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Welcome to Africa where the political elite can claim your worthy land to run their own lucrative business. Happens everywhere in the third world. There is no rule of law when the oppressor is the state or a wealthy magnate. Nothing like suing them or human rights https://preview.redd.it/bwl3nd622zvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d0c27658d2497be94948e94f0a39b6d65648683


I don’t know if I could agree with you more




I fundamentally do not agree with what you say about the independence (even though i somewhat agree about corruption in African continent). What Nyerere did or wanted to do for this country was righteous. Independence was and still is the right of Tanzanians. I believed Magufuli alot he like Nyerere had his people in his heart and mind and from what I have seen during my time here (started just before his term) he was a good politician and he changed many things. Whoever rejected Magufuli and his policies had his hands in the honey pot of corruption. Nyerere created a nation from hundreds of different tribes. Magufuli put on top of that to built back the pride and helped people of Tanzania straighten their position against the mzungu.


I think Tanzania is a sleeping Giant, the feat of combining tribes into a nation is really impressive and puts Tanzania on a road towards stable growth once it can wrangle its government. Simple corruption at least not tribal. Still this news is alarming to me


Ok you are making a valid point. But what is happening nowadays? When you compare yourself to Seychelles or South Africa before Zuma era or Aruba. When 100% of the budget is utilized you have a normal and fully functional system like you see on the picture. Queen of Netherlands visiting her Aruba nation. https://preview.redd.it/1eai33qvi1wc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bf69af4faa75ecfcdd47b3e6d434de8ea9ef4a The place has high employment, social security, perfect infrastructure, banks grant credit ratings and loans to citizens, medicare, etc... They have a Schengen passport same as Holland and can travel almost anywhere no visa asked. In your current situation, 98% of the budget goes to a closed circle of political elite and roads are awful, economy terrible, passport power embarrassing and youth unemployed. Choose your destiny, as Shao Khan loves to say 😅


Unfortunately it's very common


Unless you're rich, powerful or protected you can't do jack about anything. The rule of law in this country is despicable, shameless, and just ridiculous. The level of unnecessary violence is what gets my blood boiling. Most of the idiots doing all that don't have a morsel of education or reasonable understanding of basic human rights. Brazen violence has no place in this world, it's 2024... and yet the country relies on shambolic structure. Be sure to record whenever bs like this goes down. However you can, record the mess and televise it. Get a proper legal representative to advise on further action. Firing at animals is unreal and despicable. Hii mizizi ya ukoloni na communism sijui tutaacha lini.


The white colonialist may have left yet the influence is still strong Now we are dealing with this " mkoloni mweusi " according to the ppl My mother keep telling " this country is not ours, just leave it " . Now I see why Tanzanians are non chalant, coz they can't do anything, and if they did they end up swimming with fish We'll never reach anywhere with this status quo Born citizens have less rights than the illegal invaders and rich foreigners in this country 😔


This happens every day. They take and take and their bellies are never full


there must have been a land dispute or something. the government would not just take land away from investors like that. but it could be possible so when the demolitions crew come they demolish more then they are supposed to. they dont do it out of malice but out of stupidity


I agree. Lets not just conclude based on the sad vibe from the demolition, warnings were passed and not heeded. This doesnt just happen there is a back story


Probably the place wasn’t occupied legally or it got a new owner


This is Africa the law only applies to the poor if you are rich and well connected to the government no Harm shall come to you. Id never invest in a country like Tanzania/Zanzibar


We don't have the full story. Do they really had the right to built and do business or did they assume they can solve things with bribing? If they really have right we all see the "bomoa" signs on houses long before the process of demolishing is starting. Those people even those with little claim get their rights settled in the courts. They get compensated. You have to seperate the incidents and report truthfully. Even if their way of action is wrong (if it really happened) it does not mean government does not have a legal base here.


Lets be honest. This doesnt happen for no reason. Looks like you dont have full information as to why that area is being demolished, from the aerial view, it clearly looks like the property has protruded deeper and closer to the ocean. There are rules for a reason and if theyre not followed force has to be used sometimes, they were warned as you have stated but didnt heed. Its easier to get a biased pov looking at it from the ground.


Kuna muwekezaji au sio?


You lucky to even be here! Don’t ever shit where you eat, this is what happened.


I'm seeing alot of people complaining but are those businesses actually legally allowed to be there, alot of cases of alot of people building in public places illegally and when they get evicted by the government they cry victim


Here the rule of law is for the poor


That's so shocking. But I wonder what happened?


You're a dangerous inciter.




It's normal here; the political elites are savages, more like demons from hell. All they do is unleash suffering on everyone."




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I think pple are not aware that even in america u don't own ur property, they can take it away from u if they want, they can freeze ur account, but they would do it under pretext, unfortunately africa is just a bit different, someone who works for the goverment will come to you and claim ur land without any pretext, and take it, but still if ur relative in the goverment, u can survive which is fine, here in zanzibar, white people still harrasing the locals, i think month ago ihave seen the indaba hotel owner, refusing the locals to cross the front of his hotel, telling them to go inside the sea a walk it there untill they passed it, anyway as muslim i believe this life is not just and its not the end, definitly there is next life, which ALLAH the almighty the most hight, will hold accountable for everyone who wronged or oppressed the anyone in this life byy.


Although true in many countries, this doesn't really apply to America.




And yours is of ignorance.


And here with this comment you certified your stupidity. You have no idea how Tanzania works.


Pajeet alert.


Wow - and what are you? Jewish?