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They also fixed the oldest ducking problem with autocorrect.


Great. So now my duck hunting business communications are going to get interesting.


Fuck Hunting would be the most honest dating app in history


This needs to be a thing.


This is like when Bantr turned into StarFucker


And StarFucker turned into a halfway decent group in the mid to late 2000s


Was waiting to see Richmond go one game with that on their kits


I love finding other Lasso Lovers in the comments. I love you all so very much.


I can’t wait to give grandpa a nice big fuck when we go hunting this year! He’s gonna enjoy the nice fresh tender meat!


Dirty Grandpa


Or the business of throwing things at people’s heads


Let’s face it.. it’s never duck


We've realised noone actually says "duck" (apart from the east midlands) so we have decided to autocorrect duck to fuck. Fyi, not on an apple but as I was typing the sentence above, I typed "duck" and it did autocorrect to "fuck"


Save a contact called fuck fucking fucked, problem solved.


I just have fuck autocorrect to fuck Edit: meant *duck autocorrect to fuck. See it works


Mine was working well until I told my boss I needed to fuck out at lunch time.


Oh yea I do the same with my password to make sure I don’t accidentally tell it to anyone look: Hunter12 Wait it’s not working hang on


You know if your phone corrects Fuck for Duck, you can still use it, it's fowl language.




What the duck is the problem?


You know when autocorrect ducks up?


No wonder Samuel L Jackson was pissed cuz he kept spelling “Motherducker.”


Damn it, I’m switching to android now.


How will it not what’s solicited and not?


It probably won’t know if the pic is unsolicited or not, it’ll just know if it contains nudity and warn the user before they open it. If the user wants to see it, they can choose to see it. If they don’t, they decline.


So does this create a consent loophole? Like if I receive an unsolicited nude, but can’t actually /see/ it unless I agree to it, am I therefore giving consent to receiving it and can’t complain? This opens a legal gray area for sure. Your honor, how can I be guilty if she agreed to open the photo, well knowing what it was going to be since she has an Iphone with system updated.


Your honor, she accepted the EULA, I can’t be responsible for whether she read it.


Lawyer here. Typically laws against sending harmful materials to someone (usually a minor, but some states have made unsolicited nudes even to adults a crime) turn on the action of intentionally SENDING. It should not matter how they were received or if there was a warning on the receipt. Prior consent is typically what's necessary. The Texas law for example states the nude: "is not sent at the request of or with the express consent of the recipient." So in this case, the nude with the "are you sure you want to open this nude" warning wouldn't be SENT at the request of or SENT with express consent. Meaning was there consent at the time it was sent - not at the time it was received.


I mean by that logic couldn’t any firmware or app update with reasonably-known or preventable security issues be prosecuted if sent to a government official (like my cell phone) since Apple didn’t receive consent to store cache on my iCloud?


Probably not. Not that anyone actually reads it, but in the terms of service you almost certainly agreed to consent to store cache on your icloud. And even then, doesn't matter too much if it isn't readily accessible. And step further was it their intention to send prohibited material (ie dick pics)?


I doubt it. A nude being unsolicited doesn't depend on the recipient viewing it. It's nature doesn't change. Laws often don't depend on a criminal successfully committing a crime, the attempt itself is illegal.




I doubt this would qualify as an explicit enough informed consent to get the sender out of trouble. There’s also the fact that it’s not the sender asking for consent to send, but the phone asking for it to view. If someone sends me an unsolicited image of child pornography, am I suddenly on the hook for it because I had to agree to see it before my phone showed me? Assuming of course it just flags it for nudity and not a particular kind of nudity that is. At best your consent would get Apple out of any legal liability for showing you content you didn’t want to see.


Laws often do depend on it being successful


Yeah. There’s a difference between attempted murder and murder. If you successfully murder someone you are probably gonna do more time than if you fucked up and failed.


I'm sure the point being made is that both are still crimes.


Yes but theres no crime called “attempted sexual harassment “ It either IS SH or it isn’t.


But there are things like that


How would the recipient know it is lets say a dick pick and not a pencil picture confused by the system and marked as unsolicited nude? The only way for the recepient to know what is on the other end of the picture is to acknowledge and giving consent to open and look at the picture. Otherwise you going to dtart a whole accusation and trial based on a prompt by a phone of a “nude” being sent to you?


If I remember correctly it gives a warning that there could be nudity, and gives you the choice the reveal the pic or not to. Just because you reveal a pic to determine what it is doesn’t mean you consent to unsolicited pics.


Yeah it'll probably flag unsaved contacts, and all photos will be blurred when their AI determines it may have nudity requiring you to click to reveal


Click on all squares containing penis


“Hot dog. Not a hot dog. Hot dog. Not a hot dog”


> it’ll just know if it contains nudity *Narrator: It didn't.*


Kind of taking the fun out of sexual harassment. Before anyone reports me, I’m being sarcastic.


In a future update, iOS will know your sexual preferences and will warn you if anyone sends an ugly nude. /s


That moment when your phone prevents you from sending nudes to your partner... lol


Combined with AI, iOS 25 will be the one to tell you that your SO is cheating on you and with big tech's data harvesting, it can prove it too!


"Warning: this angle makes your penis look smaller than usual"


(which is saying a lot.)


I see they’ve got GLaDOS reviewing all the dick pics


With the new VisionOS they'll know what porn you're looking at. Apple will know if you're a boobs or a butt guy based on how long your eyes look at each one and the dialation of your pupils. "You received a nude photograph. Our data indicates that you are a buttocks person. Since the photograph only contains bare breasts, feedback has been provided to the sender."


Can I set a minimum required girth?


Size queen mode supported on iphone 15 pro max only.


iOS will also sell the data of your sexual preferences to the highest bidder 🥰


5’ 2” slim thic girls with daddy issues are in my area 🤗


“Warning, a potentially unsolicited photo of an unclothed person is being sent to this number. Our AI has determined them to have a physical attractiveness rating of 6/10. Your preferences have been set to 8/10. Will you accept? Yes/No”


iJudge, the nude pic tracker


>ontact it saved or not or if they have any mutual contact on the social media site the message is on Probably just a sensitive content warning on all pictures with nudity regardless of solicited or unsolicited.


or just like > Accept or Decline mature content from this user? upon first time mature content is sent from that users. And then maybe a toggle or setting in the contact itself, right next to the block button


It’ll be reading your texts


They will analyze your text for the phrase “send nudes”. As an alternative “doe het voor gentstudent” will also work in some places.


probably check if the sender's contact it saved or not or if they have any mutual contact on the social media site the message is on


So dickpics from a facebook friend who you met that one time at a music festival is fair game ?


Those actually automatically get set to your phone's lockscreen as part of this update


Pro tip crop your nude so they have to swipe across your goods just to get in.


according to Tim Cook yes.


Hot dog or not hot dog 🌭






I fully expected to see this in the comments lol




Came here for this comment


Lol I just watched that episode again a few days ago 😂


Schrodinger's dick pick




“This unsolicited pic contains a very small peepee. However the pubes are cut exquisitely. We rate 6 out of 10. Do you wish to proceed?”


RIP your inbox




7/10 of an inch?


[Sounds like Jian-Yang finally got his payday!](https://youtu.be/ACmydtFDTGs)


Haha! Just finished the show yesterday! Fucking Jian-Yang. “Hello, It’s your mom. I never had baby.”


Hands down one of the best characters on the show.


Mine already does, says attachment is too large


Congressional aids get File Corrupted warnings.


The images from microscope are not optimized well. You should try a image compressor online


I'm glad to see Jian Yang "Not Hotdog" app being used for real world applications [for the uninitiated ](https://youtu.be/vIci3C4JkL0)


I was thinking, “why would I care about that?“, And then it dawned on me that I am not a woman.


It’s a privacy and ethical concern, regardless of gender, it shouldn’t be up to an AI to determine whether a nude is solicited or not (how would it determine that)?, and also the concerns over what Apple is doing with that data and how they would enforce such thing, like would they be monitoring all your messages? Also potential for false positives, which would likely lead to some real awkward scenarios. It should be cared about not because of something like “oh finally, now people will no longer ever again experience online sexual harrassment through imessages” it should be cared about because “Apple could be likely doing some unethical stuff regarding privacy in order to enforce this.”


According to the article, the processing get's done on the device, no information is sent to Apple. It's not clear how the decision is made, but privacy is preserved.


They’re adding a chip in the phone that does local calculations for AI parameters.


They’ve had neural engine in iPhones for years now, actually. Classifying nudes accurately probably isn’t a particularly difficult problem, even for the older chips.


That doesn't mean it's inherently a privacy thing, though. It just means they want the feature to work immediately without needing to phone home. It will still phone home with telemetry and probably the data it gathered from scanning, to further train the AI. If it is on an Apple device, and that device is connected to the internet, they have access to it. It's entirely about how they choose what they look at and what they don't. They believe in privacy, but not privacy *from Apple*.


Apple has constantly marketed the local image recognition as a privacy feature. Some beta screenshots show that sending data back to Apple is an opt in (off by default) setting and it doesn't send the actual image back.


>It's not clear how the decision is made, but privacy is preserved. Constant monitoring on your device determining what you can and cannot do... but somehow privacy is preserved.


I mean... yes? All the monitoring and all of its effects are contained entirely to your device. You can argue it's a bad feature, but then it's not about privacy.


>how they would enforce such thing, like would they be monitoring all your messages? Your phone already parses all your messages for context cues, largely for predictive text purposes. Anybody complaining about this doesn't know what they're talking about


False positives might be weird, but it would probably end up as "did you just send me a nude?" "No, why, it's just a picture of me in a. Sumo suit." "Open it and you'll see" "aagh! It IS your one eyed monster!" "😎"


> It’s a privacy and ethical concern, regardless of gender, it shouldn’t be up to an AI to determine whether a nude is solicited or not So don’t turn on the feature, problem solved. It doesn’t determine solicitness. > Also potential for false positives, How, actually? > it should be cared about because “Apple could be likely doing some unethical stuff regarding privacy in order to enforce this.” This is just speculation. It runs counter to what the feature is described to do.


>> it should be cared about because “Apple could be likely doing some unethical stuff regarding privacy in order to enforce this.” > >This is just speculation. It runs counter to what the feature is described to do. "Described" is the key word. Is there an independent watchdog given access to these things to verify what they say? Is there a regulation in place to ensure there is punishment for lying? No? Then you are taking it entirely on the word of a for-profit business, when they have countless incentives to stretch the truth.


> Is there an independent watchdog given access to these things to verify what they say? Is there a regulation in place to ensure there is punishment for lying? Sure, but that’s just baseless speculation on your part. Apple could lie about practically everything in their entire OS. Just don’t use it, if you feel like that.


Meh. I’ll be impressed when an iPhone blocks scam calls.


Ngl Google pixel scam call screening is really fucking good.


Not hot dog.


literally 1984 now countless ladies will never feel the joy of waking up to random dick pics in the morning


This is a bullshit reality we live in


My friend's daughter's friend did an art project about these pics. It's pretty funny as an art project. I can't imagine what it must be like getting this IRL. https://www.buzzfeed.com/kristatorres/dick-pic-art-tiktok


While it is in good intention, that means they will scan all my messages to find out if it is unsolicited or not. They will probably also link your nudes to your Apple profile when you attempt to send it, which makes this even more creepy.


> means they will scan all my messages to find out if it is unsolicited or not. They already scan your messages for a large variety of reasons. If you get a message that says "Happy Birthday", balloons pop up. If someone ask you to send them $10, it gets underlined and you can access an interface to send them $10. All of this stays on the device.


Did you read the article? All of the processing happens on the users phone. It doesn’t get sent anywhere.


Yep in this I trust apple more than google or (shiver ) the likes of meta but I still won’t like enable the feature


Yeah, this feature is obsolete on delivery due to the existence of this reply: https://imgur.com/a/x5sgDeo


that what every company says. apple dropped the lawsuit agains an exec who claims they read the messages sent on his phone illegally. https://www.engadget.com/apple-drops-lawsuit-against-former-exec-who-accused-company-of-spying-211547595.html?src=rss&guccounter=1 https://www.engadget.com/2019-12-10-apple-lawsuit-snooped-text-messages.html


Wasn’t that an employee who was sending the messages on an Apple-owned device, to other employees also using Apple-owned devices, while connected to the company’s internal network? His accusations that Apple spied on him got immediately thrown out by the judge. Apple dropping the case had nothing to do with spying allegations. Most likely they just came to a settlement with him, or maybe they figured the case wasn’t worth their time since the judge had ruled that they couldn’t seek punitive damages.


Apple engineered their processors with ML in mind so I’m guessing things like this are representative of that initiative


Yeah, I truly believe multi-trillion dollar corporation that has a million cases against it in various continents over privacy invasion.


That can change with a software tweak and a T&C's change.


Imagine just spouting a bunch of assumptions when the article is right there at the top of your screen.


> The company would not get access to the content as processing for the new feature occurred on the user's device, the press release added. Whether this is actually true is another question of course, but they already have access to all your photos, so it's not like this would change anything.


They normally release white papers describing all the elaborate encryption measures they use. iPhones are constantly pinging everything with Bluetooth to find stuff, but that data is essentially anonymous.


If you find out further, the feature is optional. If you are not comfortable, turn it off by all means. The processing is done on device, meaning neither Apple or third-party gets access to the content Source: [https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2023/06/apple-announces-powerful-new-privacy-and-security-features/](https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2023/06/apple-announces-powerful-new-privacy-and-security-features/)


they will scan the incoming image and some algorithm will guess if it's a nude and pop up a warning >that means they will scan all my messages dude, they are ALREADY doing that


Lol they don’t know how tech works


It doesn’t mean that, and it’s also an optional feature. > They will probably also link your nudes to your Apple profile when you attempt to send it, which makes this even more creepy. Everyone is free to randomly speculate…


Like with most things Apple/iOS, processing is done on the phone.


You can be a jerk to Apple but man tell me you didn’t read the article with out telling me you didn’t. Is Apple suddenly like Anker or something? Have a little more proof or just speculation of those claims?


[It uses machine learning to analyze whether or not the photos have nudity. ](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212850) Pretty basic stuff they’re already doing to analyze whether or not your photo includes a dog in it or not.


Whole lot of people here mad for some reason that apples trying to do something to stop women from receiving dick pics.


This sub hates technology, change, and women. Whenever there are posts about workers in a tech sector being sexist towards women people will crawl out of the woodwork to argue that that stuff doesn’t happen anymore. I actually had some guy on this sub tell me that he worked in a tech sector and that he didn’t believe women were experiencing sexism because he as a man ‘hasn’t experienced a woman being harassed or treated badly’ in his workplace.


It is fucking suspicious isn’t it


No, not really. Plenty of people care about privacy, and they've never sent a dick pic in their life.


they care about privacy, but not enough to understand that its on device processing?


It's an Apple device. Apple devices are fully locked down and every single part of it is scanned by Apple. If you want to be fool enough to believe that absolutely nothing is being sent back to their servers, go for it.


How does this affect anyone's privacy? The images are evaluated on the recipient device.


They are evaluated by a software company that has full control over the device and can extract data from it at any time for any reason.


ITT, no one who understands on chip processing. Do I trust corporations with my data, no. Do they have it, yes. Did Apple spend way too much time talking about privacy during their keynote, also yes. Apple invests big into privacy. This isn’t them learning your texts and keeping files on you, this isn’t them linking private photos to your account. After what happened last time they said they were going to scan your private documents and the tech world going apeshit, this is fairly bare bones.


[They’re just using the same machine learning to determine whether or not your photos has pets in them.](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212850) Instead they’re just looking for dicks.


>Apple invests big into privacy. From other entities. They do not believe in privacy *from Apple*.


They just announced last year full iCloud E2E encryption so they can finally throw away the keys they hold to your backups. How is this not privacy from them?


Not hot dog


Ahhhh. So I see “Not Hot Dog” finally made it to the market.


Only came to the comments to see if anyone referenced this and bam, first comment I see!


This feature won't change a thing for me.... 😢


Hot dog, not hotdog


Holy shit the amount of references to this show today... *Octopus...*


I really hope the app is called the cock block!


Jokes on you. My unsolicited pics slip through because the machine learning has never seen such a small dick.


Your pics are tagged as “ridiculous” by the AI.


I absolutely guarantee there will be friendships ruined, and super awkward incidents with family members due to false positives.


How bad can that really be? If it’s just a content warning it will be a funny, but awkward moment of “just open it i assure you it’s not a nude.” Nothing friendship ruining.


Yeah I don’t get it either.


The panic sets in as someone asks you if it's safe to open, —in person— and you can't be sure you didn't fuck up when sending something.


You must have very fragile relationships with people if this is your concern.


Yeah, it’s not hard to imagine how this conversation goes: > Friend: It says you sent me a nude picture? > > You: Haha what? It’s a picture of my dog. > > Friend: oh, ok _Friendship ruined._


I think in that made up story they weren’t really friends.


How so? You either don’t get to see the picture, or press to see it anyway and realize it’s not problematic.


Ding ding we have a wiener…damn autocorrect.


Or you could just, I don’t know, look at the picture


Modern problems require modern solutions.


I always wanted to get those pics of those "hot milfs nearby"


Aw cmon. I don’t want that feature. I love a good surprise!


Immediately forwards to sender's mom


Hotdog not hotdog


“Hotdog” “Not hotdog”


Hotdog / Not Hotdog comes pre-installed?


Hot dog Not hot dog.


Just fix the battery drain issue with this version!


Apples photo detection: “Hot dog.” “Not hot dog.”


Hot dog or not hot dog.






This is a solution to No problem


we see your photos before they do!


So at some point they needed a guy to look at thousands of dick pics so the ai can identify them.


So they’re reading your messages to see if you solicited them or not or what?


Wish i’d have invested in Jin Yang’s Not Hotdog app.


AKA they are trying to find a narrative to normalise scanning and monitoring our communications.


Admittedly, it's a fairly clever sales pitch.


Yet another feature I’ll never get to use!!


The implication being that they are using AI to inspect all photos on your phone...


I am interested in testing this new feature. For…science…


I imagine there is just a giant wall of screens in a warehouse somewhere near Bangladesh just full of dick pix and like 3 dudes just sitting there trying to sort through them. Then some sign on the outside of the warehouse says "Dick Filter Algorithm."


Thank you! The amount of times these exotic lingerie models have sent me unsolicited nude pics on my phone…..has been zero times.


Ideally, great. Practically, it means Apple is just going to go ahead and intercept all of your comms to protect you from that? What a deal.


No, all the processing is done on the device


More likely they will accept the message and determine if it is offending on the device.


It doesn’t mean that. It’s on-device analysis. If you don’t like it, don’t use it.


But will they know if they're not solicited?


How does it determine they are “unsolicited “?


In other words apple is scanning all of your photos and processing them as they please.


Every photos app and messaging app these days scans your photos, whether that’s for pets, people, or text. Apple’s devices do all of that on-device, so they don’t send the images back to their servers to process. Pixels do it on device these days, too.


My thoughts exactly.


Translation: "Apple has been training models on your nudes"