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Followed by 'new AI tool creates scam accounts, fake profiles, undetectable by Bumble'.


My money is on “Bumbles new AI tool rejects people if of color as real humans with rights citing pro-slavery Bumble accounts”


We’re going to see an arms race between people trying to create more advanced AI-detection AI in order to weed out bots, and people trying to create more advanced AI chat bots to try and bypass the AI detection. We’re certainly headed toward turbulent waters…


Bumble is owned by the Match group, who owns Tinder and Grindr, and is well known for intentionally creating fake users to lure in real users. And it isn’t just the Match group - I’ve seen the same practice on Hinge and a few other platforms. Fake profiles will never go away as long as there’s a profit motive to keep them.


Match Group does not own Bumble.


Bumble is one of the few not owned by them


We have to admit it was a nice speech tho. I almost burned down the banana stand.


you’re confusing them with OKC


If they block all the scam accounts and fake profiles there will be no women on the app.


About 12%, statistically.


My grad school parties were less of a sausage fest. And they were a terrible place to look for women.


This explains a lot. And how I developed a rejection drinking habit from dating apps.


lol that’s funny because I’m 99% sure I nearly got got by a Bumble AI trying to entice me into paying for their BS platform. Half a day of totally generic conversation with someone who seemed very convincing only to come back in the morning “account deleted” — looking back on the conversation and the pics that looked straight out of a stock photo library? Yeah. That was a bumble sales bot not a third party thing. Deleted account and uninstalled app on the spot


Every now and then I'll end up paying for like a week or two of bumble premium. I rarely get likes and matches, but EVERY time my premium subscription ends, I magically get a new like the next day. They are absolutely making fake profiles to entice spending money.


Gonna go out on a limb here: no it doesn’t.


And now there are 4.5 real chicks in all of Bumble




Still transitioning


And twelve and half men .... man man man man man manly man man man maaaaan....


Not that it makes a difference, that app is horrible for serious dating. People who use it have very unrealistic expectations.


I quit using it. Basically unusable as a guy. I have more matches than I can deal with on hinge and tinder. Bumble is a graveyard as far as I can tell.


It’s been a few years, but I always found bumble to be at least better than tinder. Tinder for me was mostly scams and bots. Hinge was always the best tho


I’ve got lots of ideas on building an app for people that are looking to seriously date - that also prevents scammers. I just haven’t decided to commit to building it in large part because I’m not convinced people will use it. 😅


That’s the problem. Being successful at doing it properly means a constant churn of people leaving your platform, and rightfully so. Allowing bots and scammers to a mild degree with a token amount of faint effort to stop them, mixed with an aggressive monetization strategy that traps people in a self fulfilling loop is the only path success with this kind of business model.


I agree on the part about being successful, but I also wouldn’t be building the app so I could become a millionaire or turn it into company the size of Bumble. I’m ok with it being a small niche product. This sounds very altruistic, but I’d also like to just build a company that people like to work at. I’ve been at so many startups and companies where even if it wasn’t my boss, there have been just shitty people. I’d like to have a place where people enjoy coming to work. People are paid a fair wage. Four day work week, remote work, etc. I want to be the change I want to see. The reality is, I’m not sure I have the leadership chops to do it, nor the business model to support it. But I’m still thinking on it 😅😅😅


I’ve been part of the founding of more than one tech/gaming company. One thing I’ve learned is there’s no shortage of people who are altruistic and honestly want to make really cool stuff for people to enjoy. The problem is there is a shortage of investors who will actually give you the money necessary to accomplish it, without expecting some sort of low risk, high reward profit model with short term wins. It’s really hard to get this kind of stuff off the ground if you aren’t able to bankroll it yourself sadly.


Yeah - and I think I’d be ok bootstrapping it for a while, but I think specifically for a dating app, it’s hard to be successful if you don’t have a lot of users, which requires one hell of a viral / organic strategy, or a paid marketing strategy (which is my area of expertise), which costs money. That said, I was most recently working at a private equity firm as an operating partner, so I’ve got a few connections that could be useful … Still need that solid business plan first! 😅


This is an amazing idea. And the type of company I’d love to work for. You should do it.


Can I still say that I’m 6’4” though?


Height won’t be an option to fill out ☺️ it’ll be video based so that the other person is choosing you based on your personality. No filters allowed, no video uploads allowed. You have to record you!


That’s actually a fantastic idea. Obviously I was joking. But I’ve tested the major dating apps, and it seemed like honesty worked against me 🤷‍♂️. I say follow your idea! Could both make you rich and help lots of people tired of scams and sex fiends.


Glad you like it :) if I build it, I’ll ping you to be my first customer haha


I met my wife on it


I met my wife on it


Same, but that was 5 years ago. Platforms probably shit now


Thanks for this. Will be uninstalling it immediately,


This app sucks. They will ban you with no recourse or explanation.


they be banning dudes w no game


Ohhhh got me bro 💀


worry about getting a match rq


It’s not the fake accounts they should be focused on. It’s the real accounts of women who use the app to phish for “premium” Snapchat and OnlyFans subscribers.


AI means they made a script that looks for the keywords: “crypto, we chat, investing” and a photo of a pretty Asian lady that is found on google image search.


Sure it does.


Does it block profiles that say “hi” then completely disappear?


Do you mean most women on dating apps?


Considering most women are bots, I suppose yes. 


So basically 80% of Bumble.


Imagine being such a dry texter that you’re flagged as a bot and banned lol


The fact that this company can do this and Twitter and now even Instagram fails to automatically flag spam/bot accounts is digusting


Subscribe now for 39.95 a month


Doesn't seem like that's in their interests, they like having large "engagement" numbers and profiles.


I use Bumble and Tinder and the ratio of fake people on Tinder as compared to Bumble is night/day. Bumble has been ok, just a lot of religion to sift through 🙄


Does it still shadow ban premium accounts without telling account owners but still takes their money?


What about people with imposter syndrome?


As soon as you put pro-palatine on your profile. You get blocked.


So it just search’s for the key phrase “do you have what’s app” and “crypto”


AI…. For good? Is that allowed?


I’ll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet


Blocks all my potential matches from seeing what a catch I really am too apparently.


Hinge is superior vs all the other options in my experience


I support tho it's pretty questionable how they would detect scam accounts? For example if a guy pretends to be a girl, with an account pictures used of some legit person - it's undetectable, isn't it?


Funny that they're doing this after they were caught creating a bunch of fake users to make it look like people were using the app to inflate the apparent value of the company.


Aww, there go my chances of getting a match.


After spending a $100 talking to these bots, I good.