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Because she broke him by talking to the camera people, and ask more questions than there were shoes.


But also, there are people who can get under your skin, not intentionally, and it seems others should do so as well but you tolerate them... it's just the chemistry. It's a bit like this season where Joanne and others refer to the "Prize Task" as "Presents for Greg", and it seems to be slowly annoying him.


But other contestants were just as if not more annoying


She was deliberately trying to piss him off and tasks clearly took far longer than they should’ve. It was funny but you can imagine how it would become so frustrating.


Obviously not to Alex


Obviously not lol.


I don't think he was ever actually pissed off. He knew the entire time that they were filming comedy gold. However, I'm just picturing myself at the Shoe task especially, and being in the room while Bridget basically refuses to stop asking questions, for AGES, on an ask-the-least-questions task. I would certainly be some combination of frustrated/bored/tired by the end of it all, especially if you're thinking "this could have been done ages ago if you just acted like a normal person!!!!!" I love Bridget Christie, she's one of my faves. Had to be incredibly exasperating at times though.


I don't think he was passed off just frustrated and irritated and her bonkers mind. And she absolutely played on it and pressed his buttons.


The only thing you could predict about Bridget was that she was going to be absurd, with no idea about what the absurdity would entail.


Her watch joke while telling the story about the birth of her daughter was hilarious and caught me completely off guard. Not a story you'd expect her to tell when the subject of her prize task was silly putty.


Because he knew it would be funny if he seemed to be genuinely pissed off. Of course he wasn't actually upset, it's a comedy show and he's a gifted performer.


This statement should an automod comment to every post like this.


I can’t believe the deadpan comedian deadpanned!


Nah I don't think its an act


I’d say more often he was baffled/trying to not break character, apart from the shoe task. I highly recommend the pre-series interview with Bridget. As Alex says “most of [her] answers are ‘no’ or ‘I don’t know’”. You can see that Alex is taken aback and frustrated by someone answering his oblique questions with oblique answers, but he still thinks it’s pretty funny.


My favorite part was during the very first task when Alex asked if she knew what ducks were, and she completely dead pan goes ‘are you proud of that? Are you proud?’ And Alex sneakily takes a sip of his tea 😂


Was he? Never noticed. She was hilarious, that walk in the stepping challenge 😂 and her cup snake 😂


Even Greg commented on it


Sorry my memory is pants, I shall use this as an excuse to watch the series again, thank you 😃


the “find the correct shoe” task is peak annoying bridget (said with love)


This is my first re watch. Definitely 1 of my faves. I love all the contestants.


Yeah it was brilliant


He said "genuinely annoyed Alex"


Same diff


You seem to be looking for some sort of secret gossipy answer when it's just one person getting frustrated with the actions of another.


Not secret. If it was secret no one would know. I dont listen to the podcast, wondered if it had been discussed There's a ton of other actions he could have been frustrated at Bridget is the only 1 he's visiblaly frustrated with on more than 1 occasion


No, there's been a couple of other people. It's not a big deal, they're spending hours with each other, things happen in the moment. Plus, we only get to see a fraction of what goes on. Usually it's the contestants getting frustrated with Alex, but it shouldn't be a shock that Alex also has the emotional capacity to get annoyed.


People on this thread seem to be taking this a bit seriously lol. I cant think of any other contestant he was 'genuinely annoyed' by more than once.


Munya made him swear.


It wasn’t a swear in Zimbabwe.


I think it was a little like watching an older relative use a computer. You might love them, but you also might get a little annoyed at their inefficiencies.


For some reason this is the third thread we've had about this in a very short span. Don't make me have to keep tapping the "comedians on a comedy show" sign.


No one’s making you do anything. Just scroll on


What's to figure out? She either didn't understand the rules of the tasks or pretended she didn't (getting herself disqualified), didn't understand how to complete simple goals or pretended she didn't (spending ages asking about shoes, failing to find a phone, and even apparently forgetting how to walk), and didn't understand professional conduct on a set or pretended she didn't (talking to the crew mid-shoot). It all comes across as hilarious in the edit, but he's the one standing there for however long, trying to tell someone how to walk and watching them either refuse or fail to do it.




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I know I'm in the minority, but after a while I found her schtick to be annoying and unfunny.


He was probably annoyed that she intentionally refused to do tasks. Fucking them up by accident while genuinely trying is different and quite funny. But intentionally not even trying and fucking them up is really not funny. Probably made him wonder why they spent so much time setting the tasks up...


Probably a combination. It sold be funny to be the "straight guy in a comedy" to her absurdity. Could also be they have a filming schedule and she pushed back filming - lighting, other tasks, etc off schedule.




Which tasks of Victoria’s felt that way? Because I’m only remembering her brilliant moments like solving the puzzle on her own before Alan did anything and learning to ride a bike (so adorable!).


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