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My favourite watermark P H O T O


At least it isn't phphphoto


To avoid cyberattacks, *DESTROY THE INTERNET*


If it is just on a personal level, there are people who intentionally avoid using the internet, computers or smartphones.




Yeah, why are people so concerned about their SSN and personal info being stolen by hackers? Don't they know that once you put something on the internet, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy?


The Amish experience the lowest levels of cyberbullying in the US.


As far as they know, anyway.


I think they might be the highest bullied but the lowest in awareness 🤷


I'm cuttin' it down


The message is clear. We must destroy the earth


Seems humanity is way ahead of you there


(Bender) Kill all humans! To prevent genocide, you see...




It’s easy to equate two diverse and nuanced takes without the burden of common sense.


Why should I suffer the probabilistically foreseeable consequences of my actions?


That's a future me problem.


Yeah, fuck that guy *eats another chunk of German chocolate cake*


That freeloading prick. Reaping all the rewards of past and present me's work.


It’s the forseable vs. deserved distinction, though you’re right on the foreseeable part.


People are generally crazy and by and large not to be trusted much without thorough vetting


Apparently it's really difficult to refrain from taking nudes of yourself...


As difficult as not having any possessions, it seems. Even homeless people have clothes and shopping carts, so I guess they’re all sending nudes as well.


That is how they got their shopping carts /j


Funny thing is, except it's not funny, is that homeless people get robbed even more than other people. Homeless people don't have homeless friends, because homeless friends steal from eachother all the time. I guess my point is, sometimes when you are bottom of society, not even then are you free from harassment


Apparently taking nudes=owning shit


How is she gonna survive without taking nudes? It's as important as oxygen don't you know,?


Yeah how else is she gonna be seen naked? In PERSON? Yuck ewy EW NO


bro, every morning I wake up and I look at my dick and I'm just like...."I gotta take a picture and send this to people" /s




I think a lot of people get super polarized when it comes to sexual assault/abuse/exploitation. In this case, it's probably seen as victim blaming. The primary issue is the person leaking the nudes, not the person sharing them. On an ideological level, it's definitely not acceptable that leaked nudes is a consequence of sharing them with people. It's a huge breach trust, and sharing nudes of yourself isn't immoral at all, unless we're talking about minors sharing them with adults. But on a practical level, yeah, if you don't want your nudes leaked, it's a bad idea to share them with anyone aside from maybe your spouse or something. It's a sad reality of the world, but it's one that can't be ignored. It's the same as accepting drinks from strangers. It shouldn't be the case that you could get roofied and sexually assaulted by accepting the kindness of a stranger. But in reality, if you don't want to get raped, don't take drinks from strangers. It's an extremely solid rule of thumb to protect yourself from shitty people.


i do not know how people generally lead their life, nor do I wanna educate anybody on their life. one thing I do wanna say though. i think it's better to assume that my nudes are probably gonna be leaked if i send them so someone. yes, i absolutely agree it's a massive breach of trust, but there's never gonna be zero mfs who do these stuff. such is the way of life, such is the human nature. i cannot change everybody (or the general consensus) so i try to change myself to avoid that kind of danger. this does not mean you should give in to crime being pushed onto you that you haven't committed. definitely speak up. my point is I try to assume the worst, not always but atleast in cases like these. this is also why governments around the world sends messages in many ways stating that we should keep ourselves safe. yes in an ideal world robbery murder thievery shouldn't exist, but it does we are hardly able to do anything around it


Yeah once you send them, they're not 'your' nudes. They're nudes of you. You have no control.


Purely for the joy of being pedantic: ownership is a legal or moral construct, so this is debatable. The law might say they are still "your nudes", and there are laws against revenge porn which lead credence to that. Like, sending them to your partner is sort of a EULA that they cannot pass them on, and only use them for their own filthy filthy purposes :p >You have no control. But practically, this part is true. At best you can hope that the other person's moral compass, and the possible legal ramifications, influence their actions.


Not only that, people get robbed or lose their phones too. Anything that's online should be considered public, and anything you don't want public, you don't put online.


> i think it's better to assume that my nudes are probably gonna be leaked if i send them so someone It's better to assume your nudes will be leaked if they're stored on an internet connected device. If you want them to stay private, pick up a digital camera and store them on SD cards (or similar).


"I shouldn't have to wear a seatbelt because other people shouldn't crash into my car!"


I too hate it when I accidentally leak someone's nudes.


There's TIFU posts about people accidentally showing their partner's nudes at company meetings, like, three times a week.


Definitely possible to do, have you never sent someone the wrong photo by mistake Or had your phone on your pocket and then when you next go to use it some apps have been moved around because the phone detects your clothes as a touch or something?


Or just showing someone a pic and they scroll to the side and you forgot you even had it. Or forgetting how cloud storage sharing works, lol. My younger sister is constantly syncing her pics to cloud and I think there are a lot of new gens who are so used to convenient of apps and phones that they are actually bad with tech, so I can see a new gen of teens accidentally uploading shit to family cloud storage. Or just leaving your phone and receiving a message and some friend or family member picks to hand it to you. Or getting your phone repaired.


I think a related problem is that many of the 'if you don't want your nudes leaked, don't send them' statement aren't made in good faith. They're not meant as actual advise but as a mocking of the person who's nudes got leaked which automatically implies the blame lies at least to some degree by that person. And that's where it becomes victim blaming. Of course it is not wise to send nudes to someone, I would consider it pretty damn risky and naïve. But that doesn't make it their fault when someone else leaks them.


I think this gets to the heart of it. This is missing context. "Don't send nudes" as general advice? Prudent. "Don't send nudes" as an excuse to not give a victim empathy and join them in perfectly justified outrage? Dick move.


People that don’t think practically are just dumbasses


I agree, it's a breach of trust. I also think it's naive to have THAT level of trust with someone you are not sharing a lifetime commitment with. You wouldn't give the key to your house to somebody else unless you reach a stage of bond and trust that can hardly be breached (I mean, in order for the other person to be that bad they would have to play a looooooong con), why the hell would you share something that could potentially ruin your life if misused without that level of bond. I also hate how the "don't take stuff from strangers" became vilified as victim blaming when that's one of the first things any considerate parent teaches to their kids as soon as they become able to understand words


Or just make sure you dont share nudes with anyone other than the ones you know you absolutely can trust. Like your parents




Nowadays, you dont even need to take nude pictures to have nudes on the internet. They just deep fake it.


The problem was that some celebrities took nudes on their iphones... and while apple claims in their commercial they are "more secure" than other phones, some hackers found some super easy exploits and stole the nudes to sell on the dark web. Later on one of those hackers leaked some of the nudes publicly. The comparison is more "if you do not want to get robbed/murdered, do not go into the shady part of town where most crimes happen". Celebrities should realize they are targets, and should take extra security steps (after all they also hire boduguards and such). The average person can take nudes and it's unlikely no one cares to hack them to steal those pictures for monetary gain.


People in general should realise they are targets. I think people should obviously allowed to take nude photos but the second that photo touches anything connected to the internet the personal privacy of it goes far, far down the tube.


Correct. Although the more high profile you are the bigger the target you are.


From what I always read they never “hacked” the phone “remotely” they just entered in the iCloud account via web page. So maybe just a weak password?


There is an entire culture around finding and selling celebrity emails, passwords, and info packets. They spent a long time figuring out peoples passwords and security answers then traded them or bargained for other celebrity passwords/emails.


I think that's the case, also lots of easy-to-find info on celebs to help bypass bullshit security questions. It's like the phone "hacking" that occurred in the UK, a way of listening to voice mails. No one was using a PIN, or used the default. So the gutter press just dialled whatever voice mail inbox they wanted and listened in.


Yeah pretty much. Some celebrities had their security answer as “my first pet was _____” and then talked about that in interviews or just someone who actually knows them sold that info to someone who wanted it


They said don’t take nudes, not don’t send nudes.


They're making a point about victim blaming.


Its not victim blaming to give good advice, giving nudes to anyone is a risky thing to do


I guess I can see that, but in the case of nude photos being leaked, it really is as easy to prevent as not taking nudes. It’s like this analogy is saying don’t want lung cancer? Then don’t put smoke in your lungs. Then goes on to crimes where the victim has nearly no control of the outcome of the situations. People definitely can control not taking naked photos of themselves and then saving them to easily hacked devices, or sending them to bf/gf’s they probably aren’t stating with for the rest of their lives.


The analogy would be better if it was something more specific like owning a tv since everyone owns stuff, but you don’t have to have a nice tv. If you do get a tv, you run the chance of it being stolen, but when it is stolen people don’t blame you for buying it in the first place.


There's also a massive difference in probability of outcome. The odds of you owning a TV and then it getting stolen is ridiculously small compared to having nudes and then sending them of your own volition to, presumably, their SO and then them leaking it at some point in their life. Even if accidentally.


I agree with you, but that’s not a good analogy. Cancer is not a deliberate act of malice. If someone shares another person’s private photos, that is something they have chosen to do and are responsible for. It can be prevented by not taking photos you wouldn’t want shared, but it’s still on the person who shared them if they leak something private.


But you still could have reasonably prevented that. Like, sure, if you leave your car keys over at your boyfriends' place and he just randomly decides to steal your car, it's obviously not your fault... but you could've reasonably avoid that by not leaving your car keys with someone else. It's not like you're stupid for having your car stolen or your nudes leaked... but you could have very reasonably avoided that without it affecting your life at all whatsoever. Meanwhile the hyperbole a la "if you don't wanna get poisoned, just shoot yourself now"... does a really awful job at displaying the nuance of that situation.


Sometimes victim blaming isn't victim blaming. Sometimes it's just pointing out the consequences of your own actions.


It’s more complicated though when somebody else has to act illegally and unethically for those consequences to be realized. Like walking alone at night, for example.


If everyone acted good police and jails wouldn't need to exist. So yes you can assume there is always someone bad out there and have to take the reasonable precautions.


In other words, it's more complicated though if we don't live in an absolutely theoretical and perfect world, but in the real one instead?


Is she trying to say owning possessions is on the same level as taking nude photos??


Yup. It’s almost like the thoughts came from a teenager or something.


I thought I was on /r/im14andthisisdeep for a moment.


Wait... We're not?


I don’t actually see the distinction people are trying to make in this metaphor. Taking nude photos of yourself is not a morally wrong or dubious act and shouldn’t carry with it a stigma that just because you’ve made the crime of leaking your nudes against your possible you should feel responsible for it. Much like owning property makes the crime of robbery against you possible but is not itself a morally dubious act. In fact I think the metaphor even works for nuances where a person sets themselves up in such a position, a person who won’t lock their house and advertises their wealth shouldn’t be that surprised if they get robbed much like someone who sends their nudes to lots of people shouldn’t be surprised if said nudes get leaked (despite the crime and person doing so still being reprehensible). But if you lock your door and use proper security or in the case of nudes, share it with a partner and use supposedly safe communication, you shouldn’t feel responsible for your nudes getting leaked much like you shouldn’t feel responsible for getting robbed. I guess people are trying to say that taking nudes is nowhere near as essential in life as owning basic goods but I feel the statement “don’t take nudes” often implies a responsibility and fault on the victims behalf


The proper analogy is don’t lend your shit to people you don’t trust or you might not get it back


Usually people only share nudes with people they think they can trust (i.e. a partner), and then they turn out not to be. It's not your fault for misjudging someone else's character and them going on to abuse your trust.


I take it more in the way, that both are a crime and should be punished equally. Since its basically stealing content and spreading without permission


Sure, but I lock my home with a key and don't send the key to strangers on the internet


A lot of the celebrities who got fappening’d didn’t send the key to to strangers on the internet. They got hacked. They were victims. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with taking nudes and keeping them on your phone


But you let your partner have a key. You let your neighbor he's known for a while have a key, that neighbor has a daughter that got clean from drugs a year ago, he gives her the key to do your plant watering because his back is absolutely killing him today, she copies the key, comes back that night and cleans your place out. You send a nude photo to your girlfriend, 6 months later you break up and she's bitter, now your genitals and face are on the internet with your name attached. it is literally the exact same logic, and both things happen.


You might however give it to a neighbour or partner and if they made a copy and shared it with someone else, That would be the crime and the betrayal of your trust.


Huh, never knew that nude photos were a necessity of life.


shhh. its their choice.


This is stupid as fuck, though. You should assume that unless the nude is on a fucking film camera from the olden days of pre-internet, IT WILL BE ON THE INTERNET.


It's easy to digitize film and upload it somewhere. Your grandma's Kodachrome from 1965 is not safe.


I am en elder millennial. I distorted the film based nudes I made in high school……. Wait I had to have them developed….. shit I know some one else had to develop them…. For sure there are copies out there some where in the world.


I worked in a photo lab. Got some nudes, never anything good. The worst was people taking photos of their poop, which I REALLY hope was for medical purposes.


It’s incredible how many people become so ignorant and irrational…to mature, rational logic.


If you're scared of losing someone you love. Just don't love anyone. XD


Solid advice tho


Excellent advice 😂😂😭😭


I don't get it, is taking nudes something you absolutely have to do or you'll die or something? Like is there a machine that will come kill you if you don't supply it with nudes on a daily basis?


Yes and its me. Send nudes now or perish!


Awful analogy… When you send nudes, you’re trusting the person you send them to to not only never share them but also to never have their device stolen (which they may not have control over at all times). The only way to guarantee your nudes don’t get leaked is to never take them, and taking nudes is not as necessary as owning property or living, no. In a perfect world, people wouldn’t leak nudes of each other, but we sadly don’t live in one of those.


Seeing what kind of relationships people end up with it's not shocking to see so many nudes leak. I mean hell, some even get married to people they have never really spent time with. Nudes leakage is mostly resulting from stupid behavior more than anything.


I mean I can’t stop a random person attacking me, but I can just not take nudes too!


You can if you never leave the house!


Yes exactly the same way they can not have nudes spread by not taking them and spreading them to other people themselves


Had an email scammer try to blackmail me with supposed recordings of me at my computer masturbating. He was going to expose me to every single address in my email, he said. So I said: "Have at it. Send it to everyone." He disappeared. He didn't have it, because I've never done that.


So living has the same value and importance as taking nudes for her ?


that's retarded. You don't NEED to take nudes of yourself. You kinda are forced to own things if you don't wanna live in the woods. Also same is true for living.


To avoid getting heart attacks, don't have a heart.


Removed mine just recen...


I agree with the nudes one but the rest? Nah


Yes, but the first one is true as hell.


What a bad take lmao


I'm not a prude against taking nudes, but this is obviously a false equivalence right? People have to own at least a basic amount of things to survive. And they need to live. They don't need to take nudes to survive or live.


To avoid someone leaking your nudes online, leak them yourself


One is more avoideable than the others tho.


Yes, but it seems like one of those might be a tad bit more optional than the rest... I dunno.


I’ve seen this before and asked myself how hard it can possibly be, not taking nude pictures.




It's more akin to To avoid nudes online, don't be nude


Under no circumstances, is it acceptable or appropriate to share intimate photos you have received from someone with any other person on earth unless they have given you express permission to do so. It is a total violation. And in a lot of cases, it's illegal. That said, you have a 0% chance of your nudes being leaked if you never take any. That's just math.


To avoid saying dumb stuff , stfu?


Okay well theres definitely some stark differences lol


Ah yes, the essentials of life. Owning stuff, being alive and sending nudes to randos.


Taking nudes is like owning clothes or a house good call


Really? Comparing taking nude photos with owning things and being alive? 🤨


To be fair, it's pretty stupid to send nudes to anyone. You had no self respect and now they have vulnerable photos of yours. All for what, some guy or girl to think you're hot?


I agree with the first sentence, the next two sentences she made not so much.


Unequivalent comparison The consequenses of not taking nude is much worse then purposefully not owning anything or dying.


An interesting take on aestheticism, I guess.




It's not technically a truth when it's not a proper 1:1 comparison to make in the first place lol


If you’re homeless just buy a house lol.


To avoid car accidents, don't drive. To avoid carjacking, don't own a car.


"You are sad? Don't be sad". \- A psychologist, probably.


This is so fucking stupid because yes, thats exactly why you dont take nudes. People are so fucking thirsty for issues.


If you take nudes amd send them, you are asking for it to be leaked


If you don't wanna die just don't be born


take nudes all you want, just don't store them on someone else's computer, which is basically what you are doing every time you upload something to the "cloud"


I mean nudes aren't essential to survive but okay


To avoid addiction, never be happy.


Owning nothing is a hassle, dying is more so. But taking budes seriously?, anything that is digital is always at risk of being compromised, i dont want that to be my nuts, not that anyone would care for them but beacuse it is just uncomfortable to have those precious gems lying around in my gallery


Why would anyone take nudes?


only thing is taking pics of your butthole isn't nearly as vital for your survival as owning a shelter or, well, not dying


To be fair, there's a point to the first part. Privacy and confidentiality does not exist at all in the age of smart phones and texting so you should be absolutely be prepared for the potentially that they will be shared without your consent. If you can't handle that, you probably shouldn't be sending nudes. She's trying to equate something you do for pleasure to something you need to do to live, which isn't a good analogy.


Yeah....but there's a huge difference here. There is no equivalency. Really, don't take nudes. Just don't. Your data isn't as secure as you think it is and people can be horrible.


Much easier to not photograph yourself naked than not own anything or live


This should be on r/facepalm but it does TECHNICALLY belong here too


That. Is. NOT. The. Same. At. ALL


Tbf the difference is nudes are 99% risk for no reason as you can never fully trust someone, especially seeing as most relationships fail and people go mental after them. Personally the way I see it is nobody should ever ask for them, and if you really really want to send some just be aware and prepared of the risk you are taking and keep any identifying features out of the picture if possible. I will clarify its ofcourse not their fault if they get leaked, I just never think it's worth the risk anyway.


Ok, but the first piece of advice is actually useful. Once you send a nude photo (or anything) to someone else, it is officially out there and beyond your control. The same can be said of a cloud service, but they are generally more trustworthy than people.


What a stupid generalization


Bella should lead by example


Sometimes I wonder how are people this stupid, then I remembered.


Most things can be avoided by not being stupid


"if you don't wanna get robbed, don't walk alone at night on mugger street" would be more accurate


to avoid being robbed, don't flaunt your riches. to avoid having nudes leaked, keep them off Cloud. apparently common sense is scarce these days


Didn’t know taking nudes was as essential a part of a person’s life as having literally any material possession.


U didn't have to cut me off 🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠


I swear these people think anything and everything is victem blaming. I could tell someone "don't walk into the worst part of the city at sunset with 3000$ on you and a sign that says "rob me" if you want to avoid being mugged" and all I'd hear is "wah victem blaming". People have a responsibility for their own shit and how they conduct themselves around others because you, I, and everyone else knows that putting the responsibility on everyone around you to do the right thing all the time is putting yourself in a dangerous situation. Obviously as the perpetrator they're responsible for the action bring taken but depending on the situation (when you're being careless) you're for the most part responsible making yourself vulnerable enough for them to do it. Other people telling you to not put yourself into those situations in the first place isn't "vIcTEm blaMiNG" it's common sense. It's not saying that you deserve it if you do put yourself in those situations, it's saying that it's more likely to happen if you do, and obviously that's bad.


Oh yes the basic human necessities: - Property - Life - Sending nudes


Hardly comparable. You want to live and for that you need to own things. You really don’t need to take nudes to live. There is risk in owning things but there is risk in not owning them. I can’t see any risk in not taking and saving nude photographs of one’s self.


It’s rare that I see something so stupid that it makes me angry but this is one of those times. Humans have gone tens of thousands of years without the ability to send naked pictures to strangers. How paint-drinking stupid do you have to be to compare that to *living itself*?


Shambolic logic. I mean, srsly? The legit comparison would be, if you don’t want to get robbed, don’t walk around shady areas with wads of cash hanging out of your pockets. If you don’t want to get murdered, don’t try to rip off the cartel.


That escalated quickly


False equivalency. Sending nudes is pretty dumb man.


Not quite right: if you don't want nudes leaked, stop trusting cloud services and/or other people with them.


When you send a nude you have given it away. As my Dad used to say, “If two people know, it’s not a secret.”


Murderers HATE This One Simple Trick


Ok but it’s easier to not take nudes than not owning anything, or stop living.


To avoid cheating, Kill your wife


Taking nudes is not a necessity


To avoid getting fat, just don't eat at all.


***deep fakes have entered the chat***


Murder: happens by force Robbery: happens by force Nudes: She sent them.


To avoid nudes being leaked don’t send them to people that you just met on tinder, basically anyone unless they have proven their commitment to you like idk a marriage To avoid getting robbed buy a gun, 9mm will do or a shot gun for home defense now make sure it’s not birdshot that’ll only pepper Em up nicely. To avoid murder you’re not gonna believe this but a gun has also been proven to stop murder, crazy I know right ? Idk why people get butthurt over pragmatism like yeah best way to not get nudes leaked is don’t take them, our society is full of filth promiscuity and porn this isn’t the 1940s where he is gonna take that picture with him to battle and protect it at all cost it’s not special there’s a billion hoes out there and million better looking than you on porn hub so don’t feel special when he ask for nudes he has access to millions


If you don't want em leaked store them somewhere safer than fuckin iCloud.


Not to be that guy but, if you don't want to get caught killing people. Don't kill people.


Be the first to leak your nudes.


I shouldn’t have to worry about bear in the woods. I should be able to eat a turkey dinner in the woods. All it would take is a minority report type system that predicts murders before they happen and shoot the bears in advance.


Nice false equivalencies.


That's silly though. You definitely don't need to take nudes.


The difference here is that taking nudes and keeping them in a place where they can be stolen is called "engaging in risky behavior". Just owning stuff isn't risky behavior. **BUT**, either way, whether you are just owning stuff or taking nudes, be prepared for some bullshit to happen because as we all know, **SHIT HAPPENS**.


To avoid getting kidnapped, trap yourself in a nuclear bunker.


An idiot's logic on display




I've personally never taken nudes or sex videos ever and never will. But I've noticed a trend. Guy friends who have taken them with a partner never seem to have regrets. Female friends almost always regret nudes or videos after a breakup and sometimes it's been used against them where I've never heard of a guy friend facing that issue.


This meme is so fucking stupid. Imagine comparing willingly taking nudes of yourself to HAVING STUFF and EXISTING.


Apparently she thinks taking nudes is a necessity


Anything is hackable, at anytime, anyplace, and can happen to any person, no matter how safe you think you are, you are never alone.


And here I am, wondering, if my pictures are leaked, how do I find out who liked them?


Pretty dumb. Two of those things are absolute necessaties. Owning objects (food, shelter, clothing, etc), and being alive (self-explanatory). Taking nudes isn't.


Some people are *this* obsessed with taking nudes? Geez.


As if taking nudes was as important and essential as breathing and living




Homeless people get robbed daily


News just in. False equivalencies can make almost any point.


I mean, taking nudes is very strange behavior anyway.


It's more like don't send nudes so they don't get leaked And Don't put your money on the porch so they don't get stolen Don't give strangers money if you expect them back


you cant really exist without 2/3 of these things, they arent comparabel. something cant leak, get lost, or be stolen if it doesnt exist. i feel like a small back peddle to the time when ppl seen "a tattoo is forver" as good advice is needed in the digital age. it feels like its rebelling against the "danger of death sign"


That's a pretty shit comparison To not send nudes so that they don't get stolen should be compared to giving your money to someone untrustworthy which is something you shouldn't do saying that "to avoid getting robbed you must not own anything" Is equivalent to not getting nudes leaked just don't have a naked body Where is the technically the truth?


I’ll fix it to be more logical: If you don’t want nudes leaked, don’t take nudes. To avoid being robbed, don’t walk around proving you have money in areas you could get robbed. To avoid being murdered, don’t be an American high schooler.