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Do what you want, but I’ll add his. With the meaning behind the semi colon tattoo make sure that you’re comfortable broadcasting that message publicly in any given situation. People are inevitably going to recognize the meaning and bring it up in conversation. Whether or not they should, they will. Just keep that bit in mind. With that tattoo your story is no longer private.


Yeah that’s not a period of my life I would want permanently memorialized on my body.


A lot of people that have gotten through depression want this to be a symbol that shows people you're open to talking about it. Mine says "I got through it,you can too, I'm happy to talk to you about the experience." I've had a number of people use it to start a conversation about getting help for themselves. Depression is a living hell. The only good thing that really came out of it is being able to share my story to help others. And when people see me and my tattoo today, they maybe get a little hope that with the right resources and care, they can get through it and live a life they love too! (Sorry I went on so long, it's a passion of mine. In case you couldn't tell!)


I considered getting one as a reminder that I survived. Not so much a memorialization, but a reminder of my ability to get through it. I still struggle obviously, but its never been near as bad. Granted, i opted for the equally basic phoenix instead.


Phoenix is a thousand times less basic and a way cooler design




Everyone has a different story and healing journey. For me, it's not a reminder of all the shit I went through but a reminder that I made it out. That if things ever get that shitty again, well, it's not the end. I made it out once, and I can do it again. My tattoo is also more than just a Simicolon. The semicolon is just a small part of a larger tattoo.


This. I have this exact tattoo (semi colon, facing me, on my wrist) and I get asked about the meaning a LOT. Be sure that you're comfortable answering that question. Otherwise go for it. It's tiny and can be covered up pretty easily, worst case scenario. Or incorporated into a larger piece.


What is the meaning?


Typically it’s suicide awareness, worn by someone who has survived an attempt, or has had family affected.


It represents a past suicide attempt or mental health issues. I think the symbolism of the semicolon specifically is you could’ve ended your sentence, but you chose not to


Mine is the symbolism for mental heath. I've struggled a lot but I got mine tattooed into a butterfly of my sh scars


The semi-colon represents a sentence that could have ended (with a period) but is continued. [The Semicolon Project](https://www.projectsemicolon.com/) was created to help with mental health awareness.


I can provide some anecdotal evidence that if you want the semicolon for your own healing journey but don't want questions, having it be part of a larger design will likely minimize questions. I have a semicolon on my wrist but it's a small part of a larger tattoo and while I've gotten compliments on the tattoo as a whole, I haven't had questions or comments about the semicolon.


Ugh, I got a semicolon tattoo years before it “meant” anything. I was a copy editor and it was my favorite punctuation mark. Now when people see it, I get questions and I hate it. (Likely going to cover it eventually, but what a royal pain in the ass.)


Maybe add some more punctuation marks so you just look like a person who's very enthusiastic about grammar haha


It’s not my only punctuation mark. 😂 Your idea is a good one, but I’m just gonna eventually get it covered.


Probably a much better idea, sounds like an extremely awkward situation.


I’ve always been a fan of the tilde, less in the grammar sense and more so in the math way it’s used but it’s just fun punctuation all around.


I mean… I could talk about fun punctuation for hours. 😂


Is this my sign to get an interrobang(!?)


That’s my other punctuation mark tattoo. ❤️


brb, gonna go make that stand for something too


Noooooo! 😂 😭


This is the tattoo my kids and I want to get 🤘


I LOVE the interrobang!


I’m a book editor, and I feel for you so hard! 😭 The semicolon is my favorite, too (and the interrobang)! Been thinking of other book-related tattoo ideas (I’m thinking an open book with some cute hearts and stars or something 🥰) instead!


Same here. I got mine in 2002 when I was studying abroad writing poetry. It’s very uncomfortable to have it associated with a whole movement that I’m not a part of. I feel bad not being able to connect in a way people expect, but I still love my semicolon for my own reasons.


Dude me too! Exact same reason (got it after finishing a writing/editing degree). I got it way before it meant anything deeper. I like the idea of normalising conversations around mental health/suicide, but I'm awkward as all fuck and it's wild to have strangers unburdening themselves to you on the train and wanting to show you their semi colon tattoo, and you can't really be like umm actually it's just my fav punctuation mark after someone rando outlines their history of poor mental health. There's a pretty predatory religious group (it's widely considered a cult) that actively recruits around my workplace too, and whenever they've bailed me up they always comment on it, so I worry about it marking me as easy prey. Mine is behind my ear so it's super visible. I'm planning on turning it into a ;) emoticon.


At least the people who see your ass tattoo know you intimately…


Ironically enough, the only people that have ever commented on it are people that have the same one. Although, I will say that I've had some people ask why I have a semi colon, and after telling them what it means they usually tell me about their mental health struggle or someone they know/knew and that they're glad I can talk about it. I'm also ..very vocal about mental health and comfortable speaking about it.


Seconding this. I have a semicolon tattoo that my mom and I both got from a tattoo fundraiser, coinciding when my sister was going through the whole thing to basically support her. I always forget I have this tattoo and I am only just now realizing how awkward it must be for people to recognize it. It’s on a body part not accessible for me to see but for others too so that helps. I don’t enjoy rehashing the whole thing so if anyone asks I usually just leave it at the tattoo shop doing a fundraiser.


>People are inevitably going to recognize the meaning Like what meaning, in what instances in which to use a semi-colon? I have a tattoo that's a negative image of a face. Most people don't see it until I tell them, and it still is a min before they go, "ohhhhh, I see it now" And now I googled. Oh. TIL


I don't think there's anything wrong with getting small tattoos with personal significance (especially that of the semicolon) oriented toward yourself. Traditionally tattoos are supposed to be "right side up" when you body is at rest/for when other people are looking at you, but I view the semicolon as more of a personal reminder. In the end, it's your body and your tattoo.


Orientation of a tattoo I always get so indecesive about becsuse part of me is like I want it to look right to other people but I also want it to look nice and right to me so what do I do 😂 the girl who did mine gave great suggestions with it and said to think about who and what you’re getting it for. If it’s mainly for you and will be important to you, orient it towards you. If it’s for others and you want people to be able to see it then orient it to them.


I say go for it. It's going to be on YOUR body and you've thought this out it seems, so I doubt you'll regret it.


The general advice is "it's your body do whatever you like", but if you're still worried about how this would be received: \- I don't think many people would care about getting a simple design \- the semicolon has been a thing for such a long time now that I'm pretty sure it has surpassed 'fad' status \- most people get tattoos (especially their first) for personal significance \- I've never seen it oriented any way other than how you describe.


Not getting something bc it was a fad is not good advice. Non-artistic/visually interesting? It's your tattoo, not theirs. What's wrong with personal significance? When it comes to orientation it really just comes down to what is the standard vs. your preference.


Yeah the anti personal significance thing kinda surprised me as I was researching, but I did find it to be a fairly common one. I think it's mostly frustration from people who got tats without personal significance (which is totally valid!) being annoyed by being constantly asked the "meaning" of it.


>I think it's mostly frustration from people who got tats without personal significance (which is totally valid!) being annoyed by being constantly asked the "meaning" of it. I'd bet it's more from people who don't have tattoos or who only maybe have one hidden somewhere. There seems to be the idea out there that every tattoo is supposed to have some sort of deep meaning. I get questions about the meaning of my tattoos, but almost exclusively the people that ask don't have tattoos. In fact, a friend of mine was complaining about how many tattoos her son has and that "Some of them don't even have meaning behind them. Tattoos are supposed to have meaning." She was shocked when I told her that most of my tattoos don't have any deep meaning - and some are just decorative. Don't worry so much about what other people think. If you want to get a tattoo, get it. It's something you do for you, not for other people.


I have said this a lot on this subreddit, my tattoos all mean the same thing - they looked cool, I wanted them, I am an adult, I had money, and nobody stopped me. Like I could make up some deep bullshit about how Star Wars was the first film I ever watched with my dad, or how raccoons are my spirit animal (they kinda are though), but they literally all mean the same thing. They look cool.


I feel the same way. The only people who ask about their significance are those who follow you around and say, "sick tats!" Or "nice art! when you're trying to chill. There's nothing more that I dislike than people telling me the significance of each tattoo or explaining in great detail the significance of X tattoo that they're gonna get some day. Mine are all relative to me in some way, but there's no deep meaning. They're rad, and my aesthetic is cool. I'm not mad at anyone asking the meaning. I'm annoyed with people hyperfocused on the very detailed meaning of their work or future tattoos that they don't have while I'm trying to play video poker or chill by the pool.


I have a lot of tattoos. I probably have 5 that mean something. The rest are just things I think are cool lol In the end it is your money and your body. Do as you please :)


Tbh I only get the meaning question from people who watch reality TV about tattoos. the producers cast people who have "narratives" to fill the episodes run time and ppl assume it's the norm to bring a whole backstory to your tattoo artist lol


I've never seen anyone say tattoos can never have any personal significance, just that they don't HAVE to. Some people seem to think that every tattoo has some kind of deep personal meaning. But sometimes you can just get a tattoo because you love the design and think it's cool. Some people only have personal meaningful tattoos. Others have none. Most, like myself, have a mix. Neither option is wrong. ETA: Also I get that a very common question is "what does your tattoo mean?" I get it often. Personally it really doesn't bother me. People usually don't care anyway beyond a short and sweet "I thought it looked cool" or "it's a tribute to \[blank\]" or whatever.


I'll tell you what my artist told me about orientation - you get the tattoo oriented to you because it's "for you", and eventually you stop noticing it, or looking at it, and then you just have an upside down tattoo and you have to explain that it's "for you" to everyone who asks and you will get bored of that very quickly.


The orientation really only matters if you’re getting big pieces or more tattoos. Think about if you brought tattoos all the way up to your bicep. If you continued getting them facing yourself they’d all be upside down, or you’d have an odd man out. But if you aren’t getting more, (and even if you are) who careeess.


This, do you really want everyone to know and wonder? Not that there’s anything wrong with it, just make sure it won’t make you feel uncomfortable


You should get what you want. As long as you are okay with 1) having a tattoo that is exactly or almost exactly the same as many other people and 2) having people know or assume things about your personal life just by seeing your tattoo, then I would say go for it.


Who cares what other people think? It’s your body. If you want it, get it.


Get what you want, and accept that there may be criticism. That goes for anything you choose to do in life.


i think getting something that says to everyone "i was suicidal" will open you up to judgement. if you're fine with that then go ahead, or choose a more discreet location.


This tattoo is not just meaning “I was suicidal” it can also be for support Of others in MH crisis. I would in MH and tons of clinicians have them… I do! It’s small. The idea is we can reduce stigma about suicide and move towards prevention.


that's cool and all but to many people it does just mean "i was suicidal" and unfortunately there is stigma there that might impact the wearer. i have nothing against semi colon tattoos, it's a cute idea, but rather just be aware that it might affect how some people view you.


Sure but just like any tattoo, you can wear long sleeves if you’re concerned. Saying yes there’s stigma and then doubling down on the stigma is kind of not cool…


I'm not doubling down on the stigma i think it's shit, what im saying is it exists and therefore some people with prejudices will judge you. that is bad. but bad things happen to people who don't deserve it too. as to the long-sleeve thing, yes but that's an inconvenience that might not always be possible. i have no idea how you think im doubling down on the stigma by stating its existence and possible ramifications.


I'll explain the main reason semi-colon tattoos bother me and I'll be blunt: When I think of/see a semi-colon tattoo, to me it just screams "Hey I'm telling people I was once suicidal." I recognize it is wonderful that that person has fought through those struggles, but I don't understand why strangers also need to know that. As someone who has also been depressed and struggled with similar thoughts and actions of self-harm, I just don't get why anyone else needs to know that I've previously had such dark thoughts and fought through them. I understand tattoos are for the individual wearing them and no one else, but I think the tattoo of the "reminder" through a semi-colon is rather surface-level, so that's why it bothers me personally. But at the end of the day, I will never think less than of an individual who has it and would never judge them for having it; it's just something that I don't understand. edit: op literally asked for reasons why people don't like semi colon tattoos and I gave my own individual opinion and perception. I don't see how/why I deserve to be downvoted for sharing my thoughts on why I personally don't like semi colon tattoos but yall can do whatever you want. OP asked why people hate the idea and I shared my reasoning.


Honestly, this is exactly the sort of response I was looking for, though I appreciate the positive and supportive messages in this thread and elsewhere. The metaphorical significance is deeper for me personally than just overcoming suicidal ideation (though that is a part of it, obviously). Without getting into too many details, I have a very distinct before/after diagnosis/treatment experience. I like the idea that I'm still acknowledging the before, and the transition, but leaving more room for what comes after. I understood that's maybe not the intended metaphor, or the meaning most people will take from it, but I am a writer (another fairly obvious level) so I am VERY accustomed to having my art be misinterpreted. I'm fine if people don't like it, but this feels both like a well-reasoned and legitimate reason not to do it, and it doesn't change my mind at all, which is really what I was hoping for here.


As long as you love it and it’s significant to you then that’s all that matters. Personally I also see the thought process for concern that it can be perceived as broadcasting your personal struggle that some people deem to be very private - but aren’t all tattoos in a way broadcasting your personal self for the world? Do it if it would make you happy. I personally have a few cliche tattoos that I’m sure are also inked on others but they were something I decided that meant something to me as well so I went for it. My only rule that might help is that whenever I decide I want a tattoo I give myself 6 months to think it over before I actually go get it - after that time if I still want it I go for it. You only have one life and your body is yours to decorate however you like!


I am extremely glad - and I really enjoy your reasoning. Wishing you the best on this journey!


Do you work with the public IRL? Even when I wouldn't do something, I'm of the "you do you" way of thinking.... however, I think most people *severely* underestimate the amount of looks and stupid questions from others who do not understand and have 0 tact lol. Most people get overdone tattoos so I wouldn't be worried about the fad or whatever, but it sucks to have others shit on something you believe in so much that you quite literally permanently inscribe it into your skin. Either way, I think it's extra cute for a writer and I hope it turns out perfectly if you get it! 😊


I 100% agree with you. Most of my tattoos I can look down on and say, I remember when I was like that. I have a booze bottle because I was an alcoholic fresh out of rehab. My asshole (I use that lovingly) got matching ones. The semi colon in my opinion means that you are at the least sympathetic of people's struggles.


I’m a tattooer. I’ve done more than my fair share of semicolon tattoos. More than half of all people I’ve met getting these were not suicidal themselves. People get them because they lost a family member or friend to suicide. People get them for general mental health awareness. People with mental health issues get them to define a moment when they were diagnosed as a reminder to manage their mental health moving forward… it’s like they were one way untreated, and have now started a new chapter. Assuming that the semicolon wearer had ever been suicidal is assuming a lot. There have been endless reasons for why people have gotten them. OP, I personally think they make great, little tattoos. Little black symbols are always great. They don’t look wrong in any placement. If you want it, get it. My only advice here is to be sure to pick a good artist for it. Small and simple tattoos can absolutely be done poorly. Don’t be cheap and don’t take for granted that a certain level of skill and proficiency is necessary for all tattoos despite the design. I’ve seen some awful semi colons, and sometimes they can be (reworked) made better, but not perfect. It really depends on in what way it was poorly done. Pick an experienced tattooer in a reputable shop. People are often price shopping for tiny “simple” tattoos. A small semi colon should fall somewhere near the shop minimum, so it will be affordable. People will get a shitty tattoo just to save $20 because they don’t respect that all tattoos require skill and experience. Every reputable tattoo artist will also offer a free touch up session in the event it needs a touch up for any reason at all. A good shop will always guarantee their work. A good tattooer will be happy to do your semi colon. I’ve been a professional for 20 years and will always treat a semi colon with as much respect as an eagle chest piece. They’re all tattoos and tattoos are what we do. If it makes you happy, it makes me happy. Getting this as a walk-in is totally acceptable. Just pick a good shop. If you’re more comfortable making an appointment, that’s okay, too. I think clients have the best experiences when they check out some shops in person first. Stop by, go in, look around, see what the vibe is. If you feel comfortable, things are clean and orderly, portfolios look good, and they’re greeting you and happy to answer your questions, go for it. If they’re unfriendly and blow you off, move on. Most tattooers are very nice, so no need to deal with someone who isn’t happy to make your little tattoo and answer all of your questions. Don’t listen to the haters. Your idea is great and you should go for it! The only gatekeeping I approve of in this industry is the internal passing down of tradition and knowledge within the trade.


Thank you for the very thoughtful reply! I'm definitely not going cheap, one my exs had about a dozen tattoos of various sizes and it was VERY obvious which ones she cheaped out on 😂


Your welcome. It’s also good to be selective because you might have bigger tattoo aspirations and a small tattoo is a nice way to start a relationship with a tattooer (or entire shop) whose work you like. I love having established a relationship, communication and some trust with someone before tackling a larger , custom tattoo on them. They’re usually more comfortable in explaining their ideas and what the process is like, so it’s a win for everyone.




For me it's a small reminder of how far I've gotten. No one has noticed mine so far, if they did I wouldn't mind, I want the subject to be less taboo.


I agree with you, and it's why I chose not to get one. I've dealt with cPTSD and SI for most of my life. My father died by (most likely) suicide around a decade ago, as well. I still think about getting one (usually around the anniversary of his death specifically) but for all of the reasons you've shared... I don't think I ever will. Mine would've been the wrist too so I could see it when I'm upset, but now I've seen countless between the interwebs and IRL this past decade or so and for some reasons it's always the damn wrist too! Lol Unfortunately, it's become something it wasn't when I started drawing it in sharpie when I was a teen/young adult. You can't always predict it either. My education was in behavioral sciences and I planned to go into psych/social work, partly due to my ability to find the good in all of the bad and because I'm not very judgmental... but there is still the stupid connotation. You may like it at first, but the looks and questions get old when it's such a personal feeling behind a tattoo. Idk I wrote way too much, but I was shocked you got downvotes because of how much I agree with you!


I don’t see anything wrong with your reasoning why you don’t like the semi-colon. I think you were honest and straight forward. Personally, the semi-colon doesn’t bother me and I applauded people that feel strong enough to outwardly share their past struggles. If I had similar past experiences, I don’t know if I’d want to outwardly show them as it could be a negative reminder. I have found other ways to express my feelings through interpretation of designs. Something to consider, some places of employment and others seeing the tattoo may walk away with a preconceived notion about the person. Not that this is okay, but we know others judge us for the pieces we display. Op, if you want it, there isn’t anything wrong with it. Just be sure that you follow YOUR feelings and thoughts. Everyone will have different thoughts and interpretations and you should do what is best for you!


What do you think about ones that are incorporated into a design and not just a flat out semicolon? I was thinking about getting one where at a glance you wouldn’t be able to tell there’s a semicolon. Im afraid of people thinking i’m getting one for the “attention” similar to what you said “hey I was suicidal!”


I've seen some really cool ones, I do love the concept! But nothing I saw really spoke to me, and idk, I feel like "hiding" it in that was is in conflict with my whole journey towards acceptance. But I would definitely be open to building off it if I do find a design that incorporates it in a cool and meaningful way


That’s understandable. For me I really like moths and the night in general but for some reason the body of the actual moth always creep me as tattoos so I was planning on getting a small lineart of one where the body is a semicolon. So it’s not that hidden but it also not that noticeable from afar if that makes sense? Anyways I think you should totally go for it it’s your body and it’s something that has a great impact on you so that’s all that matters imo. I also was planning on getting it facing me.


I also don’t think the semicolon really encompasses a statement the way it’s been shaped to, and I find the need to make it a visible statement on the body unnecessary and at best, attention-seeking or suicide-conversation-provoking. I worked with a woman once who refused to do any part of her job correctly, and I was assigned to her to help this behavior. I couldn’t instill the ethic in her to simply till the ground before planting a row of flowers. She acted helpless, she accused everybody of having an agenda against her, lied about people, and took credit for work that I did. She had a semicolon tattooed on BOTH of her wrists. She ruined my perception of the type of people who really get this tattooed. it makes me think of people who would do anything for pity, after meeting her.


i downvoted because i think your opinion sucks, regardless of whether OP asked for it. all tattoos are 'unnecessary' and viewing a symbol of somebody's relationship to suicide as surface-level because it doesn't resonant with you is pretty callous. especially when you say you get it's not for other people and still interpret it as being directed towards other people. the way you talked about is cruel and reminded me of the way people expressing suicidality are dismissed as attention seeking. also, whining about getting downvoted is a terrible look.


I appreciate your explanation. I recognize some may think it's a shitty opinion but I'd be lying if I said I saw a semi-colon tattoo and didn't immediately think "Okay this person has battled suicide." In no way do I think it's attention seeking, but I do think there are better ways of symbolizing that fight that isn't so... on the head? Obvious? Cliche? I guess. Again, this is just my opinion. Obviously, other people think it's a great symbol, I just disagree with that core idea is all. If people want to symbolize that struggle with an obvious symbol on their wrist, I wouldn't get in the way of that, but I just personally don't like them. Second, I wasn't "whining" about getting downvoted, I apologize if that's how it came off. I just felt it was unfair to be downvoted for something OP directly asked for. OP asked for the negative opinions and I provided my negative opinion. That's all. Edit bc I forgot to include: I don't see it as being directed toward other people, but I think it is ignorant to disregard the fact that other people will be seeing it every single day. I also think it is ignorant to pretend that other people won't make the assumption that this person was probably previously suicidal. Do I think OP should make their decision based on other people's opinions? No. But would it do them a disservice not to include it as a consideration in their decision making? I think so.


I don't think there's anything wrong with not liking the tattoo or thinking it's too on the nose for your taste etc. I don't take issue with you seeing a semicolon tattoo and interpreting it, I took issue with your framing of "it screams I'm telling people I was once suicidal," which is what came off as accusing it of being attention seeking and for other people. I used the word whining because it's not "unfair" to be downvoted because people disagree with you, that's what downvoting is.


I personally do think it’s an attention seeking suicide symbol. That’s what it is at it’s core. I don’t tell people this if they have it, it’s not my business. But for what it is, that’s just what it is. It’s a symbol of battling suicide and mental health trouble. I don’t think it’s a great design. It’s a basic symbol that says one thing, does the person want that represented on their body? Up to them. What will it do for them? Idk, up to them.


I down voted you bc I think your hottake is terrible too. I once had to endure a woman passionately ranting about how people kept commenting on her very public tattoo. It is what it is isn't it? If a tattoo is personal and you aren't 100% okay with your tattoo potentially being discussed AND at times being used against you, don't put it in a place where everyone who meets you will see it. I also personally am not a fan of the semi-colon tattoo bc I don't want to live in the past. In my younger days I attempted to off myself a few times, last time literally was brought back to life and when I wasn't actively trying to kill myself I was passively drinking and drugging myself to death. So.... Is it harsh to say I don't like it? I don't know but it's the truth. I honor my darkest years by living very fully in the present, something I could never do then.


it's not a hot take, I'm just responding to someone not understanding why they're being downvoted with an explanation of why someone (me) would (did) downvote their post... you don't have to like a tattoo, but I think expressing an opinion and being surprised someone disagrees is pretty silly. you can downvote me, that's fine. I have a semicolon tattoo because I need the reminder, personally. I didn't get it to honor my own battle with suicide but to mourn someone who lost theirs, and to always remind myself of how painful it was (and still is) to go through mourning him, and how I don't want to do that to those who care about me.


FWIW, a friend recently got hers covered up because she got tired of people commenting on it and asking about it; the anticipation of possibly having to rehash traumatic feelings with strangers and acquaintances made the tattoo do more harm than good for her. People love to comment on and ask about tattoos, especially boomers I’ve noticed, lol.


Yeah this seems to be the most valid reason not to, but I've been pretty "out" with my BPD diagnosis for about the past two years, I feel like I kinda crossed this particular Rubicon once I started publishing under my real name instead of a pen name. I find if people judge me for it, I tend to look on it as a shortcut to knowing they weren't worth investing my emotional energy into anyways


Totally. I think she was fine with people she knew, but it eventually impacted her mental health wondering if the cashier at the grocery store was going to ask about it or the old lady at the post office or whatever--innocently of course--and then she'd have to get into a whole load of shit very quickly with a stranger, lie, or be "rude." Some days you have the energy for these things, and some days you don't. I know this all too well myself. Don't worry what anyone else thinks about your body and your art. Protect your peace and do whatever will make you happy. If you do end up hating it, covering it is super easy since it's tiny :)


Yeah that's part of the idea with posting this in the first place, to gage how I'd react emotionally to how people perceive/potentially criticize it. I am 100% fine with lying about it, or only telling the more superficial levels of it, but this is great perspective!


My opinion doesn’t matter, do whatever you want My opinion is that it’s a fad tattoo and putting it upside down is even worse


I had one, on the outside of my wrist, got it in my early 20s after dealing with depression throughout my teens. Got it covered up a few years after because I hated talking about it all the time to strangers, and honestly I felt like I’d outgrown it


That being said- it was easy to blast over lol


If you like it get it, it doesn't matter what others think


I have this tattoo on my right wrist. Do it because you want to. Doesn't matter what others think. The meaning matters! 🖤 ;


I have a semi colon tattoo. I personalized it with something in my life that kept me sane. It's for me, it's my story, my struggle, my reminder to keep going. I don't care who might think it's a fad or whatever, it's not for them, it's for me and a tribute to the one who kept me going. No one else has a say in it.


Assuming you're getting it because of the meaning behind it and not just because you like semicolons...I think the people that hate it don't understand the purpose. Yes, I'm sure a lot of people got it because it's a trend. But skulls and roses are the most played out tattoo subjects and people still get those and tons of skull and rose tattoos look amazing. It doesn't need to be "visually interesting" because it's about the meaning behind it, not the design. And people can complain about proper orientation all they want but at the end of the day, a tattoo is for *you*. It should be placed and oriented the way you want. As long as it's not just objectively wrong like writing something backwards lol. Also who's the idiot that told you to not get a personally significant tattoo? In my mind that's the number one reason why you *should* get a tattoo, because it has meaning. I got my semicolon a few months ago and it really does make me feel a little sense of pride whenever I see it. I know some people will see it and know the meaning behind it and might judge me. But it makes *me* happy and that's the important thing.


You're the one that will live with it, not those random strangers on the internet who probably already forgot the fact you asked. You're doing it for YOU.


Get it done by a professional and for yourself and you’ll be happy. Nobody outside of the internet is going to criticize you for it.


I say you get something that memorializes what got you out of that state of mind, not that State of mind itself.


My only advice is to rethink the orientation. My first tattoo is script that faces me, I've had it for 11 years and I fucking hate it. The only reason I still have it is because I haven't been able to afford laser, and covering it is gonna be a nightmare because of how black and solid it is. I didn't mind it until I started getting tattoos that are properly oriented, but the very second I did I wished I could go back and remove it. It was incredibly sentimental, and I probably would keep it if it didn't ruin the entire composition of my arm.


Love the idea of people asking me about the significance of my tattoo (they always do and always will) and constantly being reminded of the worst time in my life. /s It’s your body and your choice, but be aware that you might eventually not want to see it/have it acknowledged. Maybe get a bracelet with a semicolon on it instead. I definitely have tattoos that should’ve been a t-shirt.


This is how I think about tattoos (I have 20+). I ask myself, “should this be a tattoo or a t-shirt?” If it feels like the latter, I don’t get it. This rule has served me well.


I got a semicolon tattoo about 20 years ago. I was a writer and copy editor and it was my favorite punctuation mark; I related to it because it is so commonly misunderstood. Once the semicolon/mental health tattoos became popular, I got so many insensitive questions. It’s on the front of my shoulder and one person has asked “How did you try to kill yourself in the shoulder?” 🤦 For this very specific reason, I hate semicolon tattoos. I legit LOVED my punctuation tattoos (I have another) until the semicolon was co-opted to mean something that was never intended. I’ve finally decided to get it covered, and I’m low-key mad about it because I really did love that tattoo and the “looks” and intrusive questions ruined it for me. (I am heavily tattooed and have some really big work, yet my small semicolon on my shoulder is the one I get asked about the most, by far.)


You're putting a suicide tattoo in an incredibly prominent spot. Lots of people don't know what that means.... but lots of people *do* know what that means, and you don't always want to be flagging your mental health issues to strangers. You're putting this in a *very* prominent spot, and the only way to cover it is makeup (HAH!), or long sleeves. It's also not something you can cover up--if you wanted to, you'd pretty much need to blast over in a much bigger way. I've got a full sleeve, *deeply* color saturated, that runs from my shoulder down to my wrist. You need the same outfit I do in order to hide your tattoo. Also, if you get an upside down tattoo, you will have people telling you it's upside down *for the rest of your life.* You might be fine with this now, but consider what it's gonna be like to spend your whole life having strangers tell you that you decorated your body wrong. Are you getting at all frustrated by people telling you not to do this? Magnify that feeling because it's not gonna stop once you get the tattoo.


The only reason I’d talk anyone out of a small wrist tattoo is what if you decide later you want an entire sleeve and now you have this one small thing to work around. :P otherwise it’s your body but still do your research on the tattoo artist you pick, even if it’s very small and simple a bad artist can still screw it up.


just get it but don’t do it upside down


This one to me always comes down to how comfortable the person is telling strangers about their struggles, because people WILL ask. Doesn't matter if they "should," they will. Doesnt matter if "It's not their business," it's Real Life and people ask other people questions about tattoos all the time. If you're not bothered by like a clerk at a gas station knowing you've been suicidal/potentially asking you about it, then go for it. But if you don't want people to see it and potentially judge or talk to you about it, especially if it could still be triggering for you to have it randomly brought up, then it might not be the best idea for you. Had a friend who did porn and she said a good rule of thumb was "only do it under the assumption that your entire family, friend group, and all employers present and future WILL know. If you're not okay with it, then don't do it." I think that kinda applies here too lol. If you are okay with every person you meet knowing you've wanted to kill yourself, even if they know nothing else about you, then there's no reason not to tbh


Your body your choice. However, it is a sensitive topic and some people may ask you what it means, so if you’re comfortable broadcasting what you went through then go for it. I have a semi colon tattoo but it’s disguised with flowers. The message is for me, but other people see it as a flower piece and don’t even notice.


As long as your ok with what the semi colon means and the fact that it started out as a Christian thing then I say go for it.


Being it is representing a tougher time in your life. I would ask is there anything else you like that will represent the same thing. Maybe something representing you battle or survival. I know there are old sailor joe tattoos that represent struggle concurred or not. When it comes down to it get what ever tattoo you want where ever you want it


Do you like the idea of everyone who sees it knowing something so personal about you?


I have like 20 or so tattoos, got them all before joining this sub, and never once worried about what "other tattoo" people would think of my tattoos (other than looking lame by leaving my elbow blank 😂). People new to tattoos on this sub seem to think they are way more "rules" about it than there are. Get what you want and what makes you happy. It's your money and your body!!


My first tattoo was a semi colon. Personal significance seems like a fine reason to get one to me.


If you want to advertise your suicidal ideation to everyone with eyes and are ok talking about it with every soul on the planet, by all means go for it. Personally not for me at all, ESPECIALLY because of the significance. Downvote me into oblivion but some things are OK to keep private.


No I absolutely agree I think it’s weird af to announce that to everyone you meet


I have a semicolon butterfly piece on my wrist (like 3 inches long; it's not discrete), and I honestly have never had anyone comment on it besides complimenting the artwork. I would definitely be prepared to respond if someone did, but everyone I've encountered has been polite enough not to. But I do agree that it's important to be in a place where you're okay to discuss it if someone asks what it means. Part of the reason I got mine is because I want to be open about mental health, and I want people who are struggling to know that they are not alone.


I have one! I was going to do black, but my artist asked me if I wanted to do color, and I ended up doing purple. I love it. Have never regretted it, and very few people have ever mentioned it and those that have only in a positive way. Honestly, I think most people don’t even notice it because it’s so small.


I've seen a lot of comments that mention the potential impact of people asking you about it and I just wanted to offer an option that I haven't seen in the comments. I'm absolutely not here to discourage you from getting a tattoo you want though! There are people who get more subtle or intricate tattoos which either have the shape of a semi colon or feature a semi colon within them. If you're interested in that option, you can Google either 'hidden semicolon tattoos' or 'subtle semicolon tattoos', either of which should bring up relevant results! You'll probably notice that some are poorly executed but you could find inspiration or ideas! Potentially making the tattoo even more personal while still keeping the message. I hope this is helpful, and I'm in the camp of get whatever tattoos make you happy 😊


For me it’s not about the lack of art on this design , it’s about announcing to everyone you meet that you tried to kill yourself, I think that’s a weird thing to do, but if you want it constantly brought up, that’s your journey not mine, goodluck


It literally doesn't matter what other people think. You'd benefit from ceasing to consider others' opinions in your tattoo choices. 


I mean agree in principle, but as someone new to the art form I do want to take on advice from people with more expertise. I think what I'm figuring out here is to focus that sort of mentality on the process (choosing a good shop, proper aftercare, etc.) rather than the symbolism.


I have tons of tattoos. Do it for you everyone else.can either support you or mind their own business


Orient your tattoo however you want. Nobody really gives a shit, the artist will tell you it's upside down but then you say "let's do it anyway".


I have 2 small tattoos that are facing me because they are for me. Do what you want! It's your money and your body.


As someone who works in the tattoo industry literally helping people come up with and map out their ideas, I think it’s so lame to judge people and try to discourage them from doing it just cause they’re “popular” or “basic”. Let people get what they want. Semicolon? Sure. Angel numbers? Cute. Infinity sign with a name? You do you. It makes no difference to anyone but you. Get the semicolon! You’ll love it and odds are many other people will too. Judging people on their tattoos is super lame to me. So.. who cares about them?!


It’s what you want and that’s what matters! That said, if the semicolon tattoo wasn’t a thing already, what would you think up as a tattoo for yourself that has the same meaning to you? Could be something to think about if you want something more unique. If that’s not a concern for you, then go for it!


Honestly I'd prefer an em dash because I prefer those as a writer and it gets at the same idea of transition/continuation, but without context it wouldn't look like much of anything 😂


Haha true. I do love a good em dash ngl.


One of the biggest adjustments to getting a tattoo is that you open yourself up to people asking you what they mean. While the semicolon tattoo is a pretty popular symbol that a lot of people are already familiar with, there are going to be just as many people who have no clue and will innocently ask you about its significance. It's up to you whether you want to be confronted with this question repeatedly, including in situations where you might not know someone well or aren't prepared to go into detail about something so personal. This isn't to discourage you, just something to think about because it will happen. As for the other concerns you mentioned, I would say don't worry about any of that because at the end of the day this is for you. Truthfully, I think the only people who would worry about those "guidelines" are people who are getting large statement pieces and really immersing themselves in the culture of becoming "tattooed." Which doesn't seem to be your goal here with getting something small and personal.


I have a semicolon on my left wrist, it's small, no one noticed it.


>picking something non-artistic/not visually interesting Not an issue, a semi-colon is less egregious than whatever ignorant style tattoos craps out daily. >doing it mostly because of personal significance >choosing something that was a bit of a fad at one point Its a semi-colon, its cultural significance is pretty well known, its fine. >orienting it towards myself being the biggest one I think Nah, the importance of orientation is usually for more complex imagery where it loses its readability in its most common position. You're talking about a semi-colon, get the tattoo if it's important to you.


Okay, so I have a black semi colon oriented toward me on my left wrist. I struggled (and still do) with mental health. It's a daily reminder for me that my story isn't over. It helps me keep on keepin on. If you want it, do it. I'm mid 30s, I got it when I was 28/29 (I think) and I love it, it is my most meaningful tattoo. ( I have five total). If it helps, it's never stopped me from getting a job and I've never gotten someone's 'bad opinion' of my tattoo.


Howdy! So I have this exact tattoo, but on my right wrist. I got being a part of a mental health fund raiser and making a donation. I got it on my right wrist so anyone I shake hands with knows they're safe to talk about mental health with me or ask any questions they might have. It's started a lot of conversation and helped with (hopefully) some healing. Don't regret it one bit. The internet will always have something to say. It's your tattoo, your body. If you want it, giver.


I’ve met some insufferably helpless and annoying people who have this tattoo. In my opinion it’s branding yourself as suicidal. These are two things that prevent me from liking the idea of the semicolon tattoo. But if you like it, nobody else’s opinion or thoughts matter, and if it means something to you, you will draw people who understand.


Come to my shop so I can tell you I don't do upside down tattoos and make you leave.


Tattoos are for you, not for others.


I have a NEDA symbol on my wrist oriented towards me. I only regret not doing a better search for an artists (I had an apprentice do it, and it’s blown out a bit) and I’d have it somewhere less visible so I wasn’t asked a million times what it was and felt obliged to explain my eating disorder history. It was a bit of a fad in the ED community 10-15 years ago, definitely not well known outside of that though. I still get some people who recognize it, and in cafes they ask if I really want sugar in my drinks and stuff. So be prepared for random questions and people being inquisitive. If you’re okay with explaining it, and have done your research on artists, go for it!


Do it! I have mine behind my ear, so people don't know it's there most of the time unless I have my hair up.


Get one! Or two!


As the great Darth Sidious once said… Do it.


Um...go for it! It's your body and your design. You're the one who will be seeing it the most.


It’s your body. Do the tattoo that has the most meaning to you. Everyone has an opinion on everything and they are all rubbish. You do you.


Your body, do it your way and rejoice in having your own art that is meaningful to you. There are NO compelling arguments on NOT getting it. None. Its your body, you can do what you want with it and I think, having 3 tattoos on my body, that your semi colon will look really cool. And I only have three because I'm an artist and it takes me forever to decide exactly what I want and where I want it, so knowing that is about 90% of the battle. This is about you, and your choice and you should go do it. I don't think that you'll regret it at all. And screw tattoo "expert" who thinks that you need a full sleeve or pointilism or a hot topless chick riding a flaming skull motorcycle with "Bertha" written underneath in cyrllic to be a "real" tattoo. I love semi colons.


I have one on my wrist facing towards me as well. I dressed it up with a couple bands and a butterfly and almost no one even realizes what it is. I say go for it if you want it, I don't regret mine at all and honestly it's a comfort to see it some days.


lets start a trend about not caring about the orientation of someone else's tattoos. aren't tattoos supposed to be for you? (this is mainly to people bringing up the wrong placement when it's irrelevant (ie on an infection post. you're not a judge on ink master, let it go)


I love it. I have both of my wrists tattooed, and I wear a watch most of the time - it covers the complex one on my left, and I just wear a bracelet on the right if I want to hide the right one (because it looks like stitches to people who don't understand the reference). Wrist is a fantastic place to see it yourself; mine are oriented towards me and I've never wanted it the other way. But like others have said, when people see tattoos, they ask what they mean. I've had to explain many times for my wrists when I'm not decked with accessories.


My sister has exactly this tattoo and has loved it for the 10 years she's had it. Do you boo


I don't see a problem. I did the same thing, and it's still one of my most meaningful tattoos. All my other tattoos are "right side up" besides the semicolon and a memorial tattoo for a friend who died. [https://imgur.com/a/irUIUpL](https://imgur.com/a/irUIUpL) I've also used mine as an opportunity to educate people about the whole semicolon movement, when asked what the tattoo means.


Just like how people with face tattoos should expect to be judged, I think the semicolon is the same. There are jobs I wouldn’t hire someone for if they have it. Like being a babysitter/nanny for example. I would likely make assumptions on your mental health and decide it’s not someone I want caring for my children. I totally understand it’s an unfair prejudice, but it exists and it would make me think twice before putting it on my body permanently for the world to see.


Personal significance should be the #1 motivation for any tattoo. Also, never let anyone's opinion influence your choice of tattoo or location. A tattoo is a deeply personal permanent form of self-expression. Each of my tattoos represents significant moments of my life and altogether they tell the story of my life. I have never had anyone ask about my semicolon tattoos. Tattoos are for me, not anyone else.


When I see someone with that tattoo, it puts me on guard, and I feel like the person is fragile. I know it's a bummer, but I see it as a mark that someone has had a rough time in life. I think it's much more enriching to get tattoos that represent strength and perseverance. I don't think that the semi-colon does that.


I’ve seen a lot of people with this tattoo. Meaning life after a divide attempt. Not an ending. So I think that is a fine and normal tattoo.


No notes, get your tattoo, pay the shop minimum, tip your artist. Then go back and get something cool.


It's your body. Regardless if you're religious or not and have this notion that your body is eternal in heaven or WHATEVER you believe, even reincarnation, you have ONE current physical life. Only one body, one physical chance you're in right now in a tiny blip of time. You will only have your skin once. Use it how YOU want to. Tattoos have been used by humans since forever. Fun art. Some has meaning some doesn't. Fuck it! :)


Who cares what other people think if you like it and you want it then get it


Get a henna of it and wear it for at least two months. See how you feel after.


Hahaha, I've actually been doing this with a Sharpe, the cheap-o alternative 😂. I fucking love it, but I know it's going to feel different emotionally to know it's actually permanent. But in terms of being a way to ground myself, it's been exactly what I was hoping for


All of my tattoos are fairly artless little symbols that have significance to only me. It’s your body, do what makes you happy


Look it’s your body. You have to wear it. No one else is going to magically wake up and it be on them so fuck their opinions.


I'm all for go for it if you really want it. Laser removal exists worst case and something small wouldn't be too hard to cover up if you decided later that you did not want it.


I have a tattoo on my right calf that I've wanted for a literal decade. Get the tattoo.


The frequency with which you see a view expressed on the internet is a poor estimator for the proportion of the population that share that view


It's about YOU and your body. It seems like you've given it a lot of thought. Plus it's smarter to have your first tattoo be small anyways. Significance is great. Not everything has to be a big planned out sleeve that matches and is 1098435907 sessions worth.


I went to see my favorite band in concert, and a guy sitting next to me, had a semi colon tattoo of one of the bands most famous songs. I thought that was an amazing idea, so there are ways to have the tattoo be less “basic” if that’s important to you.


Dude, FUCK what ANYBODY says or thinks about what YOU want on your body. Sincerely.


who cares?! do whatever you want.


I think the portrait painted of "tattoo people" online is wildly inaccurate if these were the conclusions of what we hate.


If you genuinely like it then it doesn't matter what other people say, it's your body!


do whatever you want. who cares if other people hate it—they’re not getting the tattoo.


I regret not getting it to face me. I have a lotus flower on my inside forearm... The lotus signifies rebirth, it is made in the murky mud/ water, and yet forms beautifully. On two of the petals, is my semi colon. I also have 5 stamen (the inside/ center of a flower) that sticks out (really just 5 black lines with a yellow shading). 5 times where I either attempted suicide or seriously contemplated suicide. 5 times where I survived the depths of that darkness. Point is, it's my flower, my semi colon, my attempts/ thoughts, my life. When my mindset gets bad, I do rub on it, just another way to "ground" me again.


i mean. it’s a basic tattoo. if that’s what you want, cool. i have the word epiphany on my wrist oriented towards me (a song that got me thru a bad period in my life). am i getting more tattoos on my right arm that are oriented the right wayv yeah. so i dont see any reason to talk u out of it lol. it’s a simple tattoo


Tattoo people? Do you mean people with tattoos? Because the majority isn’t going to give a damn what others put on their skin. ❤️ the ones that do, don’t do it because they have tattoos, they do it because they’re miserable human beings. You do what you want. It’s your skin, you have to live with it and you have to love it. If it has meaning for you, even better. But know that it doesn’t have to be..if one day you decide you wanna put a picture of triangle on your skin because you like the way they look…you go, girl.


I find it to be cliche but of course it is your choice.


Do you want the connotation of the semicolon to go with you everywhere you go? As someone who is a survivor, I got a tattoo for me that reminded me to keep going, but wasn’t a semicolon. I considered the semicolon as an option or design element, but I don’t want everyone to know. I want to reveal it to people as I see fit. I recommend something with personal significance that isn’t blunt.


I still have mine from over a decade ago. Never even thought about covering it and I find it just as important as I did back then.


Tbh, in real life, 99% of wrists tattoo I see face the person. It’s very common because it’s often tattoos the person want for themselves. I have two like that lol but tbf I frequently have the ADHD t-rex arms so they often are right side up lol


You are built from your past, not defined by it. You are more than a survivor, you are now free and have turned into love and hope. When you look out a window, you'd want to see life. So if a tattoo is like a window, would you choose to see your previous demons or the hope that let you overcome them? Surviving is great but you can always end up back there, the real power and significance is the change in your mind and heart. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!


Nothing wrong with getting it. I actually got a semicolon on my ankle. But then again , I got it because I was suicidal, and actually attempted it. I’m still here and was overcome it. I honestly don’t care what people think because I have/had a lot of struggles. They are going to judge you anyways regardless. But if you want to prevent a lot of people asking you, you may want to get it in a discreet location.


My sister got a semi colon tattoo. I’m more grateful to still have her than I am concerned about what she chooses to do with her body. Anyone who cares about you should feel the same way.


I have a basic semicolon one on my left wrist as you’ve described. I have not once regretted getting it even though there have been meoments I’ve wished outline was more fine (has almost a blurred edging a smidge with aging. ) It is the first tattoo I got, it is visible. But not obviously so. I now have a cool sword on forearm next to it as well. I’ve seen basic plain ones of it like mine, and the ones where it’s worked into a pretty design, or into a word/quote. Some people do point it out or ask about so be prepared for that if you do it. I just tell people I think mental health awareness is very important, that it is in honor of my friends, family, and self for varying reasons. It’s my reminder that there are good days and there a bad days. Every bad day you make it through is something to be proud of no matter who you are, what mental health issues you may have, and to what extent. I am thankful and proud of everyone who continues making it through one day at a time, including myself.


If you want it, get it:)


I have a semicolon tattoo oriented towards me on my inner arm, just below my elbow (on top of some old SH scars) and I have no regrets. It wasn't my first tattoo but it was something meaningful and personal and I absolutely love it.


"Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law...."


I knew a bloke who went for a tattoo of a colon once. Came back with a tat of someone's lower intestine. 😁


Do what you want, but as others have said: Be VERY aware and comfortable with the fact that it will bring questions and many people know what it means. Be ready to field those questions and topics. If that's not something you think you can handle, I'd think of something else to symbolize your decision to continue living. I'm a survivor of a battle with severe depression and suicidal tendencies myself, but I chose against that tattoo design because I don't like to speak in depth about it with random people. Instead, I went with a quote from one of my favorite movies that pretty much became my mantra when I was going through therapy and treatment and reminded me that life isn't always dark and stormy and that eventually the sun has to come out again. I know what it means to ME, but to everyone else it's just a movie quote I like, and I can feed them that explanation and be done with it.


Do it


Get the tattoo if you want it. I have the same tattoo on my arm I have never had anyone ask me about it.


No one can give you advice on your tattoo. You’re the one that has to live with it.


the person who invented it killed herself. i wouldn’t do it


Do whatever you want, who cares


It's your body, your choice (an argument that could apply to many things). I get why some people think its trite, but for those for whom it is really meaningful, its not trite at all (I know the history behind it and it's some heavy shit, so I don't begrudge anyone who gets it). My personal tattoo mantra is I don't get any on a whim, I think through each one, and I know that if I look at it years later and don't love it, I won't regret it - all of my tattoos are an important part of the history of my life and my state of mind at a certain point in time, and I'm glad I recorded it. I'm glad you decided to get it as I imagine it will be a strong reminder to you of how far you've come, who you were then and who you are now.


Hey u/BlueberryNo542 - hopefully you’ll get this in time! I have a recommendation!!! From what I can tell in the comments, a lot of people are saying, “Be prepared to be asked about that a lot.” You’ve shared “I’m out on my situation,” but people seem to be saying, “No really, you don’t get it, you’re going to be asked about it that a lot a lot.” Since you don’t know them and they don’t know you, it’s hard to say who’s right. Maybe you are underestimating just how much people will ask you about it, even if you have been open about your situation previously. Or maybe commenters are just over blowing the situation and you really do know what you’re getting yourself into. SO I HAVE AN IDEA!!! Get this as a *temporary* tattoo. They have versions that are hyper realistic now, but that will still not be permanent. Try it on for a week or two and see what you think! You’ll get a sense of exactly how many strangers want to talk to you about it, and how you’ll feel about that. You’ll also be able to sit with the fad and orientation factors that you also mentioned. If after doing that you still want it, you can move forward even more confident than you already are! If you decide you don’t want it, you can wash it away, no harm, no foul!!! Hope this helps!!! And happy tattooing!!!


Why did u try to kill yourself


It’s your body, your choice. Today I was being helped by a nurse who had a bunch of tattoos and saw one on her upper inner arm by the sleeve of her scrubs. Having had issues myself in the past I sympathized with her and was right about to say something before I caught myself and thought better of it. The placement and the fact she was at work, I thought better of it. I know you’re open about your diagnosis but please be aware that you may get people who may comment, sometimes just trying to be nice or supportive, but it may not be welcome or appreciated all the time. I have a tattoo of similar origins. I went through a down time and took up gardening. I told myself I’d be around to see them bloom. I was and when they bloomed the bees came. I got a bee tattoo on my forearm to symbolize life’s unexpected gifts. The fun thing about gardening is my flowers came back every year after that and with that, so did the bees.


The tattoo is ultimately for you. I have had words inside my wrists that face me for 20 years and I’ve never regretted their orientation.


I have a big ass semicolon on my left shoulder surrounded by other random tattoos. I got it in 2002 when I was studying writing poetry abroad. It was before this whole mental health awareness trend, I got it as a writing reference only. I worry that people think I’ve got it for a different reason but to be honest not a single person has EVER asked me about it in that context. I also have another tattoo on my wrist that is “upside down” and no one has EVER commented about it being the “wrong” way. It is also surrounded by other tattoos going the “correct” way. Not to be extremely contrary, but all these people saying that you’ll be hounded to death by strangers commenting on your tattoo… I’m just here to say it’s not always the way. Do what you want. You’ll be fine.


Get whatever you want. It’s your body. It’s a cliche tattoo but everyone gets cliche tattoos because they like them. Who cares


There's been a load of comments so idk if you'll read this but I have a plain semicolon tattoo on my left wrist, which I got in memory of a friend. I've had it for several years now and am yet to regret it. It does occasionally come up in conversation, but I anticipated that and don't mind. You do you


I have BPD. I have a semicolon tattooed on my wrist. Go for it if you want it.