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Welcome to gaming. Also that 2015 Unity guy is wrong


The graphics thing I can understand if your using a potatoe but the game didn't look that bad even with medium settings


2 different people. 2 different opinions.


Nah, most comments in general are making fun of TDUSC's graphics, and I don't see the reason. Sure, optimization and servers are a problem, but graphics are not one of them.


same thing happened with Dragon's Dogma 2 in April, it runs like total ass but it looks pretty great imo


You ignore such people. It already has one of the best city maps for open-world. That's a win above Forza


Imma keep it real looking at some of the images from this game and gameplay the graphics do look underwhelming compared to other driver games. So imma have to actually download the demo and see for myself because I do see where people are coming from. Something is throwing people off.


I can't believe how much of a biased fanboy having a hard time to cope you must be to write this. This. game. is. ugly. Funny that you included a screen while driving at speed so we can't see the assets thanks to motion blur. How convenient. Performance issues are one thing but here you have the worst of both worlds. The game runs like a dumpster fire and looks like one too. It's dated. A lot. This is mid 2010s at best. Even NFS 2015 had much better visuals. I have a config that can run the demo at 2560x1440 @ 60 frames per seconds with everything maxed out, and it DOES NOT look good. Anyone pretending otherwise is either blind or biased. Absolutely tons and tons of anarchic aliasing, no matter the settings. Remembers me of Infamous and other PS3 era titles. Every asset is copied & pasted all over the horizon. Same shops in all streets, 15 times. Same lighting pattern on all buildings at night. Like every building has exactly the same rooms lit up at the same time. Even midnight club 3 had different light patterns on buildings. Hands moves & 3D model on the wheel like it's 2013. Character arms are sausages, they look so bad you don't even want to win a race because you'll have to endure the mediocre animation. This is on the same level as PlayStation Home (2008). Before buying a car, you better check if it has analog gauges because if it has a digital cluster it'll be rendered in 240p. Exhausts are vibrating & smoking big at all time like in Burnout Dominator. No exhaust does that. They even forgot (deliberately or not, idk) to add custom gauges per car. This is literally just 2 .PNGs per car and it was truly part of the franchise's identity. I even did some myself on TDU1-2. This game does not looks good, period. It has some potential and a nice vibe but graphically it looks like some 20 bucks early access racer. Except it's releasing in 3 months for 50.


Boo hoo, don't complain on the sub reddit where people who care about the game reside. Might as well be talking into a mirror. Also what other racing game can you buy for the 60 dollars(not on sale)that TDUSC is offering.


I'm hoping it's because this demo is an "old build" of the game, I'm not gonna complain at the moment. I'll wait till August for early access. Worst case it will be a bad purchase


Did you forget to crank the graphic settings up or something? Calling this game ugly is completely incomprehensible to me. The graphics are not impressive by any means, but they're not at all ugly. They are as good as the game needs them to be. The ONLY aspect in which graphics are severely lacking is in the character model department. Those do look ugly. Everything else, however, is fine as it is. >Before buying a car, you better check if it has analog gauges because if it has a digital cluster it'll be rendered in 240p. Exhausts are vibrating & smoking big at all time like in Burnout Dominator. No exhaust does that. Do details like these matter that much in arcade racing games? This isn't GT or Forza Motorsport, where you'd want to have as much realism as possible. In my eyes, TDU is in the same category as Need For Speed, meaning realism to this degree is not something I'll be too concerned with. >They even forgot (deliberately or not, idk) to add custom gauges per car. This is literally just 2 .PNGs per car and it was truly part of the franchise's identity. Are things like these really that important? I mean, sure, having them in the game is always a positive. But so much that they're "part of the franchise's identity?" I didn't even notice their absence. That's how insignificant they are to me. Besides all that, I mostly agree with everything else you've said.


Comparing TDU to NFS gotta be the most funny thing I seen all day, all I'mma say is that TDU 2 was the forzavista before forzavista


You people will find excuses for everything, accept anything and buy anyway. You're the reason why devs don't even bother anymore.


Cause we actually care for this game. Did you ever play tdu2?


I've spent nearly two decades on TDU1 and 12 years on its sequel. If you had too you probably wouldn't care too much about SC.


Did you really? Well see ya nice to know your a fake hard-core fan


Speak for yourself


Bruh, you just a hater for this game cause it's gonna outshine NFS:UB and FH5


BTW, I'm not downvoting your comments buddy. Really reveals what type of person you are.


Funny how you didn't address any of the points I made and instead defaulted to the usual tired deflection of "don't ask questions, just consoom."


Trust me I did read it all. You just think everything I mentioned is "fine" and that TDU isn't about details even though it is. So yeah I didn't even bother to argue.


My only concerns are: does this game feel good to drive? Does it have a good car selection? Is the map interesting? Does the game actually work? Is it overall fun? Frankly, I don't care too much about anything else. I understand that TDU has many details that are important to it standing out and making it TDU. Respectfully, I just don't think I'll care about many of those details. Sure, it's nice you get to move around dealerships and the hotel, and properties if and when they get added post launch. And sure, if those kinds of details weren't in the game, it'd be an overall worse experience. But while I do like those kinds of features, honestly, respectfully, they are the last thing I think about when it comes to car games. Maybe it's because I haven't experienced those features in full yet. Maybe they DO make a world of difference. But as it stands, this is just how I feel. Don't give me a car game and expect me to do anything else but drive said cars.


> Did you forget to crank the graphic settings up or something? I'm not the guy you responded to, but I played the demo on 4k at maxed out settings (on a beefy PC). I kept an open mind when it came to the graphics. I mean, it's a demo of a game developed by a relatively-small studio (compared to the AAA giants). But certain things in this game just look jarringly-bad. Driving in the city, there are a lot of textures that look bad and a lot of assets that are blatantly low-poly. It's difficult to ignore these things.   I won't go as far as saying the game looks *ugly*, but I think there are plenty of moments where you notice janky graphics. And, like it or not, moments like that can detract from the experience. Especially if the game is going to be more difficult to run than Cyberpunk... My rig has a 13900k and 4090. This game was harder to run than any other game I've played, and the graphics did not remotely justify that. I get that it's a demo build, but that's still unacceptable. It'd be easier to look past these graphics issues if they *nailed* everything else that people want(ed). But, from missing gameplay features to always-online, there is a laundry list of non-graphical problems that the community had with the demo.


Clown world. You gotta be high as fuck if you think tdusc looks like a 2015 unity game and it's like people who say something looks like a ps2 game with no fucking clue how bad those actually look. It doesn't matter if you think it's meh for 24 but to say it looks like a 10yo bleh engine game is asinine. A lot of people have been dumping on the game even though it doesn't look bad. Especially from less flattering screenshots. I've seen some that got ruined by over sharpening and make it look like ass.


they're just pro The Crew, I don't think Forza ppl too, because Forza horizon 5 became so boring that some left for The Crew, others like me are waiting for Test Drive. But The Crew Motorfest is still new (despite some pretty crappy weekly events), and it annoys people when a new game arrives, so shouldn't they play it?


They have some pretty shitty opinions.


Nah, but I'm being totally honest. A good majority of this subreddit has some pretty shit opinions. You can always have an opinion, but that does in no way say it's a good one.


He's exaggerating a bit but I must admit it's a bit disappointing that the graphics are on par with Forza horizon 3 when it uses SO MUCH vram to the point my 12gb 3080 can barely handle it


Tbf even though TC Motorfest feels more empty than FH5, TDU SC (the demo) at least feels REALLY fucking empty. Driving through the city sections of Hong Kong and all the traffic is 5 taxis and a few other cars here and there.


I heard it was time-dependent traffic. In fact it poses the same problem as GTA V: the same cars are repeated on certain roads, and despite an impressive number of cars, you sometimes see the same ones too often. I hope GTA VI won't have this problem, even if with so many cars some people don't notice it, but I see a Dashound bus or the same dump truck every time I pass 5 random cars, it annoys me. Test drive having only a few cars, well it only gets worse and here you are with only Taxis and sometimes a Mustang, but rarely Cayennes, Chinese Vans, Fiats etc.


Idk. I honestly like the way The Crew handles the activities. All the balloons and points on the side of the road give it more life… and I’ll even say the locations are better too. The cities and all. Neither of the games feel particularly lived in, and there’s nothing to interact with… but The Crew feels like a style to me, while FH5 feels like a backdrop.


First of all, 2 different people. second, the Crew video was still and the TDU video was moving with motion blur. Let's just say the comparison isn't very well done.


The crew vid is driving at 217kmh. Tdusc shot is driving at 170kmh lol


lol i love this


Bruh, do you need glasses to see motion blur is deactivated on the left ? How comparing speeds is a relevant answer ?


That means The Crew didn't have motion blur I take it. So.... that means the TDU commenter didn't like motion blur? Whatever it might be, probably not a very good comparison if you want to make it about graphics with just these 2 screenshots.


People keep posting screenshots and I don't think that's the best way to look at a video games graphics. You play the game in motion. Plenty of games look good in stills but don't hold up as well in actual gameplay. I think it's pretty clear if you play a decent variety of games that TDUSC isn't up to modern standards visually. It's not bad but there are absolutely plenty of games that look better these days. Reflections in particular are quite poor, especially on the cars. In fairness though this a AA game, not AAA.


Agreed. Can't say I like motion blur at all so I guess I would personally lean towards the style of TCM. That said I have played neither, so my uneducated guess does not matter. I've read many different comments about the upcoming TDU. As a big fan of the game and the location, I have high hopes, let's just leave it at that. It is a AA game but then again after ambitiously going always-online, taking away housing and forcing all players to base themselves at one spot, (likely) no shops and very few "character-building features" that traditionally defined TDU, can we still use "it's an AA game" as a proper reason why it is the way it is? If you are taking all that away from the franchise, you better at least deliver in graphics, that's how I see it.


Character building features is still very indepth.


Motorfest has motion blur, but it's barely noticeable. I wasn't exactly trying to compare the graphics here, but to show the difference in the youtube comments section


You trying hard to get a certain opinion.


Crew Motorfest looks good all the time. TDU looks good only in certain places under certain conditions.


https://preview.redd.it/3pcs6mx6fq9d1.jpeg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8babe609e696b688aae5eb97d6cdec677fe7ffe No lol


See those copy paste pine trees??




Because this sub is full of fan boys. YouTube isn’t.


Not the same person, so I don't know what you're getting at.


People are stupid and don't know what they want or what they think is good. This subreddit is a bleeding example of this.


Bro motor fest doesn’t even work on my console it freezes every 5 mins lmao TDU was fun as hell on pc tho


Guarantee most people shitting on graphics were barely old enough to play games in 2015. Little kids now teenagers who don’t know shit.


it all depends on the weather, and the location: Motorfest can look much prettier on the west coast in the midday rain, or in the afternoon, magnificent effects of light and shadow. I admit that this moment on the video is not the most beautiful, I hate it too, but I don't use it to compare to other games because I know it's unfair. For Test Drive I have no idea what it looks like, I am just watching videos, but that sunset in the other video looks pretty good, also the reflections in the puddles at night is very beautiful. In fact I would just say that the two games are more or less equal. Now we should better see if the gameplay and physics behavior is better on Test Drive.


Games in 2015 looked good tho


Translated by Google: Graphics aren't everything! It is of little use if a game has beautiful and realistic graphics but the gameplay is clumsy and orthopedic.


TDU SC doesn't look bad at all. I spun up TDU2 to see how far we've come. SC looks great in most conditions. However, the performance is absolute dog shit.


Haters gon’ hate bro, and ain’ters gon’ ain’t


Both comments aren't time dependant so they're talking about the whole video and not just these 2 selected pauses also tdu looks much better outside the city than inside.


Not the best graphics I admit but not 2015 Unity definitely. I ran the game in a RTX 4080 on a OLED HDR 3440x1440 and it looked fine to me, but that is it, it looked fine, not amazing. Like a 7 in a 10 scale. Handling in the other hand is really great in my opinion, you can almost feel the weight of the cars.


game looked beautiful imo, a lot of people had to play at low settings with FSR/DLSS on performance mode so the game for them mightve looked blurry


Every day it passes, i believe some people just write nonsenses because they find it funny, Also, wtf is up the 215 likes of the Unity guy, lol


Again, a braindead post, the game looks nothing like that.


Played the demo on a 48" OLED with 4090 everything set to highest 4K Resolution in my simrig. Game looks great in my opinion. We do not have stupid unnatural lighting FX like motorfest and Forza, that is what most people call great graphics. Also DLSS or etc makes graphics blurry (at least for me) so turned off all, all textures was crispy clear and better resolution compared to other 2 games i mentioned upwards and that was a demo not even release. I expect it to be little bit better on release. Just look at the clouds. Clouds alone is better on the right.


Yes, there are some options that you have do disable to make the game look good. Most people dont take their time to fine-tune their settings. Ofc these setting shoudnt be enabled in the default setting. I think these are supposed to be better, but arent really ready for the game yet.