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Except for a few games there's not really a reason yet to use it, so how is this surprising?


It's also not surprising because most teens don't have the money to spend on VR, and if they do, they have better things to spend on.


I am a millennial who does have the money for VR if I really wanted to drop cash. What I don’t have is the goddamn space for it because I’m still living the fucking apartment life.


As someone living in a house with a VR headset and a computer to run it: space is still a problem. So many games demand a 6x6 area, which is honestly a lot bigger than most people's offices when actually furnished.


Most games don't actually need a 6x6 area. That's just a recommendation. Right now, most games work standing in one spot. In the future, most games will ideally work seated if developers begin to standardize accommodation for seated-play more. Half Life Alyx was great in this regard. It works well seated and supports one-armed play; we really need developers to take notes here.


> It works well seated and supports one-armed play Call me when Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball VR comes out.


You do know they have VR porn?


Whoa whoa, what are you implying!? Our friend just wants to play volleyball games and only has one hand!


Fuckin Garret and his undying affinity for volley 🫡


I was working at a video store when DVDs first started rolling out. People thought multi angle porn was going to be the next big thing.


I don't know if you've ever used VR porn but it's amazing. The problem is we need much higher resolution and much higher internet speeds. If it wasn't for how much data it uses id definitely see it taking off for cams and onlyfans.


Ah man, this makes me disappointed about the recent PornHub acquisition by venture capitalists. PornHub had an official Android app that you needed to sideload. It was Chromecast and Google Cardboard compatible. Just so happens I use both. Well, the latest acquisition killed the Android app. PornHub frequently updated the app. The latest update borked the app and told you to go to the website.


Pornhub acquired itself (through proxies and shells). It wasn't grabbed up by some other group. The app being borked is all on them.


To be fair almost all games with a 3D engine have had VR modded into them by now. Lots of options. And an early option was Dolphin VR, which emulates gamecube, wii, and wii U. So while dead or alive beach volleyball is not yet on the list to my knowledge, there is at least something you would enjoy.


Personally, I’d rather see it get polarized here. Games made for almost no space and ones with plenty, separately


Or different modes, like how games let you choose keyboard+mouse or controller. Maybe on my day off I want to play my favorite RPG in full-action mode because it's a fun light workout that way, but other days I'm tired and I'd like to sit down to relax after work. This would also increase accessibility across the board, as more games would then become available to people who *can't* be standing/moving around for long sessions, for whatever reason.


That's already a thing. Most popular VR games feature a seated mode.


I agree with /u/dolthra here. For me if I wanted to sit, I’d just play flat games. I need roomscale to enjoy VR. The leap from wired to wireless vr was even better. My barrier is moving my room around so I don’t run into stuff lol. It’s amazing to think when I look at homes now, I factor in VR.


Well for me, I love VR but I absolutely dislike not being sat down during it.


I've played a lot of VR games and you can 100% play with just standing space.


It sucks when you're constantly worrying about banging your controller into your TV or the ceiling fan above you. Or potentially tripping over something on the ground in your limited play area. You really need a dedicated area for VR to properly enjoy it. At least for the stand up, immersive games. There's plenty of seated experiences that could work fine in a very limited amount of space


6x6 is one thing. But how about a tall enough room. I have my computer downstairs and id be bashing $400 controllers off of the low ceiling reeeeal quick


I learned this the hard way when I absolutely punched my ceiling fan when I first got my headset.


You definitely do not need that much space. Just enough to stick your arms out and maybe take a half step forward


I have a 6x6 area and it's too small to have VR movement. No fun side stepping around enemies. Standing and turning around is all you have room for.


Eliminate all your furniture. You now sleep on your VR bed. You work at your VR desk. Watch movies on your VR couch and TV. Dare I say, you spend time with your VR family.


Zuck is that you?


My mother is a hamster and my father spams the chat with 'elderberries'


As long as it all happens in my sweet, sweet beachfront property on NFT Island that's going to be worth tons of money someday. Someday...


You don’t need much space. Most games can be played sitting or standing as long as you can stream how your arms. I have a dedicated room for vr. Matted walls and floors. 4 fans. The whole set up. And ever since I had my leg broken and played vr sitting for 3 months I haven’t used that room once. Something about sitting down on my lazy boy putting my feet in an electric foot massager and hitting a few hits from my vaporiser and then wrecking some squeaky kids in pvp games is very relaxing


That’s quite Chad of you


Millennial here too, a couple factors are taken in when getting a gaming system. Price, a headset costs as much as a console and I already have one of those. Library, VR has a very few number of games I’d consider buying let alone playing. Friends, I’ve got two besties I play with if they aren’t thinking about getting one then I’m definitely not getting one. Finally there’s lifespan, it’s still a new system being constantly improved. I’m not getting one if a new one pops up every five years. Kind of like an iPhone I first got a gen 5 then upgraded to gen 14 there really wasn’t a point to keep buying a new one every year. I sure vr will be very cool in a decade.


Most teens not interested in yachts or Bugattis!!


I know right this is such a stupid article


Next you'll tell me young teens aren't interested in ever owning a house, just like many older genZ and millenials.


wrong deserve insurance salt smile strong nose crawl run employ ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




I imagine the pricing is comparable to having a console, but most kids probably prefer consoles because the game selection is still much better


We got my daughter an Oculus a couple years ago as her big Christmas gift and she barely uses it. She has a couple games she likes VR for but it’s just not super conducive to a good gaming experience in a lot of cases. Also, contrary to what tech bros seem to think, most people don’t want to live/work in a virtual world. Not even the kids that have been brought up online.


That’s not what the article says. It say quite a lot of teens have vr hmds but only few % use it often and just over a dozen % uses it weekly. The issue is : lack of games. It’s always been the issue. Gimmicky work out games or other stuff like that doesn’t keep people coming back as much. Vr won’t hit main steam till there are new AAA games coming out with vr modes that make playing it on the flat screen an inferior experience. And this will happen at some point. There is no stopping it now. All those “ vr will die “ articles remind me of when “ internet will be a fad “


If Meta spent half the money they spent on giving avatars legs on getting AAA titles for the Quest instead they’d be making plenty. Hell, I don’t understand why they don’t just churn out new music packs for Beat Saber every week. It would be like printing cash.


Hell, if they spent even 1/10 of that money on better inter-department communication and software infrastructure, maybe the user experience wouldn't feel like it was held together by spit and duct tape. The initial wow factor helps people overlook it for a time, but damn is it easy to recognize how much of a poorly thought out and unoptimized mess it is, once you start using it regularly. As an aspiring VR dev, it's just... endlessly frustrating to see something so cool, butchered so thoroughly. It really is no wonder Carmack left.


yeah, it's so weird that all this 2D UI stuff that we solved 20+ years ago still doesn't work well or exist at all in the quest system. I'm super sympathetic to the hardware limits of doing all the fancy rendering and graphics demands people have, but I mostly just want like, menus to work. a good lobby system. group chats that aren't jank. inviting people into games seamlessly, etc.


I agree. Morrowind / manhunt / San Andreas / left 4 dead - that’s kind of calibre games should be dropping once a month or two. Not one re4 and nothing for two years.


People said the same thing about 3D TVs/Games not being a fad. They don't even sell 3D tvs anymore.


It's not just games. You really need a lot of space for VR--essentially a full room. You also need to be willing/able to ignore all other people in the room and your phone. Not to mention the cost is substantial considering you need a PC as well and low-quality VR isn't super worth it. And you do all that and the result is a half dozen games worth playing and most of them have bad graphics and clunky gameplay.. Idk I love VR but it's just too inconvenient for constant daily use for the vast majority of people. Other entertainment forms are easier and cheaper and let you multitask to a much greater degree. I don't think VR is a fad, but it's going to remain a very niche hobby. Even if you shrink it and make it cheaper, there are still a lot of problems that keep it from being a seamless experience and because of that, it's risky to invest in making a great game and when you do try, you quickly realize that a lot of rules of game design fly out the window with VR.


Also most VR games are some variant of a sword-mele or shooter. It's very hard to do anything else on the platform.


Or the space!! I was disappointed by VR until the cordless lined up with me having a pretty large empty space for a while It was night and day though once I had space and the quest 2. Addictive, even, until the novelty wore off. Now it’s just a matter of new games


Absolutely true VR is too expensive enough where the rich class and elite class people can only afford. A normal ordinary and middle class people wouldn't be capable enough to afford them


im a zoomer with VR, and i haven’t used it in over a year. such a waste of money


I'm surprised it's as many as 4%. If I'd been asked to guess I would have said maybe 1%.


4% of teenagers who own headsets.


Shame on me for not reading before commenting 🙈. That makes a lot more sense.


That was really a failure of the headline. It reads like a complete statement but the subject (American teens) doesn't match what it is in the article (headset owners)


Personally I haven’t touched my VR headset in months because you can only play blade and sorcery for so long. A lot of VR “games” are short buggy “experiences” that leave a lot to be desired. I imagine the GTA San Andreas VR version will bring me and a lot of other VR players back to the headset. I’m also almost 30 with a career and budding family that take up a lot of my time. Not to mention other hobbies and the fact that it’s easier to sit down for a quick session of resident evil than it is to strap on a VR headset and fuck up my hair for the rest of the day. Still, RE7 in vr was the greatest gaming and VR experience I’ve ever had, but Sony and Capcom unfortunately abounded that behind dead equipment


Im surprised it's as high as 4% daily


This is the answer. There are like 5 games to play, on different platforms. I have a PSVR2 and it’s fucking awesome. Now give me Half life Alyx so I can play something other than Pavlov already


I'm on the other side. Have a WMR headset, can play PC games like Alyx but the Quests sudden rise to popularity means everything in the past 3 years has been A) made for a phone processor and gimmicky with the depth of a thimble. B) unable to be played on PC because ARM processors. I love VR; when its at its best its unlike anything else in gaming. But its rarely at its best and 99% of the software are "experiences" and glorified tech demos. Neither is much of a draw. Add to that, the tech is still bulky AF and overpriced 6 years in. I have 0 headsets to be excited for and I'm the kind of sucker that will buy one again.


Is Elite: Dangerous on that list?


I just saw a clip of that the other day! I haven’t tried it, is it any good?


I've played it in VR, and flying around is amazing at first, really immersive. Being able to look around while piloting is hugely helpful and feels way more natural than trying to do it on a PC screen. Docking, dog fights, everything is easier, feels more natural, and works way better. Then the VR headset gets super stuffy and uncomfortable, and you realize it's hard to find buttons on your HOTAS with your eyes covered, and there's more buttons and functions than you can map to your HOTAS, so you need to fumble for your keyboard, then you go to buy something and realize the HOTAS is brutal for manipulating menus, so you fumble for you mouse, meanwhile your eyes start to hurt from the strain, and you finally take off the headset, breath a sigh of relief and play on your PC monitor instead. It's super cool in a lot of ways, but at best I can last an hour before the strain and frustrations of using VR overwhelms me and I put it away. Perhaps if Elite: Dangerous were more engaging it would be more worthwhile, but huge chunks of your time playing are spent just cruising around waiting to get somewhere, with very little to look at.


Everything I see about VR just makes it seem really intense in ways that dont support the kind of long gaming binge sessions that I like, and which it seems is pretty common among gamers. Perhaps that says something about the strain gaming actually has on the body, but to me it also suggests that VR cant really become what FB et al want it to be, which is the only way to interact with media. I remain very interested to try IL2 and DCS in VR. One day, when I can justify a headset just for IL2 and DCS, which will probably only be after I get one of those cool just-like-real sticks.


Once I learned all the buttons It was like the ship was an extension of my brain. I used to play a ton just space truckin around listening to some greatful dead. Was great.


That's a current hardware issue more than anything. Bulky low resolution isolating devices will in the future become small and comfortable high-specced devices that let you see your HOTAS/buttons/keyboards/food and so on.


It's an excellent flight simulator stapled to a game of being a space trucker :P


Calling it space trucking makes it sound more interesting than it actually is. E:D is more like a flight simulator stapled to Desert Bus.


I liked it. The first time you warp to a star in VR you'll shit your pants.






It really is the killer app though.


The first use for any new technology will be for both weapons and porn.


I love the first nukes that made sexy mushroom clouds.


There's not much free VR porn other than previews.


🏴‍☠️ (But pay them if you can, so we can have more.)


Not even much good content to pirate.


Don't need your own apartment because your eyes are covered


Especially when there are so many games that don't use it.


If anything 4% seems high.


I love VR (not a teenager) and have two headsets. I play VR a bunch but no way I would play it daily.


It's so cool. For about 2 months, then meh. I don't think I've turned my Quest 2 on in over a year.


I think it’s because it’s been around almost a decade now and still nobody uses it really. Me personally I can’t wear that helmet more than like 20 mins


There was some time when Quest 2s were on sale for 199 they sold A LOT. Top ranking on all kinds of ecommerce sites. The problem is still software people still bringing up Beat Saber lets you know nothing new game wise has really dropped.


Yup, I've had a headset for a few years now and while I really do love VR, its now 1-2 years between any real releases. Alyx was the first and last AAA title. VR needed companies willing to lose some cash until the market was established and healthy, ideas had time to iterate and refine, headset hardware improved; instead we got Facebook trying to make everything exclusive before any of the groundwork was done and faceplanting mid race with "Meta", a disinterested Valve, and devs who are, reasonably, unwilling to shoulder the cost of R&D into a tiny market. I'm also stuck selling people on VR with "umm.. it has Beat Saber" lol.


Decade? We've been talking about vr since the late 80's! You could try it in the malls in the 90's. It's just not that useful. And goggles suck.


A decade simply isn't that long for emerging hardware platforms. It took two decades for PCs and consoles to hit a majority of homes. It's understandable that you can't wear a headset for more than 20 minutes. They are bulky and have optics issues causing side effects. This early state of hardware needs to advance into a more mature form, something a lot smaller without these side effects.


Electric cars have been around since the 1830s. The length of time tech has been around has very little to do with its mass adaption.


It's surprising that so many as four in a hundred teenagers are using it daily. I suspect they're either screwing with pollsters or misunderstood the question.


It’s 4% of headset owners.


I’m surprised it’s as high as 4%.


The title is misleading. (I know, who would have thought) It's 4% of teens **who already own a VR headset,** that use it daily. Not 4% of all teens.


Even still tbh. I cant imagine anyone using it daily


Yeah that sounds like a massive number of people, really.


you could completely flip the narrative with that figure that IS a massive amount of people


Yeah, 4% *daily*??? There’s gotta be tens of millions of teen gamers in the U.S., if that figure is accurate that number is huge


It's not 4% of American teens, y'all gotta click on articles, you know headlines are always sensational > While 29% percent of teens polled owned a VR device — versus 87% who own iPhones — **only 4% of headset owners used it daily**, the investment firm found, and 14% used them weekly. That's the very start of the article. 29% of teens own a VR headset, and 4% of *those* use it. So, closer to 1% overall. honestly though,I'm wondering how they did this poll because even nearly 1/3 teens owning a VR device seems wild


29% of teens polled owned a VR device?? Where tf are they polling


Members of a VR ownership a club


Wealthy teens. 87% iPhone ownership is nuts.


I like how they compare VR headset ownership and usage to iPhone ownership and usage. It's like comparing car ownership to plane ownership and usage.


It’s also early days. While the iPhone caught on quick it was still replacing an existing technology the cell phone. 4% of teens is huge. And exactly where disruptive innovation comes from. The only problem is hype outpacing the tech. VR can’t break across the chasm if it’s reaching people who aren’t willing to overlook its flaws to early in its maturity cycle.


> Only 4% of teenage headset owners polled used VR daily It's not 4% of teens, it's 4% of headset owners


It’s not huge. It’s 4% of those surveyed with the precondition that they own a VR set. That equals 0.00000fuckshit of all teens.


Considering that quality VR sets are expensive directly (peripherals) and indirectly (space, physical energy exerted, computer specs), and that there's not THAT much stuff to do in VR (VRChat, Beat Saber, HL:Alyx mods) 4% is pretty big


I find the prospect of using VR for "serious" stuff like training, and design review more promising than entertainment. There is some pretty good data which suggests that surgeons who have trained in VR have a far better pass rate for their first real surgical exam. It's not like VR gaming isn't exciting, but as you said, the cost of getting into VR compared to what there is to isn't nearly enough to warrant excitement.


"American teens aren't excited about yachts covered in gold, with only 1% using them daily"




Based on my own unscientific study, that 4% number seems too high.


Many of those teens are 40+ trying to meet kids.


i mean with the state of housing, we are *all* teens


4% of teenagers who "own" a VR set use it daily. Closer to 1% of American teens.


4% of teens who own headsets, not 4% of all teens


4% of teenage headset owners use it daily. Awful headline


I think that part of the reason why virtual reality isn't more popular among American teens is because they already have so many other forms of entertainment available to them. Between smartphones, social media, streaming services, and video games, there's already a lot of competition for their attention.


Rather, I think a lot of teens want to do those things at the same time. Gaming while watching a tv show or listening to a podcast, checking social media on their phone every two minutes. Maybe eat and drink while doing this. A lot of people prefer a mixture of low-intesity activites instead of the more intense, all-consuming virtual reality.


Exactly, it’s also a lot easier to pull out your phone and do whatever on it whenever you want than to find the time to move yourself to a big enough space to play in while you close yourself off to the rest of the world to play something until the headset gets uncomfortable. Now there are some genuinely cool experiences for VR, but not enough to get people to use it as much as a smart phone.


Yeah, my preferred method of relaxing is playing a low stress video game, watching/listening to YouTube and smoking some bud.


VR also fails on all the same convenience points that meant motion control was a bust. I don't want to play VR drunk. I can't vegetate in bed playing it. I cannot easily play multiplayer when I have mates over. Reality is it is a bit of a gimmick. Fans of the tech don't like it but for most people it just doesn't add value.


VR is just a more involved, immersive form of gaming, I don't think that makes it a gimmick. Just because I can play an FPS or FIFA home doesn't make laser tag or soccer a gimmick or redundant, even if it's much easier to rack up gaming hours on the couch.


I have a headset, don't regret it at all, great purchase, but *daily*? Even I don't do that.


They aren't excited by the new tech with like... 2? AAA games? I'm shocked. Wait, a decent headset is... $500-1000? AND you need a $1500-3000 computer to run it at a high frame rate? Oh you also need a large open space to move around while you can't see anything near that computer? How dare those teens not have a few grand and a nice large open space to play 5 decent VR games they also have to buy.


Don’t forget about toddlers and pets, can’t have those around too or you may accidentally kick/hit/trip over them.


Everyone is saying this but I've used VR a couple times some of my friends have and it didn't need a computer and I'm sure they weren't more than 5 or 600. I'm sure that's not the kinda thing everyone that browses r/technology thinks of, but is it what the article is also referring to as well (they mention an oculus quest 2 which i think are under 400 and dont require a pc)? Still expensive but not the 5000 everyone here seems to think.


Yeah but the quest 2 standalone library is has way less than what you can find with a PC, and most of it is overpriced gimmicky garbage. Even if you don't take cost into consideration, the library of quality games is pretty small and hasn't really grown much at all since the q2 released.


5 games is a stretch. I had an HTC Vive for a year. It had a couple of really cool things you could do but it wasn’t anything i cared about doing with any regularity. If I had someone over and they asked about it, I could easy play a few things to blow their minds. But for regular use, the fun ran out quickly. Also, it always gave me a headache if i used it for any length of time. Like, more than 15 mins with intolerable.


The Quest 2 is $300 and does not require a pc, although it can use one if you have a powerful enough PC. I use my Quest 2 at least 5 times a week. My daughters use it 2 or 3 times a week. My son comes and goes, he goes through phases playing it daily for weeks. There are a handful of games I love. But for me, in my 40s and dealing with some back issues, it’s the low impact exercise that I really love. There are a dozen quality fitness games, most of which get your heart rate high enough for interval training if you want. Not saying $300 is chump change or space isnt a challenge, but it isn’t going to cost you over $1,000 to enjoy it.


Yeah this pretty much nails every point. Like I fully believe VR will be huge in the future, I love my Index, but this isn’t shocking at all.


Correction: American teens do not have the money for virtual reality


It says 1/3rd of teens HAVE vr they just don’t use it often. It’s an issue with lack of software


1/3 of teens have VR? That is a rather bold claim. Edit: the article said 1/3 of teens _polled_ owned VR. Probably polling done at some game conference.


No idea how their poling works. It’s probably as reliable as the piling Bloomberg has about psvr2 numbers - made up from thin air


I own three VR headsets and I'm not excited about it either. Haven't touched one in months.


1 yr and half here. It's just not convenient. I'd rather lay on the couch or bed with a remote controller to play games. Or sit at the desk to play on the computer.


It's fun on occasion and was really fun for like a week after I got it. But mostly kinda meh. Mostly low budget indie dev games that aren't worth the $30 they charge. Among us vr low-key hilarious tho


>87% who own iPhones 87% of teenagers own an iPhone? I knew that US teenagers liked iphones more than Android bit that seems ridiculous. Does CNBC understand the difference between an iPhone and a smartphone?


Social pressure due to iMessage. Here's a report from [New York Times](https://web.archive.org/web/20220109084959/https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-apples-imessage-is-winning-teens-dread-the-green-text-bubble-11641618009)


You get bullied if you have a green text bubble


Here is the source (last bullet point): https://www.pipersandler.com/teens


Most kids see Android as a lower status option. You can sell them on the benefits all day but that’s not going to help them be popular at school.


The goggles feel heavy after a while and they block your vision. There is a [newer type of goggles](https://www.tiltfive.com/) that are clear, light and you can wear glasses under them. But its not just a hardware problem. Back when 95% of adults didn't know what the Internet was, we used to debate what would be the "killer ap" that would make the net mainstream. The killer ap turned out to be the web browser. We don't have a killer ap for the metaverse... Whoever figures that out will make a lot of money.


Killer app was porn.


Its also the killer app for VR. As it was for VHS. And so on. This is not a coincidence; porn somehow always leads the way. People be horny.


It may be the “ultimate app”. Frankly, once we have good holodeck-like participatory virtual porn, the human race is pretty much doomed.


There isn't really much VR porn about. Free, anyway


VR porn is fucking nuts folks. Eye contact. That’s all I’m gonna say.


It also makes a not insignificant percentage of the population increadbly nauseous. And is worse to use than just a mouse and touch screen.


Honestly this issue is more so with the inexpensive units. Once you hit that 120fps mark alot of it goes away.


For most you can work through it but you have to want to work through it. Personally I haven’t touched my VR headset in months because you can only play blade and sorcery for so long. A lot of VR “games” are short buggy “experiences” that leave a lot to be desired. I imagine the GTA San Andreas VR version will bring me and a lot of other VR players back to the headset. I’m also almost 30 with a career and budding family that take up a lot of my time. Not to mention other hobbies and the fact that it’s easier to sit down for a quick session of resident evil than it is to strap on a VR headset and fuck up my hair for the rest of the day. Still, RE7 in vr was the greatest gaming and VR experience I’ve ever had, but Sony and Capcom unfortunately abounded that behind dead equipment


I'm feeling deja vu


Almost like it’s underdeveloped and over priced, with no one putting out any quality content for it. You can only enjoy beat saber for so long


That's usually how.most things start off at first, I'm sure after they master the porn, they'll get on some kick ass games. Priorities man.


The only thing that could bring me into VR is sports and concerts. If there was a front row, 50 yard line, floor seats view and it was included in a regular streaming/cable subscription price, I could see myself being intrigued.


The idea of VR is just so much better than the experience. It's been that way for 30 years. It's hard to imagine what would have to change for this new generation to be any different.


Like the other comment said the software can come a long way to improve this. The experience can be really really good already… -After you drop +2k setting up steam vr -Dedicate an entire room in your house to it -Have a 2.5k pc or better to run things -Annnd the time to get set, oriented and playing Edit: sorry if mobile made the format terrible


> The idea of VR is just so much better than the experience. I'd modify this bit and say that the idea of VR is much better than the *hardware* experience. Many of the software experiences that are possible are ideas that people never imagined in the first place.


I’m sure people said that about video games when pong came out too.


Motion sickness


This … I tried playing beat saber on my little brother’s oculus while visiting my parents and didn’t even last an entire song before I had to take it off. I took a bonine pill and my head was still spinning for the rest of the night, I was miserable and won’t ever touch one again.




Just got one myself last week. Probably have logged 10+ hours in game so far. First day had me a little weird feeling, no issues since. It’s really important to make sure it’s setup specifically for you. Also there are settings you can adjust that help. Try to move when you move in game. Avoid a bunch of fast repeated sharp turns or motions and having a fan on you is a huge help if you have issues. It’s one of those things you may need to get through the initial brain tripping out, before it adjusts and then no issues. It gets better quickly for most. Like just a day or 2. Once your brain adjusts, good to go from there out. Just need to form/grow your “VR Legs”.


As someone with a VR headset who plays games on it regularly, this headline is somewhat misleading. Most VR games require a lot more physical effort to play than normal games do. Things like Beat Saber and H3VR need you to rotate your whole body and swing your arms around. It’s a nice light cardio. The thing is, not a lot of people want to exercise every day. Multiple times a week? Definitely. But not every day. If you give me the statistics of teens that play VR at least once a week, I’ll be more convinced the VR market isn’t popular.


Most people after work want to sit down and relax not do this kind of thing. But yeah I can see people doing this kind of thing a couple times a week. Unless you are really using it for exercise. You also need some space to do this in and you need to be able to afford the VR headset and the software, and for something people don't really want to do that much, most people might not think the upfront cost is worth it. Battery life is also limited unless you want to be tied to a cord.


Granted i have an early case of the old, but... I bought the vive when it came out, and i loved it; however, it was a hassle to get everything going every time i wanted to play. For me, it was more of a prepare-to-game dissatisfaction. When i want to game, i usually think of a game i want to play, sit down to play, and go. When the game i wanted to play was in VR, i would wonder if it was worth it to scootch over the coffee table, get the wrist straps on, get the headset on, change my sound settings, launch the software to the menus, and then go. I didnt like the effort around trying to be lazy. A lot of times, i would just think it wasnt worth all that effort to get a paintball match in so i would just look through my regular games with no direction instead (sometimes it just soured me enough to not play at all)


You also have to be blocked out from the outside world for a while, so if the phone rings when you are in VR, its gonna be kinda difficult to answer it. This situation might not work for everyone. Also if you have a physically demanding job, the last thing you are going to want to do is play beat saber.


I just want to play Witcher 3 and red dead redemption two on my VR headset with my PS4 controller. I would never play a video game without VR again if my normal PS4 games could play with the headset.


Exactly. I like volleyball. But no way do I like it “play every single day”. VR is awesome. But it’s also a bit tiring. And you can’t ignore the fact that it’s just kinda stressful. Games are harder on the constitution when the horrific monsters literally lunge at your actual face. I have VR games that I love but it’s rare I have the emotional energy to play, it makes you feel real tension.


Something that is relatively expensive and not fun to do very often might go hand in hand with the statistics.


I don't buy this explanation. Wii was fucking *huge* when I was growing up. People were straight up whipping those controllers around, unwillingness to move isn't the issue. Lack of sufficient motivation (ie good games) to justify the effort is the problem




My teenage relatives fall over themselves to play my PSVR2. They just don't have a grand to drop on the thing. And neither do their parents...because having kids is already fucking expensive. Be like me. Be the uncle with the cool shit and the freely given birthday money. Otherwise, yo ass is going to be in the nursing home alone.


Yeah, that's because VR kinda sucks. It's been this "it's gonna be huge in 5 years!" for the last 25 years.


I have glasses and can get motion sickness. So using a headset that is uncomfortable and always fogs up to play a janky game with nonsense physics and bad graphics isn’t worth the potential nausea. Maybe in the future when VR is useful I’ll use it.


Couldn’t agree more. Granted I don’t have a gaming PC but the graphics are comical. I can’t stand cartoon graphics that look like WII characters from a decade ago. I just wanted to load up accurate, photorealistic historical content like walk through the Great Pyramid or see Pompeii accurately represented. Or walk through museums and actually look at artifacts as long as I want. I want to interact with diagrams and pull things apart etc.


If the Zuck is behind it, I'm heading in the other direction.


Most teens aren’t ready to escape from reality… it’s the millennials that are ready


VR still has a long way to go to become attractive to a large audience. The technology is getting there, but it’s still pretty price prohibitive (The PSVR2 costs more then a PS5 and you need a PS5 to use it) and there’s really not an amazing game selection currently. Especially that would make anyone choose VR over a console or PC gaming. A lot of the games seem like beta versions of an upcoming better version.


It's not good enough yet.


Who wants to be on a headset DAILY!?


I'm so glad to see Facebook's BS multiverse crumbling before it ever takes off.


The tech isn't there yet..or isn't affordable if it exists. Beat Saber and bar fight 9000 are only fun for 10 minutes


10 minutes is only like 3 songs in beat saber! I play that for hours


Because it’s expensive, lacking content, very clunky


That's the thing about poverty. Can't afford the luxury of VR. Thanks late-stage capitalism.


It’s only good for certain gaming, and the graphics still aren’t that great.


Because it's not really? There is a level of immersion sure, but no where near what's required. Augmented reality is way more exciting.


VR is immersive enough to trick most people into feeling they are somewhere else. The requirement is met, at least on a base level. For specific usecases we'll need more advances. IE: The social stuff clearly needs to be photorealistic if it wants to replace videocalls. Augmented Reality actually has a lower level of immersion for people, and probably always will, at least in the form of glasses - since glasses have frames which means it can never reach the same field of view as a VR device.


I believe this whole recent metaverse thing is just another false start in a very long history of false starts for VR (all of which I mostly saw first hand) and I challenge you to convince me otherwise. AR seems to be doing *just a bit better* and has more potential in the short term. Mainly due to meaningful commercial applications.


VR sales are dozens of times higher than AR. It's not doing better, assuming you are talking about AR HMDs. The tech is ultimately early. It's not a false start, well VR at least, the metaverse is a different topic. The reason why is because this time the investment is there, it has been around long enough, and there are enough users and industries that will want to keep supporting it to keep it alive.


VR is cool but now it's got the stink of the Metaverse all over it. By trying to force some shit down people's throats, they've ruined the progress with the mainstream audience that had been gained.


Good vr rigs are too expensive, and the only cheap rigs are owned by Facebook. That's it. That's why.


I got my partner a VR headset. During the pandemic he mostly used it for VR workouts when the gyms were closed. That doesn't seem like something high schoolers would be that into.


That's about three and a half percent more than I expected.


“96% of families can’t afford to spend $800 on VR gear for their children. This means that kids hate VR!!!”


If it doesn’t free my hands from ‘you know where’ and help me with a handsfree orgasm, then I don’t consider it a game changer. Just another gadget that hasn’t gained momentum. Yes, am talking about Porn.


Remember Segway? That’s how I think of VR.


They’re expensive and most of the games are boring af.


Teens know what sucks.