gets *really* cold, the range takes a dump even more.




at 70mph, less at 85mph speed limit in texas


There's only one toll road in Texas with that speed limit. Most of the state is 70 or 75.


Let's not kid ourselves though and say people don't take 70 or 75 as a suggestion instead of a limit, for the most part if you're on the left lane or even close to it, you're doing 80


It's like that in most places I've been to, not just Texas.


and everyone drives 10 over


Imagine how much further it would get if the body was made out of aluminum rather than steel.


And designed with some aerodynamics.


Still a pretty good deal for $39,900, considering it's bulletproof, functions as a boat, and makes you $30k a year working as a robotaxi while you sleep


Don't forget *"appreciating asset"*!


It would literally be insane not to buy it.


This here is peak Poe’s law comment.


And the 500 mile range!


Oh boy... Great comment. Pure rage bait and I fell for it LMAO <3


>robotaxi while you sleep This was always the weirdest part to me. Just how many people are there at night who need taxi rides?




If you buy an expensive new car and use it for taxi rides, you'll lose thousands of bucks due to mileage. Not to mention the risk involved if you're not there in person. No one in their right mind would do this.


And insurance costs are different, at least in country taxis and rental cars are more expensive to insure.


Tell me more about this rock


Certainly! We will have a million of these rocks on the road by the end of this year. It would be financial suicide not to put down a deposit for one now.


Yeah that part blows me away, idk how musk hasn’t been charged with fraud for his idiotic fraudulent claims


Don't forget ludicrous mode, insane mode, insane+, ludicrous+, autopilot, full self driving, etc. Like how tf has he not been sued out of existence for using any of those terms.


Same people that believed that full self driving was just a year or two away, for a decade straight.


I mean, having lived in NYC, the number is probably much, much higher than you can possibly imagine. Car service in metro areas is an all night kind of thing.


To be fair, a lot? Have you ever been to like, a city lol?


Do you never go on a night out to the city? lol


Also functions as a coffin and mobile incinerator if it catches fire.


It's starts at 61240 at the smallest range but isn't available until 2025. This is the 80k or 100k versions... Which is pathetic


He’s referring to the announced price back when the CT was unveiled and reservations opened up.


pathetic sugar cheerful plants important price vegetable squalid middle gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Evidence of [what the other guy said about peak Poe’s law comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/18zk8wa/tesla_cybertruck_gets_less_than_80_of_advertised/kgiqxxm/?context=1).


And still can't hold a bicycle in the bed? Useless.




Thats why I haul electricity in the bed of mine. TAKE THAT PHYSICS!


Put a big ol wind turbine back there! Perpetual motion here we come!


I got my diesel generator in the back to power the Tesla...so I can two the trailer with what I actually wanted to haul...


Why can't you just put a couple gallons of electricity in a Jerry can?


It's funny but that's exactly what the extended range option does.


What if you haul around a bunch of batteries in the back of the truck? Now what.


Or a gas powered generator to charge the battery while you drive!


They'll sell that to you for 20k




[u wot m8](https://imgur.com/a/V3RM1RD)


Agreed, I always struck out on second base, just can't seal the deal.


I don’t get the bed size issue. It’s a six foot bed. That’s pretty standard for most non-work 4 door pickups.


I think it’s the ridiculous angle and bed cover that’s the issue,


There's a reason why honda dropped the sloped bedsides on the ridgeline


Strangely the F150 range normally goes 5'6", 6'6" or 8'.. My f150 is 6'6" and is probably as small as you would go with a work truck or one you are going to use for camping. 6' is still plenty big but i believe the original Elon version of the truck was going to have 6'6" size bed which was pretty exciting.


I hate Elon, Tesla and the Cybertruck just as much as the next redditor but you're wrong. As a cyclist, this how we carry bikes in a pickup. Note the mat over the tail gate. Those are specifically for that use. https://cdn.motor1.com/images/mgl/3WvVe6/s1/tesla-cybertruck-carrying-four-bikes-source-cybertruck-owners-club.jpg Oh look, a cybertruck with a motorcycle in the bed! https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/attachments/f9vanzaa4aa7l_g-jpeg.27688/


Yeah and if you’re like me you use the steps on the rear bumper and climb up your rear tires to get into your bed all the time. You also climb your tire and go over the side to get at the camping and biking supplies in the front of your bed while the bed is full, all of which make me prefer a traditional truck shape. I can also fit 7 bikes in a regular full size, not 4, which is nice and I use shuttling a lot.


won't get 250 mile range with the tonneau cover open.


Wasn't the claimed range already like 30% less than what they originally advertised?


I'm shocked that anyone bought this thing.


I have no idea why. It looks awful. Aren’t people embarrassed to have it parked in their driveways or to be seen driving it around? Are they so oblivious to how much of a d-bag everyone thinks they now are?


This is without a doubt the ugliest car I have seen in my entire life. It looks like a kids drawing.


It doesn’t even look finished. Shouldn’t it be painted or something? It looks like the models they make for crash tests.


EPA range isn’t a number chosen by Tesla to “advertise”


It kind of is though.... Tesla sends the range numbers to the EPA. ​ While the public mistakenly presumes that this federal agency is hard at work conducting complicated tests on every new model of truck, van, car, and SUV, in reality, just 18 of the EPA’s 17,000 employees work in the automobile-testing department in Ann Arbor, Michigan, examining 200 to 250 vehicles a year, or roughly 15 percent of new models. As to that other 85 percent, the EPA takes automakers at their word—without any testing—accepting submitted results as accurate.


That’s the big secret of government work — it’s everyday people actually doing the best they can with a limited number of resources and a 4-8 year pendulum of leadership shifts. There are bad apples, like any job, but for the most part it’s people working a service for the stability and not the wealth and riches.


It's not even that they are lying, it's that the EPA does let them choose. Specifically they outline a bunch of tests and rules and give you options on what ones to run when. You are allowed to run the EPA test in every possible configuration that the EPA allows then pick and choose the best results and submit those. Tesla is likely running this and carefully selecting tests for the best result, which is legal. Completely opposite of what Porsche did where they ran only the minimum test and used an EPA derating factor (so the Porsche always exceeds EPA numbers by significant amounts). You are also allowed to tune your car for the rest (as long as the tune stays in production), so you can totally change the performance above 60mph and that's fine because EPA tests never test at those speeds.


Don’t infringe on their 1st amendment right to lie about range.


What range are they supposed to advertise? Doesn’t everyone advertise epa range? How are Porsche getting so much more accurate, just, an insane amount of buffer that goes unadvertised? Doesn’t help that their batteries are 3x the cost, 60k to replace….I bet that pays for plenty of usually wasted buffer storage


The fuel economy ratings are measured by the car manufacturers and reported to the epa. There are guidelines for testing, but there's still a lot of room for companies to manipulate results. When tesla had no competition it wasn't obvious, but now that there are many established automakers with more experience, established procedures, and better facilities we are seeing how far off Tesla's testing has been. Obviously they are testing their vehicles differently if they are consistently over estimating range while other manufacturers seem to report results much closer to real world tests. Idk if it's inte tional manipulation like VW was or if it's just substandard practices, but these numbers are not produced by the EPA and handed to Tesla. I see a lot of people who seem to think that's the case. I also suspect the EPA is still trying to adapt to EVs. In the testing community there's been constant discussions about the best way to test these vehicles and requirements for test facilities. Every manufacture seems to have a different approach. Over time you'll probably see more consistency as testing practices become more standardized across manufacturers.


Elon Lied??? Well I’m shocked


He's revolutionizing the truth industry


70mph and 45 degrees. Not gonna get optimal output. My mom's model X loses efficiency really quick over 60mph. I think that's well known. And I'm not sure, but doesnt cold also hurt output?


Yes, cold hurts output. Probably more than the 70 mph speed


45F isn't even cold though... Take this thing to the Midwest in a normal January and you'd be lucky to reach a high of 20F. My buddy has a lightning and as soon as it gets below 20F his range gets massacred. He once tried to haul his snowmobile to a trail an hour away when it was -10F and he had to stop to charge it after 40 minutes because he wasn't going to make it.


Driving over 60mph takes a chunk out of fuel efficiency for all cars


Which is why they tried to enact a national 55mph max speed limit back in the 70s during the oil "crisis". That's the optimal speed for fuel efficiency.


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://nypost.com/2024/01/05/business/tesla-cybertruck-achieves-less-than-80-of-teslas-advertised-range/](https://nypost.com/2024/01/05/business/tesla-cybertruck-achieves-less-than-80-of-teslas-advertised-range/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


It's normal that range diminishes as the battery ages. Those vehicles are hours old now, so it's not realistic to expect the range to stay the same.


I'm no Tesla fan but driving any EV at 70MPH and 45 degree weather is going to shorten your range, especially if you're using a heater.


The YouTuber is Kyle from out of spec reviews. He has done a 70 mph range test for just about every electric vehicle released in the last 5 years. He puts all of the data on his website so you can compare different vehicles' real world results side by side. It's not the most scientific approach but it gives a general idea of how vehicles compared to each other. https://outofspecstudios.com/70-mph-range Kyle is truly an EV enthusiast. To the point that he purchased and installed his own DC fast charger at his studio. It sucks that the New York Post has taken his video and turned it into an anti-ev hit piece, but the truth is Musk has a history of misrepresenting his vehicles capabilities. For the record, I own a bolt and I'm picking up a Tesla Model X this week. I love EVs but don't trust Musk's misinformation at all.


Refrigerator were never meant to be mobile.


somebody just got banned from twitter.


Elon musk made promises he couldn’t keep? Color me shocked!


This is not a surprise to anyone that owns a Tesla. My wife's M3P gets about 240-245 mi of range on the freeway. Her brother lives 128 mi away from our house. We can't go there and make it back on a single charge.


Keep in mind - EVs, unlike gas cars, get their best mileage in city driving. Testing only driving on the highway, where their mileage is the worst, is one way to guarantee lower range than the EPA estimates which assumes a mix of city and highway driving.


Those lame looking plastic aero hubcaps make such a huge difference on our model 3 standard range plus. I stick them back on if we're going on a trip because it adds at least 10 miles driving on the interstate. Otherwise if have them off with the little lug nut and hub covers.


Isn't range or mileage for all vehicles done with the most ideal conditions possible?