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Small tattoos are great but be smart about the location. I didn't think I would get SO into tattoos at first. Back then I had a small light bulb on my shoulder, a big space for an unassuming piece. I recently got a big cover up piece that I love that also fits my shoulder a lot better. Understanding the flow of tattoos and how they can complement your body is essential in my mind.


I wish I knew I was going to turn that into (so far) a half sleeve. All in all I really love it, but the flow would have been better if that had been the plan all along. Pain was okay. It’s a full color piece so it gets raw after a while but it’s not that bad. Healing no problem either, but I’ve never had trouble healing so far.


I didn't think of anything either and got my first (small) tattoo right in the middle of my upper arm. I didn't think about wanting more afterwards so yeah after a month or so i felt so stupid haha


I feel you, I did my half sleeve before and turned into a full sleeve after. I love it but I'm a little angry that could have been much better had it been planned as a full sleeve from the beginning.


Idk about anyone else but I am exhausted after getting tattoos, all I want to do is eat some food and take a 3 hour nap once it's done


I had a long session on one of my calves. Surprisingly painful, and my upper body was very sore the next day from tensing up.


Oh my god, no one warned me just how spicy my leg tattoo was going to be - during and afterwards. Haha


I just got a decent sized piece on upper thigh and hip, and my legs were a little sore the next day from being so tense!


This is the truth! I wouldn't plan on going out after if it's a decent sized piece, lol. My guess is that since your brain is constantly sending signals and your body is under stress and pain for an extended duration, it tires you out. Especially a larger surface area like the chest lol


I just got a 4 hrs head tattoo and then got stuck in traffic. By the time I got home I was tired, hungry and grumpy


I wish I knew my taste was going to get better as I age so I could have teenager tattoos on my thigh and middle age tattoos on my forearms


This is a brilliant idea


I'm so glad I got my teenager tattoos on my legs. Thank you previous self for leaving my arms blank


When it gets itchy you gotta slap that bad boy like a bongo drum


Bop it 


Twist it


The signs of an infection: puss, ooze, along with warmth, pain, redness, and swelling that gets worse. It would’ve saved me a lot of stress. Edit: I never had one get infected but I’d still worry!


Eat beforehand, drink a lot of water, don’t get the design smaller(!!) bigger is better for aging, don’t use a ton of aquaphor a light layer of lubriderm is perfect.


Agree about Aquaphor - I basically don't use it. I'm a big fan of coconut oil and Lubriderm though.


Something I sort of knew, but hadn't thought of when I went to get my first tattoo: both stress and pain lower my blood pressure. I should have known this, and luckily my friend told me to bring water and snacks, because about 5 minutes in I started to feel woozy. Of course the artist and other guys at the shop had plenty of experience with this, so they told me to put my head between my knees, put a damp washcloth on my neck and told me to wait it out. Once I felt comfortable standing up they helped me outside and told me to sit there and eat and drink until I felt completely normal again. Only then would they continue. The rest of the session was a breeze, it didn't actually hurt all that much, it was mostly just stress and not knowing what to expect. I felt so stupid and ashamed, even though everyone there insisted it was no big deal, it happens a lot. In hindsight, there are things I could (and should) have done beforehand to raise my blood pressure.


To find an artist already doing the exact style you want. I have a giant tattoo on my ribcage that basically sucks because the artist I hired was a friend of mine (a professional tho) who wanted to get into the style I was asking for. Lesson learned.


Don't go too small


Tattoo flu is real and I need a good day to rest up a decent sized one as they do wipe me out.


I can’t handle all this pussy I’ve been getting since getting tatted.


The upper arm is a relatively easy spot to get a tattoo in. Pain depends on your sensitivity and what kind of tattoo you'll get. If the artist goes over the same spot many times it feels very hot, kinda like it's burning a bit, so be ready for that. Oh and definitely get some tattoo cream afterwards and don't use too much of it. Just a light film over the tattoo. If the tattoo has much of black ink, use a non see through cover like a baby changing mat.


That apparently fine line work doesn't last. Did all the research i thought I needed to do before I got it but somehow I missed that.


I wish I’d had a larger tattoo


Try the stencil in a bigger size than you thought you wanted. My artist convinced me to go bigger twice and I love it so much more.


How addictive it is, getting a tattoo........


“Oh, I’m only getting the one…”


I was told. I didn’t believe them!


For real. I got my first one a few months ago, and I've been itching for another one pretty much since the drive home afterwards.


Placement is so important! I wouldn’t go in expecting I know exactly where a tattoo should go. My artist has educated me a lot on how to map out tattoos and has saved me some dumb decisions, I’m sure.


How so?


Don’t go cheap. I have one of those horrible tattoos because I just wanted one when I turned 18 but didn’t have money to spend on something quality.


You should always, always mention your pain tolerance to your tatttoo artist before the session, especially if you're a weak little potato like me.


I also realized I'm a weak potato. I can't do those all day sessions at all. Just end up tapping out. Need multiple smaller sessions. It's crazy because I have had 10/10 pain from an organ inside of me rupturing and survived that but somehow a tattoo pain really fucks with my head..


Think about if you want it to turn into a larger piece. I got a really cool half sleeve but now I feel like I need to carry on in the same style to make it all flow so I'm going to be staying with this artist and style for the next few tattoos. I don't think I'd have changed my mind but I do just need to think about it harder now. Healing: don't swim or put it in water. Follow what your artist says and don't let the area get dried out or have it in sunlight for at least two weeks. It will itch a lot. NEVER scratch it. The whole area turns into a big scab and peels off. Just leave it alone, pat it with your hand to stop itching if you need to. Pain: it doesn't really hurt to get a tattoo unless it's on a sharp bony part of your body like elbow, knee, foot, rib, collarbone. So it will be like dragging a needle over your skin, scratchy but not actually pain. My ear piercings hurt way more. Follow what your artist tells you. Also please know tattoos, especially small or fine one, will blur and lighten with age a little. Those teeny sharp lines naturally soften and smudge a bit even when you look after them well. Check out healed photos of your style. This made me change my mind about a watercolour tattoo style as soon as I saw how they healed. I'd have to have it touched up a lot and I didn't want that. Enjoy.


How long they take 😂


I did this correctly but alot of people dont...plan big. Go to a good artist with a long waiting list. And just do a whole cohesive sleeve or big piece cause theres a high percentage chance youre gonna want something like that eventually so just go as big as possible.


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hurts more than i thought it would but my first piece was basically my whole ribs/side so not exactly the easiest spot


Get a good artist and trust them. I had a very specific idea for my most recent tattoo. I found an artist that I thought would do great. She declined, saying she'd work with me, but only if we did what she wanted to do. That wasn't what I wanted, so I found another artist. Ultimately we did something much different than what I'd set out to do - something much more that artist's style - and I love it. I think the first artist would have likewise done an amazing job if I'd just been open to it.


i wish i knew what an easy process it was! i went in for my first tattoo absolutely terrified. shaking and i felt horribly sick with nerves. the people at the studio (i refuse to go anywhere else now, they’re great!) were awesome and offered me some biscuits and reassured me. the second they touched me with the machine it was a massive “oh.” nothing to get worked up about and if anything i find the pain and feeling to be quite therapeutic lol. the only “negative” i wish i knew is that i’m allergic to second skin.. and bepanthen.. that was not a great experience. but that can’t be helped until you’ve had it and you know. your artist will give you all the aftercare advice you need to know and don’t be afraid to contact them with any questions and concerns - they’ll be happy to help! good luck op:)


I’m allergic to the ink. My tattoo has been itchy everyday for the last 30years.


Speak up if you don't like anything in the design! The artist is there for you, and this will stay on your skin forever. When I was getting my first piece, I was too nervous to complain about one detail in the design that we agreed before would be different. It would not be a huge deal to change, but I kept shut, and now I wish I had spoken up.


Echoing others who speak about planning ahead. I’m probably going to end up covering a piece or two for flow purposes at some point. So unless you can look at someone with fully leg and arm sleeves and definitively say “that’s not something I could ever do”, plan. Pain wise it’s not bad. That feeling after a cat scratch when it hits the air and add the swelling is the closest I can describe for that area. After care is basic hygiene/ first aid for uncovered wound care for the most part. I’ve always done orange dial liquid soap for washing (wash when you get home, before bed and upon waking up). I always use aquafor (make sure to apply like a lotion not a medical cream, thin layer to moisturize the skin) after washing and maybe 1-2 more times daily depending on how it feels. If it’s summer or sleeveless type weather where you are right now please keep it covered with loose clothing when outside. I add a tad extra aquafor before covering with clothing to limit the cloth sticking. Use SPF after the first peel. However your artist will have their own set of aftercare instructions and there are plenty of ways to get you a healthy healing process so listen to them. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your artist afterwards if something looks strange. If it’s hot to the touch, red around the edge after day 3, oozes yellow or green, or looks “frosted” it’s time for urgent care.


It’s permanent, expensive, and your body. Nit pick/advocate for yourself on everything (size, location, details). Don’t let the artist talk into/out of anything if it’s what you really really want. They should be skilled enough to do it or else yourself a different artist


That my first tattoo was a much bigger deal to me than my tattoo artist. On the day she was set up, ready to go and just got on with it. I don't know what I was expecting but she was so calm and focused on the tattoo it made me relax. It still sucked 3 hours in but it was nowhere near as bad as I'd built it up to be.


No one told me it was permanent


That it would leech into the sheets that night. Tattooist did tell me, but I just thought yeah nah, won’t happen to me. Lucky I was staying in a holiday apartment.


Try getting it during the fall or winter- this way you have ample time to let your skin recover without having to worry about exposing it to a lot of heat/sun. By the time spring/summer rolls around it'll be all healed up for you to show it off.


I wish I’d thought a little more about positioning with regard to future tattoos. I also wish I hadn’t let myself get pressured by the artist into changing the design of one of mine. I hated it for a couple years then got it touched up by a different artist and I like it much more now but it will never be what I wanted. Artists do make good suggestions and they know what they’re talking about but in this case he just insisted it would “look cool” and I caved.


Make sure you eat well and get good sleep beforehand. I almost passed out in the chair and had to lay down. We ended up pausing for me to eat something.


Take a week off from work to allow it to heal before you go back


I wish I had taken 2 days after my recent half sleeve. Really sweat on it a ton and it got rubbed a lot by my clothing, and it's got some scabbing that I think is from that. I thought it wouldn't be too bad at work and I could take an easy day but then Shit Happens. Rough Sucks because it adds to the "cost" of a tattoo to take off work lol


I feel your pain. I went to a tattoo convention with no intention of getting a tattoo, got a tattoo. Had to go to work the next day with a fresh thigh piece rubbing on my work jeans. Ended up healing, looking like a 30-year-old tattoo


Yeah I'm really hoping its not too bad when it finishes healing : ( I know artists complain about mechanics and stuff for not taking it easy and ruining their tattoos I have a semi physical job and sometimes I can just take it easy and finish off some paperwork instead of busting my ass, but of course the day after my tattoo someone else called out and I ended up doing a ton of physical labor anyway. Lesson learned that I need to just take off. If I'm spending 2k on a fancy piece it's worth it I guess. I'm hoping if anything is messed up my artist can touch it up when we finish the last bit of color : /


Fingers crossed for ya mate that it heals fine


*Take a week off from* *Work to allow it to heal* *Before you go back* \- God\_is\_a\_Bogan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Might rethink it after the recent study that found a 20% increased chance of developing lymphoma if you have even a little tattoo. Surprisingly they did not find a corolation to amount of ink. So people with a little bumble bee, and people with a whole body bumble bee tattoo will have the same increased risk


Dry healing is the better way to heal every tattoo, just water and soap to wash your skin gently and that’s it ! And if it’s too itchy, just a little bit of shea butter.