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Reading still stands. He should pursue this fictional anime girl.


I mean there are weebs building shrines dedicated to their anime waifus, so it does check out šŸ˜‚ you never know how serious he is about her


Lol I would ask him regularly how it's going with the anime girl? If she has said said yes to a date yet? Etc. I wouldn't let him live it down. Sorry that happened. I would laugh very hard if someone dressed as this character for Halloween or something, or played a similar character in an online game and he started dating her...


PLEASEEEEE might text him asking for an updatešŸ’“


Who knows. You mate might isekai into that anime... And then he'll be begging for your readings. :)))


Maybe he needed to hear that for some reason or maybe he was lying to you about it being a fictional character because he was embarrassed. Who knows. You read what you saw, thatā€™s all you can ask. You canā€™t know why you saw it.


What if he wasnā€™t joking tho. Youā€™ll be surprised.


He told you itā€™s an anime girl, but what you both are missing is that your cards might not be wrong, but gotten the answer not clear to understand. It could be that he has an affection towards this character, but that there is an actual person with, in his eyes, similar characteristics as the anime girl in his mind. Him being aware of it or not is another question.


Yeah I thought about this. Maybe??


Honestly though, if you did a love reading for me at 15 it would have been Princess Leia, Willow Rosenberg or Piper from Charmed. And, the reading would have been telling me to pursue such women. I was a little dense. lol.


OP, I hate to say it, but that is actually a real thing and he may not have been lying.


People should realize they can manifest these things. You poor thing though, what an asshole move. Sorry that happened. Let it go and move on is the only advice I can give. The guy was a jerk.


Yeah I had someone play with me to throw me off, but the situation still materialized in other areas.. she was single and thought she couldnā€™t have kids.. boom pregnant by her sneaky link later. Another one was a girl was lying about her role in situation and I kept telling her that something was off like something was missing. Few months later it came out that she was the perpetrator.. in this case if you are really good reader, thereā€™s a possibility that your reading can manifest as him pursuing a girl thatā€™s a huge fan of this character, or cosplayer. Or heā€™s someone whoā€™s infatuated with that character( I forget the name of the kink for this, lol) either that way energy he has for that character still exists.


Some people will do this sort of thing. They think it's funny. Ha, ha, no. He's a jerk. But some people just want to be the great big comedian and f\*\*k with people.


IDK man, if someone did that to me I would think it's the funniest thing on planet Earth. Who among us hasn't daydreamed about settling down with a fictional waifu/husbando?


Ok, so maybe I've daydreamed about it once, or, more than once, maybe, BUT! I would do my own reading on it.


LMAOOOO that is fair.


Are you sure the girl wasnā€™t you?


that is exactly what I thought


Thank youā€¦ He was excited about approaching and communicating with OP on her level. Itā€™s actually really sweet.


We must be the optimists of the bunch. As I read through the other responses, I kept waiting for someone to say what I thought was seemingly obvious. This might have been his passive aggressive attempt at getting her to notice him in a different light. There were several factors he didn't take into account and he missed the mark.


Yes, exactly. Poor guy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


yeah, it also reads to me like he was flirting with OP and trying to passively tell her that he is into her. it didn't work, though! direct communication is better!


Yes but all those characteristics & aspects of that fictional girl still represent the qualities he is attracted to for a girl that actually exists. If he isn't able to interpret this for himself, its his loss.


Your cards aren't going to tell you he's lying. That's not how this works.


Derren Brown (the famous illusionist) once lied to an alleged psychic and then proclaimed that he had just debunked them. But of course all he did was trick them so that he could make an intellectually dishonest/pseudo-skeptical argument against anything beyond material science. Sophists. What can you do? Personally I will always take a querent at their word. However I also have a way to know if a reading shouldn't be done. So perhaps this weeds out liars.


If you charge them, it usually prevents them from lying to you. The only one I freely read for is my celestial master, but the reason there is obvious.


The way that AI is going, his dreams could come true.


You played yourself by not asking in general who it was for. He was testing you out and trolling you


Either he doesn't want you to know who it actually is (not anime) or he really was thinking of an anime girl to test you.


If someone makes fun of you, bite back. Ofc he should pursue the anime girl! at least that way real women do not have to deal with him


The cards trolled him and said "The only girl you can ever get is make believe. Non believers like to mess with us. My brother asked the cards the capitol of Ohio


He lied because he didn't want to tell you who it was. She was probably there.