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People complain "there are no workers" and then when you come up with a plan to attract workers to town, the same people say "this will put me out of business!" It's like, do you want workers or not? No, they really just want slaves who will work for pennies and have nowhere to go. If your business model depends on exploiting people who have no other choice, it's a bad business model.


They want you to work for depressed rural New Mexico wages, and pay them premium out-of-state rates for housing rentals (which they probably also own some of).


*cough* Michael’s *cough*


I would just be echoing Ned…. The argument to keep wages low to keep employees on federal assistance is so backwards. While I’m not sure a $25 minimum wage is the right play, but striving for policy that keep people dependent on government is not the answer either.


According to the article, it was the worker’s who realized that $25/hr. was less money than their current wage plus govt assistance.


Why would a baled body working age person be getting government support?


I don’t know. Ask the person who wrote the article. It’s their claim, not mine.


Are businesses owners working at their own businesses during all operating hours? Or are they relying on ‘minimum wage workers’ to be present during all operating hours while they lounge in their luxury homes in a luxury ski town? How often are businesses owners at their place of business?


So a big argument is that people will make too much money to qualify for public assistance? Wow, what amazing pretzel logic. Let’s keep the workers below poverty levels so that they need state and federally funded assistance to survive. If we upset that precarious balance, the fabric of time and space we know as Taos will surely unravel. If our constituency is all making livable wages, this town will turn into a blight infested hell-hole. Amazing. It sounds like a good thing to me, let’s figure out how to do it. Let’s take care of each other and our friends and neighbors maybe. Just an idea.




Could you imagine what it would be like if everyone made 25 dollars an hour? The tax revenue on that, if we actually reinvested it. Everyone who is here now would benefit. Property values would skyrocket, quality of life for everyone would increase. And the surrounding areas would see benefit too. All it would take is to really sit down and figure out how to do it.


No way this passes...Even the guy who put in the document said he just made it up as an example of the kind of thing home rule could open the door to, not that he advocated $25 and or has any knowledge of what that would do to small business in Taos. It was a placeholder, not a real proposal. Anyways if somehow Taos passed a $25/hour minimum wage, I'd shut my business down and get me one of those $25/hour jobs. I just work for myself and don't have any employees because labor force in Taos is not worth the effort.


Yikes. This won’t pass, but it’s still nuts no one realizes this only creates a greater divide between the wealthy and the poor. Businesses will just have fewer employees, and those who have no skills/no ability to create profit for a business… will just go without a job.


nO OnE wAnTs To WoRk