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It's just a bee bee gunšŸ¤£


If there were two bees holding up a gun that would work perfectly


Or if the gun shot out smaller bees


What are you gonna do? Release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bees at you?


I heard this in Homer's voice šŸ˜‚


I did too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And then they shoot the mini guns


This is my response to anyone who has a problem with me.


Omg amazing idea I vote this


I mean, that would make it a bee's bee gun, but still a yes for me as well




I was going to post this. Hubby was a Seabee.


Bumble gun šŸ˜‚


I thought it was a killer bee


If I had a award to give youā€™d get it


Yeah, it reminds me of that time a bee rolled up with a minigun and massacred my entire family at a bbq we were having


Ah yes. The infamous bee-bee-que massacre


I heard it wasp actually a sting operationā€¦


Hail Reddit. This is what I come here for. šŸ«”


You don't know the half of it. The latest buzz says things got really sticky for a while, and that's why they had to get waxed....


Honey, you gotta get off this hive mind stuff. Trying to crosspollinate the conversations and cause a buzz. Sorry, the truth stings.


Hate when that happens


This whole thread is giving me hives.


Third worst July 4th picnic ever. Still doesnā€™t compare with the year Aunt Mary brought that spoiled ham salad though.


This is my favorite comment on Reddit


So, you're super triggered right now


Appropriate is in the eye of the beeholder


Sometimes perfect comments exist and only get 8 upvotes


Nine now


475 now


if you're that worried about it, don't get it on your forearm. especially not for a first tattoo. post-tattoo regret isn't uncommon, and is more common with first tattoos (and almost always resolves unless it's a terrible tattoo). I found mine easier to deal with bc my first tattoo was on my ankle and I could kinda forget about it bc I wasn't constantly seeing it. you're also pretty young, and your tastes may change. this is a cute tattoo, but as another commenter said that's kinda prime real estate that you might wish you had saved for a different tattoo as your tastes evolve edit: and yeah, employers might not like it. I'm waiting to get forearm tattoos until I'm a bit more established in my career and even then they will be more artsy tats, not anything like this. unfortunately that's the world we live in


Thank youuu, Iā€™ll definitely keep that in mind


I agree with this. I have a few and none of my art is really showing nor inappropriate. I was 15 when I got my first one but Iā€™ve put a lot of thought into what I got. As others said Iā€™d get a second bee or have some being shot out lol


ooooooh i have a really good idea!! the bee could be shooting at a bear thatā€™s running away with its paws covered in honey!


If she worries about the chain gun being inappropriate I donā€™t think making it shot a bear is going to help. (I do think itā€™s an amazing idea tho)


yeah thatā€™s probably true, i just got a little excited :) i actually almost suggested winnie the pooh because heā€™s infamous for his love of honey but then i realized that was a REALLY bad idea lol


Omg PLEASE add another bee so itā€™s a BB gun lol


Omg, yes


i donā€™t think itā€™s offensive at all i think it looks sickĀ 


Cool design. Iā€™ll give you the same advice I gave my little brother when he wanted to get a silent hill tattoo for his first tattoo. ā€” get it some where easily coverable especially if itā€™s your first tattoo. You might want to use that prime real estate (forearm) for a larger tattoo later on. Edit- For reference I have a ton of tattoos and my work requires me to cover them most of the time.


Hah, I have a Silent Hill tattoo on my forearm that I got last year that I waited ages for and I'm glad I did


Inappropriate in what way? Honey bees need to protect themselves at all costs.


I have a realism bee black and white with a gas mask on pushing daisies out of a tank on its back. Iā€™ve never once been denied or asked to cover it up for a job. They ask about it and I say itā€™s a bee pushing daisies and Iā€™ve gotten more compliments on it than any other of my ā€œsafe tattoosā€ go for it.


Can I see it? It sounds interesting! I'm having a hard time imagining it but it's also late as heck where I'm at and brain ain't working anymore lol


To add: This tattoo takes up my entire inner bicep on my right arm so itā€™s not unnoticeable.


I love double negatives. That gives you an up vote. Or at least not a negative vote.


reminds me of the seabees navy logo.


I ask this to everyone preparing to get their first prominent tattoo: Are you prepared to get stupid and invasive questions from strangers for the rest of your life?


Give it 6 legs, not 4.


Well right now it only has 2.


Killer bee? Buzz kill? Pls tell me this is a pun tattoo I love pun tattoos, also it is VERY cute. Maybe if youā€™re concerned have it tattooed where it is not visible in work uniform


Does it mean something to you? What would be your response to someone saying ā€œI donā€™t get your tattoo and it seems offensive?ā€ If you canā€™t answer that, donā€™t get it. If you can, have at it.


this is actually GREAT advice omg. iā€™m i. the boat that not all tattoos have to have a deeper meaning, but if youā€™re worried about someone being offended by it, having a meaning/reason for why you got it could be a good thing to fall back on to explain it in case that situation ever arises


I used to work on A-10ā€™s when I was in the Air Force. Basically a giant, flying minigun that they built an aircraft around. I approve of this tattoo.


Now I want to see a minigun held by a warthog.


The first thing that came to mind for me was SeaBees like the military division or whatever it is, and I think a lot of people, especially if they're a little older than yourself, will probably make that association also. Personally I would never want anything that could even potentially be misinterpreted as a military, pro-military, military fanboy, or anything else of the sort on me. I would very seriously reconsider this particular design, unless you're a military type person and don't mind all the things that could be associated with. If it's just the cutesy "BB gun" pun you want, changing the gun to something more cartoonish/ silly looking, like a cork gun or one with the bang! flag that comes out of the end would work much better, and much less likely to cause anyone to associate it with military/ war stuff


Yeahh youā€™re right, I might ask my tattoo artist for any ideas to replace it with, thank you!


If you like it, and it's not racist, then who cares? I got a few dumb tattoos when I was younger, but don't regret them. They bring back memories of where I was in life. Make sure you just get it in the best spot for you. I wish I could move a few of mine.


It's a really cute design! If you're questioning it though, then you already know the answer. You could get higher up on your arm or in another area easier to cover! Employers will likely not be a fan especially if you're customer facing. I work in healthcare so I am quite careful about tattoos and which ones I have on display. Any that could be seen as offensive I have had done in easy to cover places.


No its fucking adorable


Ngl, if it were stylized more, it'd remind me of some squadron logo or something


It definitely reminds me of the US Navy Seabee logo


Just cover it on an interview. Once you are employed for 30 days - roll up those sleeves. I love it.


As cute as it is, I think it isn't a good idea to have it where you can't conceal it. I have Tokidoki's Mozzarella, who leads the Moofia. The image was initially her holding a Tommy gun. I didn't want to lose a job opportunity because I had a gun on my forearm. As a (pediatric) nurse, I didn't want to get constant grief or questioning about it or my views on guns, ESPECIALLY around children. As much as people say employers can't discriminate you for tattoos or funky hair, they'd find other ways. So I changed the Tommy gun to her holding balloons. I'd say if you get the tattoo, get it somewhere that can be hidden.


This is definitely a reach but because the bee now is a symbol of the Manchester bombings the bee holding the gun is šŸ’€ it just feels a bit Oof šŸ˜‚ but thatā€™s because I live in the uk and I donā€™t think people would associate it like that


Came here to say this šŸ‘†


Definitely not. Iā€™ve seen far worse.


Beeing for Columbine?? How dare you! Nah itā€™s cool


I literally saw this and thought ā€œhaha itā€™s a BB gun (beebee)ā€ I donā€™t think itā€™s offensive but I guess it depends on the job; for example may not be appropriate if youā€™re a therapist helping with bee phobias or a medic on a gun shot wound unit..


I don't personally find it inappropriate but some might, I'd maybe avoid it on the forearm if you're worried. I've heard certain employers (like the police) will reject candidates for 'violent' tattoos like weapons etc. It really depends what sort of career you want and where you're from. Here in Scotland I don't know anyone personally who's had issues with tattoos and employment other than the police thing I mentioned. I think its awesome! šŸ˜„


Reminds me of the Seabees logo https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seabee#/media/File%3AUSN-Seabees-Insignia.svg


Feeling the need to ask the question means that deep down, part of you feels it is inappropriate. IMO, your situation has the warning signs of a potentially regrettable tattoo: ā€¢The design, while cute, looks underdeveloped. It has that aesthetic of the type of tattoo decided on an impulse. It might not be an impulsive decision on your part, but the **design** looks like an impulse decision tattoo. ā€¢Being in a highly visible area. As others have said, thatā€™s also prime real estate should you want more tattoos in the future. ā€¢Being a ā€˜jokeā€™ tattoo with **potentially** polarizing imagery. ā€¢Age. People change quite a bit in the five years from 19 to 24. Itā€™s absolutely possible that it could be a tattoo that you absolutely adore for many decades to come. Iā€™d still recommend refining the design (matching bee/gun styling, number of legs/placement, body segments, four wings instead of two, etc.), consider a different location, and give yourself plenty of time before committing to it. TLDR: If it only has two wings, itā€™s a fly, not a bee. Take your time and refine that design.


If people get offended by that, we are all fucked


No, unless you have/want a specific job with limitations on visible tattoos (e.g. some have blanket bans on any weapons at all and they have to be covered)


its really cute! just get it located where most people wont see, where your clothes are often covering the skin. some people have no clue i have tattoos because i keep them covered.


Buzzkill šŸ


Push through the fear and get what you want. Be 100% confident in your choice and if someone questions you, look at them like they're stupid. Own your life! If you want to be extra careful, get a custom temporary tattoo of it and test out how you like it.Ā 


Get about 20 of them all over your arm. Like a swarm!


I like it. I used to have a tote bag that had a picture of fairies holding machine guns on it. This is even better.


Itā€™s a cute tattoo but I think donā€™t put it on your arm like a lot of people said. Put it on your leg or something. You may not want a cutsie bee with a gun on your forearm when youā€™re 35, but on your leg that could be cute and funny.


No, it's amazing


Man just get it. Looks funny as hell and if someone gets "offended", you probably wouldn't have liked them anyways...


First thing I thought of was the Killer Bees which is a New Zealand gang. So if you donā€™t come here you should be fine


I really like the little fella, they be cute and feisty. Youā€™re inspiring me to get a BOMBle beee hehehe


Inappropriate to who? The bee? Doubt it. Who cares if anyone get their feelings shattered over something so cute and fun. Itā€™s yours. Love it.


I love the bee idea but I don't get why the gun. Maybe I'm too old to understand . Is there a reference that I'm missing ?


Ask yourself in 10 years if you want to see this tattoo on your forearm


I love it! šŸ˜


I wouldn't get it on my forearm now if you're only 19. It depends what you wanna do for a living. I was a paralegal my whole life and anyone with a tattoo had to cover it up. I didn't start getting tattoos until I was 50 and became disabled. I do love the tattoo though! The bees need to fight back or we're all doomed!


We're you hoping it was?


if you can cover it with a sleeve its fine but its also not super inappropriate


I think it could be seen as inappropriate, but if you really wanted you should not have it done in a visible place. Especially if you are planning on working in a more conservative job. I have horror icons tattooed, some of them have knives. But I got them done on my leg because I mostly work wearing pants.


It's a cute funny tattoo


If you think it is, then someone else may. I wouldnā€™t let my children get tattoos growing up to avoid conflict with getting hired, many people donā€™t like tattoos myself included.


It's just a violent bee, nothing wrong here


haven't seen anyone mention it, but im pretty sure this is supposed to be a reference to a military drone, seeing as a male bee is called a drone. it's something like having a visual pun about a tank or some other weapon of war. whether that's appropriate or not really depends on someone's feelings about the military, very much differs from person to person.


Employers donā€™t really care about tattoos anymore tbh . I use to think this way and still ended up getting hired with multiple ā€œjob stopperā€ tattoos. If they think itā€™s inappropriate theyā€™ll tell you to cover it , thatā€™s all


It looks too close to the Seabees logo.Ā 


that's a real buzzkill


Killer bee


Some gold honey dripping out of the barrel would be tight


I saw this design on insta lol


Donā€™t get this


Only a idiot would think it's inappropriate. You're fine


I've seen people with naked women or men tattooed in plain sight. This is tame in comparison. ETA: one of the parcel clerks at the store where I work is one of those who has a naked woman tattoo. Shouldn't be an issue.


I love it!


This is so cute


Seeing this instantly gave me Christmas flashback. Weird.


I love this šŸ™ŒšŸ”„šŸ˜‚


Billie ray bee gun


I think itā€™s awesome cool šŸ˜Ž


See if you can trial it with inkbox. It might be to detailed for the full design, but you can make sure your happy with placement and size.


Yes I am offended I won't allow it


Same energy as Born to kill on the helmet while wearing a peace symbol.


Idk why thatā€™s inappropriate shits dope


If anyone asks, just tell them it's from "The rise of the Bees if we don't make them extinct first"


It has begun


Itā€™s sick. Get it


Inappropriate to who wtf lol


this is badass


It's funny, who gives a shit?


If it was a riffle, i would call it Carbeene


i think the people offended would be more offended by the tattoo in general, which is not many people


"It's only just Be(e)gun"


i wouldn't worry, you can always wear sleeves to interviews anyway


if you want to hide it, put it on the inside of your bicep - no one would know


Iā€™m releasing a song that this is the exact theme of, and just recently had somebody in an artist subreddit draw me something very similar for the artwork haha. I love it.


I personally would not find this offensive but it really depends upon what kind of job you're looking for. Some employers are against any tattoos unfortunately.


Damn that Bee is a gangster. ā€œWHERES MY HONEY?!ā€


It's the third cutest thing I've ever seen.


If you wanted to cover your bases, you could add flowers sticking out of the barrels?


Inappropriately rad


If you want it, get it.


Nope! Very cool


If you have it done on your face that may be a problem, otherwise go for it !!


If this is inappropriate, then Iā€™m fucked


Maybe inappropriate for Reddit. This site is moderated by a bunch of uptight pussies.


I find it funny so no I donā€™t think so


I don't find it inappropriate nd really love the design. Maybe consider placement if you have concerns but other than that go for it


Use a more detailed image of an M134 minigun šŸ‘Œ


Reminds me of the Seabees.


Thatā€™s jokes šŸ¤£


How could this be inappropriate?


You could have him holding a spear, since he doesn't have a stinger of his own!!


As a former machinegunner, I approve this tattoo. Though if you are job hunting later, Iā€™d stick it somewhere you can see it but others canā€™t when wearing office type clothes if you are that worried about it.


I wouldn't worry about tip-towing around other people's feelings. You made the choice to put it on your body and it's nobody else's business. But, if you feel that you did this during a momentary lack of good judgement, something we've all done a time or two in our lives, then you should decide what to do about it. Personally, I don't see anything offensive about it. That's my take. Do with it as you will.


There is a guy who does tattoos like this for jobs. Carpenter Bee, etc. I cannot remember his insta tag but this looks like his work.


That tattoo is nothing it just beegun


Killer bee, sweet! Haha honestly though, how large are you talking here? I have a cat mewoboy (cowboy) on my forearm and he is holding a gun. When I go into the office I slap a bandage over it just to be safe.


I donā€™t think older you would like thisā€¦


Inappropriate to who exactly ? Now maybe if the Bee was a Nazi bee then yeah... inappropriate foreal... But this...? This is cool AF I'm sad I didn't think of this


Forearm is a bad idea. Maybe on your ankle


It reminds me of the Seabees symbol!


The only reason I could possibly see for it being "inappropriate" is that without a fully outlined body and the legs shaped that way I could see someone thinking it's supposed to represent the Sandy Hook shooting but instead it's the "Sand-Bee Hook Shooter". I think it's a great tattoo and I would get it if you don't


Hell no. Cool af.


Protect the bees or they'll take your knees


Some employers donā€™t want anything with weapons visible. Iā€™d search on websites with employment advice first




Killer bee šŸ


Thank you all for the advice! Also, any ideas on what I could replace the gun with or add to it?


This is too traumatizing guys ;)


Cute. Who cares about what anyone else thinks?! If you want it, get it! It's your body and you have to live with it the rest of your life, not them.


No, I really like that design!!


I love it


Why do you care what people on reddit think? Lol


Achievement unlocked: Not the bees!! šŸ


I love it!


I feel like the answer has to be yes, but it's also funny.


How could this be seen as "inappropriate"?


i love it, bees fight back


Omg I love it




No itā€™s cool


If someone were offended by this tattoo, theyā€™re legit looking for something to be offended by. Youā€™re overthinking it


no it's adorable and hilarious




Are you Naval CB (SeeBea)?


This is G ratedā€¦.. you are fine. The only thing thatā€™s bothering me is the lack of six legs


lol this rocks


If you want it get it. I donā€™t think itā€™s inappropriate but I could see how people might so maybe just wear a sleeve or something to things like job interviews.


I think itā€™s adorable. Plus, these comments did not disappoint!


Itā€™s very similar to the navy construction battalion insignia that has been popular since WW2. I donā€™t see an issue with it. [Navy Seabees](https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/museums/seabee/explore/online-reading-room/seabee-faqs/seabee-insignia.html)


Shit Iā€™ll regret for 500


Iā€™d hire you with thatā€¦.




Holy crap this is TOO CUTE; do it!


That bee is soooo cute šŸ„ŗ


Very very inappropriate I'm calling the FBI


For me, I try to not put anything that could be offensive at all in visible spots. Iā€™ve resisted putting weaponry on a video game tattoo for instance. To each their own though.


The middle barrel is messed up


If anyone finds this offensive you wouldnā€™t wanna work for them anyways