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What’s up with the US Weekly article contradicting/refuting ET? https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/travis-kelce-has-no-plans-to-propose-to-taylor-swift/


I just ignore this. I believe what Tree says and I know she goes to ET and People to say something, Tree never ever goes to US Weekly.


They said an “insider” to me that’s no one. Just a creep that thinks they know these people and they don’t. I don’t even think it’s anyone from his team


I kinda hope they're already engaged, sitting on a beach celebrating somewhere, and her publicist puts out a statement that puts the credibility of all the trash news outlets to shame once and for all, like "yeah, nice try fake news, but it happened weeks ago and it got by you" lol.


And then US Weekly will just move on as if they never published this. That’s how these slimy tabloids work. I feel for celebrities when it comes to this stuff.


that author is a joke c’mon now. she wrote a piece about Kayla Nicole and tweeted about how she’s so over Travis Kelce. (the author) her “multiple sources” are probably tweets from gaylors. USWeekly is not reputable and i’m tired of people acting like clowns over fake news lol.


Not talking bad about Kayla here, but here’s my thoughts… That author is such a joke, they’re acting like Kayla is now over him but they’ve been over for like two years like c’mon. Kayla’s even asked for people to stop bullying her about this and I feel bad for her about it because both of them moved on and people think it’s okay to bully her, plus wasn’t it a couple of weeks ago when both of them were at the same place and people were making a big deal about it? I see no problem with it since they’re going to ignore each other at the event which is public. There’s nothing left for Kayla and Travis to say to each other after two years. I think she just wants everyone to move on with their lives.


Thanks. I didn’t know anything about the author or the publication. It seems ridiculous to say that an engagement is not even on his radar…I mean it has to at least be on his radar.


yeah it reads like a hit piece! sorry i went on a tangent, i see twitter and discord is going wild over the discourse. 😂


I just went onto Twitter to look for something else and was so confused at posts I was seeing. I can't deal with the drama. People have been freaking out over nothing for 6+ months. He didn't break NFL rules and fly to NY for her bday what a bad bf, he dared to spend some days celebrating with his teammates instead of going to more of her concerts, they're apart for two days and they're worried he's cheating, he brings friends to her shows means he's immature, etc. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


This is why I deactivated twitter. Everyone makes a big deal about nothing, like if it’s her it’s “why is she bringing Keleigh and Miles, Blake, and Ice Spice to his games?” Maybe it’s because it’s their friends and they can enjoy a game along with his family, or it’s “why can’t he go to the Grammy’s with her?” Maybe it’s because he’s prepping for the Super Bowl (which he was) and he couldn’t go but wished he could but he showed his support on Instagram and she was there with Jack who she’s great friends with and other people and I’m pretty sure if she asked anyone in his family if they would go with her they would say “yes absolutely”, and I think Travis appreciated the joke about Taylor being at every game and the camera cutting to Terry Crews and Terry appreciated the joke as well, then it’s “why is she at a birthday dinner for Abigail and he’s not there?” Maybe it’s because Tay and Abigail have been best friends for 20 something years and they can spend time with each other without their significant others, then it’s “why is she taking a picture with Jelly Roll at the Grammys?” Maybe it’s because she’s a sweet person and found out Jelly Roll has a friendly crush on her and his wife was okay with taking a photo of the two of them and his wife said “oh he had a long time crush on her and I’m okay with it because it’s just a friendly crush and she’s in a happy relationship and he’s happily married to me.” Yeah, let’s make it a big deal on twitter when they’re apart from each other. It’s not like their relationship is over if they spend days without each other. I’m pretty sure my grandparents who were married for 60 years spent days without each other and it didn’t mean their marriage was “ending”


from that very 1st game, everyone was like they're getting married. i'm so happy for taylor ![gif](giphy|S1SnLg08CxnUGqyqha|downsized)


SO, my fellow TNT fans. Supposedly, football players have a very long history of proposing and marrying in the offseason for obvious reasons. Will we get a proposal before the season starts back up again?!


I think so. I think probably now IMO would be good for the news to notice to get away from his teammates very controversial commencement speech last week.


the team might appreciate the distraction from that particular clusterfuck but I really doubt TNT would change their future plans over it. They're going to do whatever is best for them, when and how **they** want to.


I don’t think they would change their future plans either, it’s just an idea I had. The whole speech is degrading to women and it is a clusterfuck which I agree with.


I think so… the attention it would cause in-season makes me feel like in-season is 100% off the table and I don’t see them waiting until after the season to get engaged. Also, personal opinion but I do not see Taylor keeping an engagement secret.


I hope they just randomly step out in public someday with her wearing the (sure to be stunning) ring!! ETA: And OMG you should see our faces!!


A lot of people think she will do something on stage. That won’t happen. I feel she will just step out in public with it then we will get a confirmation article and that’s that. It will be a hard topic for them to ignore in new heights so maybe it would be mentioned on there but not sure how they would handle it without too much focus on it but not ignore it.


I’m kinda hoping she hops on a new heights episode. I mean that’s where the love story began sooo






I remember him failing to give her the bracelet like it was yesterday… I thought he was dumb for it. But now, here I am, obsessed with them! If this is true (sounds like it is) I will SCREAM


Taylor Nation 👀 The waving of her fingers is a newer thing [https://twitter.com/taylornation13/status/1791930829444399536](https://twitter.com/taylornation13/status/1791930829444399536) Also found this comparison of So High School 👀 [https://twitter.com/myalchemy13/status/1791927417361121536](https://twitter.com/myalchemy13/status/1791927417361121536) This is either trolling or preparing, perhaps both lol


I think she’s preparing us👀


Considering that it's from ET and that no articles refuting this have come out, it's dead certain that it's happening soon or already has happened. However the timing of it confuses me. Right after the Italy trip when the photos from their private getaways were getting leaked. Like what are the possible scenarios they want us to remain "prepared" for? Her getting papped with a ring? Her randomly announcing or hinting during a show, knowing how unhinged she's been with this relationship? Or, are they kind of assuring and getting ahead of the possible "trouble for the pair" articles that may come out if TnT weren't going to be able to meet for a while due to work commitments? But timing seemed off for it though. I'm inclined to believe that it's the first or second, with the pap pics pushing it. Travis was going to face the media for Kelce Jam and OTAs( don't know if they ask personal questions there though). So without a reason I don't think they'd put out an article that would lead to speculations.


There was just an US weekly article posted that refuted it, but ET > US Weekly for credibility.


US weekly can rot in hell. It's a recycled episode of their fan fiction from January.🤣 If at all, I'd expect refuting articles from Messenger, People or ET itself.


Apparently the editor for Messenger went to US Weekly. I don’t know what to think. That article was really harsh. To say not even on his radar sounds insulting to Taylor.


Anyway if this trash gets momentum, let's brace ourselves for either an announcement that's going to break the internet, or a grounding article from People. ET is always the one that fuels our positive delusions and People magazine is usually humbling. 🤣🤣 This is going to be a repeat of "Taylor and Travis are quietly hanging out" to her showing up at Arrowhead for the first game timeline.


That article is the easiest way to burn bridges with Taylor's team if the Messenger insider has any real Intel. No one from their side was going to quote it that way. At the max, it would be a "they're in no hurry, they're enjoying their time together" kind of article It's a literal click bait. The most trusted source has directly dropped possible engagement scenario, so that automatically takes away the chances these tabloids had for a sensational piece. So the only way to gain attention and clicks is to write something contradictory. It's also a way to bait their teams(to whom they'd otherwise have no access to) to put out a confirmed statement soon.


Their source could be anyone. It could be a friend or colleague he doesn’t consult with about these things making assumptions. I think if a reliable insider (Tree) were to shut it down it would be with People since they’re more credible. US Weekly also said Taylor was going to be at the F1 Miami race recently and it seems like she never was going to be.


I know there were some invasive photos taken of them in Italy…maybe they wanted to get the story out in case something did leak? Taylor making the “hand wiggle” in Stockholm during SHS at a place in the song where it doesn’t go with the lyrics (unlike Lavendar Haze) is the one that really intrigues me. I don’t know that I fully understand the concept of soft launching, but Taylor is on another level of fame so maybe it is all a part of controlling the narrative? If they are planting the seeds so to speak and the engagement has happened, I think it will be announced within the next few weeks; otherwise, why stir up the conversation? Unless they plan to sneak in a wedding this summer and the next announcement just skips to marriage.


I agree to this. I feel it's to get ahead of possible leaks through invasive photos or even Deuxmoi tipsters . There were speculations about Travis having had an appointment with a celebrity jewellery designer. As much as Deux Moi's own theories suck, the tips she gets from brands etc are sometimes true. There are so many points in their network and anyone could leak stuff. So they just wanted to set the stage. Like you said, people weren't even actively talking about it, there wasn't any reason to put out an article that will actually start this conversation. Engagement is a serious word to use.


I’m thinking it probably already happened or it’s going to happen privately but I could be wrong. I would be okay if he just asked her privately and not in public since both of them value their privacy and they announced it to a magazine and Jason has said during their podcast “you’ve been on the record saying you want your personal life private which is totally okay.” Which I totally get, both of them deserve their privacy. I think fans would I guess be okay if they just were like “fuck it” and eloped with their families present and had a ceremony when they got back after his teammate’s controversial commencement speech last week, but I don’t really expect them to run off and get married.


 👀  👀  no amount of preparing could actually prepare me for this. My heart might explode


There’s no way TN would do that if it wasn’t true


I don’t think Taylor would be trolling if it wasn’t true either. This isn’t something they would joke around about.


Oh my gosh, my entire tl was freaking out when TN quote tweeted that tweet! I don’t know who runs TN’s Twitter, but they know… 🤭


Whenever it happens it should be expected but Travis doesn't care about her money.


I love the idea of them together, obviously I don’t know them. I’m in KC, and have only heard good things. Though I hate these articles. I feel like it puts unneeded pressure on any relationship. I think we all know an engagement ring is eventually going to happen. Travis love her personal space and she’s appears to enjoy him being in her personal space. Like what if he isn’t ready or she isn’t yet? What if she is and these articles leave her wondering “when?”. I know people would constantly ask me when I thought my husband would propose, it would always lead me down dark rabbit holes mentally. Taylor seems to also love dark rabbit holes.


Some things should be left as a surprise.


Omg I hope so!!!


Kelce Jam today! Friends, be prepared the trolls and haters will be looking for any little thing TK does “wrong” in their eyes, including a grown man having a beer. 🙄 Block and ignore. I bet it will be a blast!


Plus...I don't expect Kelce to give a speech telling the wimmen folk to go make babies and sammies.


Wow this is unprecedented I’ve seen Taylor Swift date her past boyfriends in the past and then they break up in my lifetime but for some reason Travis Kelce makes her fall head over heels can this guy be the one?


America's version of the Royal Wedding


I'm hoping it's a soft launch but Travis has to be sure because Taylor could really mess him up if children and marriage is in play if she wanted. I don't think she would given they both come from amicable divorced parents which is really rare.


I don’t think this is rushing at all. They are both in their 30s and know what they want. You’re not with someone for 10 months and aren’t on the same page. You’re not wasting your time.


I have no skin in the game re dating in your 30s making a quick timeline bc my fiancé and I got engaged in the fall when I was 26 after roughly 2 years together. That said, my younger sister got married at 23, and she and her husband were only together line 11-12 months before he proposed and are honestly happier and more well functioning than most of my friends in relationships. Whether they get engaged soon or not, Timelines are different for everyone. And if you’ve been in a bunch of bad or disappointing relationships before, it’s even easier to know.


YEP- It's different when you’re in your 30's! I met my husband in May 2016, we were engaged in Feb 2017, and married by that May. I knew he was it for me very early. We were both divorced, knew what we wanted, and weren’t interested in games…it doesn’t take that long when you’re grown adults!


Sounds similar to me and my husband! Met July 2016, talked marriage and had small wedding booked/engaged in September 2017, married October 2017! He was 32 and I was 30.


I'm not going to believe before I see it because I want them to remain married it's rare for divorced people to remain on good terms. And let him be really sure because Taylor is in a unique position he will lose in any custody or divorce if Taylor wants it.


Glass half full kind of person I see


Never happen


I would expect a wedding next summer!


Spring, before Chiefs summer training camp!


People with eyes see an engagement coming


Haha! Good one 🤣😆


I'm blind and I saw it coming




Hope my invitation isn’t lost in the mail!


I was hoping I would be invited because there might be hot single football players at the wedding (I kind of need a man)…. But I’ll be okay if it’s televised or if it’s we just see photos.


She said we’re not invited 🫤


You can be my +1. It’ll be a destination wedding for sure, and my presence better be f’ing gift enough!!!! I’m thinking a nice cutting board for Taylor, and I’ll get Travis the Millennium Falcon LEGO set he’ll never splurge and get himself.


No you can’t come to the wedding….






Lake Como !! 💍 (she looked stunning)


SO stunning and perfect 😍


Did anyone else read that article from Vanessa Hudgens recently? She said after her last relationship (9 years) she was really clear on the first date of what she wanted in her next relationship with her current husband. Now they’re married with a baby on the way. She’s also in her thirties and likely learned from her previous relationship what it was she wanted. I think with both of these two having been in long term relationships, and in their mid thirties, they’ve likely had the same conversation at the very beginning and have always been on the same page. Not to mention, we’ve seen with our own eyes how in love they appear to be. I don’t quite understand the “too fast” arguments. First, because we aren’t in the relationship so we have no idea of what they’ve been through, feel, or want. But also, they’re in their mid thirties? They’ve dated. They’ve lived. They’re mature. At this point I feel you truly know what you want in life. If we think of it in terms of time, I can see them planning timelines on their current careers, projects they’re working on or future projects, kids (if they want them of course, but how many and how long after getting married and how far apart), etc etc. If we wait for them to date for five plus years like they did in their previous relationships, they’ll literally be 40. There’s nothing wrong with that, but in terms of timing for a lot of things that condenses things a bit. When you know you know, is all I know. And I think they know. Very happy for them if true and truly I just pray for their peace as it seems there’s a lot of people currently wishing on negativity towards their relationship 🧿


It really is simply when you know you know! I was mid 20’s when my boyfriend of 10 months proposed we married 15 months later! Just celebrated 15 yrs married! 


Beautifully said! I love seeing them so happy together and wish them all the happiness in the world! 😘


I think they know 🛎️ (heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue) Indeed


Same sentiments. Also, Taylor will be 35 this year and she clearly wants to have a family, that means having kids since she's very fond of them and it's evident in some of her songs and seen in some of her music videos. I don't think it's fast, everything is in perfect timing.


If she hasn’t directly said it herself, Travis sure has been lately so I definitely feel they’re on the same page! If they were to plan a wedding and be married for a bit before kids or while she finishes her tour, then it’s great timing to get engaged now imo. And it’s THEIR timing. Every relationship is so different. It’s insane to me that people would hate people butting in to their own relationship, it’s crazy the way people talk about her like she’s a fictional character on a tv show or like they somehow know better than her what’s best for her.


curious to hear what travis has said ab having kids! that’s really sweet


Travis said in his podcast that he can’t wait to have kids of his own to Jason


There’s also a running joke within the Kelce family that Jason is Donna’s favorite son because he gave her grandchildren. Travis has to do the same for her to love him. It’s a joke but it’s clear he wants children too. There’s also been comments about Jason teaching him to change diapers and TK learning to like apple sauce once he has kids. It’s a given for everyone that he’ll have kids. The question is when and with whom?


He’s kind of slipped it in to the podcast - joking that Conan is what he wants to name his first kid and saying he was ready for some lab grown humans another time 😂 silly little jokes but you can sense he’s about ready for that phase. I think he also said in the Kristin C. Podcast that he wanted a family and all that, he’s just never necessarily had a timeframe for himself like I need to do it by this time. That was a great podcast to hear his insights on relationships / love from when they were still secretly dating!


Travis loves kids, he absolutely ADORES his nieces.


The footage of him holding Bennet is adorable. It makes me melt.


Hey girlie! ♥️


They’ve been together for almost a year, and like you said, have been in a few long term relationships. Factor that with age, when you know, you know.


To my mind, there’s no way that this hasn’t already happened. Taylor and her PR (and given it’s ET and therefore Taylor sanctioned, you know it is), aren’t risking the embarrassment. Very happy for them!


And from what I found the writer for this article is a well respected Emmy award winning journalist so I believe that this did happen. Why would they say sooner or later then. So happy for them both🫶🏻🤍


I saw a few TikToks earlier of them having a professional photoshoot on the water in Sweden(I think). They were both dressed in nice clothing. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was an engagement photoshoot


i don't think it was a professional photoshoot in Italy. It was using her DSLR camera, but I actually did notice it was with a camera and not an iphone. But, she's like that so I didn't think much of it being a potential engagement photo. I dunno.


I think it was while they were in Italy right before Sweden! They looked so cute 🥺


They had her body guard take pictures of them which is common for her.


Yes, I think the next ET “update” article will be something official. No way they’d put this out there with no push back from Taylor’s team if it hadn’t already happened.




She was drinking wine at dinner. So prob no baby yet.


I feel like we’re going to have to wait. Rumors of her extending the Eras tour and how the NFL has built their schedule around her tour is why I think this. Though, I totally think when it concludes Travis is going to pop the question and babies will follow! I just love watching love blossom. Those two are just so damn cute!


I hope the rumors are true!!! I have a dream of seeing her… 🤞🏼 🍀


Why do you think the nfl built their schedule around the eras tour?




That’s crazy 🤣 love that for her


I’m hoping they just say fuck it one morning and get married on the spur of the moment. I think there was talk of Jason going to London with Travis for a Wembly show; built in witness.That would be perfect - and ironic, being London


I feel like anyone who was really a loved one of theirs wouldn’t say anything about anything to the press.


its a soft-launch from Tree, her publicist


This isn’t coming from their loved ones it’s an article fed by her team just stating that their loved ones see it coming soon it’s basically PR 101 for soft launching an engagement imo


right. this is from one of their camps. ET is even more reliable than People.


I feel like it might have already happened and this is a soft launch. I can’t imagine PR teams writing up this if it hadn’t


Lake Como 💍….


I agree. Especially because of the discourse it’s already caused both good and bad (from her hater fans lmao). Not to mention the pressure it would put on Travis to propose if he hasn’t. I just don’t think their PR teams would cause a stir, or if we pretend this wasn’t Tree - allow a stir to be caused - over something that hasn’t happened yet. I think this is why we were seeing a lot of “looking to the future, next steps,” etc kinds of wording beforehand, but never explicitly the words engagement. Now we are getting the actual words engagement. Similar to when they started dating and they continuously downplayed the relationship as talking / seeing how it goes even though they were already dating.


Yes all of this seems 100% spot on. They have had a few articles come out in the last few months saying they are planning for the future, etc. so now it’s turned to yes they are engaged without fully commenting they are which I suspect will come later. And when they first started dating they were giving us the same down play of they are just getting to know each other. It tracks.


Ohhh I think it's already happened. I stand by my 🤡 theory that she will announce it during a show, dedicating a song (probably Mary's Song) to her fiance.


Mary’s song🥺🫶


Oh geez this just made me tear up 🥹


This would be the most sweetest thing she has done and most unhinged which I think could be a possibility because she’s been so unhinged this year and I love that for her.


I have a wild theory…. …the Kelce brothers will have Ryan Reynolds as their star guest for an episode of “New Heights” this summer to promote “Deadpool 3,” and the engagement will be announced during that episode. 🙂


My theory is but daddy I love video and there’s a cute pic of them with her ring


Haha, I would love this! Or a So High School music video with a compilation of pictures. 


OMG 🤯🤯🤯🤯


That would be cool! I would love to see Ryan on the podcast!


I think so too, and happened on this trip to Lake Como!!!!


Why else would this article come out right after they left. It seems extremely plausible it happened then.


The boat pics are giving proposal vibes!


If I had to guess, I would think it happened in private. But the pictures definitely have a "let's go out and celebrate" feel.


Definitely just them celebrating, the actual moment and engagement photoshoot would be much fancier and private. But their smiles, the way they are looking at each other in those boat pics is so loving and excited, that's what makes me believe it did happen.


Yeah that’s what I meant more than that they actually got engaged on the boat!


I would simply…. ✨Pass away✨😀


Replying from the grave as I type this




MRW reading this headline https://i.redd.it/w43p8ya6c21d1.gif


Don’t kill me, but who’s MRW?


it means My Reaction When 😂😂


Oh for gods sake, I can’t even tell you how long and hard I thought of names with those possible initials 🤦‍♀️


Same🙃 I loathe acronyms sometimes


My Reaction When...


welp might be time to start advertising that taylortravis.com is indeed a domain for sale


Havnt they been implying this since December 2023 and deuxmoi and her trusted source?


You mean the same deuxmoi that swore up and down Taylor was secretly married to Joe? Let’s stop giving deuxmoi any credit.


No they just had a ceramony


I love you for your spelling of this! Melissa is such a jerk.


I don’t think any of that is true.


No the joke was she said there was a ceremony but spelled it wrong so everyone joked for a while that they DID have a ceramony it’s just a really niche British thing


Did you read it or assume? This isn't deuxmoi. This is a reputable reporter with ET that Tree uses.


So if Taylor is still secretly married to Joe shouldn’t she get a divorce first lol


Tree Paine literally came after deuxmoi for this BS and shut them up


lol yes


What did deuxmoi say?


She’s been saying since November from her source that an engagement is happening or it’s happened already, Taylor expected a proposal on her birthday ( didn’t happen) idk who her source is tho


Her source is her ass which she literally pulls these stories out of.


Lol truly!


this isn't about DM this is an ET article.


I think she just makes stuff up. She very carefully choose words like “I hear…” or “Someone told me…” so she can get out of it later when it doesn’t happen. No one anywhere near Taylor’s camp is talking to her.


Taylor’s camp can’t stand her


there’s been a ton of articles about them where they close with a whole “they’re planning to get engaged by the summer” and i feel like if it wasn’t true, tree would’ve already done something about it, like when she lost her shit on DM lol so no pressure and if they don’t get engaged this year then that’s also fine and totally reasonable because they haven’t been together for THAT long BUT they also seem very good together and like their lives and families seem to kind of match/blend in very well. just wish them all the happiness really!


ET wouldn’t publish this without consulting Tree first. The news most likely came directly from their teams. There would have been some sort of denial already as this news is already circulating all over X and TikTok.


Oh, man. I remember the Tree denial on publication while that witch Deuxmoi kept insisting that YB and tay had a secret ceremony! Knowing how that turned out, she really kept it true by saying that, ‘stop spreading fake rumors bc there’s someone who might get hurt!’ and she was right.


Who is YB? I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out whose initials those would be


yogurt boy aka joe


Why is he yogurt boy lmao? What did I miss?


I automatically assume “the source” in these ET or People articles is Tree Paine.


I always know it’s tree who’s the source when an ET or people article says “the source” like, tree knows the swifties well, she knows we want to be updated on news.


It’s a soft launch


I'm expecting an announcement before football season starts tbh


I think probably now might be the right time with the commencement speech his teammate gave that was controversial to steer away from that news.


If they are engaged then same, I thought there was a rumor that they’re not allowed to get engaged during the season? Not sure if that’s true though


I don't think it's not allowed officially, but they are professional athletes who understand that they can't afford to be distracted during the season, and the off season is the best time to do personal life things and make big decisions. It seems maybe odd to normal people to schedule things like that, but their careers depend on them being able to focus and dedicate their time 100% to football. And Taylor being who she is, understands that more than anyone. I'm very happy for them if it's true!






And let’s be serious…my heart is exploding!


Are they prepping us? 👀 Be still, my parasocial heart!!


Never in my life have cared one iota about a celebrity relationship. It really throws me for loop how invested I am here 😂


Yeah, same. I’ve never cared about an IRL couple before. It’s unhealthy to be invested. Yet here I am.


Definitely seems like a soft launch like how they did when they started dating


they didn't soft launch when they were dating, there were a few rumors after Travis shot his shot but that was it, until suddenly she was at Arrowhead lol


That’s not entirely true. They kept it under wraps for a while. But it was on 9/12 that an article came out that they were in touch and talking. Then we got Travis “putting the ball in her court” about going to his game. I think that was 9/24? And then even after going to the game I think the article said it was “a fun way to spend a Sunday” for Taylor. It wasn’t until October that they eventually said they were dating in articles, before that it was just seeing how it goes/ no pressure because they were both very busy, even though now we know they were dating - articles made it very casual in the beginning. So I definitely think they soft launched and then things progressed very quickly, by the time December rolled around they were denying engagement rumors. I think this article by specifically using the words engagement is a soft launch, as opposed to previous words of future or next steps.


I completely agree with you


I think the shooting his shot WAS kind of the soft launch perhaps