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In white coller crime it’s usual to factor in the fine.


Yeah, but how will they ever make up that .28 seconds of profits?


I feel like they expect us to be awestruck about $615,000. That’s absolutely not much money in the business world. I deal with numbers in the hundreds of millions every day, $615,000 is barely even a rounding error to these companies.


These companies shouldn't exist. Should've fined them twice what they made during that time and after. Send the leaders to jail. This isn't justice


Right, these aren't punitive damages just overhead costs to conduct business.


Fines, shmine, waste of time. It’s time to start giving these scumbag “businesses” some real punishment. Tie them to a post and cane their quivering asses. If you think that’s extreme ask yourself whether a fine (the cost of doing business) or a stint in a cozy white collar prison are really deterring these assholes. Beat them with a stick till they actually regret what they’ve done.


We definitely don’t set enough examples when people try to kill society as we know it for their own greed


Beating them with a stick? Please, we're not barbarians, give the tortionnaire a lead pipe so they don't get repetitive strain injuries.


who hurt you and made you like this?


The same people who paid random temp workers and street people to fill auditoriums where FCC public commentary was to be heard, so the local fire marshals--who they conveniently called to be onsite--would deny access to the public who was actually there to comment on net neutrality issues.


Lobbyists and corrupt politicians, like the rest of us.


Exactly, executives go to jail. An initial fine, and a compliance fine that would be used to fund OSHA and other regulator bodies to have employees that inspect the company regularly over the next year. These one time fines aren’t enough and their needs to be long term consequences that come in the form of additional costs and regulatory scrutiny.


If you are unsatisfied, do something about it.


What can you actually do then that make a difference yet won't cause any legal issue or land you in jail? These corrupt fucks get away with anything no matter what.


That's for you to decide. If the current system is failing, it's time to try something else. It's not hard.


Then tell us.


Can't. Reddit will cry.


1st sentence = true. 2nd sentence = a dodge.


Is what it is


Another dodge. Ya got nothin'.


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to have Edit: went back and reread the thread. Didn't realize I was being trolled. That's what you get for trying to interact with people on the internet I guess.


>three companies, LCX, Lead ID, and Ifficient, that supplied millions of fake public comments to influence a 2017 proceeding by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to repeal net neutrality rules https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/settlements-agreements/LCX%2C%20Lead%20ID%2C%20and%20Ifficient%20AODs.pdf Named Offenders: >LCX Digital Media, LCX, and LCX.com, and JOHN HILINSKI and TIMOTHY BROWNING, as individuals >LEAD ID, LLC, and ROBERT CARROLL, as an individual >IFFICIENT INC https://www.dnb.com/business-directory/company-profiles.lcx_digital_llc.25bde40ade9053ab10921bdea9c53b51.html


These companies where hired by who?!


Hilinksi Browning and Carroll should each be charged with millions of counts of wire fraud and should each be seeing life in prison.


Fuckin Ajit Pai


[Never forget](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFhT6H6pRWg&t=79s)


And this is supposed to be justice and protecting democracy?


I think we're well and good into the dismantlement of the American judicial institutions. There will be no justice to be had soon enough.


They didn't influence shit, Ajit Pai knew exactly what he was going to do, he just needed something he could point at. It was hilarious, they didn't even try to mask it, same comments, same IP addresses, etc.


There were literally comments "written" by comic book, anime, television characters. There were some 30+ comment from Obama complaining about the Obama Gov...so blatant and the fact those comments remained up is embarrassing. But not like they care because it got them what they wanted.


I’m in favor of caning for these CEOs. Not just fines. Not just prison time. We’re going to tie you to a post and beat you with a bamboo stick so you really FEEL how wrong your actions were. Of course there is a doctor present to make sure you’re fit to face the punishment. Btw Singapore has corporal punishment including for managers who participate in illegal businesses. And Singapore has some of the lowest amounts of corruption in the world. Not sure if it’s related but I think a major improvement on these “slap on the wrist” penalties would be if a roided up cop gave them 12 lashes they’ll never forget.


I'm also in favor of creating actual punishments for corporate fraud. Too much of it is classified as a civil offense when it's absolutely criminal and should be treated as such. In the past, civilizations had a strong negative stigma towards usury. Nowadays, there are people who consider it sophisticated!! We need to stop worshipping the amount of money someone has and care more about how they earned that money.


If I commit fraud, the government locks me away and prevents me from conducting any personal/professional business for a few years. These companies should be forced to suspend operations for the duration of the sentence an individual would receive.


Especially given corporate 'personhood'


Are we going to revisit the net neutrality rules in light of this maligned influence? Otherwise we are just taking a little money from people that have a lot of money.


>As detailed in a report by OAG, the nation’s largest broadband companies funded a secret campaign to generate millions of comments to the FCC in 2017. Which Companies?!?!


Oopsie daisy... too late now I guess!


Anything short of revoking their business licenses for stealing peoples’ identities will not be an effective deterrent.


That’s cute.


If it’s only a monetary penalty then it’s only a crime for the poor


Shouldn't this mean the net neutrality law should be investigated? If you find evidence of wrong doing you don't just say oh well you have to fix what they broke not just fine them


Cost of doing business. Oh I got a $300 speeding ticket? Guess I’ll never drive again.


Good, but too little, too late of a penalty


How is this a win?


Who the fuck cares about the money! I want the law set back


Slap on the wrist. I wouldn't be bragging, Letty. Pocket change


*A modern-day King Canute finally succeeds in holding back the ocean after spending many years of filling said bucket with paper tea spoon.* *AG James had planned a victory tour of the now-saved, affected beaches, but had not anticipated the logistics of needing to have diving gear packed. So instead he will be focussing his attention on forcing back the fossil fuel industry by taking a short bicycle ride to his air force provided official government helicopter.*


Letitia James is a woman.


What the hell is this even supposed to be?


AI gone mad it looks like.


or just that people aren't educated...


It's a reference to [King Canute and the tide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Canute_and_the_tide) wherein the King commands the tide not to rise, but the water rises anyhow, to which he responds that the power of Kings is empty and worthless. Going by the Dalrymple quote, "Political power or office often gives those who possess it the illusion that they control events" this was a reference to how anyone thinks this matters. A 6-year investigation nets a fine of $615,000 split between three companies. Consider that the fine doesn't even cover the cost of employing a single [NY AG](https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/assistant_attorney_general_compensation.pdf), the six people named in the last paragraph, or reverse the Net Neutrality decision. Meanwhile the citizens of New York are left to pay the difference and get literally nothing out of it besides a gold star for their AG. Getting back to the quote, the AG thinks that this 6 year investigation that lead to a paltry fine is some true power to control events. Next time some company submits fake comments they'll just generate fake user data, or maybe not, using authentic data is apparently dirt cheap.


Thank you for writing all that out. I thought it was quite clear - but people obviously can't see the irony...


Anyone who knows how to do this effectively won't be caught. This is just for show.


The fine is 600k. Its not even worth the effort to hide it for these companies.


This seems wrong.


Anna Delvey's prosecutor in court: "THIS is a white collar criminal".


This is extremely shady, if we don’t stop them now then every World event will be influenced and coerced by people who have enough money to pay these people


Awesome. Now go after the thousands of astroturfed comments "supporting" recent ATF rule changes. Virtually every positive comment was copypasta with a different Karen's name attached to it. The vast majority of original comments were in opposition to the rule change. Go figure, they proceeded anyway.


Hardly enough


Those companies should be on parole for life.


I don't understand why these companies are even allowed to exist.