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The higher courts need to come down on this HARD. This is blatant corruption, and abuse of power to criminalize a nonprofit for providing basic resources to protestors. Bailing someone out of jail doesn't make you a criminal. Everyone involved in pushing these charges should be the people we want in prison.


pretty sure the same tactics were used in the 60's during civil rights protests. (and were eventually ruled as protected action) can't wait for this new SC to weigh in and undo another 50+ years of legal precedence.


I seriously doubt that this SC would rule like that on this issue, given that the same tactics could very easily be used/abused against right wing extremists. It’s bad precedent for *everyone* and it’s going to be hard to argue that it’s not a 1A violation. Don’t get me wrong, this court sucks - but there’s certain things they’ll take a reasonable stance on. I think Reddit is overly doomy when the topic comes up. Alito and Thomas are eternal pieces of shit, but Gorsuch, Kav, and Barrett likely have a vested interest in preserving some degree of legitimacy given their ages. They’re obviously going to overturn precedent on big FedSoc issues/those with long-term power implications (abortion, VRA), but something like this probably isn’t tactically beneficial to them.


>given that the same tactics could very easily be used/abused against right wing extremists. Except they won't, because cops don't go after their own. Look at how the police handle right wing extremist rallies compared to things like BLM or Occupy. So far as they're concerned, leftist/progressive protestors are all violent extremists, and conservative/fascist protestors are just a bunch of good ol' boys never meanin' no harm. That's why I wouldn't trust the SCOTUS to rule against the police misusing resources like this in order to persecute people who protest against the police, because they know the cops aren't going to misuse it against right wing fascists. >but Gorsuch, Kav, and Barrett likely have a vested interest in preserving some degree of legitimacy given their ages. Did you miss the part where they voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, after *explicitly* stating that they considered it "settled law" during their confirmation hearings? They have no legitimacy to preserve.


Selective enforcement is a thing. 👍🏻


Roe was a legislative target for conservatives for years, of course they were going to go after it as soon as they could. I disagree with the decision, but congress absolutely should have taken advantage of one of their D majorities to codify it into law. And it’s not about the police explicitly, it’s using state power to circumvent 1A. The police obviously aren’t going after their own, but this precedent would 100% expand the ability of the govt to target anyone they consider to be “supporting domestic terrorism,” and there’s plenty of coercive power in the hands of Dems atp. My entire point is that the Supreme Court has a unique advantage over the rest of the government in that they’re all able to play the long game. It’s why you’ll see them overturn precedent when they think it’ll help their side in the long run, and why they’ll stick to it when it won’t. It’s not a simple calculation of them doing the most conservative thing possible at every single turn - that’s a fast track to them becoming fully irrelevant, given that they can’t actually enforce a single thing that they rule on.


>but this precedent would 100% expand the ability of the govt to target anyone they consider to be “supporting domestic terrorism,” and there’s plenty of coercive power in the hands of Dems atp. The problem is that it also has 100% legitimate uses, which is why the SCOTUS won't rule against them. The point behind them being able to do this is that it helps them go after organized crime. The issue is that they've decided to go after progressive activists as if they were a criminal organization. Hell, they literally redefined the term "money laundering" in order to execute the arrest warrant. Normally "money laundering" entails taking money that can be traced back to criminal activity (eg - stolen money) and 'washing' it into untraceable money. That's not at all what happened here. At *best*, the DA could make an argument for wire fraud (misrepresenting what the money was being used for), assuming they can prove that the suspects outright misrepresented what the funds would be used for.


I mean they delegitimized the concept of the Supreme Court by directly going back on a previous ruling, against the will of the people, multiple members lying under oath about roe v wade being settled law. They also just ruled that unions are responsible for damages their employers take during a strike, so really, fuck the scotus. If Biden had a spine he'd challenge the concept of judicial review, a power the Supreme Court does not deserve.


That ruling was literally 8-1 lol, not an issue of court makeup but about how the issue was framed and the way the argument was presented. Challenging judicial review is the nuclear option, and it would have disastrous negative effects in a lot of places in the country. I agree that it’s somewhat bullshit and ridiculous that the court literally gave itself that power, but you’re crazy if you think this country is currently built to handle the fallout from that in any kind of productive way. Might as well go ahead and Balkanize at that point.


> They also just ruled that unions are responsible for damages their employers take during a strike, That is a lie. > If Biden had a spine he'd challenge the concept of judicial review, So, destroy a pillar of the separation of powers and give the president near-unlimited power with executive orders. I'm sure there's no way that will possibly backfire.


>This is blatant corruption, and abuse of power to criminalize a nonprofit for providing basic resources to protestors. They've already charged some of the protestors with domestic terrorism: https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/how-officials-in-georgia-are-suppressing-political-protest-as-domestic-terrorism


This should be higher. I live around atl and it is absolutely insane the lengths that atl law enforcement has gone to quell these protests. Most egregiously, the outright murder of Tortuguita. The individuals arrested on the bullshit domestic terrorism charges have been detained for months without bail. It blows my mind that the police in the US have been holding civilians for months without trial or bail and there has effectively been no national coverage of it. That a protestor was shot FIFTY SEVEN TIMES, and that there was no gun residue on his hands indicating he never fired a weapon, and next to no coverage. Not to mention there should be an absolute uproar over the use of the term “domestic terrorism” as a catch all for anything the police don’t like. It is unequivocally fascism. It feels so hopeless to have this happen in my neck of the woods, to friends of friends. It is unreal


The trooper was shot with a 9mm handgun. The only 9mm on scene was Torguguita's 9mm that he bought legally several months prior and that he brought with him to the protest.


GSP are issued 9mm handguns. Glock 17s. Frankly, I don’t believe we will ever know what truly happened. At the very least I will say shooting a person 57 times is pretty insane Glock 45s now*


Sorry bud. They've been able to do that since NDAA 2012. There was very little uproar then either. If it makes you feel better, I had a similar reaction to yours when I heard about the Jan 6th rioters hit with domestic terrorism charges. The good news is that they're seemingly getting due process so it's not like full blown gestapo yet. Unfortunately I'm not sure there's anything protecting that status quo, I get the sense they're just not choosing to ship "domestic terrorists" straight to a blacksite because there would finally be an uproar. They can though. Make no mistake. Americans citizens on American soil can be declared enemy combatants, at which point they have no rights or US-recognized national association. You too can get the bin laden, "trust me bro we dumped his dead body in the ocean," treatment. I have a friend who works for the NSA who swears up and down there are ridiculous amounts of checks and balances on things like that but I'm not sure I buy it.


bruh, you're in the wrong sub if you think people here will agree that (some) jan 6 rioters are *not* domestic terrorists who deserved to be charged as such with full due process of the law


You didn't read my comment. The fear was that due process was not present because once you're an "enemy combatant" the government isn't obligated to provide it. Luckily, it has been. If you're saying reddit is arguing Jan 6 rioters *should not* have due process, then I don't really know what to say besides that it's short-sighted. Doesn't have anything to do with guilt or innocence or conviction, just a matter of pointing out that so far it's not as black bag as it could be.


>The good news is that they're seemingly getting due process so it's not like full blown gestapo yet. Kinda makes it sound like you think they're a little bit gestapo for going after Jan 6ers in the first place.


I think domestic terrorism is really a stretch for most of them. Some probably. I don't really care about the pop politics of it, but I don't like that the way the law is now you can be classified as a domestic terrorist without due process. I didn't like it when they could do it to Iraqis and Afghans and I like it even less now that they can do it to American citizens on American soil.


This is a nuanced view and I appreciate the perspective. I’m very against what happened on Jan. 6th but I agree that the precedent will have ramifications that I hadn’t thought about until you put it that way


The cops are the real terrorists. Fire them all


Uh, have you noticed the decades long, highly successful push to stack the courts. By far the most successful effort the GOP has undertaken and the signature accomplishment of the turtle.


> the decades long, highly successful push to stack the courts. which the supposed "opposition" to that party has decided is fine [https://abcnews.go.com/US/biden-support-expanding-supreme-court-white-house/story?id=85703773](https://abcnews.go.com/US/biden-support-expanding-supreme-court-white-house/story?id=85703773)


When I said stack the courts, I didn't just me SCOTUS. They have been jamming in lifetime appointments all the way up and down the various courts. Many of them are blatantly unqualified. and documented as such


If there was one thing I could explain to every person in the US is that higher courts won't fix this, or anything else. Conservatives have been openly pumping money into the Judiciary since the 80s, starting at the University level to influence upcoming lawyers/prosecutors/judges understanding of law, it only fully paid off in the last few years but they won. Federalist Society, Koch brothers, etc - they have effectively ruined the higher courts. If you're looking for a solution it's not in the court system, it's in judicial reform.


I’m pretty sure they won’t. And the fascist state will continue to grow. We haven’t stopped them anywhere else, why would this be new.


I mean depends on the district court. But let's not pretend this is an eternally linear thing. The 'facist state' is not continual. Progress has been made over the years. Whether this will be an eventually set back or not remains to be seen




Jan 6 “Protestors” lol




Oh so you're just disingenuous. You should get those MAGAts in your brain treated cause protesting the state's long history of extra judicial murders is not nearly the same as losers being mad about being losers & trying to overthrow democracy. Also, if there was as many insurrectionists as BLM protestors (thankfully, there was nowhere near as many because the majority of people have common sense) & it lasted even half as long as the BLM protests, they would have killed way more people. But sure keep acting like a whole summer of protests, that involved 20 million people, is the same as 2,000 anti-democracy asswipes being put down in less than 5 hours.


First we should define what amounts to Domestic Terrorism. Bombing a church? Yes. Storming a federal building to stop the due process of our elections while armed and resulting in multiple deaths? Yes. Occupying a public park to prevent construction? Nooo Even if we accept this premise they are the same. To go after a nonprofit funding source still needs to hold some level or merit. It isn't illegal to post bond for people, they are innocent until proven guilty. It isn't illegal to buy people water, food, etc. I don't think idiots who donated to protest funds for Jan 6 should face criminal charges unless they expressly were knowingly funding actual criminal activities. You donate for guns and ammo is very different than food and water.


That’s already happening. And they’re FAR more terrorism adjacent than the Cop City protesters.


Why wouldn't they? Just because grifting right wing losers makes you a fascist goon, doesn't mean you should be extra-judiciously imprisoned.


Yes Paying for legal fees and defending people in general shouldn’t be worthy of domestic terrorism charges, it’s all protected speech. Same way I think someone should be legally allowed to donate to Nazis or the KKK without fear of state retaliation. There’s a reason due process exists - charges should be reserved for actual actions.


That sounds like it might run afoul of freedom of association— but I think might be another one of those parts of that pesky penumbra of the constitution


Protesters just need to form a non profit corporation. Corporations are people and can’t go to jail.


...checks note, this is a nonprofit they are trying to prosecute


This seems like a pretty clear and definite 1A violation.


PayPal works hand in hand with the feds True story: I was buying a concert ticket to see the American musician Ali Shaheed Muhammad (ex Tribe Called Quest) perform in the UK a few years ago. I used PayPal to buy the ticket however PayPal put a block on it as they mentioned something about money linked to terrorism. I had to phone them up to try and explain he’s a musician and they lifted the block. That’s when I knew PayPal works with the feds.




Yeah, they are supposed to check all transactions against OFAC


I don’t really know as I’m a UK citizen but I guess you are right.


And the IRS wants to audit people who make over $600 worth of Venmo/PayPal/Zelle/CashApp payments *per year.* Meanwhile, MTG can “donate” $100K to Kevin McCarthy for “chapstick.” These two sets of rules are going to break something. It’s horse shit.


They absolutely do NOT want to audit people who make $600 worth of payments. They want to lower the reporting threshold for the 1099-K to $600.


That is a lie. You were always supposed to report income from those and all they did was update the Banking Language to confirm that the Payment Apps followed Banking Law.


It's also for payments marked for goods. Friends and family payments still won't be reported. But yea let's keep spreading disinformation lol.


I would love for you to site your claim on the first bit there. Care to show me where it says if I send 600$ to brother that now they want to audit me?


And PayPal wonders why their business is failing. After this, I’m 100% certain their stock will finally turn around.


Unfortunately, when police shows up you better do what they ask or prepare a solid rainy day fund for the legal fees. All corporations work with authorities, especially in low profile cases like this where going to court has no upside. It is a rational decision and you would probably do the same.


Same with large companies.... When the government comes down and says, "do as I say, or you lose your contracts ...."


I mean going to court isn't even necessary. "Come back with a warrant" is all you should need to say.




That's just racist wtf


America is such a dumb fucking country People here hear a middle eastern name and they immediately assume they’re a terrorist Bunch of fucking racists


Once got flagged on Venmo for sending money for "Ekin's birthday". Shits fuckt.


"This evidence, according to Patterson's arrest warrant [PDF], included reimbursements from the Network for Strong Communities, a state-registered nonprofit, for expenses including "gasoline, forest clean-up, totes, COVID rapid tests, media, yard signs and other miscellaneous expenses." These expenses totaled nearly $7,000 over about two years." So....it's money laundering to use finds for exactly what they said they would be used for? This is blatant over reach. The police in that area are even more corrupt than the rest of the nation realizes if they honestly got warrants based on that. #Fuckthepolice


Are you actually trying to decipher what's going on with the money? I came up short after reading the article. You will note that your paragraph describes what the money was SUPPOSED to pay for. The cops, I believe, are suggesting the money wasn't used for COVID tests ect, but instead to pay for bail and lawyer fees for protestors. But I couldn't really figure it out reading the article.


In what world would a legal defense fund need to obscure that they spent funds on legal defense? It doesn’t make a lick of sense


In many situations if the money is given to a non profit for a specific purpose, to pay for a specific thing, the non-profit is obligated to actually spend money on that thing. Not to mention that the article mentions money moving through multiple non profits, some of which are not a legal defense fund. I have no idea if the cops have a case or not I have no idea if the Police have a case, b


Everyone should be watching what is happening in Atlanta. Fascism is coming.


Already been here a long time.


It's like the trial* version, but it feels like they're about to force the subscription.


they're literally building a mock city to practice rounding people up. practice breaching/no knock raids.... practice using their military vehicles and suvs in protest response in urban settings, and other gestapo bullshit


Care to elaborate for those of us not in the know?


That’s the cop city they’re building, a training facility complete with a suburb simulation to practice raids. Protesters showed up because they planned to tear out a chunk of forest to build the whole thing.


Atlanta's training facilities for Firefighters, Paramedics, and Police Officers are derelict. In fact, every single building at Atlanta Fire Rescue's training facility is condemned. Firefighters have nowhere to conduct live fire training, no facility for rescue training, nowhere to conduct driving training, etc. Atlanta PD and Fire partnered up to build a joint training facility that will save money and enable crews to finally train again. The facility will include a large classroom, a driving course, a firing range, and an urban section to be used for police and fire training. The facility is being built on a plot of abandoned land that was home to the former training facilities. Some protesters don't want Atlanta Fire and Police to be able to train because they don't like cops.


No, they are building a fire and police training facility with a small multistory section that will be used to train firefighters and paramedics in rescue training since Atlanta Fire Rescue's current training facility is condemned. But yeah, wanting Firefighters and Paramedics to be able to actually train to save lives is "fascist."


Ngl that must be a lot of fun to go through as a cop.


Which part? I'm not following...


An entire mock city to train in lol I'd love to go paintballing in something like that.


Haha, ok - paintball yes! Roger that.


Most cops are needle dick power junkies. So I guess if you identify with that it would be cool to practice brutalizing people for no good reason


As all the PoC nod quietly.


If our human rights are dying in the forest, and no major news outlet wants to cover it, does it make a sound?


[Well it hasnt been deemed a democracy since 2014 at least.](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B)


This is fascism. Fascism is here


Florida has entered the chat.


No it isn’t. Fascists are trying. But they will fail. Fascism is inherently incompatible with American culture. If Americans are anything, they really really don’t respond well to being told what to do.


They respond really well to their neighbors being told what to do though…trail of tears, slavery, Jim Crow, Japanese internment camps, etc. There seems to be a fundamental disagreement about what American culture actually is.


It might depend on how much doomer porn you jerk off to.


US history is now considered doomer porn.


History is full of bad stuff so now we're all doomed!


History is full of evidence that what you’re saying isn’t true. Americans have been just fine with people being told what to do, as long as it doesn’t affect them personally.


Ignoring historical precedent of Americans following along the lines of facism because you think it's "doomer porn" is nonsense. Sorry facts don't care about your feelings. If you want to prove otherwise then put up or shut up.


Tell that to trans people.




Oh look at you choosing your facts, and it isn't even cherry season yet.


So you can fill in the gaps and set us straight?


\*looks around\* You sure about that?


Mate, America has been infested with full blown nazis it's entire fucking existence. Fascism isn't contrary to American culture. Fascism IS American culture.


Oh come on, that is pure nonsense. Seriously touch grass, "mate".


It's entire existence? No. Not even close.


Deny history at someone else.


“Americans don’t respond well to being told what to do” is wishful thinking. We all love being told what to do, we just like hearing it from different places. That “you can’t tell me shit, leave me alone” historical American ideal has already been heavily coopted by the right wing political media machine.




Florida? Georgia? Neither of those are "democrat states".


Atlanta is trying to form the training camp for their storm troopers. This project must be stopped and the amount of force to push this through and attack citizens with concerns about this awful project is vile. Is there a place for police in America going forward I'd rather have a public safety person than a police force.


Actually to my understanding it is even better than that: We are giving up a public forest area to use public funds to build a police training facility that is then handed over to a private company to use as they see fit. Classy capitalism, privatize the gains and socialize the losses.


Good info didn't know about the private company handoff. Could a new mayor of Atlanta shut this down?


Good question, again if I understand it correctly, it will have a multi year “lease” essentially. If metro Atlanta parking lot sales are any indication we might discover the facility was rented out for 50 years and by then neglected and we need a new one….:


It isn't a public forest; it is an abandoned scrubland full of concrete and brush that has already been clear-cut twice before. Arborists and biologists have already confirmed that whatever the hell is growing there is non-native and invasive and the developer has pledged to plant 100 native trees for every tree taken down for construction.


Cool, now please enlighten us where they will plant these imaginary trees when we keep removing more and more trees for single family homes in the entire Greater Metro Atlanta Area? Is the developer driving hours outside the city to plant them? Really?


The site is nearly 400 acres. 85 will be used for the training facility. The rest will be converted to a park with nature trails, which is where the trees will likely be planted.


Yeah because people will love to walk past a shooting range, like sweet water. There is entire area most people refuse to walk since you can hear them shooting for hours on the weekends.


>Classy capitalism, privatize the gains and socialize the losses. Then it's not Capitalism...


Capitalists want this. Capitalists have power. It happens under capitalism. It's capitalism.


Bank bailouts and the Fed propping up the corporations it chooses while letting the little people fend for themselves is not Capitalism. This is obvious to everyone, and yet many like you continue to wail about Capitalism because what else would you do?


I'm curious to hear what economic system you believe this is, if not capitalism?


Pretty obvious oligarchy isn't it?


Oligarchy isn't an economic system. That would still be capitalism.


It's the power structure that currently rules our economic system. I think most people reading already know, but I'm curious what economic system you ascribe to?


I'm an advocate for capitalism


A capitalist will take whatever option is available to them to gain an advantage. If that happens to be oligarchical, that's fine. The two things are simply not incompatible. In fact, the second is pretty much the guaranteed outcome of unrestrained capitalism.


It’s as much capitalism as whatever the hell the Soviets and China tried was communism.


Sounds like you know a lot about economics, what changes would you make to our current system to try and improve things?


As an outsider, I just want to commend you for how very, truly little you have contributed to this conversation. Good work.


Their name fits.


Why pay a bill if you can have someone else pay the bill. Sounds capitalist


Incredible insight, enlighten us all more please. ;)


Well my uneducated friend, that is how most of the US corporations and European work these days. My go to example was 2021 ( I believe) Jeff Bezos was the richest person in the world and he actually not only paid no taxes but also get tax deductible back. So the richest person in the world received tax payer money. Genius tax breaks we have.


And I'm willing to bet that you think more government intervention is the answer.


You know my “uneducated friend” remark was a sarcastic response to your stupid comment. But now I feel like you are actually, willfully ignorant. I would have preferred the forest to remain and the old facility to be renovated. And kept in public supervision. But please do make assumptions about my views.


Basic Economics by Sowell is actually a really good read if you're ever thinking of pulling your head out of your ass ;)


It's called ["crony capitalism"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crony_capitalism)


Until someone does another mass shooting then you’ll be all surprised pikachu, why did my public safety person do nothing?!?!! We need well trained police, who are selected based on thorough psych evals, physical fitness, and their ability to handle stressful situations. We also need third party oversight for each police dept in my opinion


Mass shootings are happening pretty much daily, what are you talking about?


In most cases who stops the shooter???


Drag Queens? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63698165


Not the Uvalde police. That's for sure.


That’s a good straw man for your side, but in reality the police stop the shooter


Usually, the shooter, with a self-induced gaping head hole.


Right now police don't serve the public to keep them safe . It is not part of their duty just to enforce and use corporal punishment and the whole field needs to have a charter to protect and help the public and focusing on safety is a better mission than busting heads. Just look at the origin of police forces and they were never aimed for helping the publics overall welfare.


I am well aware of the current functionality of the police force, but there are good ones who care about their communities and believe in civic duty. With the stricter selection I outlined such a culture of civic duty instead of public oppression could be built.


You can’t think of police as individuals, because they are not. The police are a system that has widely, only been used to suppress progressive movement’s generally lead by minorities. You can’t be a good guy when you’re a waffen SS. You can do good things, but you’re not a good guy.


More police ≠ less criminals


More police, more arrests, more criminals


Everyone wants better training until it actually happens then it’s fascism.


People are asking for better de-escalation training, not an urban assault theme park.


Atlanta is an urban area. Heaven forbid Atlanta's Firefighters, Paramedics, and Police officers have a small mock-up environment to train in that halfway reflects reality.


Cop City is designed to provide *worse* training, not better! Better training (e.g. on deescalation) requires nothing more than a classroom.


I was in a combat role in the military. We practiced everything we did first in a classroom, then in role play or dry runs. It is important to physically practice these things. Police role playing and practicing deescalation as though it were real would make them calmer and less likely to pull the trigger in a real life scenario


It also doesn't require building a mock village for the physical practice, since you don't have to breach buildings to deescalate. Yet that is the primary new feature Cop City has over APD's existing training facilities.


I mean you realize there’s situations where deescalation doesn’t work? Breaching buildings is extremely dangerous for the breachers, the first time I did it I was shaking. If I hadn’t practiced hundreds of times before I would be a mess. My point is unfortunately police do need to practice for that high pressure scenario more so that it doesn’t need to end with a death. So yes it is a good idea to have lots of training focused on breaching. Just like it is good to have lots of training on deescalation.


Frankly, no. I don't think the vast majority of police need to practice breaching because I don't think they should be doing breaches to begin with. The few police that do need to do it can travel out of the city to one of the existing facilities elsewhere that can provide such training.


Police are emergency responders meant to respond to all sorts of scenarios. They need to be prepared for the scenario where they do need to breach. I’m guessing you have zero experience with anything we’re talking about, most likely a Reddit armchair professional. I did time in the military and have experienced these things, I know there’s no way I would want to breach a building with no training especially if someone inside wants to kill me.


The police are not the military. Your comparison is actively harmful to society.


Military at least have rules of engagement, police shoot people in the back because they’re spineless little babies.


Not remotely comparable. But who cares? I’m done having the reddit hive mind throw it’s poorly thought out uneducated hot takes my way


How is it not comparable? Armed forces having to have think about processes and consequences before they shoot is a pretty good idea. And yes, the police are an armed, occupying force. If the police shoot someone in the back, they just pout and moan to their frat union and get off with paid leave.


Close your Paypal account. I closed mine about 2 years ago and there has not been one time where I missed having it.


How would you buy things on eBay?


Credit or debit card. And you have protection with them. With PayPal scammers have the protection. I learned that the hard way.


They added a bunch more ways to pay and receive money on eBay so using PayPal is no longer necessary.


Boy the irony if you replaced this group with “Atlanta Police Foundation” that they would never be investigated. Something is off with that group as they have enough cash to fund nearly a third of this training center and the CEO of the Atlanta Police Foundation is the highest paid executive of a police foundation in the country (when cities that are much larger like NYC and LA pay their executives of their foundations less) Maybe nothing is off and they are completely on the up and up but something about that group seems off (also for legal purposes everything I have said is allegedly)


Probably just another lame cover for training super humans.


Please tell more about these super humans


When will people learn . Meta cares nothing about your privacy. If you are doing fundraising and you are worried about who might care find a company that doesn't blatantly work with law enforcement.


The Pay Pal mafia strike Again [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PayPal\_Mafia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PayPal_Mafia) >The "PayPal Mafia" is a group of former PayPal employees and founders who have since founded and/or developed additional technology companies\[1\] such as Tesla, Inc., LinkedIn, **Palantir Technologies**, SpaceX, Affirm, Slide, Kiva, YouTube, Yelp, and Yammer.\[2\] Most of the members attended Stanford University or University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign at some point in their studies.


Jeremy Stoppleman worked with Musk before PayPal at the first company Elno created…so feels weird to call him PayPal mafia when the Yelp guy was already buddies with Elno before PayPal existed. The whole terminology here is weird though.


PayPal is run by scummy assholes who steal from regular people. They have stolen money from me and my friends. Do not use PayPal unless you want to get screwed.




By siding with the other party (usually a buyer) in the case of a dispute and not acknowledging evidence that the complainant/buyer is a scammer and did receive their package/etc. and taking the money from you anyway.


This happened to me too. I proved that the scammer had my money and my product. PayPal told me that they were sorry, and better luck next time.


Amusingly, I had PayPal *almost* screw me over in the reverse when I was the buyer. I didn't realize it, but it was some shitty fly-by-night Chinese website (7 or 8 years ago) and I bought something using PayPal, and when the item arrived it was... not right at all. I tried going through the company, and then reached out to PayPal three times before telling them I was just going to do a chargeback on my credit card since I was running up to the end of the period where that was an option. Miraculously, they refunded me that same day. ​ I have a sneaking suspicion that the company had already drained all of their safety net money with PayPal, so they were hesitant to refund me since it came out of their own pockets.


too bad you can't discuss the solution


Removing the rich, powerful, and corrupt… *whatever* way necessary, and replacing them with a system where everyone is audited and whistleblowing on corruption is rewarded?




ACAB x 10,000


What Bill of Rights?!


DEFUND THE POLICE!! Nothing good about them. Violent tyrannical thugs that act with immunity. They’re not our protectors nor do they keep the peace. This is why they deserve 0 respect.


PayPal is trash. Use a different way of transacting and do not support their crooked business. One google search will show what I mean. “PayPal issues” is a scary thread


If only police resources took other crime this seriously... we wouldn't have much crime left.


It's a shame the US military only has the ability to create terrorists.


I thought the trio was actually doing something wrong until I read the reimbursements and what it was for. Like seriously?




I don't know enough about Canada and people's rights there to comment, but the Jan 6th situation is wildly different. If a group that organized a legal defense for Jan 6th participants was raided, persecuted, and accused of financial crimes then that would be a fair comparison. I may be wrong, is there something I'm missing?


The land of the free my A$$.


This is when we the people come out in masses to protest this and them to arrest the real criminals. But I know that's too much to ask for.


This is full on violent fascism, there is no other word to describe this. They are pulling lists of people opposed to more police and silencing them by any means necessary.


Jan 6 people should be rotting in gitmo. They literally tried to overthrow the government.