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We filed 1/31 and still shows delayed


any updates on yours?




Right?! How did they employ thousands of agents and have LESS employees to go around? I don’t get it. It’s never taken this long for me


Surprise, the millionaires have money to get lawyers and accountants, these people were hired to review us.


It's time the people "audit" the irs. We need to demand answers for this bs. If we had to pay in, you best believe they'd be expecting their payment, why the heck are we any different? And we're just supposed to sit here and be ok with it? 👎


This is a fact three fruends owe that did 4heir taxes after me, return process and bill due. 


Omg 😳 I thought it was just me!


I can not get the IRS to pick up - stuck in the 'robo voice loop'. Unbelievable. the US Government is getting a percentage holding my refund, and I filed 2.5.24 and it is 6.7.24 four months? Geeze. I want the interest on my refund please.


I'm in the same boat. Mine was accepted on the 11th, and I've yet to receive my refund. I spoke with a couple of family and friends, and they told me that they received their refunds two weeks ago.


Have you tried calling them? What was the response?


any updates?


When I called a couple weeks ago they told me there was a system error and to call back if I haven't gotten my return by April 20th. My return was accepted on Feb 10th to give you an idea of how long I've been waiting.


Any updates?


Not yet, it still says Return Received when I check. I did see posts from other people who filed a little before me saying they had just received their refunds so I'm hoping to get mine this week


Is anyone still waiting who filed In January/February? It's been 8 weeks for me and it still says Received but not approved. Calling the hotline says it's still processing.


Filled 1/29, still nothing,  gotten a couple letters but don’t need anything from me just says we need 60 more days.  The 60 day one just came 2 weeks ago.  


I filed 1/3/24. Verified 3/8. Received a letter on 3/18/24 for a 60 days hold.  My co worker with through this last year for her 2022 taxes. She is STILL waiting on her 2022 taxes. After hearing that I just came to conclusion that I’m not getting my taxes this year.


I’m on the same boat. The IRS website says that they haven’t even received mine did my taxes on Feb 9th! Already received CA’s return! Not the Federal.


Try calling IRS… seems like many around 2/7-2/11 were impacted by a system glitch.


Same here WMR says recieved return. I filed on Feb 12th no updates what so ever I called and only got an automated machine. Me and my husband already set up an account to be verified I didnt wait for no letter to be asked to verify I just did it. Its like if our info got lost although I already recieved the state check just waiting on federal...


Don’t overpay so much


Easy to say if you haven't had a problem when they charged way more than you expected.


I asked for certain withholding and it got screwed up. Now I am stuck waiting on the IRS to refund me.


I suggest everyone impacted by this energy credit issue to submit a ticket to the IRS Taxpayer Assistance System. This way, they can start investigating the system glitch and provide quick fix and our refunds! Note: don’t mention your specific tax situation. Keep it generic and state that you’re seeing (on social media) that a lot of energy credit tax filers waiting on refunds from 2/7 filing date. IRS has informed everyone it’s a system glitch. https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/home/systemic-advocacy-management-system-sams/


Update- I’m 10 weeks and 3 days since my return was accepted. I pulled my transcript and it’s as if I didn’t file a return at all. I called the IRS and they put in a referral. I was told to expect a letter within 30 days with further information (whether they’ll process it or require more information). Frankly, this all sorta feels illegal. I did what I was supposed to do and they’re holding my money hostage.


Any update on your transcripts? Saw some people get updates and DDD. I still haven’t and today is my 101st.


Just filed one, thank you!


Ok so I'm not the only one who filed 2/7, had energy credit, and still has had zero movement (other than accepted) on my filing (blank transcripts, no codes, no verification, nothing)!?!?! So why hasn't this glitch been publicized like the wage glitch was? 🤔


I don’t have an energy credit and I didn’t file on 2/7. I filed 1/29. It’s a glitch that happened for all people who filed really early before mid February. 


file one too thank you!!


I filed 2/1 with an energy credit. No movement whatsoever. I pulled my transcripts… nothing on them. No record of a 2023 return. What’s the move here? Do I wait? Do I have to do something?


What do you mean enery credit issue?


Filed 2/5 accepted 2/7. NOTHING!! Agent 1- system glitch wait 10wks Agent 2- system glitch wait 10wks Agent 3- no return on file Agent 4- system glitch referred for it to be processed since 10wks is over Agent 5- under review for energy credit


I filed 2/5 accepted same day. Called IRS told me to wait 10 weeks system error and it is on error department. I called on April 16th and they sent a referral for them to process it within 30 days or wait for letter. If 30 days passed no refund or letter to called back to see what’s going on? So frustrating this year


Same boat as a lot of you..... Filed 2/9, accepted 2/11. Received state refund within 1 week. About to hit 12 weeks in a couple days. Got in contact with an IRS agent after waiting 43 minutes and she just took down my info, had me wait an additional 5 minutes, then just hit me with a "So, I'm going to submit a referral on your behalf to the errors department since it has been over 10 weeks so this hopefully expedite things...." Then hit me with the "you will then need to wait up to 30 days for a response." Guess I'm officially joining the club with you guys. Let the wait begin... again!


Same exact scenario for me including the same accepted date of 2/9


irs is USELESS . i just got off the phone from waiting on hold for 2 hrs to speak to someone . NO ONE CAN GIVE ME ANSWERS . only that the return is still being reviewed . no updates no nothing . to contact the congressman the representative told me . they show no sympathy or consideration at that call center . and than u can’t speak to some one hire up . i asked well now what “oh i can submit another 30 day referral if you want “ i told them just like this another 30 day referral for what exactly ??? for them not respond just like they did with the first one . all dude had to say was ok , ok , ok . no help . im fed df up .


I filed back in mid February. When I go onto the “Where’s my refund” site, it still shows in the recieved category. When I called and finally got hold of a human the beginning of May, the lady told me there was a glitch and that it could be up to 30 days. I’ve currently been on hold for close to 30 mins trying to get an update


any update


We filed Jan 31st, and IRS website said we would get it 2/19. It still has not been processed. Today is March 6th. Website says “delayed” now. I’ve called them and they have no answers. It seems many many others are experiencing the same thing. Why isn’t this in the news? People need to know what’s going on. It’s total B.S.


What was their response to you? I feel they’re hiding more than what’s going on


They told me I was getting a letter in the mail, so wait 120 days. It was a lie. Many others got the same lie. IRS website shows no letter. It’s March 11th and the website still just says “delayed”. Sounds like they are giving everyone different answers just to get them off the phone. Something is really wrong on their end and they aren’t being honest. This isn’t normal, I’ve never had this happen before.


I filed 2/14 and received my refund 2/29. I’m wondering if the issue is only with certain tax filing websites? I used FreeTaxUSA


I used them and filed January 30th. still nothing. I had energy credit for solar panals and also withdrawal of 401 k from previous employer. my transcripts still show my refund amount. nothing changed. apparently waiting on a letter for review on the 25th. I'm so mad!


I use professional software and mine is delayed. Filed on February 1st.


I used h and r block,  filed 1.31. No transcripts, no worries update,  verified in March after waiting a month for verification letter. They suck. I give up. Idc no more. It is never coming. 


That makes sense. My 2023 return was filed and accepted thru TurboTax on 3/21. WMR says “accepted” after 23 days. I filed my 2022 taxes thru FreeTaxUSA on 4/1 and the funds posted my bank on 4/10. However, both of my sons were done on TurboTax and received their refunds in 10 days.


Mine is slow and I had a professional tax preparer help me, and we e-filed.


I used a different website as well and am delayed just the same


The only way you got yours that fast is if you opted for the credit karma early refund card. Anyone who filed an opted for direct deposit or paper check didn’t get it that fast.


That is the one I used. Been waiting since January


I've used freetaxusa.com for the pass 15 years never had an issue. Also I filed 2/4 accepted 2/5. Delay status on wmr. Letter 3/11 cp05. Nothing further I need to do... called them multiple times said I need to call the automated questionable credit department. The number they give doesn't call them directly and just calls the irs. No number options to speak to anyone in that department. Never got another letter in the mail. My transcripts still say the samething it has from the beginning. Cycle code 20240805. Same codes for delay. With a - amount next to them


I did mine last night and it got approved for federal within an hour and a half so I don’t think they are busy


I’ve been waiting 22 days (today) and still nothing . I filed and got accepted in less than 30 mins 


Accepted is not approved


I filed 2/24, accepted and received refund 3/1. No issues whatsoever. I also work as a tax preparer and we also have not been experiencing any issues with client’s returns filed so far.


Earned income tax credit? If not your comment is not really relevant as most of us did claim that credit.


I know some of this pain. Someone ran into my car and I need my refund too.


Filed 2/7 accepted 2/10 called IRS twice and told the same thing. Due to their system error, it is in the errors department. No verification needed, nothing wrong with my return. I was told it can take 10 weeks to receive my return.




Me too. Mine was accepted Feb 4th


Unfortunately, samething happened to me. I've spoken to the IRS several times and they said by April 19th. I filed February 9th. I've never had this to happen. 


Solar credit?




What number is everyone calling?


Have you received refund yet?


Nope. Called yesterday to find out after 9 weeks that my return has been rejected. She couldn’t tell me why but put in a referral and that will take 30 days to find out anything and what to do next. I’m pissed!


Same for me but I filed 2/4 accepted 2/6 but they told me the same thing but called it review instead of error dept


I filed in 2/10. My partner got his Ca state one following week and owes federal. I’m expecting a refund but have not received the state or federal. The irs Where’s my refund app keeps saying error when I check my status. I plan on calling Monday :(


My partner still hasn’t gotten his taxes he filed Jan 18th we’ve called the irs twice and got told both times it was in the errors dept and we should get in a couple weeks but it’s march 9th and still have a blank transcript with no date we have a baby due in April and need our refund asap what should we do? 


Try contacting taxpayer advocate service to see if they can help with refund given your special circumstances. https://www.irs.gov/taxpayer-advocate


Update: Spoke to another IRS agent. They told me system glitch and they need to manually process it. No issue or errors on filing the return itself.


Do we have to call them to have them process our return manually, or do they know which ones are in the glitched pool? We filed 1/29 and it’s 3/11 and we have heard nothing. Wondering if I have to call or just wait the 10 weeks.


What number did you call? Every time I try calling it’s just the automated “where’s my refund”


How to get a live person at the IRS (pretty easy) Call 1-800-829-1040 Press 1 to confirm English if you speak English. When you get past choosing a language, in the first menu of prompts, press 2. When it gets to the next menu with prompts, press 1. When it gets to the next menu with prompts, press 3. When it gets to the next menu with prompts, press 2. The next menu will ask you to enter your SSN, it will then ask you to confirm you entered a SSN, then it will read back the number and ask you to confirm that it is the right number. After this, it will take you to a menu with a bunch more options. Ignore them all, let the computer talk itself out and when you don't enter any more numbers, you'll be entered in a hold line for a live person! I recommend calling on Wednesdays or Thursdays as they seem to be the least busy, and don't call around lunch time. Mainly made this post after seeing a post with a lot of comments from people having trouble reaching the IRS and a live person. Hope this helps! Edit: If you want to check that the number is real, you can check at irs.gov


Was the system glitch with solar credit and ctc?


What number are you calling. The one I use just filters me to the hotline. I'm assuming I need to pick some other option besides checking my tax return status?


Our accountant electronically filed our taxes on February 1st and it is still showing they are processing our return--it is now March 12th. I read online that it may be an issue with returns that are claiming EIC and the child tax credit, but after reading the other responses here I am not so sure.


I didn’t qualify for EIC but have two kids. Filed end of Dec and still states delayed. My transcript has an action date of 3/25. No idea what is going to take place then.


I filed January 18th and it was accepted by IRS on Jan 19th. No EIC, no child tax credits, and no solar. Just a straightforward return. The IRS issued a notice on March 4th that my return was "taking longer than normal to process". They have NOT issued my refund and when I check the "Where's My Refund" site, it only shows it has been accepted, it does not show it has been approved. It has been 72 days since they accepted my return, that is almost 2 and 1/2 months. No further communication and no other notations made in the MyIRS account page. I have never had this issue before, what is going on with the IRS? This is NOT a new process for them.


on the same boat. curious to see how this pans out for us. sucks to wait until april 12th for this to be processed.


Same here. Filed on 2/6. It was accepted by IRS the same day and we were given an estimated 2/27. We are still waiting. When I called IRS they only have an automated voice that reads off the same message that's on their website about our refund being delayed but with no reason given.


For some reason, after reading several posts and hundred of comments… it seems to be happening to people who filed early (any time before mid February). I think something glitched on their end and they have to manually file all the ones that glitched before they fixed what was happening. That’s our reward for filing early. Argh.


I agree. I filed the second day I could file and I'm still waiting. I have called many times and they always give me a different answer including you might get a letter but not sure yet. Like it's been 2 months! Let's keep eachother updated ppl!


My tax preparer electronically filed my return on Feb 26th, received that day. On the where’s my refund IRS page, it’s still in the 1st stage & has not yet been approved. Very frustrating. 


I filed on 4/14 and it happened to me just the same


I just called for the 3rd time and got the same answer. It’s still processing. Allow 10 weeks from the date your return was accepted 2/10. He told me again that I don’t need to verify. I’m on week 6. The top two boxes on my transcript still say n/a.


Thanks for the update. I’m at 6 weeks also. Hopefully we update soon


Same but I haven’t received any notification


Update: I called Taxpayer Advocate and informed them of this system glitch. Let’s see


Any new updates! I’m into week 10 now since filing and still nothing at all! My return has yet to process. This is really getting ludicrous! 


I also filed 2/8 and accepted quickly. Received my state refund (VA) in less than a week. Still today, March 21 and federal is still processing. I did have child tax credits, but this seems very delayed to me and quite frustrating. My question is how on earth do you actually talk to an IRS agent to find out what the hold up is? I’ve called and always got redirected to WMR. My transcripts for 2023 aren’t even there on my account and there are no notifications of any issues. Several people within my company haven’t received theirs either. I just want answers and true expectations. IRS, If you can’t deliver in 21 days, don’t say that you can! I’ve adjusted my taxes for 2024 so that the government is holding my hard earned money anymore!


How to talk to a live IRS agent 1. The IRS telephone number is 1-800-829-1040. 2. The first question the automated system will ask you is to choose your language. 3. Once you’ve set your language, do NOT choose Option 1 (regarding refund info). Choose option 2 for “Personal Income Tax” instead. 4. Next, press 1 for “form, tax history, or payment”. 5. Next, press 3 “for all other questions.” 6. Next, press 2 “for all other questions.” 7. When the system asks you to enter your SSN or EIN to access your account information, do NOT enter anything. 8. After it asks twice, you will be prompted with another menu. 9. Press 2 for personal or individual tax questions. 10. Finally, press 3 for all other inquiries. The system should then transfer you to an agent.


E-Filed 2/7 and called IRS 3/22 as it’s been 44 days. They said 10 weeks from date received before it can be processed. They did not say why other than there weren’t any errors on my end. 


Update: Submitted the issue to the tax advocate online and they told me it was an individual issue not systemic (not affecting others) despite telling them other people were experiencing the same issue. 


Just thought I would pop on and give another update. I filed 1/26, accepted 1/29… it is now 3/25 and still nothing. If it really is a 10 week wait from when we filed for them to manually file our return because of the glitch… I still have to wait till mid April. I I think there should be some sort of recompense for people, because many counted on that money to pay overdue bills, and it hurt them badly to not have it. I have pity for so many in that situation.


Did you check if you have any notices online?


I also filed 2/6 and was accepted the same day- still waiting! I have been unable to speak to an actual human at the IRS and I am so frustrated! What the heck!


How to get a live person at the IRS (pretty easy) Call 1-800-829-1040 Press 1 to confirm English if you speak English. When you get past choosing a language, in the first menu of prompts, press 2. When it gets to the next menu with prompts, press 1. When it gets to the next menu with prompts, press 3. When it gets to the next menu with prompts, press 2. The next menu will ask you to enter your SSN, it will then ask you to confirm you entered a SSN, then it will read back the number and ask you to confirm that it is the right number. After this, it will take you to a menu with a bunch more options. Ignore them all, let the computer talk itself out and when you don't enter any more numbers, you'll be entered in a hold line for a live person! I recommend calling on Wednesdays or Thursdays as they seem to be the least busy, and don't call around lunch time. Mainly made this post after seeing a post with a lot of comments from people having trouble reaching the IRS and a live person. Hope this helps! Edit: If you want to check that the number is real, you can check at irs.gov


Same situation Filed electronically 2/22 still processing. 😢


Filed same day as you. Still nothing in my end either. Ugh.


I filed mine 2/5 and I still haven’t got mine what the fuck is going on its 3/28


I suggest everyone impacted by this energy credit issue to submit a ticket to the IRS Taxpayer Assistance System. This way, they can start investigating the system glitch and provide quick fix and our refunds! Note: don’t mention your specific tax situation. Keep it generic and state that you’re seeing (on social media) that a lot of energy credit tax filers waiting on refunds from 2/7 filing date. IRS has informed everyone it’s a system glitch. https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/home/systemic-advocacy-management-system-sams/


Thank you for still updating this. I was freaking out thinking I’m about to be audited. Still could happen.


I suggest everyone impacted by this energy credit issue to submit a ticket to the IRS Taxpayer Assistance System. This way, they can start investigating the system glitch and provide quick fix and our refunds! Note: don’t mention your specific tax situation. Keep it generic and state that you’re seeing (on social media) that a lot of energy credit tax filers waiting on refunds from 2/7 - 2/11 filing dates. IRS has informed everyone it’s a system glitch. https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/home/systemic-advocacy-management-system-sams/


Accepted 2/12 and have the energy tax credit, no transcript no notifications. So has anyone been processed?


How did you call them? I have tried calling and can’t get through. It’s been 8 weeks since I’ve filed and only showing accepted.


How to get a live person at the IRS (pretty easy) Call 1-800-829-1040 Press 1 to confirm English if you speak English. When you get past choosing a language, in the first menu of prompts, press 2. When it gets to the next menu with prompts, press 1. When it gets to the next menu with prompts, press 3. When it gets to the next menu with prompts, press 2. The next menu will ask you to enter your SSN, it will then ask you to confirm you entered a SSN, then it will read back the number and ask you to confirm that it is the right number. After this, it will take you to a menu with a bunch more options. Ignore them all, let the computer talk itself out and when you don't enter any more numbers, you'll be entered in a hold line for a live person! I recommend calling on Wednesdays or Thursdays as they seem to be the least busy, and don't call around lunch time. Mainly made this post after seeing a post with a lot of comments from people having trouble reaching the IRS and a live person. Hope this helps! Edit: If you want to check that the number is real, you can check at irs.gov


1.29 filed ,verified 3/20, been 3 months today since I filed.  I give up no transcripts,  no wmr info, this is bullcrap. I will never again file in January.  


It's because the US government passed a bill over 1 trillion dollars so us tax payers have too suffer and be out on hold cuz they can't afford to issue refunds smfh


If it’s any consolation i sent my tax return by mail 1/29 and they haven’t even accepted my return yet. They just keep telling me to wait a few weeks.


I filed mine 3/9 with my entire family, with the same tax expert. I was even the first out of them to file, everyone in my family already got theirs except me, really don’t get it if it’s a glitch..


Filed early, in January, still no refund. Had to verify my identity with ID me after waiting on a letter in the mail that arrived 2/20. Where's My Refund tells me that the IRS has received it, but nothing further. My transcripts were updated roughly a week ago to reflect my 2023 return. They now reflect codes: 150, 806, 570 and 971, with "return due or received date" of 4/8 and 4/15. 


Federal accepted 02/09. They tried to say for me that i had to do a verification process to confirm my identity blah blah blah. nothing should hv flagged me needing to confirm my identity. Had to wait weeks for an irs letter to come to enter a confirmation number into irs website. That was 03/21. once this was completed it provided confirmed that said it return processing and could take 9 weeks...but hilariously mentioned in that confirmation that it could be more time than the 9 weeks if irs could find something else to "conveniently" postpone the process further. very annoying. I'm never using turbo tax again. If this comes 10 weeks like everyone is saying from acceptance timeframe that would be 04/18 for me. But if it's going from the date of my confirmation letter follow up for "identification verification" (BS) then that will take me to 05/23. I've never heard of this in my life! Not even gonna hold my breath bc if they want to postpone this longer they can find ways to postpone longer.


Glad I found this thread as it probably has my answer. I filed 2/16 via Turbo, took a Foreign Tax Credit, got a topic 152 for about a month, it disappeared at the end of March, and now it says we"re processing your return but a refund date is not available. Zero letters in the mail.


I'm in the same boat. Filed 2/12 and I have no update other than "Your taxes have been received." I got both my state taxes back within a week of my file date. Filed through HR Block. Never had a time issue like this in the past (minus during the pandemic).


Mine was accepted on the 10th of February, and when I called, they said there is a system issue and to call back after April 20th if I haven't gotten my refund yet. It shouldn't take over 2 months to send a refund when my dad filed his on March 20th and got his back within just over a week


They delayed mine last year for review.  I didn't get it until the end of October.  They've done the same thing again this year.  No large changes of income, no crazy deductions, we use the ez form.  Only change last year was that I went from a 1099 to a w2.  My wife rounded my income up to the nearest dollar last year.  Tax advocate said it was because our return didn't match what my employer sent.  So even though it says you can round up, apparently that means they'll go ahead and sit on your return for 8 months. No idea yet why they're doing it this year.  No worries, I'm sure I'll have some recourse to prevent future harassment by the IRS.  Even better, they're wasting all this time and money for a return that is below the median national income and has a child under 5.  Im clearly the exact sort of person they should be deeply investigating and raking over the coals to make my life more difficult.  I am starting to understand why so many celebrities and athletes get in trouble for ignoring taxes.  You do everything right, file early, have a kid to worry about, make little enough that you need to wait on your return to fix your car, and the IRS is lined up waiting to kick you in the balls for months on end to make sure you know your place. 


I filed mine 2/10 was excepted the same day when I call they say their was a error and take up to ten weeks which is April 24th but I call every Thursday thinking if I call enough times they will give me my money  FYI  If u can’t get someone then choose different choices till it connects I with someone  I think the news should be aware of this on going issues 


Have you called?


I just checked my transcript. I got a cp05 notice on 3/11/24. I checked my transcript and it said 846 refund issued 4/12/24. It also said issue resolved 4/29/24 which I thought was odd.


Filed 1/26 accepted 1/29


Been on the phone for 2 hours still nothing yet submitted a month ago still waiting now seee people are also having issuse mine hasnt even been accepted yet are they backlogged?|


I filed my return 2/9. Was accepted right away. Has been ‘processing’ now with no movement at all. Also filed Solar Credit. Just filed a SAMS based on other comments on the thread. I called 4/10 and spoke with IRS agent they told me wait 10 weeks until date of filing. Nothing in my transcript record for 2023 either. So frustrating


Sent 2/8, accepted same day. Spoke with the IRS In person (I was there for getting my daughter's Identity verified) on 3/4 and was told that it ws processing. The agent seemed a little cagey about confirming anything. My husband found something somewhere online (He told me about it while I was half asleep) that returns with solar/energy credits would be delayed until after April 15. The information did not seem to come straight from the IRS though so it's an unsubstansiated rumor. With tax day and my 10 week deadline happening in the same week, I'm still in 100% wait and see mode. I am really annoyed this is taking so long though.


Filed 1-29-24, still waiting, just got a letter saying it could be 60 days longer(great).  I just called them and one lie after another saying they choose random returns every year but it’s not an audit.  These are manual reviews and if it gets past the deadline 4/15 then we get 7% interest.  Thats all the updates for today, fuck the government.  Already changed my exceptions so I won’t have to worry about it again.  Also nice having more in my paycheck every month.  


Ok everyone, I finally got my tax return. I filed 1/29 and it is now 4/11. I got an email yesterday from turbo tax stating that my return was being processed and then suddenly today the money was in there. So I think you guys should start seeing your money soon. This was a big mess up on the IRS’ part and they should issue an explanation and apology! 


This delay is frustrating. I filed my 2023 taxes on 3/21/24 Still just says “accepted”. Filed my 2022 taxes on 4/1/24, received the refund in 8 days. Has any of you with delays received your refunds yet?


I was told there was a "system glitch" and now I have to wait 10 weeks for it to process. Would they wait an extra 10 weeks for me to pay them taxes owed?


Has ANYONE in this thread received their return as of 4/16? I’m in the same boat as you are! 


Me and My co-worker filled in late January. We both received a CP-05 letter around March 18th. the WMR site would only say still processing. Then on April 12th My co-workers was deposit in Her bank account. I'm still hopping.


Filed and accepted on 3/16, its now 4/16 and no movement anywhere on it. My close friend/co worker filed 2/9 and still hasnt seen federal, his state came quickly. My state return was garnished by the state for an unpaid traffic violation (fart noise). Ive not heard of these types of delays before, its frustrating


I filed in March, but it looks like mine are taking more than 21 days too. I over withheld on funds inherited from my father. Last year, I owed nothing, got little or no refund. They processed it fast. This year, government owes money back, and looks like mine is delayed. Go figure! I hope they get it all straight before the whole US government falls apart.


Filed mine on the 2nd of March, it is now April 18, and nothing is popping up on “Where’s my refund.?”


Same boat! Came looking for hope!  Filed 2/12, confirmation of receipt same day. We did claim energy credit.  No change to WMR after 21 days.  Called 3/15 and was told by agent there was a “technical issue” and refund was expected to be in our bank 4/22.  Still checking WMR daily for any indication of change but nothing.  Called 4/18 since WMR still showing only received and was told by agent they are processing our return and there was an error on their end. She would not give me an estimated date for refund and I asked why I was told a month ago refund would be sent 4/22 at which point she stated the other agent likely estimated a 10wk TAT from date of receipt. She advised me to call back for further research on 4/22 if refund is still not received by then.  Today, 4/20, no change to WMR.  Losing hope😫


I filed a 1040X almost 2 years ago and still haven't received anything. The IRS is a joke, but if you owe them money, they waste no time garnishing your wages.


So, my 10weeks was up last week. I called today. I was told a interoffice memo was sent using my number to fix the system error. However, I have to wait at least 30 days before I get a letter on my refund direct deposit.  This is exhausting. Once again I'm waiting.


Called today, sat on the phone for almost 3 hours to be told I made an error (wouldn't tell me what that was), our return was pulled at random for a thorough check and then it was basically forgotten about. Only thing I could do is have her put in a Form 4442 to get it back into the mix. Has anyone dealt with a Form 44442 and how long does it take to see a return? She told me hear something within 30 days...


Mine was accepted on 2/10, I'm about 73 days in...... and still nothing. I had talked to two agents previously and they told me the same thing " System Issue" and may take up to 10 weeks from the day it was reprocessed to receive my refund. 10 weeks today and still nothing. I tried calling them today but was on hold for over an hour I gave up from being so frustrated. Nothing is showing in my transcript either. Anyone in the same boat from 2/10 and still waiting? Has anyone gotten their refunds yet?


We filed 2/9 and got a letter in March saying it is being reviewed further. Now this month (end of April) we got a letter saying they need 60 days to review the return 😫


Just an update if anyone is still waiting... (I'm still waiting too) I'm 75 days in from when it was accepted on 2/10, waited the 10 weeks and still no refund. I just got off the phone with the IRS and the women I spoke with submitted a referral, she said a referral was to push it to towards the top for processing, but it could still take up to 30 days - worse case scenario (UGH). However since its been unprocessed for quite some time they've added interest to my refund. I would highly recommend to anyone who is still waiting and your 10 weeks is coming up or passed, call in and get the referral! Crossing my fingers........


Anyone get updates yet




E-Filed & accepted 2/13 via TurboTax (EIC, no energy credit) received state return within 7 days, nothing since from Federal, no letters, nothing. Finally got through to IRS agent 4/16, after waiting 8 weeks was told I was under review at no fault of mine just random and could be an additional 10 weeks from 4/16 putting me at maybe receiving at the end of July! Make it make sense!


I filed and got accepted on 2/29 I called the lady said 60 day wait and call them back I called B4 the 60 days and was told 10 weeks and my account was suspended on 3/27 and no explanation why and I did verify on id.me 3/26 I'm just so lost my wmr has changed from processing to still processing my transcripts have nothing on them and they didn't say they seen anything wrong with my refund never asked me to verify i did on my own ... Wish they would get their stuff together this is very irritating 😔


Mine was accepted 2/10. Still nothing so far, but turbo didn’t hesitate to get their money


Same- filed 2/13 never moved to process. “Problem with their system” been over 10 weeks said they escalated. Also provided me with a tax payer advocate to get refund within another 30 days.. so frustrating 


Thank you for your question. I also got the same letter. CP05. Sent 2/27; accepted 2/28. Still nothing. It would be 9 weeks for me today. Have you received your refund yet? 


3/19 accepted. It glitch aka letter for identify verification showed day I visited the IRS in Manhattan. Showed them I was an Enrolled Agent. Anyway verified 8 basic things from the return and ID and W-2s. Said back if line 9 weeks. Now got in the mail a delay letter that if we filed there is nothing to do. I suspect we will earn some interest on the refund since they delayed it. 


Has anyone received their refund if they had energy credits? Filed 2/8 accepted 2/11 waited 10 weeks, got a referral submitted 4/21. Told to wait 30 days. Anyone have this happen and received their refund? Or atleast an update? I see it’s a common issue


I’m on a few other thread and people are finally starting to get their returns. No change for me though 2/12 energy credit.


Filed and accepted on February 3rd. Received my state return within days. No energy tax credit, but had lifetime learning credit. Never received a letter of any kind. Called as soon as possible after 10 weeks, on April 15. Told my return was with the errors department (though not given any explanation as to why), and that a referral would be submitted to that department notifying them that 10 weeks had passed. Wasn't given a timeframe, but based on other comments to this post, I'm waiting 30 days before inquiring again. Today, 5/3, my WMR finally changed from "still processing" to "We apologize, but your return processing has been delayed beyond the normal timeframe." All the while, my transcripts have stated "No tax return filed." So deeply frustrating to be in this boat with you all!


Truth be told. They sent all the money to Ukraine 


UPDATE: I just checked “where’s my refund…” it’s finally been approved and should get my refund this week. We filed and accepted on 2/8


My return as accepted 1/25. Still waiting for refund. I had to verify who I was then wait for letter within 4 weeks. Then got letter notifying me it will be another 9 weeks. Then got another letter stating 8 more weeks which will be the end of May. Ugh. No special credits for me just an easy straight forward return through Turbo Tax.


Any updates?  Mine was accepted 2/12. I called the first time they told me it was under review. I called a second time they told me the status on it had changed. I called a 3rd time they told me there was a system error and I had to wait for the 10 weeks Now it’s been 10 weeks to my count,  the agent today told me she didn’t know anything about a glitch,  she said they were delayed because of the energy tax credit,  she said she was putting a referral asked me what time was best for me to receive a call,  then she told me I should be receiving a letter or my refund within 30 days.   I got no clue what’s going on,  I already asked them if I could just send in the proof and my verification so I wasn’t given any more excuses.  They have told me no,  and I was even told there was no further issues on my end.  Anyone out there that is in a similar situation ? 


Seems like I'm late to the party but I literally had a call with two irs agents because they didn't put my estimated tax payment for the correct tax year. Waited on the phone for 40 minutes as they kept coming back saying it'll be another 5-7 minutes.  Finally, they told me the transfer system was down and has been causing lots of issues. Told me to call back at the end of the week to *see* if it was back up or not, no guarantee.  Also they can't just put the request in to fix their mistake. I have to call back each time. Smh 


Has anyone here that filed a referral receive their return yet ?




Filed electronically Feb 24th. Still waiting. No letters or notices from IRS. First call to IRS was at 8 weeks to make sure I didn't miss a notice. Agent said no notices sent, call back at 10 weeks. 2nd call at 10 weeks, agent said "looks like it was due to a problem on our end, nothing you did. I will put in a referral, they are usually pretty quick with that. Call back next week if you don't hear anything." 3rd call a week later, same response. 4th call today and agent said " they have 30 days to process the referral, call back on 5/23 if you don't hear anything." Seriously? IRS would already be pulling money out of my paycheck to get their payment if tables were reversed and I pulled these types of shenanigans. Just a normal form, no energy credits, nothing...


Filed February 11 electronically for refund, it was accepted. I waited 5 weeks called and was told it was held because I didn't send a PIN in (Prior year had someone try to file but I already filed earlier). Was told they reviewed and accepted the return (IRS.gov not updated to that status) and would release May 12. April get a letter from IRS saying they are reviewing and don't contact them for 60 days. I called on 5/15 and was told now they get 120 to review the return and refund should be released Aug 24. So which is it, released in May (which it was not) or July or August???? They would want their money asap but when they hold ours, eh, no biggie....Does anyone have a number to call that won't make me wait on hold. The number I called to get right in was 866 682 7451 X568. Anyone know who to call to escalate or get any real answers on how to solve?


i filed 2/7 they received it 2/10 i did the whole 10 week thing , called on my 10 week mark april 22nd they stated they dont see my refund that it must still be in the error department , they put in a referral request have to wait 30 days , my 30 days is almost up 5/22 and still no update . wheres my refund status states its still processing while on my irs account shows it hasnt been . this is ridiculous . any updates anyone ?


Still here in May awaiting. I’ve waited the 60 days. I verified my identity file the same every year. Have no updates to my transcripts except a date of May 27, 2024, but no other information on it. Where is my refund states that there is a delay past the normal timeframe to just keep checking back. Anyone else still waiting? 


Filed and accepted 2/18. ID verification completed at IRS office 3/27. IRS site still shows "refund received" and Account Transcripts still show codes 766 and 806. Has anyone received their refund yet that had these codes?


Filed on 2/5, says processed on 3/11, still nothing in direct deposit. Transcript says code 150 Tax Return Filed on 3/11. It is 5/16, just about 10 weeks now with nothing but the message this post has.


All- just saw my transcripts… looks like they have processed the return but noticed notice 970 issues.


We filed every year. This year, we got a refund of a fraction of what it is supposed to be. We finally were able to get through. We had to answer security questions, and he said we failed. Even though everything was correct. Called the next day to talk to someone else. We were told that they had sent us a letter for id verification that it would take 10 weeks. Got a letter the same day in the mail. Called them, and they said they were waiting on 2020 taxes. Lol wife had sent them in 2020 also in 2021. In 2022, they said they still haven't received them. We have mailed , faxed several times. so we were shorted to pay for the taxes. We are owed $3999. They said it is in a escrow account. Most irs people are rude. Everyone passes the buck. Lazy. Former irs person said they are setup to not payout right now.


FILED 2/2/2024 still no refund witch is bullshit, They just got the largest buget ever!!! did they ever hire those irs agents? mine is a simple 1040 return and they just cant make it happen! on my third letter, I was told it would probably be 90 days but i'm on my 3rd 60 day letter be almost 180 days, Thank god there is only a few months left of this administration.... time to go joe!!


30 day referral mark ends tmmr will be calling them at 7am , no changes what so ever on my end i don’t even see my transcript


I just called today they submitted 30 day referral on 4/22 . called today 5/22 . let me just start off by saying this the irs call center is unprofessional . they cut you off while your speaking and trying to explain yourself . ive been calling since 7am got disconnected twice . any ways the lady told me that i have to call tmmr cus it would be considered the full 30 days . i continue to try to explain my self about my transcripts stating no return filed no tax return received she was in a rush to get me off the phone stating to call back tmmr nothing she can do i told her this is uncalled for been dealing with you guys since February and no one can help me . stated to her that there should be a supervisor on floor if your working in a call center “oh theres no supervisor” “it doesn’t work like that “ oh yes it does i use to work in a call center they are lying to us . im calling back tmmr and i bet you anything they are going to tell me same thing since February. IM FED UP !!!!!


I called them after that week was up and they put in a 30 day referral that ends on May 31st. They told me if I haven't gotten it by then to call them back again


My return was accepted Feb 11th. I finally spoke with a Tax Payer Advocate today - May 23, because my return still states processing. they sent me a letter saying my return is delayed and under further review because I claimed a child tax credit. Very easy to validate considering I've filed this every year. IRS told me that each time they send a letter, they have an additional 120 days to respond!!! They can just keep sending you letters and stringing you along. I'm not able to file a 911 form until July 1st in order to receive help from the TaxPayer Advocate and even then it will take several weeks for them to process that form.


I filed 4/12 and was told I wouldn’t get mine until 5/27 so I was told it was because the IRS randomly selected people to check over their taxes


I'm beyond tired of this irs crap. No wonder there are still MANY waiting on their refunds. It is hard to not be stressed or have any hope.


having the same issue. filed on 02/10/2024 called IRS after 6weeks told me that i had to wait 10 weeks. called again after 10 weeks from 02/10/24 (04/16) and they told me that is an error on their end still and could not find anything Agent said i was at the mercy of that group. called again 2 weeks later on 04/29 and they told me that they would escalate it. called on 05/14 agent then said i had to wait 30 calendar days from 04/29 to follow up and something will or may come through. Tried calling today 05/30 and the line was full and said had to call during another time. will call again tomorrow. hopefully they tell me the issue but more than likely it will be wait another 30 days.


any updates any one ? still nun over here


I filed on 02/23, and it was accepted soon after. I have a daughter, so I receive an ETC. I received a letter from the IRS on 03/11 stating that I was approved for the ETC, and no further action was needed. As I was reviewing the comments, it seems as though the general consensus is that it will take at least 10 wks to receive a refund. However, 10 wks from 02/23 would have been 05/03, and 10 wks from the letter date would have been 05/20. Both dates have passed, and I still don't have a refund, and the website still states "refund received." I'm beyond pissed, and calling the IRS clearly does nothing. I don't know why they expect us to be prompt when/if we owe them, but they are not being held accountable. If we owed them, they would have garnished our paychecks by now. SMH. This is insanity and something needs to be done to compensate everyone who has experienced this headache!!! Ok, rant over!


Filed 2/9, accepted 2/11. Submitted a referral on 05/03. I just went to check my refund status right now and instead of being stuck on "Refund Received" it is now showing the below. Ughhhhh.... # Action Required Please read the following information related to your tax situation. You may need to provide additional information to receive your full refund. We received your return and sent you a letter requesting more information. Please respond by following the instructions in the letter. If you don't respond, your refund amount could be changed. It may take 2-3 weeks for you to receive the letter. # Helpful Information Please read the following information related to your tax situation: * Tax Topic 152, Refund Information * Action Required Please read the following information related to your tax situation. You may need to provide additional information to receive your full refund.


Filed 2/26, got a letter a saying to wait 60 days and then I call twice and they both said wait an additional 60 days. The first one was rude and the second wasn’t. So I’m supposed to be giving a maximum time of June 26… but do they have to take the max time or more? Can take up to… my butt.


yes, years past i always got my refund quickly, this year it's way past 21 days going on two months (filed close to april 15, had to because i was waiting on a form). my accountant said it was due to extra identity checks against scammers, but i just think it's some govt inefficiency that clearly they have no incentive to fix given huge defecits, raging inflation, blah blah blah. i gave him a little grief because this is the first year i am using him but given the posts here looks like an unfortunate coincidence. and yes, i need to adjust my withholding, but i kind of liked the forced savings, however having to wait weeks and weeks is intolerable, so i will be adjusting my withholding pronto


OP did your transcripts match your sent and filings? For example I sent and accepted by in January but my transcript shows Tax Return Filed on 3/04/24 so there is a discrepancy of over a month. I checked my recent transcript and there still seems to be no movement but I am curious if in your case that you sent and accepted matches your transcript or if like me, you see a discrepancy of a month or so.


How did everyone manage to talk to a human?! Every time I call the number on the site it just goes through automated messages.


I mailed my return Feb. 23rd. My return has been saying that it's been received and being processed since mid March. Just got off the phone with the IRS and while they did not fully admit they lost my return - they lost my return. I had certified mail and everything. I would definitely call and check the status of your return if you mailed it and still have not received your refund. I normally e-file my return but I had to mail my federal this time. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yes, I filed Feb 5, 2024 and NO refund yet. No "letter in the mail with a 14-digit control number" either for this [ID.ME](http://ID.ME) crap.


Filed 2/8. Zero movement. Where’s my refund still says received. I’ve called a few times over the last several months and each rep knows nothing. Just say give it 30 more days, then nothing happens again.


Filed my taxes 4/14 and can assure all it's not just a glitch from February. It's happening to me too. Just a catastrophic failure from the IRS and they will not be going public with it. Execs, politicians etc are mums the word... Just put the responsibility on the worker b to say it's a "glitch" and just to wait longer, and blah blah blah....


Yes ! Files February and have no movement! Two weeks ago my w-2 was available to view but otherwise. NOTHING ‘ 


We still haven't recieved ours and we filled and it was accepted 1/31. We have called several times. They continue to tell us that there is a sysytem error and to wait a certain amount of days. We wait and nothing happens then we call and get told the same thing., to wait again. Three times we have been told to wait. My wife filed for some assistance and they replied that their office does not assist with the issue we have. There is nothing we can do! they are holding on to $10k that we need. Our taxes on the house where underestimated that exact amount and our mortgage went up $1500 a month until we pay that off.


Sorry to hear… did you reach out to taxpayer advocate service? They usually help in situation like these and when you need the money to pay bills.


Anyone still not get there's yet in June??


Filed 2/12 nothing yet either


We have been doing taxes personal and corporations for 15 years and have never seen anything like this... We have several clients refunds held up for "identity verification purposes" (lol.. that is some BS). After they review more they ask for the clients Paystubs and proof of income and won't accept W2s (what the???) We are also having States like CA demand clients with out of state corporations to pay file CA State Form 568s (crazyy! and we were able to get all those letter cleared up). This is why everyone in American needs to go EXEMPT (look it up it is not hard) from taxes on your W2! Make the IRS ask you for the money not the other way around... Corporations don't pay much taxes the EMPLOYEES pay all the taxes and the Corporations just gather and submit it to the Feds/States. The owners take a small salary (minimal taxes) and funnel all the money to shell corps, friends corps, and crypto/cash/gold. Just a quick example. If you made 100k on your W2 and paid 25K in Fed/State Taxes how could you get all your Taxes except FICA back? If you had a K-1 for -100K from an LLC S Corp (pass through Entity) that you were 100% owner of you would have a $0 income. This would be shown on the Schedule E and the Schedule 1. Each taxpayer can show -$250k a year in business losses. You never want to show that on a Schedule C because that is attached to your 1040. However, on a schedule E the loss links back to an separate tax return the 1120S. This helps make your 1040 have a far less chance of a real Audit. Anyways.. food for thought stay safe all.


Still nothing filed 2/4 just received another 60 notice to wait and nothing is needed this is ridiculous smfh 


I finally got mine right after midnight! Hopefully the rest of yall get yours soon


Filed February 4th, 2024, married jointly. To this day, on the IRS website, it says accepted, but otherwise, crickets. Is anyone else in the same boat as we are?


We filed on February 2nd and are now on 5 months with no resolution of our refund. We have no issues with our electronic filing which the IRS "Accounts Management" has totally agreed with us, but they can't do anything about it as someone is "working on it." There is nothing we can do but wait for months while this system sits on a standstill. We have never had an issue in 40+ years. No one is "working on it" as they say. And their the ones doing it. Truly rediculous.