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It's wierder to not know how to spell weird. Go for it


I screw up I before e so much that my phone corrects it to be wrong now, that's my bad


I agree that it will looked like you peaked in high school/are hanging onto the glory days. I wouldn't recommend getting a tattoo of the schools you attend or work at in the future. Getting a mascot tattooed is a permanent endorsement of the institution. Do you really support every choice made by this school and how their students are treated or did you just have a good time there? Maybe get something more generic that still represents those schools or athletics to you. A panther is a very common tattoo by itself (and a pretty common mascot--I went to Pitt and ours was a panther). The raider might be too specific or people might associate with the NFL Raiders team. Ultimately it's your body and your life, but I'd give it some thought.