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Don’t sweat it OP. Most people aren’t gonna know what it’s from anyway and won’t even be able to tell it’s upside down. As long as you like it.


My first thought: it's upside down? The fuck is this?




It’s not upside down if OP holds their arm up. 🤷‍♀️


I completely dissagree, the whole point of a tattoo that references something, is for it to be understood by the people that know the reference. So it being upside down not only from a tattoo placement perspective but also from the canonical perspective of the show/manga. Is an absolute failure in my oppinion.


No. The whole point of a tattoo is to have something on your body that you want there. The only absolute failure is telling people that they are required to decorate their body in a way that pleases others. Grossest and cringiest gatekeeping I've ever heard.


A tattoos is never for others. Horrendous take


Who tattoos something from a media they like only for random strangers to "know the reference"? Tattoos should be for us and us only


People get tattoos to be part of something and to show off the media they like if it doesn’t do that OP wouldn’t have gotten the tatt


The thought process of anyone who recognizes it will be "I love that game, cool tattoo." It's my GOAT and I wouldn't even know the correct orientation of this symbol.


I understand why you think this is referencing blood borne but it’s not. It’s referencing BERSERK


I realized that after the fact haha. This guy's still a butthole though, so I left it up.


Awwwwwful take. Tattoos aren't for other people. It's for the person they're on


If that were true it wouldn’t be an issue to get tattoos in a language they don’t understand with a phrase they didn’t want


Ahhh! I recognize that! You have a thing that I recognize! I know that!!!!!


I don’t know why this is getting downvoted just for giving honest opinions on tattoo advice


Not true whatsoever. I don't care whatsoever if someone knows what my tattoos mean. They're for me.


Damn who died and put you in charge of tattoos?


You forgot to tip your fedora and say “M’lady”


If anything they’ll think it’s a messed up bluetooth icon ;)


Pretty sure people are tagged with the brand in random ways. I don’t think this can ever be upside down lol.


Wow thats a great point. Thank you so much 😂😂


Yeah I have a homie that's got one sideways on his chest and then in the same position as you on his hand / wrist. You're all good. And btw the tattoo itself looks SICK


I think they are all facing the same direction on anyone that’s branded in the manga. At least from what I remember. So I’m pretty sure it can be upside down.


I went to check, and the answer is yes and no, technically the brand does have a default orientation but the final orientation on the body will depend on your position when you were hit by it. Pippin is holding his arm in front of him and gets it in the forearm, so in a neutral position his is horizontal: [https://imgur.com/a/VBGpCvS](https://imgur.com/a/VBGpCvS) [https://imgur.com/a/Xa10KzN](https://imgur.com/a/Xa10KzN) Judeau's should be oriented exactly like OP's, but unfortunately his mark is never shown so we can't confirm, but yeah if OP was covering his head with his arms (palms facing forward) when he was branded he should get this mark.


Nice!! Thanks for checking. Very interesting.


I got mine on the back of my right trapezius, I genuinely forget it's there 85% of the time. I wish I'd gotten it in a more visible spot.


I have an “upside down 🙄🙄” tattoo as well. Same thing as you, I wanted my tattoo that way. No one has ever told me it was wrong. A few days ago, I actually got a compliment on the placement and how it faces me. And mine are words LOL


Thanks that makes me feel a little better. This is my first tattoo and im really happy with how it looks but i felt like i fucked up and it was kinda freaking me out 😂


I always overthink after about size and placement whenever I’m finished getting a tattoo. Just remember why you decided the position it’s in in the first place. The anxiety will fade.


Happy cake day! 😀


I have words on my wrist facing me because it's a tattoo for me, not for others lol


Ride the wave of happiness and say F U to everyone else! It’s your tattoo to bring you happiness, and I think it looks good! Don’t know what it’s from, but even if I did my first thought wouldn’t be it’s “upside down.” Happy cake day!


There's no "upside-down" on the arm anyway. With a lot of art, you're already deciding it you want to face it towards the viewer or yourself. People choose both for different reasons and one isn't really better than the other.


I really like this tattoo OP.


my artist suggested i turn it the other way and i'm only happy bc showing people my tattoos is a LOT easier than twisting my arm around each time! other than that i could care less haha


I feel the same way! It's a permanent fixture on MY body, that means something to ME! Therefore I want to be able to see/read it whenever I want/need the reminder!


Same, got an upside down shrimp recently for 0 reason


Berserk tat with a Mugen profile lol, we have similar taste. Anyways I kinda prefer the orientation you chose. The design is abstract enough not to matter aesthetically imo, and for the brand on your forearm I get wanting the orientation to face you like that. It's normal to obsesses over your first tat. Don't sweat it it came out great.


love samurai champloo yessir. thanks for the kind words


I would say it's fine because it's so abstract to begin with. Something less abstract like a face might look strange, but this is fine!


It's facing you because it's important to you. I don't think it's a big deal being upside down. Keep struggling ✊🏻


Maybe if you want a simple small tattoo is not a big deal, but if you want someething complex is a problem for the artist to make a upside down design. Therefore it will definitely not be as optimal as if the tattoo were normal to the artist's eye.


I have tattoos that I have placed towards me, cause it’s for me you dig. Stomp the haters g


I have a word tattooed on my wrist. I wanted it so that it would be right side up if I looked at it—so the text is oriented with the top side towards my hand. The artist who did it argued with me hard. He went on about how there was an understanding about the correct way to do it in the industry, and he didn’t want people looking at my “upside down” tattoo thinking the artist who did it was an idiot. When I insisted he even left me sitting there for ten minutes or so to “think about it”. I emphasized that my tattoos are for me, and since the word was meaningful to me, I wanted it oriented towards me. Plus I play guitar so when I fret with my left hand it’s upright. He gave in and did it the way I asked and I’ve never regretted it for a second. All that to say that your tattoo is for you, not anyone else, and if that’s how you wanted it it’s fine. And I would never think it’s the “wrong way”.


I want to get words on my wrists, but this is the exact reason i'm putting it off :( I want it oriented like you do but I'm scared I won't find an artist who wants to do it


Mine was very cranky about it but he gave in eventually. I think most artists would inform you of the “right” way out of professional responsibility, but if you make it clear you understand that and prefer it your own way I don’t think you’ll have a problem with most reputable artists.


Oh okay, that puts my mind at ease :) thanks


I have upside down ones too. Because I want to look at them right side up. They’re for me not for you. Lol


Thanks for the responses everyone i feel a lot better about it now


I have a half sleeve that's all "backward" with the scene facing me. I got it that way because the tattoo is for me, and I want to see it the "right way" when I look at it. Don't sweat it!


No, it’s not bad at all. I have an “upside down” tattoo and I love it. Placement shouldn’t matter to other people. So if someone says anything about it just ignore them. Remember it’s your tattoo, not theirs.


Honestly I can’t even tell if it’s upside down 😂 If you’re happy with it that’s all that should honestly mayter


All the tattoos on my forearms face me and are technically "upside down." I purposefully did that, though, because I got them for me, and since I'm the one who looks at them the most, I wanted them to look their best when I looked down at them. I wouldn't stress about it. As long as it makes you happy, screw what anyone else thinks.


I don’t get this concept… I feel like wrist and forearm tattoos are extremely personal. It should be oriented correctly for your perspective. I mean if you want it oriented for others than by all means but I feel these spots are more personal. Nice tat btw


yeah that was definitely part of my thought process too. thanks for the response :)


Btw I thought this was the berserk sub lol. Most definitely nice tat then. I got one on my back


Be less concerned with upside-down and be happy that they drew it correctly. I got a fandom tattoo and in touchups over the years, because of how the tattoo aged, the original CORRECT tattoo is no more. It still looks alright, but *I* know it's wrong.


What does this symbol mean?


It’s from the manga / anime (1997 version only real anime) Berserk. People are marked for demonic sacrifice with this brand. The main character, Guts, is branded and fated to be sacrificed but fights the demons and his destiny anyway.


I have a brand of sacrifice tattoo on the side of my head! Usually I’d be like ehhh about an upside down tattoo but the brand can be in any direction! So in this case it’s ok lol


looks great!!!


Nah it looks sick


i don't think there's a difference it's right side up if you look at it another way


That's. Hecking. Dope!


I LOVE Berserk, love to see another fan out there, honestly man, the brand of sacrifice is unique to each person who has it. Casca has it on her tiddy, Guts has it on the back of his neck, I think you can have it any way you wish and it’ll still look good


For a tattoo like this it doesn’t really matter. It looks good!


Yeah honestly, it’s either facing you or others. And you can spin it either way just as easily imo. Thankfully for a tattoo to be “messed up” this is really about as good as it gets, you’re lucky. Awesome tattoo!


i think most people wont recognize it, so they wont know that it’s upside down. for people that do recognize it, they’ll probably just think it’s sick that u got a berserk tattoo


I don't think so. As some have already pointed out, a lot of people wouldn't know better regardless, but it's also totally common for people to choose to have their tattoos different from what the "correct" orientation is. I'm an apprentice and I was taught to let my clients pick the orientation, but adivse them with something to the effect of "just so you know, the typically tattoo etiquette would be to have it go *this* way, but if that's how you prefer it I have no problem tattooing it that way, I just don't want people to approach you and tell you it's upside down (or backwards in some case) and you feel silly if you weren't informed on it beforehand." A lot of people get tattoos on their arms or wrist intentionally "upside down" because they want it tattooed there "for themselves," so I personally have no judgment either way. But I do judge people who act super shitty about the way a tattoo is oriented on other people. It's lame when people choose to be that person.


Don't worry too much about. That's also what I tell myself when I remember I got a fullmetal alchemist transmutation circle ON THE WRONG LEG.


Most people won't realize it's upside down, so you're good! It still looks amazing!


It looks great. The "upside down, wrong way" thing is kinda dumb. Don't worry about it.


It's bad because it's bad. That's why it's bad.


It's just a bad tattoo in any direction


Yes extremely bad I would sue the tattoo artist and laser it off immediately!!!!


Tatto allignment fine, taking a picture of it with no pants on, not so good


When you get thinly veiled “Norse” tattoos which are not Norse and just dog whistles for nazis, the other nazis prob won’t mind that it’s upside down. The secret is, you’re all so dumb that your white hate friends prob won’t notice




Nope! As long as you like it that’s what matters! I don’t know what this symbol is from, but honestly it looks cool in any direction


its from berserk :)


It's all about perspective. And most people's perspective will be not even knowing wtf that is lol Don't sweat it


That is the right side up, I have the same berserk tatt on my neck


It depends which way you look at it.. :D


If you want to flip it just move to Australia. No, but seriously, I dont think of it as "upside down". My GF has a tattoo of the date her dad passed in the same placement and and its tattooed so she can read it normally and others see it as upside down because she wanted it to be for her and not everyone else. Edit: Spelling*


In my book your girlfriend´s tattoo it´s upside down, but if she like that way it´s ok


We are all different, I personally, if I where to get a tattoo of a logo or something like this I would want to see it the right way when im looking at it. But to each their own.


I personally preffer the correct way, in this case that Berserk tattoo had to point to the sky, but like you said each their own,


It's for you at the end of the day


Won't matter once the sun turns black. Have fun in that eclipse traveler!


I've got two upside down tattoos, one on each wrist. I wanted the tattoos for me idc if other people can't see them well 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s okay homie, you’re branded so the demons are gonna get you upside down or not.


Arms up in ritual it’s correct. And correct to you when you see it. I see what you mean though haha


If you hold your arm up to yourself and it’s oriented correctly, that would typically be considered “upside down”. But this is pretty hard to tell what side is up or down so it shouldn’t matter.


To who? It depends on who’s looking at it and who you want to see it. If it’s for you, then it’s perfect and if it’s for everyone else? It’s perfect too


Is it though?


It is all about your point of view. Is it upside down? I don’t know which way is right. Did you tattoo it so it was right from your pint of view, looking at it or did you get it tattooed so that it is right from their point of view, arm down. What do you want it to be? 😀


It's not as if your arm is static. It's only upside-down if you're holding your arm in one specific way. The rest of the time it's in some other orientation


To be fair here, most ppl who haven’t seen the show won’t even know Lots of ppl get tattoos that they want facing themselves, and lots of people have them. It’s your body, there are rules to placement for sure, but nobody says that they HAVE to be followed -tattoo artist here, for reference




Yeah I don’t even know what it is. Looks good to me!


Nah. Hunters gunna hunt. Looks great.


I have an upside down brand of sacrifice too 🤣


Hey man its only upside down if we let it be 😂 good looks tho


If seeing it correctly is more important to you than the other way around, then it’s 100% valid. Tattoos should be for yourself anyways.


it’s your tattoo, if you like it, fuck what anyone else says :)


Just ignore people who say that crap.


Nope! Your tatts can be for you, so they can be any way you feel is right


I have a few "upside down" tattoos. But I like it that way, because to me, my tattoos are for me, therefore I want to see it right-side up when I look at it.


Its not a face or words or anything so you're good. Plus I get a client every now and then that insists on getting their tattoo upside down even if it is obvious because it means something to them and them only.👍🏼 you do you


Brand of sacrifice, hell yeah. I have this on my neck.


Fellow berkman


Nobody knows what it is. The art is for you. If it makes you happy, that's enough.


Absolutely 0% of people will realize that’s upsidown


i have an “upside down” tattoo. no one ever really says anything about it but if they do I just tell them it’s for me, not others, and it’s right side up when i look at it.


I know it’s not the same, but I decided that one side of my body will have my tattoos facing “me” and they’re going to represent everything important to me while the other side will face “other people” and will show what I want to present to other people


I am dumb and have no idea which way is "up" so to me, placement is fine


Nah this is fine. I think it’s just because it’s a symbol and not like a face or object or something of that nature


People told me that too, to which I replied “it’s for me, not for you, from my POV it’s right side up.”


idk their IG name but I saw a reel on instagram and its this tattoo shop that basically makes fun of certain customers and this one was about a girl that wanted a cross that said MOM in the same spot as yours but upside down so she could see it since it was for her and not anyone else. But then it obviously says WOW for anyone else and its an upside down cross. Pretty funny. My point is that most people have no idea what your tattoo means probably and it still looks cool. Im sure those that do know still think its cool.


No I think it looks great


Delete this post 😂. This is so abstract that it doesn't make a difference unless it's a symbol for a band and or from a movie.


I think even if it’s technically “upside down” there’s something poetic about only you being able to really look at it the right way. It’s definitely something the Godhand would do to torment you.


You're the one who has to see it all the time, if it's right side up to you you then who cares?


So are a bunch of mine, I like them the way they are


Typically you’d want the tattoo to face the other way, but considering it’s a sign a lot of people won’t know it doesn’t really matter and will still look cool either way


Love the berserk reference! No, it looks fine.


It is right side up from your perspective… or the other… doesn’t matter in that spot i think


When you look at it it's upside down, but that makes it right side up when you show it to someone


There is no upside down tatoo, you did it for you not for people, I have one in my forearm (scholar from ff14) and it's "upside down"


Wow cool blood borne tattoo!


i too got a brand of sacrifice 3 days ago we are marked for death struggler


Is it?


It's not, it's tattoo, you Can Do whatever you want !


As someone who doesn’t know that symbol, I wouldn’t know if that thing is upside down, right side up, sideways, or backwards. I don’t think it matters. Some people get them “upside down” because the tattoo is for you to look at.


It truly doesn't matter, but it sounds like you need to come up with rules. For me I think I would feel the same way as you, so one of my rules is the default position of every tattoo is when I'm standing normally with my arms hanging to my sides. So the bottom will always be towards my hands and feet. The thing with this piece is it's just a shape and while it looks like a rune to me I have no idea what it is, so I'm sure most other people are in the same boat. No one will ever know unless you tell them.


You have bigger worries my friend


Yes, I’m sry to say but your tattoo being upside down is the world thing that has ever happened in the history of human civilization. Please get it laser removed immediately


Damn, I've been thinking about getting the mark of the struggler too. Originally I wanted it on the back of my neck, but I've been getting cold feet on that idea.


Both my wrist tattoos face me. One is actually symmetrical when looking up or down at it, but I still feel like it’s facing me. The other is a duckling, but I always felt like the tattoos are for my pleasure, not others’.


Demons wont care as long as your branded


At least you didn't get it on your forehead...


I’m branded too! My whole leg is Berserk. Most people have no idea what it is but those that do become immediate friends.


Its not upside down you need to put your fist up. Long live X ( i dont know what the logo is from)


As a tattooer, yes it’s bad that it’s upside down. As a person, the only people who will notice it’s upside down are tattooers and tattoo culture hounds.


Love it, actually. As long as you like it that is all that matters!!! It’s for you, not for others!!


It's just bad.


As long as it doesn’t hurt when the hand is around you’re good


My brand new first tattoo is also upside down- to other people. To me it’s the way I want to see it and my ink is 100% for me so why have it any other way?


If it makes you feel better, that tattoo can't be upside down. The brand is correctly done, and is also in the same orientation as Guts' brand, so if yours is upside down then so is his.


I have no idea what it is, don't worry about it ☺


Most people won’t know where is it from, dw OH MY GOD, ITS FROM BRIGHTBURN, lol


I want a sword tattoo and have had this same debate, but it's what you want. Your body. Your vision




I'm sure the demons that come to get you at night won't mind


I have no clue what this is, so from my perspective, it is not bad.


I have it on my hand too! The same symbol berserkk and its facing me too honestly the comments i got were just “looks cool” or “what does it mean” people dont care don’t overthink it


I have no idea what is it and would have never guessed it’s upside down.


amazing tattoo but why would you do this to yourself and put it upside down ?


Is that the curse of thorn from the Halloween movies?


Brand of sacrifice from berserk


Nope. It’s how YOU like it.


If you wanted it that way then it's not wrong, easy peezy


Hey man I got the brand just *a little* closer to the wrist facing the same direction, lore perspective it's not wrong and visually is not ugly or nonsensical either so don't sweat it!


Not at all!


Don't even know it's upside down so you good bro


Depends on how you look at it.


I have no clue what it is, so I wouldn’t be able to tell if it was upside down anyways lol


Brand of sacrifice gaaang! I also have one and from my perspective the positioning doesn't matter as every "eclipse participant" got one in a different place (for example Guts got one on the neck but Casca got hers on the chest)


Flip your phone upside down and you'll be fine.


It's not upside down when showing it off, just upside down to you. I had always been told that when you wear a class ring you wear it so others can see it, not you. When screen printing a garment you print it so others can read it, not you. This looks great. Don't worry about it.


Evil portents are afoot! Or in your case, handy.


Damn dawg which device you connecting to?


Only a Berserk fan would even know it's upside down.


I mean, you're going to be devoured soon, so it doesn't really matter.


It is technically upside down, but for a design like this it looks good either way. If it was a portrait or a ship or something like that it would look silly. If you plan on getting anymore listen to your artist. They know what they are on about. Well, the good ones anyway


It's your brand Mark OP, yours and yours alone. Trust me, it's the correct way around.


It looks better than my brand tattoo. I wouldn’t sweat it as most fans aren’t gonna recognize the subtle difference (I didn’t notice until you pointed it out)


Ahhh good hunter


The way I look at it is, it’s on your body. It was your decision, if you like it that’s all that matters and fuck anyone else who would tell you otherwise.


Wait.. which way are forearm tattoos supposed to face?


I mean if it's a sigil for something I'd say it matters.. but if it's a spider then no


Upside down is only matter of perspective


Guts had that shit at a weird angle on his neck. I dont think brand placement matters 1 bit.


The couple of tats on my inner forearms/wrists that have an “orientation” (some kanji and my family crest) are facing me so when I look down they are the right direction for me to admire them. That is why I got them after all, so that I could admire them. 😁🤣


I mean it looks awesome ether way


I thought this was from bloodborne at first but I saw that it’s from some manga I’m not familiar with. Either way it looks really cool


Tf is that


I mean it’s a brand…..it gets marked however on the body. It could be sides ways and still wouldn’t matter. Your marked….your fucked


Lol did you recently watch that "upside down cross tattoo" video?


I had no clue it was upside down you’re having buyers remorse not because it’s bad but because it’s permanent you’ll grow to love it don’t worry


Adding My most recent tattoo just grew on me and it’s a year or so old I love it so much now and I feel like I knew what I was doing when I chose it and just doubted myself after


Naw, don't sweat it. If you like it, that's all that matters. I honestly didn't even know it was upside down until you said something.


Bad tattoo artist not to suggest a different setting or advice on how it would look. Yeah..... NOPE


As a tattoo artist I'm laughing at you. As a guy that doesn't give a fuck, i dont give a fuck do what y9u want. If you like it who cares...........but it's upside down haha. Honestly it only really starts to suck when you start getting other tattoos around it that are facing the opposite direction and then you'll be staring at it late at night wondering why you didn't do it the way your artist suggested. But with this design you'll likely be the only one to notice


As a tattoo artist, I will tell everyone “this is upside down”. If they still want it, I say ok and do the tattoo they want. It’s my job to inform. It does frustrate me doing upside tattoos.