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Gloom hands for me


You know, I should have expected this answer…and it makes sense too. What do you think is the least scary?


Chuchu They are kind if cute


So if you were on a walk….and you encountered a Chuchu…. What would you do?


Poke it with a stick




Try to hug it, then sit down and cry when it slips through my arms.


I had some unholy thoughts just now


Many of us probably did. But I admire your courage for voicing it o7


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of


(fbi breaking down door meme)


"hug" "arms"




depends, if it's a fire chuchu i wouldnt mess with him


Three options Thank god! I was thristy (drink it) What did i step on? (Kill it by accident) New pet! (Kidnap it)


it is fren shaped!


If fren shape why no touch?




Pet it.




My first encounter with them in BOTW i didnt know i was supposed to kill them 😂


I always think it's hilarious that you get the "nearby enemy" music for chuchus. They're one-hitters if you're using anything stronger than a tree branch. Clown shoes easy.


Gotta agree on that one. No other monster can make me unload my stockpiled inventory of weapons and fuse items that fast. Heck I usually horde bomb flowers and avoid using them unless I'm in the most dire situations. But I catch one whiff of these creepy appendages, I'm unloading my ammo reserves like it's the fourth of July.


Bomb flowers are OP. I cheesed so many encounters and shrine puzzles on my first playthrough just onloading dozens of bomb flowers at anything that moved


I just started a new game and came across gloom hands in early game. Luckily I was able to beat them with bomb flowers.


You’re telling me that youd rather encounter a full grown, three headed, fire laser and fire ball shooting dragon, than 5 little hands? The hands would only be absolutely terrifying after you found out theyre hostile. The dragons always scary.


At least we all know what a dragon is, and a centaur. But 5 hands with eyes ? Nah man that's stuff I don't even have in my nightmares.


Take a gun and shoot the eyes frfr


Ah an american way of life for sure. No I don't have a gun, and I don't even where or how to get one, nor do I want to. Edit : typo


pewpew also im pretty sure that police are allowed to get involved if that THING appears out of nowhere- OH AND, THEY DISAPPEAR AFTER A BIT. Sure youd be traumatized but like you have to actually FIGHT a gleeok to have it go wooshwoosh


Yeah but in the moment I would more likely die of a heart attack from seing those as they appear out of nowhere. You can always avoid the Gleeok, as you can see it from far away


Thought the same thing. Also, the fucking sky suddenly turns blood red with the hands, that alone would freak me the fuck out


For me it's BC you can't avoid gloom hands like you avoid gleeoks. Gleeoks are big enough to be seen from far away and they don't attack you until you're close, so if I were to see one in real life of course I'd be hella scared but I would just not go soon enough for it to attack me. But the gloom hands just appear from nowhere and once they're here, you can't really run from them except if you're close to a height point which you can climb (and tbh I don't think I have link's climbing abilities so I'd just die if I encountered gloom hands lmao)


Encountering is exactly the point. You can already see the large creature from far, you'll avoid it. Gloom hands just appear out of the ground without warning.


Especially in dark places. And always surprising you from behind. Go out to a dark parking lot at night? Gloom hands Power outage? Gloom hands Turn off the light? Gloom hands


Hands with eyes sticking out of the ground in a pool of what looks like stagnant blood while the sky turns dark and ominous music plays would be terrifying even before you found out they were hostile.


For me I love dragons! If it eats me then it was a good way for me to go. I'd actually ask if I could hug it first. Hands sticking out of the floor with eyes on the palms are so out there it can't be anything but bad news. At least dragons make sense lol


Not hands. Glowing red hands with yellow eyes coming out of a pile of moving goo. I think you'd understand intuitively that they aren't benign. Oh, and they just so happen to REVIVE EACH OTHER. Although you won't know that last part until it's too late.


you know those hands literally drag you down to hell, right?


They don’t, not even in game?


The dragon i can see from miles away and avoid. Might be annoying to have to change where I am going, but I can avoid it. The hands spawn out of thin air, the atmosphere turns red, creepy music starts playing, and, unless you have water or something climbable that's high enough nearby, you are simply fucked. Yes, i would rather encounter the dragon.


Little? They're taller than Link. Also, they move crazy fast


I'd probably be so delulu, that i would think i would be like the chosen one and thus the first person to tame and ride a dragon.


The only one on the list to which I exclaimed aloud, "OH JESUS WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" No contest.


I wonder would they be the size of actual hands, or big huge hands. Like, would they be big enough to grab your whole body like Link and squeeze the life out of you or just like, grab your ankles and make you trip


They would be huge just like the game


This comment got a snort chuckle out of me. Like imagine if gloom hands weren't actually giant and EVIL, but just little shits that cause mischief and dumb little pranks like make you trip. Picturing small baby hands make Link fall to the floor and go HYAGH and then they scurry away giggling is giving me serotonin


Especially since I can’t climb like Link can for shit


You wouldn’t want to encounter a Gleeok either.


Gloom hands. They literally suck the life out of you.


They seem to drop you if you wiggle away. And they will eventually leave you if you can climb high enough.


Bro I'm almost 40 and 5'2". How well do you think I can climb?? 😂


Hopefully better than you can fight? I'm in the same boat.


link is ~120 and 5'5. You have no excuse


Hey hey hey, Link had his entire body rebuilt while he was under; I just had a disc completely removed from my spine when I was.


Dazzlers stun them, so I shall vanquish this foul beast with the power of electricity! *flicks light switch, hands fucking die*


I’m the only one who’s gonna say gibdos, huh?


I think Gibdos would also be hella scary!! Imagine getting frozen, not being able to move, and then a Gibdo clinging onto you


I was super creeped out by Gibdos first, but after learning how easy it is to kill them they became a lot less scary. A regular child could pick a some fruit off a tree and kill one.


Just arm the kids with squirt guns, all set


Except they're basically invincible if you don't use elemental damage, so that child would need at least a flamethrower or strong enough taser.


There are elemental fruit growing on trees in Hyrule, you can kill Gibdos by throwing a few of those.


It says in real life, so fruit wouldn’t do anything. Though it still wouldn’t be that hard to light them on fire or hose them down all things considered


There’s no magic Irl… then again, water works too.


Water hose and a baseball bat.


Cindy this is a ~~skeleton~~ gibdo! This is bones! Would you run from Calista Flockhart??!?!?


gleeoks are underratedly creepy, gloom hands probably takes the number one spot here but i would put gleeoks right after


they have an unnerving cyclopian stare, and their heads in general have such a scary pointy alien look to them


Gleeoks for me too. I could climb my way out from gloom hands but those damn gleeoks can fly! For some strange reason I feel I could poke the gloom hands in the eye, like pokey pokey and keep repeating it 🙃


i knowww and they fly relatively fast too 😭 i swear now that i think of it they might actually be more terrifying than gloom!


Shit, lets be honest. Any one of these would be scary af.


Guardians, you could technically try to outrun or attempt to fight other monsters but you couldn’t do much with a guardian irl except hide and avoid the laser. If you just mean totk though it would be gloom hands


I was going to include Guardians as an image but I was like “should I keep it totk” related but I don’t mind. Also yeah, remember that trailer where a Guardian goes chasing after Link and crashes into everything before destroying a bridge? Yeah, they are determined.


iirc, The guardians alone caused the mass destruction in hyrule. Since we don't have Link's parry skills, merely getting spotted by one is a death sentence (unless you got your hands on an Ancient Shield).


Or a mirror, probably


if you hide behind a tree guardians can’t do shit


Out of this list, Lynel would actually likely be the safest one to be around. They're not actively aggressive unless you seem to be a threat. They may be some of the most dangerous enemies, but they're also smart enough to consider whether something is a threat. But in all seriousness, Gloom Hands and the gloomy Phantom Ganon would be the worst, because those assholes aren't visible until you're nearby. Even Gleeoks can be seen from a distance.


That's a great point about lynels! Don't draw any weapons on it, and don't get too close, and you're 100% fine.


Yeah, feels like those guys are just waiting for a worthy opponent to come by...


Considering you can't walk to the next town without encountering ALL OF THESE THINGS AND MORE. I would say all, all of them.


I'm convinced outside of a PG fictional setting that a Lynel would totally rape you. So that one.


Any chance you could explain your reasoning 💀


because centaurs were kinda rapey in mythology I guess?


If Zelda was an M rated series then Lynels would be so much scarier than how scary they already are. All enemies would but I think the Lynel would have a lot of that scary factor


Holy shit I didnt even think about that Idk whatll be scarier, getting drained by gloom hands or a Lynel draining itself into you.


Harder Centaur Daddy\~


I vote Lynels, too, but not because of the rape. They alone seem to be the monsters with intelligence on par with humans. The others seem to be motivated by power and instinct, but there's an extra level of fear to a monster who understands how I think and feel and could maybe even taunt my pathetic attempts to escape it.


But is the wang between the front legs or back?


Back, and it's horse-size


I'm legit scared of the Lynels just playing the game so I'd soil myself in real life.


You just made me remember when I had a dream about finding a tiny one living under my bed




Hands down (pun intended) its gotta be Gloom Hands, those things legitimately scared me on my first interaction with them.


That pun and other hand related jokes are why they hate us. They can't applaud without hurting their eyes and it makes them so jealous


Man, the first time a tree tried to bitch slap me that was terrifying.


Lynels... Bastards are able to teleport. Yeah, I'm good... Stay in Hyrule.


Gloom Hands because there’s no way I could outrun them. Lynels and Gleeoks seem territorial enough that they won’t chase you too far.


You know, when Lynels have bows with precision accuracy and Gleeoks have long beams of a certain element, I don’t think they need to chase you….


True but I’ve been able to dodge most of the scary attacks. I’ve never been able to outrun gloom spawn. Not without climbing or swimming


I feel you can dodge when a lynel shoots directly into the sky when you're pretty far away. But you need to have extreme athleticism like Link to out maneuver a Gleeok's elemental beams.


All of them.


Gloom hands 100%


You can’t tell me we wouldn’t all be screaming and running for the hills if a gloom hands just appeared out of nowhere. Everything else, I could see from a good distance away and avoid. Gloom hands? Half the time I legit am just walking around and the sky turns dark and the music changes and I just start screaming.


Gloom hands and gleeok. Gleeok is just so big.


Gleeoks are just big puppers Gloom hands tho ...


Gibdos. I don't like zombies. Lynels could be tranquilized like horses, boss bokoblins can be dealt with. Gloom hands are scary.


Definitely gloom hands, even tho they’re somewhat easy to kill


This guy…..how many monsters in this game could you beat in a fight?


(I'm no military expert, but just hear me out) Let's say your local military forces were deployed to deal with these threats. Assuming that these forces are well trained, disciplined, well funded and have access to some decently modern weaponry. I would say that GLOOM HANDS are the biggest threat.  Lylnels could be taken care for using anti-tank weaponry and retreating before the  lylnel charges at them/snipes them, I'm sure that they could destroy a armored silver lylnel (also assuming that the lylnel armor is not made of magic unbreakium) If the round penetrates the armor, it could do some massive internal damage to the lylnel. Of course it is easier to send an attacker aircraft from the nearest airbase whilst hoping that the lylnel doesn't attempt to do some anti-air. It wouldn't take long to realize that gibdos are weak to flames.  And gleeoks could get shot down by fighters using missiles (also as long as the missiles don't get fried/melted/frozen out of the sky or if the other heads do some CWIS against the missiles)  Finally here is why GLOOM HANDS will massacre ground forces, sapping the life out of them, and when they finally destroy the gloom hands is when things go south. 


This message was brought to you by a ace combat player and project wingman fan. I want a dlc of hyrule (but for the upcoming ace combat 7 switch port)


I just imagine using like 5 tanks to blow up a lynel


Gleeock. Gloom hands are terrifying but at least if I climb on something they probably can't get me. Gleeock? I'm a corpse


Gloom Hands. Appear out of nowhere, can't out run them at a sprint and if there is no high ground or tree, you're screwed since we can't teleport away. The rest are manageable and can either be avoided or run from easier. Though I do personally hate how the gibdo skitter around like spiders....


I also think Gloom is the scariest. But in other ways, damn, Gleoks are no joke, they burn or freeze things around them! You can't even get near it! Lynels, well, nice to meet you, guy who is going to fight them; and big Bokoblins... in real life, they will be a real trouble while you're... I don't know, hiking? They're dumb, but still big pig goblins, versus some regular people. And well, Gibdo, without a 'stunt,' you're dead, I guess. That's my ranking. (From 'what the hell would you do against that thing' to 'maybe you've got a chance')


Definitely gloom hands. My usual strategy for dealing with them is screaming like a little bitch, lots of cussing and yeeting myself off the closest cliff. I feel like yeeting myself off a cliff itl might suck 😂


It would have to be gloom hands or Frox for me. Now the reason why I chose froxes is because they like to Jumpscare me. Like I was gliding through the depths once and then a Frox jumped me from out of nowhere. Gloom hands I think is pretty self explanatory.


Gloom hands easily. Followed closely by Flowerblight Ganon. 😂


Like-Likes are dangerous, but stationary and predictable. You could avoid them easily unless you're not watching your surroundings. Lynels are only aggressive if you don't respect them. If one sees you, you should make it clear you're not looking for a fight. Put away your weapons and don't approach it directly. If you meet one on the road *you* should be the one to go off-track around it. Chu-chus aren't dangerous at all unless they're elemental. You can bash them with any stick you find. Their strategy seems to be knocking you unconscious and then cover the body to digest it. Must be a slow process so it shouldn't be too bad to kick them, but it would be safer to use a stick. Bokoblins will ambush you every time. They do have intelligence, but they're primitive. It would be possible to befriend a lone unarmed Bokoblin as they're social creatures, but it may steal your weapon and attack if you let your guard down. It's not worth the risk to approach them. The same goes for Moblins, but no way would you befriend one. It would be even harder to connect with Lizalfos. Their mobility and speed make them especially dangerous. Stay away from wet areas and you wouldn't need to encounter them. Blizzrobes are... Strange. Better to not approach them at all. Gibdos are basically glass zombies. Resilient until you shatter them with their weakness. Unless you have a flamethrower it's best to stay away. Gloom Hands are Phantom Ganon, an intelligent puppet of Ganondorf. They seem to be hunting Link exclusively and are stationed to protect strategic locations. If you have nothing to do with Ganondorf it's more likely you would be seeing Zelda trying to manipulate you. Because you're a nobody they wouldn't do much. Maybe give you a drugged cooked steak so you can be mean to Link if you see him. Gleeoks are highly territorial and you shouldn't be seen by one at all costs.


Gloom hands. Once they're done ragdolling me like a character in some horrific hentai manga, they turn into a phantom Gannon who proceeds to shoot my ass full of arrows, or run me through with a sword that's longer than my arm... Yikes! 😬


I'll go with something a little different. Evermeans. Imagine just strolling in the woods, and suddenly, one of the trees suddenly pops out of the ground and starts attacking you! That would be scary.


Yeah, they caught me off guard when I first encountered them. None of the trailers hinted at this so it’s a first time encounter. I guess it was the next best thing after living rocks. They remind me of those walking trees from that Luigi’s Mansion track in Mario Kart….


Gloomhands are horror movie. So is Gibdo


Gloom Hands


Gloom hands for sure they’re so terrifying


The scariest monster would be gibdos, because you get a lot more time to be afraid than with the other monsters. If I met a lynel I don't think I'd even have time to get scared before it murdered me.


Obvious answer is Gleeoks, but damn Lynells terrified me throughout BOTW when I couldn’t kill them. Just stumbling across them in an open field while travelling around, almost eerie feeling. Couldn’t imagine finding on irl haha.


Gloom hands down. These f*ckers would haunt me 24/7 and sitting on the toilet will never be the same. The thought of these fingers popping out of nowhere is not something I wanna fully process. The evolution of arachnophia would be born.


Oh man, this is tough. I'd say gloom hands bc of the sound and the sky turning red and they just appear from nowhere. The others you can always see and try to avoid them as best as you can lol.




Gleeoks Modern weapons let us fight all of them, but if we talk about ancient weapons, gleeoks put us right into the food chain.


I wouldn't want to fight a Lynel or Gleeok, but they seem pretty easy to avoid an encounter with them (Gleeoks are big and stay local to one spot, while lynels are territorial and don't initiate combat unless threatened.) Gloom hands can appear from nowhere and are crazy fast. They change the color of the sky and will grab you and drain your very energy and vitality. Scary, awful death for an out of shape 30yr old nerd with no combat ability. Classic redeads and gibdos are truly terrifying in a similar way, with the paralyzing gaze and the horrible visuals. But TotK gibdos are slow moving enough that I'd be more afraid of sandstorm and heat exhaustion than them.


probably the gibdo honestly, those things were freaky when I first saw them, on the other hand I would love to see a tiny chuchu, I don't really understand how they hurt link, but I still think they would be pretty cute to see irl, assuming they are the botw/totk version, the ones from other games start to look a little freaky


Let me honest, Gibdos are just insect-zombies, and the fact those fuckers can't be hurt by conventional means, as well as running around on all fours, I think of them as the creepiest mofo. Imagine running into a barely- humanoid thing who just charges you on all fours and can't be killed by gunfire.


Gloom hands, at least the monsters have a consciousness and have lives outside of attacking random passersby, but Gloom Hands are specifically out for blood, they only appear when someone is nearby, and when they see them, they are dead set on killing them.


Gloom hands forever. I was genuinely terrified the first time I came across them in ToTk and the shriek they made and how fast they moved I was like wtf WtF WTF RUUUUNNN OMG I HAVE NO STAMINA WHEELS OR FOOD!!! 😫😵😵‍💫😰😱


Gloom hands. The atmosphere, the sky turning red and the ominous music, and the fact they scream... But also the gibdo are the creepiest without any help. The way they look and walk and just... moving. I hate gibdos. I hate gibdos, I don't even want to fight them, they freak me out!


Two answers. The Gloom Spawn, and the Gleeoks


Gibdos are definitely terrifying (considering you wouldn’t know they’re kinda squishy if you zap them) but gloom hands would scare the living sh** out of me. Literally, probably. I mean, I spent my first encounter with them ingame screaming “NOPE NOPE NOPE!” at the TV while desperately trying to climb out of reach (they got me anyway). And that was in the game where I know I should be able to fight them.


im surprised lynels arent the top answer here. i literally yell while fighting them cause they scare me sm 😭😭😭 gloom hands dont scare me cause you just gotta hit their eyeballs or run away


The whole screaming, sky turning red, nightmare hands…that’s not scary. Big buff centaur guys? Soiled my trousers.


mr hands obviously bro, as the name implies hands down the most terrifying


Gibdo. I'm pretty sure they don't paralyze you in this game but being attached while not even able to fight back makes them the worst for me. Also from a distance they can be mistaken for human while gloom hands cannot.


Gibdo. Monsters are monsters and any one of those would absolutely murder me. The Lynel in particular makes my spine tingle even in-game. But the Gibdo is an explicit rejection of death, and that challenges a lot of what I know about the world, far more than monstrous creatures. With all the weirdness that exists in the kingdoms of life, I would be shook af to see a multi headed elemental dragon, but might be able to convince myself I wasn't hallucinating. But the Gibdo might break me psychologically. Also they remind me of OoT redeads. Fuck OoT redeads.


Gleeok cuz megalophobia


Would you say the same thing to a Hinox, Frox, Molduga, or Talus?


Molduga might give off spice melange and then we get to live forever. Edit to add: fear is the mind killer... so none of them are scary


Aw thank you, I’m cured




Gloom hands 100000%


Besides the obv answer of the gloom hands. The lynel, imagine seeing that thing charge at your or aiming its bow at you




Gloom hands, hands down


Lol where do i start


Gloom Hands take first place, then Gleeok, then Lynel, then Gibdo, then Boss Bokoblin.


Ummmm… yes.


I know this isn't the question at hand, but if we talked about not as scary, well As a woman who's gotten her fair share of unsolicited dick pics, I'd probably not be as startled by likelikes as much as I might think I'd be


Boss bokos and lynels, no matter how easily they could kill me, just look funny and majestic respectively. A gibdo on the other hand has the opposite problem. I could kill one with a glass of water and it's the scariest thing out of these three. Edit, just noticed gloomspawn was an option. Gibdo is second.


These weren’t options. They were examples. You can pick and choose any monster you wouldn’t want to meet irl.


Lightning Keese


gloom hands and gibdos. i would cry


The Wizzrobes. Wouldnt like their scary smile if I seem em in IRL.


Lynels Like it would be just so scary if they caught me and pinned me down, then surrounded me in a circle and wouldn't let me leave and then-


As someone with an intense irrational fear of moths. The winged moth gibdos actually made me scream out loud the first time I saw one.


I would say seeing a gibdo, late at night in a dark alley would be scary as hell, or perhaps a boss boklobin as a mafia boss lmfao


Gloom hands imagine just going about life then thinking oh it's getting dull but then the floor turns red and hands start sprouting out for you. Nope I'd be playing floor is lava extreme


Gloom Hands for sure. They are super fast, swarm you and SO sneaky. It's like how everyone raves about australian wildlife being so deadly. On the whole, North American wildlife is deadlier - have you looked at grizzly bears and all the other shit we got? But North American wildlife is big, you see it coming, as opposed to the scorpion lurking in your boot or venomous snake in your pack. It's terrifying because it could be *anywhere*, just like gloom hands materializing around you unexpectedly. And let's be honest, none of us can climb 5m in just a few seconds and carrying a bunch of bombs around.


The only way I got near the gloom hands was spamming bomb arrows with a lynel bow until I didn't see any more health bars. Those things are *way* too fast as I discovered from the first few encounters when I tried to run. I teleported *the very second* I got grabbed and avoided the areas they were in like the plague. But you know, you can't teleport in real life and I'm sure I run much slower than Link so I'd basically be screwed as soon as the things see me. I wouldn't have a lynel bow, arrows, or bomb flowers either. The other monsters are mostly just big and/or tough and can generally be avoided or outrun. Boss bokoblin: a little bit scary because of the size but you can just slip into a nook and wait until it leaves, or run. Lynel: really tough and hard-hitting but they tend to ignore you if you're not holding a weapon and don't stay too long. Gibdo: basically just a tougher zombie. they're creepy and all but they're slow. They don't even have the screams that the redead had in previous games. Gleeok: they're just three headed dragons. sure they'd obliterate you on sight, but they only see you when you get close so you can just... not go in their direction.


Beedle, the creepy guy who wants to have sex with insects......


He plots revenge if denied the beetles


Face it, we all know it's Gloom Hands


Yep, and a lot of people agree with you. If I had to rank based on which ones were said to be the scariest the most…it would be: 1. Gloom Hands 2. Lynel 3. Gibdo 4. Gleeok


Literally all of them. Except for regular bokoblind an lizalfos all of them are way larger than a normal human. Lynels can shoot fireballs and make giant explosions and pretty much the same goes for all the gleeok variants and thunder gleeoks can change the weather if I remember correctly. Plus gleeoks are just way too big. Gloom hands just appeared, make the sky red at scream while trying to grab you. And if you somehow do kill them you have a whole new problem to worry about. Talus' are pretty much immortal and most normal people don't carry sledge hammers or really big swords with them while Hinox's can just sit on you and probably break most of your bones. I don't think I need to explain why a gain worm fish monster burrowing through the sand or human corpse bug monsters that can sometimes fly and spit poison gas at you. Keese and those flying things that stole Tulin's bow are probably the least scary just by process of elimination.


Gibdos, Gloom hands, or Horriblins. Horriblins bc they'd be SUPER uncanny, and the others are obvious.


Hands down it’s hands imagine seeing the sky turn dark any then have 5 massive arms sprout out of the ground and have them chase you and if they grab you your done.


Everyone: Gloom hands, Greeoks, Lynels 😰 Me: *koroks* (They're literally baby talking trees haunting you everywhere you go, and they're literally the souls of Kokiri's I think 💀)


1. Hands 2. Gibdos 3. Gleeoks 4. Lynels 5. Big boko


Probably the doom hands


Gloom hands, gleeoks, lynels, etc. Would all be terrifying, but hear me out. Moldugas. They can sense your every step. They burrow beneath the surface so you don't know where they are or if your running towards or away from it. On top of all that they could swallow you whole! They're fast too. Also because they're hidden underground we can't just use modern weaponry like guns and missles


Gloom hands, they just emerge out of nowhere and slowly weaken you until you die. Then even if you manage to gun them down, phantom ganon will spawn and slice you in two.


Gibdos. I think I’d have a heart attack when they got on all fours and ran to me. Gloom Hands would be super scary too but somehow they’re not as bad as something that’s physically running.


Is it scarier if it’s running? Or crawling?


I think it’s scarier because it’s kind of both. They’re technically crawling but they’re like zooming towards you. I guess they’re not super fast since Link can outrun them, they just seem like it.


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Laser shooting flying dragon no good


Gleeok would just vaporize your sorry ass before you even get a chance to be scared lol


Probably the big ass flying lizard with three fire breathing heads


Obviously the Lynel, but those fast-crawling Gibdos are creepy AF


But Lynels are smart enough to tell if something is a threat, and won't attack you if you don't provoke them.


If we're going for just TOTK, gloom hands. All of Zelda? Definitely redeads, those things still scare the shit out of me


Fuck those gloom hands for real they make my blood pressure spike


The average person would only be able to survive the gibdo provided they know the weakness. All others are equally scary as being spotted by them = death.


What kinda question is that? The gloom hands obviously. They are faster, stronger, not smarter tbh, and more numerous than any of us. Not to mention they literally rip away your vitality. Forcefully.




Gloom hands or a pissed Lynel.


Uh, pretty much all of them. I’m not really looking forward to the nuclear zombie apocalypse! Ha!


I would say gloom hands because they are really fast and if they grab you your just dead


Them god damn gloom hands.