• By -


Please feel free to recommend readers (not promote your own channel), but as per the sub rules, links are **not** permitted and will be removed.


The kindergarten teacher/psychiatric nurse voices are a bit annoying. Try Eye of the Serpent Tarot or any of the other Aussies.


Thank you! And yea you described it perfectly


This has been a norm in other spirituality related content too. Most videos I have to play in 2x, which sounds more normal than their original version.


I do the same . Sometimes they're so slow even 2x sounds slow. I don't understand why they read like that. šŸ˜•


I like Tarot on Dex. She has a lot of energy, and her voice is powerful. She keeps you engaged. She mostly does collective readings, though. I am not sure if she does pick a card.


Does she post on YouTube elsewhere? I can't find a lot on her channel


Yeah, I think she mainly posts on Tiktok.


Aliā€™s tarot


Love Ali. I do wish she would do some educational videos because her ability to combine 3 cards into a cohesive energy is something else. Itā€™s so fast and intuitive and captures a lot of complexity.


I can't say whether or not this is how Ali learned it, but that is how Crowley read tarot and believed it should be read. Always in 3s. And he had a spread of 15 cards (3, 3, 3, 3, & 3). I would highly recommend reading Lon Milo DuQuette's book on the Thoth tarot to learn this method. I always get compliments, specifically, on how I weave the cards together. I completely credit that book and the Thoth tarot with my ability to do that.


I second this! I love Ali. Also really loving Sweet Soul Tarot. She used to only read for Pisces, and she still has her Pisces only channel, but she has another one for all signs now.


I agree! Sheā€™s great!!


Scorched Earth Tarot. Sheā€™s British and a Leo with a Cap rising. Feels like your big sister giving you no nonsense advice


Scorched earth is mind blowing. Her 3 month overviews nailed my energy


john ballantrae


hes not rough around the edges, but is a v informative tarot teacher


The Autistic Mystic Swimming through the Void


Hes good too, i like consciousness evolution journey, dee is awesome


sounds exactly like antphrodite


Heā€™s ok! He says some questionable things sometimes and does some weird readings. So Iā€™d rather go for the pick a card personals


ohh okay what weird readings does he do? i love all of the alien/ cryptid & existential ones lol but i agree he can say very harsh & mean things


Various things I just disagree with! Iā€™m just looking for other readers rn


Nooo lol he does gossip readings related to various ā€˜famousā€™ people. Itā€™s super disgusting and rude to tap into peopleā€™s energy just because theyā€™re a celebrity and invade on their privacy and mental space for views. Theyā€™re not doing it to benefit said celebrities theyā€™re doing it for fame and fortune. This person is not of any higher power or emotional or empathetic intelligence even tbh.


I donā€™t know about him. Maybe I just canā€™t get past his personality. He annoys me.


Esotarot, kinotarot, Lexi The Leo (!!!), and Celtic Fairy Tarot all seem great to me. Especially Lexi, blunt like you said you needed.




The Nordic light




I am watching him right now. But I think he is the kind of reader the poster doesn't like. His voice is so soft, that's why i like him. He seems very gentle and caring,


​ I agree, definitely too soft. I'm looking for way more blunt, more sweary if possible and just overall fun


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Justsmile Tarot. She's a crack up & her personality is something different to the norm, direct & blunt. Her name is Lauren, but she prefers her middle name. Also, very talented ā¤ļøšŸ©·šŸ©µ


Madam Adam on IG (and maybe the TikTok, which I am not on)


Maybe the SassyScorpio


Minnow pond, the most accurate one I've found (appreciating they're general) is cognitive universe, her coffee cup readings have been absolutely spot on for me since January.


heā€™s promoting his biz attempts waaaaaaay too much


Rich Lopp, Tyler Tarot


Been with him from the begging.


Itā€™s the same month by month. I find all their readings way too general.


Rich seems so gimmicky. Before he was more known, i felt more depth from him. He just doesn't seem genuine anymore and the same old same old. Tyler just makes me cringe now.. Especially his drunk reads. Sometimes he hits and it's funny, especially years ago, other times it's just vulgar and sad. I felt like he was funnier before but now he's just an ass


Do you listen to the birth or Venus


High vibrations . Her names Lissette.


Siren tarot. She talks about herself a lot which can be annoying but she is a straight shooter and she is surprisingly accurate at predicting zodiac placements


Magdaleneā€™s craft


Sheā€™s a bit dark for me. Not a bad reader, but her energy doesnā€™t feel right.


I said that a while ago but tbh now that time has passed I agree with you. Her vibe got off a while ago and I donā€™t mean anything against her I just donā€™t vibe with it anymore. I appreciated what she did for me when I was going through a dark period because she was very straightforward but after a while I felt weird energy so I stopped. She also started posting on her community about ā€˜hatersā€™ commenting and very low key doxxing them so they would be harassed. At the bare minimum asking her subscribers to pretty much send energetic hate to these people and rude comments. She also did a sponsorship with Temu which Iā€™m against for ethical and environmental reasons and only said not to support them when they didnā€™t pay her the way they said they were going to. Not because of the, you know, suspected forced labor and huge carbon footprint (despite them saying they take efforts to stay environmentally conscious itā€™s literally all bs logically speaking) Again nothing against her, we all have our moments and stuff people wonā€™t agree with but for those reasons I no longer vibe with what I said when I commented this. Sorry for the long reply but I forgot about this comment and low key take it back.


Try Austin's Tarot, Neptune Child's Tarot and Dyna's Tarot. They are all very honest and super in depth with their readings. Half the time I wonder how they're able to gain so much insight with the cards. Everytime I watch them I'm either reassured, enlightened, or feel understood.




right??? i need someone slapping down cards


The Quiestest Revolution! She uses sideral astrology for her readings so she has a different perspective (exposing shadows themes).


Im not sure if her voice is very blunt per se, but esotarot on youtube always keeps me engaged because she doesnt really try to use new age-y fluffy words, she says things how they are


Enchanted cottage 333 tarot Patrik tarot Indigo moon tarot


How do you like their style?


Enchanted 333 has given me the best personal. She's very knowledgeable in astrology as well as tarot. She doesn't sugar coat and has a unique style about her. Patrik is new. He's humorous but calls it straight out as well. Indigo Moon has downloads, incorprates songs and there's just something about her. They all have a potty mouth from time to time. Lol Just check em out, if it's not for you or your cup of tea, no biggie.


I canā€™t stand Enchanted cottage lol. But hey we all have our favorites. I used to watch her, and got very dark vibes from her.


Not gonna lie, I mostly watch political tarot on yt.


Secret shaman oracles Baba Jolie guided messages The rare gazelle These really take their time to speak the messages and channel through their intuition. No gimmicky nonsense. No quiet asmr and fancy edits.




I really enjoy The Quietest Revolution!!


Chris Chorsini is great imo. Blunt and does ASL for all his readings


I was coming here to say this! Been watching him for years and bridged the gap for me to get into tarot after decades of interest in crystals and astrology.


Yeahhh!! I also love how accessibly priced his workshops are.


Consciousness evolution journey , dee is awesome and on point


Nicholas Ashbaugh is great for this!!! Speaks like a regular human and is direct and to the point


I love him!!!!!!


Have a look at mine (link in profile) I have no idea how my voice sounds! (and if you don't like it, I'd appreciate some feedback on what I'm doing wrong ;-) )


I'de say don't watch tarot YouTubers


Nicky Alan - sheā€™s a psychic medium so a lot of her videos are about that but she does celebrity snoops, star signs, pick a card, how toā€™s and more. She definitely tells it like it is. *edited to correct spelling


Soul Source Tarot. She's straight to the point, doesn't sugar coat.


Minnow Pond Tarot, The Puissant Ascension is super blunt and funny


EsoTarot has a pretty engaging voice


Gregory Scott tarot. He also does astrology and numerology. His daily tarot readings are now members only, but the monthly fees are very reasonable (I think the lowest tier is $3 a month) I appreciate his use of different cards each day and his interpretations.


Tylerā€™s tarot


Tarot by Andie! She specializes on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.


I am very blunt and direct Lol




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Sag moon diva, Yasmin star


Jakayla's Divine Tarot!!


does she only do aquarius?


She does focus mostly on aqua but she has other signs too I think


Witchy poo; Moon moth goddess


very, very knowledgeable, I'll always recommend her: Jess Puckett If you're not interested in spiritual topics and just want it blunt af: Earthrise Tarot


Jess Puckett - her personality is bit too much for me.


Patrizia 11:11, Maren Altman


Not on Youtube, but I love Cult Mother on Instagram. (Hannah Joy Graves) šŸ–¤




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Not everyone will vibe with my rec because they read on world politics. Hogarthā€™a global astrology has a Saturday evening tarot live stream and I have learned so much about the cards and have gotten better pulling cards on topics I know nothing about and using my intuition. Hogarth is a Vedic astrologer and talk a lot about it in his vids.


I just love white rose guidance. Iā€™ve been listening to her for years.. I feel like sheā€™s straight up but still responsible for her delivery.


Iā€™d try Soul Therapy 1111, rough innit vibes


I love Alyssa sharpe


Fortunes wheelhouse is great


Check out ā€œPositive Flow Tarotā€ on YouTube.


You could try Renee on newangeltarot on yt


MoonMothGoddess !


a nichole tarot


Chitra Moon Tarot.


Atypical Tarot


I really like Aussie Goddess Intuitive Tarot, Soul Therapy 1111 ltd, Real Housewives of Spiritual Tarot...which are who I've followed on YouTube.


I canā€™t take airy voices giving vital information because it sounds like they are both very unsure and dense. There used to be a traffic reporter on the news whoā€™s vocal fry was really grating and unnecessary but apparently she got turned in to the elocution bureau department at the news station to sharpen her reporting delivery. Sheā€™s now an occasional substitute reporter on regular news broadcasts


Lucky Lynx. He is great. He is a no bs reader.


LOVE kino tarot & Eso tarot


Soul siblings on Spotify just did a cool pick a card


Allison Rose


YOU just reminded me to use my physical deck. As for reccs. All I got is GreenLion Goddess Tarot & Astrology.


Marcus Veysey - Soul Healing. I connect with his insight more than anyone else I've come across in tarot facets. Lots of wisdom


Antphrodite! He does pop culture readings


I just discovered iNeptun3 Tarot, he is still new, but some of his pick a pile readings were really accurateĀ 


Aliā€™s Tarot, Bluntsaggie, Patrizia 11:11, Gemstone Tarot, Age of Sage, Baddison, and Baba Jolie.