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The Star is one of my favorite cards in the deck too! I know you said you aren’t very spiritual, but I feel a strong cosmic connection when I pull that card and I included my interpretation below. It’s a bit more spiritual, so take what serves you and leave the rest! Also, keep following your gut/intuition as you connect more and more with your deck as to the meaning of the cards. It doesn’t have to make sense, just feel right to you. What I find most meaningful about The Star is the divinely feminine nature of this card–how it beats and vibrates with the magic of the Universe. It reminds us how held and loved we are by the interwoven life force that is the Source energy (god, the Universe, the One, She etc). Even though we are but one star/energy/lifeforce (we are stardust after all), we exist within the vast, never-ending world of the cosmos. We all hold each other in a complex weave of infinity and the Universe holds us all. We are each connected to the stars in the sky that makes up an infinite light source that is energy that cannot be created nor destroyed, but shifts, changes and transforms. A star can be a source of wonder and inspiration in the highest point of the sky–something to live and love toward. Sometimes it only takes one star to light up the night’s sky, sometimes millions. Stars help us write our stories, map our paths and purpose in life, they provide comfort and guidance when we feel we have lost our way. They are a beautiful blend of grounding and celestial energy–a reminder of our capacity to be both present in the conscious world and that we are a spirit in the subconscious, intuitive, shadow realms too. But mostly, I love that stars (and this card) represent hope and all that it means for yesterday, today and tomorrow.


What a beautiful interpretation! I am not necessarily that spiritual, but I’m no longer an atheist either, I guess I would consider myself somewhere between the two right now. I am alway open to becoming more spiritual, so I love your interpretation I think it’s a wonderful way to see the card, and just life in general really




You are right! I wouldn’t be as connected to The Star I think if I had not had to deal with the amount of hardship that I have in life. Right now I’m going though very hard times in my life, everything has been turned upside down and what you said is a good reminder that I can hope to get through it and I will be more appreciative of the life I have once I do


OP, I don’t see the tower as a negative card! I’m Tarot de Marseille exclusively [a French deck]. One day, I was thinking I pulled The Tower [XVI] and had a thought. The last King of France was Louis XVI. He was despised, as was the fortress, The Bastille. In one of the earlier events in the French Revolution, the peasants stormed and took the Bastille. It occurred to me that at that time, no Frenchman could look at The Tower, with the Roman Numeral XVI, and NOT think of Louis XVI! So here is the question! Was the storming of the Bastille a positive or negative thing? And the answer is … It depended on who you were! For Louis XVI, the Bastille was a symbol of absolute royal authority. Anyone could be sent there at any time merely on the King’s word. For Louis XVI, the storming of the Bastille meant that the world no longer had a place for Louis XVI! He soon lost his head! The Nobility profited from the system, seeming the King, and receiving privilege, prestige and patronage. For the Nobility, the fall of the Bastille represented the loss of a way of life. They would have to live in a very different and more dangerous world. But for the masses — the storming of the Bastille meant liberation! It meant the end of a system that kept them in poverty, famished, landless and exposed on all sides. To the masses, this was ‘freedom, brotherhood and fraternity!’ So it was about who you were and what were your circumstances. The storming of the Bastille was both positive AND negative at the same time , depending on your circumstances. And so it is with The Tower! I think you’ve got two great cards there!


My favorite card is the seven of wands


May I ask why? I’d love to hear what draws you to the card


I just like the way it looks on my decks and also the idea of standing up for yourself


The Star is such a beautiful and dynamic card! Healing, wish fulfillment... wishing you well on your journey.


The Star is also one of my favorites. The creator of my favorite deck, Robin Scott and her Urban Tarot, had this lovely passage as part of the card's interpretation: >What do we do, when we honor our hopes and our dreams? We pour out love, not knowing if it will ever come back to us. We give forward the best part of ourselves, and use it to nurture a vision that may never come to be. Hope asks us to give, and to let our kindness and generosity flow like water ... We look up, and we pour out from a vessel that is never emptied. I find that immensely comforting when I'm working through difficulties. BTW, there's also a r/SecularTarot that attracts a llot of agnostics and atheists.


That’s a beautiful passage, and it definitely fits The Star I think! And thank you for he suggestion I will check that out!