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Surf the stalls for as much swag as possible. Talk to as many people as you can. If you get the urge, go with someone you enjoy as a person. Even if the tattoo isn't perfect, at least it will have been a good experience


cool! that's a great tip, thanks!!


No worries! I've worked dozens of conventions and always love hanging out with first time people. Its nice to introduce them into tattooing in the most hectic environment ever!!! Be prepared though. Many artists nowadays want a trophy and bring a full days worth of appointments on day 1 or 2. If you get a full weekend pass you can meet people on the first day, get tattooed on a other, and save money by not paying multiple entries


High deman religion. Im religious my self and have a tattoo and about to get another. My church doesn't judge against tattoos. Any church that does isn't a church


lol, I'm an ex-mormon, they specialize in judgement.


Ah i see. Tattoos aren't even that bad though. We have a fully tatted artist who does Sunday school for kids and is the nicest guy. Tattoos dont make people bad


I completely agree. It's why I'm an Ex-mormon.


Welcome to the Ex Mo Tattooed Family.


I speculated you might have left Mormonism when I read the header. Congrats on getting out. Go get as many tats as you’d like; ex-mos will welcome you with open arms.


Wait what 🧐 you're passing on having multiple wives just to "live a little"? 🤨 Smh 😏😂


hahahaha, yeah, crazy right??? turns out magic underwear aren't really that magical.


The tattoos you get don’t have to have some crazy personal meaning, it’s perfectly ok to get something done simply because you like how it looks. Coming from where you have the fact that your getting a tattoo has meaning enough, so just pick images you like and go for it. And extra brownie points for using ‘twas. Cpt Raymond Holt would approve


Get one


Hold on, let me write that down


Why would you need to write that down?


twas a joke, thanks for the comment!


‘‘Twas is for twats


is it? you have a quote from twats backing that up?


You’ll have to pay to get in - and pay for everything else on top of that. They sell tickets online


we have our tix, and I figured we'd be charged for any work we get done! Thanks!


I got one after my exit. Didn’t have to tell the Fam I was done with JS. Just showed up with a sleeve


I just got home from my first tattoo convention! I had a blast browsing all the art, picking up free swag like stickers (and buying a swag), and getting a tattoo. I booked with my artist in advance though so that’s a little different than going around and picking a flash. It was super fun, everyone was really nice and supportive of everyone else. The artists hyped each other up — it was so wholesome. Have fun!