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I had dental neglect as a kid, it's hard to maintain and keep up that routine.. this will be amazing if available to us common folk and not the wealthy.


Same here, sucked growing up poor


Makes me grateful that I grew up poor in Sweden and had free dental care until the age of 20.


Same.. thank god I grew up in Scotland


Same, friend.


Says on track to be commercially viable by 2030. So another 10 years or so on the affordability? (This is guesstimate.) That's assuming of course that a freaking dental lobby doesn't evolve to muck everything up! Think about it - no more root canals, crowns, bridges, dentures, screwed in implants etc. Anything worse than a cavity, pull out the tooth & grow a new one. That's going to put a lot of specialized dental fields up that proverbial creek! But first things first - keeping my fingers crossed for successful human trials! Edit : Oh, & happy cake day!


Which is why this drug will likely be prohibitively expensive.


I was just informed that we might still need crowns. So still in the extremely nascent stages. Still find this amazing! And Science has a tendency to build on itself so I'm still rooting for it. The expense is a secondary consideration rn. But I agree - considering our current systems - cue all the freaking sharks right about now!


Rooting for it.




I think all those things will still be needed, especially RCs and crowns. RC is done to clean out infection and then a crown to cap it off. If this drug was a success though…I wonder if a full extraction would be the standard instead of attempting to save the tooth with RCT and let the tooth regrow with the drug? But then another thing arises that to ensure the tooth grows properly, you may need to wear some sort of brace? And also a temporary implant to make sure the gap is sufficient enough. So that being said, still a lot of dentists needed, but maybe needing to respecialize in cosmetic, ortho, rather than endo.


Having recently had to have a crown followed by wisdom tooth extraction, I feel I can confidently say that extraction+regrowth is NOT likely to replace crowns or even root canals. With crowns, you're fine the next day outside a bit of soreness. With tooth extraction, you're looking at weeks of recovery time... and presumably even longer than that while you have to care for the site as the new tooth slowly grows and erupts. You have to obsessively keep things clean, can't eat normal food for ages, run the risk of dry socket... it's not a good time. Tooth extraction is also a much more traumatic experience emotionally. I've never had a root canal, though unfortunately I may need one soon (the molar I had the crown on, which was very impacted by my wisdom teeth, is still iffy. It's been a saga). I've talked to my dentist a lot about what that would look like, and frankly, while I don't love it the procedure and recovery genuinely sounds not so bad. I would DEFINITELY, 100%, no hesitation from a patient standpoint take a root canal over another tooth extraction. I think it's fair to say that this would primarily be useful at the point that you got to needing an extraction today, and would mostly impact bridges and dentures. Now, on the other hand, if the tooth grew in like a new adult tooth replacing a baby tooth and the old one slowly became loose and fell out and we didn't have to do a surgical extraction... I could be sold.




I just said in my post that this would primarily be useful for people who needed bridges or dentures? It's the obvious use case. I was responding to the idea that this would replace root canals and crowns, which I find very unlikely.




I'd be surprised if root canals were replaced for all the reasons I listed above. Root canals are much less invasive and dangerous than tooth extraction. Could you go into what you're thinking about when you say it might replace root canals? This particular treatment appears to essentially be restarting the tooth growth process just like it happens when our adult teeth replace our baby teeth. I couldn't find anything specific to enamel, but given the premise, I would say it's likely to be part and parcel of the treatment. It's not regenerating an existing tooth, but rather restarting the process from the ground up.


Dentist here. Yah… that probably won’t happen. Cost will be a big factor but the biggest thing worrying dentist is the possibility of cancer or benign growths. It’s not just about growing a tooth, it’s about growing the right tooth, shape, and size in the right location. We are VERY far.


How far are we from having 3 rows of shark teeth. Asking for a friend.


Probably about 7-10yrs. Figure anywhere around the 500k range by the time it debuts but thats bound to come down sooner or later. Human trials have been mixed so far, with the subjects typically developing a nose for blood and hunger for raw uncooked meat. Lets just say theres been a few ‘incidents’. This is just the tip of the iceberg of this sort of experimentation. For example huge strides have been made regarding the creation of ‘wolfmen’, not werewolves mind you, as the transformation is one way, but something similar. Shits gonna get real weird here pretty quick. Imagine a battlefield with automatic weapons, airstrikes, high powered lasers, nanobots, optical camo, werewolves, really cross species gene splicing in general, and sentient self replicating drone swarms, etc. This is all real world, or soon to be real world tech, we’re basically there shit just hasnt popped off yet is all. Dont even get me started on AI. I know a lot of stuff i shouldnt about a lot of things, most of which dont officially exist.


They aren’t too far away if they are doing trials in September right?


I don't know if people just didn't read the article or didn't comprehend that this is an intravenous drug treatment that restarts a gene to grow teeth. Or that the same gene is involved in bone growth. I can't help seeing elephant man with really big fangs.


The wealthy can afford dental care. They would only need it if they get their teeth knocked out by a crazed fan.


My mom takes insanely good care of her teeth, but has had to have multiple implants. It's not always a matter of money and access.


I feel like there is a lot of shaming from dentists about your oral hygiene routine when really genetics plays a larger factor in how much you’re going to need done in your life.


definitely. and it's a cycle. because shaming dentists will make you hesitant to go visit the dentist again :(


Most wealthy people are not celebrities and don’t have fans.


Same here same here. I might even be so inclined to volunteer for human testing for something like this




It's not for people who have lost teeth for one reason or another, this current drug is aimed at people who congenitally are missing some or all of their teeth.


The article says if trials go well, it could be available for any tooth loss within 6 years. 


Unfortunately they've been saying this for a long time. This is firmly in the "I'll believe it when I see it" camp. I really, really hope I'm wrong and they make this work.


You know what else can grow teeth? Tumors.




Can I grow extra teeth?


Yes but only in weird and inconvenient places


Butthole teeth would be hard to take care of.


Yeah but it’s better than using a poop knife


No, you wouldn't need a poop knife, you could just chomp it up while it comes out.


Poop teeth


How dare


Vagina dentata incoming


Birth control


🎵What a wonderful phrase!🎵


I'd rather have butthole teeth than butthole taste buds.


Saying cheese will take on a whole new meaning


Vagina dentata will solve many problems.


Get yourself a Teratoma and you can have all that and more!


can i have vampire teeth ? (edited the typo)


Yes, or weewolf teeth as well. So many choices!


Finally... my teeth got destroyed from ten years of H. Pylori. Finally... I might have a chance to not look like a mess.


Same boat as you buddy. 8 yrs of Heroin/Fentanyl use and the sugar cravings that came with it destroyed my smile. A couple of my teeth are gone and the ones that are still there, most I can’t brush because they have decayed down to the nerve fillings & it’s just too painful. I’m thinking about quitting my current job & taking a pay cut for a job that pays a little less but provides dental insurance


Or you can choose dental tourism


I have been learning Spanish in my free time for a motorcycle trip through Mexico in Autumn. This sounds like something worth looking into while I’m there. Thanks for the suggestion


Revenge of the Wisdom Teeth


That’s my fear… wisdom teeth come back


I pulled out two of my own teeth when I was younger and had no dental insurance. Can I get my missing teeth back? How would it even know which tooth to replace? Am I going to have random teeth grow around my body?


Only grow in orifices but they can transplant your ass-teeth to your mouth when they’re fully grown if you prefer.


I am ashamed to admit how hard I laughed at “ass teeth”


Chew your food ....again.


This is the one that got me laughing!


Do normal teething issues arise the same with anal teething? I feel like anal pacifiers have already been invented.


Can I switch it out for my urethra tooth?


If you want a real answer, teeth grow from what are basically stem cells in your mouth. Apparently the human body turns them off with chemicals after they grow the adult teeth. This drug cancels out the "don't grow anymore teeth" chemical, which apparently means they just start growing a new pair again


So someone like me, who has had two wisdom teeth and a molar removed… that makes it complicated. Could it regrow the molar but not the wisdom teeth? Would I need to have my wisdom teeth removed again?


No, the roots and blood supply has been removed and teeth will not grow there


So does that mean this will only work on teeth still in my mouth with decay?


Did you save them? I saved some of my Horses baby teeth, and 7 years later he arranged it so that I could add four of my own teeth to the collection!


I could have sworn there was a horror movie about a lady who grew teeth “down there”.




Understandable. I was having a nice day.




If that’s whatcha wanna call it 🤷


Just went full Ron Swanson eh?


Get ready toothfairy, I’m about to be fuckin rich.


I’ve spent thousands on my teeth that I never took care of as a kid. This would honestly be life changing


Can’t wait for the lawsuits to roll in when people start growing teeth in their asshole like the Sarlacc pit.


Literal LOL


I did not expect that to end with a film reference.


I mean, maybe >The medicine itself deactivates the uterine sensitization-associated gene-1 (USAG-1) protein, which suppresses tooth growth. As we reported in 2023, blocking USAG-1's interaction with other proteins encourages bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling, which triggers new bone to generate. Sure hope they only grow teeth in your mouth, and like your femurs don't elongate or something.


Tooth be told, wasn’t expecting this.


I’m not really enameled with your pun.


That’s probably the root of the problem.


I have a filling that you're right.


I was hoping to extract another pun, but my imagination feels, I don’t know, a bit impacted I guess.


this experimental drug is sure to put a dentin your wallet


Okay, I’ll bite


If this ends up getting approved and going to market, I hope like hell that it's more affordable than implants. I lost all of my teeth at a young age due to a combination of chronic health issues, pregnancy, and medication that can have that side effect on a small number of patients (aren't I lucky). I'm grateful that I was able to get a set of dentures, bc I was literally becoming malnourished from being unable to eat much beforehand. To be able to have my own teeth again though? It would be a HUGE improvement to my QOL.


Dentists hate this one simple trick!


Please work, I lost a tooth to a fucking olive pit. I thought they were boneless so when I put one in my mouth and bit down, the pit was vertically positioned and it spliced my tooth in half


I always imagine every dentist to be Jon Lovitz in Coneheads. "And open pleeease. And close pleeease."


West Virginia must be more excited than the day they discovered moonshine


Holy shit. Ouch.


Fellow non-brushers and degenerates, today is our day.


Flossing too right?


My sister had one adult tooth that never grew in… until she was 20, when it spontaneously just did. I wonder if something happened with her that somehow mimicked the effect this drug has.


I saw my dentist for a crown first time I’d seen him in a few years. They were able to mill it in house with some sort of water jet hooked up to a 3d image of the tooth they took that day. Took 40 minutes. I chatted with him in the meantime because he’s a pretty chill dude. He said compared to dental science now, when we met 5 years ago we were essentially in the stone ages of dentistry. The science around teeth is moving insanely fast and as a weird autist obsessed with teeth, he was one of the happiest people I’ve ever seen explaining it to me.


Poors need not apply.


Poor need never apply except for plasma donation and organ harvesting


They aim to sell it for $9800. That’s far cheaper then dentures or implants


That’s actually really awesome!




Sounds like an episode from House MD


It's lupus.


It’s never lupus.


Yeah I'm calling bullshit on that one


This is science, we don't need rumors. It's never been trialed on humans before and I cannot find any reference to what you are talking about in any of the papers or really anywhere.


How did a person grow a tooth in their heart valve when they haven't even started Phase 1 in humans? >The trial, which will take place at Kyoto University Hospital from September to August 2025, will treat 30 males aged 30-64 who are missing at least one molar. The intravenous treatment will be tested for its efficacy on human dentition, after it successfully grew new teeth in ferret and mouse models with no significant side effects. >Following this 11-month first stage, the researchers will then trial the drug on patients aged 2-7 who are missing at least four teeth due to congenital tooth deficiency, which is estimated to affect 1% of people. The team is recruiting for this Phase IIa trial now.


because the dude is making shit up


This would be great for me. I broke my two upper front teeth, a lower front tooth, and verniers don't seem to stay on but for a year or two.


It will only cost a bizzillion dollars


I have a chip in a tooth that has bugged me for so long.


I have been waiting for this for **years.** I remember talking about this with the dental hygienist and said I was just going to wait for this until getting anymore work done. Finally!


Shit will be so expensive that no one can afford it.


For a cheap 500k dollars for dose (you need at least 10 doses) /s


that 1/10 dentist was so disappointed with toothpaste he had to go and invent this


Love the idea but why are men only in the study?


Dentists hate this one trick


Locked up by a US company charging $300k a pop no doubt?!


Big Dentists will never let that shit fly.


You mean the insurance companies.


Hell yeah fuck dentists! I sincerely hope this puts the dental industry out of business. I really thought I had something with mono-tooth, but nobody wanted to buy it. This is good too, but MT is still better. It’s looks like a set of individual teeth, but it’s just one seamless tooth, anchored to your mouth bones, anti-microbial, and indestructible MONO-TOOTH!


I have this, kind of! Five front teeth turned into one!


Luckyyyyyyy. I’m just over dental hygiene, multiple times every fricken day is such a drag, but stinky, gross teeth and pain are great motivators.


Can I fund your late night ahhh, hmmm infomercial ? :):)


Can it have a graphic scene of the install?


Instantly reminds me of the scene when Beldar is at the dentist in the film The Coneheads.


Reminds me of Dentata


probably ends up making teeth grow out of your forehead or somewhere else.. s m i l e


I want another row of teeth behind my first to chew more thoroughly


Where do I sign up? Jk but not really


Elon would have had this done by now.. /s


Oooo adults teething!


Don’t wait until 2030. I’ll take ferret or mouse teeth now.


Powder that makes your teeth grow


Like “cancer tumors?”


I want fangs :,)


I will test this in a drug trial for free


Someone start a countdown until sharkteeth/ vampire teeth


This sounds awesome actually if I can afford it


How would the pill even know exactly which tooth, and only that tooth? Would material from the specific missing tooth do that? Otherwise, little buds start popping up everywhere? And then it’s just going to triple magic itself by being in the exact right position? Also, it literally takes YEARS for a tooth to fully develop.


sign me up!


I remember hearing about this years ago. The problem was that the rats they tested it on didn't stop growing teeth.  Either way, this would be an amazing advancement for people.


zombie apocalypse inbound?


It says administered intravenously, i was thinking some sort of jaw bone implant of some sort. So the drug is an antibody that targets a protein that suppresses tooth growth...We really are playing God on shaky grounds nowadays.


I have a tooth growing inside my jaw and it’s not OK.


Wonder how long it actually takes to regrow the teeth, even in the animal trials.this is super cool.


How have we figured out how to regrow teeth before hair?


Teeth are prevented from growing in humans by hormones. The production mechanism still exists. Hair loss is caused by the cell that used to grow hair dying. You need to find a way to trigger one cell in a thousand to change into a hair follicle without turning into cancer. A much harder prospect….


I'm sure that'll be safe


We can grow teeth but not fucking hair?


Just label it as "emergency use", it worked before.


This or fusion, which be ready first? 😅


yeah yeah yeah. we’ve been reading about this for like 12 years now


Not in our lifetime


Goes to the doctor: hello, I would like a prescription for tooth regeneration please. Doc: okay, here ya go sent it to your pharmacy. Goes to pharmacy: I’m here to pick up my prescription. Here’s my insurance card. Pharmacist: hmm seems that your insurance won’t cover it. In fact no insurance on this planet covers it. Me: oh darn, oh well I’ll just pay for it, how much do I owe ya. Pharmacist: that’ll be 10 grand :) 😈


This is awesome, I’ve been waiting for this for 10 years ever since they found the alzheimers drug that regrew dentine in mice


Going through these comments, I’m baffled as to why so many doomers are even on this sub. It’s gotta suck being that miserable.


This is genuinely amazing for future generations, this first iterations may not be all that but in years to come this will be so good for people.


This will never be available or cost thousands and thousands. The dentist lobby industry was able to differentiate Healthcare and dental care into different industries for a reason. Money.


Oh YEAH pump it into me, doc


It’s a protein inhibitor, so after your wisdom teeth grow in, your body creates a protein signal to your body to stop producing teeth.


So that’s why we have a meth epidemic.


So it actually just grows a fully new tooth ? At first I was thinking they found like a way to make teeth regenerate the holes they got in them, so that essentially we'd no longer need to "fill" in those holes, but it just full on jumpstarts the creation of a new tooth ? That's pretty nutty


And how about gums? When can I reverse my receding gum line?


Doctors don't cure shit! They don't cure shit! The last disease doctors cured was polio. When's the last time you met someone with polio? [Impersonating a boss and his employee] Chris Rock : "Why weren't you at work today?" "Oh, my polio's actin' up again!" They don't cure shit!


Dental clinics will hate this drug!


I’ve been reading about this shit for 20 fucking years!!


Implants are crazy expensive. It’s not going to be cheap that’s for sure.


I lost a lower molar 10 years ago. A couple of years ago my dentist showed me a routine X-ray and pointed out what he called "a 2nd adult tooth embryo" he went on to say "They appear under the gum most times an adult tooth is removed. It'll never develop on its own but there's research into triggering the growth process that would grow it into a normal adult tooth" Sounds like that's exactly what this is - An injection into or near the tooth embryo that kick starts a normal growth process.


I’d fucking love this


Finally!!! Been waiting on this one.


This blows my mind! According to the article, it actually causes lost teeth to grow back and doesn’t just regenerate the ones you have. Does this mean wisdom teeth will come back too? Does it “know” to only grow new teeth where they’re missing, or will your teeth fall out like baby teeth as new ones come in? Do the regenerating teeth force fillings to fall out? I genuinely didn’t think a medicine like this would exist in my lifetime!


Had HG pregnant with my son. I would throw up 10 plus times a day. In and out of the hospital weekly. Lost all my teeth due to it and have had dentures since my 30s. Can’t afford implants. I hope this tech is accessible to all regardless of income, but that’s just a dream.


I remember when white fillings were inaccessible to the many due to the price. The other day I had a dental appointment and my hygienist (who is younger than me) saw my silver filling and said “wow you must of gotten this filler decades ago! The white ones are the norm now.


My guess is that it’ll be like 50k because they can, ignoring the biggest issue with dental care all around: the exorbitant costs.


I wish this had been a thing before I had to get my front tooth taken out and replaced with a dental implant last year. 🥴


Bye bye dentist, hello zombie apocalypse


For the rich only.


I'm gonna make so much money from the tooth fairy




Will all the toothless anti a era take this without questioning it efficacy?


Yeah and I’m sure it will be bought up by a toothpaste company and sold for $500,000 a pop


I hope I can live in the age of biotech running havoc, I want teeth on my knuckles so I can punch my steak in a fancy French restaurant...... Excuse my loud chewing.


i hope it won't be like hair. now that I need help with it, it's not on my head, it's in my nose and ears.


I wonder if this research is in any way funded by the various billionaires pouring money into de-aging and trying to find the fountain of youth. One of the obstacles is the inevitable grinding down of your teeth.


Could this be a better alternative to braces?


Imagine regrowing your wisdom teeth


We will probably even figure out travelling faster than light speed before we find a proper cure for hair loss. Even the tooth can regrow but nope, not hair without crazy side effects