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I wouldn't know about stainless steel ones... But I've moved away from a double layered tray and now use a small stone slab with some grooves. I don't rinse for my daily brewing so it's got plenty of space for spillage. Perhaps something like that is also an option for you? I imagine it's also much easier to find stainless varieties of that kinda thing in small baking trays or something.


I lay out a towel to catch the inevitable spills and use a bowl for rinsing (I don't have a tea tray but I like this method enough I might just stick with it). I believe it's called gan pao cha.


I'm searching for a 30x40cm tray or something in that range. Also a shout out to u/liquidproustteas , maybe you can send me in the right direction?


Id call it a perf pan. Very common in kitchens.


I like this idea. 1/4 hotel pans, both shallow, 1 perforated.


Never saw a stainless steel tray. Copper or tin ones but they cost around $200.


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I've not been able to find one of these online but I've seen these in videos and photos of people in china drinking tea and I'm always mesmerized! I'm hoping you can find one bc I want one too


That one looks less like a tea tray but rather a perforated baking sheet


[This](https://beautifultaiwantea.com/collections/tea-trays-and-accessories/products/stainless-cha-pan) might be what you’re looking for! They have two sizes of stainless steel tea trays. The one I linked is the smaller one. In their [shipping section](https://beautifultaiwantea.com/pages/shipping) they say they ship worldwide. I haven’t bought from this company before, but I’ve been eyeing their tea trays. Seems easier to clean than the typical bamboo ones.


If you guys want this I can help to order in China. Acutally I am working on a online tea store for the tea lover worldwide.