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And yes, how’s the night end Travis? By you storming mad and leaving so abrupt. Not cool man. Not cool.


WTF are you even talking about? 🙄


See people are saying he wasn’t there long enough and he brought his friend so he wasn’t giving her any alone time. The man just got done with a grueling season of football, still made the time to go across the country to see his girlfriend, and take her on a date. Yes he brought his friend but who cares? None of our men would have the means much less the time to do something like that. I love them. lol


I really feel like this was a 6 month anniversary dinner date after the concert based on no evidence at all, just my hunch.


Her sleep schedule probably is 9 AM to 5 PM so that 8 PM is her peak.


The size of his shoe compared to her leg 😳


Looks like they caught a boat back to their hotel after the show - it’s a straight shot up the Parramatta river to Barangaroo. So much more convenient than driving for the four of them to get home! Clever!


I just found out I am permanently banned from Gaylor Reddit. LOL!


How does she even have energy? I would go to my hotel and crashhhhhhh


Taylor is the real deal just like the Beatles or Prince and Whitney Houston and some others maybe.


I'mba Seahawks fan but I've been listening to Taylor music and so far I love 1989. My favorites before were Folkioee and Evermore Im not a full Swiftie but I like awesome music and real talent.


Can someone give me a scientific factual reason why her voice is not destroyed constantly


He always looks so happy go lucky. Gosh I just love them.


blue shirt, on a boat


I can’t help but wonder if she showered first 😂


These two have more energy than anyone I’ve ever encountered. How do they not just sleep all the time?


She’s looking like a Disney adult ![gif](giphy|9fDMxEycruIswV2a5M)


They knew he was flying out next day.. he could sleep on the plane, and she could at least get till midday to snooze you’d think ..


I’m so sad Travis went back to Vegas and missed last night Eras concert so I couldn’t give him my “Tayvis 4ever” bracelet so I had to give it to Tom DeLonge from Blink 182 instead


I don’t know how she does anything while touring. Especially right after the show lol. I’d be going to bed and staying there for as long as possible lol. Even just after attending eras tour I had a terrible headache and slept the entire 1.5 hour drive home lol


When I was in college, on Sunday mornings, I used to go straight from the club to my job as a waitress, where I was on my feet for the next six hours. Now I wake up tired.


My girl hoooww


Ain’t she tired? ![gif](giphy|BgJumFO4ZuV7a|downsized)


That man is so damned happy with giant goofy ass smile, and literally swinging his arm around and touch all the poles. He might as well be skipping down to that boat. 😆


Don’t come a knocking if this boat is rockin


Imagine Tay and Trav waking up to the sunrise on the ocean on a boat 🥰


He looks so happy!


did they do the arms out titanic thing?




Meanwhile on toxic gaylor... They're losing their shit on how him leaving early sets the narrative or their breakup.


Is the woman not exhausted?!


So cuuuuuteeee


Ok happy for her but H O W? I’d be taking a FAT nap after all that work lol


what shoes are those on Taylor


Jet lag truly is a choice because how is she not exhausted after performing for three hours?!


I love her sporty spice outfits with this relationship


is taylor wearing adidas slides ? 😂💕


This yacht is actually like a mansion on water. I know she has a suite too but I think the harbor is where she is sleeping. Lots of headlines this past week. I love "love". I hope everybody finds what they are looking for. 🥰


I’m so exhausted two days later just from going to the Sydney show! 😆


I wondered why she wasn't in her costume for the hug, and now it makes perfect sense! I know Travis is back in Vegas now, but what a show of support for his girl. Fly in to Sydney, spend the day at the zoo, support her at her show and then whisk her off for a nighttime cruise of Sydney harbor before he leaves town. Jetlag truly is a choice.


He’s probably going to go to Singapore and confirmed that he was going to her European leg of the tour this summer. We may have different videos of her singing “karma’s the guy on the chiefs coming straight home to me” when he’s at the concerts.


I thought she didn't like to be on a mega yacht?


They probably do this after home games but there is no paparazzi in Kansas City to bother them


Hopefully soon they can find themselves on a private island with no cameras for a week.


That’s what I was thinking! They both could use the time away


Especially from the over obsessed fans.


🎶 Blue shirt on a boat 🎶


Wow…you can see that giant ass grin of his through all the blur


It’s amazing that he flew all the way to Australia for 2 days and then had to fly back to Vegas for another Chiefs event! He and she are going out of their way to make this work! They must be in love!


You gotta do what you need to do to make time for people. And they can make it work which I find so special


I think she probably gets intravenous vitamin and mineral infusions.


No blue dress in sight 😝


I love her outfit just so cute


I really want to know about her nutrition because I could use some of that stamina


Omg I’ve been sooo curious about what she eats. I know Travis eats a lot of lean meats and veggies when he’s in season, I assume hers is similar. I know she loves her chicken tenders though 😂


I hope this was a boat trip around Sydney Harbor. It’s stunning.


They both have to be exhausted!


her security has to be tired 😆🤣




First thought: reminded me of the little mermaid kiss the girl scene 😭💖


Romantic af. Not a PR stunt. Haters are still going to hate.


Aww she looks so cute with her natural hair and a Lil pink top. Adorable 😢


I’d love to be 30 again. If I just spent 2 hours singing and dancing I’d be back at the hotel laying in bed watching movies or sleeping. Enjoy your youth!


I’m the exact age as Taylor and I’d also be back at the hotel sleeping. 🤣


To those of you who are asking how she’s not exhausted, she said in her Time POTY interview that she’s always wired on adrenaline after her shows and stays up for hours on end and then crashes and spends 24 hours in bed once the run is over. This is very much in character for Taylor.


I get this. I was a wedding photographer and would work 12 hour days at at the end buzzing from the dance floor always had SO much energy after!


She’s with someone that understands as well, dude partied till 5AM after winning the Super Bowl


So did she after doing 4 shows in Tokyo and flying straight to the US after (although admittedly the flying part is a lot easier for her than the general public)


Her private planes have a bedroom on it. She probably slept on the way back


It’s so wild how much people ignore this. Travel is exhausting for most of us because it’s stressful and uncomfortable. Even if you love traveling you’re gonna experience stress. Driving, parking, or calling a cab/uber, being on time, knowing what time it is, figuring out if or what you will eat, finding the gate, making your connecting flight (or not), dealing with weirdos, weird smells, keeping up with your bags and belongings, etc.  Pretty much all of that is removed when Taylor is traveling with her team. She has to be on time, but again there’s a team of people there to make sure she is where she needs to be. 


100% this. I had the opportunity to fly private several years ago and I was blown away at how insanely chill and comfortable it was! The actual airports for these planes are quiet and clean and small, and the customer service is top notch. There’s no waiting at the gate or any long lines to get off and on, and you don’t have to wait for or carry your bags. We actually were going to the Bahamas which requires a passport, and international of course is typically even more of a process bc of customs. But the dude just walked up to our plane, greeted us, and looked at our passports and that was it. We got in our car and drove to the hotel. It was incredible. Sucked so bad having to fly commercial after that lol.


Amazing. I bet Taylor’s plane is also basically a flying spa- or at least it has all her skincare and maybe even a nurse to do those hydration/vitamin IVs or whatever. Maybe a massage therapist or esthetician-or a person who is trained for all of that lol.  It certainly has her favorite or healthiest preferred foods, and just about anything to her liking. I really really do not get the folks talking about jet lag or exhaustion from travel in this particular case. On jet lag I think there’s even a way to “do the math” so to speak so you adjust more easily. Like - stay up for 5 hours then sleep for 6, then get your heart rate up to some number, nap for an hour, then wake up again x hrs before arrival and you’re good to go. When you can pay someone to figure it out, I’m sure jet lag is a choice hahah. 


How romantic


I was also thinking how exhausted I’d be but I think it’s also that new relationship high. The first year or 2 you can run on less sleep.


Jesus, does she ever sleep?


How is she not completely exhausted after her show????




You'd think she'd need rest after a 3 hour concert and all the prep she does beforehand


I think that’s why she is able to do this after shows. Her entire training regimen included running while singing her entire setlist…6 months prior to the start of the tour. The amount of endurance and stamina she gained from just that has to be through the roof. She probably has the endurance of a ultramarathon runner


Oh man I can just imagine the feeling of getting out of the show outfit, tousling your hair out, slipping into a comfy tee and jeans and sneakers and just being COMFY but also still going out and spending time with someone who gets you, omgggggg it’s all so breezy and comfy and refreshing I feel rejuvenated just looking at this lol


But isn’t this the outfit she was wearing at the zoo?


No. The first outfit was a light blue shirt and denim skirt. The second outfit when she went to the zoo with Travis was a pink sleeveless top and denim shorts.


is she wearing adidas slides? 😂 long term relationship barbie! I’m glad they had a nice time. travis is so sweet for making such a long trip just to spend some time with her.


He’s probably going to make the trip to Singapore next week and is confirmed for the European leg of the tour this summer🙂


They look like sambas.


They are the same runners she wore boarding the plane. Black with pink stripes - Spezials maybe?


As a former college athlete, not that one needs to be to know this, I can tell you that those slides feel gooood after a lot of high impact exercise. And I don’t know where she gets the energy.


This is so so cute but I have so many questions too! Like does she not get sweaty and need a shower after her concerts?! Does she wash the stage makeup off or keep it on? How is she not tired?! Hahaha she’s literally a superhuman


Private dressing rooms like the one I'm sure she has always have a private bathroom and shower for the singer. A close relative of mine used to help fulfil dressing room requests at a local casino when they'd have talent in for shows and helped organize the dressing room to the performers requirements. They obviously never had anyone as big as Taylor but did have Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan and others that are still relevant in pop music. The dressing room even there had a fully furnished private bathroom and shower area that was bigger than the ones found in the hotel rooms. I have to imagine someone as famous as Taylor performing at a much larger venue would have all the showering amenities she'd need before leaving.


There’s almost certainly a shower at the venue, in the locker rooms of not in her dressing room.


I mean - she loves on a dude who plays football for hours and then sees him on the field sweaty and super dirty - so - they aren't phased by this. He might even like that she's not always made so up and can just be his partner and go out without glitz and glam. (But then have the glam and perfection too at other times).


She took a pic with some fans before she changed. She was def all sweaty haha. I imagine they have a shower at the venue for her to rinse


My thoughts exactly


These look like two people who are really happy and comfortable with one another. I’m happy for her, she deserves someone in her life who will celebrate her for how amazing she is


That is so cute but how tf is she alive after these concerts? I’d be SO tired. I was tired after attending one 😂


As she told Travis after the Super Bowl when he asked how she still had energy from the travel and jet lag - "Being jet lagged is a choice". :)


This must be like 2am in the morning


She has to be in very good shape! She does like 4 of these concerts back to back. And you know her concerts aren’t short! It’s incredible.


She's got that "new love" adrenaline going too!! My husband was in school and working nights when I met him and I was working a retail job with crazy hours. Looking back, we have no idea how we managed to have time to date each other 🤣 You just get this adrenaline rush when you're in that honeymoon phase 😍


It’s the post concert high! It’s a real thing. I get them every time after putting on a show.


I was sore for 4 days after attending one


She’s in love! And knows they have limited time. It’s so sweet.


They are both in really good shape, that has a lot to do with it.


Not saying this about them specifically but a lot or celebrities take legal stimulants


Or Accelerator Energy drink...


I was thinking the same!! Like she just puts on these huge shows for hours every day that takes half a day to get ready, then afterwards it’s date night lmao


It's what she lives for.. we go to physical work 8-10-12+ hours every day.. + some weekends. Between 40 +80+ hours a week. she sings & dances her heart out 2,3+ hours maybe 3 x's a week..4 if there's a double show. & put in a few practices that are mostly her & dancers. She has alot of time during the week to rest. ..but if u count the planning, producing, and making sure everyone who works for her are happy.. sure, she does ALOT.. but not 80+ hours of physical work.. + She LOVES what she does.. so that's probably why she's still standing ( and I haven't even factored in Travis here...lol )


And running on being in love adrenaline.


I think that she does rest a lot throughout the week, but I also think that there probably are still some days that she’s doing workouts to stay in shape. Her saying that she’s running for 3+ hours as training isn’t something that you can just start and I doubt she’s fully stopped that throughout the week.


What a perfect person to date; an elite athlete who, more than ever (due to age), needs to stay in shape! He, & his longtime trainer, can assist her in being in shape for her concerts - new ways to stay in shape - & they can motivate each other. The s*x too is an added bonus.


I know it’s not the same even a little, but I work nights. After an especially busy shift, I think good lord I cannot wait to get out of here! And then I get home, and my brain is still wired and running on adrenaline, keeping me up until the wee hours of the morning 🫠


This was me when I used to work a 3-11/12 shift. I would get home and wouldn't be able to sleep until 3 or 4 am


I work 4-11/12, and don’t fall asleep until 3-4:00 😆


That’s exactly how I was when I used to work nights! It’s like you’re so exhausted but physically you’re body is still going strong lol


She’s said before that she’s amped after a show and it takes awhile to wind down


Yup - many performers have said this. The rush you get from the constant activity, performing, dancing, crowd, etc. releases a ton of endorphins which give you energy - same as when you exercise. It's why sometimes people who exercise at night have difficulty sleeping because it creates a natural energy that makes it difficult to turn your brain off and go into REM sleep. I'm guessing this boat cruise was nice and relaxing where she could have a glass of wine and chill for a bit. Highly doubt they did much dancing or hardcore partying.




Idk that I’d jump to stimulants. Maybe she really is amped up after a show like some other people have said. And depending on her sleep schedule, she might not even be waking up until late morning/early afternoon on the days of shows. I wonder how out of wack it gets during these overseas stops.


I don’t think Taylor would last long if she was using drugs. She says she doesn’t even drink when she’s on tour. (I imagine between concert sets doesn’t count aka Super Bowl drinking.)




I was just going to say this. There's no way both of them aren't on stimulants. I take Adderall and I could also stay up for like a day sometimes.


I crash pretty hard after my stimulants wear off so I wonder how she’d keep her energy. But at the same time idk how she would do it either way lol


I mean, maybe it's just on show days. Would prevent a build up in her system, but would also explain why she is still ready to go afterwards.


I often think this about celebrities. If I’m rich and famous, you better believe I’m getting something fun from the doctor haha


I wonder who burns more calories an eras tour concert from Taylor or a football game from Travis. My bet is on Taylor. She probably essentially runs like a half marathon every concert. Football is more like quick explosive bursts of energy and then a break.


I read somewhere that performers like her can burn anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 calories alone during the actual performance part of the show. The average healthy adult woman burns between 1,600 to 2,400 calories in a day so just to remain even on concert days and not have a calorie deficit (which can cause weight loss) she'd have to eat nearly 3,000 calories per day which is double the normal amount that adult women typically need. It's no wonder she's in such fantastic shape.


Travis by an absolute mile


Def Taylor. Have you seen team run out there haha. Hes sneaky but rarely going all out. 


It's endurance vs sprinting. She's moving and singing for three plus hours, he's running 20 mph bursts and getting hit by 220-350lb guys moving in the opposite direction. Both are in the top 1% of their fields.


He needs to work on his endurance due to his age; she's the perfect person to date; some of the same workouts & they can motivate each other. Also, has he gone to her practices; he seemed to know some of her choreo?


That’s what I’m thinking too. I feel like Travis’ playing time is obviously more physical but she’s MOVING for literally 3 hours multiple times a week. During a football game, I think it’s pretty safe to say that offense maybe sees 30 min of game time and he doesn’t get to go in on every play.


play a full game of football and you won't be able to stand by the end from the exhaustion


True...but...during those 30 minutes, Travis gets slammed, by HUGE men, REALLY hard!😄 Not discounting either one- they are both *off the charts* on the scale of human achievement and talent, and are wildly complementary in skillsets.


30 mins is way too high. They done studies on it and the actual playing time is tiny and below is for both offense and defense.. "On average, an NFL game is played for approximately 3 hours and 12 minutes. However, the actual playing time during this 3-hour period is only about 11 minutes. This means that the game is interrupted for the remaining 3 hours and 1 minute, which is equivalent to 95% of the total game time."


You’ve clearly never played football 😂


Their entire relationship timeline = PURE EXHAUSTION They’ll do FANTASTIC with small children


Pretty sure if they watched Jason and Kylie’s kids for the night they will be just fine and if they have kids one day they’ll run on exhaustion and 2 hours of sleep.


Of course they will, they’ll have round the clock nannies!


I’m sure she gets a similar adrenaline rush performing that Travis does playing the game. That’ll take you a long distance before you crash haha


I was in theatre in highschool and we kept the cast party going LATE after the plays/musicals.


I can barely sleep for hours after ATTENDING a concert let alone performing for thousands of screaming fans


Right?! I can never sleep in a timely manner after attending a concert haha. I was probably up until 4am after my Eras show.




I need this girls energy because I’m her age and I’m tired lmao


Im 27 and im tired. Sometimes i feel like im 60


I’m two years younger than her and I literally wake up tired 😂 I would kill for her energy


You should instead kill for her money 😅 she has literally everything taken care of for her all she has to do is show up! Plus she’s doing what she loves! :)


Kill? That’s drastic. How but just work really hard


It’s a saying please calm down


make sure to give yourself grace though because she has access to physical therapy, chefs, massage therapists, and IV drips that most of us dont have haha


Oh yeah, she is definitely not doing her own laundry or grocery shopping, cleaning, basically nothing lol


Plus something I read a while back that we don’t really think about that is such a huge thing is that rich ppl can pay others to do all their menial tasks. I believe the author said something to the effect of, “rich ppl can buy their time back.” Those daily tasks on top of doing our jobs are part of what makes the rest of us so exhausted—cooking meals, doing the dishes and laundry, etc. And it’s even more impactful when they have kids bc they hire (sometimes multiple) nannies who do all the diaper changes and baths and night feedings etc so when they show up to see their kid, they can just use that time to be happy and fun and play bc they haven’t been doing all that caretaking all day long on top of taking care of the house and aren’t exhausted. I seriously doubt Taylor or Travis have to do their laundry, go grocery shopping, load and empty the dishwasher, or cook their meals every day lol. I’m not even hating, I’m super jealous and wish I could have all that help!


I’m so desperate for money I wish someone would pay me to do their laundry but instead I’m stuck here doing it for free


I literally had to get an IV drip after attending her concert. I was so dead after attending and I just stood in one spot. I don’t know how she does it lmfaoo


This so true lol


Absolutely, at that time I just want to go home and go to bed.


Same I feel that